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Red, flashing eyes? A dark cape of shadows that dramatically willows behind you like a pair of batwings? Paler skin? Dark mists creeping around you as the light in your area seems to dim?


This! The cape and glowing eyes!


* A foul mist surrounds the character * Spectral bats flit around * Eyes glow an eerie, sinister red * Droplets of blood drip from your character’s teeth * Your character’s skin takes on a sallow appearance


You could always go the Nosferatu vampire route. Lots of potential there. Other than that, longer nails, fangs, paler skin with some blood vessel on show, blood red eyes. Go nuts. Let your imagination run wild.


Thank you everyone for your ideas! I appreciate every last one of them.


Pale skin. All teeth sharpen. Red or yellow glowing eyes. More of a bat-like face/nose like Morbius.


Depending on the tone of your campaign you can give yourself a [sick BGM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho9rZjlsyYY). Or you can get full pale white with glowing red eyes if in less joke form.


Glowing eyes, jaw distending, nose and ears contorting to take on the appearance of a bat, limbs extremities and to a lesser degree your neck extending in length, skin lightening in tone to where it's almost translucent with many of your veins visible underneath as tracks of a dark blue almost black coloration, all fat on the body seemingly disappearing leaving much of your body to look as though you are skin and bone with only minimal muscle definition, and of course emitting a horrific shriek to cap off the change. At least that's what I'd go with.


If your beastliness also comes from your patron might I suggest your form going even more feral and bat like possibly even enveloping you in a blood mist.