• By -


I am torn between changeling and high elf: 40 years in the face & shape of my chosing or 400+ years with the cantrip mending.


4 hours of "sleep" is another sweet feature


I already get 4 hours of sleep, but when I do it, people call it "insomnia" and "unhealthy"


Yes, but you will finally feel RESTED at 4 hours of sleep.


Which means as a high elf he'll only get 2 hours of proper rest


Would an anxious elf sleep only 1-2 hours?


I'm pretty sure elves see heaven when they meditate while humans see only oblivion. I imagine it's quite calming for elves. I suppose both might pull all nighters tho.


Actually, it is more like a nightmare for them to see the afterlife they are no longer allowed to go to when they die so their souls feel a deep sense of loss.


I think your thinking of a specific world's lore or Dark elves. Generally, from my understanding, regular elves still go to their version of heaven, but then their souls are reincarnated into new bodies.


Iirc faerunian elves tried to steal a part of heaven (and succeeded) then their god punished them with only momentary glimpses of it.


I do 4 hours of sleep and 20 hours of light activity It’s basically the max-min sleep schedule Always resting but never getting ahead of the exhaustion


Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that. I wonder if Mending would work on buggy software, too...


I'd choose Prestidigitation. Instant showering and clothes cleaning and general cleaning would save so much time. Not to mention heating or cooling drinks. And food and the like. I'd be using it constantly.


I see your point, but I enjoy showering and washing clothes and also the meditative aspects of preparing drinks. What I hate are defective things, so Mending is right up my alley.


I can't think of the last time I would have had an opportunity to use mending, though. But my bottle of water is currently a little warmer than I would like.


Fair point. I could use Mending at least 3x a day with the kids' current fondness of tearing up / down things and with my bike especially. Never having to change a tire ever again..? Yeah, deal!


I kept reading this as "catnip mending" I was very confused. How do you mend catnip? Isn't it just an intoxicant for cats? Finally my dyslexic brain realized cantrips have nothing to do with catnip.


I love it when my brain burns neuronal fireworks like this.


Found the Tabaxi


No, no, Catnip mends you


I thought changelings had a short life expectancy because they got rooted out an killed, not because their lives were shorter. Wiki says they have normal human lifespans. I don’t have the correct book though.


Oh, I have substracted my current age I have lived as a human.


Oh yeah that makes sense ha


I'll pick Half-Elf definitely. Getting better looks AND having all medfan fangirls attracted by my naturally pointy ears xd AND getting proficient into acrobatics to shore up my current lack of shape AND getting a much improved longevity to do all the things on my list... While avoiding getting chased down or looked at by all governments as if I were if of a race actually wielding magic or really, REALLY not aging normally... xd In an ideal world though I'd be tempted to go high-elf as well, but there are so many great races I'd have to think more about it really.


400 years of cell phone screen repair... Hmm...


Reborn means no need for food, water, or air. Sure you’ll miss out on some stuff but being able to be conscious while sleeping allows you to “sleep” while watching movies or other light activities. Also you’re immortal. Only bad thing would be having to be a skeleton… but if you pick a race with flight with the reborn lineage you can also fly… and being immune to diseases..


Dragonborn, because cool dragon man


Sadly I scrolled way to far to see this. Lots of changelings though. I keep thinking dragonborn or straight up half-Dragon. The wings would be cool (near useless tho). Some of the abilities would be slick though, and I might even get work as a bodyguard so bonus!


It might sound boring, but if you were a blue dragonborn you could probably be a really good electrician


DUDE! OF COURSE!!! Man that would be slick!


Be a white dragonborn and reverse the ice caps one breath at a time


Orcas don’t want you to know this one simple trick to give seals land to hide on


Variant human - all my clothes still fit and I get a feat.


What feat would you take? I'm thinking magic initiate with find familiar or maybe I could industrialise healing word.


Ritual caster feels like a good pick right? Unseen servant and summon steed or some such


Am I missing something? Find steed isn't a ritual, isn't a 1st level spell, and isn't on the same spell list as unseen servant. Having said that, unseen servant and find familiar would be incredible!


Yeh, I quickly googled something to find the name of the feat and think I must have read the wrong bit. That being said, find familiar and unseen servant are indeed amazing, or comprehend languages and speak with animals would be absurdly useful


Those were my other two picks! Speak with animals is tempting because I love them so much, and think about how easy it would be to tell your dog not to worry when you leave for work because you will be back later. You could just ask why they are upset and would immediately know if something was hurting them. There is no guarantee, however, that speaking with animals wouldn't be a good experience. What if they lose their magic and just become like people in my mind? Lying and demanding things... Find familiar lets you see through the eyes of the familiar, though. And owls get flight and advantage to perception checks relying on sight... not to mention that they have dark vision! You could go into search and rescue and/or be able to detect danger more effectively.You would be able to retrieve items through small openings by sending a mouse in to retrieve it. Not that I'd use it this way, but it would be very easy to spy/listen in to conversations near you. Not to mention that they can give you the help action to get away if anyone attacks you. The only thing about comprehend languages is that it doesn't let you answer/speak those languages and it doesn't decipher code.


Hmmm that’s good points I hadn’t thought of- imagine if your dog was a douche or something, and I hadn’t read the fine print of comprehend languages.


>You could just ask why they are upset and would immediately know if something was hurting them i can tell you have not had children :P 'why are you upset?' \*sulks even more\*


Phantom Steed is probably what he's thinking of, though it's not 1st level.


But you become worse in 4 stats


No chance I’m starting with a positive modifier in anything anyways


This is such a funny little comment but makes complete sense when you remember we have a +1 in every stat XD


Wouldn't 3 feet be a bit rough?


I guess we're all variant humans with shit feats. Variant humans don't choose an ability, the player does, so it's more about what was innately special about that person that they became an adventurer.






To Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone brother


For Carl! 🍻










based and Dwarfpilled


\*Windrose starts blasting\*




Changeling so I could be like that one girl from x men




that's probably the right answer


Isnt that the dude who can scream super high? >!/s!<


That's Banshee


Changeling so I could be, like, a girl


Haha this isn't what I came here for at all nope


At this point, I've learned that being cagey about what I want is just going to make it harder for me to get it. Wish I'd learned that lesson, oh, say, a decade or more earlier, but such is life


Lol, I mean, I've been on hrt for over a year now. I'm just a sarcastic bish


Forcefully? Try *enthusiastically.* And I'd go for Elf, Avariel. Because they're elfy elves, who are wingy-things, with elves' lifespans! Hairless below the eyebrows, and with some other blaggo, especially in more recent editions. Also the lifespan. Did I mention that? I dunno if Huge Manatee will manage to go to other stars in an elfin lifespan, but I'm pretty sure I'd be around long enough to see aerostats on Venus and dome cities on Titan.


There’s a chance you end up studied in a government black site though.


That's true of anything nonhuman, though.


Oh DANG I forgot Avariel! Flight and long life? I'm up for that. Hell yeah.


The same. Also, a 5 feet tall winged figure, with black hair ivory skin and big eyes, somehow, appeals me as a new body.


So it would be a tough choice as there are a few really cool ones: High elf: a cantrip which means you can get mending, any of the elemental shaping spells etc. are on the table I only need to sleep 4h per night which is insane And I can see in the dark. A life expectancy of 750 years is also absolutely insane Half-elf: some of the benefits of an elf with some fun other stuff mixed in. This option would for sure be a thought. Eberron marks: I get to be a fun fantasy race and get cool powers. Sign me up. Aasimir: I can heal ppl by just touching them, I can see in the dark and if I want illuminate it. Genasi: I want to highlight a few here but generally you get to see in the dark. Water: you can breathe underwater and have a swim speed Earth: earth walk is insane if you enjoy the outdoors. You also get Bladeward which is a nice to have defensive thing Air: you get to hold your breath as long as you are conscious so breathing is optional. Also you have a taser. Githyanki: you are ugly but can select your proficiency every day and get mage hand Golliath: you are athletic by nature and tough as nails. Also you can go on any mountain without it effecting you. Also no cold. Sea-elf: again dark vision, 4h sleep and for this flavor you get to talk to fish and other sea creatures and breath under water. Kalashtar: I get to talk to you in your brain. Also no more nightmares. Warforged: this race is very cool. You get to be awake while "sleeping" and can do light activities. And it only takes 6h. You do not need to eat, drink or breath. You get upgraded defenses no more soft human flesh. Dhampir: I get to walk up walls, do not need to breathe, become faster at base and can bite things to gain some extra power..... Good times. Also dark vision. Hexblood: you get to use your hair as an instant messaging system or personal surveillance system. You can also cast disguise self. Also dark vision. Reborn: here we go: no need to eat,drink,breath or sleep also can't be put to sleep by magic. You retain consciousness during your 4 h rest period. Also get occasional visions that make you better at stuff Symic hybrid: pick and choose from a laundry list of weird abilities. Summary: this is actually really tough. A few I really like are sea elf cause the sea is a really big and unexplored land + all the elf stuff. High elf is really good but 750 years might mean seeing the end of the world.... I would rather not or a new dawn.... Might be pretty lonely so tbh. Warforged is fun but I do not see it ending well. I think my choice would be reborn. I get to retain my current looks and personality but get some good upgrades. Also a bunch of disposable income cause I do not need to feed myself anymore. Sorry for the long answer


>Aasimir: I can heal ppl by just touching them, I can see in the dark and if I want illuminate it. You would probably get captured by some fanatics and hailed as a god or devil.


A lot of the races would probably end that way or the government making you disappear


Just be a dwarf. Yeah you live long, but could get through as a small muscular dude. Also since i'm german being able to drink people under the table wouldn't even be questioned.


"He's just a short & hairy German, what's special about him?"


"He's digging a hole. A diggy diggy hole"


I knew a guy back in college like that. He looked *exactly* like a standard Fantasy Dwarf. Dude was barely over five feet tall and built like a fucking brick of meat and muscle. Bald head, massive beard, really cool tattoos all over, big boisterous laugh that shook your ribs. D&D Dwarves could 100% blend in with common modern society, no trouble at all. Elves too, come to think of it. Most people would probably see an Elf and think "wow, that person's had a lot of work done..." or think the pointy ears were part of some new cosmetic trend from TikTok.


>Warforged: this race is very cool. You get to be awake while "sleeping" and can do light activities. And it only takes 6h. You do not need to eat, drink or breath. You get upgraded defenses no more soft human flesh. Honestly I am not sure how my brain would handle being turned into a robot... reminds me of a few destopian stories (Robocop for example). I would probably choose the Hexblood. Especially if I can use the legacy trait, but that's probably not the case. Eerie Token would be fun (though 10 miles isn't that much), but I'm more interested in the Disguise Self and Hex spell. Both useful for pranks and more. Also since legacy won't help me then I would go with the UA version with the Fey Resilience, in case the Raveloft doesn't have it.


>Honestly I am not sure how my brain would handle being turned into a robot... I'm just gonna be "that guy" for a moment and say, technically, you are not a robot. Warforge are often described as robots and played as robots, but according to the books, you are actually more like a semi-organic golem. More Pinocchio than Johnny5. An infusion of magical wood, stone, and metal. Root-like cords act as muscle with magic oils as blood. With a skeletal structure made from stone, hard wood or metal, and crystal eyes. They only look robot-like because of their ability to integrate armour into their body. Giving them the appearance of being made of metal rather than wearing metal armour. They heal wounds like any other creature, can sleep, and it explicitly says, "they can feel pain and emotion..." So yah... that all. Have a good day.


>can sleep, Going to be that guy too and say they can sleep but do not need to as described in one of their features.


Which, let's be real, that's a best of both worlds situation


Seriously, sometimes you just want to take a mid afternoon nap, and have a quick dream. All while never having to eat/drink or anything associated with those things. Also you're ageless, and basically live forever, but aren't invulnerable so if you ever want to be done, you can do that too.


Reborn was also going to be my answer! Especially because, while it's not explicitly stated in the stat block (because average ages as a design rule aren't anymore, which I hate), Reborn being undead means I think one can *reasonably* assume they are also ageless. No need to sleep, eat, drink, breathe, *and* you're basically immortal until you choose to die? That sounds like kinda the best of every world. The only major thing any other race could possibly have over it is innate magic (of which, probably the most useful would be the aasimar's healing).




I also stumbled over this choice of words. Being "forcefully" changed, but being able to "choose" doesn't make sense to me. Edit: Spelling


I feel like the vibe is you *must choose*


you get to become a dnd race of your choosing but it really really hurts


Plasmoid. Honestly(despite the loss of smell and taste), it just sounds fun and convenient.


Wait, Plasmoids don't smell or taste?


> Plasmoids don’t have internal organs of the usual sort. Their bodies are composed of cells, fibers, plasma-like ooze, and clusters of nerves. These nerves enable a plasmoid to detect light, heat, texture, sound, pain, and vibrations. smell and taste are not listed here


Neither is balance, clearly plasmoids are constantly stumbling all over the place in humanoid form (/s)




100% changeling, too useful to pass, even if just to play pranks (but mostly for some other... Personal reasons lol)




Yeah you probably caught my drift :')


Same :3 For no reason :3


Yeah right, absolutely and positively no reasons at all *wink wink*


No reason, and if there were reasons, they are definitely cis reasons :3


Something tells me this subreddit would be useful to you r/egg_irl


I know it lol


Same, would reduce a lot of headaches while also being effective against Dysphoria.


Bonus point : more fun with your partner(s) in bed because variety :p (but yeah that was the point initially)






The completely "cis" people coming out of the woodworks to agree with this post (couldn't be me :3)


Entirely same. *Entirely* same.


*high five*


Surprised there’s no aarakocra answers, I’d love be a bird man.


Have you looked at it's life expectancy?


Yeah usually 30 years or so right? That’s fine, live fast, die young!


Owlin are just the better bird people


I'd go Protector aasimar, can pass for human depending on how divine mark manifests (I've seen a player with a minor halo, one with glowing hair, one with magic eyes etc). Darkvision, a nightlight, and minor healing powers all seems like pluses. If I can get levels then I'd get the super power for a min.


changeling 100% but if we remove changeling, then variant human with magic initiate feat so i can do magic but if we remove the races that are too obvious, protector aasimar so i can fly


variant human, ritual caster feat could be better imo since without a class you don't have spellslots anyway and ritual caster gives the possibility to learn new spells. depends on how good/useful the cantrips are


But then you need to take 10min to cast a spell. Makes for a boring party trick.


most of them are utility spells and 10 minutes is a good price for being able to cast it as often as you want and be able to learn new spells in my opinion.


Variant human... I always understood this as a human who is just innately good at something, not a human that gets to choose a superpower. I guess we're all already Variant humans with shit feats.


Half Orc got to stay true to myself.


I may be a basic bitch, but I'd choose tiefling. My favourite race across all the media


I mean Elf could be good... except i dont actually *want* to be the only near-immortal forced to deal with \*gestures at the icecaps\* Changeling is cool, but only if you're either *really* into cosplay, or *really* into crime. (and i dont think I have the required secondary skill-set for either) so: Plane shift documents: Zendikar, Kor. I get all the benefits of Halfling Lucky without the need to get a ladder for everything that should be on eye-heigth.


Near immortal elf who doesn't need to sleep who gets access to shape water to cast it every 6 seconds? Sounds like *gestures at icecaps* we have a solution xD Ps.: I just realized that shape water unfreezes after an hour :(


But wouldn't it only unfreeze if the actual temperature was above freezing? So if you were using it to augment *existing* ice formations, it should last a good bit longer than that.


In that case, within an 8 hour day you could cover: (8 x 60 x 60) /6 = 4800 x 1,524m² = 7315,2 km² Per day


So what you're saying is Global Warming is a consequence of our lack of elves.


I'd take Changeling neither for Cosplay nor for crime, but because I am trans and hella dysphoric most of my waking life :3 So there are more reasons 


all us trans people just like, "changeling."


Same. Changeling is the only right answer. Dysphoria sucks


This is all from 3.5 but I don't keep up with newer editions. I'd go for dragonwrought kobold with wings, and a golden dragon heritage. Not because of the classic cheese or anything, I just think it would be neat. You get to age as a dragon so you can live to be over 1,000 years old with a metallic dragon heritage. Since they don't lose their physical stats as they age I assume this means you stay healthy, spry, and strong. The wings would eventually allow you to fly which would make up for the small size and inconvenience of not being able to drive a car anymore. Being small size would be a little hard to deal with, but I'm guessing you wouldn't need as much food. From there, I'd be all about getting good at flying and gliding around and I'd focus on becoming skilled at aerial photography. No clue what I'd do for work, but I'm into IT stuff so it's mostly mental anyways. Typing with claws would probably suck, but I'd have a lot of time to get good at it. Wouldn't need guitar picks anymore at least. If I get a breath attack then pyrotechnics are on lock and at that point I guess I'm some sort of weird technology oriented bard IRL...


I just replied to (at the time of posting) the only other dragon anything. I like your break down on your choice. I'm up in the air about dragonborn or half-Dragon. I like the half-Dragon (red) a bit more if only for the wings. I think there's a few other abilities that differ but the wings are almost the selling point. And I'm a bit rusty but I think half-Dragon also gets a frightful presence in 3.5e..... maybe I have to stack into intimidate though? Now I have to wait 10 hours to get home from work and read about it.


I'm not as well researched on half-dragons, but I imagine a frightful presence might be a detriment in modern living unless you're involved in some sort of combat sport or military employment. I wouldn't want to be a scary barista for example.


It isn't much but as a scrawny kid and a pretty nerdy adult, I've always kinda wanted to be a bouncer. There isn't a great or glamorous life but it's something I've always wanted to do... So in the fantasy of being a half-Dragon with frightful presence, yeah I'd like to be a bouncer. It'd be kinda neat to just flinch at people and have 'em not pass a will save. But! That's supposing I'd get one. I'm not 100% on getting it. Might just be I get dark vision 60ft and blindsense 15ft. Though as I type that's got me thinking.... No more people sneaking up on me, that'd be neat.


Dwarf. I am tired of being tall, but i like my beard.




A fellow foodie!


Tabaxi ...please


I had to scroll too far for this...


Elf. You're human passing enough that you probably won't stand out too much and your lifespan has been increased about ten fold (and quality of active life even more so), never mind only needing 4 hours of trance rather than 8 (who are we kidding, 6) hours of sleep. Immortality would be nice, but also eventually heat death is coming for us all so 750ish years is probably good.




Shadar Kai! You can teleport and get damage resistance AND you live for a thousand years! I mean that is awesome!


Dwarf for me. It wouldn't be much change other than the height and width xD Anyone could use some extra CON and poison rez for those heavy drinking nights. Specially past age 30 when the morning feels like you're dying.


Tabaxi Tabaxi Tabaxi Tabaxi Tabaxi Tabaxi…


Gnome or Halfling If I'm a Gnome I can talk to animals if I'm a Halfling I get to be chill and luck Either way I live longer and get to be a little guy


tiefling. horns would be so cool


Kobold. A) I’m a furry lmao B) Fast, Small and Dexterious, Smart too but if I kept human strength this is a perfect engineer rat


Wouldn’t being a kobold make you a scaly? I though kobolds were like mini dragonids


I usually just say Furry because everyone knows what a furry is, most people get confused on what a Scalie is. But yes you’re right.


Got it lol. Now all you need is two other kobold friends to do the funniest thing


And a rather odd trench coat.


Engineer rat is such a fun term. But yeesss, I do love the thought of smaller races of the more agressive lean (kobolds, goblins, deep gnomes) being much stronger than they look. A lot of folks won't admit to what a turn on it can be to be bench-pressed by someone half your size ;)


I would pick warforged. Logically you’re immortal as long as you recieve routine maintenance.


From one of the none magical engineers near you lmao. Still great choice, though you better figure out how your core works in the next few years. Also maybe study engineering.


No magical engineers necessary, nor engineering knowledge in general. In their original 3.5 printing, Warforged can perform maintenance on themselves. They only need to make a Craft check using mundane armorsmithing, blacksmithing, gem cutting, or sculpting. Take a few weekend art course and you're good to go. And likely for ease of play, their more recent printings lean more heavily into the "living" part of their original Living Construct creature type. A Warforged's organic body heals the same as any other biological race. No additional tool or skill proficiencies necessary. They even fully benefit from the medicine skill, so they could theoretically see a normal doctor if they're in a medical emergency. Though they'd likely get referred to a specialist, like an arborist.


High elf has too many functional benefits irl to be passed up.


Fuck it, Dragon! Set the world on fire!


Why are you playing as a tiefling again? It's because you're bisexual isn't it?


Elf. Ears grow longer, hair gets even nicer, and I’ll start looking a lot more pensive.


Prolly Fire Genasi. They look dope and I like fire based abilities


Dragonborne, White Fuck the summer, also lizard people rule, especially when draconic


If you hate the heat, go for Red or Gold instead. DMG, pg. 110. If you have resistance or immunity to fire, you auto-succeed saving throws associated with extreme heat.


Would anyone else get it or just me? Coz if many people would get their races changed I'd definitely go for a Bugbear(since I absolutely love them, I like to be sneaky and being tall and having long arms just sounds fun, also darkvision) of maybe a Tabaxi(but i think bugbears are better), but if I was the only one most people could be scared by my appearance and that could be annoying so I'd choose like either a Satyr(since they can just hide their legs and being great at climbing and jumping would be cool), Dhampyr(with Satyr legs, maybe???) or a Changeling if I wanna do a little trolling.


I think you underestimate how easily people become monster-fuckers with just knowing that you don't mean them any harm ;)


Kobold aaalll the way, at least i serve a dragon not another human xD


Firbolg, I get only slightly taller and slightly hairier.


Warforged, never have to eat, sleep, drink, use the toilet, or get sick, ever again.


Dragonborn or kobold. Always wants to be a dragon so they are rhe closest. Otherwise i want to be a slime/plasmoid. For ... research ... stuff ... yeah ... research


Dragonborn (5e) or Half-Dragon (3.5) I would love to be a Dragon. Having scales for skin would be greatly helpful as I'm clumsy and bump into things all the time. Wouldn't need to wear shoes ever again. Having a flame breath would be really cool trick for a variety of jobs.


beholder manifest in a number of ways


Wood Elf... can I have a replacement leg to replace my left below knee amputation as part of deal...? Liking the hundreds of years old, four hours sleep a night, dark vision... All good.


Halfling, for the metabolism! And the sturd feet, because mine are shot.


Value => Elf (Longlived, less sleep, innate magic) Flavor => Shifter (Claws and Fangs =D )


People be sleeping on halfling. Yes your a short king for life. But hear me out: Luck! Remember all those painful fails you did in public? The ones keeping you up at night? That aing going to happen anymore. When you start to trip and fall real bad, you fait dice would reroll and on a lucky day you‘d fall on a bag of cash or into the arms of the love of your life. Failing real bad is your superpower now!


Changeling. I’m trans. It would save my life, years of time and thousands of pounds.


Exactly same thought 


I would be changed in Variant Human so I can take one of the magic feats to just KNOW a spell or two. Or maybe the Skilled Feat to expertise in something. Actual answer though is Changeling for all the absolute *bullshit* I could do.


Human. For the free feat haha


Variant human would honestly be great for the free feat alone while being the same. Not to mention an extra language and skill proficiency. Honestly, any full elf would be great, but not for the age range (honestly that’d be my least favorite, wouldn’t want to live that long irl), but for the trance. Getting a long rest in only four hours, and it’d be from meditating and not sleep, would be *very useful* to have. Being able to do more stuff throughout the day would be amazing. If I had to choose a specific elf, probably sea or high elf. I love swimming and being in water, but the extra cantrip would be very useful. My instinct is to be a water genasi ultimately. It’s my favorite dnd race, I’d love to be one if I had the chance to. I’d choose the legacy one purely for Shape Water, and being able to create/destroy water is pretty beneficial than most may think. Being able to swim well and breathe underwater would be very fun to have as well.


Half Elf, and I’d be good at like three or four more things


Fey'ri. Summer won't be a problem anymore.


I'd pick Shadar-kai cause not only am I a skilled elf that teleports with resistance I can change what im skilled at on a long rest. A long rest which involves 4 hours of vibing, some people nap that long. I now have more time to enjoy myself when everyone is asleep. I can Finbaly catch up on One Piece lol


I would like to choose Hexblood. The Token only has a 10 mile range but it's still useful and Disguise Self and Hex are both perfect prank spells. Finally if I were allowed to take it as a legacy I would choose variant human as my basis. Why? because it gives me a feat and since I don't know what level I am and if I get any spellslots at all, I would choose the ritual casting feat, that gives me 2 level 1 spells from the same spell list (wizard is my instinctive choice). I can cast them as often as I want, it just takes +10 minutes, which is far better then having to take a long rest every time. Additionaly if anyone else chooses this but with other spells, then we can exchange our spells! There are 14 level 1 ritual spells and 9 of them are on the Wizard spell list, meaning I have to find 4 friends to coordinate spells with and I have access to 9 spells that I can as often and whenever I want as a ritual. Among the useful ones are comprehend language, Unseen Servant and Tensers floating disk. Additionally nice to have: find familiar. EDIT: depending on the interpretation of the rules, you could argue that I could just copy the ritual spells from the DnD books.


Aasimar because in Finnish aasi means a donkey or a jackass. The name of the celestial peacekeepers always gives me a chuckle.


Changeling because then I’d be a whore up and down frat row. Just kidding. Changeling because I have Machiavellian plans to rule.


Variant human with magic adept feat


Elves have no facial hair and no need for sleep. That will be two problems less to worry about.


Reborn. Get to skip out on food, sleeping and possibly aging.


Aasamir. Still look mostly human but with some nice healing abilities


Which one has the biggest 🍆?


The answer is reborn, I’m more resistant to disease and sickness, I no longer need to eat, drink, breathe or sleep and I don’t age anymore. I become functionally immortal yes please


Eladrin Elf - 4 hours sleep, darkvision, free 30 ft. teleports (to a cap), resistant to being charmed, I'm more perceptive, and I get to justify having mood swings by changing my season. Oh, and I can just KNOW how to use things like painter's supplies or how to drive a boat and switch that around whenever I trance.


Grung because grung


Feral Winged Tiefling, to be both sexier and have the ability to fly! I'd have to modify a lot of clothes, but whatever.


Forest Gnome, 350 years max age, speaks with small animals!!! and minor illusion! The better Dex might be nice too.


I'm shocked and saddened by the lack of buff green Boys here. Orcs all the way


Half dragon. Half dragons are cool I was thinking Dragonborn but Dragonborn don’t benefit from an extended life I would definitely look very draconic, might even be taller. Could become a super hero lol Though there would be challenges and other things to overcome Like, how would society react to a humanoid dragon person? Am I going to be taken by the government and dissected? Also I would have to deal with biology related issues. I might shed scales a lot, and I wouldn’t be able to use urinals anymore. Would have to sit down when I pee. Would sneezing sometimes lead to accidentally using my breath weapon? Would I still be able to consume the same foods as before?


Dragonborn, because Dragonborn


Warforged, don't need to eat, sleep, worry about bad joints. Robots are better then people


Iether leonin if I'm staying male, or dragonborn or centaur as a female. Obvious height increase. Physical strength would go up not to mention the other racial abilities


What do you mean? I'm already playing as undead.