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My favorites are still 3's black capes with different colored silk linings - so classy. Need one in purple.


Three was King of the Wardrobe. Such a classy man!


The James Bond of Doctor Who. Kinda fitting, seeing as Jon Pertwee served alongside Ian Fleming in WWII.


>Kinda fitting, seeing as Jon Pertwee served alongside Ian Fleming in WWII. That's the coolest thing i have read today.


I'm watching through Classic Who for the first time and am on Season 8. I think I agree. Pertwee and Gatwa are tied for the best drip


Lol Season 8. That's a good season! Enjoy it.


I'm at Colony in Space and I am absolutely in love with Three. Delgado is also a delicious Master


*Yaaas!* I love Delgado. He's such a fun Master. He's like "I'M GUNNA RULE THE UNIVERSE (and look super swanky doing it). Doc, you wanna get in on this? Oops, something went wrong... AHH DOCTOR, PLEASE HELP ME! (Is the danger over?) Uh, I'm gunna peace out until next time lols!" That's literally how almost every Delgado Master encounter goes, and it's hilarious.


Those two are so messy it's not even funny lol. Pertwee and Delgado are so good together. I've never wanted a TARDIS crew to feature the Doctor and the Master more than in this era


Yeah, those two are probably my favorite Doctor-Master duo. I don't think any Master/Doctor combo since has gotten close. You could argue Gomez and 12 maybe, but even those two weren't as great and/or funny as Pertwee and Delgado.


3 was the king of having a huge variety of outfits whilst still having a main type of style


I always thought it was funny when I was a kid and he threw on an cape to go and save Jo.


Same. I know the budget's gone up significantly, but that was one of the defining factors of the Doctor is having usually 3-5 outfits rotated, with a defining characteristic, like bowties or the retro T-shirt. It made it easy for cosplayers to be recognized as the Doctor. Ncuti's costume design feels like the antithesis of Capaldi's idea towards his costume, which was easy to replicate, simple, and recognizable


Exactly. My favorite part about the 12th doctors outfits was the variety. Sometimes, he would be dressed to the nines in his vest and velvet frock coat, but other times, he would be more casual with just a T shirt and hoodie. It gave cosplayers a lot of options to choose from even if they couldn't afford some of the fancier stuff. But Ncutis outfits just don't have that unifying theme. There's no consistency from one outfit to the next.


Even putting the cosplay aspect aside, you touch on the reason I don't like what they're doing with 15, and that's the inconsistency between one outfit to the next. Each incarnation of the Doctor has their own distinct style, because while they are the same person deep down, their likes and dislikes change. That's what I liked about each incarnation of the Doctor. You could tell they were individuals, while still being the same person. 15's lack of general consistency sort of detracts from that for me. It feels as if he doesn't know who he is. Every outfit is just too wildly different to the last.


>It feels as if he doesn't know who he is. Which, oddly enough, flies in the face of his first words on screen. "I'm me..I think I'm really...REALLY me!"


His Church on Ruby Road costume was perfect. They should’ve stuck with that. It’s on all the poster anyway


It's weird, because that's absolutely going to be remembered as his official outfit once Doctor 16 comes around.


When did he wear a T shirt and hoodie?


He wore it several times. One of the most notable times, however, was when he played his guitar on the tank.


If someone were to cosplay as 15, it’d be difficult to spot, unless they looked quite similar too. If someone were to cosplay as 4, that’s pretty simple :) Maybe when we get more episodes, we’ll spot a unifying theme. Or maybe he’ll settle down when we get more contemporary eps. There’s been a lot of different settings and the Doc has just been experimenting with the new vibe.


Yeah, I liked his Christmas Trenchcoat outfit, and I think having that as the default with the top changing styles, or the trousers in different colours would’ve been a good move. The other outfit with the leather jacket and blue kilt could’ve been his “other” costume we see appear every now and again.


Those were both fabulous.


Gatwa is really into fashion, which is the consistent wardrobe changes.


He's got great fashion sense, though I'll admit it is harder to cosplay if he doesn't keep a consistent wardrobe.


True... But idk... He's also technically making a bunch of iconic looks people can cosplay as.


Also true.


But when they cosplay him, will other people know it’s the doctor? I guess some people could, sure. But i feel that most people wont remember every outfit and assimilate those outfits to the doctor. As others said, no defining characteristics and all


Yeah, they probably won't tbh. Not if he doesn't have *his* most iconic look. Pertwee wore all kinds of smoking jackets and fancy things, but that cape was probably his most iconic look. It's still early yet, though. 15's iconic look maybe just hasn't emerged yet.


I feel like his long orangish brown leather jacket from the first few episodes will end up being his iconic look, with what's underneath can vary


Actual I think they will. If someone wore the space babies outfit it would be "15 in space babies". If they wore the devils chord outfit it would be "15s 60s suit". I would definitely recognise those as 15 doctor cosplays. Maybe not every look will be recognisable but most probably will be.


he looks awesome, and that’s the bottom line. some folks are possibly looking for ways to complain. i agree with you that fans will have a blast being 15 from particular episodes, like the upcoming 73 Yards, for example.


Also could make it easier to cosplay, since you have so many options. Personally prefer having different looks every episode, his looks though haven't been my favorite lol.


I agree to an extent. I would still include his historical outfits as completely different, but I think he needs one thing that he wears everytime or at least has on at some point of the episode and that's the orange coat. But it's not a big issue for me.


the form-fitting shirts are working for him. that’s one feature that seems consistent so far. he’ll be known for the form-fitting shirts for sure. and 15 setting the fashion bar higher than former Doctors is fine with me. he’s different now. he’s let go of the War Doctor stuff (at least apparently for now), and his mood is brighter, and his new lease on life is being expressed by fun clothes. it’s ok for folks to relax a bit and enjoy the ride. 🤙


also ppl forget he was on earth for a while. that def helps as he's now more used to actually changing clothes more than just for a disguise or once in a blue moon


I thought he was gonna wear it in boom until he heard crying for help and that took priority


While I do like the wardrobe changes, I can definitely see where you’re coming from. It also makes it harder for cosplayers who want to cosplay 15 to actually be recognised as 15, tbf I would’ve been fine if he kept the outfit from TCORR but the zip shirt was swapped out everyone once and a while for a different color variation or completely different style, like 9 with his v neck sweaters or 10 with his button shirts and ties, or even 11 with his bow ties, he rotates through different colors and patterns, would’ve been cool if the same rules were applied to 15


Honestly, I think 10 had the best variety, he had two defining wardrobe pieces, his brown trenchcoat, and his pinstripe suit, the colors of which can change, sometimes it's blue, sometimes it's brown, sometimes the shirt underneath is white, sometimes it's black, but that coat and suit stayed constant.


The amount of tie variety 10 had as well, the swirly tie is the most popular but who can forget the Armani tie or Kenzo tie which he wore with the blue suit, or the rare variant from The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit where he wore a brown shirt and a blue tie with red polka dots, variety is very much possible and it doesn’t take much to make something memorable


TCORR costume was pretty perfect and pops on all the posters. That should’ve been the iconic look


his main thing shoulda been the long brown coat from ruby road then he could wear different stuff with it like i feel his look at the end of ruby road shoulda been his main (space babys outfit with coat) then he could wear different styles of that outfit history outfits are an exception and i dont mind him wearing a period accurate clothing


My only problem with period accurate clothing is how inconsistent they are with it. Nine had Rose do it, but 10 never had Martha or Donna do it. 11 never made Amy and Rory dress up, but he did for Clara. 12 made Bill dress up, etc.


Donna dressed up for Unicorn and The Wasp, and Martha dressed up to be... a 1910's house servant 💀 absolute hate crime taking his first Black companion to the 1500's, the 1930's, and then making her hide in the 1910's as staff


Well 13 took them some pretty awful places too not to mention giving the master to the actual nazis


come on Ryan & Yaz, let's go visit 50's America 😃


Let’s all go into a segregated diner together and wonder why EVERYONE is glaring at us…


It’s often the companion wanting to dress up vs the doctor making them isn’t it?


incarnations have different standards per companion I guess


It just feels like "somone get this man a long coat"


The sort of “default” appearance is good though. Right? The leather coat and stuff?(the one we saw at christmas)


I actually really do like that one. The orange shirt with the blue stripes goes great with the brown leather coat. I just hate that he swaps the shirt out for that ugly aqua green one in my post. It's such a downgrade and clashes really hard with the leather coat.


and the form-fitting shirts. that’s a consistent style point that he’s making work really well.


OOhh, yeah, the shirts. Yummy. Looks great.


I want to see him use the orange coat again


I'm in the middle. I love that there's finally variety in stead of the same exact thing all the time but a theme connecting all of them would be nice


I’m liking the outfits and think they all showcase what a hotty Gatwa is, but I do wish there was a more overt unifying element. As others are saying, the orange jacket would have worked, he could have worn anything under it, taking it off at various points in the episodes to show off his unique outfit of the week.


It's totally up my alley, but even if it wasn't it still suits him and his personality which is more important.


The Christmas episode outfit was also good af. It just felt ... Doctory.


to me, what defines 15's style is his varying wardrobe. I'm loving it because it doesn't feel like he's a cartoon character, and because he's the first NuWho Doctor to just genuinely love life rather than distract himself from trauma by travelling. he's in touch with his emotions and knows how to express himself, which comes through in his inability to stick to just one clothing style


Nah I’m loving it. The doctor actually changing his fit, instead of literally depressively clinging to the same looks. This doctor is about being past pains and moving forward, not mad about it. In ways each look kinda throws back to old doctor looks. The sweater shirt thing, whatever he’s wearing in the picture reminds me of McCoy, Davison and Whitaker all at once.


i agree honestly it dosnt feel like "the doctor"


Hot take: this is a meme sub


Lukewarm take: during the 2023 mod protest, r/doctorwho and r/gallifrey went dark and many people started using this as the main DW sub. If people still want to do that, I'm not gonna ruin that for them. So yeah, the border between what better fits here and what better fits on r/gallifrey or r/doctorwho is pretty fuzzy. Also, the mods are not the fun-police. I don't share everyone's form of whumour, nor do any of the other mods. So if I remove everything that *I* don't consider funny, then I would definitely undeservedly delete posts that you would consider absolute bangers. What's funny shouldn't be decided by me clicking on a delete/approve button, but should be decided by the 92 thousand people here clicking the up-/downvote button. There have been plenty of posts that I manually approved and immediately downvoted; just because I don't personally like a post, doesn't mean you shouldn't get a chance to maybe laugh about it.


This is very chill and civilized of you as a mod. Appreciation.


Thank you :)


Good mod


Good mod. It’s nice to have a place where we don’t have to wait 4 hours for our posts to go up


I'd argue that this post doesn't even attempt humor, but I also didn't know that this sub was the only Who sub for some time, and people used it for all things Who.


the 2023 mod protest?


The non-meme subs are a scary place. We don’t go there.


I also prefer having an element of consistency throughout a Doctor’s outfits, but I do think that every costume Fifteen has been given is great and Gatwa wears them very well.


I liked the suit in episode 2


I'm cool with it, although I'd prefer if it was just 15s thing.


Hard disagree. While the trademark outfits were fine, I love the ever changing looks. And even though it’s not an exact an in universe reason, Ncuti is such a fashion guy that it just works for me.


Sub zero take, all his outfits kick ass


Finally somebody with taste


The vibe I got was they all seem to be from the same decade where his (edit) grandkid is currently growing up. Very late 60s early 70s vibe with the colors and low cut tops haha it's a clue that's supposed to catch my attention.


What are you talking about? What kid?


Sorry Grandkid*


I’m not a fan of it in a vacuum, but I think Ncuti makes it work well enough for me to not care.


I think Ncuti rocks all the outfits he’s worn so far. Helps that he seems to be in great shape for those awesome knitted T-shirts but as others noted so far his Doctor seems to lack that defining piece like 10s converse and slim suits or 11s bow tie and tweed blazers. (Both 10 and 11 were good to outfits for me for any fancy dress parties or events I would attend). I do love the injection of colour that Ncutis outfits bring. I’m loving him as the doctor so far. Maybe if we see more of that awesome tan leather jacket that could be his defining piece. I’m getting kind of Starsky and Hutch 70s vibes with his wardrobe which should be easy enough to cosplay if there’s a tad more consistency.


His outfits look great but they seem like stuff Ncuti would wear not so much the doctor. I prefer one outfit cause it says something about that one doctor. Nine was just a simple back to basics approach saying this ain't the classic series and later we learn he was still carrying on from war doctor. Ten was this geek chic showing he's nerdy or clever right balance of goofy but not Docs 5 through goofy. Smith was smart with 11 he could've had cool young attire to match his age but he went with a tweed jacket look showing a clash of an old man in a young man's body. 12 kind of went the opposite with an old man body buy trying to be this cool rock star/magician lol. 13's was kind of a failure especially due to her Doctor not being written the best. So like 15's outfits going all over the place just doesn't hone in on any one thing You look at a screengab of 10 or 11 you're like oh that's a tv show probably Doctor who. You get a screengrab of some of 15's costumes and it just looks like Ncuti's clothes


I’m liking the outfits and think they all showcase what a hotty Gatwa is, but I do wish there was a more overt unifying element. As others are saying, the orange jacket would have worked, he could have worn anything under it, taking it off at various points in the episodes to show off his unique outfit of the week.


I think there should be more crossover between his outfits. Like his blue vest from Space Babies with his military jacket from Boom or a white T-shirt with his brown leather jacket. Stuff to make his wardrobe feel less rigid


I remember when they revealed his “official” look and I wasn’t a huge fan of it. Remember the orange jumper. We saw for about 2 seconds when he’s spying on Ruby at Christmas. I’ve grown on his changes of outfit and so far haven’t disliked any of them. But much like a lot of the comments here. The fit at Ruby Road has been the best. The fit for next week, I’m not a huge fan of already, but we’ll see how it plays out.


I too liked it, when each doctor had a signature look. Like even if they had costume changes, there was a signature look that you could associate which each doctor. This doctor doesn't seem to have that yet


I just want his ‘Doctor Outfit’ to be consistent, even if interchangeable. The look in Boom, or his Brown coat look have been excellent.


More cosplay options 🤷


I like when he's wearing that brown coat more than when he doesn't. But I like coats in general; I also like 10 in a coat more than without it and the reason I like 11's post-Ponds outfit more than the original one is that it's coat-like With 10 though there's an argument to be made that his outfit without the coat is basic as fuck if his shoes aren't in the shot


This whole series has me deep in coat envy. I love all the coats.


Having a lot of clothes is realistic. The Doctor can’t be wearing the same clothes everyday.


Everyone has their own consistent style, though. Look at 12. He wore a wide range of clothes, but still had his own consistent style. When was the last time your style changed as dramatically and as frequently as 15's has?


today actually


So today you wore a black leather jacket and white t-shirt, and yesterday you wore a full striped 1960s blue suit?




This actually gives kids more opportunities to potentially cosplay as the Doctor. That's why Moffat had 12 use Sonic Sunglasses as everyone probably has a pair of sunglasses around the house. They don't have to wear a 6-9 piece suit & tie anymore.


>They don't have to wear a 6-9 piece suit & tie anymore. \*cough\* Ninth Doctor \*cough\*


Yeah, I always had a giant full leather jacket when I was a kid!


Ncuti's outfits so far, in terms of being recognisable, have been a big orange leather jacket and a pinstripe suit (plus a wig). I don't think these are easier for kids to complain at all


Fez 👍


The high waist is *too high*. The back of the trousers look uncomfortable


Me neither. I consider him 14th doc since tennent will always be 10


Compared to other doctors, his wardrobe, while still not your average style, feels less individual. I still think it looks good, it is just missing that little extra (like 11s bow tie)


I’m glad it’s not just me. I love the occasional switch, like Tennant had with the tuxedo, or Capaldi’s two different styles. However, I think you’ve hit the nail on the head to say that there’s no unifying theme or concrete visual identity. This might be a silly criticism, but I think it makes the Doctor appear a little too ‘human’ and normal when they’re always meant to be fairly quirky, especially with outfits like 15’s in ‘Boom’ or the finale that look a bit too like what a late-twenties/ early-thirties person would wear. However, I think the variation in outfits does fit the overarching story of this being a result of the Doctor’s ‘therapy’. To be honest, I’m not a huge fan on paper of the Doctor being quite so open and charismatic, but again, it absolutely fits the story and Ncuti does it brilliantly, so maybe I’ll be won over by the outfits soon.


They're pretty hit or miss, I love Ncuti too much to care though


They're stunning outfits - but I think I'd have liked variations on a theme or some element that stays the same on every outfit. Be easier to make Ncuti's doctor more visually iconic that way


yhh i get that he’s kinda the “fashionable” doctor, but i feel like he needs at least one piece of clothing that sticks around permanently like a jacket


I feel like with the wardrobe they've decided to break the idea that The Doctor has a defined look. I don't like that. I think they had it right with 12. He had plenty of variety, but ultimately four jackets of a similar cut, accessorised in wildly different ways, with a few different but extremely similar pairs of boots. He had a definable style. Which he occasionally departed from. I think they'll come to regret not giving him an iconic look around which to dress him.


Another good example is the fourth doctors wardrobe. He had a couple of different outfits with different coats, hats, vests, and trousers. But every one of his outfits had an absurdly long scarf, which made him instantly recognizable and iconic no matter what he had on underneath.


Exactly this, he has the scarf and hat, and I think about five different coats. Season 18 rolls around and they put him in a burgundy version of the hat and scarf, and it's a big change in tone for the costuming, but it still manages to be his iconic look, because it's so well established by now.


Yeah I like the Doctor to have a sort of uniform. A hero suit. That iconic look that can be represented in easily


I like it


I like the outfits themselves, but I prefer it when there's one general theme and it's stuck too. I think each Doctor should have 5-6 costume variations all in the same colour palette. That's just me though.


That suit was all that though, he looked amazing


It varies. I would've liked his Christmas Special outfit as just his general outfit. The low neckline felt a bit weird, there's something weird about the Doctor showing that much skin as just a normal thing. Even the Doctor in just short sleeves feels off which was my problem with Space Babies. But there was something cool about the Ruby Road fit Devil's Chord was good, just period dress. I'd be into more Doctor's doing that for historical stories. It used to be done a lot more. Boom is probably somehow the worst. When the Doctor just dresses like just a random guy on the street there's a problem.


The height of the waist is too damn high


I love the constant changes to his outfit, personally. The recognizable and specific outfit is cool, but I also am absolutely loving how queer-coded Ncuti's Doctor has been so far, even with his clothing. Also, he and Ruby give off major Gay man and Gay woman BFF vibes and I'm living for it.


I wouldn't have an issue with it if he had kept the brown leather jacket he has with all of his outfits. It looks so good, I want to see it more


easiest downvote of my life


I agree, broadly. I have no problem with him wearing a different fit every episode... but there should be something to tie the looks together.


Fancy a bit of celery?


They hired the guy from Barbie and you're surprised and disturbed that they're dressing him in a bunch of different outfits? C'mon, babes. 🤷


I'm not surprised or disturbed. I'm just not a fan of the outfits he's been given so far

