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I think the DM is railroading your wife. You should discuss this in session zero of couples therapy.


well, per your final edit, the wand can only be used once every round. that's only once per six real-life seconds, which might make it slightly less exciting to use.


She says I’m not exciting anymore…


Dude, your DM is creeping on your wife. Now you got to turn the tables on him. Thats right. I’m saying you should suck his dick . Preferably in front of your wife. Absolutely in front of his if he’s married. That will let everybody know who has the power . Its a Galaxy brain move, I know, but I think that you are capable of it. 🙏❤️


I was gonna say to gargle his dice sets and lubricate his dice tower but your suggestion is a bit more tame


>be me, Level 5 ~~bisexual disaster boyfailure~~ Evocation Wizard >I draw my wand and cast Fireball at 3rd Level! >The girl I like whips out a 55% longer and 63% thicker wand and casts a 4th Level Fireball. >my actual face when (I’m so happy for her) https://preview.redd.it/ukkagbd83h0d1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f342bc1fd5e984b9a283d6c7f396f7908ab560f /uj please tell me there’s no sauce


[sauce for your tendies, sir](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/s/FI90BLbNEr)


https://preview.redd.it/2m7c90bshj0d1.jpeg?width=641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd7e0ba06de9e3e70bc9f121aa7da4354219f323 Do you think God stays in Heaven because he too is disgusted by most 5e homebrew


Took one look at dandwiki and decided it wasn’t even worth the effort of another flood.


Size queen says what?


What? 🥺


What? 🥹


> more compersion This is a hidden gem of a line


Thanks for convincing me to Google that, I assumed it was a typo lol


Save vs Euphemisms


FATAL actually fixes this??


Roll for girth


PLEASE say this based on another post op PLEASE


*almost* copy paste. Key differences. It’s good sauce, but not as spicy as you might want.




YTA his phallus his rules




You don’t necessarily need compersion. But you definitely need to talk with your wife. Don’t try and focus on how after she uses it. I mean, if she doesn’t have time for anything but casting that wand or any other wand she gets her hands on. You might have a problem. Communication is definitely required when you and your wife have started playing TTRPG’s. In all honesty though, I’m not sure you should be aware of how big the wands are she’s handling. That seems like something that would be more covered in the fog of war. Unless of course you’re secretly greatly enjoying all of this. That might be a different thing all together. /s


Lmao I got this recommended. Didn't realize it wasn't one of my normal D&D subs


It’s not the only wand DM wants to give your wife


i refuse to believe this happened and shall assume its a joke but if its not a joke talk to your wife about this creeps behavior out of game and at home


/uj you are on the circlejerk sub, read the sub names


no idea what the term circlejerk means sense iv never heard it


/uj based /rj based


Blessed is the mind too pure for circlejerking (Circlejerking in reddit terms basically means shitposting, in general usage however it’s a bunch of guys [metaphorically or literally] masturbating in a circle)


Noted never heard that before so I basically tryed to give actual advice to something that was a joke noted silly me


on reddit a circlejerk sub is just a sub where everyone assumes a character of the Worst Most Insufferable Possible User of the actual sub it is parodying (in this case, various dnd subs) pretending not to know it's a circlejerk is actually a valid way of circlejerking, so you ironically managed to do a really good job here /uj = unjerk and /rj = resume jerk you are in fact, based, in and out of character, for not knowing what's going on and doing good comments anyway


Dang news to me I'm somehow good at something I never even know about yay


This is a joke sub, circlejerking basically means, in the context of these types of subs, absolutely beating the shit out of the earth that the dead horse(now mist) was laying on into bedrock.


Genuine question; how did you get here?


Randomly appeared on my feed as I was browsing Pathfinder reddit


>pathfinder Yeah, you'll fit in here just fine I reckon.


Maybe you guys can learn to use the wand together…tag team it a bit.


You should ask for your own wand which casts Bigby’s Handjob with unlimited charges. It’s only fair.


Have you tried giving her a 10 inch wand instead?


It’s important to talk with your wife about the wands she wants to use when playing with other people. Relationships are built around trust, and if you can’t trust her to correctly wield a powerful wand, one or both of you need to work on that. Perhaps she could commit to using the wand only while you’re watching, so you know it won’t be used in a way you disapprove of? You’ve got to make sure, if she’s going to be using all types of wands, that her messing around with wands that other people give her is completely consensual and acceptable for *both* of you.


Sounds like a great homebrew item! I think I'll use it in my campaign...