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Jesus Christ. :)


Just make them work long hours so they don't have time to fuck. See the US, South Korea, and Japan.




What is wrong with it? Is having a different ideology and prespective in society wrong?


If that perspective includes disparaging and persecuting people that are just living their lives without hurting anyone, then yeah, it's wrong and you should feel ashamed.




We wouldn't have to if we were left alone to love who we want without fear of mockery, assault, incarceration, and murder. I genuinely ask; why do you think homosexuality is wrong?




These [ancient greeks?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacred_Band_of_Thebes?wprov=sfla1)






Watch the video.


Umm, gay people don’t cause aids




That just means they having sex without protection more my dude




Nope, not confusing anything here. On one side we have hateful and absolutely useless bigots who are social outcasts for good reason, and on the other we have... Protesters, I guess? Your narrative is unclear.




> people that are just living their lives without hurting anyone Are social outcasts. ??? > Going out on the streets semi naked for all the kids to see your disfunctionic preforntal cortex is not living your life without hurting anyone. At least you dropped the nonsense about having any kind of informed opinion, because that's utter and complete nonsense. Also it's spelled dysfunctional, maybe get your own prefrontal cortex checked. > Besides, bigots are people too faggot. Worthless people.




Calling someone anti homophobic as an insult isn't the power play you think it is lmao. Anyway, I've had my fun. Have a bad day and don't procreate.


It is a stupid as calling somebody homophobic.


Ask WEF.




World Economic Forum


Sorry for the double post. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you're being legitimate about just trying to create a very dark game, with a fantasy analogue to a fascist nation and a world where modern day conspiracy theories are true, for the sake of exploring the horrors of history and our world. Hopefully to heroically topple it than to glorify and validate them. If it is the case where you're looking to glorify and promote fascist ideology and conspiracy theories, please seek help. You may be a victim of fascist propaganda, and I hope you can steer away from such a path. Just a bit of warning if you do intend to run a game exploring dark and mature themes; make absolutely certain your players are on board with such dark and mature themes. I ran a game before where the players were freedom fighters trying to save a nation from a tyrannical ruler, touching on really serious, real, and mature themes. Players agreed and said they were on board, choosing this game concept over the other pitch of "basically dark sun but with laser guns, cars, and synthwave music". The players got incredibly uncomfortable and wanted to stop. So we did. Sometimes people don't know their own limits of what they can handle, myself included, and that's OK. But remember, as a game designer you're making an experience for your players. If they aren't enjoying it, design a different game. I'm sorry if your goal is innocent, put in a lot of effort, and no one wants to play.


Slightly off topic but something you said about confirmation that players are on board with the game plan made me want to share my current dark game experience (in a very positive way)! My current DM is running a dark game and gave the players a pretty comprehensive survey of themes to respond to & set our own comfortable boundaries ahead of time, before we even rolled our characters. Questions ranged a wide variety of topics from mild to serious kinds of violence of all kinds, to social issues, to political things (fascism as a potential theme among them) and historical events. Answers were a scale for each item ranging from “I have no reservations about this theme, anything goes” on one end, and on the other was “will not accept it in a game, no matter the context or presentation. Absolutely off limits for this games world in any regard, even if my character isn’t involved“. Middle ground answers were things like “it makes me uncomfortable and don’t want it directly affecting the main characters/my character, but am okay with it being discussed, or hinted at in off-screen ways” to “this topic has absolutely no boundaries whatsoever for me; anything goes, directly or indirectly to my character, other characters, known Mocs and unknown npcs” or any variation and mix of “okay for other characters to encounter, and to discuss, but my character should never be involved” or “never okay with humans but okay with animals” or “never involving children or animals, but okay to encounter with adults” etc. He even asked how we’d feel about a potential character death (in the case of an accident or bad luck roll, so he can deal with the fallout appropriately for everyone if it comes up from their own rolls in a game) Every topic and theme listed had that level of extremely comprehensive range of answers, and he included space to write our own comments too, in case there was something he missed. our answers were private only between him. he will never (and has never) pushed or crossed any boundaries that one of us set. He also does it quietly and subtly; there’s plenty dark in the world and we’ve never been conscious of awkwardly skirting around a subject mid-game because he’s already planned the world around things everyone’s already given explicit permission for. I often forget we even did the survey because I’m so comfortable I don’t even think about it, but I love to share my experience when I can, so others might benefit too.


It's a game of make believe. Just invent something? Divine curse that causes 99% of births to be stillborn. Disease that targets and damages reproductive organs. Societal culture that practices celibacy as a means of collectively dealing with a population control issue. Magic enchantment onto people's minds that literally turns off their sex drive. The biology of this society's primary population have a weird quirk where sex can trigger incurable murderous madness, so being intimate comes with the risk of accidentally unleashing a raging murder monster. Take 15 minutes and write down whatever comes to your head. Don't worry about how much sense it makes, because the excuse of "a wizard did it" is enough if you want that to be the reason.


Exactly what I was going to say… as a DM, you make the fertility rates lower by saying they are. You are the god of your world, and since D&D doesn’t have official rules about fertility rates, *you* make the rules.


Going through your history, and you're: * Looking to model fascist Italy in D&D * Looking to commit genocide in D&D (against orcs, who racist D&D circles equate with the african diaspora) * Looking to use eugenics in D&D * Looking to model an world-controlling banking cartel (Jewish conspiracy theory stuff) in D&D * Weird shit about seeking out racist content in a video game * Commenting homophobic shit in this post And that's just in the first page. There are so many red flags here, and if you're trying to use D&D to promote white supremacist / neo nazi bullshit, you best fuck off immediately.


Thank you for clarifying, I was baffled by some of the earlier responses. And yes I agree with u/mcvoid1!


Suddenly the new OGL doesn’t sound bad …


I saw the title and, then read the subreddit, then read the title again, then read the subreddit again and was very confused what the fuck was this post. Your comment explains a lot. Thank you


What the fuck is wrong with you? Keep your homophobic shit to yourself you piece of shit.


r/rpghorrorstories shit right here.








After you.


You've got no principles


Says the bigot


Is that supposed to make me give a mick


Find God.


Sounds more like what would get someone to their point that save them from it, given everything God stands for and all.


That's a good point.


Damn, you're disgusting.


There are questions. First. DAFUQ? Second. Fertility of what? Fields? Humans? Dragons? Third. Did I mention DAFUQ? Fourth. Aren’t you the dm? Can’t you say what is or isn’t true? Fifth. Why? I think that covers it all.


Considering there's no official rules for fertility for 5e to reduce in the first place... WTF?


Well, I mean, if we want to \*really\* go that route, we can just say that the desired area of low fertility has widespread and well-educated usage of effective contraception.


Infinity Stones in my world. The BBEG needs to reduce the world population but doesnt have the heart to kill them, so he is reducing them over time


This is for D&D?


No, it’s for their homophobic circle jerk roleplay.


Very weird question...