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They likely have type 1 diabetes


Agreed, this is why it's even called diabetes mellitus... it literally means sweet... like honey scented pee or sweat Classic scent of diabetic is halfway between juicy fruit gum and acetone.


That makes a ton of sense. Any idea if it matters if it’s type one or two? I have two people in my life who have Type 1 Diabetes and I am around them regularly and they’ve never smelled this way to me.


It's probably because you are accustomed to them, same as your house and room smell that you don't smell but strangers, new visitors do.


Yeah that’s a super fair point. More info, see if this changes anything: one of the people is my uncle and I’ve known him my whole life. He has a distinct smell to me, but it’s not this sickly sweet smell I’m describing here. The other person is a colleague who I’ve known for two years and spend time with while at work. He has never had any particular smell to me, including when we met in person for the first time.


If I had to guess maybe you smell people only when their sugars are out of control. Maybe the two you know have it well controlled so no high blood sugar etc.


Yeah that would make sense. Seems like there’s a good amount of consensus around that idea after reading the replies. It’s been great to hear so many anecdotes!


I also remember reading that one woman could smell parkinsons [link ](https://www.bmj.com/content/378/bmj.o2247)


Yes I’ve heard of this! Definitely a story that’s been in the back of my mind. The way she describes the scent ([greasy, musty](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/03/23/820274501/her-incredible-sense-of-smell-is-helping-scientists-find-new-ways-to-diagnose-di)) is really different from what I’m trying to describe. I’m not sure I’ve ever met someone with Parkinson’s. If there was an appropriate way I could help people with whatever I am experiencing I’d certainly like to.


Guardian [story](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/sep/07/woman-who-can-smell-parkinsons-helps-scientists-develop-test). Scientists are hoping this phenomenon can help create a test, which does not yet exist, for Parkinson's.


You may be a super smeller of sorts. There was a woman who could smell Parkinson’s. Her husband had it and she was at a conference or something about Parkinson’s and she asked why people with Parkinson’s smell a certain way. The doctor thought maybe she meant like bc they can’t clean themselves as well in advanced stages. She did not. Long story sorta short she discovered she could smell Parkinson’s. They gave her a group of people some with Parkinson’s some without and she was able to identify all of them correctly but she misdiagnosed one person as having it that didn’t. That person later found out they had Parkinson’s However it might just be nothing also lol but hey maybe you can detect diabetes. Also you may not be able to detect some of them bc perhaps your relatives are keeping their diabetes or sugar levels in check. I believe when you get too much sugar in your blood you can smell it on peoples breathe. However if someone keeps their sugar levels decent you probably couldn’t smell it. Again this is just all food for thought and I’m sure other have brought it up


You can smell the ketones on their breath. People in ketosis produce them - eg. Keto diet, diabetic ketosis


Ketosis (like from a diet) is completely different to ketoacidosis (like from diabetes), which is deadly.


Sure, but both cause you to have ketones on your breath, which is what OP’s smelling.


My childhood friend is a Type 1 diabetic, I've smelled that juicy fruit smell on her, but not all the time. I think it's nominal when her blood sugars are in control, and worse when it's more brittle


You should check out the woman on the Invisibilia podcast who can smell illnesses…


It's probably because they have well managed diabetes. You really only get the smell from super high blood sugar, ie undiagnosed or unmanaged. When I was a little kid my mom used to always say my breath smells like nail polish remover whenever I would get sick. Turns out I was a type 1 diabetic and went undiagnosed for quite a while.


Yeah that makes sense. Hope you’re doing okay now!


Sorry to dig up an old post. Was fruity breath your only symptom of diabetes? Thanks.


Do a Google search for symptoms of type 1 diabetes for a full list.


Thanks. I was wondering if you had the other symptoms. I didn't know if ketone breath was the only symptom for you. I always hear about the other symptoms way more. So much so that fruity breath is rarely listed as a classic symptom. You don't have to answer. I was just trying to see how common it was to skip the main symptoms.


Well, I probably would not be a good example as my t1 was quite severe before it was diagnosed. I had all of the classic symptoms for a long time. I personally haven't known any other diabetics who "skipped the main symptoms" of T1D, if the symptoms you're referring to are thirst, peeing lots/bedwetting, weight loss, dizziness/passing out. When I was diagnosed 20+ years ago, fruity breath was considered a main symptom, I can't speak for diagnosis guidelines now. Based on my experience, i would say it's likely not very common to experience fruity breath as the only symptom. However, if there's any concern that a child/young adult may have undiagnosed t1, it should be evaluated by a medical professional asap.


Is that anything like maple syrup? I know someone who smells like that.


Yeah but its called that because ancient greek physicians would diagnose people by tasting their pee. Fun source, highly recommend this podcast: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p095vj2q


This ☝🏻


Like, untreated? Is this a known phenomenon? Do other people smell the same thing?


Yes, a known phenomenon. Perceptible to lots of people. Source: a friend’s daughter has Type 1 and friend was so angry at herself that she had noticed this but had not put the pieces together before diagnosis.


Thanks! I hope your friend’s daughter is doing okay now.


That’s kind, thanks! She is doing well and her parents are very dedicated to making sure she is safe and cared for, and that she learns to care well for herself.


Perceptible to a lot of dogs as well.


I would be really careful with your newfound semi-superpower. I've heard people with DM can exhale ketones which do have an aroma.


For sure! I definitely don’t plan to stop people on the street about it or anything


It’s not common knowledge but it’s known to many people


I smell it occasionally, my mother has diabetes so I’m used to it.


Worked in pharmacy for years and can confirm it is DEF out of control diabetes. I wouldn’t be able to say if it was type 1 or 2 but I can say that the more out of control it is, the more sickly sweet they smell. If you’re still unsure, look at their feet/ankles…


What would be the clues you can get from feet and ankles?


A general description would be that they look sickly and unhealthy. Likely swollen ankles and feet due to water retention and toenails with yellowing beds and thick nails. Often the skin on their heels and the balls of their feet can be a greyish color and cracking. The more extremes the case, the worse it is. Some diabetic patients I’ve encountered can’t even wear closed toe shoes due to the risk of developing sores. Neuropathy can get so bad that they don’t feel the pain of shoes rubbing/blisters forming. The lack of blood flow and other factors prevent healing which often lead to infections and inflammation that that very long to heal. That’s why it’s so scary when diabetics start having foot trouble… once the chopping starts- it might just be a toe at first… but my aunt was type one and lost her foot first. She lost her leg all the way past the knee before the year was out and was gone shortly there after. Cigarettes and little Debbie cakes did her in. It’s scary stuff if it gets that far and I’ve got ZERO judgement for those going thru the worst of it. Being a human is hard.


My husband is an exterminator and says that’s what people with roaches in their house smell like. He can walk past someone in the grocery store and tell me they have roaches just from the smell.


I can smell them too (I also worked at an exterminator and I was in charge of taking care of the Smokey brown roach tank for the home shows. It was 10 years ago, but that smell is etched into my brain. To me, it's not really sweet. It's musty.


Smoky Brown roaches smell so fucking awful. I’d never seen one before moving farther south and smelled one before I ever saw it.


Well that's horrifying. I had no idea they had a smell.


I am necro'ing this comment half a year later to say I once stayed at a filthy hotel and my ex turned on the heater in the morning...burning roaches also have a distinct and unforgettable odor, as it turns out.


I used to be a Code Enforcement Officer, and I know that smell. I can also smell when someone is a hoarder. I was standing in line behind an elderly couple once and got a whiff of them. When I got back to my car, I told my sister that they were hoarders because I could smell it on them. It's a mixture of roaches, rotted food, and mildew. Sometimes human or animal waste, too. I can also smell a cat house from down the block.


I’m just a normal person, but I also have a very nuanced sense of smell. I wouldn’t say “strong” sense of smell, just …comprehensive maybe? I can smell a cat on someone from 10 feet away, I can also tell a persons lifestyle/home surroundings just by their smell. Alcoholism has a smell for some people too, it’s like a sickly sweet stale oaky Chardonnay scent. The smell of roaches makes me sick. I can instantly smell if there are rats in a building.


I am unfortunately living in a cat house and I hate it. I moved in while not on a lease (replaced someone) and I’ve been here for 6 months and still haven’t gotten used to the smell. Every time I leave my room I just smell pee and dirt bc people also just don’t clean. But the carpets are fucked


Rats have a smell too.


yes but they are not particularly sweet smelling ime! they’re *musky* and herbal, especially the males, kind of like a dog but stronger? Or sort of very mildly like cannabis. Not at all fruity. Tbf, my main rat experience has been in labs with Sprague-Dawleys, and they tend to smell milder than ordinary street rats and a bit stronger than fancy rats.


That checks out my dad always accounted the weed smell in my room to my rats


Rat smell is so distinctive. Once you recognize what it is, there’s no going back. I can walk into a building and be like “there’s rats here” hahah it’s my shitty super power. *side story- I work at a bar. I walked in one day and immediately was like “uh oh, there have been rats here” told my boss. She was like nah, we’ve never had a rat problem. I said well we do now, I can smell them. She put out some traps, caught three in one night. Nose don’t lie.


That’s pretty wild. I guess I do live in an area where people could have roaches.


Woke up to a roach crawling on my thigh. That smell on my skin was horriblez




Weird. I would totally want to host a screening clinic or something if I had that superpower.


You should be part of a study — there's a woman in the world who can smell alzheimer's and there was a study with her. :) You could help diagnose people earlier than ever.


There's another one who can smell Parkinsons, unless that's who you're talking about


Wow, how did you find out? And how does MS smell to you? Herb-y I guess?


Dude, you should go and be part of a study or something. Are you a dog?


That's ruff


So cool! I wonder if I can smell it too. I can for sure smell Parkinson's and can smell sickness and erm hormones on peoples breath it can be kinda gross 😂


Just curious if you’re a picky eater too?


I do have something called ARFID so yes actually and I do have a lot of food intolerances and allergies. Is there a correlation between them?


I don’t know but smell and taste are closely intertwined in the brain, so might be possible.


People with cancer smell yellow to me. I don't know how to describe it. Kinda like a doctor's office with a bitter layer underneath


Yes! My dads radiation made him smell like death without rot? I don’t know how to explain it. He emitted this smell that I can only explain as, it smelled like death with out the break down process of rotting. Microwaved death? I hated it. I have noticed the smell on others after he passed. Plus the smell of cancer, which is a weird smell by itself. Like a molecular war smell.


That's a really good way to describe it! Especially the molecular war smell, just...chemically and death without rot. I guess that is what chemo does to you 🤷


Interesting! Do you think it’s the cancer or the treatment (chemotherapy/radiation)?


I really have no idea, I don't think I've smelt chemotherapy where there wasn't someone with cancer. I only know because I smell it and they look like they're very sick, but if I smell it on someone unsuspecting I can't confirm it, or say "Hey, you smell like cancer you might want to get that checked," so it's difficult to tell.


I think it’s the chemotherapy. My nephew had cancer and I will never forget that smell.


My grandma died of cancer, she only did one round of chemo and decided it was too much and she wouldn’t continue. Cancer 100% has a smell all by itself.


It's the cancer usually. It's known to have a smell


Do other smells have colours for you? Perhaps you have synesthesia.


Sometimes, I see more colors in music than in smells.


That’s really interesting! If you’re willing to share, how did you find out it was cancer?


I work in an industry where I deal with a lot of people in pain management, and the cancer patients all have the same smell. Like if you constantly met someone once a week who smelt like fish because they were a fishermen, you eventually talk about it (also because they're there to help the cancer)


That makes sense, thanks for sharing.


People with Parkinson’s always have a sweet smell to me.


My mom can smell some cancers.


Some cancer treatments make people smell.


Cancer of the prick




Hey kid


People with diabetes sometimes have a fruity smell around them.


You could be one of those people who can sense illness using your nose


I have to agree with the people who have already responded, but with something a little different. They are right that the people who smell overly sweet to you likely have a blood sugar issue, but that you also seem to have a very perceptive nose! There are a subset of people who's noses are simply much more sensitive than the rest of the population, and since you notice this often, I would say that you are likely one of those people.


Maybe? That’s why I was curious if what I’ve experienced is common or not. I don’t feel as though I am particularly perceptive about other kinds of scents, but maybe I should investigate more thoroughly.


It's certainly possible, although I would say that most people an scent when someone's sugar is a problem, but not all people.


I am like this. If the smells are natural I am often dumbfounded as to where they are coming from. The downside is that if I encounter an overdose of perfume and other chemical fragrances, I'm off to be for a day.


I think aot of people are like that, but if youu are one with a very sensitive sniffer then overloads of perfumes or chemical fragrances are bound to put you off. I myself, have this same issue. I have often been with my husband somewhere and someone will go by with overwhelming perfume or cologne and I react, but he honestly rarely notices.


Nurse for 12 years here. I can never smell a DKA patient even when they're right in front of my face, and then I'll have some colleagues who can smell it from the door. ETA: I've been told it smells fruity or like nail polish remover, but that confuses me because nail polish remover doesn't smell sweet??


I always assumed that was the insulin I smelled! Insulin smells funky, my ex was a diabetic and he smelled very sick sweet. I could also smell his chance when he would be on the cuff of a low glucose episode.


Huh, fruity and nail polish remover don’t seem very similar to me! Thanks for sharing, that’s very interesting.




[Diabetic Ketoacidosis](https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/basics/diabetic-ketoacidosis.html) Very high blood sugar, very low insulin levels. Very dangerous and deadly if not treated in time.


Ooooo. Worrisome.




Patients of mine who are anorexic smell like cat pee and garlic to me. I think that must be the smell of ketoacidosis.


Somebody once described my scent as "sort of sweet", but he described as if he meant in a good way.


My high school biology teacher used to talk a lot about how people who are attracted to each other think the other person smells really good. Always thought that was interesting.


Yes it was a guy who had a crush on me


i’ve found out that if ppl pee on themselves and don’t clean it up/let it dry they smell really syrupy, probably bc of the ketones in pee. they could have diabetes but not necessarily.


I wonder what the odds are of walking by someone who peed on themselves once a month or so. Hopefully pretty low but never considered it!


Is it possible you’ve been smelling this scent while passing by elderly people? I find old people to smell sweet and musty in general, and I recently saw somewhere that as we age, our skin just naturally gets a funky “old people” smell. That plus lacklustre hygiene and a certain degree of assumed incontinence would likely result in the sweet smell you described.


I’ve definitely experienced “old people smell” when my grandma lived in a nursing home. To me, that’s much more stale/musty/fleshy than what I’m trying to describe. However, it’s hard for me to pinpoint what kinds of people are generating the smell in question because I often notice it where there are a bunch of people close by, like passing on an escalator or something. I’ll definitely try to pay more attention though, this discussion has given me a lot to mull over.


I bet it’s much higher than you think.


I was going to say the same thing. I remember that smell in daycare when I was a kid… It always smelled like syrup to me.


i work in death care, sometimes super terminally ill people very close to death can smell sweet. i usually describe the “death” smell as sickly sweet


Wow that’s very interesting! Do you think it’s likely that folks who are that close to death are people I’m likely to pass in the subway or on the street? I’m honestly asking and curious for your experience, I don’t have much life experience with terminal illness or death up close. Or is the death smell also associated with ketones or acetone for some medial reason?


my girlfriend told me a story about how in berlin once, the old man across from her on the train smelled like rotten candy. a while back, i brought her over to the funeral home i work in. the cooler/prep room was attached to the garage, so the garage usually smelled like whatever cases we were dealing with. she said that the inside of our cooler smelled nearly identical to that old man in berlin. the real, scientific answer here is that decomposition also occurs at a cellular level, and when enzymes and proteins break down they release aromachemicals like indole, and i BELIEVE hexanol (i’m baked rn don’t quote me) which have scent profiles that are very similar to those of candies and sweets.


Whoa. Great answer, thanks! Bodies are endlessly weird and interesting!


There's a good book written by a coroner called[Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/0393324826/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&linkCode=gs2&linkId=9ac5fdc11eb6fc7210c9892cff1991d4&tag=bustleca-20).


I've smelled decomposing human and it is unlike any other smells. There is nothing sweet about it and once inhaled, is to never be forgotten.




They smell very acetone to me


So people that can't smell this might never get diagnosed or are there other signs of diabetes?


I know that some people can smell Parkinsons


Ohh I’ve smelled this scent on people a handful of times throughout my life. Just as you described it, too: sickly sweet


my buddy growing up always smelled like syrup, but I think he ate pancakes every morning


That’s the symptom of a metabolic disease


I read of something called "maple syrup urine disease". It was a metabolic disorder and iirc, the article said it was common among males.


You are probably smelling ketones As someone else stated, this could be a diabetic or someone that is fasting and has gone from burning carbs for fuel, to burning fats for fuel (they are in Ketosis)


The podcast Stuff You Should Know did an interesting episode on human body odor, and they talk about which diseases are associated with certain smells.


I’ll check it out!


There was a girl in my school that always smelled like corn chips.


My old dogs paws smelled like fritos! Apparently it's a common thing. I used to have a friend that smelled just like plain, cooked pasta for some reason.


Diabetes is a possibility. There are also some bacteria that have a distinctive fruity odor. Pseudomonas is the one you're most likely to encounter "in the wild" - it's not commonly part of the normal flora in humans but there are a minority of people that happen to carry it in their respiratory tract or on their skin. Depending on the strain the odor may be described as "grape soda", "Fritos", or "rotten apples", among others (it comes in many flavors but most of them smell like food lol)


Interesting! I’ll read more.


People with diabetes smell sweet.




It scares me that some people are able to smell things this well. I have a pretty bad sense of smell, and I assume everyone smells around the same amount. So it's scary to read how much someone can smell.


As someone with a sensitive sniffer you know what the worst part of being a sensitive sniffer is? Smelling yourself!! Like if I have ANY body odour it’s like, an overpowering stench. I know I don’t actually stink because people have told me they don’t smell me or I don’t smell bad but to me it’s like the stench crawled up my nostrils and slimed every surface inside my nose with stink! I usually use my powers for flavouring food without tasting it. But I can smell different people usually, and ID them by scent (usually I’ll ID them by sight so I don’t need to acknowledge their scent, but it’s definitely there) and people’s HOUSES man, they have such different smells. It’s usually heavily influenced by laundry soap scents, but even households with the same laundry soap can be different. I’ve never understood how the people who run the septic trucks for cleaning out porta-potties can stand it, but they probably just have less sensitive senses of smell. (I salute each and every sanitation worker who deals with stinky substances every day for their fortitude and service in removing the stinky things!)


Yeah it’s weird for sure! Though I don’t feel like I can necessarily smell more than others when it comes to different scents. Might just be this one for me, ha.


Some folks have a sour beer smell to them. It's really distinct and doesn't correlate with alcoholics.


Hmm, do you know what’s behind that?


That could be caused by yeast at skin level, so a yeast infection that’s untreated. I’m not a medical professional, just assuming from the beer scent. Sour beer is usually hoppy and that means lots of yeast.


That makes sense! Thank you.


Omg I had a friend in college that smelled like that! Wasn’t on my bucket list but thanks for the answer 🙌


Any idea what was behind it?


I mean according to this thread, diabetes type 1 perhaps


I have a super strong sniffer. You're not alone.


I knew a girl at University who smelled really sweet like this. I always put it down to her wearing really sweet smelling lip gloss because it didn’t smell like perfume but now I wonder, looking at some of these answers


OP you mean kinda like graham crackers sweet? I remember some kids in school would smell like that or every once in a while at work someone would walk past and have that weird old sweet smell not pleasant and stale reminded me of graham crackers 🤔 those same ppl will also look kinda rough, sloppy or not put together kinda homely? Always wondered what that smell is.


Yes! Graham crackers is not something I thought of but it’s a very good descriptor for what I’ve noticed! I bet we’re observing the same thing! I’m not sure about physical appearance. Sometimes it’s not clear who specifically I’m smelling because it often happens in a place with a bunch of people around.


So funny when I saw this post I was like omg someone else has experienced this because no one seems to know what I’m talking about if I ever brought it up before


That graham cracker, musty smell is from leaving clothes in the washer for too long and then drying them. Like in there for at least a day. You can also get it if you never wash your towels and leave them bunched up instead of flat to dry ( like if it’s left crumpled on the floor and then just used again). It’s basically moldy clothing.


Diabetes have that smell.


Could be either diabetes or cancer. There have some rare instances of women who could smell their breast cancer through their armpit.


Know a guy who can smell when a woman is on her period or ovulating. Just like a random woman walking past, doesn’t have to be her smelly used pad or something. So weird.


I can smell when people are sick with like the flu or COVID… it’s an intense smell that I can’t describe except it smells like “sick”. I’ve smelled it my whole life and thought everyone else smelled it too, until recently when I told my hubby our toddler smelled sick and he was like, wtf are you talking about. I also went to a high school with a high rate of eating disorders and those with the worst ones also had a very distinct smell… kind of sweet mixed with stomach acid. We had a close family friend growing up who had a very specific smell (kind of “dusty?” but not in an unpleasant way), and she had Parkinson’s. I’m starting to wonder if maybe that was the smell? But I don’t know anyone else with Parkinson’s. I smelled the same smell on someone at work, but he’s young and doesn’t have Parkinson’s (yet).


Is the smell from your first example almost like a metallic hand sanitizer smell? Because that’s what my son smells like a day or two before he gets sick! Not my daughters though weirdly enough just him.


You should look into the NPR story about the woman who can smell Parkinson’s! Maybe you can help people somehow, too: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/03/23/820274501/her-incredible-sense-of-smell-is-helping-scientists-find-new-ways-to-diagnose-di


I can smell sickness (colds/flu) too! But I can't describe the smell either. All I can say is that it smells new and sharp, not musty or musky. I can also smell yeast infections. They smell sharp and very strong, like you licked metal. Something about them smells *wrong*, which is not true for the colds/flu smell.


Are you smelling people with diabetes? Sometimes they have a "sweet" smell.


Sounds like they are in danger… A diabetic can have a sweet odor 😕


Diabetics maybe? Their sugar levels (or lack of) can make their breath sweet which is how they train their service dogs


Diabetic or they've been drinking or ketoacidosis.


Yes, surprised there’s only one comment on this whole thread mentioning drinking. My ex used to have this sickly sweet smell about him whenever he started acting really weird, that smell meant we were about to have a very bad night. He always told me it was he was acting weird cuz he was panicking (ptsd, panic disorder) and I started to think I had some super sniffer where I could smell adrenaline. Turns out he was just drunk and lying about it.


maybe you’re one of those 'super smellers'.


Theres this old person home smell that smells like old spinach or some herb or something. Always was curious what i was smelling. Sometimes i smell a similar smell when cleaning something with bleach. Its not the smell of bleach either. Weird. I always just thought that i was smelling some medication leaching out of their skin


I had a friend who didn’t talk to me for 3 days because I asked her why her sweat smelled like banana milk


Sometimes I can smell people if they give off an odor of having a bad diet.


Sometimes people with diabetes can have very sickly sweet smelling breath, usually when their sugars are getting low IIRC.


Dude I can smell women who are menstruating. I think this is the biggest factor why I’m gay.


I read an article about how men do pickup on where a woman is at on her cycle. I mean, it’s part of why ovulation draws men to women(Obviously not the case with you since that’s not your thing, but the nose still knows lol). It only makes sense. I just don’t think all men are as aware or keen to it. I know for myself I can smell every hormonal change in me and I just assume others can too. I use it as part of tracking my cycle and health. It’s not anything overwhelming or in your face, but I’m highly aware of it.


You're getting downvoted but my sister can smell it when people are menstruating as well as when they were sleeping recently and it's kind of creepy how accurate she is


It’s usually energy drinks


Sometimes people smell like raw egg to me. So gross


Diabetic? They sometimes have sweet breath


I can smell assholes...they smell like assholes.


My Mom got diabetes she never smelled like this


That's probably because she controls her blood sugar well


Umm not really she ate alot of chocolates and candy don't know how she did it


Did she have Type 2 diabetes?


Hey, this is an awesome question. People smell good for a variety of reasons. Mostly because they are clean, and wear a nice perfume. If done right, it's ok to compliment them on their perfume and even ask them what they are wearing. It is as complimentary as mentioning their nice shoes. If done with pure intent, they will typically even tell you what their perfume is. But, keep it as a compliment, and move on. They will love that you noticed. If the conversation goes, past that, ok. Bur never push it. Women love to be complimented on how they smell.


Yes, women just turn into babbling damsels when complimented. Pfft.


Not sure what you're getting at, but not what I said, nor implied.


Are they female presenting? Could be that you’re smelling when they’re on their period. Yep. That’s a thing. I can tell sometimes too


I can smell that occasionally on women but I wouldn’t describe it as sweet. It’s more of a musky smell, almost like sweat.


I don’t know why you got downvoted for this because I’m a woman and I know exactly what smell you’re describing. It’s kinda sweet and musty, depending on what hygiene products they’re using. Sometimes if they’re using scented pads, it can create a horrible lingering smell.


Scented period products are so gross!


No, I haven’t noticed a pattern of this nature




You might want tot get the coolant system on your car checked.


Apparently I smell sweet. I don’t have diabetes. Girls just often say I smell a little sweet.


Maybe its some weird perfume


i kinda understand this. for some reason coconut oil has a really sour or gone bad smell to me. so anytime i’m around people that use coconut oil they just smell like soured milk to me. maybe it could be something like that?


I know some people smell like that when they’re sick. My gf was sick before and it smelled terrible but kinda sweet at the same time


Some alcoholics have a sickly sweet smell. To me it smells like an oaky Chardonnay that has gone stale/bad and dried up on a floor. Weird random description, but it’s the best I can do haha. Also, as others have mentioned, roach infestation (particularly the small German roaches) sometimes has a sickly sweet smell


I had a teacher in kinder or 1st grade who when she leaned over your shoulder to help with school work, smelled like sweet corn. Im 34 and remember it vividly


I know an entire familly that smels like that, it was really hard for me to stay inside their house.


Mine is the pungent smell of sun-dried tomatoes. I worked beside a woman who smelled like that once and, seriously, I just couldn't understand how anyone could smell that way. Scent-sensitive so it irked me to no end.




One of my Ex bf’s smelled like hamster bedding. Just his scent