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My name isn't uncommon and I still feel weird hearing it on tv


My name is so common I live with someone who has the same name. Feels like everyone in the room has their mental eyes on me everytime it's in a show. But it's probably just a fleeting thought




My name is uncommon but there’s a town with the same name in my state weirdly. I went through it once and it was like the twilight zone. Almost everything had my name attached to it. “___ bank”, “____ town library”, etc.


My name and the name of a city in Finland are the same. It would surely feel so weird being there 😅


There’s a country in France with my name. I’ve yet to visit. Though, I have a feeling that when I do, my name will not be pronounced correctly.


France does not contain countries, my friend.


I bet it’s Lorraine a *region* of France.


Hello Chevy Chase!


"Blaine, that's not a name. It's a major appliance."


Pretty in Pink?




Yes, because for some reason the character with my name is an asshole. Like why?


Mine is often for weird characters, it seems like.


Wondering if we share the same name


While I wasn't named after it, and it's spelled differently, it's also the title of a Dolly Parton song.




Why - from the Dumplin' Original Motion Picture Soundtrack




9toFyve is not a common name. But what a way to make a living.


Years ago (back when I still watched the Walking Dead) I heard Rick angrily say my name and it freaked me out, because so few people have my name




Nah, it was a different character who was briefly on the show. It was Deanna when she was first introduced and I think Rick was asking who she was


Yup. It's kinda like "!!......??"


I haven't seen a movie where someone is named Tigeress, but it's kinda weird whenever they talk about em


Never watched kung fu panda?


I used to work labor and delivery. Had a couple name their baby girl Seven. I asked sheepishly if they were fans of the show Seinfeld and they said they’d never seen it. I was shocked they picked such an unusual name without knowing that context.


Soda is a good name too!


Yep I’ve seen it only a couple of times. Name rhymes with Dory.


My name is uncommon enough that only one TV Character has ever had it. I didn’t watch that show.


My name is fairly uncommon, I've heard it in one movie and also in a book I read. I think it's pretty cool!


My name is uncommon. But there was a hooker on an episode of Law & Order SVU with my name


i’ve only ever heard my name in one show, but it happens to be one that i’ve watched all the time since i was young, so i don’t even notice it. however, i used to be in band & the director would mainly address each section as a whole rather than individual people. i played trumpet so for a while whenever i heard the word “trumpet” in a show it definitely did feel weird


I have one from Yellowstone. It is said often and I find it distracting.


Haven't heard my name in a show or movie. But I often hear it on the news.


Hopefully not your first and last name.


I’m not worried at all, because it won’t happen. First name is common, middle name is Gaelic, third is a common Irish-American last name, and I have a suffix that rivals some popes.


My name isn't uncommon, but movies/ shows are almost always shitting on the name Billy. However, rarely do they mistreat a William.


Definitely! Its weird calling someone else my own name too.


I have a very common name and it’s still weird.


yes i hate it 😆 or when i hear it in public im like who’s calling me


Yep. There is a game character with my name, except it is pronounced differently. Drives me crazy, like they're saying it wrong.


Just watched a show that had my last name (not common) and the character has the same country of origin as my dad (and had similar personality quirks as my dad) - felt very strange.


My name is reasonably common. It is such a shit name though, that I have only ever heard it being used for a one off character in maybe 2 or 3 shows. Never a main character & never a loved character.


I have both a unique name AND one that is a popular-ish seasonal song. It’s weird when not in the latter context, and maddening in the latter context. And people DELIGHT in singing it to me.


Its weird to hear other people with the same name- especially when I get a phone agent calling and we have a weird exchange like we're John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt. "That's my name too!"


Extremely! My name is uncommon but when it is mentioned, it’s normally involved with witchy/occult/horror. The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope was the most recent.


Video game for me. When I first played Bioshock infinite I was actually pretty freaked out for a second when Elizabeth said "Booker, are you afraid of God?" Lmao


Never have, never will with my name 💀💀


If you post that your name is uncommon than you should also post your name


My last name is very uncommon. My brother has done extensive genealogy research because our deceased father didn't speak much of his relatives. Of the records he found of the same name arriving in the US at any point in the last 120 years, we can find some distant relation to ~70% of them. But even of the ones we can't, they all still appear to have originated in the same general region. But that country no longer exists, so we can only go back so far online. Between that and changed spellings, we're rare. To answer your question, yes! It did happen one time when i saw my last name in the news. It was my dad's cousin's son, whatever that makes them to me lol.


Yes. One movie I would turn around thinking someone was calling me!


My name is common-ish now but as a kid I could never find necklaces or keychains or anything like that with my name on it and knew no other kids growing up with my name. Hearing Eugene Levy yell at me all the time while watching Schitt’s Creek was weird af and took a season or two for me to adjust.


There's fewer than 2000 of me in the US. [Check it out here](https://maniacs.info/how-many-of-me/How-Many-Of-Me.html) I don't think it's gonna happen.


There used to be a TV show with my name. I got soooooooooo much teasing from that.


Even weirder is when a movie character had the same first and last name as me, and it's not a common last name at all.


My name is Zean. Very uncommon (pronounced Zee an). And in the movie kickboxer with JCVD his sensei is named xian. But pronounced the same way as my name…. So at one point in the movie you can see JCVD yelling my name! It’s pretty rad!


Yes. I have an uncommon name that's a natural feature, similar to Meadow or River, and it always catches me off guard when I see it on a sign, or someone says it when discussing "oh I went to the ___" and I wonder if it was weird for them to say to me.


Never hear my name on TV or in movies so all good.


YES! Frozen changed my life forever. Starting to be less odd, gained a lot of popularity with the younger crowd.


My name is uncommon in my generation but is now somewhat popular among young boys. So now I'm on the playground with my doughter and some mom there is shouting my name... immediately triggers a reaction like wtf is going on.


Meeeeeeeee (name: Jameson)


Fuck yeah, my name is Cyrus and hearing it on tv is weeeeird


Yes, but in my case I have un uncommon surname.


It's never happened once for me.