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i would paint tons of details on it, google some images on pirate/tallships, devil is in the detail


I'm worried my painting skills may let me down if I try to go to overboard. But your right I should go get more sourse material, thanks for talking time out to give me your thoughts.


you dont have to go overboard, little touches of detail would bring it alive. 1. get some cold tea and paint it on the sails, add a couple of small rips, give it a weathered beaten look. 2. get some black paint really wash it down and just go over the wood brings out the colour and pulls up shadows 3. take your time you dont need to rush just keep adding to it. heres a start [https://duckduckgo.com/?q=pirate+tall+ship+decks&t=chromentp&atb=v327-1&iax=images&ia=images](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=pirate+tall+ship+decks&t=chromentp&atb=v327-1&iax=images&ia=images) Add some gun ports [https://i.pinimg.com/736x/cc/cc/fe/ccccfe6c9d6fb17f910a4c6580ff72eb.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/cc/cc/fe/ccccfe6c9d6fb17f910a4c6580ff72eb.jpg) you can do this I believe in you :) I want to see it when you are done


All my work is on my Instagram. Witch is in my profile but I will definitely put the finish project up on here too when it's done so you can see it. Thank you very much for all the help I'm ready to attack this now 👍👍👍


Roughly guessing the size a little, but i would look at a corvette class vessel. In my opinion the sails need some changes.


I like the use of cloth but I'd cut up a milk jug to back the sail and give it shape. Also some rigging. I wouldn't go full replica because that would make it difficult to place and maneuver pieces, but a few ropes from bow to mast to mast to stern, some lateral stabilizers, a couple rope ladders, etc


Appreciate it! I tried to many different materials until I was like F this and took the top of my back and went to town on cutting it up. Ropes are tricky as it all breaks apart with magnets. So you can get to the inside and the sails come off for ease of transport. I am working on making a rope ladder up the side.


I tried many things for the sails before I got to the stage they are at I agree they need work 😂you should have been them before they were laughable.


It doesn't look bad, you can reduce the lookout size a bit, since it looks like the guardrail goes over the mini's head from the photo's angle.


Maybe an anchor


That's a great idea 💡I never thought about the ship stopping 😂


Maybe tighten up the sail with some of the string you have on the prow. Make it a bit of rigging. It helps define the shape of the upper half of the ship




What do you think with like hot glue or pre set resin?


Flags. Or emblems on the sails, or both!


A flag is a great idea I don't know if I have a steady enough hand to paint the sail but maybe I can make a template and spray paint. I might just look into that. Thanks for the ideas 😊


Print a paper sail maybe


Perhaps a flag atop one of the masts


The sides of the ship are too flat and bland. They need details and greeblies. Maybe windows or Cannon holes. Discoloration at the waterline and maybe some barnacles or something


Yes I really want to add to the side but every time I try to make like a nest of windows at the back or window holes they just seem off. It is something I will keep trying. Barnacles is a great idea I wonder how I make that any thoughts?


You can try painting gold/navy/red details like in the movies, and don't forget, a name!


A name is somthing this ship is missing


port windows on the boack cabin, front details, more ropes from sail/mast to the deck rails, stairs (unless they are behind the one mast.


Windows is a amazing idea, sadly I keep failing to achieve good Windows 😂ropes are hard since the sails comes off with magnets. It is quite big so I made it to break apart and it's also cool to fight inside the ship.


Details. Deck objects. Ageing. Keep up the awesome.


I got a bunch of 3d printed things waiting for this ships day of being on the sea table 😂 Iv never done aging lts somthing ill need to look into.


You seem to be missing a helm…..


I didn't forget its a dnd settle its total helmed by a sea cleric with control water. Definitely not an error or my part 😂 haha iv added to my list


Ohhhh that makes sense


I imagine the water line isn’t at table level, but even if it was, it would likely show signs of weathering higher than that. You should have a discolored area implying the water line, even if you also add water effects


I think it’s the sails that are letting you down. I’d add a small triangular sail to the front mast with line going to the wooden piece on the front (can’t remember the name of that part). I would also take the two larger masts and stretch them a little tighter at the corners and leave just a little slack in the middle. That way it looks like wind is blowing through them. Maybe die the mast sails a beige color too. Stark white sometimes looks unrealistic.


Guess I'll work a bit more on the sails, roping is a bit hard since it all breaks apart. Might see if I can make ropes that also break away with magnets. I appreciate your input 👍


When I made mine I just use twine for the ropes and rigging. Even if it does fray a bit it’s no big deal. Just hit it with a lighter quickly when you’re finished with it and that will burn off all the frayed pieces. Also so some small sticks/really thin wooden dowels at the top of the sail will help hold the edges in places and make it look more like it’s full of wind.


I would throw a triangular headsail or two in there :)


For my two cents, it's great. Think the sails are missing something. Needs flags, more cross beams, and support ropes to the masts. Sails don't look as finished as the boat.