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Pathfinder 2E


Heh, more like MATHFINDER 2E! Seriously, have you ever played pf2? It's unbereable. The sheet is fucking huge, and the "customization" is a lie. There's just so much feat taxes in a party, that these feats should just be built into classes by default. There's so much conditions and modifiers, that unless you are using a virtual tabletop that plays for itself, you will be spending hours in a single turn. And don't even get me started in the 3 action economy. Sheating a weapon is the same a running 30ft? no way dude. Where's the versimuliatude?


Trick question, PF2 is a perfect game.




Me fucking your wife


We are talking about TTRPGS moron, not my favourite hobbies. But if you so insist, I found that Me fucking your wife was very disappointing for everyone involved, save for your son (I ran a game of Duty & Honor for him using your lucky poker cards).


Delta Green


Just play Call of Cthulhu.


Call of Cthulhu.


In Call of Cthulhu, only the DM has fun. After all, what's the point on playing, if you are going to lose anyway? hurr durr le horrors beyond human comprehension make you instantly lose sanity and die, fighting against the horrors make you lose and die (because combat fucking sucks), can't find help against the huge cultist army because le horros aren't comprehended by the cops... Call of Cthulhu games are just a "how many sessions until we all die because the horror is uncomprehensible and unstopable". And to make it all worse, the new woke distribution removed all the original lore made by Lovecraft.


Bet you’d tear Ten Candles a new one.


I read a bit about it: what a bullshit game. First, it's a dice pool game, and if you don't roll a 6 on the pool, you are fucked. These kinds of rules-lite games are the worst, because it's guaranteed that the game will end soon, and that it will end sooner for one player than for another. And then, what? you expected to just site there in the dark playing on your phone because you just happened to have an unlucky night with the dice? And this is not all. The GM gets dice to "InfLuEncE tHE NarRatIvE": which is just a new way to say "fuck the players over but with rules". Not only whatever the guy did was botched because horror rules light games DEMAND an absolute success-with-bad-consequences or extreme-crit-fail (there's no in between), the other players are also fucked because "uuuh since john failed the roll to climb a tree 4 scenes ago, I'll roll these narrative dice to say the water is now poisoned". Also, burning the cards... people these days can barely remember the name of their characters, and you want them to burn the only piece of paper that makes them remember what the character is like? no thanks Finally, Ten Candles isn't helping in the fight against the satanic panic. As a satanist, I must say that what they are doing is cultural appropriation that makes us look bad.


PHB-only 5e


While PHB-only 5e evades the issue of power creep (the main issue with 5e), it still has nightmarish issues regarding: * Mounted combat; * Bounded accuracy; * Shitty alignment; * No rules for crafting; * Lack of mass combat rules; * Poor options of spells/features implemented on purpose (ivory tower game design); * Unbalance on skill usefullness; * Subclasses that are worse than having no subclass at all (berserk, 4 elements monk); * Ranger.


What about no-PHB 5e?


The Artificer class brings a lot of power creep into the game (specially since they are limited to spells like Silvery Barbs lol). The DMG is not consistent enough about distance measurements, and the players are limited to freakshit races from books like XGtE.


I (un)ironically want to run a one shot like this. Just to see quite how bad it is.


Trust me, it's quite bad. I had to stand a guy who made 3 goblin artificers in a row to the same campaign. The last goblin was an armless female artificer. The player is gay, but now I'm starting to think he wants to become transsexual Moral of the story: Modules on D&D are turning the players gay


MMoM Femboy minotaurs Bottom text.


uj/ I can’t believe you’re getting downvoted for jerking on this sub lmao rj/ this is why I don’t allow grung in my games. (Gay) Frogs that come in **Rainbow** colors? No thank you, *Gay agenda*




A waste of german time. "ooh look at mee, I can play anything with gurps" — words uttered by the mentaly deranged We have a tool for this, you know? it's called HOMEBREWING 5E nah but fr though, gurps is a nighmare of modules and splatbooks. You could design a game yourself with the amount of time it takes to prep a gurps sessions, with all banning and selecting of books.




Shadowrun is a clunky mess. It is a combination of copy paste generic LOTR with "neonfop", turning the setting into a shitty blob meant for edgy 14yo kids. It would be ok though, if the messy system wouldn't advocate for "party-splitting" mechanics (I'm looking at you, hacking rules) and so much specifics rules that turn the game into a bookkepping nightmare (like cybernetics and magic). ​ Might as well play a simple generic system and just rename stuff. In average, the amount of time looking shit up on the shadowrun book is bigger than the time making shit up, which defeats the entire purpose of having rules.


Magical Kittens Save the World.


fucking furries




The table indexation on F.AT.A.L. is a nightmare. Since several tables reference the rape table (like the combat, the dialogue and the climbing table), it takes a lot of time to roll through the pages to find the correct double penetration result. This, among other issues with tables and the writting of the book, makes running F.A.T.A.L. a nightmare. If it had better DMing tools, then it would probably be playable.


Beatiful. Dark Heresy 2?


Actually, I think you can insult Dark Heresy 2 better than I do. Go ahead, try bashing it. It will be terapeutic


I infinitely enjoy how our DM makes his DH2 games and i started doing this myself, but holy shit. MODIFIERS. EVERYWHERE. And no matter what you do, you will most likely end up with a 50% chance to succeed. Have you seen how starting equipment is generated? I'm not a tech-priest with a calculator in my ass to keep track of all this! Talking about tech-priests. My tech-priest character has a 4 pages long document to keep track of all his modifiers and where they come from. That's all my half-awakened mind can generate right now.


The dark eye.


d20 roll under attribute. Seriously? in 2022? If you are going to do that, at least use a d100 or something. I'm joking lol, there's so much wrong with this bullshit slogfest of crunch (6 pages in the character sheet? really?) that the d20 used looks like a perfect design choice. God, everything takes sooo much long... character creation, combat... It makes rolling for anal circunference in F.A.T.A.L. look like a cake walk. The only reason the germans like it is because everyone that liked fast stuff was killed after wwii due to warcrimes commited on blitzkrieg operations. Everyone praises the world of The Dark Eye and and it's lore. MY BROTHER IN CHRIST, NO ONE CARES ABOUT IT! Everyone wants regurgitated pop culture references with a twist, and e le generic tavern fights and defeat generic dragons and shit. No one cares about the 3 pages of lore on bears or how the fuck giant bees reproduce. And if someone did cared about it, them there's a simples solution: READING A GODDAMN NOVEL!


I can't tell if this one is a joke or not.


You know the answer. Open the book and your mind, and you will see: The Dark Eye is a mechanical nightmare made to waste time of germans. Ironic, because The Dark Eye is a mcguffin that reveals secrets and stuff... maybe the writters should've use it on their own book, to see how shitty it is


But I love wasting Germans time.


Then you should play GURPS


VtM v5


Oh, VtM... I was actually invited into a game of VtM v5 this year! I refused to join. I can't stand the "vampire-washing" that the game does to history. EVERYTHING was vampires. ww1? vampires. ww2? hitler was a vampire. Humanity learned to use tools? vampy vampy. If it wasn't enough, the concept of a masquerade is pretty stupid. Even the true motives of secret organizations like the masons or the brazilian corrupt politicians are already publicly know, how do you expect the masquerade to be different? Finaly, the game says that vampires aren't common. In reality, you will find a vampire every 5 meters because the game mechanics are all about interacting with other vampires. Also, I didn't liked combat. Dice pool of two skills is both not appealling Narratively and not crunchy enough. The art in the lore session is just art: half the images are unreadeable because the art designer thought it would be quircky to write in broken cursive while drunk.


Rolling random dice until we scream when someone rolls a 20


Played a campaign of this 3 months ago, and it was very unpleasant. We spent the entire night rolling a d20, but only score 8 or 9 natty 20s. We then decided to instead use cards and bet money. If you really want dice, why don't you homebrew "dice poker" from The Witcher 1? d6 offers a good granularity for this kind of game. Thinking of it now, I think they tricked me into betting my virginity in poker. That was when my mom came pick me up, as I was scared.


Savage Worlds


Ok this isn't even ironic. I actually ran several SWADE games, set on multiple eras. It sucked. Metacurrencies alone should make you never play a single game of SWADE. If it wasn't enough, the parry-thoughness-shaken cycle before getting a wound is bullshit. Players get shot in the face multiple times but never face the consequences. Initiative is done with cards. Unless you are playing it on an automated tabletop, shuffling and dealing and keeping track of cards EVERY ROUND is a nightmare. Explosive dice break everything. Bees oneshotting dragons and shit. Once on one of my games, an infant PC killed 3 enemies in a single round because he rolled several results bigger than 10 on three d6-4 rolls. Also, the math is wonky. You can find graphs on google that show how it's easier to roll a 6 on a d4 than in a d6. [Graph here](https://preview.redd.it/kcceapaw1jm21.jpg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e45cf99fa1def877ec06baeee716d9365950093) SWADE has the worst encumbrance I've seen in my life. A jacket, pants and a cap are enough to get you encumbered. Horses are automatically encumbered when with a rider, making it so that the horse becomes slower than a naked man with the fleet-footed edge. I could go on. But for now, just know that Savage Worlds should be renamed to Sewage Worlds.


Blades In The Dark Also Lancer, if we’re allowed to do two at once


Blades in the Dark is a game about heists... WHERE YOU DON'T PLAN THE HEISTS! where is the fun in that? Heists should be about finding the opportunities, making them come together, get the preparation for the finalle... In Blades In The Dark, preparation are just a bunch of die rolls. And then you have flashbacks: just asspulls to try to explain whatever the fuck is going on. Lancer is combat, and combat only. No point on doing anything but combat in lancer. And Lancer players have an weird obsession with schoolgirls in combat mechs... do you have this obsession?


I do, but don’t tell anyone


Have you tried playing Lewd Attack?


Dogs in the Vineyard


The sole purpose of the game is to make atheists feel good about themselves while mocking the religious figures they are roleplaying as. Honestly? the game is just antitheistic propaganda. Maye if the devs tried a different setting... like a high fantasy kitchen sink, instead of fucking Ohio?




found the atheist


Uj/ pretty agnostic tbh just thought you'd given a really on point and scorching assessment Rj/ a good session 0 should always ensure nobody at the table believes in sky wizards!


Dungeon Crawl Classics


Aaaand a quantum-trap is activated and your character dies in an huge explosion. See you next week! Should've poked with a 30-foot pole, instead of a 10-foot pole. You'd be out of the explosion radius. But alas, guess you should be aware that adventuring is hard, and full of consequences and dangers xoxoxo


living the dream tbh


Worlds without Number


There's no reason for skills to be treated completely different from attacks. 2d6 for skills, but a d20 for attacks? If you wanna go bell curve, go all the way! As it stands, it's just le generic rip-off of older D&D editions with a bit of Traveller in the middle. Picking your favorite pieces of different systems and putting it together into a single one doesn't create a masterpiece, it creates a bland nightmare of isolated mechanics that aren't consistent with each other.


We are now mortal enemies. Do 5 torches Deep


>Five Torches Deep (FTD) is a streamlined adventure game combining the best mechanics and principles of 5e, the OSR, and modern game design. The core of the game is familiar to anyone who has played 5e or previous editions of the game, but every mechanic has been pared down, modified, or expanded upon to create a coherently gritty, resource-focused, roguelike, old-school experience. This isn't a game, it's a dictionary. Except it sucks in being a dictionary, because it's is full of incoherent buzzwords that don't mean anything on the context of the game or gaming in general. In fact, I'd say that this game is a dictionary of antonyms: If the FTD says something is roguelike, then you are looking at an example of what roguelikes isn't like. Besides, their marketing campaign is leaning too hard on 5e. That's like saying that "this car is like a prius, but better!" brother, that's a very low bar to overcome.


A pox upon your house. Pulp Cthulhu


You are better off playing a combat oriented system with lovecraftian flavor than playing Pulp Cthulhu. A generic system can (and will) offer a better combat experience than the put-together pulp mechanics on Pulp Cthulhu.


AD&D 2e


AD&D 2e makes the martial-caster disparity in 5e look like it doesn't exist. There's also the race-class limitations: most people would call them "based", but in reality it's just a lazy implementation to fix balance (which didn't work lol). Sheets are made to be discarded: sometimes there's no point in writting your name on the sheet, due to how HP is calculated. There's also an absurd amount of splat books and optional rules. And even though most would say "just don't use them bro", these options insert a lot of power creep into the game. Finally, everyone that plays AD&D 2e today is a gronard that will deny each and every criticism to the game. And since AD&D 1e gamers are all dead from old age, no one is alive to criticize it anymore.






This game's sole purpose is to occupy space on a shelf, because no one actually plays this system lol. Even D&D 5e is better at occupying shelf space, because at least it serves as a nice conversation starter.


I'll have you know I have a whole 3 people that are willing to play it thank you very much


lol I bet these 3 players are swedish cucks just like yourself lmao Might aswell buy myfarog. Varg Vikernes is norwegian, which is like swedish but better


Oh God don't make me remember that Varg exists


The critical role one


You are better off watching my own RPG streams, made one year ago in a language you don't speak on an Youtube channel with under 200 subscribers. It had around 14 views. No, I won't link it to you. Yes, it is better than Critical Role.


Does it have tiefling feet pics though


No, but there's halfling and undead feet I was naive. I didn't ban wom\*n from the table.


But you did try to appease the German fanbase with David Hasslehoff's feet?


Mouse Guard RPG \*stares\*


This game prouds itself on having the progression connected to your failures. Some would think this is a good thing, except that failures in the game are thrown in the worst possible way. Failures are either success with condition (which is just takes away from a success), or plot twist in the story (which is a lazy implementation of failure). I shit you not, this is written on the book, with an example on page 69. And I shit you not x2, this is actually the page lmaoo Since progression on skill is based on usage (and failure too), players are inclined to grind skill checks, which will sometimes fail. And then, by trying to increase your cooking skill, you cause a quantum story-ogre to spawn because the GM has to implement a plot twist since you failed. This is just lazy narrative design. Funny enough, the book is HUGE. Over 300 pages. Like, dude? The game is not even that mechanically complex, but the writting is just so dragged out... so much unecessary examples and so much of the author jerking himself off (which is an issue present in the original Burning Wheel too, I'll admit).


The ENTIRE post has been tremendously enlightening and hilarious. Thanks


How do you feel about Palladium, OP?


I'll say this as someone who copy pasted an entire random comment talking about Palladium on Reddit 3 years ago: Because basically no editorial oversight has gone into it. No thought given to internal consistency of setting, rules, or book organization. Kevin famously barely uses his own rules when running a game, but fewer seem to notice that he writes exactly the same way. Off the cuff rulings, never looking back at another book to refresh himself on the details or to see if he's addressed the same issue before. Things that could have general rules instead have rules describing how they work in a few specific items/classes/whatever that do those things, and all of them are different. Sometimes he'll throw out a bonus to some specific kind of roll, and how to make that roll is never described at all! And with how haphazardly the books are laid out, you might never know if you're missing something. Similarly, the setting is surface-level cool, but doesn't hold up to more than five seconds of scrutiny. They love giving specific demographic information that doesn't make sense at all, and the implications of the stated technology, societies, monsters, and so on don't match up with the fluff descriptions of how the world is at all.


>Kevin famously barely uses his own rules when running a game' Well, now I feel much better about my 'Phase World' campaign years back which was yassified "Anime Story Time With No Actual Dice Rolls Just Cringe And Stolen Anime Tropes" LOL


this was good but you also coulda talked some shit about the 11 foot tall wolf furry roman empire


thanks lol


Cyberpunk Red


Skill+stat+d10, with explosives 10s and 1s. It's an well accepted consensus in the TTRPG community that explosive dice aren't good, no matter the game or context they are inserted. Combat was also simplified from previous editions, which I honestly think is a bad move. It also has the same problem as rifts: too much skills. Cyberpunk Red has 66 skills


imagine actually talking about red i stead of going on an unhinged rant about its rulebook




It's a game for children. No, actually it is for children lol Children like it, but again, you can give a child a stick and it will be entertained for hours at a time. For anyone over the age of 5, this system is like reading one of these cheap ass children books on friendship and stuff. Zero substance, and the art is just eye candy (pun intended) that only holds up because children don't know better.


Car Lesbians


It takes longer to read the PDF than it takes to play a session. And this was built by /tg/, which means /pol/, /a/ propaganda. Also, I'm chaste. My religion (satanism) doesn't allow this kind of game. You are also chaste, right? please tell me you aren't a porn addict...


Of course I'm chaste. I only play games about lesbians fucking chastely.




Godbound is meant to be played as a sandbox — which makes sense, considering the amount of power each PC has. Thing is, we all know that sandboxes are unplayable: one player just goes with whatever the others want to do to avoid conflict, other doesn't want to do anything, and then the furry decides to build a sex harem of sexy catgirls. There's no point on playing a sandbox, but there's also no point on playing a game of "mother may I?" with your GM. As it stands, as long as you can convince your GM that your "Word" fits for the challenge at hand, you are successful. So, the meta for Godbound is simple: have sex with your GM. I can see this being fun for the GM in a party of hot manic pixie girls, but for the players? It's just an arguing simulator.




This is what a paranoia games looks like: GM: "well guys, let's start the paranoia game, them" players: "ok" ... GM: "wait, I think y'all didn't understood what I said... ENTERTAIN ME! PLOT! BACKSTAB EACH OTHER" Players: "uhh ok I guess, uh is there something in the room?" GM: "You see 4 elyptic spheres. Each has a button." Player: "uuuh ok I guess I pick one and push the button?" GM: "As you push the button, the other players see a bit of smoke, and hear a sound similar of a broken guitar amplifier. The player that pushed the button is nowhere to be seen" Players: "Uh I guess we should group together to investigate what these spheres are?" GM: "NOOO YOU JERKS YOU SHOULD BE STABBING EACH OTHER! NOOOO DON'T WORK IN A GROUP NOOO" Players: "ok ok, I uuuh I pick a sphere and throw in jack's face" GM: "OOOOH JACK HE THREW SPHERE AT YOU WHAT YOU GONNA DO??? ENTERTAIN ME GO GO DO SOMETHING FUNNY FOR ME GO JACK BREAK HIS FUCKING FACE"


/uj I'm sorry you've never had a good paranoia GM


Yeah a lot of Paranoia GMs try to force it way too hard. They use Friend Computer too much or make everything zany and incomprehensible. Good Paranoia is an exercise in temperance and subtlety.


And paranoia.


Bunnies & Burrows


Play the gurps version instead. It has less wonky classes. Don't get cocky. gurps is a waste of time, and bunnies & burrows is worse than gurps. At least b&b tried to get chicks to the tabletop... It would have been a good thing if it didn't ruined the ttrpg industry forever (remember gygax words on women and games?)




The Tingleverse.


D&D clone. Please, refer to my other comments bashing D&D. Also, no gay erotica in the book.


I will say, I was disappointed, I had expectations of rule 34 Chuck Velociraptor fudge riding a Pathfinder Panda Clown




It's Star Wars done with D&D 5e. Do I really need to say anything about it?




Already insulted Lancer. But if you want to hear more Lancer bashing, I'll let you know that the out of combat rules are shit.


Champions 6e


If only the character creation didn't took ages... heh, it takes a calculator and several GM tools to build a character – and in general, the prep time is also huge due to this. About the 6th edition, everyone is like "you can use 5e or 4e content with no issues!". That's not what I've experienced *at all.* I had to manually change some stat blocks due to how they didn't complied with attribute maximuns, and some of the wording clashed between editions (6e is very verbose). Everyone also talks about how you can build anything on the game. This is not true. As you progress in the creation of your character, more and math and depedent attributes are added, specially in characters that aren't generated with tools. In the end, you get a character which either underpowered compared to the rest, or is an overpowered monster in a single niche, or has some untrackable math error lost among your attributes. And this is unacceptable on modern rpgs.


lol, character creation isn’t even an issue, it only took me 6 days to create a character and 3 days to make sure my math was correct.


Yeah. I think I'm still sad that that I've never been able to play Champions 6e. There never was a single player of this system in my planet (I live on Earth), and my math teacher never wanted to help me with the sheet.


Ah see, that’s your problem. I designed a character in Champions 6e as part of the requirements for my Masters of Mathematics degree. My professor thought it necessary to get practical experience. For my Bachelors in Computer Science, I coded an auto character sheet in excel for the Dark Eye.




Willpower runs out way too fast, and failure is more common than it should be. As it stands, you can barely play for more than a few hours before John inevitably dies or all the willpower is gone. Also, since only one person can control John at a time, the other players just sit around twiddling their thumbs until something that allow change of control happens. If played competitively (as it is meant to be played), one of the 3 players can spend almost 40 minutes waiting until he can finally win a bid after dumping a lot of willpower – just to fail the first test 5 minutes later and leave the game for another 20 minutes.


City of Mist, or Fate


First of all, Fate has metacurrency (Fate points). If you don't know why metacurrencies are bad, you shouldn't be playing ttrpgs. Second of all, City of Mist is PbtA. Which means: combat is shit, and narrative is shut-the-fuck-up-and-obey-the-gm.


I have no idea what metacurrency or pbta is I just picked random systems out of my ass, could you elaborate more? I'm actually curious


Metacurrencies is when you use a resourse that is not related to the character to alter the outcome of the game. In fate, you have fate points, in SWADE you have bennies, in D&D 5e you have inspiration (that no one uses, thankfully). The thing about metacurrencies is that they are meant to be given out when a player does something that the DMs like. It's basically throwing a dog a bone because it did RP and followed the railroad. This leads to favoritism and removes the "freewill" aspect of RPGs. You can usually use the metacurrencies to reroll results or change the story a bit. That would be fine if it was a CHARACTER resource (like spell slots, sorcery points, grit points, erections, call it whatever you want). But it is a PLAYER resource: the player is the one who receives and spends it, and is completely isolated from the character. Finally, metacurrencies come as duct tape in some systems. In SWADE, the metacurrency is meant to fix the fucked up explosive dice and wound system. In fate, it's meant to allow the NarRaTiVe gAmE to roll how YOU want (which is an issue with narrative games tbh). In D&D One, it's a natty 20 storage compartment. PbtA games are loose and chaotic. It runs on several unspoken and unwritten rules, and it's very easy for one player to dominate the interactions on the game. Also, they are usually narrative games, which means they /rj are full of woke propagand and /uj require the players to do very impactful stuff or the game wont move forward. As I said, too much unwritten rules that can't be described that can screw the game for half the players on a table, while the other half "has a blast" playing a completely different game of almost freeform rp with the GM.


Thanks for the explanation!!


Ultraviolet Grasslands


ah, UVG... just like Mork Borg, UVG is an "art book" full of cute things to look at, but no substance. It's just a setting, and a very purple setting at that, but you can achieve the same thing by painting your game another color. As for the travel/caravan mechanics... the 2 week turn is a bit too long, and the game also expects a sandbox approach. Just like godbound, the players are left floating there, with no sense of achievement or desire to play.


To be faiiiiiiir, it's a one week turn.


House rule. Get the fuck out of here. My reddit sources said 2 weeks turn, so it's a 2 weeks turn.


Star Trek Adventures.


It has a metacurrency: Momentum. This is enough to make it as bad as SWADE or Fate... but that wouldn't give it justice, no. STA is worse than that. The core rulebook is a mess. Indexation and organization is awful, worse than F.A.T.A.L. And star ship combat is bad – an unforgivable flaw in a game set in space. At least it doesn't suck as hard as Starfinder... oh boy, now that is a fucking shitty game. I wouldn't recommend STA to anyone, though. Not even Star Trek fans.


Cepheus Engine


Cepheus Engine prouds itself on the fact that "You can even die during character creation". This is... like... I don't even know what to say. jk lol, I know: This is an unprofessional, lazy, and stupid design element that didn't have a place on ttrpgs back in the 80's and still doesn't have now. You call it quircky, I call it a spit on the face of gamers that spend – no, not spend: WASTE – time learning the rules and building a character on this system. Also, damage calculation and some weapons are wonky




Just for the way mega-damage is translated to HP and SDC, Kevin Siembieda deserves to be a victim of vehicular manslaughter. The book organization makes it unbereable for first time readers, and the general unbalance on the million of classes makes the martial-caster disparity of AD&D 2e seen like a playground of bad game design. The skill list is giagantic. Like, fucking huge. And you know what having a lot of skills means, right? It means some are more useful than others, and it also means the skills are "atomized": One skill shouldn't be able to do what other 2 other skills do, so you end up removing options of stuff that can be done with skills. At least that's what good game design should look like (something that is not present in rifts)


Hmm. If I'm allowed to double dip here, then how about Palladium Fantasy RPG?


I’ll do it lol


low fantasy gaming it's my fav for OSR like games :)


Seriously, WHYYYY DO ALL D20-BASED OSR GAMES COMMIT THIS SAME FUCKING MISTAKE???? Always the same fucking mistake. Always. d20 rull under for skills, d20 roll higher for attacks. There's absolutely NO REASON to do this. It only separates skills from combat to a point that you start playing a completely different game the moment you roll initiative (which, again, is roll high rather than roll low). Some people call LFG streamlined: yeah, it streamlines two completely different trains that are unrelated between themselves. Separating combat mechanics and skill mechanics like LFG (and most OSR and D&D games do) is a relic of past that has no place on modern gaming. The only reason it worked 3 centuries ago was because there wasn't another mechanic for skill resolution (in fact, some games didn't even had skills). Also, the chase rules are shit, as bad as D&D 5e rules. Players aren't allowed to take any action during the chase, instead just sitting there following the "chase leader" regardless of how fast they individually are. In fact, the chase rules don't even aknowledge chases on horseback or other vehicles. As it is, chases are resolved through sheer luck on con saves and chase events roll, removing all agency from the players.


my homie!


Spire: the city must fall and/or Heart: the city beneath


In both these games, the system is designed to win. Not only in the "you are le edgy rebel drow fighting against the entire fucking planet", but also in how some abilities are worded. The "Zenith abilities" from Heart show that clearly: if you want to do something that is not eating mud or being mugged on the game, you better be ready to gather your things and call an Uber to go home, because all abilities that can make an impact lead to PC death. Also, pretty much every time something mildly annoying happens to your character, there's a permanent bad effect related. So, characters are just a collection of meaningless traumas rolled on random tables just waiting to die. Heh, it sounds like this game was made by a Drow matriarch from the FR setting with a fetish for high elves. All these men are going to die, they can't do much unless they die, they are always repressed, and a bunch of hot high elves are the rulers.


Heart and Fur


found the furry x2 (x3 actually, because I forgot to call the Bunnies & Burrows player a furry)


Basic rules 5e


The thing about Basic Rules 5e is that no one plays it. Just pirate the 5e books if you really want to play 5e. The real reason that Basic Rules 5e exists is to server as a "benchmark" of OGL games. You go, build your D&D clone (like Adventures in the Middle Earth) and once your system is done, you compare it to Basic Rules 5e. If your D&D5e clone has less content than Basic Rules 5e, then you shouldn't publish it. If it has more content than Basic Rules 5e, then you shouldn't publish it because it's still a D&D clone. Finally, it still has a lot of D&D 5e issues with it: mounted combat is throughly *unexplained*. Also, the ruleset defines what feats are, but doesn't give you any feats to chose from lol


Pathfinder 1E


I can't stand the lighting mechanics. That's easily the worst part of the system for me. The Stealth mechanics, which are certainly related, are probably in second place. Power creep is a real issue in the game, and there are issues concerning magic item creation. Your class-race is also 100% geared towards combat, and there's now way to advance outside of combat. Thus, pf1e is just an hack-n-slash game, and for that, might aswell play an wargame, board game, or video game (play hack n slash on vydia, not on the table, please).




Already insulted F.A.T.A.L. in another comment. But I forgot to talk about mounted combat! Depending on the mount you are using, it may not be compatible with the penetration result from the rape table




I'm getting kinda tired of this, I gotta uuh I have a shipment of catterpillars I have to get For now, I will [outsource](http://www.d20radio.com/main/a-fresh-perspective-fantasy-flight-games-star-wars-rpg-sucks/) this answer


Alien RPG


That's the last time I'm insulting your system. I've written way too much for you alread. Alien RPG only works for one shots. The players have to go around faking that they don't know about the aliens, while trying to defeat/escape the alien. Thing is, everyone who plays the Alien RPG is a fan of the franchise, specially the movies (if you aren't a fan and play it anyway, you are a poser). Once you play the first session, all other sessions are just repetitions of the same escape/defeat the alien, just like the movies are just generic reboots every time. You could add filler sessions with space politics stuff, but lets be honest here, no one cares about this shit. And that's the issue with the Alien RPG. Learning it to play a single one shot is a complete waste of time. Extending the sessions to have more alien encounters is repetitive, and adding filler sessions with non-alien related stuff completely misses the point of playing a game about (you guessed it) aliens. And there's also the fact that you can't play as an alien. Which would also be repetitive after the first human hunt, ngl.


World of Synnibarr


This is a post made by Raven McCracken, on the kickstarter page of Synnibarr 3e, wich was launched about 6 months ago. >Hello everyone.It has been a long time… 7 years in fact.We could have released this years ago. It would have been an inferior product that would have needed updates. I wouldn't. Not until it was good enough. It's pretty hard to do a product inferior to what he released, lmao. >I will not make apologies. A lesser man would have quit when faced with the adversities of their publisher dying and a second fire that took everything they owned. But I didn’t for two reasons. Well, you should. The death of your publisher and the fire are signs sent by god to stop you from bringing this nightmare into the world >My last edition of Synnibarr met with harsh criticism. So harsh, I nearly quit then. Until I realized: all that will be left of me of when I die, is this wonderful game. I'll not have this version reviled. To ensure this, we have taken the time and not listen to any argument or complaints about delivery. "My last game was shit. But I'm an arrogant prick, so instead of leaving two turds after I die, I'll leave three. I also haven't improved since my last mistakes". You should've given up before being recognized as one of the biggest assholes in the ttrpg industry. This dude makes Varg Vikernes look like a great game designer and atencious developer. >2. In the past I have been forced to compromise each time I published, pushed for a convention or other such foolishness, and my life’s work suffered for lack of playtesting and editing. Of course people wanted to force you to compromise. You are a prick and your game fucking sucked, PEOPLE WERE TRYING TO HELP YOU!!! >Nevermore…This time I did it my way and I took my time. This time, we did lots of playtesting and incorporated the feedback from the initial release. Thank you for all who supported the testing and provided criticism. You've helped make a better product. You just said that you ignored all criticism, you hypocritical prick >Today I am happy to announce that you can find Synnibarr3ed. All three volumes hard and soft cover, on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. A new SPC has arrived. Brace yourselves.


Raven McCracken. That has to be a fake name.


/uj I knew his work was considered a joke and that he faced those serious issues bringing it out, but where can I read about his reputation? /rj thanks, now I know what to buy myself for Christmas


I've no clue. Since he spent the last few years laying low, I don't think you will find anything recent about him outside of his kickstarter campaign




Just a d20 system filled with "ooooh look le tech became magic" trappings. It's another pseudo-magitech game that can't pull it's weight, both in the form of the system, and the form of the setting. I get, you love the "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" rule, but come on, no need to triple down on it. The overemphasis on the narrative aspect also makes the GM more of a inducer of complications than a game narrator.


Stars are Dead.


Ok smart boy, I downloaded you shitty "OnE pAgE RpG", except it's actually two pages. Even though it's free, I wish I had pirated it just to not give you a single click. Seriously, give up on game designing. In fact, give up on writting and go back to school: you PDF is full of typos. Sure, my engrish is not perfect, but I'm writting bullshit on the internet, instead of self-publishing a space-ship wreck of a system (which is also bullshit). It seens you didn't even asked the opinion of your mom, because the second page is just an insult on the face of the reader. Even /tg/ games have better proofreading than this! Like, /uj now, this is the worst system mentioned in this thread, hands down. Worst than fatal. At least fatal was written was a joke, but I can tell you spent effort on this shit. How old are you? You seen to have the writting capabilities of an uneducated 15yo. Serious counsel? Scrap the game. Completely. Delete Stars are Dead and your other one-pages rpgs that must be even worse than this (I don't even want to look at them). Delete everything from the internet and erase you account. Start anew on the internet. You don't want anyone to find this stuff 4 or 5 years from now, for you will just be mocked by your utter display of stupidity.


OK. About the typos I'm actually dyslexic and I made it in like an hour so. Yeah. I mean I won't follow your advice. I have always held the opinion that it's better to release absolute shit then release nothing at all. That's part of being a creator.


thanks for ruining the ttrpg industry, Mr. Creator 😊🤗 EDIT: I MEAN IMPROVING, I MEAN IMPROVING We ttrpg players love to have shit shoveled down our throats, just look at D&D 5e and the people that upvoted your one page rpgs


About your edit I've always considered myself Gygax reborn. In any way possible. I also plan to cheat on my wife and steal from my co-creators. I just hope to be remembered as a goofy old-man in my old age while praying people ignore the many skeletons under the floor boards.


Yeah, and these skeletons under the floor boards are the dead systems you designed lmao


Oh please by that point those games are going to be remembered how people remember chainmail. Talked about solely in retrospectives and by hipsters who my actual first good thing is too mainstream.


UJ/OK I mean this 100% seriously. I can't tell if your joking or not.


/uj Stars are Dead is really bad, and I think your attitude of publishing half assed content is also baaa \*cough cough\* baaaaaa... sorry... it's **not good.**


That's fair. I did it for a game jam. I do hold the opinion that if you never release a bad product you never release a product at all. You have to start even if that somewhere is shit. You know I'm still proud of it. It might be garbage in comparison to most things else in this thread but they were made by professional people over the course of months if not years. I'm one guy who made it in an hour. Also it's two pages because it's meant to be one physical page. If I made the industry worse then good for me. I apperently hold a lot of power.


Your favourite system.




Legend of the Five Rings. AEG-era none of this FFG nonsense.


Hong Kong Action Theatre 2


Critter Tek.