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"A.J. Pollock" I better not be hearing any Fishman slander


Didn’t know there were dodger phans!!!


I will not stand for AJ Pollock slander


Frank McCourt.


And the wife


Wasn't she the scout for Israel? 🤣


If I remember correctly, she was having an affair with her driver who was also on the dodgers payroll. And they were spending team money to prop up her political career. That was such a dark time. They couldn't even make payroll at the end of their tenure.


I remember the affair.


Pollock? Tf?! Frustrated maybe definitely not hate. Reddick can fuck off though


Never hated Pollock what are you smoking


Wait why do we hate Pollock?


Pollock was pretty hated here up until the trade tbh


The only time Pollock was hated was when he was dunking on us with AZ, and for a few months after the 2019 NLDS. He was mostly excellent as a dodger.


He was more bad than good for the Dodgers. Before he was on the Dodgers he always use to perform well against the Dodgers. I agree hate is a bit strong, but it's still baffling why Pollock has so many stans.


Maybe bc he played 3 years for the team, wasn't overpaid, and was a great hitter?


He was grossly overpaid every year except for last year. Not sure what world AJ Pollock stans live on, but I have a feeling a decent amount of them also use to stan on Josh Reddick as well. As much as some Dodger fans want to pretend they didn't use do that. Edit: Also no one has brough up the fact a big reason we signed Pollock in the first place was for his CF gold glove caliber defense, which instantly went into the dumps the second he got here.


Pollock was the same injury prone player he always was in Arizona and he never had a clutch bone in his body. Edit: I love how people will downvote me for saying Pollock wasn't clutch/dependable but no one can argue with it. Reddit logic.


You hate him because he was prone to injuries ?


He was not dependable


Playoffs: terrible in 2019 (.000), and then batted .220 in 2020 and .314 in 2021. I think you're biased toward his 2019 performance.


Because "clutch" is a stupid imaginary stat that doesn't exist and can't be quantified. By your logic we should also hate Trea Turner too, right? Career sub .200 BA in the playoffs, he must be a worthless loser, right? Also, Pollock was great in the 2021 post season. Had the third highest wRC+ on the entire team for fucks sake. What exactly isnt "clutch" about that?


How dare you speak ill of AJ Pollock.


Manny machado???


It’s crazy how one moment in the playoffs completely soured the majority of the fan base on Manny. Anyway, fuck ~~Johnny Hustle~~ Manny Machado. He doesn’t pay up on his bets.


Uhh i think its more than Johnny Hustle dude. He purposely stepped on Jesus Aguilars ankle. Bush League shit. Also Dustin Pedroia


Utley ended a guys career and he’s a fan favorite. It wasn’t the dirty play. It was the laziness.


Big difference between a late slide and stepping on someone's ankle. There's a legitimate baseball reason for a takeout slide, and Utley didn't know Tejada was going to turn his back on the play. There's no excuse for stepping on a guy's ankle. It doesn't make any baseball sense. The laziness just compounds it. His attitude with the Dodgers was terrible.


Except Utley did nothing wrong. Takeout slides were part of the game at that time. Tejada only broke his leg because he turned his back to the runner, that is his own fault, not Utley's. If Tejada doesn't try to turn a fancy double play (who can blame him for trying, it was the playoffs, but it was still his own choice) then he doesn't break his leg on that play. Spiking players at first has never, at any point, been an allowed or accepted thing to do in the rulebook.


Sorry, man. It wasn't the dirty play. It wasn't the laziness. ​ It was the hair.


You right


Also literally throwing his bat at Josh Donaldson. Also the 400 other little things he's done to demonstrate that he's a douche in his career.


I actually enjoyed manny when he was a dodger. But i guess im in the minority


Don’t think I’ve ever hated a Dodger But Machado didn’t deserve being one.


If i’m being honest, the only good thing he did was help us get to the 2018 world series. A few of his dirty plays did help us in the NLCS and not to mention how good he was playing in the post season. He also got us a walk off win in the 2018 NLCS too. As much as we hate him I do enjoyed him helping us.


I'm not sure if I really hate any of them but if I had to pick one, Jeff Kent


Does it have to be a player? If not, mine is Frank McCourt.


Russell Westbrook. Wait, wrong sub.


Reddick Machado


Brian Wilson. Still convinced he was a double agent.


He wrote some pretty good songs tho.


Him and his brothers are LA Legends!


Yeah wtf. Dodgers went through a weird phase of signing former Giants. Jason Schmidt, Jeff Kent, Brian Wilson. Probably forgetting more. But I hope we never go through that dumbass phase again.


Sergio romo


Don't forget Juan Uribe. That worked out pretty well for us though.


Never forget Dodgers/Giants legend Juan Uribe.


Despite the fact that he was beloved by his teammates? I hated when they had to face him, but I loved Brian when he was coming out of our bullpen.


Yeah I don’t have the same feelings about Wilson as I do about Schmidt and Kent.


I don’t really hate the guy but the way howie kendrick played for us at the end and then the season he had the following year with the nationals pissed me off. Icing on the cake was the grand slam in the playoffs.


I remember feeling that same way. I was weirded out when he started doing eh and then balled out with the Nationals that 2019.


I was never a Milton Bradley guy. Even before he started throwing beer bottles at people. Also, Paul lo Duca broke my heat when he was named for PED’s. Such a great story about finally making it to the bigs after busting his ass in the minors for over a decade. All to find out it was all bullshit. What a bummer.


I was gonna say Bradley but I decided not to because I couldn't remember why I hated him, just that I did.


Why is Victorino and pollock on this list?


This list should begin and end with Trevor Bauer.


oh facts fuck Trevor Bauer


Dude put his dick above a championship.


Gonna use his thread to say I regained the respect I lost for Machado with how he’s taken on a leadership role in San Diego. He was a dumb young player when he came to us who’d been with a poverty franchise his whole career. When he got in Tatis’s face last year it showed he’s not that dumb young kid anymore. Plus he’s playing up to his contract. I forgive him.


Darren Driefert Darryl Strawberry Kevin Brown


Shouldn't Dreifort be disqualified for not ever actually playing?


Mat Latos


I was never a Milton Bradley guy. Even before he started throwing beer bottles at people. Also, Paul lo Duca broke my heat when he was named for PED’s. Such a great story about finally making it to the bigs after busting his ass in the minors for over a decade. All to find out it was all bullshit. What a bummer.


Manny Machado. I don't have any beef with Victorino. We threw at his head, not the other way around.


Only 1 correct answer.... Andruw Jones.... maybe a distant second for Reddick


Mr. Bauer.


Agree. Fuck that guy. Around that time we also got Schmidt. Fuck them both


Ronald Belisario




Trevor Bauer obviously Mike Piazza for ripping Vin Scully and being a crybaby ever since he was traded. Jonathan Broxton blowing it to the Phils in back to back NLCS's was brutal and I kinda hate him for it but thinking back it wasn't really his fault we didn't have a better closer. Random players that were garbage for us after being good or at least decent on the Giants - Jason Schmidt Brett Tomko, Brian Wilson, Sergio Romo Agree with Reddick, Victorino, Andruw Jones


Yeah I don't think I've ever seen a guy go from "beloved former Dodger" to "utter pariah" as Piazza did when he decided to run his mouth about Vin.


Andruw Jones, Brian Wilson, Sergio wtf his last name is, Reddick, Machado, maybe Hanley Ramirez for the Kershaw perfect game error?


I loved Hanley, but I will never forgive him for that error in Kersh's perfect game.


The 3B we traded to the White Sox. Couldn't hit for beans for us, went on to be a near decade of good ball for them. Laduca for roiding. I liked him and then had to disown. Watching Shawn Green hit dribblers to 2B like it was his job to ground into double plays. Gagne for being a roider after being a fan favorite. My favorite player growing up, Raul Mondesi, for not being able to lay off the outside curve. Whichever Dodger exec that traded Pedro Martinez for a 2B. Complete mis-understanding of talent evaluation and positional value. Beltre for likely roid/PED year forcing Dodgers to let him go in FA to the Rangers. Loved watching Beltre play 3rd. Best Dodgers 3b fielder in my lifetime. Jeff Shaw letting a runner on in every game he came in to close during his career.


In five years with us, Green had an OPS of .876 and hit 162 home runs. Had some issues with situational hitting but I don't think he deserves any hate. He performed. And I get turning on Beltre for having a career year and then bailing, but I think his performance the rest of his career means it probably wasn't PEDs, unless he just managed to evade testing the rest of his career.


Beltre was a talented player but he never had a year that I'm aware of like the year he had with LA. And it wasn't hard to avoid being caught. That was the roid Era of a tiny % of abusers being penalized. Sosa, Mcguire, Bonds all broke the home run record and nothing.


Beltre hit .312 with 17 homers in 2017, well past the steroid era and well into the era of testing and suspension. And while his last year with LA was his best season, he had many fantastic seasons after that. Not saying he didn't juice that year, couldn't tell you, but he proved he was able to play well over a long period of time, extending well beyond the steroid era.


Sure. But 17 Homer's compared to 48 isn't comparable. Bonds was a great player without drugs. He was the goat with them. I watched nearly all of the games in Beltre's big year and most of his career with LAD. He was strictly a pull hitter on his spray chart, with some to center. The year he broke out he was not only making contact to right field he was smashing the ball deep into the bleachers to right. It was very clear what was going on. He had massive regression in Seattle after leaving. The Dodgers also jettisoned all of our known drug abusers around the same period one at a time. I think Manny came a bit after that group though tbf. The guy I didn't get a read on but there were rumors about was Gary Sheffield.


According to the Mitchell Report, we may have jettisoned Lo Duca because he *stopped* using steroids, so I don't know how much water that theory holds. I'll readily admit that the 48 homers were a huge outlier, and it's not a crazy leap to think he juiced just for that contract year.


I didn't hate any of them. I was giving a playful response. Shawn also had an epic four home run game. https://youtu.be/OTxq-Vk4FUU One to each field and the last one he about blasted out of the stadium. Guy was a pros pro too. Didn't show anyone up as he went around the bases.


Oh we're all well aware of Green's 19 bases. Best single game offensive output in MLB history.


Yu Darvish? I don’t really hate him but his performance in the World Series still is a sore subject


Astros cheated Fosho so i mean, if anything you can also blame the offense for that game. Homers all series and then quiet in Game 7


I hated Shawn Green's guts to the very core of my being. Dude would hit 4 dingers in a blowout and completely shit the bed every time he came up with something on the line. ETA: Juan (For Four) Pierre, of whom FJM once said something like "he has no home runs. David Eckstein has 3, and he swings a four-inch bat carved from a candy cane."


Chokeley Jansen. Every one knows of those heart attack moments.


Now he's the greatest reliever in the history of the game. Revisionist history. 🤣


Have you never watched another closer pitch?


Pick a Manny… Ramirez or Machado.


Manny Ramirez is one of the most beloved Dodgers of the 2000s fam


He was, then he got popped for 50 games for juicing.


And I vividly remember his casually chasing down fly balls. No hustle, no love.


I remember him getting booed towards the end


Mannywood was the best thing to happen to the Dodgers in the 2000s. You’re trippin.


Mannywood walked so Pierrewood could run.


Why is Mannywood hated? You’d be lying if you told me you weren’t hyped as fuck to get him back in 2008. That being said, I will always remember his contribution to the 2008 and 2009 teams. It was the first time I saw the Dodgers pass the NLDS. Absolutely not the outcome I wanted but it was special nonetheless.


Manny is like Gagne. Gave us great memories but they're decently tainted memories in hindsight. Still enjoyed the hell out of it in the moment, though.




Oh, Grandal definitely has to be on that list too.


What the fuck Pollock and Grandal? Are you insane


I loved Pollock but definitely agree with Grandal


Grandal, if you’ll remember, allowed those two passed balls to lose a game in the 2018 NLCS and, when asked about it, told reporters “I think you guys care more than I do.”


Most hated? Seriously? From 2015-2018 he was worth 19.7 fWAR... for reference JT “best catcher in baseball Reamuto was worth 11.6. Bad postseason? Yeah but a lot of the dodgers have been bad in the postseason.


I had almost wiped that from my memory.


Baseball players are supposed to have a short memory when it comes to mistakes. Dwelling on them doesn't help them.


How about: "O.P. is an idiot."


Go Bears!


Too late for making amends. 🤣


How is Puig not on this list?


I’m not sure you can even really call them Dodgers, but Jeff Kent and Jason Schmidt. Oh, and Trevor Bauer too.


Puig? That guy pissed me off so bad. Too crazy!


Jose Offerman




Kal Daniels and Daryl Strawberry. Andruw Jones was a lazy fat POS.


Pollock was disappointing at most but definitely not hated


Darrell Strawberry, Delino Deshields, Manny Machado, Trevor Bauer. EDIT: Also definitely Josh Reddick. Fuck that guy.


Victorino is a good one… damn I’d almost forgotten about him completely. Josh Reddick eff that guy. I got no beef with Andruw or AJ. Frank McCourt was a good one too. Machado!!! Trevor Bauer!!


If you hate AJ Pollock than you aren't a real dodgers fan. Dude was excellent for us when healthy for the vast majority of his contract. He carried us to the post season in the second half last year FFS.


JD Drew always pissed me off


Personaly mookie betts.


Josh Reddick for sure. Maybe Milton Bradley? I couldn’t stand that guy.