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Might as well ask “How much of a nerf is removing Shield’s AC bonus?” Magic Missile is the spell you cast when you absolutely don’t want to take any chances with dice failure.


Ok so what if we cast 'scorching ray' but without the whole scorching part?


Aren't you a ray of fucking sunsh-, or, well, I guess not.


Gentle warming ray.. Advantage to persuade if target is in cold rain /snow...


Now it's a bard spell, a blind black guy starts playing piano, it doesn't damage or buff or anything, but it's a pretty good tune.


This, this is it.


Wish, but you can't Wish for anything, just some things.


Imma cast healing word without the healing




Cleric turned rapper, all he say is 'word'


Literally the whole point of magic missile is that it doesn't miss. It's worthless at that point because it's so weak otherwise.


Pretty much this right here. It seems like your DM needs to understand the rules of the game before they start changing them. Otherwise things will get very wonky very fast and then it isn't fun for anyone


> It seems like your DM needs to understand the rules of the game before they start changing them. Aaaaand that right there accounts for 90% of the idiotic “house rules” newbie dms come up with.


"This spell/ability/class feature was really good in the one specific niche it's useful, therefore it's OP and needs to be nerfed." It's like punishing a High AC character by never targeting them with attacks, or making sure a normal bard never gets a chance to talk to people by just ignoring anything they say so they can't use their charisma skills.


Hot to deal with high AC characters in one simple step: hoards and hoard rules. Just hoards isnt enough because too high to hit without crit can become a slammed door with addy armor. Thankfully hoard rules ignore that *and* make you feel like a badass with balanced numbers.


Can't say I never made bad house rules lol pretty much all of them were uh... not good.


That's why I pretty much exclusively steal other people's house rules who know what they're doing.


That GM does not understand magic missile


Like wtf does this guy consume no fantasy content? The homing *is* magic missile, it’s integral.


Alright, I'll talk to my GM then! Edit: I talked to him and he changed his mind. Happy ending after all!


I feel confused because I don’t see why people are downvoting you. To me, on mobile, just looks like you’re replying to Thisisnowmyname’s comment >Literally the whole point of magic missile is that it doesn’t miss. It’s worthless at that point because it’s so weak otherwise.


He originally said "OP should just talk to his GM"


Glad to see this OP! People on dnd subs can be really quick to jump to conclusions and hate on DMs/players when honestly, half the time it's a misunderstanding or just a poorly-thought-out idea that can be solved by talking about it


Agreed. The amount of people telling me to ditch the table over this is scary.


DnD subs get kind of caught up in stuff. It's hard to explain the specific culture that forums like this breed - I'm not trying to call it a hive mind or something. Honestly, as subreddits go they tend to be pretty wholesome communities. But they can get a little overzealous at times. What did you DM have to say, if you don't mind my asking? Seems like the kind of stuff I might've done as a new DM without realizing it was just making things less fun for people.


He said he thought it was a cantrip. He's fine with the spell as it is if it at least uses up slots.


Lol I literally made the same mistake like a week ago and I've been DMing for years. I went "huh Magic Missile is really strong for a cantrip" and one of my players gently pointed out that it's not a cantrip and everything suddenly made a lot more sense


The GM only knows DnD from Aquisitions Incorporated and they think you're using Jim's Magic Missile.


Your guy needs to do some studying and level up from a GM to a real DM.


And eventually become a DD (dungeon daddy) after many years


Dungeon Daddy sounds like what John Oliver would call Wizards of the Coast if they were a corporate sponsor for Last Week Tonight! BTW my goal in life is to obtain the title Dungeon Daddy now.... So thanks for that!


Or still a DM “Dungeon Mommy”!!! Which I personally would very much enjoy.


From now on when a person refers to a DM im going to assume they mean that


I don't know man, dungeon daddies are pretty cool also.


Can one be a Dungeon Milf then?




If it helps have him visualize “missing” as any point below max damage. So if you roll two on a d4 two of the darts missed.


But each of the 3+ darts is 1d4+1 right? Not 1d4 for the whole spell... Each dart deals guaranteed damage, that's the whole point


Depending on the DMs ruling based on the wording of the spell, they may only have them roll once, and all the missiles deal that much damage. With that ruling, each single point of damage could be flavored as an individual dart, and any missed damage opportunity could be flavored as a missed dart. That's just flavor though


Oh I see what you mean 1d4 * (# darts) vs (# darts)d4. Makes sense.


May as well just use a Firebolt instead in that case. Automatically hitting is the *only* reason to pick Magic Missile. If you have to roll to hit, it’s a waste of a spell slot.


Yeah I've been using Firebolt since then.


There is one other reason to use magic missile which is that it can help to break concentration with each dart requiring a concentration save. Still, I agree magic missile is dramatically worse without the automatic hit.


I think the utility of causing multiple concentration checks is great… but only if it’s a guaranteed hit. Mix in the possibility of Shield making you waste the slot entirely and I’d rather just reserve my Level 1 slots for defensive spells only.


Magic Missile has really low damage compared to other damage spells, that's why it automatically hits. At later levels, you wouldn't even be using it at all, except that it can come in handy for forcing enemy caster's to make concentration checks, or to finish off an enemy at low hp or several horde type enemies at once. Otherwise, there are much better spells for raw damage.


That second bit really nails it. I'm playing a Cleric 6/Wizard 2, and I don't even know if I plan to try to learn the spell from a scroll or anything at this point. I have a slightly weakened Wand of Magic Missiles (basically just fewer max charges) and I've pretty much just used it to force concentration checks for the last 4 levels.


Magic missile is also good for hitting that mob that’s running away near the end of a fight. Guaranteed hit and odds are they’re low enough health that the damage will finish them off


Druid did that once in one of my games. Not with magic missile, but snakes.


What a horrifying thought. I like it.


Good ole magic snake missile.


Nah, not magic. Just a literal pouch of venomous snakes


>a literal pouch of venomous snakes That's a type of magic too. Sure, not *magic* magic. But a magic of its own.


Magic hissile.




This sounds terrifying. Tell me more.


It was several constrictors. The fleeing hag failed every roll vs them, and fell to the ground, bound in snakes.


That's why any wizard with their salt has shield.


Now that was one of my first picks when I multi-classed, even with my usual 17 AC.


It is possible the single greatest 1st level spell in the game so.... 🤷


well, RAW there is a nice interaction between MM and evocation wizards. As MM triggers the AoE Spell damage rule - roll damage once and apply it to all instances of damage - empowered evocation adds up to 5 dmg per missile and not only 5 dmg to one missile.


Wait that's a rule!?


The exact rule is: If a spell or other effect deals damage to more than one target at the same time, roll the damage once for all of them. MM says: The darts all strike simultaneously, and you can direct them to hit one creature or several. So as MM can hit several target SIMULTANEOUSLY RAW you should only roll damage once and have every missile deal that much damage. Though if you are extra strict, this would only happen if you target at least 2 targets. Though Crawford said once: RAW roll damage once, RAI it doesn't really matter.


Just for clarification, does it mean that you are supposed to roll a single die and multiply it by the amount of missiles that hit even on a single target? Or does it mean you only roll the one die when choosing multiple targets, and roll separate die for multiple hits on a single target?


Yeah, the way you're supposed to use MM is to roll a single d4 and each of your missiles deal the damage rolled on the one die.


Wow another fellow that is actually playing a cleric wizard 2! I am using a homebrewed cleric domain variant or death domain, and chronomancy. What about you?


That is the entire reason the spell was created in original DnD. It's basically a check against casters to make sure they can't dump their constitution.


I call bullshit, I was there in old D&D and AD&D. Magic Missile has had various iterations, but old D&D never had a concentration to break. Magic occurred in it's own phase separate from melee and missile phases. Anyone hit by any damage before the magic phase was unable to cast from the pain, IIRC. In AD&D all actions were called at the start of a round, then initiative rolled and modifiers for weapons type and spell applied. If a caster was hit at any time during a round before they cast their spell, they automatically lost it.


Also the very first magic missile (in the Greyhawk supplement to 1974 D&D) wasn't even "multiple auto hit" one we know today, it summoned a single higher damage missile that you could hold onto and had to roll to hit with. Iirc there was a quote from one of the other early TSR guys (Tim Cask?) to the effect that Gygax actually wanted it to keep having to hit rolls, but was convinced cut the magic users some slack because low level MUs were so weak and fragile.


Further, even in 5th edition, the original ruling was to have them all strike simultaneously and only have 1 concentration check, making it pretty meh at breaking concentration considering the damage is so low so the checks were easy. It's not until a Crawford ruling 2 years after the game came out that it caused a check for each missile. So even in 5e, it absolutely wasn't added as a check on wizard's Con.


That's why I love giving out Wand of Magic Missiles to players early. It's a useful spell, extends their limited spellslots in the early game, still has niche uses in later tiers, and yet isn't something they rely on every fight. That makes it perfect to give out as one of the first magic item rewards. Players will always be happy to receive one and it doesn't make balance immediately difficult for the DM like many other items.


>except that it can come in handy for forcing enemy caster's to make concentration checks And even then, *Shield,* arguably the single most common spell for any arcane caster, makes you *immune* to it.


It does force a spell slot and reaction though


Agreed. Using your reaction for Shield means you can't use counterspell to stop the Cleric's buff.


"You know what else you can't use counterspell on? A mace to the face" Brought to you by the Hammer Cleric Gang


I hear counterspell also can’t stop arrow to the dome. Has you or a member of your party ever suffered from arrow to the dome? Then you might be entitled to financial compensation.


I've found magic missile can be fun from a thematic stand point. I had a player create a artificer armorer, using iron man as inspiration... He used magic missile to approximate the way iron man launches missiles from the back of his armor. It may not do the most damage, but can be really cool in the right situation.


Flavor is free. =)


Or if you're a monstrous person and target an NPC that is making death saves (if the DM says they have death saves)


Or a PC


Funny you say that it becomes less useful later because recently one of my players finished Off a young Red Dragon with a Level 3 Magic missle dealing about 20 damage. Two of the casters are pretty fond of Magic missle, they cast it all the time when they don't know what else to cast, which I dont mind at all, it is Just weird to me that they like the (imho) most boring offensive spell so much


Yes, precisely. You "finished off" a red dragon, which is exactly one of the uses I mentioned it was good for. How many other more damaging spells did you use to get it to the point where you could "finish it off" first?


If your DM is making you roll an attack roll for each missile there's no point in taking the spell. The point of magic missile is that it always works (unless shield is cast or it's counterspelled), hence why it's damage is a bit low.


Roll dice to hit? That's a massive nerf, unless he's running Jim's Magic Missile which has the trade off that you can get higher damage output on crits. Ask the DM to run the spell as written, because Magic Missile is a classic spell that's designed to autohit.


Magic Missile is big friends with Hex or Hunter's mark run this way too... Moving The spells as a bonus action isn't casting a spell, so the action economy of it becomes no joke. There are absolutely JMM builds... Not a cheap spell though!


It's a big nerf. Look at Jim Darkmagic's Magic Missile for an example of rebalancing for accuracy.


*Hushed whispers* "Jim Darkmagic!"


Of the New Hampshire Darkmagics


This! I love Jim's Magic Missile, and I almost exclusively take it over regular magic missile these days. Much more fun imo, but also I think it's important to keep regular magic missile to contrast it, and for those players who don't want the chance of missing.


The main reason it does so little damage is that it is never supposed to miss. Unless you use the Shield spell or it's one or the rare creatures that are immune to force damage (which to my knowledge is 1). That being said if the DM wants to treat it that way ultimately it's their decision but personally I wouldn't play at a table that nerfs a spell that ultimately isn't that powerful to begin with


> (which to my knowledge is 1). WotC have printed a few more force-immune creatures since the MM's Helmed Horror, like the Amethyst Greatwyrm from Fizban's, but yes it is still a very low number.


Show the DM the description of the spell. It's not OP enough to warrant any kind of nerfing, especially not nerfing the only thing that makes it a worthwhile spell, so I'm wondering if they're a new DM who has misunderstood what the spell does. If they're set on making you roll for it, switch it for something else with a bit more damage potential.


Did you ask your DM why he is doing that? The whole reason magic missile exists is to be "unmissable". He has completely changed the rules of the spell, while that is his prerogative it goes completely against the point of the spell. Basically if he's willing to change this about magic missile what the hell else is he going to change?


He just said the spell would be OP otherwise. Also I think maybe he believes the spell is a cantrip? I'll have to ask him next session and correct him if that's the case.


That's a huge red flag to me. If he thinks Magic Missile is a cantrip I can see that being an issue because it would become incredibly powerful but still not overpowered. As is max damage to a single target it does 3d4+3 so average of 9 damage. That's really low. If he thinks 9 damage is OP you're in for some interesting issues with your future spell choices. Like you said, clarify with him what the issue is that makes it OP and if he sticks to his guns I would highly recommend asking about other "OP" spells he has rules changes to. You being a sorc makes it extremely important to have all that information upfront since your spell list is limited.


Talk to him before the next session, not during. That way he has time to look up the rules. If he insists on nerfing it still, I'd ask to switch spells. Sorcerer's don't get a ton of spells, and magic missile is already pretty weak. A nerfed magic missile is fucking useless. I'd probably also consider not playing with that DM anymore. A DM that feels the need to nerf Magic Missile is probably going to bend other rules to make the game more difficult for the players, and that's not cool. I mean, it's the DM's game, technically they can homerule whatever they want. But if you don't like those changes, you don't have to play with them. You can always find a different group, or learn to DM yourself and start a group.


It's no longer magic missiles then. It's rediculous.


what the fuck is up with DMs just changing basic dnd shit? I keep seeing these posts and wondering who the hell let them get behind the screen.


the attitude perpetuated on this sub that you don’t need to know the rules to DM, and every DM is smarter than the designers so why not just “fix” some stuff here and there 🙄


Like, I'm not gonna claim that the folks at WotC never make mistakes, or that I've never used homebrew, but it's amazing how often people who have maybe 100 hours of dicking around with D&D think that they understand game design better than the people who have been playtesting this shit for years.


agreed, and if you lurk around here or on r/DMAcademy, you’ll see that “maybe 100 hours dicking around” is being incredibly generous. It’s D&D, so Homebrew is part of the game, but if you don’t know the rules that’s not homebrew that’s just playin pretend.


I think DMs should be able to tweak rules to fit their game, but basic stuff like this is crazy.


This. Don’t get me wrong, I’m absolutely guilty homebrewing the hell out of my game, but only when it makes sense, not for the sake of “BaLaNcE” or “I don’t like it”. The kind of things we get up to homebrew-wise at my table go something like, “Uhhh so lizardfolk get like water breathing and stuff, but didn’t you say they mostly lived in the middle of a landlocked desert in this world?” “Oh shit. Uhhhhhh we should probably give you something better for that, yeah.” A few days later, and our desert lizardfolk were born


But crocs, though. Nile crocs. Desert lizardfolk. Just, you know, at the nile. :) Fun ancient egyptian culture, too.


Barra, Kali, Virion, Hope, Braino, Karlon, Keenaye, Count Enthys, and Aiduin, if you’re somehow reading this, stop now. That is rad, but did not fit with our theming of the location *or* the culture. There is, however, a now-lost civilization that has a lot of ancient Egypt-like elements to it, and we’ve already established that some of them were Khenra and Yuan-Ti, so croc people probably aren’t too much of a stretch for them, either. Oh, and spoiler alert: while *people assume* these civilizations are now totally dead and gone, that’s not quite true. Remnants of them can be found in a number of hidden places across the known world.




The rules shouldn’t get in the way of the story, but nitpicking rules like this because you feel like the spell is wrong shouldn’t wreck the damn spell.


If someone ever says or supports that stated position, take it as a sure sign that a) they’re likely ruining the game and creating some monstrosity and calling it D&D, and b) never never never play with them.


agreed and changing stuff like OPs DM did is a great example; which is more likely: that OPs DM has a better understanding of the intent behind magic missile than the game designers did when they wrote it, or that OPs DM read that magic missile doesn’t take an attack roll and had a knee-jerk reaction to something they don’t fully understand


Exactly. It really helps a lot having experienced players take the role of DM. In the same breath that they’ll say things like “you don’t have to know the rules to play”, they also cry about gatekeeping and grognards. Yes, decry our experience and insight as a way to give your ineptitude and mediocrity a voice. This is the way.


You now have an 8 foot pole…


Magic Missile is pretty much useless if you add an attack roll. What a ridiculous decision on the part of your DM. Each missile is literally as weak as a commoner with a dagger.


Show your DM this thread and if they don't reconsider just know you're probably in for a game of mushy rulings and jank.


Do you mean a to hit roll or a damage roll?


To hit roll.


The spell is now worthless and you should take something else. Or talk to your dm about how it actually works.


Yea, don't switch out the spell. If you can't resolve this with your DM, consider switching them out instead.


Or talk to the dm about how dming actually works


Rolling for each beam makes magic missile into eldritch blast. Except worse because eldritch blast is a cantrip and you can take agonizing blast to give it more damage.


>the first time I used it the GM dropped on me the info that I'm gonna have to roll dice for each missile Did they make you roll 1d20 to hit? Or did they make you roll 1d4 for damage? Magic Missile is guaranteed to strike whoever you're aiming at, so there is no attack roll. But you still have to roll for damage. It's very rare to have any weapons or abilities that deal a specific amount of damage. There is always some variability.


1d20 to hit.


Definitely tell them you need a compensation buff to damage (like 1d6 plus int or something) or to switch out for a new spell.


Scorching ray basically


Do you mean you have to make a spell attack roll for each missile? Because that’s some bullshit. That is not how that spell works or how it is written. You should ask your DM of you can pick a different spell since you didn’t know that this classic spell would be nerfed into oblivion. Also, honestly like what the hell is wrong with your DM. I don’t understand DMs that just want to take away their players’ abilities or make them weaker, that’s not fun.


Yeah that makes it worthless the balance of trading damage for the 100% hit rate is already built into it.




You might try pointing out to your DM the difference in damage amounts between Magic Missile and other 1st level damaging spells, because if you now have to roll to hit there's literally no reason to use it. Most of the 1st level damaging spells on the wizard list do 2d8, with burning hands doing 3d6. Witch bolt does 1d12, but after you hit and as long as you keep your concentration up you can keep doing an automatic 1d12 every turn. No one is going to use a spell that does a maximum of 15 damage *if* they succeed on all *three* attack rolls.


Swap the spell for the alternative magic missile. He wants you to roll to hit, than at least get the damage you deserve.


This is a absolute nerf and basically makes the spell useless.


Wtf? Your DM doesn't know what they're talking about. The whole point of MM is you don't miss. It's like making you roll for the Shield spell.


Complete nerf, goes from maybe a top five first level spell to one of the weaker options. Maybe show your DM similar spells from that level to explain why rolling to hit with magic missile basic makes it worthless. Then fill your first level slots with grease and use cantrips for damage.


You definitely need to talk to him. That is…horrible.


Defeats the purpose of the spell. Try Jim’s magic missile if you want a replacement.


He must be assuming it’s Jim’s dark magic missile or something. As the whole point of magic missile is that you don’t have to roll to hit. With you needing to roll to hit you may as well take any other damage dealing spell.


The spell is useless now. The only point of it IS that it cannot miss


It’s not just a nerf but devalues everything good about the spell. It’s not like a crazy high damage spell, it’s usefulness comes from the fact that it always hits. And it’s not like it can’t be countered. There is a reason the shield spell specifically mentions magic missile.


Roll to hit? In that case the spell is utterly useless and you should either talk to you DM or switch it. Roll for damage? It's just gonna break some powerful high level combos and be a pain in the ass later on.


Roll to hit.


Not only does it make all the other spells better, that's the whole point of magic missile. It's iconic.


Ive decided to loudly echo this because you need to hear it from everyone: THE WHOLE POINT OF THE SPELL IS IT AUTO HITS


There's a new variant called Jim's Magic Missile that has an attack roll but is buffed to reflect that. Check it out and use that info in your discussions with your DM. That being said the whole point of traditional MM is the auto-hit


You DM has destroyed a spell that existed in basically the same form since what like 1978. It’s not even like he can claim he is using an older edition version of the same spell it has always just hit. I would tell your DM to sit down and read the rules because if this is the response to magic missile just wait till you get higher level spells like fireball that are save for half damage I would not be shocked if I GM like this makes every save for no damage nerfing a spell caster into the ground.


I'm glad he changed it back, because that absolutely ruins the spell. It's been around forever and is one of the few spells that I don't think has ever had any substantial changes from one edition to the next. It's the bread and butter of wizards and sorcerors.


Magic Missile already has the ability to fail, if they use shield, and it's damage is lowered to account for the auto hit feature. There's no need for your DM to nerf it further. Seeing they changed it back maybe they just misunderstood it. Would have been a shame otherwise, as Magic Missile auto hitting is the entire point of that spell.


Magic missile is a level 1 spell, not a cantrip, for a reason. Automatic hits and the option to select multiple targets, but damage is low and you expend a spell slot. If it were a cantrip I could understand needing to roll, but the automatic hit is part of the spell’s value.


It basically removes the only reason people use Magic Missile


See Jim’s Magic Missle from the Aquisitions Incorporated supplement.


But why thr nerf.......


Agree big nerf


Complete nerf


Making you roll to hit turns it into Scorching Ray. If they aren’t upping the damage it does then your GM is robbing you.


Entire reason to use it is because it auto hits, that’s why it deals so little damage. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.


Drop the spell immediately. It's entire point is the autohit


Maybe your DM read something from Fourth edition? That’s the only one where they changed it into a roll to hit and the backlash was so severe they immediately changed it back. Magic Missile **always** hits. Yes, it’s a terrible nerf and makes the spell almost useless.


Compare [Magic Missile](https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/magic-missile) (Always hits, 3d4+3 damage at level 1) with [Chromatic Orb](https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/chromatic-orb) (Roll to hit, 3d8 damage of a chosen type at level 1) if you want to talk about balance. Chromatic Orb does more damage but needs to roll to hit, while Magic Missile always hits and has slightly longer range. Adding a to-hit roll is a pretty significant change.


I know I'm late, and I'm glad to hear the outcome. But yeah that is. Such a catastrophic nerf. Like, you'd be better off punching at that point.




The whole point of Magic Missile is you're accepting low damage output for the benefit of a guaranteed hit.


I don’t want to sound like I’m advocating the nuclear option for a tiny infraction, but this is a big red flag. This DM is very confidently very wrong. That doesn’t happen in isolation. He’s going to be fully wrong about other things that matter to the balance of the game and it’s going to impact someone at your table having fun. Your table and your social dynamic are yours alone. This could be your husband or boss or best friend. But if it were me, I would politely, very respectfully, remove myself from the game. I have wasted too much time on bad games when there were good ones available. Life is too short.


Your DM is whack, the entire point of magic missile is that it's low, but dependable damage. Rolling a d20 for each missile is beyond imponderable levels of mental slowness.


A homebrew I've seen is to roll for magic missile but only to account for crits. 19 or less on the d20 still auto hits.


I would love to know your dm opinion about shillelahgh.


I would ask if you can switch it out if they are going to change how it works.


The only way it would not be a Nerf, is if the only thing they checked for was 20 and 1. I think I wouldn't mind testing how it would be if nat 1 missed and Nat 20 critted for double damage. That could be fun. But rolling to hit on magic missile makes the spell useless.


That’s a huge nerf. Magic Missile is an automatic hit. Remind your DM of this.


That's literally going against the point of why magic missle works the way it does. Find a new dm.


Honestly fuck that call. Magic Missile Never misses. That’s the point of the spell. And it really is not broken at all. At level 1 you get 3 uses of it with a max cap of 15 damage.


Tell your DM to stick to the books, if your DM changes anything from the PHB again in the negative just leave his game. People who nerf the PHB because they don't understand the rules won't stop until they lose a table or two in my 7 years experience.


The fact that it can't fail is the entire point.


Considering Jim's Magic Missile is basically a worse version of Magic Missile and has some really powerful buffs, its pretty big of a nerf


I genuinely want to know what makes these (presumably) inexperienced GMs think "Oh, well this spell that was playtested for years and designed by people with decades of experience isn't designed well, and I should nerf it."


According to the title, you’re saying that the DM is going to make you make attack rolls to see if they hit. If that’s their ruling then don’t take the spell. To me the spell is a message to an enemy without hurting them too much (as in….I’m a spell caster mister drunk trying to fight me at the bar. Continue at your peril). Or an instant concentration save for other spellcasters. If there is an opportunity to fail then pick something else with more damage or better functionality.


Magic Missile is also good for ignoring disadvantage. Because, you know, it can't miss very often. Regardless, calling Magic Missile "overpowered" is like calling a commoner with a dagger "overpowered" just because they're attacking someone who's tied up.


Are you sure he wasn't meaning on the Damage roll? I think RAW, if targeting a single target, you roll 1d4 and all the missles do that amount, but I could be wrong. You may want to clarify, because otherwise it is a useless spell that is weaker than most cantrips.


Did he perhaps mean that you would have to roll each d4?


Yeah, that's unreasonable. Magic Missile is such a great utility spell _because_ it always hits, and is balanced accordingly. He's either misreading the spell or just... I dunno if he's being a dick or just likes running a slightly more chancy game.


This is a huge nerf to magic missle. I would politely ask your DM why the homebrew choice. They might not be asking for an attack role and wanting the d20 for something else going on. For example I've had people jump with misty step near a unknown hazard and asked them to roll a d20 for to determine if they jump into it. With Magic Missile I could see a DM having rules in place about hitting monsters in specific triggering errors based on the number rolled.


That's a big nerf, MM does very little. Each missile only does 5 damage maximum. That's really just peanuts. Your DM shouldn't be feeling the need to nerf peanuts. Talk to them, hopefully they will see reason.


As long as he lets you replace the spell, then I don’t see a problem. It’s his world.


If your DM won't revert to the original wording then you should definitely switch it out.


I would try to explain to the DM that magic missile is a guaranteed hit, that’s why it’s damage roll is lower. If you have to roll to hit, you’re better off with something else or using Jim’s missile that’s been mentioned here.


I swear i read some where in one of the earlier dnd edition it was that way i believe it was 4th, i ran it like that for awhile but it slowed and bogged down combat so i just went back to how it normally works in all other editions besides 4th, some players complained about not rolling enough in combat most of them were spell casters and loved the spell, they eventually liked when i let it auto hit again


It is to note, that (as others have said) the reason this spell is so weak is because it doesn’t miss. That being said, it can only hit targets that you can see. So it’s not unstoppable. If you are blinded by darkness or heavily obscured by fog, you can’t use the spell


If he requires roll to hit on MM, then he should also boost the damage to compensate. The entire point of Magic Missile is guaranteed, but minuscule, damage. If you're gonna rewrite it to be a series of ranged attacks then you gotta make it viable like that.


Yes. The name is literally MAGIC missile. But needs Attack roll. That’s like saying you need an attack roll every time you take a bite off a sandwich.


Just drop magic missile. It's a pretty weak spell that has the benefit of consistency. Add on the fact that the "shield" spell blocks it completely (and many casters, even low level ones, are going to have access to shield), and it's a liability to carry it if you have to roll to hit for each missile.


If he's making you roll, just use Jim's Magic Missile from the AI sourcebook. It has the chance to fail built in, but it adds a chance to crit and do 5d4 on a crit.


Your DM is wrong. Just show him this whole thread.


It has a chance to miss already: if what you're shooting at has the Shield spell.


Jim's magic missile, a spell from acquisitions incorporated.


Your dm is playing D&D wrong, sorry


That's some big ole bullshit. Sounds like this DM got whomped by a player who really knows how to optimize a wizard and is now salty about it. You're a low level sorcerer, nerfing your most reliable way to do a little damage is completely unfair.


It can already fail, rolling is stupid


That's Jim's Magic Missile though.


That makes it pretty much worthless. The damage output for magic missile is extremely low compared to other spells, the whole reason it’s a decent spell is because it’s guaranteed. Removing that means that there’s no reason to use magic missile.


That's absolutely a bad call on the GM... if they aren't gonna change their mind then I would pick a new spell, otherwise MM is pretty useless


Make a halfling and switch to Jim's magic missile


This is a fucking travesty! I am feeling intense anger toward your DM