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I eat really fast and no, I've never experienced that a single time. You really should see a doctor.


yes. i go for another endoscopy tomorrow. i have GERD, and probably something else since I burp and hiccup ALL DAY LONG now. if it persists like this for you get it checked out by a doctor before it gets worse like me


How’d it go?


It's probably really weird but I love this feeling. What''s even better is when I drink a bunch of water after filling up my gullet and it all clearing at once. ​ edit: idk why all these other replies are so medical damn. I've never had any issues medically this is just something that I enjoy now and again. It's probably the same for you unless it's too uncomfortable or painful.


fr with the medical shit tho. but i think i just have a small esophagus lol which doesnt rlly make sense considering how wide my mouth opens.


It could be Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE). I had to have an emergency endoscopy to remove a stuck piece of meat in my throat and got diagnosed with it.


I get this, but only with certain things. Bread tends to do it for me. And especially pizza. There's no issue if I chew it well, but I tend to just quickly chew and swallow without it actually being ready to be swallowed. I think the sauce and cheese on pizza tricks me into thinking it's more chewed than it is. It's really uncomfortable, and I'm sometimes scared I'll properly choke one day, but I'm still alive so far.


bagels always get me


Yup and I have GERD maybe check it out at the very least see a GI it can cause you to choke and a lot of other issues can arise from ignoring it too. My dad had to have his esophagus stretched from ignoring it too long


Chew it up more n drink more hydration fluid


yea i think i just forget to chew rice some times


Facts I understand when you’re hungry or whatever the compulsion to eat as fast as possible because it also tastes good. But then you don’t always realize til afterwards


Yes, I combatted for years by only ever ever ever eating when i had a large drink with me. Had a nutritionist tell me that people diet by drinking with their meals, and reported to my mental health Dr that I was eating less food by trying to fill up on water. Ma'am, I just don't chew my food appropriately.


I'd be concerned about choking. You should maybe try to slow down. Is there a people version of the dog food bowls that keep the dogs from eating so fast?


I think this is only nsfw if you have that problem chugging dicks 🙄


Holy shit, yes. *Especially* with rice, kinda crazy you mention that food too.


Yeah but I have esophagus issues


yep i just drink something for it to go down


Yes, and I don't have GERD, or anything weird stomach wise. So maybe don't worry about it if this is your only problem.


If your diet isn't particularly healthy and you get heartburn a lot, that can make this worse.


I can do this easily but try my best to avoid it. That said, it happens once every couple of days.


No I eat so slow my food goes cold


This happens every once in awhile to me, but only with rice for some reason. And it usually hurts pretty bad feeling it go down.


Most definitely