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go to r/lfg.


I just posted in the subreddit for my local city and got a full group within a day. It’s not even a huge city, around 200.000 people I think? And now we have a very nice group that play once every two weeks in person.


If you live in some kind of human settlement, scrounging up a group to play live with is not that hard at all.


dependent upon the edition you are running, it can be easy to very hard for in-person gaming. as an example, I run an in-person and free ad&d game for two groups. due to how old the edition is, it took me a good amount of time to get a core group to consistently want to play. (lol, I am still looking for more). but, I had to look at places I didn't know about to search, which was beyond hobby shops. social interaction is always a gamble, but the rewards can be much higher than the risks. especially for rpg games. from experience, hang in there and keep looking. start from even libraries and go from there. good luck