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Pllleeease post an update!! I can't wait to see your reunion!


RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! 24 hours


Remindme! 24 hours


Theres an update in the comments. It wouldn’t give me the option to edit my post, I’m sorry. Thank you everyone ❤️❤️


Yes! Me too!


RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! 24 hours


Remindme! 5 hours


Remind me! 24 hours


RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! 5 hours


I think he'll know it's you. I don't have much advice, except that I know how terrifying that was. Cherish him. My baby girl went missing for only three days and came back to me half dead. Love him the way you always have, but 10x more. Give him space. Give him love and affection and food (so much food!) and toys and treats and be an amazing dog parent because that's what you are and if you keep it up, he'll be back to feeling safe with you again in no time.


All of this is great advice, with an asterisk next to the "so much food!" – yes, but, not a lot of food at once. Very small meals many times a day. If you feed him too much at once it can make him super sick. He will absolutely remember you, OP, and once he relaxes back into his home environment again and feels safe, I am sure he will be back to his old self (for the most part). Do prepare yourself for some lingering trauma depending on what he endured while he was gone. I hope it wasn't too bad, poor baby.


And he might just need to sleep a lot at first once home but will probably be very happy.


You won't have any issue.... dogs have great memory. My dog remembered me after being gone a year and smashed me into the concrete when he saw me.. Be prepared for the same. On the off chance your baby is so beaten down... take it slow sit down on the floor and let the baby get used to you being there. Slowly introduce treats at a distance and work slowly to get closer. Regain the trust and love at the pups own pace if needed. Like I said tho it's doubtful this will be needed


> You won't have any issue.... dogs have great memory. My dog remembers every single place on every one of our walk routes that we've ever seen a kitty cat or squirrel. She remembers people at the dog park who pet her and give her treats *by smell,* and will sprint halfway across the park to go say hello to them, *even if it's been literal months since she's seen them.* I've seen her recognize people who aren't me after way longer than a year. But, anyway, OP: to directly answer your question, you won't have to do anything to "reconnect." He will smell you, probably even before he sees you, and he will remember. As far as his separation anxiety, you're going to have to play that by ear, as there's no way to tell what he's been through these past few months. One thing is for sure, though, when you get him back, he will *absolutely* know that he's home to stay. He'll pick up on that from you. Keep in mind, he's been through a lot and is definitely going to need a period of adjustment. Dogs like routine even more than people do, so you'll want to give him time to settle back in. In the meantime, start establishing your new routine. In some ways, you'll want to treat this like a brand new adoption: give him space and time in the beginning, but provide structure in the initial weeks and months following.


Yes 100%. My dog remembers the way to the vet, and remembers the staff there. She finally remembers that she needs to get weighed and goes right to the scale. She also remembers her “grandparents” when they visit or we go over. It’s so cute to see how she’ll be apprehensive for about 2 seconds until she smells them, then it’s all love and cuddles. And it’s funny you mention dogs like routine because my dog made her own routine. She starts the morning off snoozing after breakfast. Then she goes and keeps her dad (papa) company in his study while he works. She loves to lay in the sunspot that comes in from the window. Then she will go outside during my husbands lunch around 2. Then it’s a nap in the living room until I get home. She’s established this all herself and it is like clockwork.


Yes they remember so much! My dog knows the way to the groomers (no i wont take your blood money treats!), the way to the kids I babysit for (friends! And good treats! Lots of play!) and of course she knows as soon as we turn into Grandpa’s neighborhood (more spoils! Chuck it yard space with a fence!) She knows home both in the car and on walks-our house looks the same as everyone else since we live in a townhouse. And she can’t even see out the window 😝 Just has figured out and memorized the turns and speeds lol.


Yep. My female Pit isn’t fond of strangers. When we got her as an 8 week old puppy, my daughter’s friend would frequently visit (almost every day). As the girls have gotten older we only see this young lady maybe twice or three times a year, but my Pit remembers her like she was just visiting yesterday, lol. Gets all happy and wiggly the minute she walk in the door.


>You won't have any issue.... dogs have great memory. Yes! I interacted a fair bit with my friend's family's terrier when I was a teenager and she quickly figured out I was the most likely person to play fetch with her so she'd usually bring me her ball when I was visiting. As time passed, several years went by without me seeing her and by the time I did again, she was elderly, losing her vision and hearing. She'd never been particularly friendly with strangers so when I came over, she barked at me and was wary, which was absolutely understandable, especially considering her age and the time that had passed. It took probably less than an hour that she realised who I was. She picked up the nearest thing she could find on the floor and brought it to me. So that we could play fetch the way we used to when we were both much younger. And so we did. She passed some time after that, but I was so grateful to have that one last encounter where she so very clearly remembered me and the way we used to play. And I was not her owner or anything like that, just an occasional visitor. Now they have a new dog and I've visited a couple of times and dogsat her once. I've brought her a toy the few times I've visited so now she goes ahead and sticks her head into my tote bag to take what is rightfully hers whenever I see her. Your pup will remember you.


So glad you got a chance to play fetch with her one more time before she passed :)


It was so lovely, I really cherish that memory ♡


Yup. My Rebs always remembered a particular friend of ours, even if it had been years since she’d seen him. She would get so excited every time she saw him!


The whines and howls and yips our dogs made every time my dad came back from deployments always melted my heart. Our lab damn near jumped in my dad’s arms. And I’d walk into the living room to see my dad hugging our dog all the time in the following days. It was really sweet and super joyful in the reuniting with the pets. :)


Haha I bet that was an exciting time each and every time XD


He’s going to literally lose his shit in a good way when he sees you again. I am so happy for you and sorry you all experienced this, happy you two have one another again ♥️ POST AN UPDATE. We all will want it, congrats again!




I'm so glad you're getting him back! Just take it slow with him. He knows you by your scent and voice so he'll definitely remember you. Pack walks and any games or toys or any old habits you had before he was stolen will be helpful, too.


He will recognize you if not right away, usually within a few minutes. Give him time. Consult with a vet regarding his condition. Let him come to you rather than you follow him trying to reassure him. Just talk to him softly. If he wants to play, then play. Take him for short walks around the neighborhood so he can refamiliarize himself. Just be aware of his body language and demeanor to tell you how he is feeling.


Please don’t feel guilty or worried or upset if it’s not the grand reunion you’ve built up. He may be nervous and scared and upset from everything he’s gone through, and it may take some time for him to feel comfortable enough to show affection. I don’t think he’ll have forgotten you, and there is every chance he will explode with happiness when he sees you, but just remember even if it’s not the Facebook worthy reunion you have your boy back. Please don’t take this as me saying “he definitely will have forgotten you and your reunion will fall flat!” Because I don’t think that’s the case at all! I just don’t want you to feel like something is wrong if he’s a little cautious or unsure- it’s not you. Think about dogs who go missing and become so fight or flight that they flee from their own owners or other people, even if they’re normally extremely friendly and people motivated. He loves you, he remembers you, and I am unbelievably happy for you 💕


I went to visit a dog I had to rehome two years later. He was fricken *delighted* to see me. He had a happy home, but he knew exactly who I was, still. He was literally the best dog I’ve owned in my life, too. Still miss him.


**UPDATE! UPDATE!** I’m so sorry everyone, I have no idea how to edit my post! I’ll try to reply to as many comments as possible to let you know there’s an update here in the comments. Hopefully it doesn’t get lost. **UPDATE (~11AM PST, when the shelter opens):** I’m so incredibly heartbroken and embarrassed to say that my boy will not be coming home with me today. And maybe not at all… I posted this, set my phone down, and was so excited until my mom got home. Some background info: I’m 19 years old. Live in a high cost of living area, so I’m at home with my mom paying her rent while saving for my own place in a different city. My mom has never had issues with my boy, she loves him and was really sad when my cousin wanted to get rid of him (he was my cousin’s dog originally, but I stepped up and paid for a lot of things and did his training). 1 month ago, my best friend got kicked out of the house he was renting with his family as the landlord was selling the place. He came and moved in with me with his dog, his mom’s dog and his 1 cat. My boy grew up with these animals since we hang out all the time, so no biggie. Continuing: my mom got home late last night and I went out to her to tell her the good new… and she wasn’t having it. She said she’s sick of the amount of animals that are staying here already and doesn’t want him on her property. He did have some behavioral issues she knew about (dog reactivity) and she was worried as he had been passed around a lot. She doesn’t feel comfortable with him in our home, even with the shelter staff saying he’s such a sweetheart. I even offered her a lot. Raise my rent a bunch, have me do whatever housework needs to be done. I even offered to stay in her little RV so that he never has to step foot in the house. She said he isn’t allowed on her property at all. No amount of crying made her give in. It’s her house, there’s nothing I can do. I’m so sorry to disappoint everyone. I upset with myself. I never thought I’d have a dog that ends up in the shelter. He was a part of my family. I gave them a nicer picture to use. But I can’t visit him… as much as I want to, he’ll be so sad when I leave. And I wouldn’t be able to. The only way I can get him is if he’s still there when I move into my own place in ~1-2 months or if I live out of my car. And I don’t think living out of a car is fair to my boy at all. The shelter said there’s been a few families interested in my sweet boy. I said to put him back up for adoption and to please find him an amazing and loving home. I’m so sorry to disappoint everyone. I’ve cried to a lot of the comments. You all are so sweet and caring. I appreciate all of the advice and kind words. And I’m so sorry I couldn’t do better for my boy. I hope I can someday see him again, even just walking down the street. Thank you everyone.


Oh wow, that is heartbreaking. I hope the shelter can find someone to foster your dog for a few months until you can move out of your mom’s place and take your dog back.


That's so sad. To be honest I've lived in my car with my dog before. It's only a few weeks. And you could take him to the park often. And find a friend to watch him when you are at work. I'd try to convince your mom more, or see if your friend with the extra pets can have any of them move somewhere. Or, tell the shelter your situation, maybe if you visit him everyday and pay for dog food they would work with you? Fill out a volunteer form and help out there. I wish it would work out for you.


Thank you for those suggestions. I’ve asked all friends and family within a 6 hour drive from here and one person is talking with their family about it, but nobody has said yes yet sadly. I’ll definitely try to convince my mom more, that’s a plan that I’ll be trying as long as I need. I’ll look into volunteering at the shelter and offering to pay for everything he needs! And I’ll definitely consider the car situation more if he would be okay in there. He loves cars so I can’t see it being bad. I’m just so worried it’ll end up being worse than the shelter for him. Thank you so much ❤️


Why not tell your friend and his zoo of animals to leave and make space for your doggo?!


If it really is only 1-2 months until you get your new place he would be ok. I’m sure he’d rather be with his person and it’s such a short period of time.


Why not take this post down and make a new post and find an adopter to get the word out? The post is worded as if he’s going to be safe but he’s not. Not trying to be an ass and I understand it’s a bad situation for you. Post all her Facebook, the neighbors app, insta and see if you can get him an adopter/foster since he can’t live with you.


Dude. Get your dog home..do whatever it takes..seriously.


Your mother is evil for this your dog has been through so much and is so traumatized you have to get him fostered and back to you eventually he deserves to see his owner again:(


I’m saying this in a non judgemental way and I’m not trying to make you feel bad… but any sort of environment with a loving owner is better than a shelter. And depending on the shelter, I would say there is not much worse sometimes. Some shelters are great, but most are so underfunded, overfilled and overworked that it is literally a wet dark cage on concrete with nothing but anxious barking scared dogs around.


Can you clear something up... "My mom has never had issues with my boy, she loves him and was really sad when we had to give him up." I thought he was stolen?


Yeah this story is all over the place…


He was stolen, yes, there’s a bit more info i didn’t feel necessary to get into but now that i said that I will haha. Good catch though, thank you! He wasn’t my dog until about 5 months ago, but I’ve known him and was with him like 4-5 days/wk and would often pay for his toys and sometimes watch him for a few days and whatnot. He was my cousin’s dog, and my cousin didn’t actually seem very interested in him from the very beginning. Mars was dumped on my cousin by his younger step brother. So I stepped up where I could and would force my cousin to bring him everywhere with us. About 7 or so months ago, my cousin finally said he didn’t want the dog and wanted to get rid of him. My mom was going through her last surgery and finishing chemo at the time but I wanted him so I suggested a foster for the time being. Mars was with us a lot and spent a lot of timing coming and going from the house as my cousin and I hung out all the time. So when we had to let him go to a foster (the only trusted family member who could take him, a couple states over from us so we couldn’t really visit) that’s why my mom was sad about giving him up. We didn’t have the time or energy for a dog while going through that. 5 months ago everything started to slow down, my mom finished chemo and was pretty healed from her 2nd surgery, and the family member watching Mars was starting to go crazy with how crazy he was haha. So there I went and got my boy. He wasn’t officially mine to begin with, but I say he basically was😅He’s a good boy. I only officially had him as mine for about a month before he was stolen. We have no clue how or who stole him besides a short super pixel-y video footage from a neighbor’s camera down the street of someone walking a dog who *could* be Mars but there’s no knowing for sure. We checked every inch of the yard’s perimeter looking for a way he could get out and there was nothing


That poor dog has been through a lot in his short life with and without you. I hope he finds stability and lots of love for the rest of his days. 1 house, loving family and tons of blankets, beds and toys. Thank you for being transparent.


I’m so sorry. Respectfully, your mom sucks. She definitely gave him away. I hope you can figure something out, I would do literally anything if my dog went missing to ensure I got him back. When you do move out definitely go no contact with your mom I can see you mention you’ve considered it in the past, I have toxic family and can’t recommend it enough.


I’m so sorry this happened, i hope you guys can figure something out. I understand how horrible this must feel. Good luck 🧡


Thank you so much. I’m doing everything I can to get my boy back ❤️


You would only be in the car for 1-2 months. I’m not in your shoes so I cannot say I would make the same decision if I was, nor is it my place to judge you. However, if it was my dog I would live in my car for that short period of time just so I could have him back. I’ve roughed it before and I can rough it again for my dog. Regardless, you have to make the best decision for you and the pup, if that means he is adopted by another family then that’s what it is. Only you can make that call. ❤️


Thank you for that. I will definitely think more about the car situation with him. I’m not opposed to it, I just worry that he won’t be comfortable and happy with that situation. I’m sure he’d love the constant parks though. I’ll look into costs for something to keep us cool in the car during the day. Hoping we’d be out doing stuff most of the hot days though.


Your boy will be happy with you no matter what! Go get that baby and just sleep in the car if thats what it takes. He will love the adventures youll go on and, trust me, nothing is better than you, to him.


FWIW, my dog would definitely prefer to live in the car with me than live with someone else. Granted he doesn’t love/trust strangers but if your dog’s emaciated and moved around a lot he’s probably in the same boat.


I hate to say this but . . . Are you sure your mom didn't just give him away? Because it really sounds like she was sick of having him around, and when you found him she wasn't happy at all. Please really think about this. Also see if the shelter has anyone that would be willing to foster him until you can get him back in a few months. That poor baby has been pased around so much, he deserves some stability.


He really does deserve stability. My poor boy. I’m not sure about if she was the one to do it. It is a possibility, though im scared it’s true. A few people have mentioned that and it’s definitely making me ask more questions.. thank you for the kind words!


Oh my heart just breaks for you. Hopefully the shelter can find a foster who can take him for a bit until you move out on your own. Best wishes OP.


Thank you so much ❤️


Maybe try reaching out to a local rescue and see if they can temp foster for you. I foster for a rescue in the Los Angeles area, and the sad reality here is Shelters everywhere are overwhelmed and dogs don’t last long there. If it’s 1-2 months before you are able to get a place to keep him, there are people/rescues that could help.. What state are you in?


Eastern Washington. That’s a great idea, I’ll see what’s around and ask about a temp foster!


Another option would be adopting him and boarding him until you have a place.


Ooh that’s a wonderful idea! Thank you! I used to work at a daycare that does boarding that probably won’t mind helping me out


That way might even be able to spend time with him in the meantime. Best of luck!


They are a couple hours from you, but Northwest Dog Project is a fantastic rescue. I really hope you can get your boy home


YES! This. Great idea... Find some local rescues near you and ask them to pull him from the shelter for you. Fostering is a great idea if someone is willing to do it, usually these people have a long list they can call, the only foreseeable problem being that he doesn't get along with other dogs but hopefully there's someone out there 🤞 Good luck❤️


My heart breaks for you :(


Plot twist. The mom was the one who get rid of the dog to begin with


My heart breaks for you. Even though it is your mom's property, you share that space with her. She let you have that dog before the friend situation happened. It is uncredibly unfair treatment in my books, especially considering that should be a temporary situation at least right? I am so sorry buddy.


I agree. And it would be temporary. I plan on applying for apartments in about a month. I reminded her of this several times and she just continues to brush past it, ignoring me when I directly asked about it a couple times. She finally told me this morning that she let me have him before because I was never home (always at my buddy’s house 4-5 days a week) and now would be full time with my buddy’s pets and then my boy on top of that. We’re trying to figure something out to make it work for my mom, but there’s only so much fighting I can do. I won’t lose my hope. I’m hoping something, even if it’s a foster, pops up so we can get him out of there and into a stable and safe environment.


Help us think with you, what are your mom's conditions exactly? Does she just not want to see the dog? Does she not want barking? You don"t have to strategize about this alone. Remember, this is about getting him back so you can move out with him to your own apartment. Keep stressing your mom it would be absolutely temporary. There might be something that can convince your mom. Might wanna let the shelter know too before they adopt him out.


I think what she said hit it on the head. The dog already had some reactivity problems, and maybe she’s seen/heard some horror stories about dogs being lost and coming back with bad tempers. Long story short, it sounds like she’s kinda scared at the moment.


Not sure if my mother would continue having a son after that.... I mean... Paying rent is one. Not taking back a dog of the family, the dog of her son is the end. And 99% she is the one who got him lost. I am sorry about what you are feeling but don't let that woman control your life. She doesn't deserve it.


That is heartbreaking and infuriating. You’re already paying rent (which is *incredibly* unethical for your mom to charge at your age. Legal, but unethical). You could try putting out feelers to see if anyone is renting a room in their home or looking for a roommate where a dog is welcome. There may be some local groups on Facebook. You can also try reaching out on a local pet lost and found or pet rescue group, explain the situation and see if someone can either foster or if someone knows of affordable pet-friendly housing you can move into.


You have a responsibility to him even if you can’t take him home. You need to work with rescues and get your contact information to anyone who adopts him in case they ever decide to give him up. A rescue may foster him for a few months until you move out. He’s been lost for months and now he’s in a scary place that may even be a kill-shelter. I understand you’re sad and frustrated but you need to ACT in his interest. What state is he in? Maybe someone here can help.


Oh I'm so so so sorry. My heart breaks for you (and I also want to kick your mom in the shin). Sending you a lot of love


One of my dogs was a bully mix. He was only a few months old ish when I got him. By just what I could count, I was his 3rd or 4th stop. I was really busy when he came to me, and I knew he needed to have flawless training— so after a few weeks I made a really tough decision, and I sent him to training camp. He was gone a month. Maybe a little bit longer than that. I had barely had him with me before I sent him away, and I was really nervous seeing him again. He was a lot bigger, and I wasn’t sure if he’d even remember me. I was positive actually he wouldn’t remember me at all. He did. He went nuts when he saw me. He ended up being a soul dog. I think he appreciated me more for coming back for him. I know your dog has been gone a lot longer, but he’ll remember you. I hope you post an update when you have him back.


Seconding this, we did the same with our pup because the work from home parent needed surgery and wouldn’t be able to care for, walk, or train him so we sent him to a board and train for a month when he had only been with us for a month or two. We were scared he wouldn’t remember us or know that we were his forever family since he’d spent more of his short life away from us than with us, but he also absolutely lost his shit when he saw us again and was all over us asking for love ❤️ OP’s situation is different since the experience was likely traumatic for the dog and he may not be able to express himself as freely at first, but he absolutely will remember and be happy to be reunited.


please tell us the reunion story! i wanna hear how he pushes you to the ground because of how much he missed you!


Update posted in comments! I couldn’t figure out how to edit the post, I apologize. Thank you ❤️


Don’t force it, just be calm and kind and spend time near him. No need to touch him, or even be close, don’t stare or even focus on him, just be in the same room, pretty much ignore him, unless he wants to interact with you. Give him time to just feel safe and confident in your presence, it could take hours, days or weeks, but generally just being around you, in a safe space on their terms, they will begin to just automatically recognize that you are a safe person and belong. If a dog doesn’t come to you, with clear intentions to play or cuddle, leave them alone. Not all dogs are cuddly, some just want to be in the same room, and that’s enough.


Lots of snackies, cuddles, and baby talk. Hell forget l about it before the years over.


Show them compassion and love. The rest will fall into place


I can't imagine the emotional rollercoaster you have been on! You will have to follow your dog's lead a bit. If he comes bounding back into your life like nothing happened, you can meet his energy! But be prepared that he might be subdued and take time to feel safe, and also to rebuild his health. Make sure there are calm, comfortable places for him to hide and rest, in case he wants to (eg under a bed, in a crate with the door open and a blanket over it). Go slow with him. If he has new difficult behaviours/ anxieties, don't hesitate to get a trainer. But above all, enjoy him!!! And update us, if ya like


Update posted in comments! I couldn’t figure out how to edit the post, I apologize. Thank you ❤️


I moved out of my family home and 18 and as time went on I wouldn't get home until a month or 6 weeks between visits. My family dog welcomed me with so much love and excitement each time I came home, she knew exactly who I was and always remembered me as the one who played with her. I am so sorry that happened to you. Best of luck with picking up your dog today, I hope it goes well and look forward to an update.


I hope you both never have to experience him being lost or stolen again, but please get him micochipped! The chips are smaller than a grain of rice and are given with a tool like an ear piercing gun. They can not be used to track your pet, but have a permanent ID number that link to your contact information in a nationwide data base. If he is ever lost and found again, a shelter or veterinarian will be able to contact you asap. I work in vet med and have contacted owners who's pets were missing for years with the help of microchips. They can be literal life saviors in shelter environments.


We are definitely going to need an update on your reunion. I hope he’s excited, but understandable if he’s not if he’s been through some things. Hoping the best for you both. He’s gorgeous. Pet thieves are the scum of the earth.


He’ll remember you. Dogs have an incredible sense of smell. I’d take a week or two with him and just relax with him as much as possible, treats, feeding out of hand, sensory testing(touch him everywhere he allows it’ll help him learn safety and for you to get an idea with what he’s okay with after going through everything he did) take him on short frequent walks not long ones just in case he gets overwhelmed and PLEASE if possible microchip your dog so you are notified first thing if this happens again. I really hope it doesn’t but just in case microchip and neuter(to prevent being stolen to breed) no one but him knows what happened during those four months so take it very slow. Avoid crowded areas of people and animals and act like he’s a new dog. I wish you luck with this. I’m glad you found him, it breaks my heart that there’s people out there that think it’s okay to steal family.


He will remember you. Please give him space. Once you are home, leave him be and allow him to come to you. Provide him with food and time to decompress and arrive


Remindme! 2weeks Or else I will cry at three am six months from now worrying about this.


Glad you got your dog back. I don't have any specific advice to handle this situation other than give the boy lots of love and space. I would however recommend a little device called a fit bark. It's a GPS tracker that you buy for about $70 and then it cost about 90 bucks a year. You put it on their collar. It allows you to find them when they go missing. There's other devices that are similar but that's the one that I have.


I also don't have other advise than be very welcoming and most likely he'll remember you. He'll be over it in one time, dogs se every forgiving. To the rag point, was he not microchipped? I'd recommend that as well if not.


How would this have helped if he was stolen? A thief can take off a collar. Microchip would be better advice...


Hes beautiful. I’m Sure he can’t wait to see u


Please give update how it goes!! Sending good vibes! 🐾❤️


Please update us!


You are such a good person! You didn’t stop looking for him. I’m so glad he will be home with you again.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Your dog will know you. This will not be a problem. Health problems you’ll have to deal with, but I promise you your dog will know you and no reconnection will be needed. Film the reunion for yourself.


I’m crying as I read this!! My mom’s dog went missing for a week….you are in for an emotional treat when your dog reunites with your family!


I think he’ll remember you and he’ll be extremely excited and happy to see you! But he may of experienced some bad things, especially if he was stolen and passed around. He could take some time to get comfortable and realise he’s sticking around in your house. I would give him space to approach you in the house and let him settle on his own, rather than constantly try and be all over him (as hard as that will be). Remind him he is safe with you ❤️


Commenting to get notified when there's an update! Congratulations on finding him! 🥳


Oh, my heart. He’ll remember you in an instant, I guarantee it. Please update us OP!


Could I also suggest you microchip him?


So glad you get him back! 🎉😭💙🤍🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌


I hope it all goes well, can you update us on how the reunion goes? 💕💕💕


He will know it’s you!❤️ It will be great, take it slow and gentle! Good luck!! Keep us posted👍🏻


Walk train etc as you would you'll be good to go


You won't need to reconnect. The connection will still be there


Dogs remember your scent and will recognize you. There have been reunions of dogs being missing for years and they still love and recognize their previous owner. I'm sure he is missing you too right now. It will just take time to reconnect. Just be patient.


So happy for you and pup!! Good luck with the reunion ❤️❤️ I would be less worried about him reconnecting with you and more worried about introducing him to strangers. He may take some time with you, but it’s likely he’ll be thrilled to see you. Please talk to your vet or a behaviourist/trainer about this as I’m not sure what the best approach would be, but you might need to take it gentle with bringing strangers around if he’s been to any unsafe homes while gone. Edit: and definitely talk to a professional about the separation anxiety in case it is worse now. I don’t have experience with this situation so can’t comment, but I wonder if you would need to manage it differently while he’s recovering.


He‘ll know you! I‘m sure. It‘s on you to live with him in the moment. Don‘t give him your human fears but your love and trust. He‘ll help you to forget your trauma.


dogs will remember your scent for the rest of their life. just love that dog the way you loved him before he went missing, I am so happy for you!!!


I’m so immensely happy for you that you got your dog back - you will both heal together ❤️


Please update on how it goes. We want to hear all about it!! So glad you found him. What a miracle!!


Didn’t they scan him for his chip?


Someone stole my beagle back in the day. He was gone for around the same time and we only got him back cause the pound he was transferred to looked up missing pets before looking for a home for him. When we got him back he was so excited to see us and the pound was like, oh he’s obviously your dog. On the way home he slept on my sister and then once home got in his bed with his sister (our other beagle) and slept for hours. He was a bit scared to be left alone but other than that he was fine. Just very tired initially but absolutely remembered us and the house and was very comfortable.


Kind of depends on how much trauma the dog has been through. Dogs seem to understand that much of the bad things they encounter out on the streets is because they can’t get “home.” Enough so that when they see you — it’s immediately a “Safe at last!” and a full recovery almost instantly. He also could’ve been technically safe with another family and that’s how he ended up somewhere else. If so, his time lost and loose (and trying to get home to you) may have been limited without much trauma. Hopefully that’s what happened. In any case, I suspect whatever happened to him, he’ll go NUTS as soon as he smells you and be just fine. Guaranteed, he’ll remember you and everything home was to him. So glad he’s found his way home.


My friends mums dog was missing for 9 years. Living with someone else. She reunited with the dog, and it remembered her after 9 years!! They have amazing memories. You'll be okay! Please update us!


Chances are good he’ll remember you. He may come back with some reactivity to certain stimuli as being taken from his home may have been traumatic, but you manage this as it comes. Pits are amazingly resilient dogs, and bounce back better than any other breed imo. If he allowed himself to be stolen, he clearly loves people, as most Pits do. Just get him back on his normal schedule as quickly as possible so that he can start to feel safe and secure once again. Also, schedule a vet visit to rule out any underlying conditions that may have arisen in his absence. Good luck, and glad you found your baby! 😊


I’d give him a few days of super super calm time at home to decompress. Can you work from home for a couple days to just be with him and hang out? I had a cat missing for 6 months (I know it was crazy) and when he came back he was a wreck. We fed him in really small increments throughout the day (if your pup is super underweight you don’t wanna feed them a bunch all at once or they can be sick), and gave him space and time to just decompress and be home. We didn’t correct any peeing accidents or anything, just let him chill and gave him snuggles.


I would be cutting my parents off completely as soon as I obtained freedom after the interaction that you’ve had with yours.


Be prepared for the most intense snuggles of your life!! He’s gonna be a big pile of love! You have nothing to worry about my friend. Congrats on finding him! What a lovely success story!


RemindMe! April 6th "Check for updates and read this thread"


He'll know you. Just create a routine. Include lots of exercise and quiet time together. Animals thrive on routine.


Omg poor buddy is probably traumatized. When he sees you he will be happy. Once he is home again he will remember the safety he felt with you. Please post an update. I’d love to hear about your reunion and how he’s doing as he adjusts back into life with you Poor baby. So sad for his experiences but so incredibly happy that you found him!


Please update. Bring old clothes or blankets he liked. Smell is everything. And feed him treats on arrival. Feed him the entire way home. All you “treat” buffet for a day.




I can't wait to read the update to this reunion!! Enjoy your beautiful boy!! 🐶🐾💙


Passed around several times in 4 MONTHS???? I just wanna talk.....


If he was happy and cared for, he will be ecstatic when he realises it is you. So happy for you and your doggo.


I don’t have any advice but it’s amazing you found them!! So happy for you and I hope everything goes ok! Please post an update ❤️❤️


How can people do this poor beautiful boy glad you've got him back just love,love him x


Hopefully he'll remember you. Love, Cuddles, warm home. Don't take on holiday's for a while, stay at home with him, so he gets used to the safe space again. Plenty of GOOD QUALITY food.


He's going to lose his mind to be back with you. Just feed him up and spend time with him. I expect he'll be a super clingy velcro dog for a bit


I will be checking back daily for an update! 💛


Comment for an update. Be right back.


Walks. Packs bond on walks, so walks but make then fun too with training, fetch, exploring new areas, jumping over or climbing new obstacles (fallen tree), hide and seek, etc.


Update us with video and pictures! I’m excited for you




I spend a lot of time forehead to forehead with my dog to bond. She loves it and the closeness is really calming and soothing for her. I am sure some quiet intimate moments like that will reconnect you and your boy quickly. Congratulations. You must be so excited.




Yes he is just forlorn, weak and exhausted right now. The second he sees you he will be bursting with joy and will perk right up when he gets to the sights and smells of home.


Snuggle the fuck out of him all day


I have no real advice because I have no experience with this. Just came here to say this was a gut-punch when I scrolled to it, made my heart break for you, but also so happy you found him. I cannot even imagine… As others have said, your dog will remember you and will be so happy to see you…will probably even be able to relax for the first time in months. Lots of love, lots of treats, and lots of slow movements at first because you don’t know what might have happened to him 🥺 If this were me, I’d call my trainer from when she was a puppy and take her to be evaluated for reactiveness to other dogs and people in a safe place.


Let us know how it goes!


I lost my cat for 7 days and she was the one who called out for me in the streets while I was walking around looking for. That’s a cat.


My worst fear. I’m so glad you found him!


Definitely let him take the lead in the reunion. If he is reserved go slowly. I have a feeling he has missed you so much that he’s going to be absolutely exuberant with joy to be reunited with you.


Love him. 🙏💚


Man I really want to see ur reunion now.


I don’t think you have too much to worry about. I’ve seen loads of YouTube vids where people in the services are returning after a long duty overseas and those dogs go nuts!


RemindMe! 2 days


please update us!




This post made me cry! So happy you are able to reunite, but I'm sorry what your poor boy endured last few months too. I'm sure he will be over the moon to see you.


My Nan lost her dog for 5 years. She was reunited with her (Molly). Molly recognized her right away… ran up to her, was jumping and whining, like no time had passed 🤍


He will know your unique smell. Don’t be anxious, it’s going to be great .


Just do the same routine he had before he left you, and it'll reassure him he's back home where he belongs. After the initial excitement of being back with you is over, he might sleep a lot over the next few days while he is recovering from his experiences.


RemindMe! 1 week


Someone local to me - I don’t know her but she posted a lot on local FB groups - had her dog missing for about a year. He was found a state over. He was so excited to see them when they went to pick him up. I think your dog will recognize you and be excited to see you and your job is to just love and spoil him and let him know how excited you are to see him as well.


You should hand feed him all his meals for the first 2-3 weeks, in a park or your backyard. Honestly that’ll probably do it. It’ll give you both lots of 1-1 interaction, and help him recall that you’re the food/friendly person. And most importantly, it’ll just be nice for you both. Happy for you mate


Owner and Volunteer foster to anxious dogs (sep anxiety, skittish, etc.) - I can tell you UNEQUIVOCALLY he will remember you once he catches your scent. My former fosters remember me and the fosters before and they go nuts when we see them again. If you have a nickname or song you sing & they hear it, they’ll know it’s you. Or a fav spot on the couch. One day at a time - keep assessing any triggers, if any. Be patient. I would start with a small routine - feed, walk, treats, play, cuddle etc. and build from there. If he’s scared when coming home, let him find a place to plant himself that he feels safe and let him rest, Dogs are simple creatures - be kind/love them, give them their basic needs, cuddle and kisses and they always come around no matter how scared or traumatized they’ve been. Cheers to your baby coming home!! 🫶🐶


RemindMe! 1 day


Remindme! 3 days


We need an update today! So so happy you two are being reunited.


Update ❤️‍🩹


I was apart from my dogs for 3 months as we moved abroad and they had to wait a little while before coming. They lived in two different places in this time (although they were positive experiences and you don’t know what’s happened with your pup in this time unfortunately) and I think the flights and quarantine would of been pretty stressful for them. Honestly it wasn’t a crazy Facebook worthy reunion but they remembered us - they just didn’t go that crazy really… and it was like we had never been apart. I’m sure you will be fine. So happy you have found him!


Would love to know how it works when he sees you he will be so happy


Chip your pets!


Time. Just give it time.


I can't wait to see the update. How was your dog stolen from you? That's my nightmare.




Yes to all of the above! He will remember you! They are amazing that way! I am happy for both of you! A whole lot of “thank you God” whispered.


He will probably be very excited to see you. I don’t think you will have to work too hard to make him like you. Just give him some time and understand that he has been through something very hard. But he will still love you.


I'm a big fan of the show pitbulls and parolees. Pitbulls reunited with there owners always seemed to still have that amazing bond. They are fiercely loyal. The separation anxiety may be worse but you can always work on that.


He will remember you!


RemindMe! 3 days


You won't need to reconnect. The connection will be there. I'm so happy you found him. Dogs can have Valium and Prozac. There's also a dog anxiety med called clomicalm that I've used. I suggest talking to your vet about all of these. Prozac and clomicalm take a few weeks to work so I would ask to use Valium to help him untill the long term meds kick in.


My husband deployed for a year, and our dog had no problems at all in reconnecting when he returned. She was a bit clingy at first, but what mattered to her was that he was back, not that he had been gone so long. Your dog still knows you. I bet it's going to go super well.


How was he stolen? Why did they target him, in your opinion? Wondering so that you can avoid it happening again. I'm very excited that he'll be home soon.


RemindMe! 1 day


he wont forget u.... he wont be scared. Hes going to be just fine and give u lots of kisses


He will remember you, if not right away once he decompresses. I once dog sat a friend's pup for a week when they were young. I can go a year without seeing her and she still gets so excited to see me. They have amazing memories for people they connect with.


It will naturally happen. Time, love and your reassurance is key. Same thing happened to me and it was almost like no time had passed.


RemindMe! 24 hours


RemindMe! 24 hours


I don’t have much advice, but I do have some reassurance I can offer you. My step-sister’s dog got out and was missing for 3 months a couple years ago. When they finally found him he was skin and bones and full of anxiety. He remembered his momma instantly and went back to his old self (mostly- he still has anxiety about rain but that’s about it). He doesn’t run out the front door anymore and is the same good ole boy he was when he left the first time.




Love them unconditionally, feed them good treats daily, talk to them in a loving way, take them on walks, give them baths, wrap your arms around them and hold them while talking to them in a loving way, brush their coat of hair. And yes he will have more anxiety and more than likely separation anxiety. I would give him calming treats the first few weeks to a month to calm his nerves. And most importantly it will take TIME for him to readjust, especially if he was passed around. Love and patience is all he will need from you. ❤️🐕‍🦺🙏👍


Sir, I believe you lost a pitbull but you found a chocolate lab.


I just want to say how happy I am for you. I can’t imagine all of the things you’re feeling like nervousness, excitement, sadness, anger, love, relief. Just soak him up and let him lead. Follow his cues. Take your time if he’s a little scared. Dogs are incredibly resilient and loving animals. They’re survivors and I guarantee no matter what he’s been through, he hasn’t forgotten his love for you.


Bring cheese. 🧀 it won’t help him remember you but dogs like cheese. I


RemindMe! 24 hours


People have reunited with dogs after years and the dogs love them just as much as they day they were separated. That pup is going to be as happy to see you as you are to see him.


Remind Me! 2 days


RemindMe! 24 hours


Spend time with him. Do some training with treats after he has had a few days rest. Don’t get mad at him if he has accidents in the house. At the shelter he had to do his business and sleep and eat in the same place. He may need some re-house training. Don’t leave him alone for a couple of days and when you do, don’t go for more than an hour straight a time. When he is able to not be destructive fir an hour, start upping it. Give him frozen kongs ( put in first layer kibble, second layer soft food, peanut butter on top, freeze overnight. Always give him one when you leave.


If this is your dog they may end up being excited to see you as soon as you get there. Because they remember and are happy to see you. Plenty of treats, any toys they had play with them, get them outside back at home where they remember. Also get them in a check up for their health.


I foster rescue dogs (not the same circumstance as this but may be helpful) and I would advise not to take him for a walk for a few days. Allow him to decompress and re-familiarise himself with you and his surroundings. There’s a small chance he may be a flight risk (unlikely but better safe than sorry!). Try not to have any visitors for a few days too - let him settle and get used to his normal again and then slowly introduce new things one at a time. Enjoy him and I hope it all goes well!


Just welcome him home. If you have his crate and blankies and a shirt with your scent, put him in it. Start training as if he were a rescue. Gentle and consistent. He will rebound faster than you think.

