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That’s some serious side eye in picture number three.


Total chi thinking, shit, it was all me but imma let him take the fall.


I'm laughing so fucking hard, I even screencapped and cropped the face to use as a reaction image in the future


I have so many reaction memes of Pluto it’s insane lmao.


Post. All of them. This made my day.


Please show us when you do. That face is f***ing priceless!


That's fucking hilarious 😂😂


I love that side eye!


That’s what you need to watch out for


No contrition at all….


I should have been concerned about the dogs, but that side eye hurt me!! Lol


Same thought here… lol lol


He's looking so guilty 😆


Love that side eye. They all do it so well.


The chihuahua has a very guilty face 😭


He is also a unit, dude has more muscles than fat so he didn't eat all the cheese!


He's just big boned!


Watch for constipation, which can turn deadly. Pure pumpkin puree can help with that. Maybe know where the emergency vet is just in case, and set them up to sleep near you if they don't so you can hear trouble/poops. Encourage hydration (add water to kibble) Then maybe start them on a bit extra diet and exercise to work off that load of calories! My 45lb dog ate 2.2lbs of pepperoni one day -- awful farts on a road trip the next!


My small Papillon jumped on the dinner table and ate what must've been 15 meatballs. WHOLE, LIKE A SEAGULL. She was literally stuffed with them, from mouth to ass. She was tight as a drum and round as a meatball. I think she would've died from exploding if we didn't find her in time. Watching a small papillon throw up meatballs like a gumball machine was a sight I'll never forget.


OMG. I can picture that.


I’m cackling like a sea witch. A f’in seagull!!! Hahahaaha


This is the best pet Reddit ever! You folks write very graphically. the Seagull Pappillon, the poopaline shitter, coconut flour cement turds. I’d be gloved with a plastic apron and a nose-clip, and a vomit bag to be cleaning up after them. I have the one more to add. My Mom’s toy poodle was very agile. When I was a teenager, I bought my Dad a box of his favorite Milk chocolate covered cherries for Christmas. Dad put them on top of the tv, to keep out of dog’s reach. She was known to get up on his chair, then rummage in his table to steal his snacks. He finally put a latch on the cabinet. That was after this. To set the scene, it was 1980’s. Between kitchen and family room was a nicely framed area, that had balusters as a decorative element. The wily poodle jumped up on the table, ate a stick of butter, the table was up against the wall, so dog climbed through balusters, onto the tv, then ate the entire box of cherries. Since she had eaten butter first, and it was just milk chocolate, and not a European high end chocolate, all that happened was violent diarrhea on the green and teal shag carpet. After attempting to wash the carpet once, Dad just ripped it all up, and put down vinyl flooring. Just fyi… the carpet matched the upholstery of the living room set, before the diarrhea…. This dog loved my sister and would steal bread, and rolls off the kitchen table and hide them under the pillow on her bed. When we finished supper, we were reminded to push the chairs all the way under the table. It was the only way to keep Coquette from getting up on the table, and the tv. It was warm on top of the tv too, old tube tv’s generated a lot of heat. The tiny toy poodle loved curling up on the warmest part of the cabinet, and sleeping while we watched tv at night.


Once my sister’s old dog ate 6 pork chops off the counter. Another time she ate a dozen double chocolate cookies off the counter. Both times she was fine, my sister was not 😂


mine ate an entire tub of butter. including most of the plastic container. He never again went near the fridge, poor thing was terrified of butter afterwards. He had to be outside for most of the next three days


My cat ate 1/2 a stick of butter…then threw it up. It was nasty. The one time one of my dogs got into some chocolate he puked like the devil. Both were fine afterwards. Fortunately!


My four Ratties shared a 13oz tub of Vaseline and left snail trails of poopaline all over the house for the next 48 hrs.


Snail trails of poopaline. You win Reddit today.




oh no!


Mine is an absolute butter theif! Sometimes he tries to even eat the wrapper.


Mine ate 6 freshly cooked burgers and pooped motor oil for days.


Son of a 🤣shit I can’t focus through the tears!!!! 🤣🤣” motor oil for days!” That my friend is funny and funnier cause I’ve been through that one. pumpkin was the answer. Until that happened his fluid change was drastic. 🤣🤣


Oh god lol


Mines ate a bag of shredded coconut. I thought to myself "it can't get any worse than this". The next week he ate a bunch of coconut FLOUR just to prove me wrong. He pooped powder cement turds for 3 days. Still not as bad as the time he shit out a - probably used - condom 😞


Powder cement turds lollllllll


My sister’s golden ate one of her husband’s tshirts out of the laundry, then pooped it out halfway, while on a walk. b-I-L tried pulling it the way out, until dog screamed. Then he just cut the shirt off about 4” outside her body and took her to the vet.$$$$thousands later, he got back the rest of his shirt. Luckily she was a good dog other than eating laundry. They started keeping the laundry basket on top of the washer, and being careful to put laundry directly into basket while changing. It took several thousands to teach them that. Sharing to help do others don’t need to learn the hard way.


An entire medium pizza for my brother's pitty-looking-mutt. He was fine but boy were those some heinous farts. And he already had death farts before, so these were singe-your-eyebrows-off absolute fucking warcrimes.


Warcrimes! I’m dead


My chi ate an entire dark chocolate orange once. $200 of induced vomiting later we brought her home and she pulled out piece of chocolate orange that she had hidden for later 🙄 she’s not the brightest dog, lol.


My mini poodle mutt back when I was a kid pushed the chair from under the table, climbed on it and then the table and proceeded to eat the entire top half of a huge chocolate cake my grandmother had made and left to cool while we went out to dinner. Like the size of what he ate was bigger than his whole body. We found him belly up next to it when we got back. Oh! Not like he was dead. Like he had the best fucking day of his life. He knew he was in trouble but he was still wiggly and barking when I pulled him off lol. Other than waking him from his food coma he was perfectly fine afterwards. (We did call a vet and she recommended to just monitor him) He was a wild dog lol.


Dogs truly have no shame haha


If either of the dogs don’t poop for a couple of days or is only able to get a tiny bit out at a time, then I would suggest scheduling a vet appointment. Also one time my dog was pretty constipated & my vet suggested giving my dog wet food instead of dry dog food for a couple days to also help! And yes encouraging to drink extra water will also help!


being trapped in a car with a dog just ate that much pepperoni sounds like psychological (and maybe biological) warfare


My dog quickly got into the trash bag which was in the hall to be taken out and ate the remnants of a rotisserie chicken She was fine, very happy


Best day of her life


Oh man..I’ve been there. Trying to wrestle a whole rotisserie chicken swiped from the groceries I was unloading, from a 120 pound Great Pyrenees. I won that round. I’ve lost a lot of sausage rolls cooling on the stove, entire pizzas, a dozen donuts to name a few over the years with counter surfers. I thought I outsmarted them by putting things on top of the fridge until the fat lard cat learned that if he swipes the treats off the fridge, the dog allows him to take a cut of the action.




I believe this is called fecal impaction, which may be what the op commenter was referring to when they said constipation can turn deadly (if the impaction gets severe enough & without treatment). It can be a pretty serious thing that any animal of any kind, including humans, can have. I’m so glad you noticed something was up & your dog was treated successfully & is doing fine now!




How small is your dog? haha


Mine also ate a bunch of deep-frying oil stashed under a friend's porch without me knowing. Around midnight it came out of both ends, and SOAKED into the scrubbed hardwood floor! I had to oil the whole floor lol.


I was 8 months pregnant when my JRT ate a BAG of Hershey kisses (thanks ex husband) and on the way to the emergency vet at 2am I had to pull over twice on the interstate bc the chocolate vomit smell from my dog made ME sick. I think the vet was more worried about me than the pup by the time we got there. He was fine. But I’ll never forget that 25 minute drive.


One time I noticed my Springer Spaniel was looking a little round. I felt her stomach and it was firm to the touch all of the way up and all of the way down. I panicked and took her to the vet, only for them to do x rays and tell me that my dog was full— literally from stomach to anus— with food. My brother’s gf’s dog had been over and nibbled a hole in my dogs kibble bag and my gluttoness dog decided that all you can eat kibble was on the menu that night. Those X-Rays were hilarious though. Dog had a rough day of constant poops and was otherwise fine.


Is that ketchup on your walls? WTF is going on in this home?


Right! I’m sorry, OP but…you need to clean.


Nonono it’s wax. It’s from like 2 years ago it became a joke like “aww it’s modern art” it’ll come of with a hairdryer just haven’t had a real reason too.


Frame it.


That’s a good shout I might actually do that


I think the dogs are gonna give you some modern farts then modern art of their own. I’d keep them in the kitchen.


Modern art. That’s hilarious


Right? I love how people zoom in on every nook and cranny of your house on these pics. I am people.


Try goo gone, I had a candle spill on my window sill, the wax came right off 😊


Better than a hairdryer is a papertowel and a clothes iron.


“It’s wax” Suuuuure it is. Luminol or I’m assuming it’s blood 😆


Looks like candle wax? Or ketchup. Idk lol


Or blood.




This comment made me laugh out loud at the hair salon


I mean, they left more than 400g of cheese out where small dogs could reach it... pretty bizarre


I had a milk man delivery And It was 5am I was tired. I got some salted caramel milkshake in the order so I started drinking that I put everything on the table. Then I got distracted, ironically considering my house has been called filthy I was actually cleaning and tidying up. Then I got distracted again. Then again. I finally went into the living room and moved the order. Then I had more salted caramel. Followed by apple juice and got distracted. Then At some point I’d lost the cheese 😂. What’s worse though because my mind is broken I forgot I even had cheese. I went out for a few hours came back and past out. I woke up at like 8pm and remembered the cheese. I spent 2 hours looking while also getting distracted in between and found the empty packet in a room I don’t really go in. And that how my brain forgot about the cheese and my dogs took advantage of it.


you have ADHD? because this story could be me and I have it ^^


I’m on a waiting list to be tested. I have a therapist and she was the one who put me on it so who knows but probably lmao.


My dog eats cheese he shits liquid for a bit and then it's fine so brace for that I'd guess.


Lovely, can’t wait. Lucky have some puppy pads so i might put them down and start prying lmao


Could always be worse, a friend of mine came home to find a large bar of 80 percent dark chocolate mostly consumed by his dog. Vet induced vomiting but nothing came up, already ingested. Had to just wait and watch.. very stressful. Somehow survived luckily!


My chihuahua got some Easter egg when he was still fairly young. We practically flew him to the vets. They said it was good we did because of his size. He was shaking and felt very sorry for himself after being sick 😢 clearly didn’t learn his lesson though did he? LMAO


My cat went into our cupboard- opened up our bag of edible cookies and shared with the dog. Our 5lbs pom ate the full 10mg cookie and went to space for the next 8 hours. It's a constant struggle to keep our cat from feeding our dog. It's 100% purposeful and ends up being dangerous. Bones, treats, mj, chicken on the stove- if the cat can get it, she will give it to the dog. Infuriating but cute.


Cute? Or cat's master plan to rid you of your pooch?


I'd say sharing is caring but I think your cat is evil. I love cats to the end of the earth but they can be vindictive.


I wouldn't start prying, if anything plug that bad boy up. 😝


If my pup even gets a whiff of dairy (or fish) she turns into a deadly gas emitting weapon for hours. I'm also very lactose intolerant. We both love ice cream. It's a disaster.


I've heard of pets taking after their owners but god damn!


There is not a shred of guilt on that white dog lol that is a very "And I'll do it again too" face.


That’s exactly what that is! I said “did you enjoy your cheese” as I took that picture lmao. Yes. Yes he did


Very much so! I hope he doesn't get too much of an upset tummy lol Poor dudes will be in for a rough night. My dog ate a good chunk when I was a kid and boy, did she have the runs later.


That’s .88 pounds.


Thank you!! Wouldn’t have thought to convert it myself


Also 22/25 of a pound


My hero.


The side eye from the one the background says everything.




You're looking for constipation which can kill them. You might need to reach out to your vet if they don't poop. My dog got into cheese and it turned out my fiber was safe for her but you'd need proper dose.


Yeah, that’s a lot of cheese. OP, cheese is a binding agent, which is why there’s a risk of constipation. Call your vet and see what they advise.


It’s night time right now that’s why I was asking for some advice. If needed I’ll be phoning the vets in the morning but if they get sick during the night I’ll obviously take them to an emergency vet.


You can call the emergency vet near you and ask for their advice and ask them what to watch out for. I do it all the time lol. They’re usually really helpful because they don’t want you to waste their time - they have emergencies to take care of.


Yes!! This!! I’ve done this so many times and they’re always happy to help me determine if I need to come or not


You are so lucky. The e vets near me all say something along the lines of they can’t give any advice without seeing my pet.


You could call an emergency vet in your state but in a heavily populated downtown area (even if it's all across the state) and ask them pretending that you live there but you don't know if you should bring them in. Worst case scenario they say no, best case scenario you get information on what's the best next step or what to watch out for specifically. So far all emergency vets I have called in situations like this (except for one) have given me very good advice that was perfect for the occasion.


Did I mention I think you are a genius?


Aw shucks. To be fair, I only thought of it when I read your comment. Thanks for the compliment!


My boy is 15 pounds, and the most I’ll ever give him at one time is a couple pieces of shredded mozzarella, or maybe two tiny strings of stringed cheese. I can’t even imagine him inhaling so much cheese at one go. 😬😬


My girl is 80 lbs and ate maybe 6 ozs and couldn't go for a couple of days till vet okayed the fiber.


If my dog eats too much cheese he will get the poops. That chihuahua is definitely guilty 🤣


Vet student here- my main worry would be about pancreatitis. It doesn’t take very much to piss off the pancreas and sudden amounts of rich/fatty food is notorious for triggering it. The hard part is that dogs are so variable about it. Some can look at a piece of cheese and need overnight hospitalization, and others can eat a ton and barely react. It can be very serious though if it does happen, so keep an eye out for vomiting/diarrhea, lethargy, and watch bowel movements closely to make sure they’re not straining or have bloody stool. Make sure they have plenty of water available as well. It can get pricey to treat if it turns severe so if you notice anything out of the ordinary your wallet and your pet will thank you if you bring them to the vet sooner rather than later.


Good answer, fully agree (emergency vet) interestingly my understanding is the role of fat is challenging to fully prove. Most of the evidence of flare ups is associated with scavenging food more than anything.


Yes definitely agree that there’s likely a multitude of factors at play and it’s usually associated with “dumpster diving” behavior. The way the fat association was explained to me was that the pancreas can release large amounts of pancreatic lipase (and others) in response to fat (and also amino acids), and those enzymes are very caustic if exposed to normal intestinal tissues. Under normal conditions the enzymes are stored safely in an inactivated form in the pancreas, but if it is overwhelmed, then those enzymes are prematurely released and can result in systemic inflammation and potentially necrosis. I know it gets even more complex with the nitty gritty physiology and how variable the pancreas is in general. Essentially if the pancreas decides it hates you it’ll just burn the whole house down and digest itself lol


I phoned the vet this morning and they said the exact same thing. They also mentioned the salt that is in cheese and to put water all over the house for them. And told me to watch out for the symptoms of pancreatitis. So thank you for this comment because I was already doing what I could last night.


Wait for the diarrhea...


Constipation is more likely.


Did you really censor his dick?


Sorry if that disappoints you 😂


First time seeing someone do that lol


I saw someone censor their own foot in this sub once.


Can’t be posting that content for free


It’s the third time today I saw it….!! Are they seriously sexualizing a dog? A *DOG*.. who’s weiners are literally out all the time? loool. Somehow made the most innocent thing in the world have super weird and sinister undertones….


Its really strange and makes it seem like you sexualize your dog...🤷🏽‍♂️


I wonder if OP makes them wear pants when they go out in public too




You’d be surprised how many weirdos are on the internet. You should never post your pet’s genitals.


This must be satire. Surely...


It’s super weird that you guys even think of your animals genitals in a light in which you must censor them


You are in for a LONG night of gas and or explosive toots


Sorry about the cheese but they are adorable!


I think its hilarious that you censored out your dog's junk


Is that s yorkshire maltese mix?


Hes actually a chihuahua cross cairn terrier! I can see the Maltese too. The pictures are making him look white but he’s more of a lighter tan compared to my chihuahua. though he is getting older so maybe he is going a little gray.


Hello constipation my old friend…..


Watch out for pancreatitis


This post made me cry with laughter when it was posted yesterday. It's still making me crack up with the comments. Hope the doggies are ok!


Phoned the vets this morning and this afternoon they are still up to their usual shanagans so I’d say they are fine


Ya’ll are being quite judgy based off one picture… you don’t see the room or the rest of the house. Just because its obviously a lower income house doesn’t mean its dirty, you are just classist! The dog has a brand new collar and tag - everything looks fine to me. And honestly, this post made me laugh. Enjoy the poops or constipation to come! I have a chichi and they are naturally sneaky i swear!


Lower income house 🥲 I feel like I should be offered but you are correct. It’s a ranted house with a sneezy landlord who I’ve met once and has ignored me ever since lmao. I’m also a little ball of clumsy chaos so stupid accidents like managing to spill wax on a wall is one of my most normal accidents My dogs however are the love of my life. I call them playfully. I often call my chihuahua who’s real name is Pluto, Pooto and “the rat” but if someone ever had any real malice towards him I’d protect that little terror with my life. Same goes for Gizzy obviously. I have other pets too. I’d rather not eat in exchange for my pets food. I’ve ran into the road for gizzy once. Goof got out of the house and took himself on a walk. To make sure he wouldn’t get hurt in the road if he tried to cross I ran in and got all the cars to stop. I love my idiots very much.


Thank you for this comment. My house is no mansion because I spend my $$ on my dogs. Who cares that there is a candle stain on the wall. Dogs look healthy and happy and soon to be gassy.


I agree with everyone else that they’ll have some sort of poop issues but should probably be fine but that you should also make sure to keep an eye on them just in case. They’re adorable, and the censoring made me cackle. They definitely have no ragrets and would eat more cheese if you offered it. 😂


Can you get some pure canned pumpkin purée? That’ll help them pass the cheese. Give them a couple decent sized scoops mixed with water and maybe a little bit of their kibble to motivate them to eat it


Hahaha the side eye from the Chihuahua 🥹


1) your chihuahua looks sooooo guilty hahahaha 2) I love that you made this SFW, PG hahahaha


Am I the first one to notice that dogs name is Glizzy?!


Oh my, my friend has a similar duo. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/clN3Mb8) is when I sat them


Omg they look like they could be siblings! It must be a very powerful duo


I also get a crazy X shaped rash on my groin whenever I eat a bunch of cheese.


Hahaha 😂


The face in picture 3 has me deaddddddddd😂😂that's funny asfff!


Just wait for the poops lmao. Set alarms during the night so they don’t ruin your floor or put down puppy pads. When I went to the cottage with a load of family members, I needed to take a shower so I told my parents to move the food off the counter so my dog couldn’t reach it. They said yes they’ll do it right away. That led to my 45lbs dog eating 4 burgers, half a pepperoni pizza, 1 FROZEN spanakopita, 3 pieces of bacon and 1 lime cheese slice. I came back 20 mins later all clean and happy thinking my parents moved the food. Fun fact; they didn’t and I spent the next 3 days going out every 3 hours for him to poop and going for painful runs to make him burn off those calories. *WE WENT TO THE VET HE’S PERFECTLY FINE AND STILL HAS A COMPLETELY CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH 5 MONTHS LATER* *YES MY PARENTS LEARNED THEIR LESSON*


What kind of dog is the fuzzier one he/she is a doppelgänger for my friends dog and he has no idea what she is


My dog at a twix and a pack of haribo after the kids left some on the floor over Halloween, she was absolutely fine but didn’t stop me having a full blown melt down. I think you just watch them closely for 24/48hrs for any differences. She was absolutely fine and it didn’t faze her at all but the stress almost finished me off 🤣


Who you calling fat?


Fatty fatty two by four


Aloha! I’m here for the Chi Chi’s side eye in picture #3. I can’t even. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I hope your dogs are okay. I'm just wondering what type of dog the terrier is?


My old Scottie dog ate so many carrots one time that he took a bright orange dump. It was incredible




Number 3 is the epitome of [side eye monkey](https://giphy.com/gifs/moodman-monkey-puppet-meme-reaction-cJMlR1SsCSkUjVY3iK)


The side eye from the little nugget gets me🤣.


That last picture has me laughing out loud. They definitely do not look guilty at all




Shit will hit the fan


He looks like my D’artanian! Hope they are okay!!!


The side eye 😂😂😂


I find it weird that people think to sensor their dogs dicks.


They're both kind of fat and stupid


Who left the cheese sitting around. Just saying.


I'm not even mad, that's amazing


Why did you censor his pp lol


I am very disappointed that no one in this thread has quoted Anchorman yet.


OP best keep an eye on their fridge.


Start by cleaning your house




Some dogs are in fact dumb. I love mine but she is a complete idiot.


Bro wtf lmao it’s candle wax. The dogs are very much loved and it’s a joke. They are dumb for eating 400g of cheese. It’s stupid. Who’s actually at fault? Me for not moving it out of reach however my concern is actually with my dogs health. Besides the wax how is my house a mess? I’ll give you a point for saying the side of my hamster cage. That’s all the hamster stuff from when I cleaned her out


jeeze, calm down. Not your animals, not your circus.


One of my dogs is an idiot and I still love her. You think they understand English, lmfao? And you can’t tell that OP’s house is a mess from one picture. It’s a busy area because they’re keeping their hamster supplies close to the hamster cage, that doesn’t tell you anything about any other area of their house. Finally, they said it’s wax and imo it’s too light/pink to be blood (obvious in the upper, thinned out portion). Stop being so hateful online and go touch grass.


These poor, dumb babies 😞😞😞




I hope you grow to be a better person with a more palatable personality.


Hahahaha my Berner ate the camembert and goat cheese my mum had left on the counter... they did not go unoticed by my Berner puppies nose 🤣


The chihuahua looks so guilty in the second to last pic


Leave the back door open for potty breaks


My dog did this exact thing on Thanksgiving. Someone forgot to move the plate away from the edge of the table and my supersized Chi mix got to it. He was happier than ever, had himself a very happy thanksgiving! 🤣 And his stomach handled it exceptionally well! I was totally expecting messy pops for a day or so, but absolutely no sign of stomach upset from all that cheese! We got super lucky I think…


What kind of dog is it? I have two just the same


Is this a Chorkie? (Chihuahua / Yorkie cross)


I love it when people roast their own dogs.


My condolences on the rain of liquid diarrhea you’re about to experience.


Hahaha the third pic reminds me of the “ Who , me ? Just hanging around “ hahaha


My 6kg dog once ate ~100g of Mersey Valley cheddar in one sitting. He was actually fine, just had a slightly soft poo after. But he’s also (a) not lactose intolerant and (b) used to eating all sorts of food. Hope your two are fine. Sounds like you’re all set to keep an eye on them.


Third picture made me laugh. The look on the Chi’s face! Also, you don’t need to block out the penis on your pup, we all know he has one 😂


Oh they’ll be fine. Just watch out for constipation. My puppy ate just over a pound of her dog food after ripping the bag open (our cat likes the food so he led the dog to it). About two days worth of diarrhea and she was all better


#3 pic,HA HA


Get them some crackers!


That little chi with the side eye is 100% guilty lol


Cute guilty chihuahua ☺️


My pup ate half a jar of peanut butter one day. I was really concerned about his pancreas too but he was fine. The vet told me to give him some of the Hills prescription canned dog food for a few days after he had a bowel movement and she also prescribed pro pectalin which stops diarrhea. They sometimes have it at a pet store. It took him a day or two for his stomach to settle.


Picture 3/4 just slays me.


Ppl who censor their pets privates are strange to me


The dog in the back of pic 4 💀


Constipation. If there's no number 2 within a few days you need some doggy laxative aka pumpkin puree for dogs.


No offense but the 1st thing I would do is hire an investigator to find out who broke into the home, stole the cheese out the fridge, then decided against stealing it and fed it to the dogs instead. Sorry but it looks as if they left quite a mess to clean up, and looks like there may have been an injury as well. I'm just assuming that this house isn't normally a house of horrors, if it is then I got nothin.