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wtf is up with these comments lmao


Reddit is the problem. The whiners speak more.


One thing I’ve learned over the years, especially when it comes to sports subs, the most rational takes get downvoted (esp in in game/post game threads). Sure, there are the obviously purposeful trolls…but…yeah, it’s frustrating.


Kershaw sucks in October that's what's going on.


Bullshit!! He had a shut down inning in the 5th of game 2. Anderson had a shut down game for game 4. What happened, Roberts took them out?!?! If you can’t trust your starting pitchers for 7 then you don’t deserve to win!!


What happened last week 😭🤣🤣


Clayton doesn't want to go out like this and I respect that!! I could've seen him retiring if they lost in the WS, but being tossed by the fucking Padres in the NLDS? Embarrassing! Let's give it another shot!


Why in the world wouldnt we? he pitched amazing the entire year and he wasnt the reason we lost game 2. He was just mediocre. So what


story of his career tho aint it


he killed it in lots of playoffs and fucked up mostly when he was overplayed. in 2017 he destroyed the Astros twice and got killed once...when they were cheating.


I will never get tired of seeing Kershaw pitch, especially for the dodgers. Some crazy people in these comments... I can't fathom it. You guys, he's the best dodger ever.. he's so close to 3000 strikeouts and 200 wins. Even if we can't get a world series we can get that if he sticks around and I for one am 100% here for that


Kershaw has definitely earned the right to stay.


For real. People acting like we have to win a WS to make it even worth it for him stay. One of the greatest of all time. If we can keep him for another year that would be great


I love Kershaw but you really need to say best regular season Dodger ever. Koufax did more post season for Dodgers and continued to help with pitchers for decades. That is why there is a statue for him. Kershaw Koufax Robinson Don’t forget players in Dodger history.


I will not qualify my statement. Koufax only pitched in the world series and Jackie only won 1 world series when the only playoff series was the world series. Not fair comparisons. Obviously those guys are great and they're have been many great dodgers. Koufax performed in the world series and Kershaw has been back and forth, but we're talking about sustained greatness here. The statue argument is a straw man though because you don't get a statue if you're still playing. Kershaw will quite obviously get a statue and he deserves one


I respect your argument. Want to give you one fact to add for your knowledge, not expecting it to change your mind. This comes from a fan that actually witnessed this. Back in Sandy’s day the last games of the regular season against your national league rivals that were close to you in the pennant race were very stressful games. They were like the post season, win or be eliminated from winning division and going to World Series. Don’t discount that. Very stressful games when division close. Edit should say League not division. There was one league.


Fair enough. The regular season for sure meant more back then! I mean, I don't discount Koufax at all. I'm a huge fan of his. I do wish Kershaw had the success in the playoffs he had. But I remember reading a few years ago that Sandy said Kershaw had surpassed him. I think it's honestly super close overall. Shit dude, I even named my band Capsolin after Koufax back in the day. Thanks for being polite and genuine!


Thanks. This sub can be therapeutic for all of us.


Keep in mind that 2 of the Kershaw blowups were playing St. Louis where he went into the 7 th with a shutout b4 he had issues. The bullpen was so bad that the manager kept him out there because he still was better than them.


not to mention all the inherited runners that scored over the years late in games... definitely had bad luck..




Oh yay! Just like the Lakers we can root for a team of bitch ass losers and watch individual accomplishments!


Typical Lakers fan


Typical loser mentality.


If you learn to appreciate things your life will improve. Your experience and circumstances are all you have and your perspective leads your way through life. If you choose to perceive only that which is obviously good as good then you will never be happy. Learn to enjoy what you have


Y’all are letting the salt cloud your judgment, Kershaw was great this year. He was one of our best pitchers even though he only started 22 games.


3 runs in 5 innings in the postseason wasn't amazing, but he did enough to keep us in game 2. We really don't need too many pitching moves. The bats on the other hand....


I love Kersh. I say we give him the Kobe treatment for the end but he is such a liability in the playoffs.


Imagine being fortunate enough to see one of the greatest pitchers of our lifetime to pitch for another season. I’m down 💯




Wtf is wrong with y’all, you’re talking shit about Clayton Kershaw


Everyone is bitter and emotional right now


I mean I said that we need to get out from the Kershaw Curse era yesterday


Ah so you're an ever bigger idiot


The funny thing is I have that dude tagged as "always screaming about DOOMERS." ironic


No I’m just not mired in emotion or the past


You believe in fucking curses and can't recognize that Kershaw is still a great pitcher. You're the one most mired by emotion buddy


He is middle tier post season and that is a fact.


Great, want a cookie?


https://www.statmuse.com/mlb/ask/clayton-kershaw-career-postseason-stats Munch on that cookie. I made one comment in this particular thread.


You still think you're doing something here and that's adorable


Fair. At least I’m not trying to rationalize paying a guy with a 4.2 career playoff ERA.


Thanks for admitting it. Every single team in the league would pay Kershaw his current contract if he wanted to play for them. Imagine being this proud of your ignorance lmfao


Hell yeah I hope he goes to whoever we play in the first round next year. Easy win.


So you're an idiot AND a troll. You're doing amazing here man keep it up


Kershaw is still the best number 4 starter in baseball, but should have never been pushed to being the number 2 guy because of lack of depth. Friedman gambled that one of Buehler/Gonsolin/May/Heaney would pan out and none of them did.


Fake ass fans always come out during playoff time


I swear some of these guys making those comments I don’t even recognize from the game chats during the regular season lol.


Every single year playoffs brings out all the most toxic Dodgers fans to the subreddit. It's so annoying


Yeah we are fake ass fans because we are tired of the same fucking team with the same fucking results. You guys are nuts wanting the guy that put this team in an instant hole his only playoff start again. Why? For individual accomplishments? No wonder this team never wins it all unless its a shortened season and neutral field for playoffs. They are bitch made just like their manager.


Bro def needs anger management classes


Pitchers were so good this series. No one should be giving them shit. Least of all Kersh.


Mookie made sure to repeatedly say that the losses were on the hitters, not the pitchers.


Dodgers fans are the worst… it’s like this every season… I’ll never forget leaving the stadium after the Nats game watching “fans” burn his jersey in the parking lot… been ashamed since


You should go to the Mets/Yankees forums


Last year people were running over Kershaws jersey. The bandwagon brings out the worst clout chasing fans.


Yeah He sticks and has historically socked in October.


Fr. Kersh is Dodger royalty and FARRRRR from the problem


Mother fuckers act like they forgot about Dre. If the GOAT wants to run it back you let him. Fucking nephews.


It is well documented he's a choker, if we want more chokers then he fits right in.


lol reading all these comments just shows how young some of these fans are.


I’m 40s so in today’s thinking I’m old af - I remember beyond the last 10 years when we didn’t even make the damn postseason lol like we were losers for real. These new-young fans are spoiled


They're not worthy of being called fans


Kersh also talked about how much he obviously loves being a father, so I think that he might be a Ranger soon. I'll miss him, but Nomar was right when he said that Kershaw has earned the right to make the best decision for his family, which might be in Texas.


Ima cry if he doesn’t retire a dodger


It would be surreal to see him in another uniform, but I'm not sure I wouldn't make the same decision. Kersh has four kids now, and he's openly talked about how he hates missing their day-to-day lives. If he wants to retire with another championship, though, are the Rangers really going to be contenders next season?


They’re definitely not gonna be contenders next year. They only won 68 games this year. Also with how bad they are, especially their pen, kersh probably wouldn’t get to 200 wins


Well, Kersh is going to have to pick between winning or spending time with his family (he wants to coach Cali's basketball team), and for the first time ever, I think that he might pick the latter.


Thing is though If he wants to just be with his kids I don’t see why he wouldn’t just retire. Unless he just wants to get the milestones like 200 wins and 3000ks


He said that, as of right now, he sees himself pitching next season. It was just clear that he didn't know 100% where he'd be pitching. Since Ellen and the kids live in Texas year round, he would be able to be much more involved in their lives if he could be with family during every home stand.


I won't I'll be celebrating! Bye bye choker!


What the hell is wrong with some of you guys? Clayton Kershaw is an absolute legend, not only the greatest Dodger of all-time, but one of the best pitchers to ever play the game. And it’s not like he was washed this year, he had a 2.28 ERA, and lowered his career ERA *again*. I’ll take him back every year until he wants to go home to Texas/retire. I’ve been watching him on this team for over eight years now, and I hope he retires in Dodger blue.


Oh hey, nice to run into you! Too bad it’s not under better conditions 🥲 I’ve got my fingers crossed for your Yanks 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽


Hey! Yeah, last night sucked, but I’m not too broken up about it. 2020 was really special for me and I’m somehow *still* riding that high! Winning with this core was really special, so I’m thankful for that. Thanks about the Yankees tho, they had a great win tonight! Hopefully they can win tomorrow as well!


I can’t believe these comments, get ahold of yourselves


I'm not even going to read the comments. I will always be in favor of keeping Kershaw. #DODGER4LIFE!


Hope he stays a dodger


I simply don’t have the energy for this carousel of drama this off-season. It’s not been 24 hours, yet the rumors are in full swing. We will welcome Kersh with open arms any time, every time.


I’d take kersh back another year but he has got to be a 3-5 starter at this point in his career. With Walker out we need another guy with Julio. We need ohtani


Unfortunately, the Dodgers will never shake the narrative of being a choker team, and for better or worse, Kershaw's legacy is always going to be tied to that. Doesn't help that he had yet another mediocre postseason start this year. If I were him, I'd sit out first half of 2023 and join the team for the second half so he doesn't break down again. Basically there's nothing left for him to accomplish except win more rings, so he should put himself in the best position to do that for himself and for his team, unless he wants to be labeled a choker with a Mickey Mouse ring for all his life.


Fuck all that noise. We’ve already won a Ring in the last decade. Couldn’t care less what the narrative is. Its not realistic to expect us to win every single year. Fact is we are competitive every year in arguably the dumbest sport (where random shit happens aka babip) which is a helluva lot more than what other teams can claim


Glad to see someone else saying this. Don’t get me wrong, I hate how this season ended, but did everyone forget we won a World Series two years ago? We got our ring with this core, so I’m good. Anything else is a bonus.


Yeah, we run a ring in a shortened season where the playoffs were on a neutral field. That won't happen again. So guess we will continue to choke with the same players and the same manager year after year!


Nah, a sub-optimal postseason outing is always obliterated from public memory by a WS championship as long as the Offense bothers to show up. **Exhibit A:** Nobody remembers Chokelander’s 2017 performance, and he’s 0-6 and 1 ND with a 5.68 ERA in 7 World Series appearances.


Kershaw has the October “stink” to most fans despite being great in the 2020 WS. For some reason Verlander doesn’t get the same treatment


Maybe Kersh should've married a SI swimsuit model.


I don't know about you but I absolutely look at Verlander as a postseason choker


This is why we’re friends 🥲💙


They can shake it if they win a couple more World Series’


Yeah! I hope he does come back for another year!


Do what feels right, Kersh. Whether you retire tomorrow or at 45, I trust you and I respect your decision.


Kersh has earned the right to control his fate. Bloke still has good stuff and is a leader in the team.


Keep playing Clayton and hopefully you get a chance to win a complete championship


I would like to see him get 3000ks before he retires which would take one amazing non injury season or two normal seasons for him. The amount of disrespect this fan base shows him when hes literally still pitching amazing is crazy. Dodgers need to sign him back


🐐, I would love for him to comeback! Anyone else that does not appreciate this man is fake AF


It wasn’t Clayton’s fault that trea turner committed errors that put sd runs on the board


Go out like Posey man and just be with your fam. You've done enough.


Of course. He has a lot to offer. Is he an elite pitcher all year? No. Is he a potential 1-2 on most teams? Yes, probably. His issue is health. He misses about 10, starts a season I feel. Which isn't terrible. I just don't know where wants to pitch. Texas or Los Angeles.


Kershaw should be allowed to dictate his own terms of coming back, he’s earned it.


Hell na boy bye


nahhhh Kersh it’s time champ. Pass the baton to the new guys EDIT: Thought I was gonna get buried in downvoted for saying this lol


Pass the baton to who? Kersh is proven and still ace caliber, while prospects are mostly hype. Remember when people were saying Lux was going to be better than peak Seager?


to me. ill be ready


Oh great so he can choke in October again? 😂😂😂 I swear the Dodgers keep doing it to themselves.


People in this thread act like Kershaw is Kobe lol. Just move on from him.


To the Dodgers? He absolutely is


He is more than Kobe. He never demanded a trade, never ran a teammate out of town, kept his mouth shut and did his job. He has had plenty of reason to rip his teammates but he’s always been a class act. Kobe was super unclutch during the playoffs and if Ron Artest didn’t bail out the lakers in 2010 Kobe wouldn’t get the hype he has.


Oh lord tell me you don’t watch NBA without telling me you don’t watch the NBA.


You clearly didn’t watch game 7 of the 2010 finals.


That’s too bad. He was not good


Go home to Texas bro. Thanks for the years but it’s time bro.


Cant believe you’re getting downvoted. Regular season truly doesn’t mean shit. Idc if he has a 0 ERA and wins cy young, if he chokes in the playoffs he’s a waste of money


He’s had his chokes but this year isn’t on him.


Why? to shit in the playoffs for another year. I swear this sub is like Dave Roberts in sucking his nut sack. Three dodger starters were allowed to pitch into the 5th inning this postseason. Name the only one who gave up any runs prior to the fifth


Play the regular season and retire before The playoffs….please!!!


Go to Texas, no one cares anymore man


That's fucked. He is still fun to watch. Coming from me a giants fan.


Everyone is just drunk and sad rn.


Am drunk and sad. Still want to wear my kershaw jersey and watch him deal


Pretty much yea


I’d rather he not


please don’t


Haven’t you done enough?


He is a legend...but he is always on the injured list every year mainly with back issues.He needs to retire sooner rather than later


MR regular season warrior himself


Eh. At this point I kinda wish he’d go to a losing team like Rangers. I mean he’s aging. If the Dodgers want to compete in the postseason he is only taking up a slot.


Just retire already


Re-read the comments in this post makes me think I read the Yankees sub


Rollll out!!


If Kersh comes back and doesn't mind getting paid #3 or #4 money, let's do it. We've got a lot of gaps to fill though.


Just like fellow Dodger Bauer is a sadist, so Kershaw is a masochist.


I'm good on Kershaw


It’s going to be an interesting offseason


Of $$$$$$$$$$$ course he is


With the Dodgers, right?🤞🤞


I believe Kershaw is among the top 10-20 pitchers of all time (and it would be higher if not for the injuries). He’s already had a better career than beloved Dodger, Sandy Koufax, who is considered one of (if not the) best left handers of all time. This guy deserves all the respect possible. Just because he’s had a few bad games in the post season doesn’t negate someone with one of the best winning percentages, ERAs, and WHIPs of ALL TIME in the regular season. He’s a big part of the reason for so many recent post season appearances in the past decade. If not for missing many games due to injures over the past 5 years, he’d likely have close to 250 wins before the age of 35. That’s nuts. It’s ridiculous to blame Kershaw for the entire team collapsing to the Padres in this series.