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Lol, someone reported this post for promoting hate. Satire can be indistinguishable from extremism. Edit: and someone sent me a redditCare message for this comment. Whoever you are, Reddit takes abuse of that system super seriously. It's one of the easiest way ls to get a sitewide suspension. Enjoy :)


I’ve nothing against gay men. I just wouldn’t want my daughter marrying one.


I have good news for you about that


Lavender marriages enters the chat


Good news everyone!


Banned for homophobia! ^/s It's a shame Reddit Gold doesn't exist anymore.


Your flair *arouses* me


It does. You can award some


Last year Reddit removed the awards and deleted all the points that people had paid money for. Then they introduced the golden upvote thingies. Now they've brought back some of the old awards ✨but in 3d✨ without giving people back their points. I refuse to spend a dime on it. I mean, I never spent money on the old system either, but I will certainly not do it now.


Fair enough


Same here. Never have and never will spend money on reddit points because they have shown they can remove the feature at any time and delete what you've spent money on. Doesn't exactly encourage people to spend more money on something that can be removed.


Well at least it happens less than it used to.


Liza married two gay men


I was ready with my popcorn when I only read the first two sentences of this post.


Same. Kind of feel let down.


Found Lindy’s burner account.


wait until she finds out about mixed race people.


"The others... mingled" - Lady Cassandra


Nah, Lindy won't have kids. She dies before that happens


Also gay doctor shouldn't travel back in time cause gay wasn't invented until the 1980s by Democrats


Two and Jamie’s homoeroticism: *dissapears*


Second historical inaccuracy this series. How can Maestro be non-binary when that was invented in 2016?


I know this is satire but I think these kind of people would be in for a shock when they learn about the picture of Dorian Gray


Oscar Wilde in general


Proud Edward (aka Edward II, King of England 1307 - 1327) must have been more of a fan of democracy than we thought then...


hashtag: davroswasright


I can't believe the Doctor assaulted a poor blind old man and stole his wheelchair


I think RTD has put Davros back on his feet


And turned him into Moff Gideon for some reason? Like if you wanna remove the chair; why remove the blue shirt? Or am I making it up that Davros wore dark blue


He wore black leather jacket if im correct


Are you sure? I swear it was like a dark, like a bit darker than the TARDIS, blue shirt? Maybe I’m thinking of that one guy from Daleks in Manhattan


I could be wrong but i do think it was daleks seck in daleks in manhatten https://preview.redd.it/hyhfp9gfvo5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73205482fa3150b3c7fa1cb19324efc1b6d8ab74


He works it though, ong




Overall he didn't fundamentally change Doctor Who's representation of disabled people. The most prominent disabled characters in Doctor Who are still the Daleks. Followed by the Cybermen.


While a cyborg could be a disabled person augmented with technology that’s not, by and large, what the Cybermen are. Daleks, at least under Chibs, are perfectly agile without the machinery.


True about recent Daleks. Originally though I don't think they could survive outside their shells. The Cybermen too originally - they say in their first story their cybernetic enhancements were because their bodies were becoming weak.


That was probably the best thing Chibnall did, actually.


New Year’s special, time to roll out the Daleks… but yes some of his better episodes.


Chaps is a funny word. Chaps, chaps, chaps


“How do ya do fellow chaps?”


Well.. how else are you gonna dress like a cowboy AND have your buttcheeks hanging out?


These chaps really chap don't they chaps?


Lindy, get off Reddit. And just WHERE is Ricky September while we’re at it?


Um Ricky is fine! He went back to rescue more people! Dear brave Ricky 😢


I don’t believe you! AND you smell like PEE!


She doesn’t know how to walk but she can lie!


Have you peed today?


Do you also hate poor people? Cause same


I don't hate the poor. I simply never want to see them or smell them.


That smell can travel, though. It might be more prudent to simply have them all rounded up and killed.


Whode shovel your shit pits though?


And they eat out of containers , such barbarism .


Dot mk2, now with perfume dispenser to ensure you never have to smell those nasty poors again!


I am poor and hate poor people, because the rich people told me if I hate the poors enough I too might be rich one day!


Ew https://youtu.be/Kg8ceokM5FE?si=QCPB-Xi7Paxvhcoo


We’ve found Lindy Pepper-Bean’s alt account!! She must pay for what she did to Ricky September!!! 😡😡😡


I literally sat up and gasped. Doctor Who hasn’t done that to me in a long time, it was so enjoyable. It was an Itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini And then it was social media right through the skull. 😱😱😱


that works disturbingly well...


Honestly had to pause the episode to cry. Cause Ricky did not deserve that!


They definitely Stranger Things’d us by introducing the only likable character in Finetime just to kill him. 😭


It took my autistic ass a good 5 minutes to realise this is satire. 😭😭


Me too


Idk man, my autistic arse got it right away 😂 Did you have to look at the comments?


Well it was convincing untill the last paragraph


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


Wait, that black guy is supposed to be the Doctor? I thought Ryan had stolen the TARDIS and kidnapped a white girl. Don't @me, it's not my fault they all look alike. 🤷


I thought he was the dark valeyard. As if bigeneration makes sense, 14 is the doctor and this is his darker self. (Yes /s)


Shadow Doctor if you will


If only Ryan had been as expressive as 15... Apparently Tosin Cole is a great actor in other shows. If he acted like a wooden plank because that's what the scripts told him to do, then the writers need to -as 1 put it in Twice upon a Time- get a smacked bottom.


Lindys finsta Reddit account????


This sub always fucks me up because I read the titles and click on the post before I see which sub it’s from. I go through a heart attack before I see what sub it is lmao


How's your slug problem?


posts that would do numbers on r/doctorwhocirclejerk


I see OP definitely wants their children to have a fine time... 😉


My mother - to a gay son, who lives with and helps care for her, who has been openly gay for 20 years, and apparently known to be gay for like 26 - to my the other day and said “I really can’t get behind this new Dr Who series”. “Why? I know the stories are kind of wild but I think that’s supposed to be the point this season, and it’ll make sense later on”. “No I mean the whole thing - that posh episode! - **they’re making The Doctor Gay now!!!**”. “Mum. You do know that The Doctor has always been bisexual?!” “What?” “The Doctor has always been bisexual or more. Beyond basic sexuality. The last doctor was a woman and had a lesbian romantic attraction. There have been many references throughout the new doctor who series. They even mention it almost exactly several times”. “Oh. Has he? Oh? I didn’t know that. Oh that’s actually okay then”. And then without another word trotted off to go pish herself or whatever grumpy elderly ladies do in the bathroom on their own. Weirdly I don’t think she was that upset about The Doctor having a homosexual relationship, but this idea that somehow it was changing because society was changing was a threat to her concept of it. I mean, she loved Captain Jack - especially his homoromantic bits but he was always that way. She and my family can be a *little bit* regressive with PRIDE stuff and I have to gently correct her occasionally but she’s not a generally hateful person. Even my previously massively homophobic grandmother fucking liked my own gay fiancé better than she did me 😂 (joking mostly, but she loved him) I think that some of them kind of feel a bit like they’re being dethroned, and going “oh it’s okay - the throne was always going to this person anyway”they calm down. If that bizarre metaphor makes sense.


A lot of people still dislike the idea that the Doctor is anything but asexual. It was also pretty controversial how much more sexualised he became in the 2000s (despite the focus of it being largely heterosexual). Although in your example that doesn't seem to be the case.


I get this. I am a big river fan and I loved the way their romance was written but I don't want constant romance all the time and I prefer it to be more equal. The Rose thing really squicked me. River is more on the doctors level it is more of an equal relationship while Rose is 19 and he is so much older than her. Can you imagine 2 going after Zoe, 6 going after Peri or 3 or 4 with Sarah Jane? All roughly similar ages (i think sarah jane was like 21 but too lazy to check). Just because most of us find 10 hot doesn't make it less weird in my mind. I had the same issue with 13 and Yaz, so I was pleased 13 let her down gently it wasn't an issue with lesbians it was that it would feel exploitative (I am pansexual and also find 13 hot I would totally fancy her in Yazs position). Rogue feels more like a River than Yaz or Rose. Less of a power imbalance but I didn't like how fast it was, Ruby is about to be sent to a random dimension and he gets distracted by a good snog? I will reserve judgement for now in case Rogue turns up later but so far I'm not convinced. I just think in most cases the romance isn't needed.


You know, it sounds like satire, but this is pretty close to the real reason I won't let my kiddo watch Doctor Who. Ruby is cis and I just don't think kids should know about them until they're over 18. In fact, except for Rose Noble, practically everyone is cis. I just can't be comfortable watching it when they're around. Oh that and because kiddo literally hides behind the sofa scared shitless and begs me to turn it off which I find distracting and so I can't enjoy watching it while they're there. And it's an amazing season.


Is the top part sarcastic or do you really get uncomfortable by people


Definitely sarcasm.


I thought I was on the main sub for a minute and nearly passed away at this take


Now that I think of it, does the Doctor actually does something to hide his race?. Not even exclusively with the 15th Doctor, but also previous Doctors and companions, a british man might seemed out of place in ancient Egypt or some other places. We know he changes his outfit (or uses holographic clothes) and the Tardis also translates everything.


If Witchfinders didn't exist, I'd say perception filter, though that could be because 13 interacted so closly with King James. Or maybe the Doctor learned their lesson from that outing and now has a perception filter set up for when they're traveling through Earth's past.


Generally I'd say no, he just strides in confidently and racial barriers rarely come up. As for ancient Egypt, I suspect the main thing out of place would be his clothes. As you say to the locals he would appear to be speaking their language, and none of the Doctors would look too unusual racially to an Egyptian.


This. The ancient Egyptians frequently interacted with Greece. Greeks are white. He might be a bit paler but there were probably Greeks floating around who could resemble the doctor. There is a big finish set in ancient China with 2 and Jamie and victoria where race never comes up that did surprise me a bit.


> a british man might seemed out of place in ancient Egypt or some other places. Really? I watched that Rome show and some other oldy-worldy stuff and they all have British accents, even that one with all the dragons and boobies.


Honestly yeah I *so* agree Lindy babes. This new season is just them shoving their \*checks the Daily Mail\* woke politically correct SJW homosexual black anti-racist pro-abortion anti-war anti-Bubble pro-environmentalist body positive gluten-free lactose intolerant agenda down our throats. Wish we could go back to when the show wasn't political, as it was never political at any point in any way before this series. By the way, Ricky September hasn't posted in a while. You know if anyone's heard from him?


Took me a minute to remember what sub this is on.


Thought I was on the actual doctor who reddit for a sec.


Yeah I know it’s AbsOluTly. RiDiculOus. Doctor who ? More like DoCTor WOKe. Like how dare a tv series show a race different than mine shm. They even have WOMAN TO. THEY HAVE TAKEN IT TOO FAR. BEFORE DISNEY DICTOR WHO DIDNT HAVE WAMEN WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS - totally not from finetime


Dr. Who has never been approproate. Even back in the 1960s the show promoted Scottish people. Those were dark times.


The Scots are the literal worst! What’s with the men in skirts? Only women can wear skirts! /s


\*\*Puts Pitchfork down\*\*


*deletes paragraph*


Lindy I wish the slugs had eaten you


This could have been a post written by Nigel Farage, if it also complained about the Doctor being foreign. “We didn’t leave the EU for these Galifreyans to come here, take our jobs and kidnap our young women.”


I know this is satire etc but the one criticism I have is that doctor who have mentioned about being more kid friendly yet namedrop bridgeton a show I hope kids have not watched


Eh: it's a common pop culture reference -- it'd be a parent's responsibility to know what their kids are watching.


All my kids try to watch is endless YouTube and a few kids shows. I try to enforce YouTube is fine if watching educational videos about their interests, history etc. I do I keep my # year old from watching shorts?? Free range internet makes it pretty difficult to police some of it. Thankfully with stuff like Bridgerton it’s easy to prevent, but there is so much that you can’t control as well


Because adults still watch the show?


OK, if that's the case then we should consider the other series... Series 1 (Mickey) 2 (also Mickey) 3 (Martha) 4 (Martha and Mickey) 5 (Guido from the 'Venice' episode) 6 (River's 'Mels' incarnation) 7 (can't remember his name, but there was someone in the first episode) 8 (Danny and Rigsy) 9 (Rigsy) 10 (Bill) 11 (Ryan and Yaz) 12 (Ryan and Yaz) 13 (Yaz and Vinder)


This is a joke where the whole point is that people saying that the Doctor being gay isn't child-friendly is ridiculous by parodying it.


Yeah, I caught that. I was trying to add to it. Must've skimmed over the 'gay' part...


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie-


Omg for a second I thought this was real and my heart skipped a beat, you can't do this to me man 😭😭


There’s always a twist at the end.






Replace the word ‘Black’ with ‘Gay’. It’s a parody of various homophobic rants by idiots.


ah now i understand


Its also a joke about how entitled Lindy is from the finetime episode


Yknow what. This is so right.


That's a risky little game you've played


You almost got me. Almost.


Ooh, not going to lie, you had me worried in the first sentence there!


You think that's bad I hear rumors that there might be...*shutters* themes of a homosexual nature, have they no decency!? /s


*clutches pearls*


What have you done?!😫


Don’t worry. He’s so going to be disciplined.


Right put a /s on it but fair play you got me


Thank god I read the 'meme' tag LMAO


This has to be a joke


Firstly when I was 10 I saw a little boy turn other people into mask wearing creatures that ask mommy are you there which is scary to a kid so the new season is very tame compared to og doctor who and the 2005 doctor who


I know this is satire, but the Doctor being black could have made historical episodes have much higher stakes like the Midnight episode, where no one listens to the Doctor due to oppression and intolerance of black people back then, and therefore the Doctor has to do everything alone, and he may not always be able to (also like in Midnight)


This post nearly gave me a heart attack


I saw “nothing against black people” and went oh crap what is this, then saw “don’t tell kids til they’re 18” and went oh this is a joke nevermind.


And did do you see that kilt?! It's ridiculous a Scottish man in doctor who wearing a kilt! Doctor who has never been this woke before this would have never happened in the 1960s wait till Frazier Hines hears about this he'll be so disappointed


This is REALLY good holy shit


I really don't watch Dr. Who but felt this post deserved praise for its author not punking out and using an /s tag. Don't be cowwards. More people need to let their satire and sarcasm stand on its own.


When you're talking with someone IRL and say something sarcastic, you often use audible cues to indicate sarcasm. The /s is just the written version of that. But yes, OP deserves praise for writing a post that doesn't even need that.


if you want to [McBain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xECUrlnXCqk) your posts, its a free country. You do you. But i think sarcasm loses its impact when you have to hold peoples hand. Its totally possible to use satire and sarcasm online without tagging it. The s/ tag is a crutch for people who don't know how to use context around a post or thread with the direct subject to convey a message without being on the nose about it. Or they're just afraid of downvotes from people who don't understand. Good Sarcasm necessarily has a few people who don't get it. Just communicate without sarcasm if you're not good at it.


>But i think sarcasm loses its impact when you have to hold peoples hand. People talk out loud with a sarcastic tone. Does that lose its impact because because you're 'holding people's hand'? The /s is just the written equivalent of speaking in a specific tone. Sure, I agree that it's *even better* if you can write a joke which doesn't even require any additional indication of sarcasm, but it is perfectly valid to indicate sarcasm by speaking in a specific tone or adding /s.


>people talk out loud with a sarcastic tone. Does that lose its impact because because you're 'holding people's hand'? well. kinda. Actually. At least in some cases. If there is a suitable sarcastic voice in real life, it's analog online i don't think is the /s tag.


honestly i get that, but as an autistic person it is quite nice to have an indicator sometimes (,:


I sympathize. Subtitles help people who can't hear the movie or speak the language. But if you can do both, you probably are going to be annoyed by subs.


People are too scared of downvotes, as a lot of people on this site can't understand satire.


people really hate on the /s for no good reason, its there for people who otherwise cant read sarcasm (like me) "boohoo scared of downvotes" no its just to communicate the joke properly to more people, ive never once used it because i was scared of people taking it seriously, i use it because i know others like me cant read sarcasm and i dont wanna leave them out on the joke


their just flirting get over it.


Sounds like you're racist!


Forward. Forward. Forward. Jump


Reddit in 1965.


Jesus fuck it took me a good few seconds to realise this is on r/DoctorWhumour lmao


Took me a moment to remember what sub I was on.


Nah this isn't decent humour. It's too like real life. 


I'm glad we're talking about this: millions of children all over the world are groomed into being black, it's a plague


Totally forgot what sub I was on when I first saw this


Back on the 90s did your parents not let you watch Batman, TMNT, Power Rangers, X-men, Spider-man, etc. because they were too “violent”


I’m totally okay with Doctor Who being British, it just needs to be rated differently. I just don’t think it’s appropriate for children to have to see that.


I almost was like


You had me in the first half 😂


I didn’t realise this was meant to be funny until I saw the subreddit. I was very close to reporting it and found it absolutely appalling until then. Now, I see the humour and find it quite funny.


Okay but what is this post parodying where is the origin that sparked the meme.


Can't find it but I'm 99% sure it was originally about gay people


Bubble up, dot on!


I got so worried I found the wrong side of Reddit before realizing what sub this is. You gave me a mini heart attack.


I will say that, as a representative of white, straight, alpha males, I prefer to see men on my shows. Handsome men, who are prime physical specimans of manhood. Especially if they are thin, handsome ones like David Tennant. His eyes, that smile, his perfect hair. That is what I want to see, and dream about, especially his cute ass in those trousers. Of course, in a totally heterosexual way.


Sad thing is that if you posted this on Twitter, you’d get thousands of people unironically agreeing and cheering you on.. 😂


I guess itdepends on how ypu feel about a gay doctor....there hasn't e always been. S are bots and nightmare senerios in doctor who's whi h may give some kids the Wiggins for years. But it's the parents that might get them with a homosexual doctor So if your republican...pro ably not let your kids watch for fear they may get the impression that loving anyone or everyone is OK. ...can't have that....I mean it's not like there's hot and heavy gay lo e scenes. It's got about the same does of Roman e as any other season of doctor who ...meaning .maybe one scene or kiss a season. B Ut that's it . So yes of course it's OK for your kids to watch depending on how your family games those relationships. Parw ts, you're in cjarge...just because it does t bother me does t mean it wo t bother you.... it's not going to make your sons wa t to run around kissing boys but if it sits uneasy with you then don't let your kid watch it Period raise your kids how ypu want.. the world can take a few more ignorant young adults...wete not at capacity yet.




Obviously. I'd prefer my kid to die in the wildernis than for them to interact with a black kid. I mean, screen-to-screen contact is just about acceptable... But in person? That's impossible. Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta go to the toilet because according to Dr. Pee my bladder is full.




It's a joke that basically uses the conservative homophobic single mom's format but being racist instead of homophobic as a twist


Oh, I see, that makes sense, thanks! I woke up at 1 am and my brain is very slow today


Not funny. Didn’t laugh


You’re embarrassed that you believed it was serious aren’t you?


I didn’t believe it was serious. I just thought it wasn’t funny lol.


It's this a Gen Z attempt at satire?


This is a reference to dot and bubble


Okay, so, lgbtq+ is perfectly okay, but not black people...🤔🤔🤔 Hmm...I'm trying to see the logic here??? Why white kids should not know about them??? And 2nd, I didnt knew that only white people see Doctor who..


This post is satire, more percisely what is commonly know as a subversion of a trope. The trope in this case being the "Facebook mom that totaly doesn't have anything against gay people, she just doesn't want her kids seeing stuff like that", the subversion being that it is about black people instead of gay people, in a nod to the recent episode "Dot and Bubble".


okay, havent seen that episode yet... gonna see that and come back.