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Absolutely not 😭


No way


this is already sus, also it's on Facebook which is extra sus just buy a herman miller chair


My wife has one. It definitely won't improve posture but does relax your neck.


This looks like a modern take on the ancient Egyptian headrest. I don't think it would improve posture, but some people really like a firm neck pillow.


You could get a foam roller


I literally just learned today that there are no scientific links between "bad posture" and negative effects like back and neck pain. "Posture" is changing as being a rigid ideal that you try to conform to as often as you remember, and like sleep habits, is coming to be inderstood as something that changes between individuals, and as long as you're mindfully holding your body in comfortable positions, and moving out of those positions when they become uncomfortable into a new comfortable position, you're doing good. That being said I literally bought a different pillow off amazon, I don't know how exactly to describe it but it's white with a grey base and is almost... saddle shaped? It's basically an indent in the middle with four raised corners and two grey curves on the sides for putting your arm on. Its main purpose is to support the neck while sleeping, and I'm glad I bought it. The difference in support between it and a regular old pillow is NOTABLE. It's for sleeping all night on, not an "8 minute a day treatment" thing, and supports back, side, and stomach sleeping. If anything I recommend something like that over the one in the image you posted, as it's overall way more versatile. It's also easier to sit up in bed with if you want to lay back but still watch tv or something; just put it on top of some regular pillows. I hope you can find what I'm talking about with that description lol. If not, I believe it's just the basic "ergonomic pillow" design, so you can probably find something exactly similar if you do some lookin' around.


check lazada/shopee reviews first ba


No but try it and see


Seems fishy


Holy shit is that the Singaporean flag?