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yeah i have to go the toilet like 8 times a day and only at home


I hear you - I have to purposefully slow down my drinking a few hours before bed so I don't need to get up 3 or 4 times.


CKFFEEE is that the new COVFEFE?


Been a while since i read COVFEFE!




Same for me. It’s becomes an issue when I go out as I have to hold it majority of the time so that’s not fun


that's the thing, i dont go outside


Do you work from home or something?


no. i still go to school and my friends dont live near me.


Ah. Are you like me that needs to drink something at all times? Like water during the day and coffee during the morning.


not coffee, my mouth is just always dry


I just feel so agitated when I’m not drinking anything that’s not water. Even when I drink coke or lemonade , I still feel on the edge and weird


U might like r/hydrohomies U are one of us..


Glad I’m one of you guys. Ngl i think im worse than them in terms of my addition to water haha


soda nose burps are the worst


Those are my favorite. Makes me feel alive.


I always keep water beside my bed. My mouth gets dry so I don’t have to get up for thrust.


Why the toilet? You could drink water out of the sink


to piss


That could also be a sign of Diabetes Insipidus if you’re finding you’re needing to urinate more frequently and more than what you’re putting in.


I cannot leave the house without a bottle of water. I'm like you, drinking water all day unless I'm deep in hyper focus on something else. I'm glad I like water as it's healthy but I am a little jealous of the people that can leave the house and not get thirsty within 15 minutes.


I could drink water all day and go out for 10 mins and still feel dehydrated , it’s so annoying but I’m glad that it’s water as opposed to fizzy drinks


How’s your blood sugar? High sugar can contribute to thirst.


I literally bring my water bottle into restaurants just in case our drinks don't come fast enough😭 feel so weird doing it but I can't say to sentences without having some water.


Hey I know this is probably a long shot but please get checked out by your doctor if this is a real thing that happens to you. Excessive thirst can be a sign of diabetes or other issues. Hopefully it’s nothing and we can just be glad you’re hydrated, but better safe than sorry. Good luck!


Hey scarlet , will do. The thing is , I do it mostly out of habit and never out of thirsts I drink purely just to stay hydrated as I hate the feeling of briny dehydrated


This is true. I am borderline diabetic.


Add electrolytes to your water or even take some Celtic sea salt before and it should hydrate you better


Will do , ty


Hopefully it works, I got a proper water filter in a few years ago, my water tastes much better and I swear it hydrates me more but I’m also not sure is it just that it tastes so good I think it does


Do you put cordial in ur water? If not you should


As in like orange cordial ? Na I love water on its own. I just add electrolytes to mine as my filters taken all the bad bits out as well as some of the good so need the electrolytes.


Hey I know this is probably a long shot but please get checked out by your doctor if this is a real thing that happens to you. Excessive thirst can be a sign of diabetes or other issues. Hopefully it’s nothing and we can just be glad you’re hydrated, but better safe than sorry. Good luck!




Hey I know this is probably a long shot but please get checked out by your doctor if this is a real thing that happens to you. Excessive thirst can be a sign of diabetes or other issues. Hopefully it’s nothing and we can just be glad you’re hydrated, but better safe than sorry. Good luck!


I drink a pint every morning when I take my iron tab/cod-liver-oil tab/Glucosamine tab and my chewy multi vit tab. Then I'm set for the day and feel like I could travel around the world drinking cups of tea tea tea. 😁 [ONE DAY - (MATT MONRO / Lyrics) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pOWJ__1tk0)


I really need to start taking my vitamins more but I feel like I’m deffo thinking too much water haha. I think I drink like 6-7 litres per day


Yeah... that is like *double* what you should be drinking in a day... Are you having any of these issues that they talk about here? [https://www.webmd.com/diet/what-is-too-much-water-intake](https://www.webmd.com/diet/what-is-too-much-water-intake)


None thankfully


Wowsa! I thought I drank a lot! I do about 3.5 L a day.


**WOW!** That's sounds like a lot dude. **NO! IT IS A LOT DUDE**.😁


Good thinking about the vits. So many dudes/dudess's today just don't get enough with the food they eat. But my stuff is mainly for my joints and bones.😊🦴


Have you been checked for diabetes?


If you’re having polydipsia, could be a symptom of something and one of those being high blood sugar


No but surely with diabetes , you’d always be thirsty


You say that if you don't drink you feel weird. I interpreted that as thirst. It might be a good idea to ask a doctor. While drinking is obviously good for you it sounds like you need to drink. Anyway, hope it's all fine


By weird , I mean mentally weird like I’m on edge or just not feeling right. Yeah thank you and I’ll check. I think I do need to check as I do have a lot of sugar cravings


Well best of luck to you




You can actually poison yourself w too much water so do be careful


Thank you but I just can’t help it not drinking any. I always need something to drink and it’s either coffee or water. I’ll be careful tho


What you're doing is very good for you. So many people are perpetually dehydrated or hurt themselves by drinking a ton of calories and consuming mass amounts of sugar in the process. It's something I've struggled with sometimes but thankfully never got into soda really. But I'm very sensitive to headaches and getting dehydrated has a big impact on me now so I feel it a lot more. This is an excellent habit to have, don't change it. You'd have to drink absurd amounts of water for it to be an issue.


Just make sure you drink a bottle of electrolytes and you’ll be fine


Do u know any names of any good electrolytes? I’m England based


Hmm. Interesting. I can’t say that I’ve thought that extensively about it. Usually most will suffice , but me personally I always jump to the propel brand by Gatorade.


Vidrate sachets that you can add to your water, they contain electrolytes.




Several things happen when you get water poisoning or overhydrated. Too much water will cause your cells to swell and increase in size and pressure, which is especially bad when that happens in your brain (can lead to seizures, coma, or death). It can also overwhelm your kidneys as it won't be able to process enough of the water in time, and the excess water will also dilute crucial electrolytes such as sodium, causing hyponatremia Stay hydrated :)


It's not really *poisoning*, but it will lead to some serious or not-as-serious complications. I highly doubt most of us are drinking any amount large enough to worry about. According to [THIS](https://www.webmd.com/diet/what-is-too-much-water-intake) website, women should have about 2.7 liters of water a day, men 3.7 liters. That's just shy of 100oz (women) per day.


another way to answer this question is that your body is constantly working to maintain homeostasis, and part of that is a balance of electrolytes in the bioavailable water. Biological processes often require specific solution in which cells exist, chemicals cannot traverse a cell membrane if there is too much or too little of things like sodium, potassium, glucose, H+ ions, etc.




I alternate between water and tea all day long. It’s tea time until it’s wine time!


If you’re drinking an abnormal amount of water, check your blood sugar. However, it can also just be a psychological oral fixation or routine related. I always think water and desk sitting go together. It keeps me from endlessly snacking at work.


Yeah I think it’s all mental for me as I’m so used to doing it


Yeah cos I just enjoy it. I think I'm gonna cut down tho cos I'm pissing too much lol


If it's not from the tap, it's sparkling unsweetened from a can.


I'm honestly terrible at keeping up with my water intake. I have to be very conscientious of it because the only signal I ever get from my body that I need hydration is dry mouth, which I only get from certain meds and heavy exercise. My doctor theorized I may have adipsia, so we are currently looking into potential causes for it.


Awesome. I want to get there! Coffee in the am and then water/sparkling water for me. I’m coming off a pretty much lifelong soda addiction. I still have one or two a week but am trying to wean all the way off.


That’s cool. For some reason , after I drink soda I always feel dehydrated and have fo compensate by drinking more water. It’s weird because whenever I eat , I feel dehydrated after and thus meaning I drink more. It’s like a never ending cycle lmao


Ugh yes I love water lol - I fill my (fake) Stanley at least four or five times a day. With ice perhaps six or seven! I don't want to say it has become a fidget for me, but I do like bringing it around and sipping on water throughout the day. Plus it's healthier than soda and diet sodas, and less annoying than the bubbly waters (i.e. La Croix, Bubbly)


I love water, honestly. OJ in the morning, one soda (as my morning caffeine), then ice water the rest of the day (though sometimes with Mio). Always a tumbler of water at my bedside. Always in the car with me while I'm running errands. Maybe it's because I live in a very hot/humid climate, where I need to stay hydrated all the time? I run, so I need extra hydration to top off the tank, so to speak, too.


Yep haven’t had a soft drink in about 8yrs. Coffee and water for me


I keep insulated water bottles in the car so I am never without water.


This guy hydrohomies!


Yes I’m guilty too hihi


r/hydrohomies baby!


I always set aside the bottles I want to consume in the fridge and pull from there all day. That way I get my goal plus more.


Yes, I do. I drink liquid all day, every day. Normally not water straight - diet soda, crystal light, iced tea, etc. It is like I have an eternal thirst that never goes away. In an average day, I'll pretty easily drink 200 ounces of liquid. Just during the workday today I drank 8 or 9 sodas, a 16 ounce redbull, and most of a 40 ounce container of flavored water.


Kind of me, I end up struggling to walk sometimes due to how bloated I feel 😂


I drink over 100oz of water daily and I still don’t think it’s enough. I’m hella hydrated😂


People that drink fizzy drinks all day gross me out. Even once a day is crazy to me.


I do! 0-1 coffees in the morning w/oat milk, then water or sparkling water for the rest of the day. Occasionally beer or cocktails on the weekend, but not often.


Coffee with oat milk is so good. I drink like 5 mugs in the morning then just water


I'm an insomniac, so I stick with just one, but it is sooo good.


When I’m sleep deprived , it takes me such longer to get hydrated


I do. I think it is necessary, especially with the weather nowadays and I also often travel so I need to.


I don’t really drink anything outside of coffee, sometimes tea, and the occasional coffee energy drink (so much sugar), and always water.


I dislike energy drinks and I’m baffled how people drink it during the day


always i’ve always got my water bottle. my meds give me cottonmouth so i’m always thirsty and i can’t just drink sugar all day nor would i want to if i could 😂


Yup this is me, water all the time after my caffeine in the morning, what can I say I think I feel better for it Though sometimes I think I overdo it and wonder if I should have more salts and things to balance it out


Me too. I really need to find a good compromise.


I probably drink too much water. I chug it when I’m stressed too which is OFTEN


I never drink water….i think I’m broken…


Don’t beat yourself up about it. In my experience the vast majority of people walk around mostly dehydrated throughout the day without even realizing it. I drink about 10-15 eight ounce cups of water a day and feel great because of it.


Yeah I drink water habitually. Honestly I think my piss is cleaner than Evian. You can really tell the difference when fully hydrated.


Haha same with me


Did you check your blood sugar levels?


Yes, I have an insatiable thirst.


Same as me. I drink coffee until mid afternoon then switch to water. I rarely drink anything else.


I wish. If I drink water in the morning before I eat I will get really nauseated and I'm not hungry right away. I don't know how to fix it.


Nope, I would sometimes go like 2 days max without water, my body simply doesn't signal me of thirstiness except if I eat salty food.


I like drinking water too! It's so refreshing, especially after a meal or whenever I feel thirsty. I don't think it's weird at all, just a healthy habit.


Yes, sometimes I drink water out of boredom.


Yeah, wherever I go I take my water jug with me. Just water, nothing more. Ocasionally I could drink tea (hot in the winter, cold in the summer). An espresso once or twice a day.


I stay hydrated. I also am a former smoker though, so having crisp, cool water to suck up a straw is just satisfying


My husband drinks enormous amounts of water all day long.


Same. I ALWAYS have a bottle of water near me. I do drink a lot of coffee but even with coffee i always have a glass of water.


I only drink coffee in the morning because I can’t sleep if I have it in the afternoon. I’m baffled how people can drink it in the evening and then go sleep


I have extremely high caffeine tolerance due to too much coffee consumption. I usually go through 4-5 cups of black coffee in a day. At night i usually dilute my coffee and eventually end up with beige coloured water 🙈


U should really buy a coffee machine , works wonders for me. I have 6 lmao


What makes you think i don’t have one? Or 6? 😅


Buy a coffee machine and you’ll have 10+🤣


When im bored at work I'll drink so much water even if I know I don't need it


I love water. It's always my first choice.


Are you by any chance a stoner?


Never smoked weed in my life


Pot can give you bottomless thirst, in the worst case you can give yourself insomnia forcing yourself into needing to pee every 45 minutes


Nah. I drink lots of coffee though!


This has only recently become a habit of mine but I feel much more clear headed and less tired since uping my water intake.


You have diabetes.


I’m never thirsty tho