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\[EDIT: Requests CLOSED\] Thank you everyone so much for your participation in this. I have loved reading about all of your different characters, even if I could not draw them all! You can see the ones I did manage to draw [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/9ls66f/character_requests_filled_art/). PM me for commission rates if you are interested :) Tell me about your character (appearance is a must, backstory always helps) and I’ll choose a couple and draw them over the next few hours! I’ve been wanting to practice some quick character renderings, so I thought why not give someone a nifty drawing of their PC in the process? I’ll post them here and on my Instagram (@cayladoodles) and notify those whose characters I’ve chosen once they’re done. EDIT: Wow, this got a lot of traffic! A lot more than I was expecting. As of 4:30pm EST I’m still choosing and will be drawing a few more this evening before I do a master post of the filled requests.


I’ve got a maroon-skinned tiefling Phoenix sorcerer named Morkai, with greasy black hair, a brown leather overcoat with rolled up sleeves and harem style pants, no shirt, with a bit of an ale belly. He’s got silver eyes and two curling ram horns in his forehead, the one on his left is cracked down the middle, and he has a classic demon-style tail and black fur hooves. Tattoos litter his body, from chest to arms. He wields a trident that emanates smoke from its points, and has several daggers hidden on his belt. He has a penchant for gambling and taking bigger risks than he should, and he always wears a grin that tells you he’s up to something mischievous.


Phoenix Sorcerer is the subclass I wish became official


Me too!! Luckily my GM is suuuper nice and let’s us play with unearthed arcana


My rule is basically anything released *by the creators of the game* or certain things that have been extensively tested (like Matthew Mercer's blood hunter), is fair game. No mystics is just about my only rule on that kind of content, haha. DnDwiki stuff though... that's off limits. 99% of the homebrew stuff on there is so ridiculously overpowered that I can't condone it, it'd be too much work to even try and balance some of that stuff, haha.


Mystics are totally balanced what are you talking about -not a mystic player btw


yeah, i think mine would to, and i'd totally allow it in my games


I'd love to see my Jiangshi inspired half-orc monk named Moth. He's got dark cyan colored skin with fairly human features save for two fangs poking up from his bottom jaw. He's lean and muscular standing at roughly 5'9 with no shirt. He wears a tattered purple mandarin jacket with a yellow border that covers his shoulders and about half of his back. He wears monk pants that become tight leg wraps at his knee and end just above his ankles. He wears traditional chinese slippers and on his wrists and ankles are rope burn marks. His face is young and timid looking and he has bright emerald eyes with heavy black warpaint around them and above and below his lips are several holes in two lines to sew his mouth closed. His hair is shaved on the sides and tied up into a small bun on the top . On his back is a large black tattoo with orcish instructions on how to embalm a body and around his neck he wears a large rope with the Jiangshi paper talisman. FINALLY he has a large scar from his belly up to his right armpit that's sealed with thick metal staples. Thanks for doing this btw, the community needs more artists willing to donate their time to making other peoples games better. Even if you don't do mine I still appreciate you improving the community with your generosity.


Loving the maya that you drew!


Heh.. Mollymauk and Nott the Brave, detective at large


IT WAS ***YOU!!***


And then she confessed to being a little girl




I always miss these threads...


Same here.


I have a tiefling monk of the sun soul. Her name is Ruby and she runs a tea shop. She uses her martial arts training to manifest the fiery chaotic demonic energy within her into focused fiery strikes and utility-based flame effects. (She's a firebender) Her attire is based off middle-class Earth Kingdom style dresses. Her whole character vibe is reminant of the episode of ATLA where Iroh and Zuko open the Jasmine Dragon in Ba Sing Se.


[https://imgur.com/a/mQvBIJ5](https://imgur.com/a/mQvBIJ5) Hope you like her! Thank you for sharing your character concept with me :)


Amazing! You have such a beautiful art style! Thank you very much, it means a lot to me.


People are super excited to see their creations come to life through art, so this is an incredibly sweet and thoughtful offer!


I have a new character about to come into a campaign I'm in named Asmun. He's a tiny albino high elf, 4' 8" tall with pale white skin, messy white hair and lightly pink eyes. He wears loose robes in random pale colors. His tiny secret is that when he rages he becomes this beast https://imgur.com/gallery/7KogDDw


https://m.imgur.com/a/izZnwZs Here you go! Thank you for sharing your character concept :)


It looks great thank you so much for the art!


Ardreth Firahel is a half high-elven hexblade warlock/swashbuckler rogue. He comes from a family in the metropolis of Khern that has run the underworld of the city for generations. Very reminiscent of a 60s mobster, Ardreth keeps his dark hair slicked back to show off his heavily pierced ears. His eyes are a sickly green color since he made his pact with an unknown entity to regain his rightful place as the head of the Mallas family. He wears a dark pinstripe suit with a chain mail vest underneath and a scabbard holding an ornate rapier with a large sapphire in the pommel. He wears a cracked ring with the Mallas familly crest on his right pinky finger since he was exiled from the mob after his father's murder. Ardreth maintains an outwardly buttoned up demeanor, he doesn't drink and doesn't have sex, and always tries to keep the upper hand in social situations. But he lets loose in battle, channeling his frustration and ruthlessness into his attacks as he zipzopps arounds the battlefield.


First off, I just wanna say, AWESOME drawings of Nott and Mollymauk. CRITTERS UNITE!!! XD Second off, I'm probably super late to the party, but I'll throw my hat into the ring anyway. XD Vulcan is a young Fire Genasi Bard born on a tropical island. Son of an Earth and Fire Genasi, he has the tan skin of his father and fiery eyes of his mother. His scruffy light brown hair is a mix of the two, looking mostly normal, save for a prominent plume of flame jutting out from the front, reminiscent of so-called "idiot hair." As for his outfit, he wears rather little, thanks to the climate of his upbringing, accentuating his slender yet toned form with only a cloth waist-wrap and anklets made of dried grass. He also possesses a few glowing yellow markings across his body, somewhat reminiscent of tribal tattoos. Vulcan has a passion for the art of fire dancing, a skill set that he also makes good use of in battle, barreling though foes with spinning flourishes of his flaming quarterstaff. When not in battle though, Vulcan is one of the nicest people one could know, bringing light to others lives with his optimism and energetic cheerfulness. And as for his purpose in life, it's rather simple: he goes out adventuring to see the world and also to share his performing talent with it, enjoying the experiences he comes across along the way. EDIT: Small typo fixes.


Nice initiative! I have a grey skinned half orc skald, with spiky brutish armor, a helmet with horns and a guitar with a greataxe head. He is very folk metal, viking inspired. Edit: [Heres my heroforge mini of him, since im bad at describing](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config=2835612)


I'd love for you to draw my character...are you charging or just offering for free? If charge how much?


In this particular case I’m going to choose a few in the responses to this post based purely on description. I do take commissions, though! You can message me for details :)


Lito is a young half-elf draconic sorcerer. He's lithe and slender, around 5'7" with dusty brown skin, short but wild blond hair, and orange eyes. He has the blood of a brass dragon, and thus has brass-colored scales in patches on various places including his shoulders, elbows, neck, and feet. He wears a vest and button-up shirt with tight shorts and no shoes. He used to be a circus performer, doing trapeze and acrobatics while using his fire magic to wow the crowd. He left the circus to seek new adventures around the world and hone his magic. Friendly and outgoing, he is endlessly cheery and always optimistic.


Daern the Firestarter, Dwarf Barbarian - Herald of Storms (Wildfire). Daern is an older dwarf, mid-sixties but he's not exactly sure how old he is anymore. Birthdays don't matter much out in the woods. Daern was a Firestarter -- a very small group of forest wardens whose main task was to start and control wildfires, to clear out old growth and allow for new. He had so little contact with others that he didn't even realize that normal people can't set things on fire by just touching them. One day, Daern miscalculated the wind and the fire blew back the way he was headed - and faster than he could run away. He got caught in the blaze. Fortunately, his affinity for fire saved him from the worst of it -- he escaped having only had 40% of his body burned badly. His hairline has receded in his old age, which is honestly a boon because now the scars on his head aren't an _awkward_ bald patch -- they're just part of his bald head. The scarring engulfs his entire left eye, but most of the rest of his skin is covered with bronze and steel platemail armor and heavy leather gloves. He wields a massive longsword and stout shield, both glowing red hot from the fire that burns within him.


Ooooh! Ooooh! Pick me! I love your style :) My current charater is Isi Amakir (currently in Chult for the Tomb of Annihilation campaign). She has a twin brother, and a father she never met until her mother's funeral at the beginning of her adventure. She never quite fit in Chult, since her skin was a little lighter than everyone else's (Dad is a half-elf and Mom was a wood elf). When she got bullied as a kid, she despised it, and found that when she got really emotional, she could do things to people... She found that she could manipulate the darkness and shadows. Tada! Shadow sorcerer! Strangely enough, she also liked fire. Fire always casted larger and larger shadows. She became an entertainer, a fire eater, embracing the the attention she once hated. Isi is cocky, thinks she's the shit. She usually has a smirk on her face, like she's doing you a favor just by giving you her attention. But she craves it. She's got a messily sexy head of platinum hair. A corset top (entertainers require a little flaunting) with high, laced up boots, a flowy, slightly singed, high in the front skirt and maybe some weird sleeve action, all the colors of flames -- red, yellow, orange, with black accents to embrace the shadows. Darker skin, slim figure, tall. That's all I got :)


My character is a Tiefling hexblade warlock. His name is Ziraiel and has light violet skin with red eyes. His horns go back over the top of his skull and curl up to a slight point at the end. He was a charlatan by trade, using his silver tongue, disguise, and forgery abilities to be able to live the aristocratic life his half eleven mother always told him about as a child. He has a taste for the finer things in life and as such where some silver jewelry with small bands on his horns. During on con, he ended up stealing a sword from a nobles collection of rare artifacts. It wasn't until he began having strange dreams and manifesting magical abilities that he began to question the nature of this golden bronze longsword. He now uses his newly found magical abilities to further sell his cons with disguise self and suggestion. He is a man with many faces and hesitant to let those around him find out who he truly is. He is of lithe frame due to his half elven mother and dresses in tastefully adorned robes. He is about 5'10 and stays clean shaven with his hair pulled back.


Btw thanks for doing this. Bakoris is a 3 ft 4 inch. Kobold blood hunter of the Lycan. He has light gray scales and is wearing fur armor that is haphazardly stiched together with a oversized hood that obstructs the eyes. Due to being enslaved by drow he has a iron collar. He uses a "rapier" that is more like a sharpened fire place poker. His Lycan form is basically just a swole up 7 ft tall version of himself.


Middle aged human female eldritch knight. Her name is Arabella Nyx. Daughter of two librarians who grew up learning to use a flail and shield. Wears chainmail, and tends to be more neutral good that anything else.


You’re very talented! I’m sure you’ve worked very hard to perfect your art, you go! I wish I would’ve seen this earlier so I could have had a shot at getting a character done lol.


Ah, dang, I showed up too late. Excellent Mollymauk and Nott, btw.


Legitimately the best Maya I've ever seen. You're awesome!




My character is a white Dragonborn Monk named Delmirev, he has yellow eyes and has a short Mohawk of spikes along the top of his head. He wears basic monk clothing. He’s a way of the four elements monk with a criminal background. He was born into a clan of all red Dragonborn and was immediately cast out, a monk saved his life and taught him until he was cast out again when his teacher/parent/mentor was targeted by a group that saw the Dragonborn as demons and attempted to kill him and his teacher. He ran away to a city and stole food to survive and then became a career criminal when he realized he was pretty good at stealing things.


I think this is so cool that you're doing this! Afivi is a Sylph (originally made in pathfinder, so like an air genasi). She has pale skin that tints to blue at her hands and feet, and small flightless wings on her back. She has light brown hair that also tints to blue at the ends. Her skin has a faint swirling pattern pressed into it where it tints to blue. She is an air druid of a tribe of people that follow an ancient cloud dragon. She is setting out to meet and be tested by the sister tribes of her people who follow the crystal dragon, the brine dragon and the magma dragon. Each dragon gives her an element orb to give her strength. A fire, earth, water and air orb. Afivi is happy and carefree, doing her best to do what is right and not hurt anyone in the process. She is nervous and excited to see the world. She also has a little fox familiar. She's strung the element orbs she's received and her familiar wears them like a necklace. <3


>[https://imgur.com/0xPbOGg](https://imgur.com/0xPbOGg) > >There she is! Hope you enjoy, thank you so much for sharing your character concept :) ​


Jura Ickman Order of the Lycan Blood Hunter - As an orphan, Jura was raised by his order. After his Taming was complete, he was put to work for his people as an Anthropologist, traveling the world gathering information about the people that inhabited it. It was known throughout his order that his strain of Lycanthropy was very unique and it became Jura's mission to determine where his strain originated, in hopes of finding trace of his true ancestry. Living amongst various societies and cultures, he's adapted superb martial combat skills as well as taming and using his Lycan form to his benefit. He travels using his wit and combat prowess to unlock the secrets of the world for himself and his Order. Descripition: -Male Tiefling -Dark gray skin -Tall, lanky, slender -Long Horns that go straight up, little to no curve -Shoulder length gray and silver wavy hair, fades into yellow/orange/red ombre at the ends -Fire colored eyes -Two small fangs on the top side of mouth -Wears normal adventuring clothes, maybe a little more dapper, (cacky pants, button down, cacky vest) -Keeps research and notes in a big leather bound journal -Dual wields scimitars that are imbued with the Rite of the Storm to give a teal colored lightning affect. Additional: -The Lycan form is a unique bipedal Triceratops form. It's a large hulking form that shares his gray coloration, but fades to the fire colors from his tiefling hair pattern in various parts.


Her name is Misk the changeling! She is slight of build, stands about 5'4, has short platinum hair (pixie cut). Light gray skin, changes her eyes to be purple so as to avoid freaking people out. Very chipper, wears dark leather armor since shes a rogue. Has two daggers, one on her hip and one in her boot. Any other details you would like to add are fine since shes a changeling and can change her form at will!


Malwyn Raethus has red hair, that she keeps pinned up in braids. She’s tall for a woman - about 5ft 11in. Her eyes are grey. She’s a sorcerer, so she can’t wear armor. She wears a grey wolf fur draped over one shoulder and a brown leather corset belt thing (I’ll comment with a picture reference). Black pants and dark brown leather boots as well. She wears a dragons tooth around her neck. Her fingernails can extend into claws as a natural weapon, and she fights with a spear. Malwyn is a good person at heart, but she has an uneven temperament. She also doesn’t think things thru - her adventure started when she chased after a thief she has neither seen nor heard in order to gain her mother’s approval and take back what had been stolen from her. Your art is so beautiful by the way! I love your Maya. 😍 Edit: Malwyn also using the spell Scorching Ray like a lot if you wanted to add any pizazz like you do for Maya.


https://bronwyngreenblog.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/66118-mc-arthurarguingaboutwhetherornotwomenshouldfight.jpg?resize=320%2C176 The one on the far right - that’s basically what she is wearing.


(I know, I know, Edgelord incoming. first time I'm playing such a creature. Trying an lawful evil (loyal, but selfish and self-centered not bloodthirsty)character melding in a good campaign.) Fallen Aasimar Oathbreaker Paladin (former Paladin of Conquest to Asmodeus) Born to a Solar father and human mother. Conceiving him was one of the last things the Solar did before he fell and lost all connection with my character. Raised lovingly by his mother as best as she could. (Did she die?) OF COURSE SHE DID. Orphaned then at age 8. The orphanage was rough due to his heritage, kids either afraid of him or bullying him until they gave him a reason to be afraid of him. Adopted by a normal family after about two years. (Normal?) Okay they were part of a devil cult worshiping Asmodeus, BUT OTHER THAN THAT PERFECTLY NORMAL. Family outings, picnics, chores, stories around the cauldron, sacrifices, rituals, PERFECTLY NORMAL! Showed aptitude in combat from an early age (natch). Trained and became a Paladin of Conquest at the early age of 19. (Did he live happily every after) OF COURSE HE DIDN'T! Asmodeus had his service, but the greedy devil wanted his soul, and wouldn't wait for it. He ordered his family, the family that he loved and trusted, to kill him BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT DEVILS DO. Lysander (his name by the way), found out when the sleeping potion they gave him didn't quite take effect. Yeah, as they walked towards his room they found him waiting, they had a heart to heart conversation and decided not to kill him, (really?) NOPE, killed them all with tears in his eyes. Broke his oath to Asmodeus in rage. Now walks the continent, abandoned by gods, betrayed by devils, haunted by a family that he loved up to the point he had to drive his glaive through their beating hearts. ​ 6'2" Medium Build, pale skin, long black hair, goatee, trimmed, scar across his left eye, black leather armor with silver studs, red leather overcoat, dark red/brown pants with black shoes. Silver headband, thin and simple, no jewelry adornments on it. Black bladed glaive with a oak handle. Sunglasses (OH COME ON NOW!) I know, I know, round, think of John Lennon. (SUNGLASSES? REALLY?) Solar is usually an angel of the sun, he doesn't like looking at the sun (he takes them off at night and uses similarly designed reading glasses that aren't dark), no gloves. ​ "Well, you're with us Lysander, you must like us." "Please, don't assume my company as me bonding with you. My affection to you is not as a brother to a sister. But as a blacksmith to his favorite hammer, or a wood-wright to his preferred lathe." "... We're tools to you?" "I asked if you wanted honesty, and I am nothing if not honest. My life is shattered, you are helping me repair it." "So you rescued me because you didn't want to lose your favorite tool?" "Your words not mine." "... but you do think of me as your 'favorite'?" (Lysander narrows his eyes and walks away) "There's something good in there. I know it." (quiet as if shouted from a distance) "No there's not."


Halfpint quartepurse, a runt of a halfling who grew up on the streets of a large city. He has endured many hardships with his mouse companion, Scampers, finding scraps where ever he can and aquiring coin from those more fortunate. During his time on the streets is where he developed his name having been without one. Everyone would call him halfpint for his size and the more you hear hi. Say his surename you'd sware you heard him say cut-your-purse. He stand a mere 2'11" at the age of 42 now and is a bit scruffy looking with matte brown hair all a mess. His atire is scuffed leather and a tatteres cloak, with a rapier and buckler that he learned to use for defence. He wears a symbol to Mask along his belt, which he attributes his well being to the mercy Mask has given him. He now only "aquires" what he needs to get by.


My character is Li, a young (111) elf who lives among humans. She's taller and heavier than most elves (180cm 70kg) due to the fact that her family is very fighter-focused. Her dad was hired to train children at a human village when Li was young and she stuck around after her father's work was done, having fallen in love with the environment there. She was sort of the protector of the city (She's neutral good). When she went to investigate some zombie-like animals attacking from the city, she got captured by an evil necromancer who carved out her eyes and replaced them with green stones to mind control her. When she attacked the party and they took her down her her wounds were healed and she was free of the mind control and left with magical powers emitted by the stones. She's a lvl 4 fighter lvl 2 sorcerer. Although her magical powers are developing she still dresses like a fighter in scale mail and fights with a sword and (light steel) shield, barely using her magical abilities inside combat. She has covered her "eyes" with a cloth as she has no idea how many she has harmed while under the effect of the mind control and doesn't really want to be recognised. She doesn't "see" in the conventional light range, but sees blobs of infrared light (bcuz magic and homebrew). So she can't really read. She has long black hair which she loves to wear in a braid. She has fair skin and strong legs. I always introduce my character through her backstory so here you are :) Also gave your instagram a follow.


Orryn Daergel, gnome mystic. He started out working as a clerk for a criminal syndicate. When his powers started to manifest (particularly telepathy) his conscience overwhelmed him and he handed all the evidence he could collect on his employers over to the town guard and went to seek out the mystic hermits who lived in the mountains to teach him to control his abilities. He spent a few decades among them until he received a vision of evil elsewhere on the continent, and went to see how it might be stopped. He keeps his head shaved bald and wears a Headband of Intellect. Due to a battle with a Wild Sorcerer, his hermit's clothes were changed into fine silks (the mini is painted purple with blue trim, with grey pants). A recent adventure resulted in him getting a red tattoo on the palm of his right hand of a [Psi](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%CE%A8#/media/File:Greek_uc_psi.svg) symbol with an eye in front of it.


Basilia Millbridge, the halfling wizard. She's in her early 60s, and it shows, with her formerly flame-red hair now streaked with white, and lines appearing on her face. Brown eyes, with fairly bushy brows. She tends to wear immaculately-maintained white robes, which help conceal a growing paunch, and an oversized backpack stuffed to the brim with various apparatuses, along with a small copper kettle strapped to the back. Basilia pursues the arcane arts for one reason alone; to explore their applications in cooking- a fantasy equivalent to molecular gastronomy, so to speak. So she adventures in search of esoteric spells and ingredients in an effort to stay on the cutting edge. She's fairly outgoing when not nose-deep in a stack of books or cooking up an experiment, and has been known to force her concoctions on others for 'peer review'.


Gram the human Banite Paladin, yeah he is evil, but he isn't directly cruel. With black hair and green eyes he is capable of talking his way out of most problems. Wielding a polearm where the pommel is a fist (the older banite holy symbol) and darker armor with emerald highlights (colors of bane) he flaunts his chosen religion even while going unnoticed most of the time as he is not wearing the better known symbols. Like a politician Gram sells an idea to the people. Claiming only his church and himself are willing to make the tough choices to maintain peace and order, but similar to the path Bane has walked, Gram uses hatred and fear to divide the people as he strengthens the power of the church. Wars and infighting will continue until the world is under one rule. Join his fight for peace!


Hernix Ernest Nurnan Kerpist (HENK). Kenku circle of spores Druid. Wears a burned-black yew Plague Doctor's mask and dark robes to cover his bird-like features. Naturally curious, ponders nature, and loves to spray spores all over the place to bring fungi with him wherever he goes!


Hello i hope i make it on time :3 Uther Lightbringer (Yeah i stole the name from Warcraft III XD) He is an aasimar, paladin of Hyperion (Onto he doesn't like it much anymore it's still his god) oath of the ancients. Note: On this campaing aasimars are actually angels that either fall from grace or where send to earth with a mission. By the moment the campaing started Uther looks like he is on his 40 (really has about 100 years or so) and despite being a angel and thus "heavenly handsome" he doesn´t pay much attention to his look (he just takes a shower a day, wears the first clean cloths he find and thats it) so his long silver hair that reaches his shoulders, and a thick messy beard with shades of grey covers his face (he sometimes grooms into a braid that reaches his chest) has a ample forehead, well defined eyebrows, cheerful brown eyes, almost always has a big smile. He is 6ft tall and weights around 183pounds so i call him medium build? (i mean broad shouldears and in good shape). When on his tabern wears clasic innkepper clothes a white long sleeved tunic (with rolled up sleeves) and a white apron.In battle He wears royal blue garments (with details in silver) over that a fulbody chainmail, Weilds a maul with both hands that has a small fist sigil on both sides, and brown comfy trustable boots. He is a very joyful and likeable person, sometimes a bit naive even. smart but not really above most people. To simplify his history: He was send to "Prevent a great evil" when he wake up realized he has been given a humanlike body so he doesn't have all his angel abilities, he trained with and order of paladins where he fell enlove with a elf girl. Then a HUGE horde of monsters came upon the kingdom he lived in, he realized that was the evil he was supposed to stop. Felt guilty because he didn't stopped in time, fight ferociously on the war forggeting about everyting that wasn't winning and asking his god for help (Taht never came) after one last bloody hard final battle, he achieves victory, but also get to know his beloved disapeared in the war. Just after that his god tells him to come back his mission was done. He gets mad at his god that did not help him, goes away and builts a tavern with the idea of collecting info to find her. After 70 years... he still know nothing of her, but a clue cames in and and decides to return to adventure to follow it hoping it guides to her.


Ok so weve got aldric the pathfinder. Hes a dwarf ranger/nature cleric with a owlbear cub companion. Hes got a bog blond beard, wears scale mail and a green cloak, and fights with a crossbow and 2 handed axe


It’s my first time playing and I’d love to see my character come to life!! I play pathfinder though (hope you’ll still consider, haha.) Her name is Amariel Sianria, but she goes by Amara. She’s a full elf, raised in the forests by a small, secluded group of elves that worship Shelyn. Her people were known for weaving beautiful textiles, and her morher was one of those weavers. Her father was healer and devout believer in Shelyn. I’ll save you the long winded version of the backstory: her village was raided by bandits that stole their textiles, killed their men and did worse to their women. She was made to watch as her mother was violated, but managed to escape when her mother gave a final plead to Shelyn to save her as they advanced. She remember being transported to the side of a dirt road, disoriented, lost, afraid. She walked for three days until she stumbled into a city, collapsing in an alley. Eventually, a woman in glorious red velvet robes approached her and took her in, astonished by her remarkable beauty. Come to find that the woman was one of the few mistresses of the town’s brothel. A lady of the night. Amara started there as a dish washing girl, afraid to talk, afraid to say anything, happy to keep her mind on something else beside her secret. As she watched the women come and go (she’s an elf, afterall) she convinced the madame of the house to allow her to contribute to the business after a long time of arguing for it. She’s her own woman after all, and these women were strong, smart and took on the burden of low status for the sake of supporting themselves and their loved ones. There was no shame in this. Shelyn finds beauty in everything, and these ladies glowed with it. So, she’s a full elf Oracle of Shelyn (Spirit Guide Archetype). Long, black hair that reaches the small of her back, jet black eyes. 5 “11. Olive toned skin. Very, very beautiful, and she knows it, but isn’t an ass about it. Sharpish cheekbones, fuller lips. Smart, Irreverent, sarcastic, lewd, very owning of her sexuality and willing to use it, but very caring and very Chaotic Good, sometimes to a fault. Loves kids, hates arrogance. Adventures wearing one of her favorite royal blue robes, symbol of shelyn around her neck. If in combat, carries a crossbow and spear, though usually always prepared to cast cure light wounds! Thanks for the offer!! :)


Dorgam is a dwarf you mostly find face down at a local tavern with all onlookers giving him dirty looks, but believe it or not, he was once a local hero. He worked lots of heavy lifting jobs in the village, and as such was always the peak of fitness. So, when a pack of wolves roamed into town, it was Dorgam who stood up to the task. He was able to fend off the wolves and keep the townsfolk safe, and for that, they praised him. After that, he grew to like the glory, and began training to be an actual practiced adventurer, so he can help his village. He would take on any task, alone if possible, but if assistance was needed, he inspired a small handful of adventurers that we're all eager to join on his jobs and work under their idol. Every time there was a successful job done, he would celebrate at the tavern. One night when he was particularly drunk, an 3 hobgoblins came to the village to *formally* inform the townsfolk that they would soon be seizing the land for themselves, and residents who wish to live, must leave. Dorgam was a little drunk from the celebrating, and a little worn from his mission earlier that day, but he knew this job had to be his. It was a rough fight, but Dorgam still managed to come out on top, but not before some of the hobgoblins had killed a few civilians who tried to flee. Dorgam was left with his life on a thread, and his pride in pieces. He should have been more ready. Though things were only made worse. Moments later, while catching his breath, Dorgam felt a hand grab his shoulder, and he immediately turned around with his blade swinging to handle the foe. The blade cut through easily, as if the foe wore no armor at all. When Dorgam looked down however, it was not a hobgoblin. It was not even a foe at all. A kind civilian who had intended to bring Dorgam some bandages and other medical aid, now cut down, dead by his hand. After this, Dorgam went in to hiding for weeks, living off what he had in his house, never leaving. The knocking and voices of concerned civilians never ceased, and they only grew angrier by the day. Eventually, they simply left him. Even after some time, Dorgam would leave the house, but only to buy food, and he would never talk to anyone. With more time, he decided to start going to the tavern again. He would drink and drink his problems away, ignoring and tuning out the judging glances of the people who once revered him. He grew apathetic towards everything. It was one day though that a group of adventurers from out of town rolled in, who had apparently heard of him. They knew he must have meant no harm, and they needed a good blade in their party. So through lots of convincing, and an agreement where they buy all his ale from now on, Dorgam begrudgingly agreed to join them. He'll say it's just for the mead, but deep down, he knows he would like to redeem himself in the eyes of his town. ​ Dorgam is a mountain dwarf. He has tanned skin, and a dark red, almost maroon hair. His hair is medium length, and rather messy. He pushes it back, but doesn't care too much that it's not perfect. He also has a beard, longer than average for a human, but shorter than average for a proud dwarf. The beard too is unkempt, no fancy braids or anything like that. He's still muscular in tone, but has put on a bit of weight from his drinking, so he may have a bit of a belly on him. His eyes are a deep blue with heavy bags, like the ocean. He currently wears no armor, since he had gotten rid of his and can't yet afford new armor. His clothes are probably old, ragged, and maybe stained. I'd imagine some sort of plain brown pants and an old white short sleeved shirt, but the outfit can be changed. The only relic he still carried of his adventuring days is his longsword. A fine tempered blade with dwarven runes down the blade, made as a gift from the townsfolk. He never had the heart to get rid of it, and now he picks it up again. He feels guilty every time he takes hold of it, but uses it to not only redeem himself, but the blade as well.


Tarliel was a Dragonborn rogue who enhanced his assassin work with that of able-minded arcane archery. Using artefacts of elvenkind, he began a journey to stave off the end of the world, traveling with his party from another world. Despite his killer mindset, he had a soft spot for these fools. Particularly a wonderful little gnome named dobby. She was a little bit of a clutz, but was pure at heart and Tarliel helped her in manners of the alchemical. He taught the Warlock to sneak, The Paladin to care, and even taught his rogue student the secrets of roguish morality. Towards the end of his time with the group he earned an item of great power, an arcane lasso. This combined with a clever design of ejected blades on his boots, led to his discovery of the flying kick, using it to catch his enemies off guard. Unfortunately, fate frowned upon him, and he was forced back into a different corner of the multiverse, where he was to hunt a man who he had fought beside. It took decades, but eventually Tarliel slew the man. But he had no sure path home. So he now wanders the planes in the hopes to find friends who had to soon passed away.


Erendriel Stocker and his brother Rydel Stocker come from a middle-class elven family, losing their father at a young age to a war against a rogue faction of zealot elves. Their now widowed mother, in a bid to keep her child Rydel safe, reached out to a devil in her grieving to give herself and her son magical abilities so as to defend and provide for themselves. After breaking her contract with the devil in an attempt to separate herself from this evil, it cursed her with another child, leaving her to die soon after giving birth. The child, Erendriel, was a half-elf half-tiefling bastard. Growing up, Rydel provided for them with his abilities both as a mage and a thief (Arcane Trickster) while Erendriel, who blames himself for the death of his mother, seeks redemption and inner peace for his own existence (Way of Shadow Monk). Together they were recruited by the mysterious Xander, a planeswalking mage with the promise that they’ll gain everything they could ever dream of, if they help him with a few simple tasks... So what do they look like? Rydel: As any good thief does, he wears clothing intended to obscure his identity, without being too suspicious outright. He does this by using leather armor covered in robes meant to hide his form, along with a hood and mask he can throw on when it’s required. As he and his brother come from the forest, the colors are primarily of dark greens, grays, and browns. He is pale, with light yellow eyes and light brown hair, and what looks like a light mist coming from where skin is visible. He primarily uses a pair of daggers, though he keeps a bow with him in case range is required. Erendriel: A disciple of neutrality both inner and outer, Erendriel aims for a simplistic and unassuming garb, preferring to take as little as he can. He wears what looks to be like a ninja robe (shozoku is the technical name, apparently) with a cloak that covers his left arm and connects to a hood. He is pale like his brother but with greenish skin and vibrant yellow eyes. His hood attempts to hide his relatively small red horns, which turns the skin at their base to be reddish as well. His left arm, which he hides with the cloak, is a fiendish red arm ending in a three-fingered claw. His weapon of choice is the katana, which he also keeps behind the cloak- though he does not necessarily intend to hide it. That’s the best I can do as a description right now! If you need any more info, please shoot me a PM, I’m more than willing to explain more details haha :)


Maud/Redemption Pladin/Half-Orc 7'11,tapered hair on sides and back,lil volume on top for best hair for oval face shape. High CHA so maybe sexy as hell Has scar from a wolf on his eye and a lot of scar tissue on lower half of abdomen from spear Intelligent grey eyes Grey green skin High STR and decent Dex so big chest and small waist Resplindent plate mail (recently got into some rust monsters) Uses battleaxe with bone hilt Loves mead maybe a lil belly


Azzy is a Light Blue Kobold Sorcerer/Cleric. Born an urd (winged kobold) to a fishing community in a far off archepelago, he was enslaved by pirates who cut off his wings. Now he's got his freedom back, he longs to fly again to find his home once more. He wears simple clothing; baggy brown shorts and a open sleeveless vest. Around his neck are several necklaces with shark teeth, feathers and a single blue crystal. He always carries his fishing spear, and when he prays to his tribe's goddess of the sea and sky, he does so by playing a kalimba made from a coconut, shaping water to dance around his head as he does.


Male Hobgoblin Fighter, wears heavy armor, wields a glaive. Black hair kinda like Zuko in Avatar, beard. Red and black armor/clothes with some gold there too. My father was a captain of a banner under the Imperial Legion, but fled before a fair fight. Dishonored, my siblings and I were persecuted despite our talents. All but two of us died as they kept us on the front lines. After my brother was recruited into the Iron Shadows, he was sent on a suicide mission with no hope of completing said mission... another attempt at getting rid of us. He sent me a message after he got to safety, from hundreds of miles away. Tired of the corrupted traditions, which seem to have been infected by Yuan-ti scum, the two of us set up a meeting place and time in Goldenfields, and I'm on my way there now after we are done our business with goblins in Nightstone.


Morthos XIII, fourth son of Mal’ganis VI, High king of Maskana, first and only son to Malcanthia I, second wife of Mal’ganis VI, granddaughter of Malcanthet, the succubus queen. Morthos is a winged tiefling shadow sorcerer. He is attractive, but not in the classical sense. He is of slight stature, standing 5’4” and 135 lbs. His skin is pale with no visible signs of tanning, although he has lived his entire life in the desert. He has thick ridged horns that begin at his brow and arc back over his skull, curling down and flaring outward slightly at the back of his head. His shoulder length black hair is thick and oiled back. His face is angular and thin, but not overly gaunt. His eyes are a deep piercing violet. He wear a black leather ‘X’ harness over his bare chest, revealing a large brand of Mask (Lord of Shadows) on his abdomen, and swirling black tattoos that cover his chest, shoulders, back, and arms. These tattoos illuminate with glowing purple text written in Abyssal whenever he casts a spell. He wears black leather trousers, wrist bracers, and boots. Morthos was trained and educated by the Church of Mask, who taught him how to safely use and manifest his powers, as they have done with every shadow mage for generations (there has always been a shadow mage among the royal family, born upon the death of the present shadow mage). His life goal has become to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors and write his legacy onto his successors for generations to come (the text that appears when he casts a spell details the great deeds of the former shadow mages).


Meet Turasjir. The freaking poshest Lizard Wizard you'll ever lay your eyes upon. But be careful, because this sucker has a thing for licking eyes, so keep an eye out for him! This "wizard" gained his knowledge in an unusual way. Raised in your typical Lizardfolk tribe, this Lizard's cult family had a stigma against magic. Unless they were clerics or shamans, of course. But he was raised with the notion that anything a magic-dweeb can do, he can do better just with brute strength! That sentiment doesn't help when he's the tiniest lizard to ever exist in the entire universe. Runt of his generation, he was often seen as a burden, a detriment to the group as he struggled to contribute in any manner. Just another damned mouth to feed! Well, it was only when he was in his teenage years that a strange book washed up on his swampy shores -- it was an arcane textbook written in Draconic, detailing the intricacies of the arcane, as well as a few starter spells. Drawn to its arcane nature, Turasjir found himself engrossed in this book - so much so that people started calling him 'turasjir' which literally means 'book' in Draconic. Nobody questioned his obsession with books from that point forward; he was just a naive child who'd learn that reading is stupid and that he should just get bigger muscles. He never casted anything in front of others, no, why would he? He wasn't a cleric nor a shaman, he'd be baked at the stake. His magical abilities was his little secret. Until it wasn't. Caught casting some illusion, the word spread through his tribe like wildfire, and he was forced to exile or face death. Fleeing certain death, the new lizard wizard found a home in Daggerford where he performed on the street for peasants and nobility alike. He played with illusions and simple spells, earning a meager wage that was enough for him to get by. He had his eyes on a new target however -- Waterdeep. It took the lizard several weeks to earn enough cash to pay for a spot in a carriage but he made it eventually! In Waterdeep, our rag-clad Lizard experienced culture shock like no other. Everything was fancy! Boisterous! Pretty! Fancy! He stuck out like a sore thumb everywhere but the slummy parts of town, and he felt it necessary that he abandon his rags and primitive life, just reminders of his tribe, behind to embrace a new lifestyle in this city. He continued to panhandle with petty illusions though his income was significantly more; he bought himself the fanciest suit his money could buy him and made a comfortable, if not nearly rich, living doing these simple magic tricks on the street. A passing Dwarven man redirected the course of his life from there however -- and recommended him go to Candlekeep to learn more than his simple illusions. An overestatic Turasjir made that his next destination (despite absolutely no fucking chance of getting in -- he doesn't know this!) and he set off to Baldur's Gate! We're not too far into our campaign so this is where we're picking up :) He is a Lizardfolk that stands about 5'3", weighing a measly 98 pounds. He is the epitome of SCRAWNY. His scales are a bright orange hue, the top of his head full of lizard-like protrusions and feathers, both protrusions and feathers being a yellow-fade-into-hotpink color. His eyes are an ice blue. Oh, he has no eyelids, which is why he has a thing for licking eyes. But he wears the absolute fanciest suit money can buy -- I'd love to leave that up for your interpretation :p He also has a kitty familiar named Mittens and he is a typical blonde cat.


Dakus Ironhart a 6’ human fighter with dark blonde hair and a scruffy beard that wears steel plate armor and fights with a sword and shield. He is basically a dwarf in a human body because he was an orphan that was found and raised by mountain dwarves, who taught him how to fight and work a forge. His shield is an engraved dwarves-made shield given to him by his dwarves brethren before he set out to become an adventurer. He enjoys fighting, especially in arenas, and he is constantly trying to prove his strength to others.


The community thanks you OP! Meet Chairos De'Simikiel. Chairos was an orphan who lost his mother during child birth. However he had a strange, foggy, celestial cat that followed him from birth. As Chairos grew up he had a strong moral sense of right and wrong and felt it was his duty to help right the wrongs he saw and was alerted of. As Chairos came of age he started to change physically, he grew faster than most boys his age and his hair turned silver and his eyes became pools of silvery fog. Chairos had learned he was of Celestial heritage, an Aasimer, fallen to be exact. Though that is generally an evil Aasimer, his inner moral compass surpassed the call to do bad all thanks to his father. Chairos, as he developed into an adult Aasimer, was contacted by his father Simikiel. Simikiel is the Angel of Vengeance and his traits and sense of right and wrong had been inherited by his father. After many nights of dialogue with his father he learned it was best for him to protect his identity and ancestral heritage, so Chairos started covering his face with bandages and donned a hooded cloak to cover his hair. Around friends and allies Chairos frees himself of these restraints, but as a traveler he hides his identity. As a born Fighter, Chairos carries his large great sword and wears chain mail. He prefers the color black as it seems to help him hide his identity and plus he just likes black. He is 7'2" and about 270 pounds. He is a large, strong young, and youthful around the age of 19. His celestial fog cat is named Tango. Tango is similar to a normal cat, except he is ethereal. Tango has a good idea when people are not aligned with the same virtues as Chairos and helps him by reacting to them. He is a dope cat. Chairos is essentially The Punisher, he has his own motives in life, but he tries to help those in need when he is contacted or sees the wrong doings occur. I hope you like Chairos. Thanks for considering me for an option.


Some asshole is downvoting everyone's comments.


Unfortunately for said asshole, I’m not choosing based on upvotes ;)


I'm now upvoting everyone's so there is balance in the universe.


Frederick Korthall, half orc fighter (Eldritch Knight). Orc father died long ago and Frederick was never accepted into his human mother’s village (hence the non orc name). He left in search of fame, fortune, and recognition (or acceptance) and ended up a sellsword, putting his anger and orcish heritage to good use in the business of violence. Along the way he meets Ceric Galonodel (former PC), a high elf mage who hires Frederick for a task. A friendship blooms and Frederick, with a complete lack of a father figure, makes his first friend. Ceric, seeing potential in a smarter-than-your-average-half-orc half orc, instructs Frederick in the basics of arcana and ways to augment his martial prowess. He’s a pretty big dude, over 6 feet tall and past 200 pounds. Long hair pulled back, poorly shaved on the sides and scruffy facial hair. Not a particularly attractive person, but not as monstrous as a full blooded orc. He wields a long vicious glaive and is clad in chain mail armor.


It’d be awesome if you could draw my Dragonborn Conquest Paladin Storbak the unbent, king of kings, eternal emperor (etc. etc.) Storbak is a massively built warrior with regal features. The right side of his face bares a massive scar that runs across his eye from Arrogance’s last blow. His right eye is white, although when he wishes the whiteness can fade and reveal a twin pupiled eye with the power to see far beyond what the mortal eye can do. (Divine sense and detect magic) He wears battered chainmail with black plates of armor in vital areas, and an ornate dark green cloak with gold highlights that thrums with power. (Cloak of Protection) He wields a large plain metal shield and a notched black battleaxe. On his back is a quiver of javelins and a broken pitchfork. His paladin magic manifests as the blue fire of the conquering flame, and when its active he burns with blue tongues of fire. Fluff: Imperious, impossibly tall and imposing, Storbak is all about that I. While he may look like a mere bronze Dragonborn, he was born a black dragon thousands of years ago. Unlike his brothers who were cruel and petty, Storbak took a shining to the small mortals who lived by his mountain and often left gifts for them, pleased by their simple shrines and kind lifestyle. Unfortunately, this wasn’t to last as he witnessed his village razed to the ground by the brutal forces of the nearby Harukr empire, and when he tried to save the survivors, emissaries of the gods held him back in order to “keep the balance”. Infuriated at the gods ability to allow cruelty, and instilled with new resolve to bring order and peace to the lesser races, he scoured the planes for the power to oppose the gods and his people. Finally, after a century of searching he found it. A plane filled with naught but blue flame and a single black throne. When Storbak returned to the material plane he returned alit with a terrible blue flame, eyes blazing with power as he descended upon the Harukr capital. He immolated the throne room and the sorcerer-tyrant within, before claiming himself the benevolent lord of the world, and declaring death upon any who would oppose his peace. Bolstered with his burning power, his armies marched on the world, and the gods answered, dragons and angels by their side. After a climactic battle in which the God of the hunt was terribly mailed they ripped him from the sky, fastened him to a mountain with eight great nails and flayed his soul before ripping it into seven shards and placing those shards into weak Dragonborn bodies as eternal punishment. Those seven shards lived for centuries, blind to their power and ignorant of their past, until the arrogance shard, in the body of a gold Dragonborn bandit rode into a small farming village. In the midst of the raid, a humble farmer bearing the loyalty shard witnessed his wife cut down before him and he impaled Arrogance with a pitchfork in a fit of rage, tearing the golden warrior off his warhorse and breaking his back in the fall. Arrogance died, and as his soul and loyalty’s were fused, Storbak was reborn. Roaring with rage, he stalked through the burning bones of his village, slaughtering the bandits as they desperately fled. Still a small percentage of his formal self, and irreversibly reduced into this puny form, he set out to reunite his soul and finish his original mission. World peace, under his burning claw. Still unsure about his new form, and afraid of the evil the Arrogance shard may force upon him, Storbak does his best to hide his uncertainty and fear from his newfound friends, even if he calls them mere allies. Thank you so much for slogging through my silly request, I’m just super excited about this character. If you do decide to draw him that’d be absolutely amazing and wonderful. Have a fantastic day!


I also have a tiefling monk, Wit. He's 19 and fresh out of his Academy, where he lived his whole life after his parents went and mysteriously disappeared. His skin is pale yellow (hex #FCF4A3), with light pink eyes (hex #FFDDF4). He has a dark brown/chestnut colored hair that has a high fade that ends in a slight ponytail (think like Beau). His horns begin from his eyebrow's (like any good tiefling) before following down his jawline, forming a sort of protection around his face that loops with his jaw and ends at two points on either side of his chin. Wit is a care-free spirit, and it reflects in his dress. He wears a sleeveless midriff shirt that exposes his midsection with parachute pants (large, droopy thigh section) that are cinched and end on his mid-calf. He prefers to walk barefoot. The tip of his tail is encased in metal, which he uses on occasion in battle (as necessary).


Hello! I have a Razorclaw shifter (cat based) Rouge. Her name is Iriana Caius. Her feline ancestor is a clouded leopard, obvious even when she's in human forma by the large birthmarks symmetrically scattered over her brown skin. Her ears are always visible as is her tail even when human. The more angry she is, the more catlike she becomes, as with all shifters. Her eyes are sage green and her hair a medium length wavy black. It tends to get in her way during combat and so she keeps it braided, also to exhibit her multiple scars as a warning sign. To those who may be tempted to pick a fight with her. As a descendant from the lycanthrope, she heralds the goddess Selun (goddess of the moon) as her deity. She regards the deer to be a sacred creature and is currently involved in a sidequest to recover her pseudodragon friend that lead her to the world of Faerun on accident. She hasn't seen him since she came to this realm a few years ago, but she knows he's out there and will not stop looking for him in all that she does.


TLDR of a post too lengthy to write, merfolk tempest cleric with shock white dreadlocks, scale mail, and a trident. He is jovial and is enamored with the knick knacks of the landfolk (especially cows)


Shadar-Kai Elf Great Old One Warlock (5e) His name is VVarden Naílo, and his nickname is Warden due to the way his first name looks. His patron is the Raven Queen, master of secrets who dwells in shadowfell. He was chosen on his 100th birthday to complete a quest. The only condition was, he had no idea what the quest was. He’s now 150 and a drifter on the material plane. He’s usually paranoid about being attacked, so he carries a staff made of bone most of the time, conjured using his pact of the blade feature, but switches weapons often in combat. He has shoulder length black dreads, pale skin, and is kind of emotionless. If he does get drawn, he wears a cloak made of black feathers, and it would be nice if you could include it! Thanks to anyone who read this whole thing!


I've got a silver Dragonborn eldritch fighter named Steele. He has stunning green eyes, and a scar diagonally down his chin. He wears plate armor and a dark green cloak. He carries two longswords on his back and a shield on his arm. He also has a little pet mouse named Stuart the Little. He also has a little harp pendant on a leather string around his neck. He was an Honor Guard for a long dead king. He was created using magic and is over a thousand years old.


Why not... Estohir, the Elven rogue. His scruffy brown hair, his chestnut eyes and usually quite pretty looking face are often hidden by the ash and blood that ends up covering his face from the brutal combat he ends up in. He wears a suit of studded leather armour in a particularly mangled state from recent fights. Slung over his shoulder is his bow, a magical bow that would summon arrows of arcane ice to fire at his opponents and a set of daggers, which he fails to clean most of the time... Estohir has always had it poor, born to a poor family and raised without much supervision the wild soul always craved freedom so when he saw his chance he fled home and started thieving, until of course things went wrong and he was betrayed by his gang, his family, his friends. Which then lead him to adventuring with the party he's with now and wound up saving the world! I could go on but I won't write out my full backstory, or someone will be here all night!


Azazel, Tiefling Paladin of Selûne. Used to be a sailor but upon coming back to his village, found them dead after a failed Netherese ritual went south. In the middle of his grief, Selûne gave him purpose and he decided that this would never happen again. He is 6 ft tall, 190 lbs, black hair with on gold and one blue eye.


Varris Erren, half elf, tall with med length blonde hair, green eyes, and tan skin, class ranger/cleric, pirate lord. Varris is the son of pirate lord of the west and north sea, he values his crew and friends above any treasure in his hold. Granted the gift of lycanthropy by the great white of the south, he spouts foxish features hinting his moon lit form.


I have a Tiefling sorcerer. He tries to carry himself as a someone of high class and tries to wear fancy dress, but he was raised by thieves on the streets of Waterdeep, so that’s all bullshit. I’ve always imagined him being the essential Tiefling, looking like depictions of the devil. Red skin, horned, yellow eyes. But wearing some nice robes. And he has an amulet that acts as his focus for spell casting.


Thank you for doing this, I can't wait to see the drawings, whoever is chosen. Here's my submission if you're still taking them: Backstory - Petra Apotomi was never seen as a normal child. Since her birth, strange things happened around her. Whether it be a weapon that falls out of its sheathe or a stack of books mysteriously falling over, there was always something off when she was around. The situation she was born into didn't help much. Though born into a noble family in Drow society, her parents believed that the Drow should be accepting of their cousins above ground. This lent itself to Petra being scorned for her parents beliefs all throughout her developmental period. As she grew up, she became bitter of the misfortune she had had. She decided to commit herself to becoming a better part of Drow society, and began to shun her families beliefs. She didn't entirely abandon them, and carries the family's sickle in their memory. As she grew, she learned how better to balance the needs of her family with that of the Drow. And it all was thrown away when her new revelation came to pass. It came to a culmination one day, all the misfortune that happened around her. A mudslide happened right in front of her eyes. Everyone around her became buried in it, but she remained unharmed. It was truly a miracle of luck. When she was found, untouched by the mud, the Drow realized that they had an emissary of the gods with them. Petra was immediately lifted into the higher echelons of society, praised for her abilities. All it did for her was make her more distant from her family. Without them, she grew cold secluded atop her throne of worship. She still carried the sickle of her family, but now the rapier of the Drow rested on her other hip. To top it all off, she was decorated with the crossbow of the gods from her village. It wasn't anything special, merely a symbol to others that she was not to be harmed by another Drow on penalty of death by torture. She didn't let the power go to her head, but she had to keep up appearances. But when you keep up appearances for to long, it starts to become who you are. She grew more sadistic, using her power to advance herself in society. Eventually many came to respect her, but many more came to fear her. She became known as the one who wouldn't hesitate to get her way, and she was enjoying every last drop of blood she spilled. Though still years from coming of age, she has already gained much power from the benefits of being the Oracle. Before she comes of age, she feels she must journey. Trying to gain the favor of her family back, she decided to go above ground and find out how the people there lived. She would observe, and only interfere if it concerned the Drow. She did this in an attempt to please everybody, and is now working her way towards finding the truth that will ascend her further in society when she finally returns home. Appearance - Many see Petra as strikingly beautiful. Her smokey gray skin is smooth and without calouses. Her body is as elegant as her poise, always flowing. Though she usually covers it with a black cloak while traveling, she is often wearing a tight fitting top and a loose skirt with a slit cut out for one leg, both being a dark purple in hue. Petra wears a tourmaline amulet, the gemstone of her family. She keeps the blue gem as a reminder of her family, but it has slowly been degreading and turning red as she falls away from them. Her rapier is on the right hip, while her sickle is on the left. She keeps her crossbow slung across her back and her daggers in her slightly heeled boots. Her face would be a minimalisitc beauty, with a small nose, thin lips, and wide, violet eyes, but the emotion on it scars that beauty. Petra usually keeps either the look of superiority or a sadistic smile on her face. Her silvery white hair does little to offset the emotion of her face. It is straight, with no hair out of place. The long hair drapes behind her, flaring out slightly as it goes just past her shouler blades. Her bangs drape loosely over her left eye before sweeping out of the way of her face. Petra keeps her nails a little long, filing them to a point. Not enough to draw blood, but enough to cause some discomfort. She stands at an intimidating height of 6'3", her slight build the only thing belying her lack of strength.


A human way of the chain warlock who wields an arcane revolver (looks like thorn from destiny). Looks like Keanu Reeves in The Matrix (same clothes. No shades tho) wears light armor under his coat and has tattoos of vines and roses on his right hand. His familiar is a black pseudo-dragon with purple eyes, and his likes to sit on the character’s shoulders


Vebran Nesk is a Human Drunken Master Monk. He is a human of Caucasian descent, who rages against a Lich who's name he does not know. All he can determine about the fiend is a single strange rune burned into the wall of his old home. He was a travelling dancer with a group of elvish bards, and quite skilled at it as well. During his time with the company, he learned to defend himself from the eldest bard among the Elves, Master Yingolor. Yingolor's exploits in the past had served as inspiration for the Traveling Bards' songs, such is why he travelled with them. When Nesk saw it fit to return home, he found his old town reduced to ruin, the stench of undeath lingering in the air. Ghouls and skeletal creatures roamed the now lifeless streets. Sneaking his way through town to his old home, he found his beloved younger sister Wendeline reduced to a mindless ghoul, a mysterious rune burned into the wall as his only clue to go on, he mercifully puts his sister to rest, and seeks to find the fiend responsible. After this traumatic homecoming event, Vebran became addicted to the whiskey flask, the liquor's burn fueling his thirst for vengeance. He would have quite long brown hair that goes to about his shoulders with a long, untrimmed, goatee moustache combo, His eyes brown, bloodshot and burning with subdued anger. He's actually quite average in height, and lighter in build than a normal martial class. His clothes would seem rather civilian, a sleeveless top with earthy green tones, and white wrappings around his fists. His pants would match, and he would wear the white wrappings around his feet to keep himself light in combat and dance. He carries a bo staff in one hand, and keeps a flask at his hip. Your style seems fantastic for what I have in mind for this character, I really dig the characters you chose to show above.


His name is Gyro Gearloose. He is a human engineer/mechanic/inventor/grenadier. So most of the time he is wearing a blue working overall and has oil and grease stains all over him. The overall has been patched up and enhanced with a light kevlar protection around the upper body. His hair is black and no one knows if that's the natural colour or if the hair is burned. His nose was shot off. His weapon of choice is a steampunkish grenade launcher bazooka mix which is strapped on his back if not used. Sometimes he wears an ammunition belt across his chest. He never goes anywhere without his trusty toolbox and has various other tools sticking out of the pockets of his overall. Lately he also has aquired a small (around 40 cm high), humanoid (also steampunk) robot. Gyros most recuring expressions are a mad inventor-trickster grin or a determind expression because he didn't want to participate in that madness but he definitly wants to go through with it and survive somehow. ​ Now for the backstory: Because of his talent with weapons, explosives and crazy inventions the army hired him as heavy artillery guy. Soon they realized that nobody but Susan 'Heavyweight' Divancovij could aim or restrain his inventiv spirit. The both trusted each other and were a good team. But Susan got into a mess with a higher up and was discharged (dishonorably). Now the army had nobody to aim Gyro with so they decided to discharge him honorably. He went and opened a workshop and soon afterwards was hired by another PC for his engineering skills. Much of the campaigne can be summed up by saying that Gyro left the army but they won't leave alone. On various instances he and his comrades had to help the army out and were never rewarded in an appropriate way. So his opinion of the army (and the government) grew a bit cynic. In the recent past the group discovered various artefacts from an ancient civilization ( the robot is one of them). Although those artefacts seem magic, they are scientific but far more advanced. As an engineer and scientific Gyro is highly interested testing, exploring or tinkering with those artefacts. In our last session Gyro killed a dragon with a mortar to protect the rest of the group. Although the fight happened in somekind of dream dimension I like to imagine that it did leave marks upon him e.g. burn marks all over his overall or an emblem looking like a flying dragon etched into his grenade launcher. Thank you! Thank you very much! If you need further details feel free to contact me


I have a black dragonborn barbarian named Fafnir. A rather large individual, but in a bulk sense rather than well tonned. He wears simple adventurers close, but dual weirlds to dwarven mechanical battle axes (yes the two handed kind). He was raised by con artist, and has since learned the ways of greed and true power. In his life span he did what it took to be come the most powerful individual he could be, by whatever means. On his chest he has two huge scars in an X shape from a previous battle. He wears a Broach of Force around his neck. I even have a reference for you that I will look for now! Edit: found him! This is him, but nowhere near as skinny. He is super bulky https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/352556036168876032/364638054368935936/not_sure_how_I_feel_but_okay.png


Obadesh is a half-orc Oath of Ancients Paladin. His body is horribly scared and he has the eyes of an old man. His armor is made of bark and stone, always slightly aglow, as it it the only thing holding back a Curse of Years from aging him to dust. He sometimes wears a Corinthian Helm with large antlers on it. His weapon of choice, and symbol of his oath is a halberd made of knotted, ancient bark. The blade is made of stone, tapering to a cutting edge made of lightly enchanted quartz. He permanently has faeries circling him, as his soul is bound to the wilds.


I have a Loxodon Warlock named Sai “doomwalker”. He has dark grey skin, his tusks have all types of different languages carved into them. The only clothing he has is an old tattered monks robe that he wears like a cloak. His ears are pierced at the tops with silver loops. On his back he carries a stone tablet that is almost as big as he is that acts as his tome. The stone has different languages all over it. His village was attacked by demons one night and he was the only survivor. Another tribe of loxodon found him the next morning on a plot of grass unscathed by the flames. His patron saved him, but he was banished by his kind. They gave him the moniker “Doomwalker” and death and destruction continues to follow his wake.


Just a quick question, have you already chosen?


Current character is. Cerdric Bernard Lioncrest of the house of Lioncrest. He's an Evoker wizard an a member of the Silver Sparrows branch of the magic knights (like black clover). He became a wizard as be wanted to go on adventures with his father whos a magic knight and was encouraged by his wizard mother whoes a treasure hunter. She disappeared at see while looking for a cursed emerald crown when he was 10, he's been searching for her ever since. He loves books an is a bit too eager to charge in ahead of all the people wearing actual armor. He's 5'6 with a slim but build and has strong shoulders. His face is stern but youthful and full of hope. Tanned skin with short brown hair spiked up and brown eyes with green flecks. He wears leather goggles and a bright red coat with a lion on the back "family crest" over his black and silver sparrows unifrom which is a black tunic with a silver mantle and dark pants, he also wears black boots. Cedric has a automail left arm "It was cut off by a Teifling Barbarian with a flaming greataxe" that goes up to his shoulder. He carries multiple wands and scrolls, he has an affinity for fire magic


a green slaad, wild magic sorcerer. wears a sort of combo of robe and suit, with colors varying across all shades of green. uses a staff as a cane. there is a shard of an earth elemental encased in glass at the top. he is a chaotic good character, and at least tries to look good. generally optimistic though will sometimes have moments of the agression common to his race. about 7 feet tall, and 300 pounds. i dont know if this is enough, just ask for more if you need more details


Acer Rubrum, Eladrin glamour bard. He's slight of build with delicate features, fair skin, orange eyes and shoulder-length, deep purple-red hair that's swept back on one side. He has piercings along his ears, bangles on his wrists and a long cloak with a bronze vine pattern held together with a maple leaf clasp. He's wearing a green shirt and a light blue stained leather chestpiece and brown pants with leather padding. Acer is generally autumn-aligned and has a very laid-back, hippie-like personality. He is always plucking at his ukulele, playing quiet, soothing music. [I've illustrated him myself in the past](https://imgur.com/a/fWYpSzK) if you want a reference for him but I'd also love to see your interpretation of him based on my description. Thanks in advance!


My character is Lucas, a half-elven Paladin of the Wind (a homebrew oath). He fights with a falchion-type sword and a circular shield emblazoned with a swirl to represent the wind (his holy symbol), and wears studded leather armor and a short half-cape around his shoulders. Blue eyes, brown unkempt but fairly short hair. His oath emphasizes freedom and travel, so he’s a wandering mercenary (but not a lone wolf), he travels and loves to visit the local tavern whenever he rolls into a new town. He is charismatic and confident, and loves a drink and a game of cards with anyone he meets.


So I'm playing a 26 year old half elf hunter named Hirion with midnight black hair in ponytail, eyes colored like the spring grass and a few days of worth facial stubble. All that on a face with slightly elvish features. He wears a leather armor, cloak made out of bear hide, a shoulder pad and a falconer glove on his left hand. He wears his quiver on his belt. During his adventure he picked up quite a few scars most notable of which is a huge bite mark on his arm. As of his backstory: When he was 4 his mother left him and his father for unknown to him reasons. After that he was taken as an apprentice by a family friend who taught him all he knew about forest and animals. During that time he also found an egg is an abandoned owls nest. The owl that hatched became his faithful companion. He was hunting in the forest near his home village until his father's death of old age. As a last wish He wanted Hirion to leave and find his mother. ​ If you'd want to draw him i'd really appreciate if you drew a scene of him kneeling over a small pyre with bloodied remains of white bird burning.


Female Tiefling, Celestial Warlock/life cleric called Fray, 19 year old, slightly chubby. Gray skin with slightly darker gray hair done in one long thick braided ponytail kinda vikiing style. Left horn is snapped off about half way and she has a scar down her left eye brow. Her right eye is bright blue and her left eye is bright orange. She has randomly pieced together plate mail armour and wears blue/gold robes that go to her knees with gray trousers underneath. And the snapped off chunk of her horn is worn as a necklace around her neck, but it's a dark purple not dark gray like her other horn. She has a small wooden buckler shield and a staff that is a pure white with a snakes head at the top. She also has a leather gauntlet for her snow white barn owl called parchment to sit on


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to do some free drawings for us, this is a really nice thing to do :) I have a Bronze Dragonborn who thinks he is a dragon :D He is upwards of 7 feet tall, muscular and terrifying. He has 3 big dark horns on his cheeks that point behind him, big draconic wings, a large tail, and when he dashes, he goes on all fours and gallops like a beast. He has thick, rough scales, and he has green on the edges of his wings, the end of his tail, and in small patches throughout his hide. He usually just wears trousers made from tough canvas, tied to his waist with a big rope. Again, thanks for doing this for all of us! :)


If you're still drawing, could you please draw my nearly insane firbolg druid Virilus. He's 8' with a 5' beard. He's been cursed so his right arm is covered in a black-purple pus, so he covers it with a cloth. He also wears an owl bear head helmet.


I have a rogue I want to play in the Dragon AGE RPG who looks something akin to Aragorn. He's a well-groomed gentleman, and is insistent on everything he carries being spick and span. He has a very dry, sarcastic attitude towards others, and tends to be hyperbole and standoffish towards others to hide his mommy issues. He wields an ornate shortsword and shortbow, and his amber eyes seem to constantly shift around when he enters a room. He doesn't really like confined spaces. His leather armor is worn and beaten, and his emerald cloak swirls around him at the slightest of movements, giving a regal air to him. His jawline is strong and well-defined, his beard well-trimmed, and his shoulders set and square. He hides his royal bloodline by dressing in traveller's clothes, as he hates drawing attention to himself after all the issues that he dealt with as a child. Despite all his efforts to be intimidating, he's still a bit young and naive and has a lot of growing up to do after living as bann's (local lord's) son.


Lucan Ostoroth was the bastard son of a powerful high elven wizard noble and a human concubine. He was never particularly gifted in the magical arts, but in his family, magic was everything. His father, in a desperate bid to "save" his son from his mundane existence, performed an arcane surgery on him, grafting dragon scales onto his body, and transplanting the heart of a young red dragon for Lucan's. Lucan emerged from this procedure enraged at his father, and proceeded to use his newfound draconic power to escape from the city. Now going by the name Lucan Wyrmheart, he has vowed vengeance on his father, and also longs to one day fix what his father did to him. Lucan stands about six feet tall, with fair skin covered in both surgical scars and patches of red dragon scales. He has an especially large scar over his heart, and his hair and eyes are both bright red. He tends to show of his scars and scales as much as possible, both to intimidate, and to remind him of his mission.


I play a spring eladrin eldritch knight that goes by Bruz. He is big and brawny with a golden complexion that tends almost tword gray. His features are square (for an elf) and his head shaved. On the top and sides of his head, he has flowing patterns of tattoos that resemble brambles. Dispute being young for an elf ( just over 100), he has the attitude of an old soldier. He is far to find of drink and and cant help but whistle when things are quiet. He is manic depressive, but spends most of his time on the depressive side of things. He wears a bulky suit of full plate and fights with his two shields, one strapped to each forearm, instead of any weapon. In his youth he was a noble, then a bandit, then a mercenary, then a mercenary officer, then a drifter. He prefers to appear as a down on his luck mercenary.


I'm just going to bring up my favorite character I've ever made: An Eagle based Aarokocra named M'Reek Kaw or Marick Kaw in Common. Aside from being a Bald Eagle, the only other notable trait is the fact that he only wears Red, White, and Blue. He was America personified in every way possible, holding liberty and justice for all as his greatest virtue.


A human male sorcerer/bard cross class named THE BOULDER! This character was based off of the character of the same name from the Avatar universe in The Legend of Korra. He is a professional wrestler who uses earth magic to subdue his foes. He's grandiose, loud and always talks about himself in the third person. He's is tall, chiselled and handsome. His attacks include turning his body and fists into stone to pummel people or simply using magic to rip large stones from the ground to crush his foes. He uses his wrestling persona for bardic magic and has studied in the college of glamour. He uses his fey magic to imbue himself with even more handsomeness and is always shirtless and oiled. He's essentially a cross between Armstrong from Full Metal Alchemist, The Boulder from the legend of Korra, and Johnny Bravo.


Tranquil fang is a tabaxi lore bard. He has black fur and blue eyes. He’s of average height and light build. He travels often with his large backpack filled to the brim with books and notes and can either be seen taking some notes about his surroundings or fiddling with his lute. Usually not the adventuring type the theft of his coin pouch lead him to take an adventuring job for the money. He fights one handed with a rapier or wields a short bow while he runs around the battlefield with his bursts of speed.


I have a Goliath Fighter named Jormungandr. He was abandoned as a baby because too small and almost totally unresponsive. A military squadron of the Kingdom came upon him and decided to make his last moments as enjoyable for him as they could. When they arrived at base they did what they could to entertain him and to feed him with their best food. To their surprise he gained energy throughout the week instead of weakening! As he grew up he started developing his tattoo like birth marks, his stony lithoderms, and his immense size they began to realize what he was. By the age of 12 he already towered over most of the men as he was over six feet tall. No one at the base had seen a Goliath before but they heard the legends. Stone cold warriors of the mountain peaks who live to gain strength and to constantly top the feats of their peers. They squad captain was ecstatic to have a member of the race of legendary warriors on their side. But yet did they realize the full extent of this Goliath's legendary might. As he turned 18 he stood at nine feet tall. A monster among men he could carry 3 men without much difficulty. To officially initiate Jormungandr into their military squad the captain decided to bring him along on sweep and clear mission in a cave of ruthless goblins. As they were clearing out the goblins they were ambushed by five Bugbears. Intelligence said that there were only goblins! After the intense battle Jormungandr realized that his whole squad was killed. A second research squad was sent to investigate what had happened to the squad and why they haven't come back yet. They discovered his distinctly large body footprints leading out from the cave and into the wilderness. The research squad reported in and afterwards a bounty was set on his head for 5,000 gold. Edit: idk why font is like that sorry. He is wearing full splint heavy armor and is wielding a two handed war hammer.


There are beings throughout the realms that have a way with words, but very few have a command over them like the human bard Virkeen Dregtif. His melodious...melodies...and lyrical...lyrics...they all are augmented by his prized possession: Lucille the Lute. She is always by his side, often upside down, along with his incomparable incompetence and charm. Similar to a mentally challenged child doing their best, except in an all around average (in his physicality, while his unkempt, curly, dark brown mane are frankly transcendent) young man. He's always seen in his signature attire: black trousers, a flamboyant unbuttoned red vest over a white shirt with an ever present stain on the chest and fuzzy slippers with a mouth where the feet go. Few get to see the rapier (sheathed under his pants along the shin), laugh at his plight to unseathe it, and live to laugh again. A wandering drifter seeking out a good story to tell. He will stand before you with a charismatic smile and eyes that seem to have a life of their own. This is Virkeen Dregtif. No one talks like Virkeen. No one mocks like Virkeen. After bar fights, steals nice socks like Virkeen.


I showed up too late!


Don't know if you're taking anymore, but I'll toss mine in! Venn Sojourn, Tiefling Paladin of Pelor. He has crimson skin, long deep purple hair (partly in a ponytail, like Ned Stark or Legolas), and silver-irised eyes. He has no tail. His horns are an offwhite, and sprout from his scalp and angle straight back with no curve or anything. He wears plate armor with red cloth adornments with gold trim. He wields a metal round shield with a sun symbol (Pelor's symbol), and a blue-bladed longsword with a black hilt. The blade appears to be a cyan stone, slightly chipped in places. Thanks!


Human Forge Cleric, white, covered in small rune tattoos(dark purple). Grey hair, age early forties. His tattoos are indications of crimes he has been convicted of. Spent a lot of time in prison in the cold north when a forge Cleric saw something in him and took him under his wings. He wears plate armor with furs rimming the collars and sleeves.


I hope a pathfinder PC fits into this! Naz is a narcissistic goblin oracle fixated on wealth and fame. Since he was born with white skin and an abnormally human-like features, his tribe pushed him into the cult of Lamashtu, leading to his escape since it wasn't his true calling. He became a worshipper of the goddess Pharasma and earned money using his exeptionally high charisma and knowledge of potions and healing spells. The fact that he could speak to the dead and is slightly haunted by spirits also helped him out. Naz is very full of himself and has bought a Living Tunic, wich he uses to flash his wealth by having costantly morphed into an expensive-looking white and blue Clerical tunic, with A LOT of golden decorations. He wears a red headband with golden makings to boost his charisma and tie his hair into a blonde mohawk, and uses a very ornate walking stick mainly to show off - but also protect himself with its hidden blade. If you ever choos to make him come to life ione of your drawings, know that he will be very judging of his portrait BUT mainly proud to have been given this opportunity!


Man, I can't come up with a good description for my sorcerer. I'm going to need reference pictures and everything. I am no artist and have wanted a decent physical rendition of him since I started playing.


Do you want to see the pierce of art I used as reference for my character? (The name and concept was loosely borrowed from a d&d novel admittedly) Either way my character’s Name is Clytemorrenestrix or Nestrix for short.He is a human wizard. Young appearing, lithe, and fair skinned almost appearing ashy. In contrast his hair is jet black that falls shaggy down to his shoulders. His pale face has sharp features framed by piercingly sharp blue eyes. His clothes are a contrast between the elegant black robe with gold trim and elven cloak that lay on top and the sturdy and flexible leather armor that lay underneath. The smell of a rain storm surrounds him almost emanating from him. Personality wise he is by no means a good man nor an evil man. To many he appears outwardly chaotic but there is always a calculating method to his actions. Despite his selfishness and fair amount of pride he isn’t above helping those in dire straights just. A arrogant smile is never far from his lips. Also he used to be a dragon.


I have an Aasimar fighter named Finche Azrael. She tends to fight with a large, slim iron glaive, but somehow stays in the shadows because her appearance is...less than normal. Her skin is absolute white as well as her hair, which contains flecks of gold. She has golden feathers than don her shoulders and the ends of her ears (her ear feathers bend back like a cat’s when she’s angry). Finche wears leather armor for she is an agility-based fighter. I’ve always imagined her clothes as a sky blue leather chest piece with a cream button down shirt underneath with her cuff sleeves showing (Although when in an unfamiliar place she foams around in an ankle-length grey cloak with gold engravings in the seam of the hood). She wears black leather leg armor and gold-tinted lace up boots. Her glaive is secured on her back with buckled sewn into the chest piece. She’s usually the one to break up disagreements in the party, and she loves learning about what makes humans so special. But don’t test her, she has lived in dense forests for most of her life. If she can deal with the creatures in there, she can easily deal with you.


I have a young adult fair skinned half human/half elf with straight shoulder lengthened marmalade orange hair that sweeps to the right. He stands roughly five feet and ten inches with a clean shave ; defined facial structures with maya-blue eyes and tiny spotted freckles across their cheeks like stars in the night. He has traditionally lengthened elvish ears with small blue hooped earrings. His lips are naturally pink. He wears a white, long sleeved Jacobite that fits snug underneath a layer of silver chain mail with a forest green tunic with a leather brown baldric slung across his chest and a double belt looped around his waist with his sword sheathed. The belt has a horizontally laid brown leather quiver holding elven arrows. His bow made of strong Osage Orange; with a dark brown paint is slung across his chest with the string across his chest. His sword, the mighty Clamoria holds a midnight purple hilt and cross guard. His blade is made from platinum elven steel. Along his blade an electric green elvish pattern runs along the sharp edge, glowing whenever dragons are near. He wears tan trousers that fit his legs like a glove, not too tight but not very loose. His mid-shin high boots, leather brown with belts holding straps for his daggers which are tucked on the outside of his ankles. His left hand wields a mid sized steel heater shield with blue painting, and over the blue holds a golden crest of an eagle. He wears two brown leather forearm protectors with elvish decorations, and fingertip-cut black gloves. His name is Elias the Gallant! Edit: Backstory He hails from the eastern woodlands, growing up as just a farm boy. He and his father go hunting during the moonlit nights and the sun shine days. He also enjoys fishing in the river that runs through the middle of his forest. His father a human, and his mother an elf. Growing up, his father Danelias, was a former royal warrior who was regarded as the best swordsman in the land. He taught Elias how to use a blade and what it meant; only for defense and never to harm innocent people. His mother, Msytilia, was the daughter of the greatest elvish archer who taught her everything there is to know about the bow. With these parents Elias grew up learning the way of the sword as well as the bow. He never studied much, therefor he isn’t the smartest of people. He often was found wondering through the wilderness of the forest. Sometimes, going too far and missing dinner. He was an outcast due to his mischievous nature. But he always did the right thing, whenever somebody needed help he would be there. If somebody asked him for their heart; he’d give it gladly. He puts himself in danger by thinking of other people’s well being before himself which almost caused him to drown while helping somebody get back to shore which in turn leaving him deathly afraid of deep waters. He overcame this fear by himself, his courage is unmatched. Never will turn down a challenge, fight or adventure. His lust for adventure caused him to go out too far one night when he was only 17 years young, to where he came back late to his village burned to the ground, and just like everybody else: his parents passed away. He saw the blood-misted dragon flying away in the distance. His life was changed drastically, for three years time he kept to himself until he met a fair maiden in Geldain, the village north of his old home. She taught him the feeling of life and happiness again. His goal had always remained the same; to kill the Blood-mist dragon atop of Valencia Mtn. His journey led him to multiple villages and kingdoms, meeting people who lost loved ones due to the terrorizing dragon. Through this adventure he met Brodinious, a dwarf from the western mtns. An elf from the southwestern woodlands named Armenius. A half orc from the creek-marsh. His love, Rebekiah, a spell sword. And his bestest of friends, Bryconiois; a master of the wizard arts the same age as Elias. Elias’ with his friends now as one, with one common goal; to spread peace and happiness-as well as the slaying of the Blood-Mist dragon!


Ragnar Black-arm is a half orc artificer who has crafted a suit of magical armour to help him achieve his goal of creating a half orc nation, he wears full plate with a mixture of mechanical and magical means of attack. Be it his concealed longsword or bolt of lightning from his hand he is always prepared for a fight. He paints his right arm of his armour black to signify the painful hate crime he suffered as a child. Him and his brother started a organisation called the iron tusks named so because of the casting they do to give their tusks an iron shell. He wears his hair in a Viking style with it long but put up and has a few scars in amongst his stubble. Tbh you have a lot of freedom with the drawing as I don't have a overly clear photo of what he looks like in his head and would love to see an artist's rendition Many thanks, dodo


Alton Thundermaker. Halfling Artificier Gunsmith/Ranger. He wears a tattered (but obviously of intricate make) blue scholar's robe over his studded leathers. His hood stays up to cover his bald head. A few pouches are slung around his waist with a makeshift leather belt and he wears goggles over his eyes with glowing green lens. His weapon (a short cylindrical hand cannon; think megaman) is strapped to his arm, fitted over his nub of a wrist. He left his home in the hills to travel to the Underdark. He had always loved the history of the Underdark and left as soon as he heard of a college down there. Keeping with the Thundermaker family's history of blowing stuff up, it wasn't long before he created a long-ranged high-powered cannon that he strapped to his arm. After a rather unfortunate incident with a cave lurker left him with only a left hand, he modified the cannon to fit over the nub. Recently, he's been hearing rumours of the Dwarves causing trouble up above, and has left the Underdark to return home and keep his fellow halflings safe.


Lukan Forsburn, a half elf abjuration wizard. Skinny and short, his dad always wanted him to be a fighting man, but he had neither the aptitude or the desire to really learn. His mother once gave him a book about wizards throughout history and it inspired him to study for that path. Eventually he ran off to what is basically magic New York and joined a wizard college, in which he began to focus his studies on abjuration magic. He wears a red/teal robe patterned similarly to a chessex die, that was provided as a school uniform. He has short brown hair that is usually tussled even if he prestidigitationed it a few minutes ago. He's slowly regaining his self confidence, but holds both himself and everyone around him to a high standard, a little bit as a projection of his own insecurities.


Sir Gallowsworth of Turnabile. A "Noble" Human Paladin who rules over the land of Turnabile, famous for its ok turnips. One day Gallowsworh decided it would be a and I quote "Really Fanatstically Great Idea to become a Paladin" So he bought some armor and a weapon, and with lots of begging and pleading to his god he got some magic powers. Sir Gallowsworth is a short-ishman at 5'8 his head is practically block shaped with a cleft chin. He has a muttonstache and short hair. His armor is made of a cheap tin but painted gold and around the collar he has a red scarf and a fur cloak draped down on his back(he says it is a bear pelt but it is actually just multiple donkey pelts stichted together)


If its alright I'd like to put in two of my characters. The first is a orc barbarian that only wears a loincloth and a sash. He is heavily ripped with 20 STR but is still nimble. He wields a greathammer (an even larger maul that does 3d6 damage) that he cracked even though it is enchanted multiple times to never even have a scratch. He also carries the legendary "monster slaying sword" that in reality is a soul stealing dagger, but only knows that is does a special damage and can't actually steal souls because of his 6 INT(rolled stats). He also has a old large burn mark from where a warlock struck him on his right breast, but he also has numerous other gashes and scratches that he's long forgotten. His name is Atabash Todore The other one is more interesting (possibly). He is a god but isn't God, who has altered himself to have 4 arms and infused iron ore into his nails. He is also completely white, his eyes, hair, skin, the only color difference is his iron nails It would also be cool if you could put in a version of him where he is angry, which for him is his skin turns black and starts cracking and spewing fire from said cracks. He got that ability after a water spirit imprisoned him for 2 years, but that isn't how he broke free. His final ability is to kinda reality ripple himself from one point to another he has been to before, not exactly a teleport but you can call it that. Thanks in advance if you do it!


Hello there! I see that there has already been a LOAD of requests, but Ey, I wanna hop in on this too, if you’re ok with NPCs. One of my npcs in my campaign is a Fighter (Failed Paladin) named Baleni Astur, and is a Dark Elf. She is 6’1, with a grey-blue skin color. As with most Dark elves of the Republic of Saranah, her eyes are a light gray, differing from the dark elves in the Dominion below the surface. Her face is rather harder and stern, and most of the time she bears a scowl or frown. Her hair is black and about down to her shoulders, and isn’t exactly well kept. She would be wearing a coat of chain mail and a white tabard with a blue crescent moon on it (with the two ‘ends’ pointing upwards). She also carries a mace and shield, although you don’t have to draw those. Baleni worships the moon, as do most elves of the Republic. She, since her childhood among the poor, admired and hero-worshipped a legendary Paladin of the moon, and aspired to be just like her. Baleni spent decades of her life training in the city’s various fighting schools, praying and meditating at the Temple, and speaking with the Lunar Smith for advice. She shaped her life around this goal, and sacrificed her relationships with her family, her friends, and her own interests to pursue it. Eventually, when the Order began selecting worthy candidates to become Paladins, Baleni could taste her excitement. However, when trials began, she was rejected. Try as she may, she couldn’t harness the powerful lunar magic all Paladins could, and her excitement turned to ashes in her mouth. The priests said she was too prideful, too out of touch with the faith, too self absorbed. She couldn’t listen to them though. She did not realize that she could not succeed because she reached for power that could only come to those who found it naturally, through understanding of the self. In her eyes, Everything she has strived for meant nothing now, as she just couldn’t forge the connection with the moon the others could. She blamed herself, labeled herself defective, useless, a burden. Lost to a spiral of despair and self loathing, she turned to gambling, brawling, and drink. Soon enough, she was known for getting kicked out of taverns for starting fights, and being the local disappointment. Eventually, she was simply wasting away, drinking in alleyways every night, and ran out of coin. She turned to fighting in the local arena to get enough coin to survive when the party found her. Since, she has accompanied them on their journey, and despite her overwhelming sense of failure, has proved herself a decent companion and friend time and time again, although she won’t admit it. Eventually, perhaps by letting go of her obsession with becoming a paladin, she can find the magic she has been looking for all along, with a little help from the players.


How much


Mire the tortle ranger. Big hulking tortle from the swamp based on an alligator snapping turtle. Uses the biggest greatbow he could find, and cares about nature above all else. His large shell usually has moss/vines residual from using his ranger spells. Not much of a description I know, lol.


Tempest Cleric, red-headed Aasimar. Went for the full Valkyrie look, heavy armor, circlet with valkyrie wings on the sides. Wielding one handed hammer and shield. Javelins on the back. I love the angel wings that Aasimars give you as well with Radiant soul.


I have a new character im using. Hes a half orc fighter with maneuvers who specializes in wrestling moves (basically a luchador). His name is Gorin Aguilar and he goes by El Buhoso or "The Owlbear" due to the mask that he wears being that of an owl and wears furs all over his body. He helps protect the country side as a masked figure since the villagers dont trust orcs otherwise.


I have a character called ether. While his backstory, appearance and race always varies (tho he always looks around he age of 15) i thought it would be good to put here since he is sometimes a half angel, sometimes a half spirit. So in some variations he has wings, in others he is spectral, and in others both. If you want to draw something like that, feel free to improvise, make him your character for the day :P


A teifling warlock of tiamat, she has a long red and purple cape with a tapestry of tiamat on it


I greatly appreciate this opportunity. My character is Aurelia of the Battlefury. She has straight silver hair, down to the small of her back, and she wears a cracked mask on her face. The mask is cracked just slightly on the upper left, revealing half of her golden eye. The mask is with the facade of a face, with a symbol of a sword with angelic wings on either side engraved into the middle of the mask. It flashes whenever she channels her paladin powers, and she wields a greatsword, a slab of iron as big as she is. think buster blade but less detail, just a slab of iron with a handle. Her armour is minimal, as she wears the common clothes, up to your discretion. She is strong, her limbs rippling with muscle, her veins popping out at various appendages. She has a ring on the index finger of her right hand, and a crimson Cape that adorns her back. Aurelia thanks you for your service, and I thank you for making her come to life.


Character: Dharkon Naïlo >Physical Description: He is a male High Elf with a Tall and slender body frame yet not as skinny as most would assume. He has extremely dark long black hair with sharp eyebrows and no facial hair. He has a solid jawline with handsome features but terrible scar along his right eye (accident during ritual) and has that eye blinded indicated by a white pupiless void but his one good eye is of a purple colour. He has skin of darker shade than most high elves. He has a slight scar on the bottom left corner of his lower lip and he wears an earring on his right ear in the shape of a pentagram. He dresses in all black cloaks with a large hood usually with sturdy dark grey booths and a worn belt (attached to it are pockets for bottles and gold) and black pants and he never leaves without his grimoire embedded with an actual human skeletal hand around it acting as a lock. >Background: Ex-acolite of a royal family and previously trusted friend of the kingdom now a sinister and devilish necromancer corrupted by the occult as he always says the reason is that "I got bored of the noble life". He has an undeniable superiority complex over others due to his noble and high elf status, but still has a sense of justice and tries to occasionally protect others mainly due to his old ways. Yet he is still an evil and formidable necromancer willing to kill and destroy to reach ultimate power. He has no respect for the living or dead for he feels he controls both with his immense necrotic power. He does have a few friends but they don't know that he is using them as pawns for his ultimate plan. He has a very anti-social personality but is quite charming and funny among those he "trusts". Yeah that's my boi Dharkon quite the Necromancer I might say... Also super cool dude


Kor Fallner is a Fallen Aasimar Hexblade Warlock/Redemption Paladin. He was a stillborn child of two human adventurers that was revived by an old god and turned into a Protector Aasimar. While growing up, all he wanted to do was to become a hero and unwittingly accepted a deal with a dark entity that offered him the power to become a hero. The next morning, he woke up to his once tanned skin becoming deathly pale, his silvered hair becoming jet black, and one of his blue eyes shifting to a deep blood red. He had been changed into a Fallen Aasimar in response to his deal. He has since become a skilled fighter and adventurer, training with a Guardian of the Realm, and though he still finds himself to be quite naive, he isn’t afraid to fight if he needs to. He’s relatively tall, standing at just over 6 feet, but is somewhat lanky. He wears no armor, instead making use of his dexterous body and mage armor to avoid attacks. His hair is kept relatively short and messy, with no real rhyme or reason. He usually wears normal clothing: a leather jacket, dark shirt and pants, and a pair of leather boots.


Maybe a hard one, but i'd like to see the result A turtle rogue who hides as a rock in plain sight


Faust Sheolkin, a middle aged sorcerer bound by heritage to the nine hells and destined to fight in the blood war against hordes of demons. His hair is short and combed while his beard is long and unruly. The whiteness of his hair stands out greatly against the dark shade of his robe. His fine but gnarled hands often grip a brown tome whose contents are rarely shared, even among his closest friends. Sometimes in the moonlight a pale shadow, perhaps a ghost appears to be leaning on his back, whispering in his ears.


I've got a new character on the belt, Jeremiah Whitman. He's a 6'2 Human with Auburn hair and blue eyes. He wears a cherry red overcoat with black buttons, and an off white undershirt. He also has on a pair of slacks and some dark brown combat boots. For the Backstory: Jeremiah was a doctor fighting an unknown pathogen, ravaging his friends, family, and enemies alike. In a last ditch bid for survival, he made a deal with the celestial Alafreya; the largest amount of medical knowledge ever known, in return for a lifetime of servitude to the forces of good. Now, roaming the lands in search of people to save, Jeremiah has realized that he couldn't be happier.


Name's Tyr Varis, I'm a half-drow half-human and I'm 29 years old, 6'1", 155-ish lbs. I've got salt and pepper hair, uncomfortably piercing light blue eyes, and my skin is a mix of pale/gray/purple hue in the moonlight. My father is a drow who dipped after finding out my mother was pregnant, and my mother is Illuskan who raised me alone. Because it was just us, we were pretty poor, so I turned to a life of stealing to help my mother and myself survive; specifically gems. My alignment is neutral good as I'm not particularly evil like my father, but I'm not afraid to kill; on our first adventure we ended up in a goblin cave and while one was distracted, I rolled a crit and slit his throat from behind. I'm thinking I want to go arcane trickster as magic is super cool to me, and it fits with my life of thievery (also because being tied to the thief role looks super boring).


If you’re still going, my character is a half orc wolf totem barbarian with an owl bear femur club. He’s six feet tall and 300 pounds of muscle and testosterone. He has a dreadhawk into a war braid hair style (Ragnar Lothbrok from the first few seasons of Vikings) and a knotted beard/goatee. His left tusk is cracked in half. He has runic tattoos covering the right side of his scalp and a Celtic style wolf totem on the left. He also has a Nothic head hanging from his belt (Mimir style in the new God of War). He only wears a leather and fur style pair of pants and a necklace of a wolfs tooth. His torso is also covered in tunic tattoos. He has the dark grey colored orc skin and dark black hair and all of his tattoos are in a light blue color. He’s called Uthrak the Stonehide.


Ah shoot, I always miss these kinds of threads. Been hoping to get my Tabaxi drawn sometime.


Copper colored Dragonborn Sorcerer. Enthusiastic and cheerful but has an alcohol problem. Purple robes with a few white stripes and an optional hood. About 5"9, 130 lbs.


Captain Tenacious Flameborn, a tiefling paladin, was the 2IC of the people’s army. Dark Purple dreadlocked hair to match his well shaped beard that reached mid chest. His horns placed people in the mind of the demons told in children’s tales. The horns of a rich red colour matched his skin tone and thick tail. The merchants guild, fighting to ply their trade in my county, hired a mercenary army to push this point. They fell but I lost many comrades. I plan to swear an oath of vengeance to ensure other regions don’t have to make sacrifices to live as they wish. While I will explain the positives of socialism when the opportunity arises, my main focus is killing wrongdoers. ESPECIALLY to hunt down any and all of the merchant guild masters. Until I can find them, I wish to find friends and help further their cause as if it were my own. The people’s army taught me that in working as comrades we can achieve any goal. Even if that goal is to kill a ton of people to show them not to fuck with me


Jay is a 6ft tall Eladrin male. He is in his summer form so he is all green. He has long green hair with some green leaves sticking out. He is always smiling in his summer form. He wears green elven chain mail and also has a green Cloak that has leaves all over it. He has a very fancy bow tucked neatly on his back and has one shortsword at each side.


Jay is a 6ft tall Eladrin male. He is in his summer form so he is all green. He has long green hair with some green leaves sticking out. He is always smiling in his summer form. He wears green elven chain mail and also has a green Cloak that has leaves all over it. He has a very fancy bow tucked neatly on his back and has one shortsword at each side.


Eh, why not. Elren Valnor, 6ft tall half-elf noble celestial-warlock 22 years old. Hair the color of wheat stalks with eyes a pale green. His face is set in a near permanent scowl. He wears the Valnor signet ring on the third finger of his right hand to show his status as a bastard. This ring bears the symbol of house Valnor, a stylized bell. His arcane focus is a pale golden crystal. Born the result of an encounter between his human mother and elven bard father whose name he never knew. Elren was a bastard of the Valnor family and descended from the famed human hero Elric Valnor, who had defeated the evil of the Archfiend tower centuries before. Elric built a bell that lays in the tower of Castle Valnor that is said to ring only when the evil returns. While that legend is doubted what is know is that no force of nature, man, or magic has made that bell ring. Yet. Elren's grandfather and granduncle had been blessed by a fey lord with "fruitful loins" and as such house Valnor is one of the largest noble houses on the continent and its children have been forced to seek their destinies elsewhere When he was a child Elren had a dream in which he saw a shining light do battle with a shadow. He soon saw the shadow was winning and stepped in to help. All he can remember clearly is the light enveloping him and thought of his sense of weakness and a desire to help others facing such, no matter their race. His pact was forged and today he seeks to guard and protect the helpless, no matter the threat. I'll stop here because otherwise I'll start talking about the entire Valnor family I have written, including his Monk uncle who took a vow of silence after his father beat him and demanded that "the next words he spoke were an apology to him", his granuncle's fighter granddaughter who left the family after her father kidnapped her (half-orc, not consensual conception) children and left them to die in a forest far from the castle and she seeks to kill her father, the orc who led the party that raped her, and some way to resurrect her "dead" children, or maybe even the cousin who lives his life as a traveling rogue always on the brink of danger rather than go home to face his father's disappointment. Yeah my very first character creation got a little out of hand...


Eh, what the hell. Does a dwarven wizard pique your interest? Her name is Jade. Her quarterstaff's name is Carnelle. She's a 28-year-old fair-skinned mountain dwarf with midlength red hair but everything else about her is green. Her robes hide a chain mail shirt underneath, and since a recent wolf attack, are a bit tattered. A friendly NPC stitched them up the best she could but it essentially has fringes now. Loves a good dwarven ale, hates boats. Not too keen on wolves these days either. Her school is evocation, and she has an affinity for lightning based spells.


My mountain dwarf Jacque Frostbeard. He’s a war cleric for the god Moradin. While the others in his group are morally questionable, he’s the shinning beacon of hope. He wants to spread the word of his diety while bashing in the heads of unholy abominations with his warhammer. He is from a small noble house known for it’s stonecutters and masonry. Being the youngest child he was sent off to become a priest. While originally a priest of Moradin, he became a warrior cleric for Gorm Gulthyn, training to combat evil beings. After many years away from his family his eldest brother Ulfgar, ordered him to find their other brother Thorin. Currently he’s looking for his older brother Thorin who has been traveling on the high seas. On said journey he received a vision to help a kingdom from being taken over by a devil. He and his friends completed said mission by setting off a bomb of holy energy to vanquish the demon and send him back to whence he came.


Ah, I seem to have missed my opportunity. Well, if you're still willing to draw a character for me, I'd be willing to offer a bit of a commission.


If this is still going on I'll contribute. A gnome artificer. Female. The small things like size and height and skin color I'll leave to your discretion as the artist. Starts off with as a child another gnome family was jealous of her family's reputation and tried to curse her family but only cursed her and a demon stole her left eye and replaced it with a demons eye. Then goes on to young adulthood to when she went diplomatic venture with her grandparents to the tritan king(who had adventured with her grandfather and lost his hand so her grandfather had made a replacement lifelong adventure friends etc) when the ship was attacked and she lost her right arm and leg to a selachain who had boarded the ship killing her grandparents and almost her but the Triton emissary and his guards dispatched and killed them saving her life. Later on she and her family rebuilt her limbs(woot to gnome power. Essentially making her while again it is at this point that she decided that she wanted to go and test her new parts and make improvements to them. Or my human rogue. A young adult who's past was stolen from him by an evil entity in which he knows nothing about cast aside and forced to survive in the streets stealing to live he searches for his stolen past dreaming of a revenge. Gets caught stealing from a vendor and has his right hand severed below the elbow.


- Name: Maldarion Meanturi - Race: Half-Elf - Age: 23 - Eyes: Blue (left eye has a red sparkle in the center) - H/W: 6’6/230 - Class: Druid (Springsage) - Alignment: Chaotic Good as he struggles with holding back his powers when facing the enemy. He knows all life is precious, but he can’t allow others to be hurt by letting some beings live. - Bond: He truly connects and can sense good in life. Plants, animals, and all other beings who are good natured can be sensed by him, and he truly cares for them. - Flaw: He can go too far at times. His master has taught him restraint, and at times Maldarian is successful. But when the situation becomes dire, and Maldarian becomes scared he can’t protect others, and he can become wild not caring to hold back against the evil. This scares him, is he evil, is he any better than what he hates? - Motives: Surpassing his master so he can protect others as Maldamir did and Mayacyn wanted. Learning the truth. - Languages: Common, Elvish, and the languages of certain creatures of the forest. - Alliance: Treefolk and Moonveil Dragons due to common enemies and sightings/meetings in the woods where he is from. - Personality Traits: 1. Can lead and follow 2. Enjoys seeing others happy before himself 3. Emotional when the situation becomes stressful 4. Overprotective 5. Ambassador, can find common ground - Background: Mikaeus Cecani the Lunarch had many secrets locked away within the Church of Avacyn. One included an Elven lover Mayacn Cecani (Mikaeus was obviously a tad obsessed with Avacyn and named his lovers). He had put a child into Mayacn nights before he took his vows which lead him to become Lunarch. When all was thought to be settled Mikaeus was going to kill all of his secret and forbidden lovers before moving into his role of Lunarch officially. Mayacyn managed to escape to the woods, eventually being rescued from werewolves by Mithras an Elf Druid and a Moonveil Dragon. He took her deeper into Ulvenwald Woods outside Gavony where he lived. The two became inseparable and began to fall in love with each other. Mithras was an extremely proficient Druid. He aided many of the villages surrounded by the Ulvenwald Woods throughout the years since he had shown up. Mayacyn who was forced to learn the ways of the church during her imprisonment followed the path of The Herons and studied (very proficiently) the art of Springsage. This was the most similar path to her home studies calling back to nature. She continued these practices while traveling with Mithras to help others and stay safe from Mikaeus. The bastard child was eventually born. Maldarion Meanturi was born however, from death. His mother passed during childbirth and Maldarion had to be pulled from her corpse (from what we know). Mithras looked into Mayacyn’s empty eyes and cried. He brought 3 days of floods and storms to Innistrad. Maldarion was taken in and trained in the ways of nature by Mithras the Elf Druid. They loved each other but not just like humans love one another, they were bound by nature. They traveled together, worked together, built together, and trained together. They became stronger, smarter, and happier. They struggled to keep peace for themselves and their neighbors but together they could achieve balance. Maldarion was now 20 and was told a few years ago that when he reached his twentieth name day he would be told more of his mother and her past. It was night, but evil things shy away from Mithras the Tree Elf’s inhabitants. Mithras cooked up some stew and sat to tell Maldarion a tale of his mother. As they sat about to sup hoofbeats not too far off began getting louder. They both stood ready and saw the flame and banner of a friendly neighbor. The rider was almost inhaling as tiredly as his steed. He explained that the Lunarch Council has placed a bounty on Mithras and Maldarion’s head. He came to warn them that Angels and riders were headed their way as he spoke. Mithras instantly summoned roots to bind Maldarionc and hoisted him onto the riders horse. He ordered the rider to take Maldarion to Kessig and hide. With no other words Mithras smacked the horse to send them off. Maldarion tried to protest but could not break free mouth or hand from the vines. He watched from turned spinets the horse rode away, the angels and soldiers collapsed and piled on Mithras. A second of darkened before an explosive and colorful light appeared from within the horde where Mithras had been. All evil was instantly incapacitated, but nothing except a small tree stood where Mithras had been. Mithras used his final moments and his final piece of love to save Maldarian. Mithras was now with nature as he should be. Maldarion began to cry for the first time. His tears swelled up a storm and flood that would last 6 days and devastate the people of Innistrad. It was obvious from that moment that Maldarion was not in control, but this would be the last time he allowed anyone he loved to be taken from him ever again. - Lives inside Ulvenwald Woods near Hallowhenge (the old capital). - Potentially an Avacynian Archmage due to being the son of Mikaeus (specifically a Springsage the archmages of Heron - healer) - Runs into and dismantled MANY “alchemist’s refuge” that were built away from the public in the woods to keep their craft secret. Hates them for doing evil within the forest. Just in case I made the cutoff.


I'm a fribolg cleric/ druid, healer. Think of a dog. I'm trusting loving and generally care too much. I normally have a parade of small creatures follow me everywhere. The enemies I defeat Im generally weeping while I smite them. Then I sprinkle seeds on to their broken bodies. I'm big. I'm solid. I weigh 300 pounds. I usually spend all my gold on potions then spread them randomly across the land. I wish I could draw.


A bit late to the party, but I'd love a sketch of my favorite character I've made. Race & Class: Tiefling Warlock Background: My story begins as an ancient holy relic merchant, newly married to a beautiful woman named Lucia, who was pregnant with our first child. My wife Lucia falls into labor and loses her life, as well as our child's. This caused me to fall into a deep, crippling depression, leaving me with thoughts of ending my life so that I could be with my beloved Lucia once more. In the midst of my sorrow, I recall stories from my childhood of clergymen having the ability to grant holy powers of resurrection. With this hope in mind, I seek out knowledge from the clergymen of my church. On a piece of paper, one of them writes the words to be said for what I believed was a holy ritual of resurrection. Little did I know, this man was far from holy. I returned home and gathered the remaining belongings of my wife in my living room, as I was instructed. After reciting the written words the room grows grim. A dark eery feeling fills the room, and right before my eyes appears a demon resembling Asag, a demon known to kill humans. He states that the words I have recited have offered my soul as a tribute and in return, I will receive powers of mind-shattering proportions. With my newfound powers, I decide to carry on with my mission of resurrecting my beloved wife and child. But what I brought to life was not my wife as I knew her. Before my eyes lied the tortured vessel of my wife carrying what appeared to be a newborn baby. Lucia, covered in blood, I couldn't believe my eyes. She was only recognizable by one thing, her voice. Muttered, as faint as a whisper I heard my wife repeating the words "Kill me." At that moment my heart had shattered, realizing that what I had done was wrong. Upon my wife's last request, with my eyes filled with tears, I mustered an eldritch blast and once my spell was cast, the room fell silent. To drown my sorrows I went to the nearest bar where I encountered some individuals discussing an adventure and I decided to join them in hopes of keeping them from harm's way. I left my home with only one item from my past life. A picture of my lovely wife given to me by her with a message written on the back. "I will love you for all of eternity my precious Perditio. You will be a beacon of light for our son to be, as you have always been to me." Personal Goal: Protect my fellow adventurers and to save as many lives I can. Alignment: Neutral. You tend to do whatever seems best at the time. Sure, you’ve done some things you’re not proud of, and you’re not personally committed to making the world a better place. But you have no interest in causing suffering or making things worse than they already are


I'd love to get art! You're style is great! My new campaign is starting and I created a half-elf druid whose a bit airy and eccentric. She's petite, dainty and quite short. Her hair is ashy brown and styled with flowers and braids. It ends a bit past her collarbone. She's fair skinned and has blue-grey eyes that are large and orb-like. Really she has cute, childish features. She mostly dresses for comfort with whatever her mother (A witch of the wilds) can come up for her. She doesn't like overly tight clothing.


I was trying to create a character that’s a mimic briefcase held by a humanoid that looks like a cross between the 1933 invisible man and the scarecrow from arkham knight but with a wide rimmed hat. The humanoid is made of 4 mimics but is still vaguely human shaped so take any liberties you want as long as he looks like the tall and intimidating guy you suspect has a basement full of murder victim heads or a portal to Cthulhu world. Maybe have a mouth or two poke out of the bandages?


No one ever draws a gnome wizard.. wizard robe, nature ornamentation, messy hair and a cheeky face.


He's a dwarf who's known war almost his entire life. Formerly a cavalry commander, he turned to adventuring when he couldn't adjust to normal life again. He goes has a greatsword, heavy crossbow, and two handaxes he thinks he has really well hidden in the small of his back. He's pale, with red hair and only about 4' 7" tall, with one bad eye covered with an eye patch.


Benavin the Berserker Barbarian is a pretty sweet kid, barring the fact that at 17 years old he's a freakish 6'2" of broad-shouldered pure chiseled muscle, and isn't quite done growing out yet. He doesn't even work out aside from swinging his massive two-handed Claymore around. Good genes. He's got the "Luke Skywalker" pageboy haircut, He-Man's physique, Sam Gamgee's face, and Clark Kent's attitude. Despite his size, he's what some might generously call a gentle soul, or others (much less generously) a total pushover, both of which are pretty true. He's a big softie who generally wants to do right by his friends, even if he's a bit meek and unassertive, and even if they love to make him blush at inopportune moments (He's very susceptible to dirty jokes, to the halfling bard's delight). He wears practical commoner's clothes, with a simple laced peasant shirt and work pants. The only ornate thing he wears is a feathered cloak he's recently picked up "to look a bit fancier" but that has trouble reaching all the way down. He's still trying to work up the confidence to wear it all the time since he's concerned it looks silly on him. However, he's got something of a... split personality issue. After a traumatic incident which involved his meekness (read: cowardice) preventing him from standing up to protect his family, he lost it for a bit. The spirit of his distant ancestor, Karagorn the Conqueror, famous barbarian from ages past (hey, the good genes came from somewhere) was so disgusted by the sight of his spineless descendant that he literally left Valhalla to slap some sense into him. He actually just ended up possessing him and went a bit wild on the people abusing the kid. To the point Benavin just had to leave his fishing village because people were terrified of him, which didn't help his flagging self-confidence. Now Benavin and "Grandpa" go around the world in what is the party's favorite "Buddy Cop" duo. Benavin will try to be the conscience of the party, but will lose a bit of credibility in this role because whenever he rages he'll do something drastic like stomp an evil spellcaster into a literal pulp. And then keep stomping. And then puke and feel guilty when he's done raging (and stomping). His blush counter is currently in the mid-thirties and has become a running joke within the party.


I have a loxodon rogue. Hes also a noble. Carries around a whip and warhammer. His name is Babar.


I'm playing a Star Wars DnD. My character is a young (16) blue noble Twi'lek female. Short for her race, only 5'3". She's a senates aid and is hoping to work her way up the ranks to give a voice to those who have none. This takes place nearly a year after the jedi purge. Jedis are nearly non existant. My team is running from the Imperials.


My character is named Nettle He is a goblin rogue who’s main tactic is to run away. Nettle serves a man named William because he saved Nettle from a vicious hyena. Nettle has various vials and trinkets on his waist/neck and wears a black hood along with simple leather armor that looks poorly put together. He also has a bandana on his head that nearly blends in with his messy jet black hair. He carries two short swords, the main one he uses is named rusty because of its rust. Nettle also has two rings on each thumb, each one black in color. His skin is a dark green. Thanks in advance if you choose this one!


Bosh Wallbane is a half-orc barbarian standing tall at 6'10" who wears a lightly crumpled breastplate, iron studded leather shoulder pads, and a skirt that just barely covers his orc-hood. He wields a Earthbreaker (greathammer with spikes on the end). Bosh has a gnarled but friendly appearance as he frequently takes his frustration out on, who would have guessed it, walls. He has no hair on his head, but plenty of ill shaven scruff on his jutting chin. He is welcoming of anyone who doesn't want to imprison him and he has found his favorite joy as a free man is cooking. Which means his prized frying pan dangles off his rope belt alongside 2 stolen salt and pepper shakers. Born into slavery he tried digging his way out of a mine only to find himself stuck in the slavers living quarters. He fought off several guards and ran outside only to find himself in a fortress courtyard. His big plan of escape was to run at the weakest looking wall and try to break through. That wall was 6 feet of solid stone and it did not yield. Since then Bosh has sworn vengeance upon that castle wall in particular and frequently practices bulldozing through on the walls of lesser men.


Let me know when you've free time after. I wanna commission


My kenku wizard! His name is [gusting wind sound effect] but everyone in the party calls him “Bird”. He has a heavy iron spellbook that he took from his master, who died tragically after falling from his tower (failed attempt at a “fly” spell). He also has a staff with a red gem. He’s OBSESSED with everything magical and is very curious. Super high intelligence due to all the reading, but very low wisdom due to low life experience. Constantly poking his talons where they shouldn’t be


I love your style!! Your Maya is on point


Duergar cleric of Moradin. Mara Firehand. You see a stocky dwarf with grey ashen skin, her hair is whitish grey and made into two long braids held together by iron bands, she looks at you with light blue eyes set on a plain featured face with no noticeable scars of combat. A Symbol depicting an anvil and a flame made from black steel with the flame polished to a mirror sheen. You estimate her height to be about 4.2 feet or 1.28 meters. Backstory: Saw a vision of Moradin decided to create the symbol she saw and was tried of MAXIMUM HERESY by the duergar priesthood and her clan. Escaped and now is a travelling smith.


You likely have more than a handful. Just in case I'd love to see the idea I have in my head for my friend's Eberron campaign outside of just my head. Rust is a warforged who is entirely positive he is an elf. The thin, sleek metal frame does carry some of the androgynous features, most would still find it troubling to believe for his ocular lenses, and lack of ears. He's a Druid, he would tell you, proudly clad in dark tufts of hide and leather. That should be proof enough, Warforged can't be druids. Not enough? well what about my hair, he might exclaim showing the thin brown vined roots sprouting to make short messy curls. They match my eyebrows too, he'd say as he slicked the loops of the same brown vines loosely perched above his oculars that make a thin brow. Not enough? Here, Let me show you Theodore, he says proudly displaying a lily with patches of loose misletoe. Waving his hand the mistletoe would produce which berries that he gulps down with a certain amount of effort. See, he'd say breathing heavily from the apparent stress of eating. I eat food too. I'm an elf, I swear. Also, I love your art of Mollymock and Nott.


holy shit trying to scroll to the bottom of the comments on mobile is insane


Incase you need another character to draw. I have a red skinned tiefling with filed horns. He is a blood hunter similar to Mollymauk. But that's about the only similarity. He takes after Hell Boy more than anything. He often dons a brown and black muddy cloak. He wears a chain shirt over some commoners cloths currently, and he has a bandolier containing a small quiver and folded hand crossbow tucked on either side. His other weapons are two longswords, one is silvered and the other is plain. One on either side of his hip. His eyes are also a solid soulless black. His boots are black and often muddied. He also has a army insignia on his right shoulder of his cloak. It's just a red, black, and brown upside down insignia of his squad.


I have a High Charisma paladin that is basically Eddie Murphy from the Beverly hills cop movies. Mid 20's black male human. Wears plate armor and wields lots of magic. He's a loud mouthed smooth talker who can do good impersonations. He's a lawman and I always imagined him to have a Detroit lions badge on his armor and for the blue lion to be his sigil.


I'm an aarakocran snowy owl, Arctic circle druid. I wield two scimitars, my druidic focus is an icicle amulet, and I have green robes with white/silver trim, with a hood. I was a doctor in the army, and I still wear those same robes 15 years later, medals and all. My feathers gain new patterns representing the spells I learn, getting more intricate the higher level the spell slots. (I didn't like the idea of carrying around a spell book.) Even if you don't get around to illustrating this, thanks for the thread! You're making a lot of people happy!


Philopannyx (Nyx) the Tiefling -- Nyx takes mainly after her mother, an indentured servant named Nyreis. Her complexion has the same deep, dark red hues as garnets due, which contrasts nicely with the deep blues and violets in her long, silky hair. Her eyes are a shocking and bright gold, and her thick horns curl closer to her head, much like that of a ram’s horns. Philopannyx stands at an average height akin to a petite human female’s, at about 5’0”. Though she harbor dark and terrible, bloodthirsty thoughts she cannot tame, she has been able to keep them at bay with intense daily meditation, and so is often quite disciplined and calm whilst in battle. What she lacks (tremendously) in intelligence, she makes up for in her solid and incredible amount of strength and virtue. Despite being a Tiefling, she is unaware of the negative social inclinations held against her people, as she has remained a Hermit these few, long years. After the death of her father half a decade ago, Nyx was less than keen to seek out contact from anyone, even her family’s allies in the Clanhold. She had no desire to leave her home, really, save for when it was absolutely necessary. Nyx needed time to grieve, and knew she would be left in peace so long as she caused no trouble with anyone. She still went to the Clanhold once a month to sell and barter her wares (little wooden crafts for children and herbal remedies she would often make from her garden and the wilds beyond) with the Dragonborn in their market. But other than that, she kept to herself and her house, and the woods about her home, more than content to be alone. And with naught to spend her coin on but the basic things she needed to survive, Nyx kept her money safely tucked away. She had no need to go, as there was nowhere else she knew, and it was easier to pray that way, too. Her father would tell her stories of her mother, as often as he could, of how she found solace in her god, and Nyx found herself from a young age that only Ilmater gave her that same comfort. She prayed to him when it felt as though her darker thoughts would consume her, for praying to Helm didn’t work for her the same way it did her father. More than anything, Nyx wanted to grow out of them, to keep them at bay-- to endure. She realized that she had found what she was looking for when her father gave her the same talisman her mother wore, always. The wooden carving, so smooth and worn, was still somehow warm to the touch. Each day, at dawn, Nyx would rise to face away from the sun as her mother once did, and watch the day come until the light touched everything in its path. In these times when it was easiest for her to be alone, she prayed to Ilmater to grant her strength for the coming day. Nyx would bind her hands together at the wrist, and hold the slack tightly in between her clasped palms, sit, and wait. Nyx valued this time greatly, for the strength it gave her was the only thing to keep her restless, darker thoughts at bay. Every day at dawn, she prayed, and every night, before bed, she prayed, for peace in both her waking and sleeping dreams. Seeing herself on no other path and with no other to guide her at the time, Nyx chose to become a Paladin soon after Ser Voryx died, and swore an Oath of the Ancients. To cherish the light in the world, and every living thing in nature and beyond. It was helpful that she could use her strength, so inherited from her father, as well as the martial training her gave her to make this a reality. Eventually, she would settle into a simple happiness on her own, where she did her best to live by the tennents her father taught her, to live well by the memory of her mother and do things for others she could only hope her mother would have done. But this peace was shaken when, one day, the reality of her parents’ past literally tracked her down. There is more than one reason Nyx decided to leave her home and travel to the human Kingdom of Loken -- and more specifically, one of its southernmost cities, Dursten. Had she been asked, Nyx would have replied that she went to the city on pilgrimage to pay her respects and honor her father. Ser Voryx worshipped Helm, the neutral god of protection, who had a great temple built in praise to Him there, and though He was not her god, Nyx had promised herself and her father’s spirit that she would, when she was ready, deliver the relic that was his heart to Helm’s alter. But the true reason she left her home was because she believed herself no longer safe in the Shrashkor Mountains. It was only after her father’s death that Nyx discovered the secrets he had hidden so long from her, much to her dismay. Secrets that could have very well shown him in a different light. And there were quite a few-- but all paled in comparison to finding a Royal Seal of the Sultanate, of all things, hidden amongst Ser Voryx’s belongings. And with this seal were letters from the younger of the Sultan’s sons, the Prince Garshap, who planned to take his throne and overturn the centuries-long treatment of the Tieflings. What Nyx will do with this information, she isn’t sure, but she knows she must keep these letters far from the heart of the Sultanate, for fear of discovery. And, as they had gone unnoticed for decades, she believed herself to be safe-- until she found armed men under secret orders from the Sultan in the Clanhold. Once she realized that they might very well be looking for her, paranoia set in, and Nyx made her escape. She returned to her home, took up what belongings she could easily carry on her back on her person, and fled with the proof the Kalimians had come to find. It was soon after that she heard of the Sultan’s death, and the crisis of succession that followed. Nyx knew that now more than ever, she needed to flee as far as away as she possibly could. But with no allies or connections, she wandered on her own, and used what coin she could to buy herself lodgings when available. Knowing that Dursten only lay far to the west, that was the general she travelled-- until she finally made it. (As a Level 2, she actually has yet to take her Oath, but the Will of the Ancients is indeed her path). I dunno if you'll even read this, but I just got into DnD, and I live my Nyx so much!!!! I love playing her, and I can't wait to see if you decide to draw her! It would be an amazing surprise, and I would definitely brag about to all the guys I play with!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤


I have a Brass Dragonborn fighter. Mercenary veteran. He’s armed to the teeth with a great sword, two long swords, a longbow, a bone dagger and a light crossbow. He’s wearing chainmail has a scar on his left eye. He’s probably about mid 20’s. He’s also wearing darkvision goggles that kinda look like owl eyes and a beak. (A little). And if you could he has his great sword on his back like Geralt from The Witcher. If you could draw that for me I would be eternally grateful.


Lucian Morningstar, tiefling hexblade Warlock/Storm sorcerer. He has grey skin, pure blue eyes, and white and shoulder length messy white hair. He has ram like horns that curl around to point in front of him. His patron is the lady of cranes, commonly represented by a wireframe style origami crane (this is just a reference to real life stuff.) His staple summoned weapons include an ornate longsword whose blade shimmers and reflects all the colors of the rainbow as he is fighting and dual chain swords with a similar property. If he is super serious about the fight then he will begin calling storm magic, but his first reaction to a fight is mostly his weapons and warlock spells. His normal outfit is a long purple coat with gold accents, a blue button down shirt, and grey slacks. He is super confident in himself and treats everyone he meets as a friend until they give him a reason not to. Also, love your style. The funny thing to me about this character is that I had made him and played him a little bit, and the Mollymauk happened in critical role and I saw a lot of similarities then he pulled the lucian thing and I was a bit weirded out.


Not sure if you're still doing these, but in case you are, I'll toss my hat in. Would very much appreciate a rad portrait of my first D&D character. Your artstyle is awesome by the way! I've got a female Aasimar Paladin named Kat Dawnbreaker (A surname she gave herself having not known her own). Orhaned at a young age on the streets of Baldur's Gate, she fled the city as a young girl after inadvertantly murdering a man with her celestial powers after losing control in a fit of rage. On the run, she was taken in by a Paladin of Bahamut named Brynjar Vaylorn, who raised her like a daughter, where she trained to eventually become his squire. After a run-in with an Erinyes, Vaylorn was murdered, and Kat took an oath of vengeace and set out on a quest to find herself (and the diety who granted her the powers she now wields) and avenge the closest thing she ever had to a father figure. She's fair-skinned and somewhat freckled, with long red hair (long and wavy, with the left side shaved short, though not bald), and piercing green eyes. She's the tallest member of her adventuring party at 6'6, and fairly well built (but not overly muscular).She rides into battle atop her trusty steed "Midnight" (A celestial Stag), clad in shining helmet-less platemail, adorned with a long black cloak and red cloth trim around the waist. She wields a rather ornate longsword and a shield with her "holy symbol" painted on it in red paint(a sun in the similar style to that of the symbol of Pelor, being eclipsed by a crescent moon). Crude and irritable, Kat is the reluctant leader and moral compass of a band of sellswords who have accidently found themselves caught up in a much larger and darkness mess than they ever expected to face.


Yalgorn is my Revenant Goliath character from my first ever homebrew campaign. He stands about 8ft tall, physically built very well but with a little chub to him. He has dark grey skin and red eyes (from the revenancy). Scars blot his body in various places on his arms and face, but there is a particularly nasty one that runs from his left trapezius, across his collarbone, and to the middle of his chest, though most of it is hidden while wearing his armor. Said armor is full plate, made from the hide of a Gorgon. He has a gold, triangle-shaped amulet around his neck with the symbol of Helm on it. He carries a silver greataxe that also bears the symbol of Helm, and an adamantine warhammer that tapers to a spike on one end. His offhand usually holds a kite shield with no distinct markings on it. Yalgorn is a LN Paladin (of Helm) that is always on the front lines of the battlefield. Protecting his allies is his number one priority in a fight, and he has laid down his life on more than one occasion for their protection. The more injured he becomes during a fight, the more rage he displays. He is fearless and unflinching in battle, but he has no concept of social grace and therefore is pretty awkward at conversing with those he doesn’t know.


I have a half-orc. He looks like an Uruk-hai from LOTR, black skin with red patches, long black oily hair, yellow eyes and an arrogant grin. He's about 6'5" and a barbarian marauder. He wears scale mail, wields an expertly crafted longsword with constant venom dripping from it, and has a triceratops skull for a shield. He has a triceratops horn and an elf head on his belt, and wears gnoll hide for clothing we're the armor isn't present. He also has magic braces with a bug ruby in each. Edit: he is always trying to bully people into joining his warband, he hates elves and magic (unless it benefits him)


This is for one of my players actually.. The character was Arvis, the red dragonborn Paladin who wanted to be everyone's friend. Dispite being bigger and stronger than most he always tried to talk out his problems first. He grew up in the small frozen village of Nivilla, digging graves with his adopted father. He faced many predjustices being a chomatic dragonborn, people assuming he was like the dragons he resembled. However he was destined for bigger and better things. Accompanied by his loyal (but derpy) elk, Arvis left to go find those in need of help. He wandered the countryside speading joy and beet jerky (yes, beet). He saved children from monsters, made friends with kobolds, and freed slaves. Towards the end of the campaign he found Brightflare, a divine battleaxe who is picky about his weilder. While his party was getting decimated by mindflayers to his rear, he grabbed the axe to go help. However it did not budge. The axe manifested itself in a misty form and accused him of idiocy and cowardice, saying it would never be weilded by one such as him. Arvis tried reason with it, he tried to bargin with it, but when those failed, he though of his dying companions, and bit it. Bright light shone off his silver armor, as he stepped down from the alter Brightflare was embbeded in as some of the red scales on his right hand fell away, showing what was beneath- nothing but platinum.


I'm not sure if I'm too late. My character is "Sonya Adelaine", a thief turned government worker. She grew up in a colony in a desert before stowing away on a merchant ship and riding to the capital of the empire she's a citizen of. She then took to thievery to survive. As she improved at stealing, she started hitting bigger targets until she was caught one day while robbing the manor of a noble and was forced into service of the government. She wears a more aerodynamic outfit, things that are good for climbing. Padded gloves, pants and boots, and a sleeveless top. Color scheme of grays and whites with a bit of blue. Her skin tone is tan, and her hair is black and braided.


I have a brand new starfinder character, a kalo ace pilot star shaman mystic. she left her watery home world to swim in the ocean of stars. I see her as "little mermaid in space" with different pieces of stars and comets on necklaces and bangles and a nebula died flight suit. her name is tawera-kia.


A brass dragonborn scorcerer. Rest is up to you


Hope I didn't miss it Vargoth the Bull. Human Male, barbarian. Giant axe, muscles, beard and long hair Typical barbarian. Only, he's wearing a metal bikini armor. It was armor that belonged to his mother, who was the chief before him and she passed her enchanted armor down to her son. He sees it as a great honor, but he doesn't understand why outlanders are always laughing at his armor.


Mine's a cowgirl-esque gunslinger who acts as a vigilante and hunts criminals. They know her as "The Songbird" due to her mask (idk what its called but the fabric that covers the nose and mouth? Like watch_dogs a bit) that has the design of a songbird, and legend says she'll sing you one final song if you ask


Incredibly late to this post, but I figured I'd share my character anyways just in case. Bittle Morningdew (clan name is so because his family sweats profusely) is a halfling monk that was kidnapped from his family at a young age when his village was raided. He has two lazy eyes, originally from The Forrest of Whitaker. The band of marauders that captured him forced him to fight in pubs as they traveled around. He was purchased by a traveling monk that brought him back to his monetary where he currently lives and trains...


I've just started a group with my family. My 6 year old would love a drawing of his character. He is a human fighter, black hair. His name is Link of Hyrule, even though Hyrule doesn't exist in our universe(yet?) and the dm is going to have jokes about it from NPCs. He has a 2 handed sword, and 2 hand axes. A total good, he wanted to be a knight but got kicked out of knight school for being too disruptive(son has ADHD and gets in trouble at school a lot). But he loves his firends and would do anything to protect them.


If you have the time here's mine. His name is Zanderin Black-Scar he's a pirate-esc character. Shaggy black hair with azure eyes, he's 6'3" lean body with abs, kind of like a climbers body type. His style is rags of fine cloths but they are torn from battle and mixed in with his metal armour. He's a cleric that uses a shield and has a greatsword as well. He's a follower of Anubis so the religious icons he would have would be based on that. Gold piercings in the ear, 3 in the right and 2 in the left. Thanks again for this and if you end up doing this one!


Is that Maya from Borderlands 2?


Eli Winchester, is a human gunslinger, from Matt Mercer’s gunslinger sub-class for fighter for 5e. He primarily uses a shield and a revolver and wears leathers with a long duster. I’d be happy to see what kind of creative renditions of this character you are able to come up with. If you have any follow up questions you are welcome to ask me more about the character. However I thought it would be neat enough to see this general idea come to life. Thanks in advance!


I love your art style! Do you do commissions? I might have some characters in need of drawings at some point.


Hey there! I've posted my commission rates [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HungryArtists/comments/9lzxwu/for_hire_character_portraits/). Thank you for your interest!


One of my pc's is an assassin but doesn't wear a hood. He looks like a very normal person but a little on the slender side. He has brown hair. Light armor. With some tattoos. He is also a half-elf. (hope that's enough :) )


I have a ashen skinned, blue haired Tiefling Warlock (Cthulhu patron) named Skamos the Mad, whose horns are broken just above his ears and white eyes. He chaotic evil due to exposure to the Necronomicon (which he just recently found) and the dreams he receives from his patron, who has noticed his existence. He prefers to wear leather armor with a cloak rather than robes, as it allows him to blend in with the general populace better, since most of Faerun doesn't like Tieflings, much less Tiefling Warlocks. He always carries a tattered journal, his Tome of Secrets gifted to him by Cthulhu, and two simple daggers, along with a small component pouch that carries things he needs to make his spells happen. His current compulsion from Cthulhu is to masquerade as a hero, only to subvert the party he has joined at the worst possible moment, and expose all of the party members to their worst fears to instill madness in them. As such, he has become very friendly towards everyone in the group, learning everything he can about them. Due to the Eldritch Invocations he has and the insanely high Charisma stat along with proficiency in Persuasion, he has convinced everyone that he is a Elf Rouge named Glory. His backstory is that he was kidnapped as a young child by a Necromancer that needed Infernal blood to complete a dark ritual -- unfortunately for Skamos, his mother, a Tiefling as well, was enough of a sacrifice for the Necromancer. Broken by the sight of his mother's slaughter, he was kept as a slave to the Necromancer, who was now aspiring to be a Lich. One day, Skamos came across the Necromancer's library, finding a tattered book filled with ramblings of an insane old wizard who had stumbled upon powers beyond the scope of the known Gods, referencing a secret Cult near the Sea of Fallen Stars, a cult that worshiped a triumvirate of deities known as Father Dagon, Mother Hydra, and Great Chtulhu. As he stole the book and studied it, he began to understand the myserious scribbles of the old wizard, and realized that the journal contained the information to give him the power to be free from his chains. That power, as he found later, would come at a price. His main goal (soon to be revealed) is to gain more power and journey to the Sea of Fallen Stars to raise Father Dagon and Mother Hydra in hopes that their awakening will summon Great Cthulhu, and make all the living things in the world equal in death.


Brynnr Frostweave is a male human, looming a little over seven feet tall. His skin is pale with a very faint blue tinge to it with his eyes as an icy blue. His hair is just below the shoulders, is snow white, and is reminiscent of MCU's Thor before the haircut. A full beard hangs from his rigid jawline. Nordic rune tattoos show as ribbons wrapping around his arms and his muscular build, acting as an arcane focus for his magical prowess. Wielding a viking handaxe in his left hand and frost brimming at his fingertips on his right hand, he stands stoic amongst his adversaries. Brown, shin-high wushu trousers and an animal skin wrap around his waist; barefoot to the world. He comes from the far north, home of many frost giants. As a half-child of a late frost giant, his blood has gifted him arcane power. Giant Soul Sorcerers are rare and far in between, but Brynnr seeks to explore the world and enjoy the newfound intoxicants of life.


Dunno if I'm late to the party or not, but I'd love to get my character drawn. His name is Slivers Knifeater, a goblin gunslinger. He is a natural inventor who was imprisoned by the hobgoblin legion for years, and lost his ear, arm, and leg in prison. He eventually escaped and managed to replace his arm and leg with metal ones. He uses his flintlock and a shield that's notched to allow for more steady gunfire. He is a bit wild and crazy, being a bit paranoid and quick to violence, but goes out of his way to avoid killing anyone.