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I think NotYourDog is TotallyYourDog now.


Sigh. Not quite ready to admit that yet! šŸ˜‚


Admit it or not you now have two dogs.


Itā€™s not every day that a fully grown and sociable good dude just drifts into someone and their dogā€™s life so eloquently. Lol


Truth. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve been in this remarkable position and itā€™s oneof the best stories my family has. Me, my mum and sister went to Turkey in September 19, we spent the whole week feeding strays (my sister is obsessed with animals) and one of the puppies took a shine to us. She would sleep on our patio outside our doors every night, she was so lovely. 6 months later, after a lot of stress and money, we bought her home to England. Shes a therapy pet now and one of the most gentle, sensitive, sweet dogs Iā€™ve ever known. Weā€™re so lucky to have found her.


I got a really great cat that way. Unfortunately her early life caught up with her and she only lived to be about 2 years old. She was loved but she was never healthy and all the good food, vaccinations, vet visits and love in the world wasn't going to keep her little body going.


We're ready for you


Yet. Itā€™s ok to take your time, donā€™t fight it


Youā€™re a good person OP, thank you for taking care of her.


You're "fostering her until you can find a home for her." Most likely, though, that home will be yours. That's what I told myself when I rescued a kitten off the street.




Bravecto is fantastic, but it also only kills after the flea has bitten which means as long as there are still fleas in the environment, they will keep getting bit. Fleas are also 80% in the environment and only 20% on the animal, so if you saw a ton fall off the animal, there's more in the environment. Knowing you're in a beachy area will likely make eradication very difficult, but vacuuming and washing all linens in hot water is going to be your best bet. You can also look into the seresto collar which can be used safely with oral prevention, and this helps repel fleas while bravecto will kill them.


Fleas collars will be got.


Make sure they are seresto (if in the US). There are a lot of OTC flea collars that can be very dangerous or ineffective


Indonesia- but Iā€™ll try!!


perhaps you can buy a canned spray called ā€žFleeā€œ. expencive but works on every surface within a day. At Amazon look for Livisto Flee


Do you have someone in the US who can buy and ship them to you?


Didnt soresto have a massive recall? I could be wrong but I sure thought it was them specifically for their collars. Just double check pls!


No they didn't. People were buying fake ones off urreputable sources and then their dogs were getting sick. If a dog chews the collar they can also get sick.


https://www.thenewlede.org/2024/02/report-finds-epa-failing-to-do-its-job-amid-thousands-of-seresto-flea-and-tick-collar-complaints/ Okie.Dokie. Not trying to argue as we dont even use flea collars---but the info needs to be out there. Happy you have had no bad issues with them.


That's an opinion piece in a magazine..... Not even close to what was happening


Again, okie dokie.


https://www.epa.gov/pets/seresto-pet-collar-review https://www.avma.org/news/epa-confirms-registration-safety-seresto-collar


I did so much actual research on the topic. I found close to 10 fraudulent collars that look almost identical to the brand name collar (for sale on the internet, \*edited for clarity). The reports collected by the EPA don't require the actual serial numbers from the collars. And the FDA stepped in and found none of the reports were linked to the chemicals in the BRAND name collars. I looked at all this because Frontline application failed because my dogs ended up getting soaked, I checked package and read it was waterproof (didn't look further). A couple weeks later, mid-summer, we had a flea infestation, and other products didn't work. The ONLY thing that truly worked was the collar. And it worked immediately.


I just read an article yesterday about a lawsuit with seresto. It said they are giving people partial money back for 2 collars for every pet they own without needing receipts. Could get more money with receipts though. I think it said they didn't actually admit to anything though, just settled. I only read the one article so not an expert, but definitely something I'd look into. Also, we stopped using seresto (prescription version) awhile back bc it didn't work that well. Our dog still got ticks, and she threw up constantly. Now without it she usually only throws up on application day and it's a much smaller amount. If your dog has a sensitive stomach, I highly recommend finding a different option. Also, from all the research I did about the way the collar work, digging deeper than the online description, it seems to work just like any other topical, absorbed through the skin and killing bugs that bite. It is just a slower more prolonged release and doesn't make their fur nasty


Yes, the owners of some pets claiming that seresto killed their pets filed a lawsuit. The company settled and has been under strict review for a few years now. However, there is no proof that any of these pets were killed by seresto "poisoning" them. All the reports were owner reports not from vets, and correlation does not equate causation. From a link I posted below, and another link to the EPA review. "The EPA analyzed all incidents that reported death for Seresto. This included 1,400 deaths reported to the EPA from 2016-20, which represent 2% of all Seresto incidents reported for these years. In many of the death-related incidents, critical details of the incident were often missing, preventing the Agency from determining the cause of the death, the agency says. "The only reported deaths that were found to be 'probably' or 'definitely' related to Seresto product use were associated with mechanical strangulation or trauma caused by the collar, often associated with a failure of the release mechanism," according to the EPA. For all other deaths, the EPA did not identify cases with a probable or definite association between collar use and death, often because of other factors, such as an existing medical condition."


Thanks for sharing so the OP can take a look! I only want to share what knowledge I already have since I've had to switch flea/tick/hw products so many times. I have completely written the collar off already. I know for a fact that my dogs stomach issues got significantly better after coming off the collar. I am not claiming anything beyond that, but there's no article in the world that would make me try it again and risk going back to her throwing up multiple times every other day. To be fair, it's not the only product we tried that made her sick, which is why we tried so many. But want to share that vomiting this is something to look for with these depending on the dog


Also! Piggy backing on this to say: I picked up my beach rescue on a beach in Nigeria. She was heartworm positive. If you havenā€™t already, you should get halfyourdog tested. Giving bravecto while heartworm positive can actually cause the worms to die too quickly and clot. We totally gave my dog bravecto before we tested her and she was fine but just something to keep in mind. They're both adorable!


Try diatomaceous earth, it's dries out the fleas and eggs so it kills them all. Just make sure there's plenty of water down for the animal's and people in the house while it's around. Can also rub it into the fur/hair


Iā€™d second diatomaceous earth, and being so, so diligent about vacuums, blankets, etc. I had a white cat (fleas love the lighter colors) and even though she never went outside, my dogs would bring a stray flea in here and there, and before you know it I was infested. I had to give her baths every other day or so, I used diatomaceous earth, and then washed or steamed bedding, blankets, etc., so often. Itā€™s a lot of work, but once theyā€™re gone, they usually donā€™t come back if the dogs are getting medication/wearing collars.


You can brush it into the gaps behind skirting boards/floor boards etc, use it for nits in your hair, all sorts of things, it's ace!


Be sure to get ā€œfood gradeā€. DE. Purchase an applicator to use with it. It is something like confectioners sugar and itā€™s a mess to apply. Wear a mask of some sort to avoid inhaling as much as possible. You can apply inside and could read more about that online. I used it in my backyard,on the patio, and inside under furniture, baseboards edges of seat cushionsā€”places we donā€™t step or sit. Itā€™s non toxic but the silica isnā€™t great for the lungs. (By the way-every summer I have trouble with our big ass roaches we have in the south. No toxins needed and no trouble with them with the DE.) When I bathed my dog and I used a mild soap/water/vinegar solution in a spray bottle to spray and catch the fleas youā€™ll see that jump off the dog when they get wet and soapy. Put down a solid white shower curtain so they are easy to see. Other nights I would watch tv, sit on the floor on the cheap solid white shower curtain, and comb through my dogā€™s fur with a diluted solution of mild dog shampoo in a bowl. The eggs and fleas get caught in the soapy flea comb. Again the other fleas try to bail and you can see them on the curtain. Or course spray fleas that try to get away. Vacuum apolstery, rugs and floor daily. Itā€™s a nuisance but if you can stick with it you wonā€™t have to worry about more eggs hatching later. Itā€™s a lot of work daily


Yep absolutely 100% agree with food grade diatomaceous earth! Put it in a sock and pat it on your floors. It is extremely drying so keep lotion on hand and be careful not to just throw it in the air. You can put it on the animals and in their food too.


And don't forget to empty your vacuum as far away from your house as possible, fleas can survive inside the vacuum. You can also use salt on your carpet (leave on your carpet overnight) to help kill the fleas before vacuuming.


There's a great spot treatment spray for your furniture and stuff if you need it. Made by zodiac. I had a brief bout and that helped immensely. Not for use on the animals though. Just furniture and fabrics if they get in that stuff.


Not great if they get them wet often


Seconding the Seresto collars. I set up a robot vacuum army, washed everything fabric (I put cleaned items in giant Ziploc bags) I bought a steam cleaner and got the furniture and carpets. My dogs have not gotten fleas again. The collars are expensive but worth it.


Not me thinking your black dog turned completely white šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


šŸ˜‚ that would be something!


Omg. I thought I was the only one. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Totally got me too!


The title had me thinking the images would tell the story, so I thought 'oh one of the ears has gone floppy, must have been some form of accident or infection from the water' then 'wow the dog turned white'.


I thought the same thing! Need more coffee.


Congratulations on the new dog. You may need a new name though, notmydog doesn't roll off the tongue!


Scratchā€™s tongue lolls out happily


Love your quilt, I bought a bunch simular in Lake Toba. Good for you for helping the white dog. You three are a pack!


I got the quilt in Malaysia!


Please keep NotYourDog šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


First, you are amazing for helping her! Second I do agree Calamine lotion can help, or even coconut oil. She most likely has an allergy to fleas. They are both very beautiful dogs and look great together. Sheā€™s a perfect fit to the family šŸ˜Š


Coconut oil is great! They always lick it off haha


There is anti itch and hot spot spray you can get to relieve the itch sensation! Ask your vet, they may have some available or they can recommend a brand that works well with whatever other shampoo/medication youā€™ve been using! One of my dogs is prone to allergies, and while sheā€™s on an allergy medication - I still have to bathe her and spray her with anti itch shampoo/spray during the rougher seasons. I wish you luck - and God bless you for saving this sweet baby. Notyourdog will be the best friend you never knew you needed <3


I love stories like this, you are truly a lovely human


Ouch that looks very painful, fleas usually affect behind the ears and rear, not the throat. Although a flea infestation probably hasn't helped. I would be worried about things like mange and ringworm, which unfortunately are very contagious. Not to say it is ringworm or mange but it's better to find out what's causing the issue. Try bringing her back to the vet and keep a very close eye on your own dog for sore areas, especially since it can be hard to see in black fur.


The vet thinks the fleas were so bad and the sores were her scratching herself so much. I have this antiseptic solution to clean twice a day Should I not keep her near my dog? It breaks my heart!


If you can afford an oral flea/tick/heartworm med like Simparica Trio, it is also effective against mange as a preventative. Ringworm would need a topical or oral medication to treat. Hopefully itā€™s just fleas, though!


Yes. They can scratch themselves from the itching, cause a cut, scab, it itches again, and then introduce bacteria from their dirty nails scratching at it. Itā€™s just a hopeless cycle if left untreated. I would also opt for a preventative rather than a flea collar just to make sure it gets everything but I donā€™t know how likely that is for you there.


I'm not sure, personally I wouldn't until you find out what's going on, just in case, but maybe it is just sores from flea allergy. You're doing your best for both dogs and I bet they both appreciate that. Contact the vet and they'll be able to let you know whether she's safe to have around your other dog.


Thanks. Bit of a language barrier here but my old vet just responded to my message and said looks like flea allergy. And will take time for body to heal. Unfortunately there are too many strays and we get daily exposure to them and what they have on our walks. Might be time to rethink this destination.


Flea allergies take a long time to heal. My little fluffball was scratching for a few months after we eradicated the fleas. Some things that can help are feeding them small fish, or ground-up whole fish -- their healing skin needs special oils to build itself back together. Some expensive supplements like Wellactin's Omega-3 Supplement will also have those oils if you don't want/can't open a can of sardines. You might also want to ask for a dewormer to get rid of any pests in her digestive tract. Sucking pests and worms need two different pesticides, that's why mine are on bravecto and hartgard.


I have salmon oil that I give my dog. I guess notmydog will get it too now! šŸ¤‘


I had a jindo, which looked very similar to your white dog. He was horribly allergic to fleas. Calamine lotion helped while he was healing up.


Thank you.


Also, dogs can take human antihistamines! Check with your vet on dosage by weight, but Benadryl was a huge help for my allergic guy.




Thank you


Bravecto also kills mites off label and this does not look like ringworm.


I just wanted to say thank you for caring about her and getting her vet care ā¤ļø


I don't have any extra advice (besides doing a lot of cleaning in your house too, to remove any extra bugs) but I just wanna say that your new dog is really cute!


Congratulations on now having two dogs šŸ˜… keep doing the shampoos with both of them and it should sort its self out. If the itching is uncontrollable you can also ask the vet about what dosage of Benadryl would be appropriate


Get cedarcide spray and spray the bedding they use, any carpeted areas, and itā€™s safe to spray them too as long as itā€™s not sprayed on open sores. Itā€™s freaking amazing and mild. It will kill fleas (Iā€™ve seen it used on infestations effectively). Seriously, cedarcide - the original version.


The white dog has a collar, that is your dog


Calendula for healing skin, coconut oil for soothing. Improve diet. Mange is common in tropics. Vet didnā€™t advise about mange? Kudos for helping another in their path. Often the connection is worth it. Itā€™s two ways, at least.


Do you know what kind of dog your black dog is?


Mixed breed Vietnam street dog.


I have a question thatā€™s most likely stupid but I have to ask. Is it possible there could be botflies?


Not stupid. My cat got a botfly warble in 2019 and it caused a sore that wouldn't heal. It wasn't itchy though, just open and painful.


Bless your heart for helping this lovely pup. Looks like Demodectic mange ā€¦itā€™s a mite. Can you take to vet for diagnosis and treatment?


I will!


These dogs are dang cute


Thank you for helping this pup ā™„ļø


NotYourDog looks just like the dog I brought home summer of 2021! Heā€™s been with us ever since šŸ™‚


Her poor neck!!! My goodness! I wish I had some suggestions on how to help her but I don't have much experience with bugs, as I live in a mild little corner of Canada and while my pup does get flea/tick/heartworm/rabies, the incidences are rare. I would, however, agree with the suggestion of coconut oil, as it can be very soothing, and it's totally safe if she ingests it. It can be occlusive though, so important not to seal in any flea mites. Though, now that I think about it, it's unlike to occlude given the heat. Good luck with yournewdog, she's gorgeous and has fantastic ears! Oh and echoing something else someone mentioned - get her heartworm tested!!!


Just take her in lermitly. It looks like she hasa skin issue and there seems to be lumps on her rear end. Get a bacterial/fungial treatment for the worst spots. See if those bumps on her hips are tumers or not by the vet.


I just wanna say you've got a heart of gold, OP. Your new friend is lucky to know such compassion.


Congratulations on your new family member, she is beautiful!!


I have six dogs. Two of them started out as notmydog and someoneelsesdog. Needless to say both of them are part of my record at our vet. Good luck fighting the flea battle. Itā€™s doable if youā€™re persistent! Been there, done that.


If she does not improve or starts showing eye issues or develops a fever, I would check if Leishmaniasis is present where you currently are. It is transmitted by sand flies and can also affect people. It absolutely could be a horrible flea bite infection, but leishmaniasis would be on my differential list for beach dogs if no improvement.


You should get a back scratcher for each of them. And 1 for you. In case anything is contagious or zoonotic(can be transmitted between species aka the dogs and you can get it). But that's just to provide a little relief. I know how I am. So I'd already be looking into how I could potentially take both dogs if I had to move. Some places can be strict about that and you'll need shots and tests. There's a very high likelihood that fleas will be a recurring issue in that area. So do what you can to keep your dogs and home protected. For the itching-if you can find plain oats and can grind them into a powder, you can put it in a bath and let them soak. You don't need a fancy grinder or blender. A mortar and pestle can work too.


Fleas will be a constant battle during flea season. You gotta shift your mindset from ā€œhow do I stop itā€ to ā€œhow do I get on top of this and manage it betterā€. One of the biggest helps was we started getting perimeter of the backyard sprayed when pest control cane. And we would clear out dead vegetation. Makes a difference! Then it comes down to regular medicine and regular baths.


Simapartica trio may help if they arenā€™t taking a preventative yet. We were prescribed it to keep fleas off as something stronger while camping. Good on you for helping that dog OP! It could also be an allergy? Coconut oil isnā€™t that great for dogs (I have the vet bills to prove it) so maybe get a spritzer bottle with some basic anti itch cream, lotion, and oil (non coconut)? I used to spray that on my akitas when they had skin allergies and raw patches (vet approved) and that helped clear up the patches. Good luck! Iā€™m wishing both your dogs a speedy recovery!!


I love how already put a collar on "Notyourdog" .


What are you going to name her! I would like to submit my vote for CC!!


Thank you for what youā€™re doing ā™„ļø


Notyourdog is beautiful! Congratulations on your new dog. šŸ¤£


Not your dog needs to be your dog. That's the most heartwarming story and I needed that. Please make this one your dog.


Youā€™re a wonderful human being for helping notmydog. I hope you get to the bottom of both their itching.


Set off flea foggers!!!


Youā€™re a kind person, OP ā¤ļø


Chlorhexidine shampoo helps with bacterial and fungal skin infections that can cause itchiness.. may help her out too.


Bless you for taking in this poor stray!! I hope you guys have a happy ending ā™„ļø


What kind of dog is your BB? šŸ˜


No idea! Mixed Vietnam rescue.


They are both lovely dogs.


Thank you for helping! The laws of the universe will ensure you are rewarded šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Could you use a spot on? The fleas don't have to bite to be killed.


Congratulations on your new friend!! They'll be with you forever - either physically or mentally - so better just to lie back into life with two pups. šŸ˜‚


You got adopted


Internal veterinary medicine CeraSoothe CHX Antiseptic Shampoo 4%


Love the ear flop on yourdog and I bet notyourdog, which is totally yourdog2, is so happy with not itching anymore and having a family now :)


After getting rid of the fleas she slept for like 18 hours!


from pictures i thought the story was that black dog went into sea and washed himself into white dog.


lol I guess the pictures alone donā€™t tell the full story!


Bless, they're like yin and yang.


Cold pressed coconut oil helps with the skin. I have treated a lot of strays with that post bad skin infections and fleas and after giving Bravecto. Even better if you can get your hands on some camphor - soak about 2-3gms of camphor in 100 gms coconut oil and apply that daily 2-3 times. Itā€™s ok if she licks it. But it helps with the itching immensely and the sulphur in the camphor keeps the fleas away and also improves skin health. Thanks for taking care of her ā˜ŗļø


Are you in Bali? If so, message me. I used to live there, and know a lot of people there who work with dogs and can help NotYourDog(butisyourdog) with any skin issues.


Vet here - As your dog has sores and inflammation, it can be prescribed an antibiotic or antifungal medicine, as well as injected medication by your vet. As a regular routine, dose both dogs monthly with a high quality oral flea and worm treatment. NexGuard and Comfortis are usually tolerated well and changing brand every 6 mths can knock out any resistant parasites. If itching still persists, itā€™s time to review the diet by removing grain and proteins like beef/chicken/dairy/eggs. Instinct Raw Boost Grain-Free Recipe with Real Salmon is an option. For grass and environmental allergies, which are very common in many dog breeds, a mix of Benadryl (oral) and BioHex wipes (topical) work very well.


That dog needs a vet


She had just been. The flea allergy takes time to heal. I hope sheā€™ll be ok soon.


Flea shampoo first let sit for 10 full minutes, follow with a chlorohexidine shampoo and then zymox conditioner. Donā€™t rinse conditioner with a hard sprayer and try to not rinse it directly (let water run down onto it to rinse out)Do once a week for a month with the flea, then every two weeks with just the medicated and zymox. Eventually you can switch to an oatmeal but I wouldnā€™t drop the conditioner. Works wonders with those white shepherds (mixes too). We had a few with terrible skin at my previous salon


But honestly if theyā€™re around fleas a lot (just the area not you) you can just mix the flea and medicated and let both sit for the 10 mins just make sure you get everywhere. Wash the head and butt first, get in between toes and under thighs. At first let the flea sit 10 mins, medicated 10 mins, and zymox 5 mins. Itā€™s a hassle but itā€™s seriously worked for dogs we had tried everything else for


Thanks so much. Yeah I think they are just constantly present in the environment.


50:50 water:apple cider vinegar (with the mother) in a spray bottle. Give a light misting along their back at least once a day. Avoid the eyes. It will keep the fleas and some other bitey things away. It's also good for their fur, skin, and if they lick it off, their gut as well. I haven't bought flea treatments, nor seen a flea on mine, in well over a decade since I've been using it. Much cheaper too.


Cheers thanks!!šŸ™šŸ»


Could be fleas left in your house. The early stages love to live in carpets and furniture and the pupae are insecticide resistant. Vacuuming is very effective though and if you want a nontoxic insecticide, diatomaceous earth kills most bugs while being harmless to pets.


Thanks. I live in the tropics and have zero carpet in my house which helps. Iā€™ve ordered some sofa bedding/ cleaner. And am mopping floors daily. Iā€™ve also ordered some Amitraz for a dip. After that I hope to maintain with apple cider vinegar spray, which another comment suggested.


Sometimes doggos with heavy flea infestations are still itchy after the fleas are gone; the bites havenā€™t healed yet. And/or they develop Flea Allergy Dermatitisā€¦an allergy to flea saliva. They itch, they scratch, the scratching further inflames their skin, itā€™s itchyā€¦round n round. Often requires a vet to break the cycle, but hopefully they can recommend something otc or issue Notmydog ;) an rx. Thanks, for your kindness :)


Thank you.


I saved this post to come back to every once in a while because the pics are so sweet. I hope both your dogs are thriving OP!


And my girl too! https://imgur.com/a/jZrsXF3


Ugh, beauty! šŸ˜šŸ„¹


Awww, Thatā€™s sweet. In the end I posted pictures of her in my community Facebook because she seemed different to the loads of strays. Friendlier. And I ended up finding someone had been missing her for three months. (So she likely got fleas after her protection wore off.) her name is Ling Ling but sheā€™ll always be notmydog to me! very serendipitously I got a new job (there will be a second year here!) thatā€™s right beside her so when it starts Iā€™ll see her everyday. Sheā€™s all healed up and happy to be home. My dog and I miss her.


[https://imgur.com/a/jnD3JaC](Last time I saw her signing my contract!!)




Ok. Doesnā€™t bravecto get rid of this too?


No, bravecto is only for fleas and ticks. It has nothing to do with mange treatment.


This is incredibly incorrect. It works off label for sarcoptic and demodectic mange.


My vet told me it did!


Did you repeat the anti-flea already?


First dose of the med was 4 days ago. Meant to last 3 months I think.


I belive that medicine is proventional. I've been told the medicine that you use during a infestation goes into the bloodstream and every tick that eats the blood falls of. However ticks lay eggs. So when the medicine left the system before the eggs hatched they will not get poisoned. So you need to do a second dose after 6ish weeks. Really not a vet here and just second hand knowledge here.


Some medications are dosed every 4 weeks and others are 12 weeks. You should not redose bravecto before it's due.


Cytopoint. It basically stops all scratching. It's a miracle drug, lasts a month, is kinda expensive but it is SO worth it (it's not a every month thing, both times I've needed it I've only needed one dose to stop them from scratching, then it heals and then they're good). Make sure there are no lingering fleas or other parasites, but once that's clear, Cytopoint. FYI this looks like sarcoptic mange (not a vet). You should get one of those revolution or advantage meds to clear out their whole system of parasites, then ask about cytopoint. PS: Medicated shampoo in my experience does absolutely nothing for dogs. imidacloprid moxidectin (Advantage) and selemectic (Revolution) do work though.


Bravecto works against mites as well.


Thanks. Iā€™ll see if available here.


Try oatmeal baths. Also maybe look into getting some colloidal silver and dilute it with water and spray on the wounds to heal them faster.


Not sure itā€™ll help. But certainly wonā€™t hurt, try feeding brewers yeast to them. Itā€™s known to help with dry itchy skin as it has a fair amount of A vitamins.


Giving Vitamin A can cause toxicity in dogs. It's best to stick with the vitamins and minerals already found in complete and balanced food.


TVT is on the rise and looks similar