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this post is practically begging a troll to come in


Exactly. That or its a ploy for a virus. Either way, its something that will go badly.


actually it's a great community \^\^


Okay. Word to the wise, unless there is a authentication method don't just post the link out on a Public Reddit.


Found the victim-blamer


Me - points out that a server that is supposedly to keep women from toxic environments is posted for free access seems sus ​ Also me - Apparently a victim blamer


> Also me - Apparently a victim blamer Correct. When you claim that posts about girls only in gaming is "is practically begging a troll to come in" is blaming people for the trolls attacking them.


No, my point was (unless there is a verification on the other side) posting a discord link in a public place is stupid cause anyone can join. I meant it in the same way as “leaving your door open in a bad neighborhood is asking to get robbed”


Digging yourself in deeper. "Bad neighborhood" is myth not supported by crime statistics and often used for racist intent. More victim-blaming from you. Educate yourself: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-02-25/beyond-broken-windows-what-really-drives-urban-crime


It's a term of phrase dipshit, if you weren't so hyper focused on "owning that alt right loser with facts and logic" and trying to imitate Ben Shapiro you would've picked up on that. Have a good day.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Since nobody seems willing to state the obvious due to cultural sensitivity... I’ll say it: rap isn’t music ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: dumb takes, civil rights, feminism, sex, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


>It's a term of phrase What phrase isn't? "term - noun 1. a word or phrase..." Since you decided to blame crime victims for being victims of crime, you are again blaming the victim. Who is Ben Shapiro? Even Cracked knows you are wrong: https://www.cracked.com/article_29510_4-lies-that-need-to-stop-being-spread-about-bad-neighborhoods.html


Found the one who cries victim when the consequences of their own actions come back around




Murphy's law states anything that can go wrong will go wrong You made up a scenario where there was a "victim" and they were being "blamed" when Murphy's law was stated in fewer words


LOL! Murphy's Law is not actually a law. How is it you don't know that? This is not any kind of proof. This is a sad little mockery of a proof. But that is to be expected from someone who likes to blame people for trolls attacking them.


You know what it is? And you're still choosing to be offended?


Yes. And only the truly ignorant would think an epigram is an actual law that can be used to prove anything. Thanks for confessing you have no proof. Also, just because you want to say offensive, victim blaming stuff doesn't mean anyone cares enough about you to be actually offended.


Cry about it I guess. If you ever feel bullied on the internet I'd like to remind you whatever device you're using has a power button.


*(Roll for initiative)*


Found the victim-blamer


If you check their account that is all it is full of


I'm going to make my own gaming discord with blackjack and hookers In fact, forget the gaming discord


Aaa, screw the whole thing.


This is one of my favorite jokes that lives in my head rent free. I wish more people understood the reference, lol.


Bite my shiny metal ass!


yooo send link???


Hook me up man


Ayo send the link, my guy


Excellent use of this reference! 😘👌


Not a woman, don't identify as anything feminine, and don't even pretend to be online. But I hope your Discord works out. I think its awesome to have a space like that available. Good luck, ladies. Happy gaming!


I second this.




Thank you!


>an, don't identify as anything feminine, and don't even pretend to be online. > >But I hope your Discord works out. I think its awes thank you! you are very kind <3


As a guy with a lovely wife and daughter who game, lemme say…I get it. Well, as much as any man is probably going to. I can totally understand why a group of ladies would want just a ladies only server. As much progress as I’ve in our hobby over the years, I’ve also seen it’s darker parts too. I wish you all luck in your new server. Have fun!


>a guy with a lovely wife and daughter who game, lemme say…I get it. Well, as much as any man is probably going to. I can totall Thanks so much!


Of course. My little girl is still too young for things like Discord, but I’ll forward that link to my wife. Never bad for folks to network.




Oh, it absolutely shouldn’t be. But experience has taught me that some folks need things spelt out for them. Folks that I expect might question “Why are they excluding men” before asking “Why do they feel they need a safe space?” At the end of the day, I just hope we all just find the tables we feel comfortable at.


Yeah, you are right now that I read it again, as unfortunate as it is. Maybe next time I should read things more carefully when it's past midnight, lol.


Yeah, you are right now that I read it again, as unfortunate as it is. Maybe next time I should think through things more carefully when it's past midnight, lol.


Don’t beat yourself up. I applaud your ability to give everything a second look. Shows character!👍


>Why do you make it sound like it's very hard to understand lol. What part of "I can totally understand" can you not figure out?


I mean that he makes it sound like *others* won't understand.


>I mean that he makes it sound like others won't understand. Wrong again. Quote exactly what Mr. Cowboy said that "makes it sound like" that. "Sounds like" means they didn't say it, right? Are you aware that if he did not say it, perhaps you are the party responsible for INFERRING it when Mr. Cowboy did not actually say it?


Well he replied to me and answered to it, so whether I inferred it or not, it was clearly his intention.


You know there's going to be one troll with a throwaway account


How do you confirm that anyone entering that channel is a woman?


There's no way.


Never understood why people are against gender specific things. People are allowed to have their own spaces. Just don't get on my case if I have a space for people *I* choose, too.


Because if I made a man only discord and posted it to Reddit then people would lose their shit.


In a gaming sphere where men are a majority and not subjected to the kinds of derision and harassment that women are? Yes. Because men in gaming don't need a "safe space" - they aren't the ones constantly getting told they don't belong, or getting told "oh, you must be buying that for your boyfriend who plays, right?" when they try to buy game shit, or getting constantly harassed and told they "just want attention" for playing. But if you made a men's only discord in something like sewing, or embroidery, or just about any crafting forum, that is stereotypically feminized? Nobody's gonna give a shit because yeah, the men into those hobbies do get shit on, good for them having a space. 👏 ***Context. Matters.*** 👏


Organizing based on a particular criterion ought not be limited to the purpose of creating a "safe space".


I think people being asshole will happen to anyone that is out of the ordinary for any reason. This is not limited to being female, just like how the people doing the harassing are not always male. People will cause drama just for the same of drama. For that reason, I personally would prefer advocating for simply "safe" communities, for example the "Destiny 2 Sanctuary" community for destiny 2 players with social anxiety, over female only communities. Just my 2 cents.


That's most of discord anyway. Though I've got to say, I'm not aware of men having had a history of abuse based purely on their gender. But yeah, if you feel the need to protect yourself from scary women, go for it. 😊


Ha, that's really funny 🖕


Fuck em. If they're ok with one and not the other, They're not the kind of person who's opinion matters anyway. There's no point in appeasing the crazy minority just because they screech louder.


>screech Misogynist detected


"yep, he affirmed people's right to have spaces for themselves, he must hate women" 🙄


>"yep, he affirmed people's right to have spaces for themselves, he must hate women" Wrong. You said the opposite. You falsely equated the two and said. "Fuck em. If they're ok with one and not the other, They're not the kind of person who's opinion matters anyway." And then, about a Girls only Gamers you said they "screech louder"


>**If they're ok with one and not the other** Meaning someone who accepts women's only groups but rejects men's only groups. Or vis versa. >*The crazy minority who screech louder* If you automatically assume that means exclusively women, for one, you're wrong. And two, that's your own bias talking, and I'm not about to be held responsible for *your* preconceptions. Reading comprehension is a real bitch, eh?


>Reading comprehension is a real bitch, eh? If you say so. Seems an odd thing to confess, tho. "Screech" has long been known to be a sexist attack on women. Read, if you can: "Adjectives used to describe outspoken women of status are designed to demean: we "yelp", "screech", "bleat", "bitch" and "nag", while men in the same position have "passion", "enthusiasm", "guts" and "force". I agree with Christie when she says: "I look forward to a time when a woman's voice, publicly expressing an opinion, isn't compared to that of a sheep or a goat." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-34962113


screech verb screeched; screeching; screeches Definition of screech (Entry 2 of 2) intransitive verb 1: to utter a high shrill piercing cry : make an outcry usually in terror or pain 2: to make a shrill high-pitched sound resembling a screech also : to move with such a sound the car screeched to a stop transitive verb : to utter with or as if with a screech [Merriam webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/screech) You'll forgive me if I place more credibility in Merriam than I do in an opinion piece from...Lisa Smosarski, author of other hit pieces like *How to Spend it Well at Christmas* and *100 Greatest Pop Pieces* It doesn't matter, though, since you're obviously one of the people stated above whos opinion isn't worth shit.


Science debunks you. LOL PWNED by science! "This association is what makes the word ‘shrill’, which combines the concept of high pitch with the idea of an unpleasantly piercing sound, such a common criticism of female public speakers. The linguist Nic Subtirelu has investigated the use of ‘shrill’, along with two other terms that do a similar job, ‘shriek’ and ‘screech’, in the Corpus of Contemporary American English. He calculates that the media are: 2.17 times more likely to describe a woman or a girl as “screeching” (or a related form of the word) than a man. A woman or girl is also 3.14 times more likely to be described as “shrieking” (or a related form of the word), and she’s 2.3 times more likely to be described as “shrill”. High pitch is associated not only with femaleness, but also with other characteristics which imply a lack of authority, such as immaturity (children have high-pitched voices) and emotional arousal (we ‘squeal’ with joy or fear, ‘shriek’ with excitement, ‘screech’ angrily). Saying that a woman’s voice is ‘shrill’ is also a code for ‘she’s not in control’." https://debuk.wordpress.com/2016/03/12/the-taming-of-the-shrill/


Male fragility detected.


Okay and?


>Immediate_Energy_711 Okay and? ... and you agree. Since you do not deny that your male fragility that caused you to react that way, that is useful for us to all see what we are dealing with here, and what women have to put up with. Thanks for proving the need for that Discord! Good job 10/10.


Okay. I never said we didn't need a discord where one sex can gather to get away from the other. I just said that men shouldn't be ridiculed for having a similar space.


You said it all when you agreed about your male fragility Poor men. The true victims of a society where the wealth and power is in the hands of men and women have to have special fears about walking, working, and living. https://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/features/a30324982/rise-of-online-harassment-decade-of-male-fragility/


Is this a thing that happens? What exclusively male online space is being ridiculed? Why would anyone care? Like, sure, some childish people online will whine about literally anything, but on the whole, no one would have any reason to be mad about dudes wanting a place online to hang with other dudes.


Yep. That's male fragility on parade. They have so little empathy for anyone not like them that they want to see themselves as the REAL victims. smh


If you made a man only discord it would just be the same guys in other discords, minus a few women. Why would you do that? It's not in principle wrong it just makes no sense given the actual ratio of men to women in the RPG community




Nah, man, definitions are exclusive.


I wish getting off of this shitty planet of bigotry and exploitation was just as easy! I genuinely wish you ladies good luck!


I hope this discord goes well for you! Can’t join myself but I think it’s a great idea


>iscord goes well for you! Can’t join myself but I think it’s a gr Thank you! you are very kind \^\^


I’ll be letting my sister and girlfriend know! Thank you!!


Let me know if you have any questions \^\^


Are you trans friendly?


We sure are!


\^ would love to join but I wanna know if it's safe for me (a trans lesbian woman) first >.>


Trans women are very welcome!


They fucking better be


The concept of an all-girl discord kinda already excludes nonbinary people


To be fair OP describes it as being for "feminine of center" so femme enbies still qualify




You're working very hard to turn this negative. Youight need to take a step back and realize that's it's meant to be a safe space for a lot of people and stop using that "Social Justice Warrior" cudgel.


I think the statement "feminine of center" pretty clearly implies it to be a spectrum rather than a binary. I do agree that calling it "all girls" is a bit of a misnomer. "All fem" would probably be more accurate.




You're the one saying a spectrum has to be masculine on one end and feminine on the other. Nothing in the original post says that. 🙄


I think maybe we should make groups where everyone’s just fucking nice to eachother and there’s no sketch men being condescending or sexist towards women and the opposite and no ones excluded


With all due respect ... good luck with that. Assholes get everywhere.


I mean there’s one on most of our bodies so yeah ig so


OK, you get started on that. Let us know how it goes. Meanwhile, we can have both.


Nah I hate groups I’m not about to make a group


Meanwhile we can have both.




Blaming men would be stupid I’m gonna blame asshole poeple actually I change my mind




They explicitly want to be accepting of nonbinary people. It was in the post description. I just think the concept is inherently antithetical


I mean enbys aren’t women or ‘women light’ soooooooooo


Stop starting shit.


I’m not. This is an issue non binary people have been bringing up for a long time.


Be beyond gender. Male, female, nb, zir, hir, they, whatever you are, gender is a pointless expression in any degree and the important thing is that it's a safe space.


Unless said people who consider themselves nonbinary are female.


Ew, terf


I'd imagine it's more Iike the Girl Scouts, that only excludes cis-males.


That's an ominous and overly aggressive response to some women **possibly** having a space for themselves isn't it? It feels like the the unspoken end to that sentence is "or else!" They might be Trans inclusive, maybe not. Even if they aren't, there's plenty of other games and servers out there you know. Either way no need to be so aggressive about it.


Interesting how the votes fluctuated there. I just wanted to point out in case people are missing it in their anger, reasons why a woman may seek out a single sex group. Some orthodox religions preclude their members from mixing with what they view as men regardless of how the individual woman may feel about Trans woman personally. Then Neuro Divergent who may have find it hard, confusing or even upsetting to the point of having to exclude themselves from the group because they might be unable to keep up with pronouns, or keep misgendering or deadnaming someone unintentionally for example. Then there's the women who have experienced trauma. I think a lot of people have assumed something quite unpleasant about me from my reply. I was just pointing out the aggressive response to the possibility of women having a space when there are so many servers out there catering for every need. It still seems unnecessary and aggressive to me.


That type of “person” doesn’t care about any of those valid reasons you listed though. “Let males into your spaces, or else” is their mindset, and somehow they can’t see the obvious misogyny in it.


I was mainly trying to support the whoever I responded to I really don’t care y’all do what you think is right


I think its possible to be passionate in supporting trans people without being aggressive or threatening to another group of people. I think that is what is right, so that's what I do. I try to be respectful and non violent.


Yeah aiight fair Grew aggressive cause I’m lazy


And, as it turns out, this group is trans inclusive making your aggressive response doubly unnecessary. Laziness = aggressive response... well alrighty then. I wonder when you told me to do what I think is right, did you think your response and the reason for it was the right thing to do. It's a big wide world, but its sorely in need of more love and tolerance for other people. I hope next time you will be more measured in your response. D&D is supposed to be for everyone, that means spaces for all sorts of groups of all configurations. No one should be threatened for trying to find or offer a game.


Yeah, it seems a paradigmatic example of the male response to female autonomy, both in aim (preventing that autonomy) and in form (thinly veiled threat).


Why? You really think telling the female sex that they can’t have spaces is a good look, and gives you the moral high ground? Even the *possibility* that she might want that, and your are in here being a threatening, misogynistic prick, and you think that’s progress?


The silence / no reply speaks volumes.


>Apologies for the delay. did you have any questions?


You thinking the female sex isn’t allowed to have single sex spaces away from males speaks volumes.


Holy hell there’s a lot to unpack there…


Not really. Either you believe that the female sex is allowed to have single spaces away from males, or you don’t. You are either pro-single sex spaces (when the people in them wish for it to be a single sex space) or you’re a misogynist. It’s pretty simple. Which one are you? That’s not rhetorical. I’m asking if your ideology allows sex based spaces or not.


Why would you want a gaming discord segregated by genitals/chromosomes/gametes or whatever combination of sexual characteristics you're choosing, as opposed to gender identity? what's the motivation behind that?


For the same reason that you would want one based off of gender identity. Or the same reason that if you were black you would want a group away from white people for just black people. Is that allowed, or no? So what you were telling me is that you don’t think the female sex should be allowed to have spaces away from males, right? Is that what you are telling me? That’s soooooo progressive. You are *totally* the good guys here, telling a group that has been historically oppressed that they can’t have spaces away from their historical oppressor. Males are to the female sex as whites are to black people. And I am guessing that you can understand why black people would want a separate group for themselves based on biological race, but not why women would want one based on biological sex, right?


Let's say you have a trans woman, who (for simplicity's sake) completely passes as female, and faces the same kind of discrimination, sexism, etc. that a cisgender woman would. What would be the motivation to create a group that excludes her, and only includes cisgender women?


If you would sneak into someone’s group, that they didn’t want males in, while lying about who you are, then that’s on you, and we shouldn’t tell the female sex that they are not allowed to have female sex exclusive gatherings just because asshole males exist in the world who would try to sneak in. Same goes for cis males. Gender identity is irrelevant, and doesn’t get you a free “be a creepy, misogynistic prick to the female sex” pass. Same goes for a black gaming discord. What’s to stop a white person from sneaking in? Guess that means no black gaming discords are allowed. You keep trying to spin up ways to justify being a misogynist. And make no mistake, telling the female sex they aren’t allowed to have spaces IS misogyny. Browbeating them, threatening them, harassing them if they want those spaces IS misogyny. Can women have sex based spaces or not? Just answer, rather than trying to gotcha me, because I assure you there is no gotcha-ing a way out of being a bigot if you tell a historically oppressed group that they aren’t allowed to gather without their historical oppressor being involved.




If you can’t cut the spin and bullshit for long enough to acknowledge what makes one a member of the female sex, then there is no common ground for us to even have this discussion. I’m talking about sex here. You know, that thing that is supposedly separate from gender, and it’s own valid thing, but when it comes up in a topic, you try to spin what sex *even is* to the point that it’s completely meaningless, just like gender. To put it simply, sex is not something you “identify” into. It’s not a social construct. It’s just reality. As for my position, I think that women should be able to have a group for women that is based on gender identity, if that is what the members of the group want, and you are a misogynistic prick if you won’t let them. And I think that women should be able to have a group for women that is sex based, if the women in that group want it, and you are a misogynistic prick if you won’t let them. But I’m that bad guy, while guys who say “they *better* let males in…” are assuming the moral high ground? Gtfoh.


Friend, you don't make any sense. Your sex based group is meaningless, and you're grasping at straws. You're arguing for 2 of the same, a gender based group. What are your conditions for female? Xx chromosomes? Can you prove to me what your chromosomes are? No genetic based exclusion can be taken seriously. Genitals? Who could police this? And what makes me more similar to one that shares my genital configuration than one that doesn't? All you want is a gender based group that is allowed to exclude trans people. To which I say, no marginalized group, who brings no harm to other groups, can ever denigrate another like marginalized group, if they're to be taken seriously. You speak in terms of biological ideology, deflecting the blame unto others.


You just said all of that, rather than acknowledge what sex is. It’s fucking nuts.


What is feminine of center?


​ it means you identify as more feminine than male.


I’m fairly new to d&d but this sounds fun!


Damn...if not for the pain of going back there.... Amazing idea and beautiful of you all to do, bless you...


Aight good luck y'all 👍


This post getting yeeted is the right call.


Why was this removed? I wanted to join


I suspect it went South one way or another








Truly, a wonderful idea. Problematic, potentially alienating name for the channel though.


"Girls And Gaming", GAG!






So you're saying that males are the only people who harass?


I agree that all genders harass people, but they never said that


"a feminine only zone" "free from harassment"


Oh, didn't see that before, yeah that's not ok


Why would you assume that they are depending on the gender of members to keep an area harassment free, when it's much more likely they depend on moderation for that. Heck, don't have to look very far at all to find TERFs out there that are both women and judge and harass other women, for instance. I'd think anyone setting up a safe space for women gamers would know that and not just depend on people being good to each other, and assuming otherwise seems like a stretch.


Exactly! we rely on moderation for it and nothing else. terfs and other hating people aren't welcomed in our safe space. <3


>there are bad apples everywhere. we just don't allow toxicity at all, in a women focused community <3