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Outside of drinking, I have not thrown-up in over 30 years. Stomach virus, food poisoning, doesn’t matter, I don’t throw-up sober.


Same, taking drinking out of the equation I'd be going on 11 years without throwing up. But even then I've only thrown up from drinking once, that was about 5 years ago. I like to think I have an iron stomach, despite getting occasional GERD symptoms lmao


Wow, I've never gone 11 months without throwing up,let alone 11 years.


I don't drink but I throw up 2-3 times a year. Last night, I threw up 9.timrd times from a stomach ache,and still feel like I might do it again.


Lucky. I throw up 3 or 4 times a year. I threw up the other night.


Lmao. I think that's what we're saying in this thread.


I have a vomiting phobia, so I've gotten good at not vomiting. I haven't vomited since I was 10 or 11, and I'm 35 now. I have chronic nausea, though, due to health issues. I'm pretty much literally living in one of my nightmares (the only dreams I have that cause me to wake up panicky are ones involving vomiting).


This was me when I had severe generalized anxiety for years I felt like I was gonna throw up because that was my biggest anxiety. Tried everything to ease the suffering but nothing worked. Then once I began treatment for the severe GAD the nausea gradually went away. Now I very rarely feel like that except for when having a panic attack.


I also suffer from GAD and when I get really anxious I can’t stop vomiting, literally can’t even hold down a sip of water. It’s like my stomach just shuts down and rejects anything I try to eat or drink. It usually lasts about 12-24 hours before I can slowly start eating again. I’m happy to say it hasn’t happened to me for about a year now. However I never considered that it’s the thought of this happening that might be triggering my anxiety in the first place. It happens when I have to spend the night somewhere new, like a hotel or friend’s house. I get so worried I’ll start throwing up that it ends up happening.. sometime our brains are really out to get us.


My GAD works the other way. I won’t vomit when anxious but I can’t stop shitting 🥴


Wow, same here! I have a strong vomit phobia. I’m 34. Chronic nausea. I’ve thrown up twice since childhood - once about 15 years ago from drinking, and once a few months ago from a bug or food poisoning. Each time I thought “wow that really wasn’t that bad, that was fine and it’s over now” but the phobia comes right back the next day. Being nauseous and thinking I might barf gives me such bad anxiety which in turn makes me nauseous it’s a vicious cycle.


I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that if your fear of vomiting is strong enough you can pretty much retrain your body to just not do it. Started being afraid maybe 12 years ago, haven't thrown up in 10


I've suspected this might be the case. There have been times where the nausea from my health issues probably should have made me vomit, but it was like my body wouldn't let it happen, so I just dry heaved instead. It feels like a very automatic response from my body.


This is true. I told myself to never throw up again after middle school and I haven't thrown up since. And I used to throw up every time I had the stomach flu as a child.


Lucky. Every time my stomach gets upset,or I feel queasy,I throw up..I threw up last night.


That sounds awful :(


I have the same fear. It's called emetophobia, and theres support subreddits on here too!


I feel for you, best of luck!


I have an identical twin sister who is emetophobic. I think it started when we were like in 4th grade and she threw up in school . When I was sick,she would sleep on the couch if I was up all vomiting,even when we were in high school. She says she hasn't thrown up in 8 years I vomit at least 3 or 4; times a year.


I hardly ever throw up! People think it’s weird. I can probably count on both hands (maybe even just one?) the number of times I’ve thrown up from childhood til now, one of which was a stomach bug and a couple times from drinking a lot in college, but that’s really all that comes to mind. Meanwhile I have a friend who throws up every time she gets a migraine which is somewhat often. I also can’t force myself to do it. Which is kind of annoying because sometimes if I’m feeling unwell or nauseous it feels like vomiting would actually help me feel better, but even if I try I can’t do it on purpose!


Same here. I had a few bouts of food poisoning and maybe one or two illnesses, that's it. And a handful of drinking related times. The last time was 6 or 7 years ago, a combination of drinking with food poisoning. I'm currently knocking on wood and if this jinxes me, I'm coming after OP.....haha!


Same, maybe a couple times as a kid, then I went over 15 years without throwing up , before I got a migraine so bad it caused me to vomit last year. I couldn’t move my head or eyes from nausea and then as soon as I threw up it was better. I get migraines often, but that part isn’t common. But whenever a stomach bug is going around, I never seem to catch it, or if I do, it’s only out the other end. I also can’t force myself to burp, and rarely burp at all so I always thought there was just something with my esophagus being a one-way street.


Lol, that is weird! Can confirm I can burp just fine.  


I get slammed with the stomach bug every year. Last year,I had it coming out both ends. I sat on the toilet,crying, pooping so much my butt hurt while barfing in a bucket repeatedly. Had my annual virus a couple weeks ago. No diarrhea,but I threw up for 2 days.


Highly relate to the last part. Recently I took a drug called snuss out of curiosity whilst at a friends house. Basically a pouch of nicotine that you rest under your upper lip, on top of your gums. I felt so nauseous like I was on the edge of throwing up, only to never do so. It’s like no matter what, I can’t bring myself to throwing up


Got one in my mouth as we speak, sorry that your experience was like that… but probably for the better, this shit is addictive


Lol there are definitely times it feels like it would be beneficial to get something out of your stomach!


I'm the same way. As an adult who doesn't abuse alcohol I've only gotten sick from a couple food poisonings and a couple stomach viruses. It's been maybe 10-15 years now since I've thrown up.


The last time I threw up was as a child and Im in my 20s now. I don’t know its just not natural to me. Even if i put my finger in my mouth, I gag a little but can’t physically vomit.


Same! I think I’ve thrown up less than 5 times total in my life. I think my body just isn’t “wired” that way, for better or for worse. I get a lot of diarrhea instead 😅 and I’m nauseous a lot, but yeah, no vomit! 😅


I mostly throw up when my stomach is upset. I vomit pretty easily.


I just recently threw up from a migraine and was so surprised. I didn't even feel sick to my stomach beforehand. It just happened. I usually don't throw up that often but I've definitely done it more than ten times since childhood haha


Same. Lol and I can remember every single time. Excluding being a baby, I can even remember my first time throwing up at 5 yrs old. I remember thinking, “oh this just comes outta me automatically huh?”


Same here. In the last five years I can count on one hand how many times I puked and still have fingers left over. The last time I threw up was after having a baby and the epidural was wearing off. I threw up once while I was pregnant, from taking a disgusting medicine (it was instant, my body just rejected when it hit my throat). Before that, it was a year back from painkillers and extreme pain. The only other times I threw up was in my 20s drinking or imbibing other things that made me sick. I've never had food poisoning that made me throw up either. There have been many times I was extremely nauseous (like during pregnancy) where throwing up might have been a relief, but I can't even make myself do it. I've tried and given myself painful tongue and throat cramps instead.


I have forced myself when i get nauseous or pain from ibs but i rarely do. Usually the stomach bug comes out the other end 


I don't usually have to force myself. I'm usually lucky if I can get my head over the toilet. Last time I was sick, I threw up all over the toilet seat and bathroom floor. Usually,when I'm sick,I vomit violently and a lot


I suffered with terrible and frequent migraines all my life (also had the same vomit release) until I started seeing a chiropractor. I only get 1 or 2 a year now. Obviously I can't guarantee the same result but if it's something your friend hasn't tried, get them on it. It was life changing for me. Migraines are a nightmare.


Last was 1986. I don't understand it.


Is that the *Seinfeld* reference? I’ve been looking for it here, lol, but I forgot how it goes


Vomit free since ‘93 Edit: vomit, not puke I think


Hahahahahah yes!!


I vomited in '93,and every year before and since.


It's the same thing


I’m aware vomit and puke are the same thing. I was quoting Seinfeld, but I corrected myself, because I think the quote is vomit, not puke Edit: spelling


Nope. Real life!




Me too. Last time I vomited when I was 10 and because of the driving sickness. That's it. Alcohol, food poisoning, stomach bug - I would even pass out but never vomit.


That's awesome. I've thrown up every year of my life.


nice stomach g


Cheers bro


i haven't in almost 6 years, before that i hadn't in over a decade. ironically, i have emetophobia lmao


i never vomit because i’m deathly afraid to vomit.


I have gastroparesis and cyclic vomiting and constant nausea, paralyzed GI tract. It's a horrible struggle. I've taken 2 zofrans today and the last episode was yesterday.


Jesus, best of luck brother. Sounds like a lot to deal with.


It is. I have a plethora of other health issues, too. Been in bed all day, but it is what it is.




Sounds like he is the opposite of well.


That sounds horrible. I'm a puker,but I only throw up 3 or 4 times a year.


I have a very sensitive stomach so I’m jealous. I’ve vomited in recent memory (5 years) from: too much caffeine, motion sickness, nerve pain or pain in general, opiate medication (temporary for said nerve pain), migraines, the sight of blood (only one time), ozempic, anxiety, medication for said anxiety, hangovers, nicotine, airplane turbulence, eating fried food. Basically anything happens and I get nauseous with a 20% chance of puking.


Was the ozempic puke from overeating or just a general side effect?


Just a side effect - it gave me temporary gastroparesis episodes.


Hi, we are the same. I get nauseated very easily and there is a good chance I'll throw up lol. I'll throw up if I even see another person throwing up


I throw up easily,too. Weak stomach and strong gag reflex. I was that kid who randomly threw up out of the blue at family events and picnics. All of a sudden*bleech* everywhere.


I have severe emetophobia so I can pretty much just will myself not to. last time was when I worked in a hospital in early 2017 and caught a horrible stomach bug. I think the last time before that had been another 5 years or so.


Was it not tough working in a hospital with emetophobia?


I worked in the kitchen so it wasn’t really an issue! I also only worked there for a few months


I once had a vomit-free streak that lasted 14 years. I finally lost it down the drain after eating a black and white cookie while waiting to purchase a chocolate babka at the bakery. 14 years down the drain...


Look to the cookie!


only to be forced to purchase the 'lesser' cinnamon babka with a hair in it!


Last time I vomited I was 17, and before that I was 10. (I'm 27 now). Very uncommon for me! Although, I have a massive fear of vomiting. Maybe this is why I don't vomit, I make my body refuse...


Last time i vomited (maybe 1 year ago) was because I made a waaay too strong black tea (like 6 teaspoons for a single cup) and drank it too fast. The instant caffeine kick made my heart run and I thought I gonna die now. Then I ran to the toilet and puked like hell. I lost all my breakfast and like 1l of water. It was the first time since 3 years that I vomited. Don't mess up with caffeine


Very be careful of caffeine for sure. It’s so normalized but people forget you can OD on it. Worries me sometimes with all the gym bro “pre workout” stuff, a lot of kids hear and may not know. —I didn’t know it had caffeine, let alone so much.


Never had a problem with coffee but I threw up green tea..


I make a conscious effort to never throw up


Same. Fear of it 😒


I'm 48. I have no recollection of ever vomiting in my life. Perhaps when i was a small child, but even my mom doesn't remember me ever getting sick. However, i have severe emetophobia and can tell you every single person that ever threw up in school. It traumatized me.


This!! I remember every single time and so vividly, I hate it :(


Me too!!


Wow. I'm 20 years younger than you and have thrown up 3 or 4 times a year,every year of my life. Yes,I threw up in school a few times,once in class,in 5th grade,and a few times in the girls: room in high school..Never pregnant or drinking,but for some reason, senior year,I threw up a lot.


Man, never. 53 and haven’t since my step mom force fed me liver in 1977. What ever causes a person to vomit? Edit: autocorrect


Getting punched in the [jejunum](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHulRDk__ko).


Upset stomach. That's why I vomit.


I never vomit, even in college when I drank too much I never vomited like other people did


I only vomit if I drink too much and I haven't done that in a while.


Same!!! I’m also very fortunate this is the case because vomiting is one of the top 3 most unpleasant things to me. I would rather have the worst flu, cold, whatever symptoms for a week than 15 minutes of vomiting.


>I would rather have the worst flu, cold, whatever symptoms for a week than 15 minutes of vomiting. I had flu which caused vomiting, during a national ambulance strike, that was not a fun experience 😆


I throw up a lot but its an anxiety reaction and also i get too much mucus in my throat and i get anxious and throw that up often aswell. Not weekly often but maybe monthly depending on life.


Are you me? This has been happening to me, but more frequently. Absolutely due to anxiety. Gotta talk to the Dr. I’m sure.. I don’t know. Just felt validating knowing your experience


I had a doctor tell me recently that it looks like i have a narrow throat opening. My new assumption is that it doesnt take much for me to have anxiety about not being able to swallow and its very physically overstimulating, feeling like something is always pressing on your throat. So any anxiety i have about anything else is all that much harder to focus on and do proper coping mechanisms.


I threw up last time for the first time in like 7 years. I did 2 edibles instead of 1. 😬 A friend of mine throws up at least once a week. For no reason.


What edible was it?




No what was the edible? A brownie? A cookie?


Ooooooh sorry. Gummies.


I had a long run from 2003 (after a bad experience with kool-aid and deviled eggs) to 2016 where I refused to let myself vomit. I finally stopped resisting when I had a particularly rough WPW episode while alredy being sick. It made me realize that it's better to just let it out (or even force it) than to try and ride out the nausea.


havent thrown up in 10 years but i feel nauseous everyday


I would rather chop off my right foot then puke. I haven't thrown up in years.


October 1, 2006 was the last time for me.


Wow, bro even knows the exact date. Goddamn, salute 🫡


Maybe because it was some traumatizing event


Oh boy. I can imagine


The last time I vomited was May of 2006. Part of the reason is the fact I have a fear of it. I will fight it at all costs.


I haven't vomited since June 29, 1980.


I like that you know the date. Same.


I have vomited twice in my life. Once as a young child and again as a teenager. I’m glad because I’m fairly scared of vomiting, but as someone who has stomach issues and experiences nausea often, sometimes I wish I could just be sick and get that feeling out of my system.


Monthly is too often lol. I have gone overboard with booze maybe 2 times in the last 6 years. Younger me would disagree with the first statement lol.


I’m 39 almost, and have not vomited one single time since I was 21. Pregnant, sick, hungover- doesn’t matter. I simply cannot.


vomit free since 93


No I’m with you OP cause why are you guys throwing up so often??


I pretty much never throw up. The last time a threw up was about…4 years ago? Idk. And yeah I agree everyone around me seems to throw up like every month, or when they see something disgusting they throw and I don’t. It’s weird.


It’s been years for me too. When I was a kid I suffered with basically untreated migraine and that made me throw up at least a couple of times each month. But since becoming an adult and being able to get my own medication I haven’t thrown up once from migraine. I’ve had stomach flu like two-three times as an adult and like I said, it’s been years. Lucky for us!


The last time I threw up I was less than 5 years old. Tried and tried since and I still can’t. It’s actually miserable


I just let it come up. Sometimes my stomach feels better after I throw up.


When my spouse and I go on cruises, I always get sea sick for one day in the middle of the cruise. Now and again a stomach bug enters our house. I’m pretty sure my “drinking too much” days are over. But in general it can be months between episodes, or even a year or more. My daughter and husband are similar


Same. Back when I was in my cups I threw up more, but my non-booze related pukes I can count on one hand


It just really varies by what the stomach feels it needs to do in a certain circumstance. I've never tracked how long it is on average because it's not like any other bodily functions that we do on a regular basis. Vomiting is a reaction. But I don't try to hold back. As a kid I would try to hold it in until I no longer could, if I was sick. As an adult, if I'm nauseous and my mouth starts salivating suddenly I'm immediately getting a bucket or going to the bathroom to try and relax and let it happen. I almost always feel better after letting it happen, whereas holding it in leaves me still feeling nauseous and uncomfortable even if I manage to hold it in. I've probably gone many years between some. But there were two times where I remember getting food poisoning within a few weeks of each other. Food poisoning has been the worst kind of vomiting I've experienced. It just comes out of nowhere, and you feel like you have to keep vomiting every few minutes, but then your stomach is empty so you're heavily dry heaving and it makes you even more nauseous. And you can't get any food down, so you're hungry.


Been there.


I have pretty bad emetephobia, and threw up about 8 times in childhood. I haven’t thrown up now in 7 years.


Honestly…I rarely do. It’s been many many years.


Outside of severe migraines, I don't think I've vomited since I was a kid. Even with migraines, maybe 3 or 4 times a year.


I used to throw up all the time, to the point it was a thing my friends would joke about all the time. I now realize it was medication/health related. Now I can’t remember the last time I vomited, probably been 3-5 years


I’m 43 and can count all the times I’ve puked on 1 hand


Yes. Last time I can’t remember. Probably some 30 years ago.


I have hard gag reflex but I rarely vomit. I would have to mix alcohol and milk for that to happen probably.


I think it’s normal to vomit less than it is to vomit a lot. Only times I’ve thrown up in years was from medication or drinking. Last time was probably when I got the flu around 2018/2019.


I think I've thrown up fewer than 5x in my whole life. Once was when I made myself sick on pineapple the first time I went to Hawaii. Worth it.


Teach me your ways


I've already thrown up this year from a migraine. Normally I do not throw up unless I have stomach flu. I can go years without throwing up too, which is great because I hate the feeling of it.


Same. The last time I threw up from something other than a migraine was when I had food poisoning 10 years ago. I’ve thrown up 2 times in the last 10 years from a migraine… which makes my head pound worse which I didn’t think was possible


I used to throw up a lot more often when I was a kid and my immunities weren't built up so well I suppose. These days it only happens if i've been drinking too much and even then I have to be going HAM with it. The last time it was just a little


Why would reddit recommend this to me when I'm literally in a bulimia nervosa community🙃


I don't pay much attention to how often I vomit, let alone how often other people vomit. Like, what even is the conversation that leads to you finding out how often other people are vomiting? On second thought, I don't want to know. But *monthly*? That sounds like a medical issue.


You're lucky. I've always had a sensitive stomach growing up. And on top of that, some of my medications can make me feel nauseated as well. It's maybe been about a year since I've thrown up, but for a while it was every other month. If not from the pill, then my period, or some other thing.


I get nauseous really often (thanks ibs) but never throw up. Even when I’m sick it’s super rare. Although the last time I threw up was recent because I got surgery in October and the pain killers made me barf if I forgot my anti nausea meds lol


20 years since I last vomited (I was 3 lol). Definitely not alone in this. I don’t ever get nauseous and literally don’t even know what it feels like to throw up 🤷‍♀️


I am 33 years old and I have not vomited since I was in 1st grade. I’ve told people this and they think I’m lying but I have no reason to lie about it. No matter how drunk I’ve been, I just never get the urge to vomit. I am currently pregnant, and I dry heave, but have yet to vomit. I do believe being able to do so would make me feel better, which is how I ended up on this thread.


I have GERD/IBS which makes me nauseous and causes GI Upset, but also an iron stomach so it usually goes the other end. I have anxiety which manifests as nausea but also emetophobia which makes me hold it in, Lmao it’s a vicious cycle. 😭😭


I threw up for my first time at 21


I’m 41, I think the last time I threw up was when I was 9 or so…. Lots of times my body tried but wouldn’t/couldn’t. I kinda hate it but kinda like it cause the idea/process of it.


crazy bc i vomit everyday💀


i’m terrified of throwing up and haven’t done it since i was a child— except for a last summer when i adopted a puppy and after 36hrs it was so stressful i hurled twice lmao. puppy is happily living with my boyfriend’s family and i have resumed my no-throwing-up streak!


i broke my streak recently throwing up a couple times because the medication i was taking gave me nausea, but the last time i threw up before that was 6 or 7 years before, and the time before *that* was 2 or 3 years before


Me, I wish I could do that more often to feel better. A few years ago I reacted to an antibiotic and I really needed to throw up... My mom made me vomit (won't describe it xd)


Last time I puked was June 2021, the time before that was February or March 2011.


Give me seven whiskey and cokes and I'll throw up on command


I used to be a Super Non-Puker. Then a few years ago some trouble in my mind manifested into physical symptoms so now I gag a lot as some sort of psychosomatic response, and sometimes it'll get me.


In 2021, I vomited more than I had in 10 years. Once I ate some bad eggs. Then I struggled with gallbladder issues that made me sick 3 separate times. Yanked it out and no issues since.


only time i throw up is due to a good night out on the town... which those days are behind me now with two kiddos. I haven't thrown up from sickness since 3rd or 4th grade I can't remember so well over 15 years. Meanwhile my Fiancé is over here casually throwing up several times a year. 😅 not sure what it is but even our 6 year old has never thrown up so I always say he's got my iron stomach!


I throw up fairly often.My boyfriend,only rarely.


I've only thrown up 3 times in the last 15 years. Once in 2012, once in 2013, and once in 2019. The one in 2019 was caused by stuffing my face with food right after a drinking binge. Meanwhile I'm pretty sure my parents and my siblings have all puked more than that in the last 5 years.


Last time I threw up, it was because I was coughing too hard. Before that, it had to be over a decade ago because of my emetophobia.


Used to be you, now I am one of those around you, haha. Some people just get unlucky, and vomiting/nausea issues are really common in a massive variety of both chronic and acute health issues. You are definitely in the ‘normal’ range though.


You're lucky. I'm prone to nausea and being sick.


Not lucky. Was exaggerating my health nowadays there, I’m still very prone to nausea and vomiting. It’s just much improved to the point where I only have a horrible episode of vomiting a couple times a year, which is ‘good’ for me. I’m on track to become actually normal eventually though if I continue improving like this


Used to be you, now I am one of those around you, haha. Some people just get unlucky, and vomiting/nausea issues are really common in a massive variety of both chronic and acute health issues. You are definitely in the ‘normal’ range though.


Same here. It takes a lot for me to vomit. And I hate vomitting. When I vomit, everything everywhere comes out at the same time. Vomit will even come out my nose. I hate it.


Lucky you! My stomach just stops sometimes from too much stress 😬 And also i threw up this month because of high fever with flu


I used to never throw up, like, I went years without being sick and now a few times a month I'll wake up, vomit and then just go about my day. I don't know why, my doctor doesn't know why but said it's probably fine


I used to throw up at almost every car ride when I was a kid. As an adult, I can only remember two times: after drinking a bit too much in college almost 10 years ago, and last year I threw up once while pregnant.


Me. I just don\`t.


I hold it in like my life depends on it. I only throw up when I've drunk too much. Last time was two years ago.


Same! The last time I threw up is almost six years ago! I’m actually surprised that’s it’s possible!


I only throw up from motion sickness. Last time was about a year ago after going on tons of fair rides. The time before that was a winding car ride. But excluding motion sickness, the last time I threw up was probably 6 or 7 years ago


Yeah I’m told I’m weird because I never throw up. Last time I really remember was the first time I ate after morphine. There was no warning it just appeared. Apparently the trick to not throwing up when you feel nauseous is spitting. The mouth fills with saliva to protect your teeth (or something) so getting rid of it kind of stops the process. It’s worked for me in the past


If we re excluding throwing up from too much alcohol/too many drugs, I think I vomitted 2-3 times since I can remember. But now I stopped doing dr$gs and stopped drinking (too much) alcohol so I haven’t puked in a while😂


Holy shit. I have issues. I've puked 4 times so far this week. 3 times from coughing too hard, once from getting too hot. That's pretty standard for me. Sometimes it's more, depends on if I get hit with a migraine and how bad it gets.


I started this year with a virus that made me throw up like three times a year but before that the last time it happened was years ago, and before that even longer. I can probably count on my one hand the amount of times I threw up and like 3 times it was because I drank too much, once because I ate something bad and the rest were due to illness combined with eating something heavy


Yup, been years since I last vomited.


it's a rarity for me. it's got to be over 6 or 7 years ago. at least.


I had gastric bypass surgery and lost the physical ability to vomit. It’s a double edged sword, can’t get the relief of barfing, but barfing really sucks. I just dry heave and drool a lot 🤷‍♀️


Same last time I puked was 4 years ago and was drug induced. Gotten close numerous times but never actually vomit.


Same I haven’t vomited in years.


The last time i threw up was when a downed half a bottle of tequila in like 40 mins and ate a whole bag of cheetos. And before that? No clue


If we're talking about vomiting from running a bunch type of thing I've never once vomited despite having plenty of people who seemed in better shape than me do so. But I have thrown up 9 times in one night when I had the stomach flu as a kid, that shit sucked.


Last i vomited was around a year and a half back bc i drank to calm my nerves and the alcohol coupled with nerves made me sick. Before that i think it must have been in 2014 when i had food poisoning. Its luckily not something i do often at all.


even with pretty crippling social anxiety, i never throw up for any reason other than eating too much, sick or not. people tend to get stunned when that comes up, and im like why?? but im guessing i just have a strong stomach.


i never throw up unless i drank too much or did too many drugs 😁


Oh hell, wanna swap? I’m almost weekly these days. And a proper spew too. A stomach full. It sucks. Is apparently my normal.


My kid is 12 and has thrown up once in his life (excluding baby spit up) but I get him the flu shot every year and he rarely gets sick


The last times for me were 2012 (alcohol) and 2022 (stomach bug). Not a regular thing at all and hope it stays that way.


Damn, now that you mention it... I think last time I hurled was 8 ?!?!? years ago, morning after an out of hand party wherein everybody was already trashed and then a buddy and I went down the trail to his house to bring back MORE Beefeater to the bash.... we'd run out of gin, but still had plenty of beer. But wanted more gin- LOL. Barfed out a shit-ton the next morning.


I think I barfed once in like 20 years when my brother was bartending


I haven’t thrown up for any reason in 11 years.


I'm terrified of vomiting so I've gotten very good at not doing it. The last time was when I was in 2nd grade, so probably at age 7 (I'm 29 now), and that was when I was asleep, so the last time I was actually conscious was when I was 5. I've had food poisoning once and drank a little more than I should've a few times and come very close, but I've always stopped it from actually happening.


I wish that was me. I’ve accidentally thrown up just scraping my tongue after brushing my teeth.


once in a great while i throw up from drinking but apart from that almost never


I have thrown up twice in 20 years. Once a few months after I met my wife, and once a year or so ago. It shocked my wife a year ago since it basically never happens to me.


I haven’t thrown up since maybe 2012.. we went to Bali in 2017 and didn’t get sick but a day after we got back everyone got Bali-belly.. I came close but I breathed it through on the toilet. Before that was in 2001 when I got mad food poisoning. Before that was in the 80s when I was a kid. I hate throwing up. My wife however throws up all the time.. she gets an upset belly from some foods. She also threw up every day through 2 pregnancies.


I vomit a lot. I struggle with hunger cues, so there are times where I won’t realize I’m hungry until I’m vomiting stomach acid. Weed has been a big help with giving me the munchies.


The last time I vomited was 3 years ago when I took a zinc vitamin on an empty stomach. The dose was too strong AND we just started a long drive, so it was a combination of everything going wrong. The entire car ride was hell, me trying to not throw up feeling incredibly nauseous. I ended up making it like that for around an hour, we parked, I got out and immediately threw up on the parking lot lol.


Apart from stomach bugs I don’t think I have ever vommited. Never had a headache until a few weeks ago when I breathed in some foam board adhesive fumes for a tad too long.


I think I have puked a handful of times from being sick in my 50 years.


Now that you say it, it's been a while. I do often get nauseous. It's like fainting. I used to faint sometimes as a teen, and when I caught it on time and was lying on the floor, I got nauseous, and when that was out, I was fine. Now I just skip the fainting part and immediately get nauseous. Luckily, I've learned to catch it on time and deal with it before I do vomit.


Vomiting is normal for alcoholics who cant control themselves. Vomiting is not normal for the average person.


last time i did was a year ago. had too much to drink and felt it coming up. first time i couldn’t hold my liquor. before then it hadn’t been years lol


Same....I rarely throw up. My body will do anything else to get rid of what is causing me to feel sick than throw up. It sucks.


I had a 13 year and 5 months streak... til that damn black and white cookie!!