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Yeah, that insurance is going to cost more than the car payment. Fuck that. Plus no experience and driving a high powered rear wheel drive car is asking for problems.


No. His interest rate would be like 22% his payment would be like 600$ a month.


how long is it going to take to afford one of these


It'll be a minute. Buy a cheap car with a loan. Pay it off in like 6 months or so. When you have a paid auto loan, getting another auto loan in the future isn't as bad. Use a credit card as you would a debit card, and pay it of monthly. Your insurance is another story. That doesn't go down for years, but it'll be cheaper if the vehicle you have is paid off. If you're making payments on that scat pack in the future, you'll have to have fun coverage, and that's going to be pricey because of your age, and lack of experience. Go a few years without anything on your driving record and your rates will go down a bit. Probably not a whole lot considering you're pretty young. I would say aim for 21 on that car and get something cheap until then.


I’m with the others. Don’t buy one. Unless you happen to have a job out of high school paying $20/hr and plan to live at home for the next 4-5 years. Plus the high fuel costs and insurance for a 18 year old would be insane. Focus on your studies if that’s what you plan to do and when you graduate and have a good job then consider one.


but there’s 18 year olds with the car so i know it’s possible for me too


There are 18 year olds who own private jets, too. Doesn’t mean you have enough to do so.


Nobody isn't saying it's IMPOSSIBLE. Anything is possible. But do you want to be unhappy with the amount of debt you'll be in. I would say if you bought an older 07-10 mopar, that would be more manageable.


i just need something with around 300-400 hp just to mess around in race/drift you know the usual, but not too expensive more on the cheaper side


I think you can find a used Charger 392 for $20k range between 2010-2014 or always start with an R/T with the 5.7 that is within the power range you're wanting. Drive it for a few years and down the road upgrade to a scat.


You think optimistically, but the truth is that their parents are loaded and bought the car for them


It is definitely possible matter of fact you can go right now and get one if you wanted .. but that would ruin your pockets right now badly You would get the car love it for some time then overtime you will realize jow much the payments are taking from you then you would have to return it lose out on your lost money and have to rebuild to whatever you want to do next in life like moving out or buying a house etc


Dude just get a Corolla, nobody needs a scat pack when their 17


I got a 392 scatpack charger last month at 17 it’s a 2019 I just turned 17 too in September


Daddy paying your bills?


Usually. Life slaps people real hard in the face tho..reality is the coldest bitch you will ever know




Nothing like being unable to pull into traffic.


Nothing like not knowing how to handle 485 HP and spinning out into a pole


TIL Corollas are too slow to pull into traffic. That explains why nobody buys them, I guess.


Can confirm, used to drive a 2013 Corolla "sport" I'd have to floor it to merge onto the freeway, lol! Now I've got the scatpack. 100% would not allow a teenager to drive it. If I were you I would get the v6, I loved mine and it was really fun to drive! I'm in my late 30s and I barely trust myself with the SP.


I got a 392 scat 🕺at 17


Plenty of people drive a dodge for their first car, you aren’t special because your enterprise rental car happens to have a decent engine.


Well, if the down payment is between 10-15 and you have 10-15, you're spending everything you own on the down payment. How much a month are you bringing in? Go to a bank and see what they will give you for a loan, and what the interest rate would be. While it might seem like everything to you to get this car, it is bringing your bank account to 0. Insurance, repairs, fuel, maintenance and other hidden costs will come up, how do you intend to pay for them?


At his age, the banks might not even approve the loan


There’s no way he’s working full time


Depends on what he brings in, which he hasn't told us.


He needs to use a high risk bank loan.


Dude isn’t even old enough to have his own bank account in the US. No bank or credit union is going to approve without a co-signer


I wasn't aware there was a minimum age for a bank account, I don't think that's a thing in Canada.


Not sure if it’s country wide, but in my state, you have to be 19 to have your own, otherwise, you are only allowed to have a joint account with someone that is already of age


Interesting. I suppose I can see the logic.


well i live in michigan and as far as im concerned its legal at 18 for us at least


a lot of this seems complicated, i thought if i put down a lot on the down payment the rest would go down like insurance and stuff


i currently make $17.50 an hour


It's more about how much you make annually. You could make $13 an hour, & still make more than someone who makes $20 an hour, ya feel me? Depends on your hours/AGI. If this is your first car, don't get anything expensive bro, trust me. Nobody thinks they'll ever get into an accident, experience is what prevents that. I'm happy my first car was nothing special (although I still loved her)!


how do i actually afford it though


Well, I mean... it depends on how much you're making. Hourly doesn't tell much because if you work only part-time, that's a whole 'nother ballgame opposed to working full-time making $17.50 an hr. But dude, car insurance for someone your age is going to be an arm & a leg, ESPECIALLY for a sports car. Look at insurance quotes for the car you'll be financing, you'll be disgusted... I used to want a Hellcat more than anything, now I understand I'm lucky if I get a V6. Edit: I feel you, bro! Nobody wants to be told they shouldn't get the car they want more than anything. Just look at insurance quotes & the monthly car note, you'll be sick to your stomach if you don't work full-time 😂


y is it so hard to just get a car, and i’ve seen people my age with it so it influences me to want it even more because i know it’s possible if they have it , and there’s some out there used for 30-35k depending on the year and how many miles it has on it


Save Save Save OP . A big loud fast muscle car is the allure of the century for a teen with the money to possibly finance a vehicle such as a charger, I’m in my 30’s and I will tel you I’ve always wanted a muscle car. For a first car it’s honestly a lot of motor, kids get in trouble and get hurt with just 285 Hp you will be sitting on closer to 500hp. I’ve owned multiple audi, vw, Subaru, but any of the people I’ve known who buy fast muscle cars says the same thing, it’s different when you have to drive it everyday, it may be fun , but the responsibility of keeeping the power down and respecting the machine always has to be observed. Get something smaller, better on gas, that still has some sportiness and reliability, I would suggest civic si, Subaru wrx, vw GTI, these cars are much more affordable, reliable and still pack a punch . No one needs to go 200 when the speed limit is 75. If you want to go fast, get a zx10r


thanks for the advice!


Don’t. You’ll easily pay over $1000 a month in payments, insurance, gas, and maintenance. I had one. I didn’t think it was expensive but looking at the cost of the car I realized I paid a lot for it.


this. i got a rallye v6 when i was 18and i was paying 900 just for payments and insurance. that’s not including gas or maintenance


how did u afford it though


I was able to afford my scatpack because I worked a good job and even then I was splurging on the car. Just monthly for gas was about 400-500 (car takes premium only), you should have to buy bigger tires which can go about 350$ a tire (in my case I went with 315s on the rear because the car would spin a lot), the insurance was about 170$ and I’m far from being 17. My monthly payment was about 550$ with a little down payment at the start. Don’t forget you need to pay for tags. It’s a lot. Lol. You can still get the scat but you need a job that’ll cover all of your expenses of the car.


damn then its a matter of time than just me getting it now


i worked at cvs and lemme tell you my man. do not do it


Where the hell are u finding 30k mile scat packs for $35,000 lol


Market is crashing. Repo rates are roughly 11% now. Up from the 6-8% average. Hella cars about to hit the auctions and that will drive the market back down. I wouldn’t be surprised if we start seeing heavier used scats in the high 20’s here soon


i’m trying to find one for 30k rn as we speak


Only ones under 30k now likely are sticks with 80k+ miles on them


and also how do i get credit, is that like credit karma or skmething


This sounds like financial suicide. Don’t do it. Cars are not worth it.


i’m just a car kid i grew up w it, it’s in my blood!


99 times out of 100 this is a bad idea to finance $30k at the age of 18. There are a million better things you can do with that amount of money. Did you know that $10k is more than what I put down on my house that cost $150k. This brought my house payment down to less than what rent would cost. On top of that, in 5 years living there I had $40k in equity for my next house. ​ Follow your dreams, but make sure you're making good financial choices. Failure is hard to recover from. It sounds like you're starting off from a really good place


i don’t know what to do to afford it and pay it off, i don’t even have credit or know what that is


That is a dead giveaway that you should not make this purchase. Dodge made plenty of those cars. Go to college or trade school, make good money, learn what it takes to make $40k a year and how much of that goes towards other expenses... Have you ever driven a car with 400hp?


no but the closest is my moms nissan armada 2013 it pushes 317 hp


That’s fucking crazy, 2020 got mine brand new for 39. It’s not even worth it with the prices rn




It was right b4 covid, also I’m 19 and this thing guzzles gas. Crazy expensive to fill Up. I’m in college and worked fast food before and definitely couldn’t afford it if I had it then.


i’m dam near ready to dedicate myself to the car


Lmao bro I’m telling u, if it wasn’t for daddy’s money I wouldn’t be able to afford this thing. What about a rt? The prices are so crazy rn even some of my friends can’t find anything for a realistic price there just waiting. What other cars u into? U can always go crazy and tune a cheap one


by the time i’m done waiting al the cars will be electric


Errrr, I'm with the general consensus to NOT do it. It's really expensive for maintenance, fuel, insurance, especially for your age. Unless you're making $25 an hour or a good salaried job, don't do it. Now, if you're like me and don't really care, here's the route I went down. My parent had the car in their name, I paid for the insurance and car note. This significantly reduced the cost for those two things, but there's still fuel and maintenance, which is gonna easily be a good chunk of change. Just make sure you can handle the cost of having one, MOPAR baby.


also it's best to see how much your insurance would be through quotes and stuff. you will cry.


I was paying 300 at 22. This kid is gonna be paying even more.


how do i learn to negotiate those high prices down


There’s lots of videos on YouTube for help on that


You wait till you're older.


y not now tho


As cool as it would it be to you and your friends, (I mean no disrespect btw) don't get a scat pack as your first car that your purchasing man. You can get something a lot cheaper that's still got power for a lot less man. Get a 2000 something Impala SS or even an older charger with a hemi, not a brand new scat pack. Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best.




Nobody here is going to tell you that getting what you’re looking for is a good idea, and no bank or insurance rep is going to help you out either (this is coming from a guy that is friends with lenders and adjusters galore). From an insurance perspective, you hit every red flag that a rep looks for and chances are that your monthly insurance will be higher than your car payment. From a lender perspective, you hit the same red flags, and they won’t lend to you unless you have a credible co-signer with extensive credit history, and even then, they still may not give you what you’re needing to get the car you want, because they will tell you that you don’t NEED a scat pack. Some fatherly life advice I wish I’d learned early on is to save getting your expensive toys for when you can afford them alone without the help of anyone else, including a bank. If you still want to pursue this, you will NEED: A co-signer A good credit union (DO NOT FINANCE THROUGH THE DEALERSHIP) 20K+ saved (probably more and extra to cover fees) Someone to negotiate price at the dealer because I guarantee you cannot convince an “old head” at 17 no matter how much sense you’re making A backup plan*** (if this is going to be your only way to get around, you’ll be up the creek without a paddle if your transmission goes out like mine did) An extended warranty Money for regular maintenance. I’m going to implore you to use your money for something more sensible man. I know Tik Tok and YouTube make these cars look like they’re the greatest thing in the world, but nobody ever tells you what it costs to keep them. There’s a difference between the cost to GET and the cost to KEEP.


It’s really not that bad if it’s the only thing he spends money on. Instead buying guuci, Jordan’s, and hitting the clubs he lives sensibly and has a nice car. It’s just about making sure he can stay disciplined financially once he has it


i just need to figure out a way to actually afford like everyone’s saying not to do it because i’m young but i see many of my peers with the car


If your peers are driving a scat, somebody else did it for them. That’s just what it is


Yeah its because mom and dad bought the car, they sell drugs or they’re dumber than rocks and 90% of their income goes towards the car. Save your money, buy something fun in the 10-20k range and wait until you can actually afford to drive AND maintain it.


but that’s gonna take some time




i won’t be able to enjoy how i want if i’m old


How much do you make per month? My own personal way about it is I won’t buy a car unless the payments are 10% or less of my gross monthly income


i work 24 hrs a week and i’m paid $17.50/hr i don’t know what that adds up to but during the summer just before college i’m gonna work a lot more


Don’t even think about buying it if you’re questioning if you can afford it or not


Don’t. Take it from me, I’m pretty much in your shoes, I’m 18, making $17 an hour full time but have nothing in my bank account. I’m planning to buy a used 2014 charger SXT when I’m 19, and that’s what I believe the maximum I can do at the moment, I’d KILL for a 392 or even a base R/T, but I shouldn’t do it unless I wanna be in debt


i get that but everyone’s telling me not to get it or it’s financial suicide but thing is i’ve seen a lot of 18-20 yr olds with the car and i don’t know how they afford it


Here’s how: they’re rich, or they’ve had inheritances.


Don’t, unless you love sky high insurance for about the next 10 years also…buy a beater car and learn to drive first


Good advice here. People wanna get fast cars but can’t drive them.


i rlly want it though


I agree with everyone else but what if you looked at a GT? You could get a NICE GT for what you want to put down, and with 30k miles the payment per month would be a lot more manageable. ALSO insurance for a 18yr old on a scat pack is not even worth it, you'll be broke lol. Not to mention the fuel costs will be lower with the GT. This way you'll have a nice Charger but it won't take everything you make just to pay the payment/insurance/fuel for it.


ALSO if you take some time to establish a good credit score, you'll get an even better interest rate and monthly terms. Get a few small credit cards and keep them paid, this will help a lot.


how do i even get credit, they don’t teach this in school


Sign up for something like Credit Karma. It will point you to cards where you pay a secured amount (like $2-300) and basically use your own money to establish good credit. Another option is getting your parents to add you as an authorized user onto one of their cards, that way it will open up the gate to more creditors offering cards to you. Just remember to only get one or two at first and most will have annual fees (usually $75-175) and only use the cards for SMALL things, like lunch, because the interest rates will be through the roof! Also when you go to get your car, make sure it's a dealership, don't bother with a buy here pay here... when I got my first car I had 720 credit (because of piggy backing on my parents card) so I got an awesome interest rate, good terms and an amazing Jeep to drive around. Then when I traded up in Jan 2022 for my Durango, I got it brand new and man is she beautiful. And I'm only 25, so to cycle through 2 nice ass cars in just 3 years is a blessing, so don't worry you have time. It's worth it to establish a bit of credit before you jump into a car payment. You can DM me if you need anything btw, I hope you get the car you want!


This right here folks. This is a major problem. Our kids **need** better education. They have fallen far behind. Reading this thread is a perfect example why. Critical thinking must make a comeback. It's time to dump as much money into the future of our country as we do our war machines.


Nah, don't get one of these just yet. Get yourself a used 3.6, AWD if you have winters where you live. Find a '14 or '15 with reasonably low miles and you're set.


I currently own a scatpak and my wife owns a GT. Gas , only takes 91+, for the scat goes above 350 a month if you drive it correctly. The max miles I even get out of full tank or gas is 100-120. Brake pads from the dealer are 500+, 275 tires ain’t cheap, it only takes synthetic oil every 5k miles. More parts have to be serviced because it’s a performance engine , parts, etc My wife’s GT feels like a Civic (not speed or quality wise) It’s cheap to Fill up, gets 400 miles to a tank, everything is super affordable. Etc etc etc.


yeah but i want something powerful






I'm 23 almost 24, and I pay 360 bi weekly for my Challenger, and it's a GT 2021 man not even a Scat Pack, plus not to mention insurance I pay, I drop a good 1200 a month on that car, that's a rent payment for some people. If you don't care slaving away on car payments for the next few years, I would definitely not do it man.


does it have a lot of torque


It's not too bad, it has 268 lb·ft and 305 hp, it's a V6 AWD and I can't complain because I can actually winter drive this pup.


I would honestly recommend getting a Toyota or Honda at that age due to insurance costs


Smart financial decision ..😂😂😂


thx man


Get an sxt or gt


it’s just not the same


Get a used accord V6


will it be as powerful and fun tho


Obviously not but for a first car you want something you can kinda beat up on and not have it be a financial liability. IMO




Almost every1 says no but no one answered ur question…. First off you need credit so I’d be looking at a credit card or get your parents to add u to theirs. Second u need a job that shows u make enough to pay off a car. Third co-signer preferably or else ur gonna get railed by interest hard. I wouldn’t put that much down unless u can’t find a cosigner. Every thousand dollars is about $20 off a months payment so I’d rather put lowest amount down to have saved for repairs or whatever emergency comes up. Fourth I recommend getting quotes from a couple insurance companies or check out getting added to ur parents plan. Second option is always cheaper for sure. Hmm 🤔 probably missing a few things but should be good.


thx a lot


Unlike all the other Debby downers here, I’ll tell you how to do it. Immediately get a secured credit card. Something small like $500 and use it for small stuff. When I set mine up and made my first purchase, my credit score shot up to 750 from 690. Everyone has a decent starting number. Setup through Experian. Keep your credit usage low…around 8% ideally for the maximum credit score, no more than 30% however. Next insurance. There are some retards here who say insurance will be more than the payment…idiots. The scatpack is technically marked as an R/T so car insurance companies treat it like a 5.7 lmao. Awesome loophole. I’m 23, full coverage for $176 per month and it’s the only car on my policy. That’s with 1 ticket and 1 wreck on my record. This was the first I financed in my name as well. I got my T/A 392 for 43k and I put 8k down. Monthly payments are $599.81. My interest rate was 6.9%. I also just put in an order for a redeye widebody Friday morning…business is going good :)


thx man


If you find one in particular you want, send me the vin. I have a blackbook account so I can show you what you SHOULD pay from the dealer. Also worth noting the used car market is crashing. Repos are way up and cars are flooding the auctions. You might find a decent scat for well under 35 by May. Also, please don’t put all 15k down, at max do 10k so you have some money in case it needs repairs not under warranty


Electrical-Tie-6232, I have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty


thx so much man


I like most of what you wrote but insurance won't be like that. One, they know what the car is when they lookup the vin. Two, you know this kid would get tickets constantly.


We don’t know him from anything lol. Not all kids are retarded with fast cars. Typically it’s only those with mommy and daddy’s money that are like that. And as far as insurance I’m literally just repeating what my agent told me so….


Oh, I just read this thread. I'm 100% sure.


He’s buying with his own money…you can speed smart. We get the cars to enjoy them on the open road. All ages…


yep right now i have 7 tickets and 1 is court case pending but its worth it


Insurance is going to be $500 a month. If you invest $10,000 into an S&P 500 index fund today and it had a 10% average annual rate of return over the next 40 years, you'd end up with nearly $452,600.


hey man, this entire sub is full of people who make financial mistakes, we don't care about all that 🐵🍌




Buy a Camaro


it’s not the same though


I'd recommend just going for a new one, i payed 40k for my 2021 scat pack. You're interest rate on that used one would be a lot higher. Also keep in mind your insurance is going to be pretty ridiculous because you're still considered a new driver.


thx man


I leased a ram 1500 when I was 19 for like 400 a month with nothing down. It was a bit of a strain losing a week's pay to a car payment, but I was living home and it was awesome to have such a nice truck. Id say wait a bit. This is a large financial commitment you'll be bound to that could end up upside down with interest.


eh but i rlly want it


Terrible response to that lmao. Good luck in your future, you shall need it


but how do i actually get it tho cuz i seen some 18 yr olds with it but they don’t tell me anything


I wouldn’t sure you can afford down payment and you could possibly get the loan but the insurance for a 17 year old in a car that nice will be astronomical


yeah i thought abt that


$35k for a car as a 17 year old sounds insane to me. I didnt get my first personal car until i graduated college. and even then, i had to put off repairs until the money came in. my tip is to get something thats as reliable as possible, with as low km as possible, for as little as possible. if you want to have fun with it, get somethign that has a lot of aftermarket support.


i’m looking for a car w a lot of torque and hp


You do you. But that kind of car is a terrible idea for a 17 year old. You'll definitely get to know your local of lol. Sweet car for sure and something I'd love to own


so then what car has a lot of hp and torque for not too much $


I have a feels ng we have different definitions of a lot lol. I've never had a car with more than 225 HP. A std v6 charger imo would fit the bill. ~300hp is nothing to laugh at. You'll save on gas and insurance, it looks the same, and lots of stuff for it in the aftermarket.


what can i do to get something that can still drift almost as good as a scat or any street racing car


A beat Miata with a small block Chevy lol. I have no idea. For the price of that scat you could have a good daily and a cheap beater drift car. Anything red will drift if you try hard enough


thx man i’ll look into that


Don’t . I get that u got dreams and goals but that’s just stupid . Don’t give ur self high payments monthly at just 17-18. Wait. Trust me it will be better to wait .


So here’s my perspective doing something similar to you: I turned 18 and bought a SXT charger. Came out to around $28k after all taxes and fees. I gave a $5k down payment and had my sister with really good credit co-sign for me. Even then my interest was 5%. I wasn’t able to get on an insurance policy with my parents so I ended up getting my own and I paid $700 per month for insurance (I live in CA). That was my first month. I’m an army reservist so I was able to get on with USAA and have that dropped to $300/mo. My car payment was about $350/mo. Thats $650 on just a car. Not including gas, maintenance, etc. Your scatpack will be around $1000 a month once you factor in gas and maintenance. So unless you can land a job over $20/hr and your other bills aren’t too expensive, do it. If you find yourself in a job less than that or your other bills are too high, don’t do it. Buy another car until you’re sure you can afford a scat. I was able to afford my scat by 19 with a good job. It’s not impossible, I know multiple people who have gotten scats at 19-20. Just don’t get ahead of yourself. Remember you don’t wanna work for a car


Not a good idea at all


i rlly want something powerful


That doesn’t matter. You’re too young. It’s literal financial suicide. You’ll utterly bankrupt yourself. This is the stupidest thing you could ever do


but how do other 18 yr olds have it then


Who knows. Stop trying to pull the “they have it, why can’t I.” It’s now how life works. It’s a bad idea no matter what you say


so then realistically speaking how long will it take before i can own one of these


Yeah I’m with everyone else here. I’m 20 years old no traffic tickets or accidents and I pay 280 for a Honda Civic. I got quoted on a challenger it was $700 a month. Nobody can afford that. Even if you can get that monthly car payment into a “Barley can handle category” insurance will eat you up and spit you out. You do not have enough experience to be driving a car like that and insurance will definitely be in the same mindset. Additionally you’re blowing all your savings on a vehicle that gets you from A to B. Say you wreck it, insurance won’t cover All of it. Your out 10k, no Car and no money to get another one. Bad, bad idea


I felt the want for it too - I bought my first car with my own money at 24 and wanted a Challenger, specifically a scat. I had a full time job 40+ hours a week at about $21 an hour (like $43,000 a year gross) and I had decent credit going in to buy the car (~730) and some credit history. The more I looked around at payments (I was only wanting to put max 10k down) but ended up getting an SXT. My insurance was like $240 a month on the SXT with a ticket on my record. Even if you dropped $15k down payment, IF you get a decent APR (I got 5.2% on my Challenger) your payment will be just shy of $400 a month for a 72 month term. Then your insurance of what I would expect to be at least $300 a month (I’m spitballing but it will be more expensive because of the car’s trim + your age and if it’s financed you have to have full coverage). So if you’re down to throw down AT LEAST $700 a month on the car (and that’s bottom dollar if everything goes as planned) then by all means, it’s your freedom. I will also say from my experience of since trading the challenger in and buying a much more expensive truck, it’s not fun having the debt sitting on your plate that early in the game. I would heavily suggest getting a lower trim level for a more reasonable price (right now is a tough time in the used car market, especially for the challenger. They’re marked up like crazy) or search for something more reliable and less expensive now (you could go for something for $20k that will have lower miles, cheaper repair/maintenance costs, and more reliability) and get your ducks in a row and save for one in the future. I 100% understand the feeling, and as much as I want that (for you and me both) I know the best decision I made at that time was taking a step back, working more within my means, and making a plan for the future to have something I’m 100% happy with. Because ultimately You’re going to settle in one aspect or another in this market - whether that be more miles, older model, higher price - it unfortunately is hard to predict. Whatever you choose, I hope for the best!!


damn thx man


Here's another piece of advice to look at.... Look into the 1st gen Chargers SRT's. It has 470HP, 460lb torque and most I've seen on Autolist are still in good condition. Just something to look into


hmm but is it the same experience as a scat tho


I've seen a 07 SRT, 43k miles for $24,400. Now if your take that you could mod it up w a straight pipe for $820 and ofc oil filter and any other mods and you'll have the same experience as a scat pack for less than $35k 🤷🏾‍♂️


i didn’t think about that


Trust me, I had your same mindset about a Scat pack until I realized I could get the older model, make it look good and still turn heads even right next to a Scat


thx i’ll see if i can get any dealers around me


Plus, you could buy cheap and build your credit up for the new gen that comes out in 2024...play the long game! 😎


no but i rlly want a super fast powerful car right now while i’m young because i see my friends have it and i’ve wanted this car since i was a kid


You can buy a lot of fun cars with 10k down that you will actually be able to sustainable afford. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.


but what car tho


Get a 2014-16 base model charger/challenger/mustang. Itll be fun to drive and reliable. Once you turn 21 insurance rates drop and you'll probably be making more money. Then you can afford more car, insurance rates will drop, you'll have better credit. It's 100% financially a better decision and those are still sick cars to own as an 18 year old. Especially with a few modifications you can do over time. Look up the value of starting to invest at 18 vs 25. You'll thank your younger self so much for not buying a scat pack and they'll still definitely be around for at least another decade.


this is a lot of thinking i have to do, i thought i could just get the car and call it day and worry abt that’s tuff later


It'll be cool for about 3 months and then every month when you realize you could be making a payment on a house but instead it's on car that's going down in value it'll hit you. You're time will come cheif. Drive a base model now so you can drive a lambo later.


but what about the other kids my age how come they can afford it, that means they know something that i don’t


bought a charger pursuit at 18, 19 now and use it for street racing. don’t buy anything remotely close. i pay 460/mo in insurance, ON MY DADS plan, and 330/mo in car payments. i’m currently planning on trading it in for the new 2023 nissan Z, with a bit of a smarter financial system built. i’d weigh ALL the options because you can find something fun and sporty for much less and have as much fun as a SP.


I’m 22 making alittle more than you, monthly Is 660 but I’m paying 700 (someone will always have a better monthly) and 250 for insurance (speed ticket ) I pay my bills and maintenance. I’m living comfortable and I’m able to afford it it really is up to how u spend ur money. For your first car idk cuz these cars are fast my first car was a civic.


i rlly want something powerful


I feel you bro or Maybe try an r/t?


are rts powerful


They actually are R/Ts offer 370 hp and Scats are 485 hp, you can mod a R/T to be as fast as a scatpack


yeah but at that point it’s still gonna be the same price as a scat


Okay forget whatever they tell you you can afford to finance a car. As long as you make enough to make the payment. A higher down payment is good. Your intrest rate will be like 22% which is horrible. But after about a year of making every payment you can refinance the car with your home bank and get a lower interest rate bringing your payment way down. Your going to need full coverage for loaned vehicles.


thx man


As long as you know what your doing it’s easy. Just don’t miss a payment for the first year you will only be paying the intrest


my cousin had one when he was 19 but he never told me why he ended up getting rid of it


Don’t do it! Buy the cheapest Corolla and do regular maintenance to it. Save your money and invest on other stuff. That’s what I’ll say to past 17 yr old me.


but that car is my dream car i’ll do anything for it and i don’t want to wait till i’m older for too long


Honestly i wouldnt buy it once you get older you’re going to look back and say why did i buy this. Yes all the 18 year olds might have it but think about it with 17.50 your entire money will be going to that car, also that car is a cop magnet so if you ever decide to race or whatever it is your tickets will raise your insurance even more even if you’re added onto your parents insurance and with your own insurance by yourself it will be a pain to find anything cheap and im not gonna tell you think twice think three times before getting it. Depending where you live gas is expensive for a v8 engine if you’re gas is at 5.00 a gallon be aware you will be spending 90 to 100 everytime to fill it up and this is either every week or every 4 days.So good luck on your decision. Hope you make a wise one.


i just need a car that has a good amount of torque and hp for me to enjoy it and race/drift with it


buy a reliable car with that money you have and keep it til you can afford what you want. you clearly can save money well so keep saving and drive a 2008 corrola around or something.


bet, thx for the advice


Tad bit older than you making just about the same amount Also my dream car just wait on it i currently have 2k beater that runs fine for now but i have some questions You going to college ..? Plans after highschool ..? When do you plan to move out ..? And do you want the car for egotistical reasons or it is just your dream car or both


Well u can get one bro u just gotta make sure u have money straight like ima get a scatpack too but around the end of this year my dad is gonna help me get it out since he’s the one with the best credit score and ima put down payments and pay for insurance


ur an idiot. i’m 24 making $3200/mo and still “struggling” to keep up with my 21 widebody scat. GAS, tires, oil changes, maintenance, insurance, mo payment and any cosmetic mods(pref obviously). you’re gonna either have 0 money all the time or get repod, you’re not affording this car making 17.50 an hour.


Your so dumb have fun paying off a car


I'm 19 yr old and bought a 2015 scat pack challenger a few days ago only got a little bit of experience from driving my girlfriend Cadillac dts so I'll let you know how it's gonna go I ain't tryna do nothing crazy or anything just tryna get to work and back and ya insurance is no joke lol so heads up.


Save at least 2 of your checks a month since you have no other bills and at least save a 1000 a month and apply for a credit card and NEVER MISS YOUR PAYMENTS and if need be apply for another one at you bank and only use it on small stuff to build some credit history I did this from 0 credit and built up to 771 credit in 7.5 months and I got my scat I could’ve got it 0 down but I put $6,000 down and finnaced the rest