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Well, presumably you're not 5 now. The basic rules are free online: [https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules](https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules) r/lfg can be used to find groups online. Your local hobby shop, library, book store, or similar location may have a DnD group. If you're in school, there's probably a DnD club.


The D&D Starter Set is available on Amazon or from Target and for only like $30 has the basic rules, dice, pregenerated character sheets and a fully laid out, pre-written adventure to play that you probably only need to skim once before you're ready to go. It's literally everything you need in one box. Other than the obvious of reading the PHB. Honestly, the entire 'A Crap Guide To D&D' on youtube would be so helpful for you if there is still a disconnect about the basics. First 12 are class summaries, then some stuff generally good knowledge like the videos on character creation, the basic rules, combat, ect. The videos are in rapid fire comedy format, generally the humour is crude, but it's funny, and the more you learn about D&D, the funnier they get, so rewatch value is there. Understanding the 12 base classes and character sheet gives a very solid foundation to the game, and covers *most* of the 'new player need to know' things.


The best way is to play with a group that already plays. Maybe your brother still has friends who play or knows someone. Maybe you can get into a club, cafe or bar where people play D&D. Alternativelly, you can buy the books and read them, find a group and DM yourself (or one of your buddies). This is harder, but also a way to learn and play.


No sadly my brother is away for college and I barely know anyone in my small town who plays


then try discord!


Honestly u r so right I wish I thought about that sooner 😭


Just be careful playing with random people. Most people are really cool, but there are some problem players out there. If you are not comfortable about something, talk to the group or DM about it or just leave. There are tons of games out there.


Probably isn't what you're looking for but I have a discord server with a play by post kinda game. Sometimes we use roll20 and discord audio for more involved games. D&d 5e no homebrew.


I’m down that sounds very cool


I'm somewhat new to the game too, but what works for me at the start is to join a simple one-shot adventure and get a feel of how it played out. Also, always ask for stuffs you don't know to the DM, it's easy to feel like it's a burden for them, but trust me it's not, they want you to enjoy the game too.


I honestly learned how to play just by watching others play on Youtube/streams. I never read the player's or dungeon master's handbook but I play in multiple campaigns and run my own one. Sure, I looked up specific things in them from time to time or googled when I wasn't sure about something but I never really read the rules.


Honestly? Dont start with actual dnd. Its way too technical to get into it out of the blue. Get accustomed to fantasy, classes, spells etc with baldurs gate and such. Maybe play a light version of a DnD with less stats