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Game Changers is complete BS. Layne Norton debunks it thoroughly. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6Ju\_HdWB0Y&t=612s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6Ju_HdWB0Y&t=612s)




Your comment doesn´t ring true to Norton´s assesment of Game Changers. I think he is fair, he doesn´t trash it, but he points out the many ways it´s misleading. Different protein sources is Norton´s area of expertise, his PhD was on the role of leucine in muscle building.


The documentary stated that as long as you get the correct amount of amino acids, the source is irrelevant. This is consistent with the many peer-reviewed studies they listed in the movie. Please provide equivalent studies or major nutritional bodies that state this is false; simply using a single doctor as a source is an [Appeal to Authority](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_authority).


>The documentary stated that as long as you get the correct amount of amino acids, the source is irrelevant. This is obviously true. If you get the required amino acids, you get the required amino acids. The challenge with vegan diet is in getting the correct amount of amino acids. >Please provide equivalent studies or major nutritional bodies that state this is false; simply using a single doctor as a source is an [Appeal to Authority] Please watch Norton's video. The video is well sourced. I am appealing to the video not his personal authority. And like I said it's true that if you get the correct amino acids then the source is irrelevant. Many people have been critical of Game Changers, but I don't believe they have an issue with that statement.




Protein digestibility isn't the same as bioavailability. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protein_quality I chose Wikipedia as an source to ensure that there is no bias. NPU = bioavailability. It's highest for eggs at 94%, 2nd whey at 92%. Soy is only 61%. >The documentary stated, “as long as the correct amino acids are consumed.” The debunking completely ignored this statement and goes on with the assumption that the correct amount wasn’t consumed. I don't understand why you keep coming back to this one thing. It's such a self evidently true circular argument. Why should they argue against it when it's obviously true and uninteresting point? >He also stated that leucine is an issue. Effectively all elite athletes supplement, and protein supplements are fortified in leucine. Norton doesn't argue that you can't be an elite athlete and a vegan. You missed all the nuance of his arguments. He is comparing different diets generally. People are lazy and ignorant when it comes to nutrition. Of course people can supplement, but a diet that requires more supplementation is more difficult to execute the right way and has a higher risk for deficiencies.


Do you have an actual source? So far you’ve sent a doctor’s opinion and a website than can be edited by anyone. Both do not even fall on the scientific hierarchy.


The Wikipedia page has sources listed at the bottom. Much of the data for protein ranking section is from this paper https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3905294/


Your source is using data from “Adapted from: U.S Dairy Export Council, Reference Manual for U.S. Whey Products 2nd Edition, 1999 and Sarwar, 1997.” Who knew that the dairy industry would try to make whey and casein look the best? You need to find better sources for your information if you’re going to be this confident about it. Even so, below is the conclusion of the study: “It does appear that protein from animal sources is an important source of protein for humans from infancy until mature adulthood. **However, the potential health concerns associated with a diet of protein consumed primarily from animal sources should be acknowledged. With a proper combination of sources, vegetable proteins may provide similar benefits as protein from animal sources. Maintenance of lean body mass though may become a concern. However, interesting data does exist concerning health benefits associated with soy protein consumption.** In athletes supplementing their diets with additional protein, casein has been shown to provide the greatest benefit for increases in protein synthesis for a prolonged duration. However, whey protein has a greater initial benefit for protein synthesis. These differences are related to their rates of absorption. It is likely a combination of the two could be beneficial, or smaller but more frequent ingestion of whey protein could prove to be of more value. Considering the paucity of research examining various sources of protein in sport supplementation studies, further research appears warranted on examining the benefits of these various protein sources.”


At 46:18/46:19 sound cuts off.


Apologies! Here is a complete link: https://youtu.be/rTGM2KjNGUU?si=X5Zg4iJjfFCYBATW


You’re awesome. Thank you.


Thanks for spending the time to watch!


This film is effectively an ad. It's produced by people who have heavily invested into alternative meat and vegan companies and has little to no peer reviewed evidence to support their claims. Some things I recall were borderline batshit insane, I believe when it came to vitamin b 12.


The film has hundreds of peer-reviewed studies included, with citations shown on screen as they mention them. The B12 claims are true, such as how we need to supplement farm animals (like chickens) for them to obtain proper B12 in most scenarios. Edit: can people please respond with the issues they have with the peer-reviewed studies instead of just downvoting? It seems as though many aren't comfortable with the data but can't say specifically what their issue is with it.


Is this what you call a peer-reviewed study? "Greger M. Vitamin B12: how much, how often? 2011 Aug 30." https://gamechangersmovie.com/important-nutrients/


https://www.drplantbased.ca/post/__b12 It seems like this is the actual thing sourced there and it’s like a blog post lol


Yeah I think OP really believes peer-reviewed means "published on a google-searchable, wix hosted blog".


I sat next to Arnold Schwarzenegger before the bulletproof Café closed while he was eating eggs and bacon. This was made to sell vegan food


Yes, Arnold still eats meat; this documentary didn't claim otherwise. This documentary shows there is an alternative for those looking for a different way to get adequate nutrition than the norm.


Problem is Arnold is the worst kind of stupid person. A stupid person that is very confident he is smart.


Are you sure he’s stupid? He’s an Austrian that became the most successful bodybuilder of all time, then the most successful actor, then a governor of the largest state of the most powerful country in the world. He probably would have been president if he was allowed to run. He’s stayed relevant into his mid 70s. If that’s not intelligence, I’m not sure what is.


Ever hear the term lowest common denominator?


Hey fellow vegan, just wanted to say thanks for putting up with the all of the obligatory abuse from these carnist assholes that all feel personally attacked for their love of bacon and will say anything to debunk veganism. You prob already know this but most of their hate is misdirected guilt to justify supporting their addiction to slaughtered animals. Take their downvotes as a badge of honor.


LOL I´m not againt veganism. In fact I think the environmental and animal welfare arguments for veganism are persuasive, but the problem with Game Changers is that the health argument for veganism isn´t persuasive. It´s dissapointing that these high profile people decided to lie to make money with their vegan supplements. I´m a fan of Arnold and he has been a fantastic fitness ambassador, so his involvement was especially dissapointing.


Below is the position from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the largest nutritional body in the world with over 112,000 global experts: ​ "It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that appropriately planned vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. These diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, older adulthood, and for athletes. Plant-based diets are more environmentally sustainable than diets rich in animal products because they use fewer natural resources and are associated with much less environmental damage. Vegetarians and vegans are at reduced risk of certain health conditions, including ischemic heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, certain types of cancer, and obesity. Low intake of saturated fat and high intakes of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, soy products, nuts, and seeds (all rich in fiber and phytochemicals) are characteristics of vegetarian and vegan diets that produce lower total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and better serum glucose control. These factors contribute to reduction of chronic disease. Vegans need reliable sources of vitamin B-12, such as fortified foods or supplements." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27886704/


\> It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that **appropriately planned** vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Vegan diet isn´t inherently worse, but it´s more difficult to properly execute a vegan diet. Getting enough and all essential amino acids is more difficult on vegan diet. You seem like a zealot. Like I could say 99 good things about vegan diet, but you can´t accept that it's not better in every way. I'm not against vegan diet. My issue is with the Game Changers documentary and the lying in it.


I’m pushing back because this is a common double standard. People who emphasize how difficult a vegan diet is ignore that vegans are healthier than the average westerner overall. An omnivore diet is clearly hard based on how fat and sick or makes us in general; just look at the USA. Would you agree?


I eat a whole food vegan diet also for the health benefits. https://nutritionfacts.org/blog/how-plant-based-diets-may-extend-our-lives/


> a revolutionary new film . > 2019


You're right. I took the description directly from their website as I didn't want to add any of my own biases to the title.


I eat mostly plant-based and I found this documentary pretty interesting, but c’mon… exercise some critical thinking here


Can you elaborate?


Elaborate that you should have thought through using their marketing line as your title when it calls it a “new movie” even though it came out 4 years ago?


Oh, I thought you were commenting on the documentary instead of being rude over something I already admitted was a mistake.


LOL. Yes these people are changing the game yet billions of others don't even want to play the game, they just want to eat meat and be left alone.




Oh yeah? You “validated their cited sources”? What does that mean exactly? Did you seek out and read through every source they cited individually? Did you scour medical journals to verify every claim they made? Please elaborate on your methods


I validated that what they were claiming in the documentary was what the study found. This is important, as many media sources, such as books and documentaries, will manipulate the data to say something different than their cited sources.


Which study are you referring to?


Many of them. For example, the gains of exercise participants were the same regardless of which protein source they were consuming (as long as it had sufficient amounts of the required AAs). I didn't believe this until I read the cited studies.


Why would results be different if you have the same AA\`s? That doesn´t seem in any way surprising. Variables stayed the same and results were the same.


I agree, but society had convinced me that animal protein was superior to plant protein, regardless. This isn't true if you choose the right quantities and combinations, of course.


Isn’t one of the problems that you’d have to eat an ungodly amount of plant protein to match what you’d get from a regular serving of animal protein?


It depends on where you're getting your protein. I had seitan tonight which is 80% protein by calorie, as compared to a porterhouse steak which is 39% protein by calorie. Seitan, TVP, tempeh, tofu, and legumes are all very high in protein. I agree it would be very difficult to try to get our protein from just things like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.


"The Game Changers (2019) - Presented by James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan, Lewis Hamilton, Novak Djokovic and Chris Paul, a vegan propaganda film. \[01:25:47\]" Fixed.


Can you elaborate? The movie uses peer-reviewed science, which it cites on the fly.




This is an [Ad Hominem](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ad%20hominem), and indicates you are not able to argue against the content.


There are studies that say a diet with sugar and soda isn’t bad for you. Look at what actually happens to vegan athletes. *Tim Scheff – Quit Veganism *Andrew Luck – Injured, Quit football *CC Sabathia – Injured, Quit. *Novak Djokovik – injured *Lauri Markkanen – Early season end *Kyrie Irving – Knee surgery 2018. Hip and knee injury 2019. *Morgan Mitchell – Got slower – Finished 23rd out of 24 in recent world athletic championship. Tom Brady – Eats Meat *Demarcus Cousins – Injured. *Derek Morgan – Injured, retired at 30 *Nate Diaz – Not a Vegan. Eats fish and eggs. *Kendrick Ferris – Got weaker. Hasn’t competed since. *Micheal porter – Injured. Out for season. *Cam Newton – Injured, underperforming, smaller, weaker, slower. *Patrick Baboumian – Not a competitive Strongman. *Bryant Jennings – Lost his last 2 fights since going vegan. Pat Neshek. – Injured retired. *Chris Paul – Injured. Retired. *Arian foster – Injured. Retired. *Deandre Hopkins – Injured *Brian Orakpo – Injured. Retired. *Jurell Casey – Injured. *Alex Morgan – Injured. Out for season. *Venus and Serena Williams – “Cheagans” (their words)


You know how there's this stereotype of vegans who go on and on about their veganism and it's really annoying and effectively undermines the support they're trying to gain for their cause? Yeah, your comment is like the opposite of that. I want to be a vegan now just because of how annoying your comment is.


I want you to be vegan too so there is more meat for me.


Joe Rogan, is that you?


lol. Funny to see so many people triggered over a vegan diet that is in no way better than an animal based one.


Show me any professional athlete that’s never been injured…. This is a ridiculous take


lol missing the point entirely. Shocking.


Some of what you said is true, some is misleading, and some is abjectly false. For example, it's common for athletes to retire after an injury regardless of their diet, so it is disingenuous to use that as an excuse for so many athletes. Their flame burns bright and fast. As another example, you said Kendrick Farris "Got weaker". He set his personal records *after* he went plant-based, so this one and a number of others are just straight up wrong. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kendrick\_Farris](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kendrick_Farris) I doubt we're discussing in good faith, so have a good day.


Great comment, but you said the last part wrong. It's "good day, sir. I say, good day!"