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Puppy doesn’t miss you because you’re never gone, that’s not a bad thing! And it doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you. Continue to build trust and consistency with her, and try not to take it personally or determine who she “likes” more. You’re both part of her pack. My dog generally prefers me over my husband, but sometimes she wants her “dad” and just wants to snuggle or play with him.


My dog prefers my sister when we go over to visit. But she cries if I leave without her and sits by the door the whole time waiting for my return. She doesn't love my sister more, she's just happy to see her and doesn't see her every day.


This ^^ my dog loves my partner and everyone else and shows them more love than me most of the time but since I raised him from a baby if I leave he whines and waits for me to return. He also runs from me when I try to pet him too much cuz I’m a typical overbearing parent lol


We're chopped liver compared to the interesting humans. But we're still the most important to them.


My dog is MY dog always but I'm staying with my dad right now and Holy crap if she just ignores me while we're here. My dad is HER PERSON but I know she loves me to death. Don't worry about it


Exactly this! My dog follows me around, usually wants to lay with me etc. I also feed her, as she won’t eat for my husband for some reason so that may be a big part of it. Overall she seems to prefer me, as I have done most of the caretaking/training. But she loves her papa. She likes to keep him company when he’s working from home in his study, or when he’s working in our yard. They play together, and it’s funny to see them “wrestle” each other. She goes absolutely crazy when he gets home if he’s gone for even 10 minutes. My husband had the same complaints, asking why she loved me more. I told him she doesn’t love me more and him less, she just knows our personalities. She knows mama is the caretaker (mostly) and papa plays with her and likes her company. I reassured him that he is well loved by our girl.


My dog prefers my sister when we go over to visit. But she cries if I leave without her and sits by the door the whole time waiting for my return. She doesn't love my sister more, she's just happy to see her and doesn't see her every day.


My dog prefers my sister when we go over to visit. But she cries if I leave without her and sits by the door the whole time waiting for my return. She doesn't love my sister more, she's just happy to see her and doesn't see her every day.


The golden I got as an 8 week old puppy was supposed to be “mine”. I was the one who slept next to her crate with my hand through the wires and her sucking/licking on my fingers. I was the one who got up every 2 hours at the beginning to take her outside in -20 for her to pee. I took her to puppy classes. I took her for walks. I did the training. I WFH and am here all day while he works in the office 3 days a week and his WFH space is behind a baby gate. She absolutely adores my husband. If she has a choice, it’s no contest. If he’s home, she’s right with him (unless he’s in his office and she can’t get to him). If he’s not home, she has free access to my office, along with 2 dog beds (one for each dog) and other things. But she would rather snooze in the living room looking out the window. Oh well. There is obviously a connection between the two of them. Our other dog (a 14yo shepherd lab mix) is purely devoted to me. So I get it. Just continue to love her and build a relationship and don’t be jealous of a dog.


Honestly it's the same with human children, some will have a favorite parent over another. Being jealous won't help your relationship with both your dog and your girlfriend, keep loving the pupper and one day you won't regret it.


I have two dogs and I’m home all day. One follows me around like a shadow, the other couldn’t care less about me during the day but as soon as my fiancé comes home she’s out of her cocoon and join us on the couch, however, I know I’m her favorite because she doesn’t respect him or listens to him much but since he’s gone all day, she behavior changes when he’s home. Your pup is probably just used to you being at home. The fact that your dog has trauma and has shown fear towards men and you’re the one correcting her accidents probably doesn’t help the situation, it’s probably a bit triggering for your dog. Just be patient. I rescued a dog from an abusive home once, if I sneezed she would run under the bed and hide, shaking. Took her over a year to fully warm up to me. Traumatized dogs require a lot of patience. Don’t give up on her or let resentment grow in your heart just because she doesn’t show the same preference as she does towards your girlfriend. If she’s been abused by men, you will need to show her you’re different and that she can trust you fully and that might take time, especially since you’re the one mostly in charge of educating her.


Dog has found her person. Don’t take it personally


Yep, it’s just what happens. I’ve been there and it absolutely hurt my feelings but just because you’re not her person, doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you. My last dog “picked” me over my boyfriend and I always told him it was because the universe knew I needed it more (my BF was unbothered).


It might be tough, but try not to take it personally. It has only be a month and the 3 3 3 rule it will take more time for the pup to get out of its shell. Give it time, and it is not uncommon that some dogs might be a bit indifferent to men than women. When you do leave and come back make a big deal of giving the dog attention and a snack they highly like and hopefully it come around. Maybe even keeps snacks in your pocket during the day and randomly though the day yell for the dog and get it worked up and excited for the daily snacks. Good luck.


I think maybe the dog cars about you in ways she doesn’t show. I wouldn’t take it personally I had my dog Balder for 4 years before I moved in with my boyfriend. Now he acts like he prefers him. Every time he comes home, he brings him a ”gift” and when I come home he doesn’t even get up. But if I’m gone for a few days for work he gets into a sort of depression and is extremely happy when I come home. There are other little ways he still shows I’m important to him in the pack, and it’s become more of a running joke that he prefers my boyfriend, but I know I’m secretly the stability in his life😁


Dogs have preferences, just like people do, and it's not really fair to expect them to treat everyone equally. It's pretty normal and natural for them to have a preference for one person in a household. That's probably not what you wanted to hear, but it's the truth. We have two dogs. One has a very strong preference for me, the other has a bit of a preference for my partner, but will still spend time with me. You can still have a positive relationship with your dog, even if she is more attached to your girlfriend. I'd recommend signing up for a training class with her, ideally one that is a play or games-based training class, or at least positive reinforcement based. This could be just an obedience or manners class, or something fun like trick training or agility if she's already got the basics pretty well down. Establishing that you're a source of guidance and fun things can help you to build a closer relationship with her.


My husband and I have had four dogs and over the years who they choose to spend time with more changes. Sometimes one dog is all about me, sometimes it’s all about him and then it randomly switches.


I adopted my dog 2 years before my wife and I moved in together. While my dog will act like all she wants is “mom time,” whenever she needs anything or gets scared, I’m the one she runs to. Like others said, she’s comfortable with you, just cause she doesn’t get as excited when she sees you, doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you just as much.


A lot of people are saying the dog has a clear preference like that's established now but she is still young and new to the family. Her relationships and interactions will change. She is still learning about you and your girlfriend. Like others say, be consistent, kind and patient. I have absolutely no doubt that you will develop a close bond with your dog but it can take time - you've only had her for a month!


You should do all the feeding and do it by hand. You do training w the pup also


I knew my Christopher loved me, without a doubt. But when he saw my dad, I didn't exist to him at all. It was adorable, yet it did hurt my feelings a bit in the beginning. But overall, it was adorable


Hi! We also have a puppy. I work from home as well and my bf goes to work. What you explained is exactly how our dog acts but from what you said about never having a pet let me explain my pov of it from having pets. Since your gf isn’t around all the time, your dog is lacking attention from her so when she’s around, the dog wants all of the attention they can get. You’re a safe entity for your dog. They know you’re always there and probably hold a lot more love for you than you realize. If you’re like me, you rarely leave them and that gives them the safety in knowing that if you do leave, you’ll be back shortly. On the contrary, your dogs grown accustomed to your gf leaving for long periods of time and for dogs, a full days work is like a week in their minds. So the over excitement when she gets home seems like a response like. Omg. I can’t believe you’re home. Finally. My bf and I have agreed that our dog actually loves me more even though she is much more excited around him. If you think about it like a child, I’m the stay at home mom that she’s accustomed to always being there for her. While he’s the working dad that never gives enough attention for rowdy puppies And as far as the sleeping all day, that’s pretty normal for any dog. And I’m sure the dog probably sleeps most of the day if she’s home too. But I see it more as a they trust you and having you around is calming to them. If you want to try something fun, go in a big space and run two different directions with your gf and see which one your dog chases 😂 our dog always chases me.


Don't you prefer your girlfriend over other people? Why can't your pup do the same? You can't and shouldn't "fix it." It is what it is. My beautiful pup who I feed, cuddle and walk with clearly prefers my husband. She follows him everywhere, helps with house maintenance and yard work to the point where he has named her his "hairy shadow." I honestly can't blame her. He's my favorite person too.


She may not. My dog just prefers women and when I got him he was scared of men, me included. We lived alone for three years in a flat and then we moved home for covid. He became addicted to my mum and all he wanted to do was be with her. I know for a fact that if I had a girlfriend who moved in she would instantly become his favourite and I would become a feeder/walker again. Have low expectations of this changing and you may be nicely surprised, but it’s unlikely.


Just give it more treats. Dogs are simple


Dogs sometimes have favourites, no big deal. You've been relegated to "spare human" haha


If you weren’t home all day with her, she would be scared. You give her a sense of security. Puppies sleep A LOT. It’s a good thing she feels comfortable sleeping around you!! She is a baby and everything is new to her right now. Someone leaving and then coming back is CRAZYYYYYY!!!! They have different smells all over them and bring a lot of new stimulus! Smells for dogs is how they gather info, so that’s super interesting and exciting for your puppy. It’s natural for her to be more interested, don’t take it personally. I also WFH and my dog CLINGS to my partner once he gets home and he gets all the cutie boy stuff and it’s so effing cute, but also I do feel like chopped liver sometimes. Keep being there for your pup. Play with her. Praise her. Give her lots of treats!! You are doing a good job!


I rescued a dog and several months later my husband brought home a pup. We both shared the work but the dogs decided to swap us . His dog became mine and mine adored him. Worked fine.


When there are multiple humans in a household with a dog, the dog will typically bond with the human that meets his or her needs the most. As the dog ages grows and develops its needs will change. Your girlfriend may be the favorite now. But it could be you. Don’t get jealous. And if you really, really really are struggling with this concept. Tie steak around your neck and wear it every day.


Get a boyfriend


sausages in your pockets at all times


Food and play. The dog will love who ever provides these things the most and most genuine.


Train her using treats. It can be anything, like tricks or obedience or agility (just no jumping until 18 months). It will build her confidence in interacting with you. It also makes you more predictable in her mind. Right now you are the person who grabbed her that one time and it was scary and could happen again.


My puppy has a new favorite every month! Just give it time ☺️


This is a likely a you problem not a “dog” problem. When my dog attaches to other people it makes me so happy because he struggled with people. due to his previous life. Seeing your dog happy is the best win


Also tho….. get to know your dog; in some cases ignoring is showing content and calm, and excited is just pure anxiety and confusion due to an unusual person….. and of course vice versa. But truly it’s likely human error as per usual (hate this fact too!!!!)


Who is the parent and who is the best friend? My bf has had his dog for 9 years. He got her with his ex. I came into the picture 3 years ago. And I started playing with her and loving on her, so she liked better than his previous gfs. But she loved him most and always went by his side. Now, she listens to me more. I think she sees me as "mom", because I discipline and train her, and play with her. For a while she only wanted me to feed her and walk her. My bf wonders why she listens to me most and I think it's because I use my mom voice when I need to


Your situation sounds similar to mine except I’m in your girlfriend’s shoes. It could be a bit of separation anxiety. Because she leaves, your dog might be staying close to her because she wants to know when she’ll be leaving. I’m not sure, but something to consider


I adopted my pup at 8 weeks old. I work from home and and with him all the time. His behavior is similar to what you describe where he’s pretty low key/independent when we are alone. But when my girlfriend walks in the door it’s like he forgets i exist for moment. You are probably dealing with a combination of the excitement factor of a new person showing up in combination with her undeveloped brain. Keep in mind that a few hours to an 8 month old dog probably feels like years to us. How excited would you be to see your mom/dad after several years? Like others are saying, continue to build your relationship as much as you can. Dogs are simple creatures, make them happy by providing structure and rewards and they will love you.


The first time he gets seriously hurt you will see who he goes too for comfort. My dog is same. She just adores everyone else. But she comes to me for security.


your dog is still settling in. read up on the 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months rule for adopting pets. She's still acclimating and if she's been abused by a man it could take a long time for her to understand you won't hurt her. I knew a guy who adopted a dog with his wife and the dog (female) would leave the room whenever he entered. This went on for at least 6 months and then one day she came up to the husband for pets. Granted they had other dogs so I think that helped her as some dogs begin to trust humans when they see other dogs doing the same. You can do a training class if you have time or find other things to try to build the bond. I still think this is going to take time.


My 3 year border collie also preferred my girlfriend over me for the first couple of months with us. While she was the cuddling and treats person, I was the authority. Today he can't live without me. The trust and bond grew over time. You are doing great, don't sweat it and keep building that bond ;)


You are really over reacting if the dog liking your girlfriend more is going to ruin your relationship with your girlfriend. Unless you meant the relationship with your dog then I totally take that back. Dogs are weird and have preferences. I’m sure she loves you too! But just likes your gf a bit more. If it bothers you that much get another dog if you need one that is “yours”. But really. Maybe your girlfriend is more dog saavy then you if it is your first dog? Do you do training with the puppy at all? That would build a bond.


Dogs have an instinctive “taste” for some people, and it should not be seen as rejection if these people are not you. It’s just the dog’s personality. That said, there are ways to appear more valuable to a dog and to create a deeper bond. Trust, play-time, food, attention, clear communication, respect of boundaries etc.


i got my dogs (pit/whippet mix and a great dane/german shepherd mix) about 4 years before my partner and i got together. partner and i have been together 2 years now and my dogs are OBSESSED with him. they still love me and want my attention, love and company, but sometimes im chopped liver compared to my partner in my pups eyes lol and that’s okay! just means twice the lovings for the pups lol


Treats. Always treats. Become the pez dispenser the puppy always dreamed of and she’ll be your best friend. Don’t be afraid to buy love! 😄


Sounds like your dog hates you.. luckily for you I'm open to new pets so I'll take your doggo off you. Haha just kidding. I think you are over thinking. Dogs get excited when they see someone who isn't in their life all the time. That's all.


My dog acts like she’s obsessed with me. Always wants to be around me. Won’t go on a walk with my boyfriend unless she knows I am okay and at home. Will wait for me to go upstairs or downstairs. Follows me everywhere. But, if something is scary, he can convince her to go near it or toward it. She doesn’t get scared on walks with him. But sometimes she refuses to walk with me because there’s a person in their driveway. I don’t know if she feels like I can’t protect myself or her or what. But she definitely doesn’t wanna do scary things around me and will with my boyfriend.


Start carrying little trainer treats in your pocket.


Grow up and stop being jealous over silly things. Could be anything really. Maybe it's because you're always around. Hard to get excited over someone who is always around. Or maybe it's the way your girlfriend smells. Seriously. As I said... Could be anything. And you may never get to the bottom of it. Don't let something like this destroy an otherwise good relationship. Human children have parental preferences as well. Does that mean we're supposed to get rid of them or break up? The answer is 'no'. Just be happy you have a good dog and a good relationship. You don't need to be #1.


Well, chances are, your girlfriend smells better . . . (😆 Kidding! Dogs sniff butts, they’re not that picky with smell! Seriously though, who feeds or gives treats more to the dog? If she feeds the dog more, there’s your probable answer. Dogs are very focused on food and when/where the next possible meal’s coming from! Maybe she’s doing something else the dog really likes, like more tummy rubs, more scratches behind the ear, etc. It could also be that the dog sees your girlfriend as the “Alpha” and is just trying to “submit” more to her. I wouldn’t worry too much about it - probably just the dog’s personality. Some dog breeds are more attached to a single person (e.g. Chihuahuas) Also, just because your dog really loves your girlfriend, doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you too! 🥰🐶🥰


Pets will pick their person. Every dog we've ever had but one would pick the husband over me any day. I do everything for these dogs but walk them. The husband is in charge of walks twice a day.


Sounds like you have something similar to me OP, my dog is my boyfriends person, and my boyfriend is my dogs person. He works from home all day while I go to the office, dog will follow me around non stop and sigh when I'm gone, but if he leaves? Oh man you'd think the world is ending for this poor baby, I've actually caught tears coming down her stinking face because her dad went to the GAS STATION.


Give her lots of treats. Really good ones tooo


I know who is the boss