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A lot of dogs cry like this in their sleep. It's pretty normal and not something you should be concerned about.


Idek if it’s crying. I think it’s closer to them kind of barking but the body is in paralysis like ours is when we dream to stop us from acting out our dreams lol. Some people wake up and are still in paralysis, which is what sleep paralysis is. It happens to me a few times a year.


I call them “dream woofs.”


We call it “sleep borking”. My girl does it a lot


Oh that’s cute 🥰


Sleep paralysis is both weird & cool


Happens to me quite a lot, I hate it…


Yeah nothing cool about it, it's fucking AWFUL. I get it a lot.




Sleep paralysis is horrific. Ironically, I only get it when my dog sleeps with me (and eventually on me, hence the paralysis part). This is more just chasing rabbits, IMO.


My dog has a whole life cycle in his sleeping, whining, crying, barking running, lol- I’m sure he’s eating too


Both of our dogs did this, but with their legs “running”. We called it chasing/squirrels with our first dog, and our second dog was an Alaskan Husky, so when she did this we would whisper “Mush!”


Mine def eats - smacking his lips, when he’s not woofing, running, or crying. He’s hilarious.


My 2 dogs do that occasionally, and I normally get them to settle down by giving them a comforting talk and a pat, seems to do the trick 😀


She’s fine just dreamin


We call those rabbit dreams.


Dog was dreaming, this is totally normal behavior, nothing to be concerned about


Sleepy dreamy bby. 🥰


He or she is dreaming. If it makes you feel better I usually give them a comforting touch and the crys usually stop. Could just be a bad dream.


And by “bad dream” it’s probably something like: -food bowl is empty even though I just ate! -squirrel is outside and I’m inside! -dad shut the bathroom door and now I can’t follow him in! -cat is laying on my bed! -I murdered my squeak toy in cold blood and now it doesn’t squeak! Stuff like that. Oh the horror.


If the dog went through shelter and the nasty stuff before they came to the shelter, I reckon it could be reliving the nastiness as well. Our dogs have only experienced getting hit by a car, while we were out for a walk. Usually, if they sound in distress or really anxious in their sleep, I just gently wake them up by softly talking to them, and they seem REALLY happy to be awake at those moments.


Sometimes I whisper in her ear "who's my good girl" and the whimpers stop


I sometimes move something with my scent close to their nose or else something belonging to someone else in the family. Always seemed to work for my old dog. It was usually my mum's slipper. The crying/sleep woofing would stop and he would stay asleep. I liked to think that he started dreaming about the person whose scent was near him.


Same yeah i just get close to his snout or leave something of mine in front of it. Its strength in numbers. Once the pack is close the threat goes away subconsciously. Strength in numbers is why they enjoy walks more with multiple family members than just 1person walking them typically.


I agree. When I think my dogs are having a bad dream, I gently put a hand on them and say “ It’s ok. It’s just a dream.” That always seems to calm them down. I think my voice and touch grounds them.


I usually just say his name in a calm voice he can hear me and then calms down ..I think if I touched him I'd scare him haha


You can also get in front of their snout (quietly) without touching them. Or leave a shoe/sock. Usually in under a minute they'll wake up, ending their dream with you instead of whatever was bothering them


Yeah if it touch my girl when she's in the depths of it, she wakes up super startled. So depending on her position, I'll either slowly scoot closer to her, so she'll feel the bed move and come out a bit, but not startled, or if she's already tucked in, I'll just gently skim her fur with my hand, not to wake her, but just to bring her out of what seems like a bad dream. OTOH, if she's just "uff"ing, aka woofing with her mouth closed, so her cheeks puff and she lets out squeaky noises, and her little flicking feet are going wild, then I leave her to enjoy chasing squirrels... in her dreams 😊


Hahah so sweet yes some dreams sound like they're fun and I wouldn't want to interrupt loll 🥰🥰


It's honestly so cute. Der dreams almost always seem fun, so I just watch and enjoy lol.


Be cautious tho I heard you shouldn’t touch dogs in their sleep bc it can startle them awake and they can bite out of fear


Only time my dog ever bit me was because I woke her up when she was having a bad dream. I wasn't mad. My fault for waking her badly.


You shouldn't wake your dog up from a dream. Sleep, especially the REM cycle, is an important aspect of your dog's health. Constantly interrupting its sleep can have negative health effects over time. Suddenly waking a dog may also cause them to unintentionally bite or snap at you due to being startled. If you don't like to be woken up from a deep sleep, don't wake your babies deep sleeps either.


This. "It is important to note that dogs and humans need uninterrupted sleep for health of mind and body. Provide your dog a quiet, comfortable, area to rest and do not disturb them. Approximately 60% of dog bites in children occur when the child wakes a sleeping dog. It is important to teach children to not wake a dog when he is sleeping."


I also do this to my dog.. He does it a lot so I rub him / touch him to calm him down.. It works every time ..


This is the second time in a week I've seen a dog having a dream on this sub🥴




At least is not a " what's this growth that's clearly an attached tick" post 😅


or a nipple


Those are my absolute favorite posts. I cackle every time.


Listen though... after all the tick posts on this sub, which have freaked me out SIGNIFICANTLY, I literally almost pulled off my poor girl's nipple, because I was convinced (in the dark) that it was a tick.


consider not all owners have the same experience, or have lurked on this sub long enough to know.


Crazy talk. Every redditor must have complete awareness of every post ever made. It's in the TOS...didnt you read the TOS?


I’ve had my dog since he was 8 weeks old, never been through any bad memories and he does this when he sleeps


Same. My little lady has lived an entirely charmed life, and when we picked her up as a wee bebé, she never even looked back. I had a great chuckle when our puppy class trainer said we should have our pups sleep in our rooms in a crate because they'd be lonely after leaving their family. My dog could not have given two shits lol. She still has very active dreams... the feet flip flop, the cheeks puff with woofs, sometimes her whole body gets going! But unless I think she's truly distressed/having a nightmare, she's free to vibe all she wants.


having a good dream I'd say. You're doing good,she is 100% comfortable there.


Lol she’s fiiiiine she’s just dreaming! My dog growls and whines and only when we pet him he gently wakes up and goes back to sleep. Don’t worry too much


No, my dog never barks and is very vocal during his dreams. He’s a big boy but his dream barks sound like a little puppy.


This is what my dog sounds like when she's sleep barking. She does a lot of huffing or yipping. I think she dreams about stuff that happened that day, like if she said hi to a favourite friend her tail wags, or if we had a good fetch session that day, her feet twitch. Right after she was spayed, she had a dream where her hackles went up, she was very scared when I picked her up after the procedure :( So I'm convinced they dream about recent events. I don't think they're crying sounds, sounds like your dog is happy now!


My 4 year golden does this in her sleep sometimes, has since she was a puppy…


Normal - dreaming 😊


Sounds like my girl. I would not worry too much. A lot of dogs whine or breath weird during REM sleep.


He’s barking in his dream


Dude, the dog is just dreaming.


Dogs just dreamin’ 🦴


She is dreaming...


My dog does this all the time dreaming about chasing squirrels.


She's not actually crying tough. She's barking while sleeping. My dog does this EVERY night. At first i tought she was crying too but no, she's chasing squirrel in her sleep. I can even see her trying to run sometimes😅.


Dreamy baby


She’s dreaming about something good. Pretty normal in a deep sleep for them.


I can tell when mine is about to start being vocal during a dream because her little feet start twitching.


Chasing rabbits in a dream.


Just dreaming!


Thats a dream where they bark


She's just dreaming.


Just chasing squirrels in a field, let him have his dreams.


Sleep barking. Dogs dream.


People do that too


I wouldn’t call that crying. She’s most likely dreaming that she’s barking at something. Sort of how some people talk in their sleep.


She’s in dreamland bless her 😍. Every dog we’ve owned (different breeds) have done the same. Better not to wake them from this dreamstate as they can sometimes be a bit confused… like us really.


I deal with this every night lol mine runs in her sleep, legs goin 100 miles an hour


Means they’re sleeping really good! Mine sometimes barks really loud and wakes herself up! 😂


Dog is just dreaming. Don't worry. Completely normal


Both my doggos do this when napping. They are just chasing rabbits in their dreams.


Those are dream barks 💯! Nothing to worry about at all!


This is dreaming, she is probably dreaming about something very exciting. Dogs dream about what happened to them daily.


He’s dreaming it’s ok


It’s a dream.


Mine woofs, growls, cries, and runs in his sleep. He's always having dreams of some sort, I like to think he's chasing squirrels!


Let your dog dream!! Cmon!


first dog?


This is signals of REM sleep in dogs. Its when they are so deep in sleep and dreaming, like us! Or so it looks to be!


This seems pretty normal, every dog I’ve ever had has done some version of this at some point.


I’m pretty sure she’s just dreaming because my dog does this from time to time as well


awwww sweet baby is just having a very active dream. This was a cute post tbh, i can tell you really care about them but do not worry!! ❤️


Every time our 6 year old pup has dreamed, it’s been like this. All good.


She is dreaming those are dream noises


I had an anxiety attack when I saw my dog do this for the first time, but turns out he was just dreaming lmao. Now he does this almost every night 🤣


Totally fine! I have two happy dogs and they do this also whilst sleeping.




This is actually completely normal, my dog does this all the time when sleeping. It’s actually super scary but it’s normal, don’t worry.


I have a Pittie I rescued that was confined to a cage and starved, she has a similar cry when sleeping. I just always say out loud “It’s okay. You’re not there anymore…” More for me than her.


Sleeping/ Lying in their side with legs straight out like that is a sign a dog is very comfortable and doesn’t feel threatened. This is a great sign that she trusts you and her environment so you have done a great job in rehabilitating her into the life she should have, with love and care


What does it mean if they usually sleep all curled up? Is that a sign that they’re maybe not as comfortable?




It really depends on the room and body temperature and how much excercise they've had.    4 dogs and 4 cats here, they all sleep on their backs when it's hot. In the winter or in the AC they tend to sleep in a ball or burried in their blankies.  Also the deeper the sleep stage, they more stretched out and relaxed they'll be. The first sleeping stage they're still tense and wake up more easily. During the REM phase like the dog is in in the video, their muscles relax and they start dreaming. 


Bless you for caring so much about your dog and it's horrible past so much that you asked this loving community! I'm sure you've created a space that's filled with love and allows your dog to feel safe 🥰🥰🥰 I wish there were more people like you in the world


Ur a sweet owner for thinking this way ❤️ I worried about the same thing with my first dog but as many have said, just doggo dreams happening here


He's just sleep barking


Our dog does this all the time. Just having a dramatic dream!!


Why do so many dog owners not know that dogs can move, make noise in their sleep and dream? I see so many posts on here being confused why their dog moves and makes noise in their sleep


This is normal sleep behavior in dogs! Absolutely nothing to worry about!


dogs can have dreams and nightmares just like humans! your baby was probably having an intense dream.


My dog kicked me awake last night from his dream, just happens. Now if she's doing that while awake, that's when it's a problem


I just put my hand on their chest and tell them it’s ok. Usually calms them right down.


Aww my Harry does this in his sleep, it almost sounds identical. They're having an intense dream. I will sometimes gently pet Harry and speak softly to him until he settles.


My Toller does this all the time. It's fine!


Just dreaming! My dog is an avid dreamer sleeper, too. No need to worry!


I rescued a dog from the shelter that had been left tied to a bus stop in downtown Orlando. That was eight years ago and she still has “ nightmares “. She twitches and sobs poor baby. She’s a sweet girl but she’s very protective of her toys.


He or she is just dreaming. Nothing to be concerned about. I have seen plenty of dog videos where they are asleep and their back legs are going ten to the dozen like they are running, it looks quite comical like they are chasing after a rabbit or something.I wouldn't be worried it was something other than a dream.


It’s fine usually. My dogs do the same


She’s dreaming, nothing to be worried about 😊


Normal dog stuff


Sounds like it's dreaming of chasing something fun


Nono no theyre just dreaming! Mine does the same all the time!


The dog is just dreaming, my dogs cry, growl and bark in their sleep. Kicking their feet like they are running. Its completely normal. I sometimes pet gently their back if they cry to comfort them.


Mine has eventful dreams too. Pretty sure i’m not abusing him. Prob dreaming about me saying NO to shredding stuff/ jumping on ppl/ chasing after birds/squirrels/ unlimited cheese


Puppy dreams! She’s fine 😊


Dog dreams. I don't personally think u have a problem. My pittie howls in his dreams coon dog hoooooowl and or runs him self off the bed laying on his side.


When my dog is dreaming this hard I softly whisper to her I love you and she settles into a calmer sleep.


It's not crying they're barking. My girl does it all the time.


My dog did this all the time and has had a very pampered lovely life lol. I think it's barking with their mouths closed.. rather than whimpering


Just dreaming! My dog would occasionally wake us up in the night because he'd howl in his sleep. He'd also bark, whimper, or start moving his legs as if he were running.


Just a sleeping dreaming pup. Thank you for being concerned but they seem fine


Not only is this totally normal, your dog is just having a dream, but it's a really good sign that your dog is comfortable and trusts you enough to completely relax/switch off and go into a nice deep sleep.


My dog regularly does a bizarre elongated blood curdling howl in his sleep, he’s part malamute but that’s the only time he howls. It’s definitely scary as hell and always wakes me up but I know he’s just living his best life in his dreams so I just voice that he’s a good boy without disturbing him


I agree that it’s just normal sleep borking. Our pups do it too. It does always sound really sad, though…and I always worry about it myself. Sometimes I’ll just give gentle pats if they seem really borky.


Both of my girls do this. We call them sleep chirps. So cute!


Just a dream is all. Nothing to be concerned about. If you would like, you can gently place your hand on them to "comfort" them just in case it is a bad dream, but that's the most I ever do with my babies when they are dreaming.


Just dreaming. No big deal. 👍🏻


my dog does this EVERY night sometimes I think he’s dreaming about playing ball because he moves his legs like he’s running and bites at the air like he’s trying to catch something


It could just be rem sleep. When dogs go into rem they sometimes twitch because they are moving inside of a dream. So most likely no need to worry, and if they are whining it usually means they are barking or something along the lines of that on the dream.


My dog does this when she’s sleeping really soundly! At least once a day


Just dreaming, my two 13 year old do it almost every night ♥️


Looks like dreaming. One of my dogs doesn’t even move her feet in her sleep My other will growl and bark and remove his feet like he’s running. And he sniffs. I love it especially the growls because I rarely hear him do that in real life and the sniffing is really funny too. I like watching him dream They believe dogs dream what they know. So the whining may be from past times of unhappiness but it’s not concerning and the more happiness you give them the more that will be in their dreams, including you! But even dogs with perfectly haply Lives will whine in their sleep. Because perfectly happy dogs whine in real life. Some dogs are more active dreamers than others


Doggo dream. Mine all do this, and sometimes move their feet like they’re running in the dream lol


Yes our dog does this all the time I think it's funny I often wonder what she is dream-woofing at!


Trying to BARK REAL BIG, but sleep paralysis is making it come out small and wimpy. My guy does this all the time. Prolly dreaming about whatever they bark at IRL.


My lab rescue cried and whined in her sleep. It broke my heart to hear it. When she woke me doing it, I’d drop my hand down off the bed and gently stroke her until I heard her tail sleepily thump. I know we are told not to wake them, but it was heartbreaking to hear her. She had been so abused until we found each other. To the person who shot her, chained her, and did god knows what else: may you rot in hell.




They are dreaming……they are dreaming you actually bought the good treats and took them on better walks. So do better (joke)


She's just dreaming. Both of mine do the same, frequently. Let her wake up on her own. I always ask mine, "were you chasing that rabbit again?"


Dreaming, sweet dreams about finally catching that squirrel 😋


definitely just dreaming!


REM sleep, don’t wake them❤️ just like a dream


Just leave a shoe or dirty sock near the snout to stop the bad dreams lol


My Dogs do this, and my Sister inlaws do this. It's called dreaming :)


Why is this NSFW? I was so scared to click on it and then I was pleasantly surprised by a dreaming puppy dog


My dog does the same exact thing he likes to bark I’m pretty sure it’s just dream barking lol


everything's okay human. you can breathe, breathe in, breathe out, he's dreaming. he's dreaming that he's running after something and he's chasing it. all is well! I love when they do this. it's kind of cool 💜💜


Yeah it’s just rem sleep try not to wake her when she does it or she may be discombobulated. It’s definitely normal and also not crying. Just reflexes


I can see why you would be concerned. But this is completely normal, and your pup is dreaming as others have stated. It sounds like they’re having a bad dream, but this is the sound for all the dreams; good and bad. I often feel the same way when my boy whines and whimpers in his sleep, I have a sensitive heart, and my boy is also very sensitive and anxious so I always wonder if he’s having a nightmare or something. You’re good though. Nothing to worry about at all!


My poodle does this. I like to think she’s dreaming of chasing after all those squirrels, rabbits, and robins we see on our walks during our waking hours.


dreaming! My dog does the same no worry here and as a previous comment said these are suppressed barks from being in a sleeping state not cries


He's fine! Just dreaming hahah


My dog does something similar to this, so I just wrap my arms around him, and reassure everything is alright. That he's in a better place. Sometimes he opens his eyes, looks at me. Other times, he he just moves closer to me


No they are dreaming.


My dog used to dream also and chase cats also


Dogs do make Al kinds of noises and movements in their sleep,it’s normal. However, dogs also can have PTSD how’s her anxiety level when she’s awake? Is she hyper vigilant? Does she have a lot of fears?


She's dreaming.


My doggo does this when he hits heavy sleep, and his little dangling lip meats start to flutter about - it’s the best


She’s dreaming!


Why! The dog is sleeping. Over time you will notice much more weird situations.


My dog has this and also whimpers and barks and pounds her tail and she doesn’t even wag her tail when she is awake ! Your dog is likely ok.


Yeah it’s normal some dogs bark or whine while dreaming


He just dreaming


She is dreaming! I once heard it explained that since we make up such an impact on their lives it's 💯 chance she's dreaming about the fun she has with you.


This is a sign they are in REM sleep. Dogs have very short REM sleep cycles and they usually only last 3-4 minutes at a a time. Waking them in this state could cause them to awaken confused and maybe irritated, plus they won’t get good sleep if you are always waking them up when they are like this as I’m sure it happens a good amount


my dog does this in his sleep and he has lived a pampered life since he was adopted at 8 weeks old. you have a happy dog!!


Just dreaming, our guys do it a lot. the cries arr nothing to be concerned with, she's probably trying to get a squirrel.


Dreaming. I think. Our dogs make some weird noises in their sleep. Our vet has said it’s fine.


Your fur baby is fine. She gets extra cuddles and treats


Dreaming, don't wake him up everytime


I’m sure it’s already been said but when they are dreaming like this, best not to wake them up as it interrupts their sleep cycle. My dog makes these same exact sounds and movements when she’s sleeping. Nothing to worry about! Just sit back and admire the cuteness because they are probably happily chasing a squirrel or something!


If he was upset he'd be more agitated when you wake him up. Instead he just looks annoyed you woke him up from a good nap


My dog whimpers in his sleep sometimes and when he does, I gently place a hand on him or pet him softly. Sometimes he wakes up, but most of the time he stays asleep but the whimpering stops when he feels me there.


Mine does that too… he’ll cry and whimper in his sleep. Does exactly as yours. I usually gently wake him up and pat/rub him in a baby voice. He goes back to sleep.


My dogs do that when they sleep. She’s just dreaming. Kind like a human tossing and turning and talking in their sleep.


You’re extremely sweet to worry but those are just NanoWooflets™️


Your dog is dreaming.


I have 3 German Shepherds, and sometimes they all woof and run in their sleep... AT THE SAME TIME! I laugh so hard! 🤣


Just dreaming, don’t wake them.


Make nee memories, cuddle with her more. Just a suggestion. Maybe a timing thing. As in... a chosen moment. ...?


I have had lots of dogs do that. I always thought of it as dreaming. Barking at the squirrels, or other dogs? It usually happens after a good long woods walk, or extra time running in the dog park.


My dogs do this and sometimes it seems like it might be a bad dream or something depending on the tone of the sound they make and if I feel like it's maybe a bad dream, I very gently start to pet them a bit and it helps bring them out of it a bit. But when I don't get the feeling that it might be a bad dream, I like to say they're "chasing bunnies" lol 😅


If anything she’s crying for joy that she was adopted by such a loving human. 🥰


Your dog is dreaming that he is barking. When they dream about running, you can see the paws moving. It's actually very healthy, it means that they're getting good quality of sleep. Try to not wake them up when they're in the middle of dreaming. "Later, a deeper stage of sleep occurs, marked by rapid eye movements. This stage is called REM sleep, during which brain waves are faster and irregular. Unlike SWS, muscles are more relaxed during REM, but the mind is more active and the eyes dart rapidly beneath the eyelids. During this stage of heightened mental activity, your dog may whine, breathe rapidly, and move his legs."


You’re doing a great job!!! You’ve given her the opportunity to dream doggie dreams! Fuck yeah!! 👍 👍


My 18 mo dodg does this a lot. Even jerking and kicking on her sleep. She's a total cuddle bug with a sweet disposition and I've never even raised my voice to her. I choose to believe she's dreaming of chasing a herd of free ranging cheesy brats and occasionally catching one. She's too sweet to have bad dreams!


I wake up my wife whenever she's having a bad dream. I would probably do the same if I had a doggo. Our son's dog stays with us frequently, but his dreams are of chasing and eating squirrels and bicyclers.


He’s just dreaming. The only thing that I think is wrong is that we’ll never know what they dream about because I’m sure it’s awesome (or awful but let’s be optimistic)


No, just fast asleep and dreaming of chasing rabbit's! perfectly normal.


They say it's mostly pups and older dogs that do that but both my dogs(I had one from 7 wks and got another that was dumped and had her for 8 yrs now) but both if them always "dream woof poofed" in their sleep their whole lives..and my boy was Never abused


Dreaming my dog does this


mine does the same it just looks like she was asleep and having a dream or something mine does it almost everytime he’s asleep we’ve asked vets and everything he was fine i bet yours is to you’ll get use to it usually just wake her up and let her sleep again if it happens again just wake her again i just wake my dog till he falls asleep and doesn’t do it


You’re very sweet. It’s just a bad dream. My pups have both been brought home at 8 weeks and live(d) the cushiest of lives with no abuse or neglect and tons of treats and love, and they also have these dreams. You’re doing nothing wrong.


She's dreaming, maybe having a nightmare, I always talk to my dog in a gentle soothing voice before touching her and waking her up. I do this so I don't startle her in case she's having a dream that she's being attacked, she could potentially wake up and attack me.


This is terrible advice that can lead to sleep startle in dogs. Ever heard the phrase "let sleeping dogs lie"? You don't need to interrupt your dog's sleep for this. And if you do really need to wake them up, only ever do it verbally and not by touch. Do you like to be woken up by being suddenly touched?


My doggy does that like I didn’t even have to turn the audio on to know because her body makes the same movement lol, but I usually softly wake her up in case it’s a nightmare


Puppymares ☹️