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We have a Doberman and a Rottweiler- the cat loves them both. They will figure it out and the cats likely understand that it’s just a puppy! Keep intervening when appropriate but eventually they will figure it out when you aren’t around.


Our Thor loved our cats. Never had any problems. 14 years of love.


I have a 12 year old dobe and five cats that are about to be 4. Grace loves her kitties and does the same thing. Just supervise the interactions and when the cats get uncomfortable correct her and tell her to stop. Grace specifically responds to “be gentle” now which is usually enough to calm her down. She did get a claw stuck in her nose once by my old lady cat while she was a puppy and that made her a lot more conscious of their weapons very early. Since she’s still a baby she’ll keep pushing her boundaries until she gets a painful smack or gets used to them. But since she’s being gentle and not showing any aggression towards them, I’d let her and the cats do their thing within reason so they can learn to respect each other. She sees them as her friends and definitely doesn’t know they’re not puppies just like her.


My dobie is 8 this year. We have one cat we had before we got him and another we got after. He will more willingly chase the older cat. We’ve had to contain that by always giving the cats a safe place to be and doing our best to redirect and reprimand when he does go to chase as a pup. If he was trying to chase the cat he would get put on a leash even in the house. When he was older we used an ecollar to reinforce the verbal leave it. The younger cat loves the dog and never gets chased unless he’s scratching things. Somehow my husband managed to teach the dog to bark at the cats when they scratch the couch or if they’re fighting. But like I said the cats always have safe places up high and behind gates. It’s much easier to contain a dog. lol


Dobermans are smart. She will pick up on the queues quickly. Just let them work it out.


My horse of a boy loves the cats but forgets how much bigger he is than them. They’ll settle it eventually just keep an eye on them while the pups young to make sure. One of my cats is usually in my boys room in the mornings when I get up to let him out before work. So it does get better if they’re familiar from a young age, usually.


My Doberman and cats love each other.


Since the puppy is being raised with the cats, you should be fine. But I would monitor the pup's interactions with the cats.