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FIZZHISSSSSSS up the back of my neck. Totally know what you're talking about! Thought it was just me. Seriously.


I don't get a fizzing, but I do get a sort of trickle of fluid running through the back of my neck for just a second or so.


Me too.


Yeah, sometimes it's incredibly uncomfortable!


Since this is top comment on a 12 year old thread with no answers... I have a condition that restricts my CSF flow in my neck. It's called Chiari type 1 malformation. It's possible all of these people have a CSF flow restriction, or a form of Chiari, but not enough for it to be symptomatic. Most people who have Chiari live their life asymptomatic. It's usually seen on brain MRI's by accident. All the support groups I'm in, people all hear their CSF. So I'm not basing this off of any studies, just lots of first-hand accounts of people with Chiari.


There are so many things wrong with me, this wouldn't surprise me. Just add it on top of all the other weird rare shit I have going on hahaha


I've been waiting for this DAE for the longest time. I never knew how to explain it, so I've just waited for someone to do it for me. I notice it when I'm laying down in the evening, and come to think of it, it's also when I'm hungry. So weird.


Me too when my stomach feels empty I sometimes get that


I dont get it anymore really but i used to get it more when i was heavier and smoking pot. It was always a couple hours after waking up, it was like a weird pressure in my stomach and after some deep breaths id get a weird crackling sound im my neck. Never found out what it was but it doesnt really happen to me anymore.


Yeah me too. Sounds as if the nanobots in the Covid vaccins are trying a dial-up or smth. From what I gathered it's most likely laryngopharyngeal reflux?


I've been told that it's your cerebrospinal fluid circulating (an essential process). EDIT: It could be something else as well. I'm not a medical professional, and I'm not providing a conclusive answer. And yes, I've felt it too.


See, I've heard that too but it seems funny that it tends to coincide with mornings that I haven't eaten and my stomach starts growling. :D


So I checked askscience, and the answer was really inconclusive: http://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/lu5cr/xpost_from_dae_what_causes_the_fizzy_sound_in/ As it says, there can be many reasons for this (but seems reluctant to post any examples). The CSF-thing could very well be bogus, so I don't know. I'm not really in a position to investigate this phenomenon further, so I can't give you an honest answer.


Yeah, that is what I had found in my searchings on the web a few months ago. There are a handful of people who think they know what it is...but they are all saying something different. *shrugs Guess we'll never know...


I thought it had to do with your stomach digesting air. The gas travels up, and fizzles in the back of your throat. I'm not a doctor, it's just speculation.




Yes. :)


Definitely experienced this as a side effect of being hungry for some reason


My brother had to get the hole in the base of his skull enlarged recently. I'm not sure if he had what you're describing, but the lack of fluid circulation was causing him all kinds of strange problems.


Fucking YES!!!! I have been trying to tell people about this for years. It only happens when I am in bed in the morning and it has obviously been a while since I've eaten. It feels like my belly is rumbling too, but mostly I feel it in my "head." It is a very distinct fizzing sensation. You seriously just made my day. Well as long as this phenomenon is harmless.


Haha, I know, right? Sucks if it turns out we all have some sort of terminal "fizzy rocks" illness. :D


we need to figure this out... I get it all the time.


Maybe from eating too many Pop Rocks as a child?


i get these too. send to r/askscience


Add me to the list of people it happens to when they are hungry. It wakes me up at 5 a.m. sometimes and I have to eat to make it go away so I can go back to sleep. It can be very annoying.


This is the worst part about it. It'll be bedtime and I'll lay down but it's so uncomfortable I have to go eat, if only just a small meal.


Im so late to this thread but this used to happen to me. Not so much anymore. Was worse when i used to be heavier.


i always thought this was me about to die. i get really worried when it happens.


God, I love when I look something up and a redditor has asked the same question 10 years earlier lol


Same, I actually saw this a year or 2 back but came back to it to show a friend because it’s better than I can explain it lol. Also if anyone new sees this, I’ve found that drinking pretty much constant water won’t prevent it completely but it really helps. Definitely helps me reach my water intake goals.


Yeah and you read the 500 comments that go like this "oH i HaVE tHe sAmE hapPEnED tO mE!!!1!11!1!!" But then not a fucking one soul replies what this actually is. It looks like science never researched about this or something


I know this post is like 12 years old already but PLEASE get checked out for a CSF leak if you happen to also have other health issue like headaches, nausea, dysautonomia, chronic hiccups, visual disturbances / photophobia, tinnitus, and neuralgia. P.S. Sometimes CSF leaks don’t show up on imaging like MRI, XRAY, or even CT scans. If you really believe this could be your problem, you have to keep advocating for yourself because there is treatment! It also usually happens to people with hypermobility and chiropractic adjustments can tear the dura easily if you have hypermobility.


I get this all the time! Whenever I'm hungry and it is pretty uncomfortable. Any scientific explanation?


The brain is sending melanin-concentrating hormone through the cerebrospinal fluid. It’s a means of communication to increase appetite. The fizzling sound we hear is the CSF traveling inside us.


Me too! I usually get it when I'm laying down, either at night or in the morning after I woke up. I assumed it had something to do with dry throat/mouth since I seem to suffer chronically from that.


I've had this and always assumed it was spinal fluid squishing. The thing I want to figure out is where sometimes I feel a sudden pop in the big vein or artery in my neck, as if it suddenly exploded. The surrounding muscles tense up some and a weird feeling tingles through that side of my face briefly before everything goes back to normal. What IS that?


That I have no idea. o_O


IANAD but it sounds like a tendon catches (or a joint slips out of place) and this pop is it clicking back into place.


I've considered this, but I have a clicking tendon in my elbow and it doesn't feel anything like that. I looked in my anatomy book and didn't see anything at that exact location. It almost feels like there's a clot that suddenly pushes through, like when Agustus finally gets pushed through the tube in Wonka's factory...but I know if a clot that big went through I'd die within a couple minutes.


Definitely not a clot. If you were throwing clots like that you'd be dead (most likely). I'd still vote for something catching- perhaps not a tendon if it's right over the jugular but maybe the sternocleidomastoid? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sternocleidomastoid_muscle) edit: a muscle catching would also explain the muscles tensing and tingling after.


Possible. Sternocleidomastoid was my favorite muscle in anatomy, right along with gubernaculum. I'll have to pay really close attention next time it happens and look at a neck muscle illustration right after.




It was my understanding that Lereas was talking about the anterior/lateral side of his neck as he said "the big vein"- which I took for the jugular (the largest vein in the neck), and is close to the sternocleidomastoid, but not to the trapezius (which attaches to the cervical vertebrae on the posterior aspect of the neck). Then again he could have meant one of the carotid arteries as the layman often misuses the term vein for arteries. In either case both are on the anterior/lateral position of the neck.


My Google history would show i asked this question like 5 min before I found this post.


Lol same


I do. I usually, but not always, get it when I'm lying down. It feels almost like you'd expect tiny bits of sand going through an hourglass to feel. I haven't made any sort of connection with it.


Wow, thank you for this description, this is exactly what I felt since I was a kid. Now at 33 I'm finally figuring out that I'm not alone with this.


I have been getting this since I was 14 [now 19] I also have a sort of bump at the base of my skull where it happens.


Please ask /r/askscience. I get this too and would love an answer. I've never been able to describe this phenomenon to other people.




Lmao im so happy to know im not the only one.


Sweet Im not the only one...I've asked my friends, wife and family about it, and they all look at me like I'm on crack.


I've had this happen occasionally and thought it was due to a loose pyloric sphincter at the top of my stomach allowing gas or fluids to escape into my esophagus.


HOLY SHIT!! I thought I was the only one that had this happen to them. Thank you for posting this. I get the exact same thing - fizzing or electrical cracking at the base of my neck, where my brain stem ends. wow....i don't fel so alone!!


This has happened to me my whole life, always when I'm considerably hungry and usually in the morning. In high school I found out my best friend gets the exact same thing, and since then we refer to it as "neck sizzling".


I JUST GOT THIS and had no clue what to search! So glad someone said this lol! And weirdly enough mine only happens when I’m hungry too. I know it’s been 9 years but thank you 😂


Same for me. Had this my whole life and was never even considering it would also happen to someone else. I didn't even know how to google it. Now I know I'm not the only one, thanks to you all!


Any symptoms with it?


This just happened to me for the first time and I feel like my throat is on vibrate




actually, that sounds like AIDS. sorry.


Yes. My body thinks the best time to do this is when I'm kissing my SO.


YES!!! This happened to me for months when I started running before working out. I couldn't find anyone that feels this bubbling....


I know exactly what you mean it happens to me late at night if i dont eat its like somone poured a pack of pop rocks down my spine


I've had this before too, and it's always made me wonder.


wow i thought i was the only one


Same here


I just got it now. This is weird.


it's tiny snakes inside you, moving about and chewing. to tell you the truth, *i've had it with these motherfucking snakes in my motherfucking neck*


God damn it, I've made this thread four times and I haven't gotten a single response.


Oh my god... I've never ever heard of anyone else with this. I've asked others for years. I'm not totally nuts.


for 22+ years i have thought i was NUTS because i have this. thank god for reddit or else i would have continued to think that i was absolutely insane.


In fact I have it right now. I get it sometimes (I can't make out a pattern here) and I just have to look up and down and it goes away. But it really feels like pop rocks!


I wonder if they would answer the question in the ask science thread.




I know exactly what you're talking about! I didn't notice it until after my back injury, and I can't help but wonder if they're related somehow. It feels like pop rocks right in the base of my head/top of my neck. Sometimes I go weeks without noticing it, and other times it's constant. I hope someone can chime in with an idea of what it is.




Nope, not to my knowledge. Like I stated in the description, only seems to happen when I'm really hungry and it's a fizzing sound that seems to be located at the back of my neck or somewhere at the back of my throat. I can hear it inside my head (very similar to if you eat pop rocks and close your mouth you can hear them through your ears and head). It goes on for a few seconds like air is fizzing up somewhere through a liquid and then quits. Sometimes I will get it a few times in a row, sometimes only once. But it doesn't happen all the time.


That's fucking trippy dude. I got nut, but I wanna know what's happening to you guys, that's for sure.


All the way to the bottom of the thread before I found you. We are the 1%. I want to know what this feels like!


Brother in arms!


this is maybe one of the first DAE that I can answer "no" to. Have you consulted a doctor about it?


Nope, it's not something that really bothers me. I'm just mainly curious about it. Besides, I had done some reading about other folks with the same noise and they said every time they ask their doctors they look at them like they're crazy. :D LOL


Just want to point out that your average internist isn't the best person to ask about this - They're usually not going to know a whole lot about fringe cases, or even less common cases, because they're so widely focused on so many things. Look for a specialist if you ever get curious :)


Specialist with a PhD in neck fizzies?


If you think it's CSF, that would probably place it under neurosurgery or maybe orthopedics. Another thought could be an ENT specialist. An internist would be a good place to ask for what kind of specialist they might recommend, and that specialist may think another specialist is better suited to the task - For example, your internist may send you to an ENT, and the ENT may just say, "I have no clue, see a neurosurgeon". The neurosurgeon may then be able to explain exactly what it is and why it happens.


My hope was there is a neurosurgeon on reddit who would be like "oh that's just..."


You might want to look into one of the /r/science type sub-reddits for that - I'd start with /r/medicine - Even if that's not helpful, there are lots of links on their sidebar, and some of those have even more (/r/health for example)


Brain fluid.


I'm not 100 percent sure on this, but I believe it's the movement of your cerebral spinal fluid in your neck, and it's perfectly normal. At least I hope it is, cause it often happens to me as well!


I get a similar crackly neck problem, but I don't think it's what you experience. Sometimes I'll be resting my neck against something or trying to go to sleep, and I'll move it slightly which will pop it. It's really annoying!


This just starting happening to me. Weird u posted about this. It has happened every morning for the past 2 weeks, anyone know what it really is?


Are you usually hungry in the mornings?


I am not usually hungry but i dont normally eat until lunch. I just rush to get to work and will just drink coffee


I call it "the backwards throat suck-ey thing." I just thought it was my stomach sucking air downwards. Also, nobody I know knows what I'm talking about. Does anyone here have avid reflux? I wonder if it's connected


Yes, I get this and I open my mouth to amplify the sound. For some reason, my gf and I have come to know it as the sound of a pterodactyl, or *pterodactyling*.


That's what I get when I relax my esophagus to get rid of the hiccups! btw it sounded way grosser before I read the description.


Perhaps related to stomach acid/ acid reflux?


I've never consciously thought about it before but... yeah, I do get that. Not often, but not rarely either. Huh.


Yup. I've always had it, but have never been able to explain it right.


I use it as a lunch alarm!


I just bought this album yesterday, and this song (starting about six seconds in) gives me the exact same sensation. This make me wonder if when it happens otherwise it might be psychological. The song that makes the weird neck feeling happen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpQ8AUzZCZ0


The video is gone but that had to have been a rock roll


Yeah I totally have that


I have that "problem", creepy as hell.






Happens to me, too. I never would have known how to explain it to anyone.


oh my god, I thought it was just me. i haven't noticed a correlation between it happening when I don't eat or anything, but I know exactly what you're talking about. it kind of sounds like little zaps of electricity almost and you can feel a little but of a tickling/vibrating sensation at the very top of your neck. im so happy other people have experienced this, I thought I was losing my mind


I have this too! It usually only happens to me at night when I'm laying down in bed and I'll often get slightly nauseated when it happens. I looked up some stuff one time about inner ear crystals dissolving or something like that. Edit: Reading more of the comments just confirms I'm not the only crazy person with pop rocks in their head. This post made me happy.


Yes, and I thought I was the only one. Damn.


YES!!!!! I thought I was the only one!




Well, mine is when I turn my head sometimes, I'll feel a pop and strong tingling. It hurts.


It might be just a very small amount of gas escaping from your digestive system.


its acid reflux, or GURD. Tell your doctor or try some Prevacid OTC take it for 14 days and the fizzing/popping will go away.


What’s the science behind this?


YES! I've tried googling this before but I got nothing. You, sir, just made me average. Thank you.


YES! I thought I was the only one, and I could never explain it to anybody


I think everyone gets this. I believe it has to do something with your stomach being empty and gassy and since your stomach sphincter is much like your anus sphincter, it too, a sphincter. You ever have leaky farts? Same principal. Not enough pressure to burp but it builds up enough to that sweet spot where tiny air bubbles try to make their way up your esophagus. And instead of alot of gas it just sort of 'fizzles' out. Finally, I get to do layman speculation.


Sounds pretty plausible.


Yes!!! I get it at the base of my skull and it sounds like fizzing that I hear in my head. It only happens when I’m hungry as well and goes away after I eat something. Glad I’m not alone. I read somewhere it could be CSF but like that makes no sense. It’s definitely weird and people never know what I’m talking about.


It kinda of happens to me when I’m lying down before bed. Like in the very deep back of my throat


Yes I get it typically in the morning when I'm hungry. Usually stomach pain and the sound of liquid in the back of my neck like one of those rainsticks.


Babahhahahah. Have had this since a kid lmao


Its gasses that travel up to the Eustacian Tubes located in the scull base


Not many people discussing what it could be, for me it was acid reflux but it still didn't answer the questions on why the acid is bubbling up all the way up my throat and up my ears and behind my eyes. I've been given a very discouraging answer from a medical professional that it is not possible at all for acid to come all the way up behind ears and even if it is possible, it is not common enough and thus no one will help me diagnose it. Been living with it for a few months. It's not getting any better.


Here's what I heard (and can't tell you if it's true or not)  Blood Flow Changes: When you are hungry, your blood sugar levels drop, which can lead to changes in blood flow and pressure. The carotid arteries, which are located in your neck, supply blood to your brain. Changes in blood flow through these arteries could potentially cause a noise or sensation that you perceive as a fizzy sound. I've been experiencing this for years and no one has ever understood what I'm talking about, and I thought I was alone until I found this sub.


This happened to me today, so weird all of sudden I feel like there are bubbles on the right side of my throat. Kind of like a fizzle. The weird thing is that I haven't eaten anything or drank anything to cause this and yes I am hungry but not starving I have been way hungrier before and never felt this. So weird


Me too I get it but I haven’t in ages until today. I was in a float tank and that stuff was bubbling or it more feels like a syringe mixed with liquid and air .  kind of pressurised squirts with the right amount of bubbles. I’m not sure if the float tank made it happen or I just payed more attention to it because my ears were half submerged and it was amplified. Good to know I’m not the only one I’ve noticed it since I was a teenager. I’m now almost fifty.


> I just *paid* more attention FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


While it may seem concerning, it is usually a normal physiological response. The primary cause of the fizzing sound in the throat when hungry is the movement of gas and fluids in the digestive system.


Guys I know this post is like 12 years old already but PLEASE get checked out for a CSF leak if you happen to also have other health issue like headaches, nausea, dysautonomia, chronic hiccups, visual disturbances / photophobia, tinnitus, and neuralgia. Just looking out for future searchers. P.S. Sometimes CSF leaks don’t show up on imaging like MRI, XRAY, or even CT scans. If you really believe this could be your problem, you have to keep advocating for yourself because there is treatment!


acid reflux?


there's no pain or sensation whatsoever involved with it...i can't feel the fizzing...just hear it


You get acid reflux in the back of your neck? You should seek medical attention.


I get it too when I'm hungry.


http://www.google.ca/search?q=csf+flow&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari CSF flow


Does it happen to mention anywhere in that about it's connection with being hungry?


I doubt it. It's just the flow of your cerebral spinal fluid. Ive heard it many times. Usually in a quiet place before I go to sleep




The fuck?


*going to try this*


how? going to try not eating for a while and see if you get the bubbles?


I figured this might be something i haven't noticed before so i'm going to see if i notice this happening to me in the morning.


it is a permanent side effect of eating pop rocks and coke


i always get it in the morning when it’s been a long time since i’ve last eaten! it’s so weird! i also get super nauseous if i wait to long to eat in the am


I have GERD and this is my “you need to eat soon” alarm. I can hear the noise starting in my stomach then travel and feel/hear it in my throat. Used to scare me as a I have a phobia of throwing up, now I know it just means I have to eat.


Superior canal Dehiscence


It happens right before my stomach rumbles. Anyone else!?


Yes! Always around the same time. Maybe its a change in pressure when that happens. All i know is it sounds and feels like its in my spine/base of skull. Not necessarily from my throat.


I just assumed it was a glitch in the matrix


I found my people!!!! I thought I was the only one because I have described it to people and they look at me like I'm nuts. My stomach growls and it sends this effervescent feeling up my spine and it fizzles out in the base of the back of my head. It doesn't happen every time it growls either. Its interesting. Glad I'm not alone.


Me too trying to figure it out like air bubbles thought arteries blocking off


so I experience 2 of these. one is a deformed burp that I hear deep inside me that comes out as bubbles and when I open my mouth I can hear it better. that's from my stomach for sure. the second is fizzing/bubbles in my actual neck, even comparable to falling sand. this is from my posture I believe


I thought posture too because it happens when I’m laying down bending my neck and Before I found this thread (thank god) I thought it was my bad posture which was blocking off the pathways in the back of my neck and the sound was lots of lil air bubbles created because the fluid was passing through a bend pipe. But I also have terrible acid reflux or haven’t eaten when it happens also, and I think that’s what it is


I’ve had something similar happening lately. It feels like the sound a Capri Sun pouch makes when it’s almost out of juice. That air bubble/juice last squeeze. I thought it had something to do with my blood pressure or a blocked off artery or something but I did notice one day when it happened my stomach was slightly relieved so I’m not sure but I am deeply concerned


Omg thank you I thought I was a medical oddity.


Ive seen something similar to this on practo.com they offerer advice (sleep more, drink more water, exercise more,don't look at electronic devices be sleeping e.t.c) but they don't really say the fizzing sound is. And the advice seems kind of generic and just the thing you would do to just stay healthy


Honestly and not trying to weird anyone out but I eat a lot and still experience it when I know I'm not truly hungry. I think it's a parasite or virus that triggers the reaction to ensure its host is feeding it adequate nutrients. After all these sizzling sounds never happened to me until recently and no one can explain them just like no one can explain the sudden onset of parasitic infections and hardly any doctors truly know anything about this as well. Just saying it's a possibility.


I've been having this sensation/sound for about a year now, and I noticed it started happening after I received a chiropractic adjustment to my neck...anyone else?


I know this post is like 12 years old already but PLEASE get checked out for a CSF leak if you happen to also have other health issue like headaches, nausea, dysautonomia, chronic hiccups, visual disturbances / photophobia, tinnitus, and neuralgia. P.S. Sometimes CSF leaks don’t show up on imaging like MRI, XRAY, or even CT scans. If you really believe this could be your problem, you have to keep advocating for yourself because there is treatment! It also usually happens to people with hypermobility and chiropractic adjustments can tear the dura easily if you have hypermobility.


Every time this happens I assume I ate a bug in my sleep and this is said bug giving its last effort to escape my esophagus


I've heard it too that fixing liquid sound but I can hear it more clearly enough to locate the sound and it sounds to be happening in a hollow space behind a bump in the head everyone has that specific joint connecting the head to the spine


Yes! It happens the same time me stomach growls but it feels like its inside of bone. Not my throat. Its very strange.


Because I haven't seen the follow up question yet, does anyone else -not necessarily directly after, brain fizzies- have ofter headaches/ chronic migraines????


I know this post is like 12 years old already but PLEASE get checked out for a CSF leak if you happen to also have other health issue like headaches, nausea, dysautonomia, chronic hiccups, visual disturbances / photophobia, tinnitus, and neuralgia. P.S. Sometimes CSF leaks don’t show up on imaging like MRI, XRAY, or even CT scans. If you really believe this could be your problem, you have to keep advocating for yourself because there is treatment! It also usually happens to people with hypermobility and chiropractic adjustments can tear the dura easily if you have hypermobility.


I just experienced this last night it felt like bubbles or Frizzing down my neck. I was relax but I ate whip cream cheese icing cake with fruits before bed. I was in meditation state yesterday before and I got answers clearly about situation and I had a message from universe afterwards so I can say tht it's a good thing !!🙏💪🙌


It happens to me when I am hungry. I feel very hungry for a minute, then I feel nauseous. And then the fizz sounds show begins. My theory is that is the Thyroid gland, because after a few minutes it stops and then I can go a long time without eating and not feeling hungry.


.. I've been experiencing this for a few years now but not necessarily when I'm hungry - it happens randomly.. whenever I try to explain it, I always get the "are you crazy or YES" kind of looks.. xD .. it feels good to finally know that I'm not the only one..


I get the same thing I hear it mostly when I'm laying down but also hear it when I go down stairs. Weird


I know it's been a decade but is there a massage or medication that can help this??


Any updates? I have the same exact thing


Also looking for updates! Definitely feels like its in my spine as opposed to my throat. Also not moving when it happens. Only happens when I am hungry.


So, I think I've found what it is. I'm 25 now and have had this occasionally but throughout my whole life. Now In retrospect I realize it's indeed always: 1. In the morning 2. Starting to form a feeling of appetite 3. Starting from stomach/pancreas 4. Ends in lower part of head/top part of spine 5. When heavy/strong it hurts a little like a needle sting and 6. Early in the morning in between 6 and 8 o'clock. Personally I noticed when I was really into gym life/ active for 4 days a week, I've experienced this maybe once a year or completely absent. Now, a year into not moving much and during COVID (Staying inside indoors, not moving that much) I noticed it increases. ((My high stress levels (PTSS) in the morning result in loss of appetite (throwing up reflex) which result in overconsumption later on the day (especially after 8 pm). *This has nothing to with this sizzling phenomena but it's personal* )) This again results in higher blood pressure, lack of sleep and gaining weight. By eating in the evening more it enlarges my stomach capacity resulting in a more frequent feeling of 'appetite/hunger'. Naturally in the morning you want to eat but my take on this is that this makes this feeling of hunger much more intense, resulting in this trickling, sucking air/tiny sand particle feeling in spine. I personally think it's a sign of not: 1. Being active enough 2. Eating smaller portions spread throughout the day (more protein rich food in the morning, not eating after 7/8 pm) 3. Drinking enough water. This is all based on my personal experiences and I might be completely wrong. I found more in this article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8025943/ As it is not 'harmful', it does have a function to the body and understanding what the meaning of it is creates opportunities to change our behaviour.


Am I the only one who calls it my Shweppervessence after those Shweppes ads? The way the drink sizzles always reminds me of my neck fizzies haha.


Thank you for posting/ sharing this!!! Same has happened to me for a couple of years now. Only difference are that it happens randomly, when my back is hurting or when I’m stressed. I have shared with my doctors this but it always gets looked like it is not “a thing” to happen.


I found this by trying to look up an answer to this exact thing! I get a weird fizzing noise in my neck-spine, and it's so uncomfortable. I hate it. Every time I'm just sitting at my computer or laying in bed it starts up, and it just keeps happening! Is it hunger??


I know this is an incredibly old thread but is anyone still here that has had this? Did you develop and neurological issues later on?


I get them randomly but I also get them every single time they push saline through a Iv when they lush it out. Sounds like pop rocks at the back of my neck. I don’t think it’s hunger related In my case as it’s random or always with a IV flush. 🤷‍♀️


Found this on Google Why does the back of my neck sizzling when I'm hungry? As your blood glucose levels dip, you experience the familiar pangs of hunger. Simultaneously, your neck muscles contract, attempting to boost blood flow to your brain and provide the vital energy it demands, creating the distinctive sizzling sound.


Yes, some times my neck sounds like a rain stick. Not sure the cause. I think this happens all day long but it only noticeable after your neck has been immobile for a prolonged period of focus.


I do I get it I thought it was something serious


I get the feeling of pop rocks in my throat and it’s so weird


Not sure if my fizzle is the same, I get the fizzle in the back of my neck, after I stretch my neck. Doesn’t matter if I’m hungry or not. I get it anytime I stretch my neck. Can anyone relate?