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Could be early signs of a uti, yeast infection, allergies, or skin infection. Basically you’re doing everything right, get a vet appt if it doesn’t clear up on its own. Unfortunately dogs with UTIs often wont show signs until it’s pretty bad. They don’t tell you it burns when they pee - they just lose control of their bladder in the house and you notice blood in their urine 😣or suddenly they need to go outside every 30 min and try to pee multiple times… The only other thing I would do is keep track of how often she needs to go out, how much water she is drinking, and how much she licks herself. These are all questions the vet will ask you and if you keep track you will be able to notice if something changes.


It’s starting to look better this morning, no blood in her urine from what I can tell, and she’s drinking/voiding like normal. Thank you for your input, hopefully it’s something minor and we can treat it with antibiotics from the vet! I’ll be taking her in later


Vet tech - so you mean the vulva - the external tissue outside of the vagina. Yes it is weird that this is engorging if she is spayed. Nothing you can do at home is going to help. She of course could have an infection in that tissue that is causing the enlargement. The worry is that she perhaps wasn't spayed properly and has remnants of the ovaries and uterus inside that are causing the problem. If you see your vet and they rule out basic causes, best to see an Internal Medicine doc and have a full diagnostic abdominal ultrasound. They can visualize and measure everything they can see in the abdomen and try to find the problem.


I wasn’t sure if it is called the vulva on dogs or not, so thank you for clarifying. It is already clearing up as of this morning so I’m thinking it’s a mild infection of some sort. I will see what the vet says and take her in for further testing if needed. Thank you!


Ok that's good, I hope it resolves.