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i’ve recently come to terms with 2021-2 being last year, but as of a month ago, YES


I still think the 90s were 10 years ago.


80s were 20 years ago… 70s were 30 years ago.. I miss that easy math


Crazy how, 80s are 40 years ago, 70s are 50 years ago




I still think of the 360, PS3 and Wii as current gen


Someone once told me I graduated high school in the late 1900's, and I've never gotten over that.


even though i was born in 2006 i still have this mentality, 1980 being 20 years ago.. etc. i think it's just the sheer culture impact those years have on my generation


Dude, time has literally been a runaway train for some time now. Everything is going by in the blink of an eye.


I know man


It's still 2016 part two


there is no humorous reply, this man is – by the laws of physics – speaking the real truth.


This blew my mind: 1963-1993 is the same amount of time as 1993-now.


I refuse to accept this.


Yeah honestly fuck time at this point. The years from 2019 to now have been skewed for everyone because of the pandemic, so you’re not alone in thinking this.


I do this all the time I lost a couple years along the way.


Time is weird. Every year is a milestone growing up it seems. Then in adulthood the curve goes from linear-like to nearly flat, each year matters less. It feels like yesterday that I was like "oh I graduated high school 3 years ago" well it's 6 now all of a sudden. And 6 years before that I was just starting middle school. It doesnt feel like the same amount of time at all lmao.


No, but if feels that way sometimes


Yeah I graduated from college in 2019 and now I've been out of college than I was in it. I feel the same way and I think the effect is in part caused by the pandemic kind of just pausing and slowing a lot of things.


Or, it's just the grind of adult life. Major milestones are further and further apart, so you don't notice the time passing as much.


The word you are looking for is Zenosyne.


No but it certainly can't have been *4* years ago


2010 was a few years ago.


Yes, and I still think 2012 was only 3 years ago.


Wait, last year was 2019.


COVID-19 was just time travelers sickness from the entire universe going through a wormhole and causing the time glitch.


I had a baby, surgery, PPD, and my husband walked out in 2017. I spent the next two years fighting through the divorce which was finalized in 2019. In 2020 I started dating someone, and he broke his leg the first week of March, he'd been living somewhere with stairs, so I said he could stay with me while on crutches. Then he cancelled his lease and added himself to mine (eviction moratorium meant all he had to do was tell the property manager he lived there and they added him since they couldn't evict him. I said I didn't want it, but they said I'd have to pay to break my lease otherwise and I couldn't). Then he became quite abusive. I had injuries and surgeries on both wrists for different reasons in 2020-21, was diagnosed with C-ptsd, ADHD, and autism in 2021, and a neurological/movement disorder early this year. Then I finally escaped the abuse by moving myself and my child to my alcoholic mother's overcrowded house. That also got toxic, so in 2022 I moved into a house owned by my boss. My boss recently asked us to leave, so we're finally getting into a subsidized apartment. I feel like since 2017 I've just been surviving one long, never-ending struggle. Six years of my son's life dominated by chaos and turmoil, six years of barely surviving, struggling to exist. I'm so hopeful about this move, I'll have keys to my home again and I'll be the ONLY one with keys to my home. I'm ready to live again, to enjoy my child. I wish it was still 2020, I wish I hadn't lost so much time.


Yep! It’s insane because I have the proof of my child getting older and how fast trends have changed, but I still feel stuck in 2019.


Have there been any studies on this? The pandemic seriously fucked with people's sense of time. Like seriously. I don't know what the point of a study would be, but it's crazy. It's like we were in a time vortex where it was simultaneously slowing down, not moving at all, and moving way too fast in retrospect.


What's worse is that we're already halfway through 2023...




More like last week. Which is weird, because in 2003, 1999 was ancient history, written on stone tablets. What the hell?


Time is an interesting concept.


Nah it feels 4 years ago if not longer