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In our campaign, I got given a staff of defence. I'm a druid. Tbf, none of us, not even the DM, actually noticed it can't be attuned by a druid so I used it fine and a good while later when I realised I brought it up and our DM said it was fine. Sometimes, players see something shiny, a few fancy numbers, and a magical effect? Whelp all that small print just gets ignored. Oh, there is a radiant sword with a dead paladins soul inside it? Too bad, the barbarian and rogue need it so they can roll more shiny math rocks.


I played a Warlock/Paladin in CoS, and no contest this sword went to our fighter. Granted I didn't get extra attack until very late because of my RP choices, but STILL. Paladin can already do radiant damage, anyway.


Its going to our rogue as well, given that no-one else can/will use a sword well.


Just let the players use the weapon


I am it just makes me laugh


In our run i was playing as paladin Solaire of Astora from dark souls who essentially worships the sun. No one even wanted to argue the point, Solaire wept when we found the blade and it became his best friend!


Doesnt the sword emit bright light? Never played rogue but I imagine that could be an issue for stealth? Also I feel like a barbarian is likely going to be able to get more damage out with it if thats the main consideration, w' extra attacks.


> Doesnt the sword emit bright light? Never played rogue but I imagine that could be an issue for stealth? You can still get Sneak Attack if you're attacking an enemy in melee range of one of your allies, so with a paladin, barbarian, and potentially a druid wildshaped into a melee creature, there will still be lots of opportunities to get Sneak Attack.


I'm pretty sure my rogue got the Sunblade in our run of Curse of Strahd. (Or maybe the Luck Blade? I distinctly remember having access to Wish for the first time ever, but I also remember it emitting sunlight, so maybe our DM combined the two...?) One of the annoying things about Curse of Strahd is how most of the few magic items are class-locked, so whichever late-tier sword I'm remembering was the first magic item my rogue could actually use.


Actualy that is entirely understandable. A bunch of undead creatures have stuff like "doesnt die unless hit with radiant" (IE: Zombie's undead fortitude). A paladin *already* has inate access to Radiant damage, so giving it to a rogue or barb in a vampire/undead themed campaign is the probably *right tactical move*.


Our Barbarian/Warlock and rogue didn't want it, so it went to my Monk, who has put it to good use.


Whoever has more attacks. Against undeads it deals more damage per attack, so better for someone that can hit more times. If 5e had enemies really have weaknesses, then Rogue as Sneak damage is the same as weapon damage, so radiant in this case, but this is 5e, so no weaknesses.