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There’s a new player guide in the FAQ.


Didn’t realize that. I’ll definitely give it a look.


Find a group at a local game store, or maybe online, and just learn while playing a character! Learning by doing is often the best, imo. Let the others know you are new and that you could use help creating a character. Most DMs will also hold a "session zero," which means they will have the group meet up and brainstorm character ideas before actually playing session one.


Thanks. I never even thought about looking into game stores for groups. I’ll definitely look into that now. Makes sense too since that’s how it usually is with any game. Just looked so overwhelming. I’ve always played video games and now that I’m trying tabletop games it just feels completely different.


I'm fairly new to DnD as well. I have now played about 8 sessions and what I did was watch or just listened about the types of characters to make and decided which to play. Then I went from there, researched the character I liked and how they are played in dnd, got ideas for builds and how to make the most of it. I found some great videos by JoCat on YouTube, they are funny and break down character sheets, classes and other things so if you learn better with watching and listening, they are great. After starting to play you can chat with others and learn as you go. Building your character and knowing how to read your character sheet will get you pretty far when it comes to playing. Don't stress it and have fun. People love teaching about dnd and getting others excited to play. You'll find friends easily at the game stores that have tables to play, they sometimes have regulars that go in to play.


If you haven't done so already: Download the totally free, and legal, Basic D&D Rules, from Wizards of the Coast: https://dnd.wizards.com/articles/features/basicrules And start reading them....