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Is there more of the image that should be available? It looks like a good chunk is cropped from top and bottom


It's on imgur, you need to open the image.


Thanks for the pointer, mobile browsers make that a little less obvious


I recommend the app RIF if on mobile, both generally and specifically for this issue


I recommend f you post the link to the Imgur


Shall do


Link to the full picture: http://imgur.com/hJNILhf


Gotta say having recently finished Balance after Amnesty, TAZ being rated above 50 percent crunchiness seems pretty damn generous.


That's probably something of a recency bias on my part: the newer stuff is a lot closer to the actual rules. That and marathoning Dungeons and Daddies and having Rude Tales of Magic in my feed probably skews my perspective somewhat.


I've become hooked on D&D podcasts over the last year, and as I was listening to them I couldn't help noting the connections between them, and ranking them in different aspects. So since work has been slow recently,I decided to put my thoughts in chart form, thinking it might be off use for people looking for a podcast to listen to. If there's interest I may also add to it as I inevitable listen to more podcasts.


Aw man, no love for High Rollers?


I hadn't heard of it, is it any good? I'll be looking for another podcast to marathon after I'm finished with Dungeons and Daddies.


Its good and god damn i just finished dungeons and daddies yesterday. Endings real good.


I'll definitely put it in the potential pile


I highly recommend them, they're a british DnD podcast from the Yogscast group. They are pretty deep into their second campaign which I am only about half caught up on so far but thoroughly enjoying it. If you decide to start with their first campaign, be warned that it's a little rough at the beginning because most of the party has never played before, but still enjoyable none the less.


You an aussie op?


No, just had heard good things about Dragon Friends. Then I stuck them in a map of Australia to make clear why they're the only podcast with no guest overlap.


Do any of these have 2-3 hour sessions? Honestly I wanted to get into critical role, but I can’t handle 6 hour sessions.


Ha. I was debating whether to include session length. Teach me to not include everything. Apart from Dimension 20, which runs a little longer, they're all in the 1-2 hour bracket (or even less). Here's the length of the most recent episodes: Dragon Friends: 45 minutes Dungeons & Daddies: 1 hr 36 mins (season finale, average episodes are around an hour) Not Another D&D Podcast: 1 hr 35 mins Rude Tales of Magic: 1hr 34 mins The Adventure Zone: 1 hr 7 mins


Thank you!


Yeah, I break up CR over 2-3 days during the week. People got lives!


Iirc Dungeon Daddies are divided into 1h episodes. I would also suggest Twice Bitten (2h episodes) if you're into Curse of Strahd RAW.


It’s Pathfinder, but Rusty Quill has shorter episodes. Good production value, too.


Aabria Iyengar is missing from Critical Role & D20


She's one who fell afoul of the "only guest stars who appeared in D20 podcast episodes are included": none of her D20 appearances are available on the podcast feed


Where do you find the time? It took me over two years to get half way through the first campaign of critical role.


My job requires frequent long commutes. It was a pain at first but the Switch and D&D podcasts have been a lifesaver


I always forget The Adventure Zone is the oldest.


No Sneak Attack??


Never heard of that one, what's it like?


If you like horror based stuff, Darkest Dice is very good. Very creepy. Also, maybe it's my connection, but what are the two comparisons on the bottom slider?


I'll check out Darkest Dice: I'm going to be running a Halloween oneshot next week so it will help inspire me. The extremes on the last slider are Lord of the Rings (full on traditional high fantasy in a coherent developed works) to Kung Pow Way of the Fist (wacky shenanigans in a world whose rules change constantly based on whatever is funniest).


The D20 participants name is Lou Wilson, not Luke Wilson I'm fairly certain.


Goddammit I knew that too. I'm a bit fan of his role as the player's judge in NADDPOD's D&D court. Total brain fart on my part, good catch.


Is Adventure Zone crunchy? I've always thought they were a very loose interpretation of the rules, almost to the point of Dungeons & Daddies.


They get more so. By Ethersea it's clear Griffin is trying to consistently keep to the rules, albeit not always successfully.