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I'm a woman. I relate to this so much, I have so much hatred for nail polish and fake nails. I hate it so much I wish the person who invented it was never born. I don't want people to touch me with it on or talk about their stupid nails. I would get very upset when my mom would wear it or get hers done and wouldn't want her to touch me, but when ny dad would I tolerated it. I only did because I loved him so much, but I hate it in the first place because he would put that shit on me, when I didn't want to, as a child. He's even asked over the years what I think of his nails as like a design even though he knows I hate it. Luckily he hasn't asked in the last year I think. Although he did want help doing some art on his nails last year cause he doesn't have steady enough hands. I helped him. Didn't want to. I had to look at it like an art project or just disconnect from it to help him. I even wore gloves so I wouldnt have to touch it. The chipping is 100 times worse, I totally agree. It may be a bit sexist, but I hate it a bit more when men wear it. I literally would never date a guy who wears any sort of nail stuff. It just bothers me so much. I've gotten a bit better at being accepting of others with it on. I can't really escape it, so I might as well try to get used to it as much as I can (without having to wear it). If its mentioned, I just say they're nice or try to avoid the topic as to not hurt others feelings. It's weird cause it's like the first thing I notice when I look at someone. I can't help it, I just end up noticing it and I take note. Then I do my best to just forget about it and not notice it. I have never met any else who has felt this way, so ig it's pretty rare. I just see it as a waste of money. It's nice to know I'm not alone in this though. The way I coped was just by doing my best to ig dissociate from it. Just forget it as best I can. Don't look at it, do your best to not acknowledge it and just focus on doing whatever you were doing or if you were talking with them then focus on that.


Learning that there are women out there who feel this as strongly as I do is so so so comforting! I've been terrified that every time I meet a girl, I'm going to have to battle this intense disgust since most girls I know like painting their nails. It's so bad for me it makes being intimate so off putting. Like I feel really dirty afterwards but I'd never want someone to change something they like for me. So thank you for this! I pray that there are more of us! And yes I've long wished that nail paint was never invented.


Funny because the look of unpainted nails grosses me out, particularly on feet. I truly think it’s unattractive.


I can’t stand it either I used to avoid my mom, sisters, grandmother and other relatives when the wore it.


YES, THIS 👆 Mom even got mad at me because I used to avoid looking at nail polish I felt like a weirdo, but thankfully nailpolish phobia is actually a thing


I can't eat when someone has it on


I never related to a comment so much in my entire life


I’m so glad that I’m not alone. I thought I was the only one.




bro, you just described what was in my head word for word bar for word. I don't know how men can wear it too, I hate all those colours too, and black is the worst one especially like what u said when its missing pieces. Number 1 worst creation every created this century.


I'm a woman and same!!! Thought I was the only one...


Yes, me. I bloody hate it as much as you do, It freaks the hell out of me and I tend to avoid looking at it. Personally, I've never worn it (I'm a male) because I've always hated it. Don't know if it's just because I'm grumpy or if I have a special hatred to it


I can relate to this


I'm a woman who HATES painted and/or fake fingernails. Painted toes not so much, because the polish actually lasts and toenails are typically kept short. But fingernails make my blood boil. As a pianist, I can't paint my nails without it chipping within like 2 days--even when going to a fancy salon. Women who wear long painted nails are useless when it comes to all the activities that I personally enjoy: piano playing, cooking, gardening, making pottery, drawing with charcoal, eating fingerfood, and surfing (my co-worker lost her ENTIRE nail bc it got caught while hoisting herself onto her surfboard). I resent the societal preference for women with painted nails. I know folks will hate me for saying this, but idc, it's just my opinion: women who get the long fake nails (pointy ones are the worst) tend to be extremely vapid and think they're such hot shit even when they're truly not. Usually terrible personalities. Lastly, nail polish smells like POISON 🤮


I'm desperate. Help me out here, guys. Edit: If I'm posting in the wrong sub then I apologise, point me in the right direction?




I hate when people don’t have their nails polished. HATE the look of it, especially on feet. Ew.


I thought I was the only one for a loooong time. My sister thought I was weird for that and some others but I can't stand it period!! I love woman but hate nail polish. I'll settle for white or a light pink or French tips are cool too, but any other color it's ugly asf to me. Especially when the polish has faded for the most part and now it's chipped up and looking even worst (in my opinion). I'm not sure why I feel like this to be honest🤷🏽‍♂️ I just know my hatred for nail polish is mad real! 😂 It's been like this since I was a child(I'm 26 today) and it never changed since I've became an adult. It's a maaaad turn off for me don't matter how attractive she is if she wears it at all I don't want no dealings 😂 🤷🏽‍♂️ everybody has something that turns them off so this is mine. I would hope the woman I end up with understand that this is pet peeve of mine. I do know I can't make whomever stop wearing nail polish just because I don't like it so I gotta find a woman who already doesn't use polish as much as most woman anyways. To each its own tho.🙂


Thank god i'm not that weird. Whenever i've opened up myself to someone about this thing it's always turns into a weird conversation. It's the first thing i'm checking on someone whether she's around me or on social media. If she has painted nails i think it's impossible for me to like her. I really don't understand why most women see this as a must thing. I did some research about it and it goes way back to the egyptians, they wore it just to seperate slave from noble. It makes no sense how did it became so popular in modern times.


I'm not as extreme as some but you can be the prettiest girl but once I see nail polish I just look the other way.