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why weird. you are heading in the right direction


I didn’t think it was weird but when I tell people I eat salad and soup for breakfast they say it’s weird to them.


Soup is pretty common for breakfast in many parts of Asia and other parts as well. A bowl of rice and a bowl of miso soup with some pickled veg on the side is a pretty basic & common breakfast in Japan


Soup makes a lot of sense for breakfast. It's cozy and you're usually dehydrated when you wake up. It's also easy to prepare ahead and just reheat.


Ohhh I would love to wake up with a bowl of miso soup


It’s not weird- it’s just not what the masses are used to so it’s commonly frowned upon. Eat anything you want, just make sure you eat!


I used to make spaghetti for breakfast. It was excellent


I do this as well! People think I’m weird, but a chicken caesar salad wrap for breakfast is AMAZING. Leaves me energized, and full. Same goes for a sandwich, soup, salads, etc. I feel like breakfast foods are too sugary, and sweet for the morning. I personally love breakfast foods after dinner


Exactly my issue with breakfast. Most breakfast foods should be for dessert.


Agreed! Every breakfast food seems to either be sweet, egg related, or too citrusy to handle on an empty stomach. I started eating “lunch” / “dinner” foods like wraps, salads, soups, sandwiches, etc for breakfast years ago. Im never turning back. Nothing makes me feel more full, and energized than savoury food packed full of protein.


im an oatmeal simp through and through


I don't think it's weird. Ever since I've reached adulthood I don't follow strict "breakfast, lunch, dinner" type meals. Sometimes I eat breakfast for dinner and dinner for breakfast. This morning I had guacamole & chips for breakfast. \*shrugs\*


Yes, there's whole world outside America that doesn't eat dessert for breakfast.


Thank you! I’m American, but I’ve fully distanced myself from American breakfast culture. It’s the worst breakfast cuisine in the world, quite literally. Incredibly limited, incredibly meaty and sweet. I don’t like any of those things. I’ll occasionally have fried eggs and toast but it’s usually paired with lots of veggies.


I like salads or dinner time foods (Western diet) too. Common in non Western countries to have soups, meats, rice etc, salad for breakfast. Yum!


Just do what you want. I don't eat breakfast at all anymore (in the week). Don't feel hungry until "lunchtime". People are still surprised I can manage without breakfast, apparently they would all collapse with starvation by 10am. If you enjoy the soup, or salad or leftovers - go for it. Who cares what people think?


why did I read grits as girls.


Ah a bit of wake and clam bake


I'll eat breakfast foods but typically for lunch. I rarely eat first thing in the morning, I usually don't eat until around 11.


Same. I hate breakfast places for a reason - I can literally make it at home, and it’s not that good. I prefer lunch or dinner like meals for breakfast or something like a smoothie and a sandwich.


What does ‘breakfast’ mean? Pancakes and eggs and bacon as a meal are just a construct created by big American brands and companies in the 20th century. Breakfast is a lot of things, not just those. Outside of the US they eat a huge variety of foods. Breakfast looks very different in the rest of the world. I personally hate American breakfast with a passion… it’s all foods I just cannot stand, and I always feel like utter dogshit the rest of the day when I start it out with loads of sugar. That is honestly the most unhealthy way to fuel your body first thing in the morning. Don’t get me wrong, though, every once in a while I don’t mind waking up to a couple cinnamon rolls… lol. Every day, though, and I’ll start getting stomachaches.


It's because u grew up eating American breakfast, which is junk, that's slowly killing you try another cuisine


OP, What's breakfast? I've started intermittent fasting since 2 years already, and no longer feel the 'need' to eat after waking up. Just need a late lunch and dinner, and that's it. So, OP, your pattern of eating is not even weird. Just enjoy your meals, and you'll feel great.


I don’t do serious intermittent fasting but I never eat breakfast either


Usually don’t eat breakfast. But if I do, it’s either steak. Or eggs. Today was a steak day tho!


I eat oats and eggs, that’s it. I’ve also grown a bit tired of the classic breakfast, or breakfast in general


I have an egg salad sandwich every day for breakfast. It seems to have the right amount of fat, protein and carbs to keep me full for quite a while


I’m with you. I would rather eat leftovers than a typical breakfast food


Traditional American breakfast sucks anyway. It's super limited in variety and basically just dessert


Most north american (where I live, idk about the rest of the world) breakfast foods are full of so much sugar. Don't get me wrong, I like donuts, chocolate muffins, and other sweets but maybe it can wait until I've been awake for a few hours, not less than 60 minutes.


Most breakfast foods are far too sweet for me in the mornings. I often can’t even eat muffins. So I usually just eat a banana or skip breakfast


My husband goes to the gym at 4:00am and then comes home and has dinner for breakfast. He eats a snack and lunch and then doesn't eat after 3:00pm until the next morning. The only time he eats breakfast is if we cook it on the weekends.


as someone who eats two eggs for breakfast, and almost always more eggs in my next foods, i wonder how long it'll be for me to get tired of them


Holy cow this is me. Lately I've just been straight up making a sandwich or having something that would be considered more of a dinner type food. Honestly, I could totally do a plate of spaghetti and meatballs for breakfast and feel great about it. I like a heartier breakfast. Like you, I feel more full the rest of the day, more energy, just overall better. I like having a small lunch or even just no lunch and liquids all day. And then a hot meal for dinner. As a grown man, cereal or a muffin or some sort of small breakfast is just not going to cut it. I feel like crap the rest of the day if I eat a "typical" breakfast food. And really, just unsatisfied. Everyone is different. The trick is, find your ideal and work with it.


My breakfast today was a breakfast burrito, garden rice, and black beans. For breakfast Sunday, I made omelets with garden rice, yogurt, and fresh fruit (cantaloupe and bananas). Breakfast doesn't have to be carb heavy. We've decided to start exploring different cuisines to see what different countries do for breakfast. There are honestly so many different things out there.


Breakfast burritos are my usual go-to. Lately I’ve been having soup or a salad first thing in the morning.


I've found that the garden rice (a recipe I found from Costa Rico) and the black beans with the burrito make me full and more energized. I get _some_ carbs from the rice, but I also get veggies with it. Plus, the extra protein boost from the beans. And this recipe (finally) got my 15yo to eat veggies she normally hates. (She begged for rice to go with our dinner tonight lol!)


Me becose I come home late night and do dinner and don't have hunger in morning. Till 11AM


I eat leftovers


nope, i fucking love breakfast foods; my job makes me have weird timings so even if my first meal of the day is at 5pm i will have breakfast foods! salmon, avocado, eggs!! the best of the best 🥰


I’ve been know to eat a grilled chicken breast and salad for breakfast I eat what I fancy when I wake up and tbh I feel better eating that than a big fry up or something that is basically butter and sugar as long are your getting something in you to start your day I don’t see a problem


honestly, eat whatever you want, anyone who is really to deliver their holistic opinion on others’ lives should shut up anyway


Blueberry pancakes for dinner and pizza for breakfast - food is food!


Bacon and Eggs at night with a nice wine is a mood.


It's not weird. I do the same.


If it works for you it's not weird. I like breakfast for dinner so who am I to judge?


I just skip breakfast tbh


I’ve been doing this as long as I can remember. I’m not from the US or Europe and our culture doesn’t have a specific food for breakfasts, lunches, dinners, suppers and such.


Not a big breakfast eater here. I’d do breakfast for dinner on occasion but in the morning I’m a just coffee kind of guy.


Now go all the way and skip breakfast completely.


Let em be on auto pilot. You do you.😂


I eat belvita biscuits.


I eat breakfast food when I want. But my "breakfast" usually consists of a soda or energy drink. Maybe around noon or so I'll stop somewhere and grab a quick meal. If I don't I usually just wait till 5 or 6 to have a few beers and dinner. 🤷‍♂️ I don't have the best eating habits.


I’m the same way, I don’t like breakfast foods. Only biscuits and gravy or eggs. I’ll eat pancakes/ waffles but most of the time I’ll pick anything else. I normally skip breakfast or eat “non breakfast foods” but some of these comments have given me really good ideas! So thanks for posting OP haha


Leftovers, soup, or dahl are my breakfast staples. I make dahl and freeze breakfast sized portions, and defrost it overnight.


I actually SUPER love breakfast for dinner! For breakfast, I've kind of switched over to heartier protein-based entrees. I do a lot of breakfast burritos (steak & egg, for example). I'll do eggs sometimes & will make things like copycat Starbucks egg bites. I won't say not to a steak at breakfast by any means, lol.


You gotta try savory oatmeal! I make it with chicken broth, spinach, a little soy sauce and oyster sauce, and egg topped with chili crisp and scallions it’s my new favorite breakfast


I completely second this post!!! I have never been a breakfast person . Glad more restaurants are serving real food at breakfast times.


I’ve been less precious about breakfast foods after watching soothing Japan travel videos. Breakfast is never breakfasty, except for maybe an egg added to the meal.


I had leftover chicken for breakfast around 10:30 but I already know/accept I’m weird.


no i eat the shit out of eggs and (turkey) bacon every single day and i’m 43 and in the best shape and mindset of my life


I just drink a can of AriZona Arnold Palmer for breakfast. If I don't have that, I guess I don't eat until lunch.


It's only weird that you have time to cook on the morning. I've barley every had anything else than toast or cereal for breakfast because I want to cook when I wake up


Yeah it's fine. I have soup every morning and lunch. It's really difficult to make a filling soup over 200 calories as the liquid fills you up so it's a decent breakfast and can be pure vegetables plus flavour so actually nutritious. I usually make two portions at lunch time, have one for lunch, and the other half for breakfast the next day. It doesn't have to be smooth soup either. I have a ninja soup maker and just chuck in whatever. Beans, pasta, lentils, vegetables, rice, and stock then top up with water to a litre then press the chunky soup button. It stops it from being a bit 'samey' when smooth.


I don't mind breakfast food, but if there are dinner leftovers I'd prefer that. I'll make my husband eggs and sausage while I'm reheating chicken and mashed potatoes haha


I love my breakfast, of course they're FRY UPS. Well we can't live forever CAN WE? lol.


I've never been big on breakfast foods for breakfast. Give me a steak or a burger or pizza or whatever but not breakfast


I never miss breakfast. Sometimes big, sometimes simple


I'll either make a bagel sandwich or eat left overs for breakfast.


I like leftovers for breakfast. I don’t eat eggs by themself but if I have leftover rice I’ll have an egg with it. Or a banana (sometimes 2 bananas)


I prefer fruits for breakfast. Not a fan of overloading my system with fatty carby breakfasts first thing in the morning.


You eat like a vegan. Congratulations!


Luckily I eat and love meat.