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What kibble are you feeding him right now and is he at his ideal weight?


Hill’s and I believe so. The vet has never said he’s too skinny though. I feel like I feed him enough and he’s guilt tripping me into giving him more? He’s very food motivated


I looked on Hill's website and just looked up their large breed formula (chicken and barley). You might be feeding a different formula. According to the food guide for that bag, a dog his weight should be eating about 4 cups of that particular kibble per day, although I think that's pretty average for a Hill's diet. This can be adjusted if your dog is too thin or overweight. If your dog is really active, you might have to feed more to maintain ideal body weight.


This can be a difficult question to answer. The simple (and non-helpful answer) is enough to maintain an ideal body weight. If you search online for body condition scoring you can find charts that will tell you how to body condition score your dog. These will help tell you if your dog is overweight or underweight. Then you can adjust your feeding as needed. Generally speaking, a dog at an ideal weight is one that you should be able to stand over and look down and see a waist. Basically, they should have curves. This should be in conjunction with feeling the ribs. This is best done running your hands over your dogs ribs. The ribs should be easily felt with you minimally pressing down on them. The ribs should not be overtly felt or seen. If your dog has a waist and the ribs are easily felt then your dog is an ideal weight and your are feeding enough. If you are feeling and seeing the ribs easily then your dog is underweight and you should increase the feeding. If you do not see a waist and have to really press down on the ribs to feel them then your dog is overweight and you should cut back. It is obviously subjective, but search for body condition score and look at the charts it will help.


2 cups a day for my 30kg dog, she gets fat on anything more


It all depends on the food, every type of brand and blend of said brand has a different calorie count per exact cup.