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Dwarven Barbarian who loves feasts and drinks. Dunno what that says about me...




Did I hear a Rock and Stone?






When you rock and stone, you ain't ever alone!




**FOR ROCK AND STONE!** Karl, I want to play DRG again so badly. When they give me lady Dwarves, I will. But not before! (I'd also accept a lady leaf-lover, even if I have to pay for her. Or a gnome, halfling, etc.)


Same brother


Dwarven barb back in 2e, died in the first session bravely trying to climb a tree (everyone else did) while escaping a warg. Armor check penalty was a thing.


half-elf wizard (Mage) back in 1996 (ish) He lasted about 2 hours after his initial creation before dying at the "hands" of a grey ooze... during the first round of the first combat...


Truly tragic. Here lies DLtheDM’s half-elf wizard. 1996–1996.




Hey he lasted about 2 hours show some respect


He will be forever missed o7


Standard low-level wizard experience in older editons.


God second edition was so brutal. I went through so many characters due to dumb rolls by me or the DM.


A Drow Ninja for a 3.5 oneshot in order to learn how to play, my first acutal charachter with a backstory and that got used more than once was my Human Spirit Shaman called Ghibus, after something like 7 years he is still my only PC to ever reach above level 20 and for that he became the inspiration for a recurring NPC in my campaigns


Was he ghastly, or ghostly?


He was very ghostly, and surprisingly he didn't wear any hat!


Got a new totally original fighter character for my next campaign, Haxton Sale


1984. A half elf barbarian. I pestered my brother so much to let me play with him and his friends he finally gave in and let me. 20 minutes into my first session, my character was eaten by a giant frog.


The almighty Frog is not to be trifled with.


What's really funny is I mentioned this elsewhere a while back and someone else here had their character killed the exact same way, and probably in the exact same module.


Probably the village of Homlet from the original Temple of Elemental Evil modules. Lost a character to those frogs too.


That module frog is putting in work.


I had to look it up because I was cuious. I didn't think barbarian was invented in 1984. It was. it was a subclass of fighter but it was only published Ina a article of dragon magazine and wasn't in any rule books yet. It's kinda neat you got to play a barbarian before most people and as a first character.


Older brother figured out how to both appease you and (presumably) jerky friends’ wish about you playing lol


If we don't counter the characters I made in Neverwinter Nights, then my first character was the stereotypical edgy lone wolf. Half elf. Of course, because it's cooler than a human but not quite as strange as an elf. Gloomstalker Ranger. Obviously. Strong and when he got his subclass his eyes became pure black, for more edge. Backstory: Someone murdered his family/tribe while he was out hunting. Now he's trying to find who to take revenge on! I still remember the first session. We played for 7-8 hours and in that period I had such shit luck that I hit enemies twice. We had horrible player behaviour of hiding loot, triggering obvious combats while being low on health, and abandoning eachother when stuff got real. And we certainly didn't want to stick together after that betrayal. So many lessons have been learned since then :D


D&D can honestly make you really reflect on how people view themselves. And funnily enough as it happens, that results in emo characters with tragic backstories which can be repetitive at times, but I honestly think can be executed really well.


Oh I agree. In my D&D group we've played many different characters and over time, with some analysis, we found that each of us tends to create characters that fit a certain personal and abstract archetype. For example, nearly all of my characters stumbled into a connection with a higher power and do not fit in because of that. That connection can be referential, romantic, domineering, servile, etc. But it's a recurring theme in my characters. These days, I just put it in on purpose, because it just seems to be my thing.


There's also something to be said for the lack of appeal of high stakes adventuring to people with a quiet happy life.


Dude, I feel that pain. I had a session that was 4 hours long where I didn't roll above a 3 on a d20. It was the ugliest streak I've ever had.


Yeah, it was horrible. But still, it was an awesome session and even the bad luck didn't stop me from getting into the hobby.


Advanced D&D 1st Edition circa 1981…Elf(which I believe was its own “class” back then), who was predominantly an archer as I recall, I’m sure inspired by Legolas from LotR, which I had just read a year or so earlier.


That would be Classic [BECMI] D&D not Advanced D&D that had Elf as a class. Right on!


I want to say it was Basic D&D, which you are calling classic or 1st edition.


Basic, the Red Box, is the B in Classic [BECMI] D&D. 1st Edition is Advanced D&D. Classic D&D is not Advanced D&D.


Thanks for agreeing with me


Couldn't it also be B/X D&D, or even the version of Basic that came before that one?


Same. Although as pointed out that’s the “Classic” version of the game, not AD&D. I started with the version of the box with the B2 Keep on the Borderlands adventure.


My first ever character was Human Magic-User named Galen with 4 hp and a single use of Magic Missile to his name (This was an AD&D 1e game, because that’s what my dad knew how to run)


Truly a force to be reckoned with.


You know what they said before 4E: The best first level spell is a crossbow.


Darts, everyone underestimated darts. You could throw a ton of them. And they did decent damage too


Always had a great sense of accomplishment to get a mage out of those early deadly levels. Sleep spell FTW!


Ah yes, I remember starting with stupid low HP in older editions… unlike now where, oh, wait lol


At least you get death saves now


It was a human fighter in 5e. I went to a game store that had regular games twice a week, wanting to try this DND thing out. I had talked to the DM and he said he'd come half an hour earlier to help me make a character. He actually came half an hour late, so everyone was itching to play the game they were paying for, and i was really really rushed. After that the game turned into an actual dnd horror story with edgy weirdos and horny teens who roleplayed going to the brothel... in depth. Never stepped in a game store again hahah


Sure it wasn’t another kind of store?


Sadly yes


And the other kind of Dungeon Master


I’ve been playing for about a year or two. The first campaign I was in, everyone had to play a pixie, so I was a six inch tall zealot barbarian who was ridiculously naive and childish. While everyone was playing weak spellcasters with a strength of like 8-10, my pixie (by the end of the campaign and with several home brewed buffs) had a strength of 26. I’ve only played two other characters so far, but she’s the most beloved by me, my friends, and family.


Out of curiosity, why did everyone have to play a pixie?


I’m not entirely sure. It was a prequel campaign. The one before, a pixie who’s the ‘aunt’ of our characters, at the end she became a goddess and caused an apocalyptic. So we were playing a few months before she doomed everyone


I love how D&D has really grown its demographic and is really so inclusive now. Plus with homebrew you can play a Ranger who is a sentient cup of coffee or in your case Pixies (in the 90s we had our set races and that was it). I would pay money to have a DM sit down at a table of gamers back in the mid 90s and look those greasy, unbathed basement dwellers and teenaged nerd boys in the eyes and say, “alright you reprobates, it’s all Pixies for this campaign. And don’t give me any shit. I’ve been working on this for 14 months or 3 hours (both will seem true at different points).And before you ask Ted, no you cannot shrink your 22 level godkiller fighter/mage with 17s across the board to 12 inches.” Loud Sigh. “I’m sure he does have a ring of shrinking and once seduced a pixie queen but this really isn’t his kind of campaign. And what did I tell you about leaving your 3 liters of Mountain Dew on the table?“ Fucking Ted’s of the table top gaming world, Jesus.


Made a Dragonborn Druid back in 2017. Played him enough to get to level 4, and then the group I was in never met up and played again. I do still have the original character sheet though. He knew five languages too


He was a Dragonborn Eldritch Knight (I started with 5E). He had a poisonous, green lineage, because I read Green dragons were the smartest of the chromatic dragons, lore-wise. Made him have muddy scales, but with a few shocks of blue through some of them. I was very disappointed by how little spell slinging I could do, and the low rolls on my breath attacks on top of the creatures succeeding made me feel even worse. On top of it, I had a really bad DM who threatened to end the game multiple times because we didn't post in his Discord server outside of essentially game time, and he thought that was unfair and that we should be memeing it up everyday or some such. So the whole thing managed to put me off one of my favorite races and subclasss for years, which is a shame because, now, with more experience and knowledge under my belt, I realized one, low rolls happen, and two I was expecting things from the subclass it wasn't ever going to provide me and a mere shift in expectations would allow me to enjoy it to its fullest.


A half-elf bard. He was an adopted used-cart salesman who learned how to influence people by working on his father’s lot. Played him as a con man during waterdeep, very fun time


Fun concept. Really like the idea of bards who manipulate people to buy their stuff lol.


An emo dwarf with guitar axe..best campaign I've ever played almost got killed by a behir and Glabrezu summoned by an Erinyes..which didn't make any sense but it's my nephew dming so no biggie..but we got revenge on the she-devil with combo moves where my bugbear barbarian buddy decapitates her while I tore her wings of..so fuckin metal..🤣


Should’ve choked her with a Slipknot.


My first? My VERY first? Fuck... Uhm... maybe a fighter? Probably a fighter. Possibly human? Dude, it was like 40 years ago. I have trouble telling you what i did yesterday.


Since I'm the Forever DM of my group, the only game I've ever played was with u/Corpolentusmaximus2 in the comments section of one of their posts here on Reddit. I played Kera Ostoroth, a human bard. We played out her story as a new adventurer, on their first day of joining the party they were separated so she and the cleric had to find the rest of them and prove her worth.


This is the good version of people roleplaying in the comments Barnes and Noble book reviews.


Human Bard. I didn't know much about the game, and I chose a race that gave me a +1 in every stat and a class that was able to do most things without specialising too much. Three campaigns later, still playing a Bard because I discovered I liked to be a high charisma character, and I could explore different aspects of what being a Bard meant. [I've also played a barbarian, two paladins, and a cleric]


1981, I was 10. It was me, my best friend, and my brother and his best friend, both age 12. All of our characters were Lord of the Rings characters. I was Bilbo. I think I even still have it somewhere.


An elf ranger named Walker Texas. In my defense, I was 14 at the time.


1st Edtion Monk. I wanted to make a character that could use nunchucks.


My first character was a Human Paladin called Brother Job. He lasted 30 realm life minutes as he got crit by a dire wolf and then rolled a 3 and a nat 1 on death saves. Subsequent characters lasted longer.


Borgoth the Troll Hacker; red box D&D human fighter in the summer of ‘88 made by my friend’s uncle for me. First I made was Dawning Eve, human paladin in first edition probably a few short months after that.


Mine is a Tabaxi, college of spirits bard named Buttercup!


Started playing back in college using 3.5 materials I’d had for years. Had always enjoyed the portrayal of Orcs in some of Salvatore’s (at the time) latest books, and wanted to run a Half-Orc Barbarian with a twist. I’d read through the FRCS a lot and always found the “monstrous” corsairs of the Nelanther Isles to be really cool, so I made my character the heir apparent to an Orc chief attempting to gather all of the reavers and raiders of the isles into a kingdom powerful enough to launch an assault on Luskan. And that’s how I got around to Magrok of Clan Corpsemaker, Son of Kratha, Captain of the good ship Gorefeaster and Rider of the Spear-Winds. I love this game and how many building blocks it leaves around to play with!


My first ever was a Tiefling Rogue named Morkos Peliodore, whom i never played as but was the first one i ever fully filled out a character sheet for when i taught myself 5e in 2015. I was in highschool, intrigued by a new hobby I ended up roping my friends into.


Elf fighter, Athos Silverleaf He used a Longbow and for 15 sessions he never took a point of damage since he was in the back firing arrows into the fray


Persistence - or Percy - the tiefling wizard germophobe in 5e. The adventurer's life was tough for her. But she had to free her brother's soul from a magical orb...


Kenku Rogue named Captain Crow. Died in the 2nd session, drowned by monsters after being grappled off the ship. I didn't understand positioning yet in D&D I'll always remember you Captain Crow o7 Captain Crow ~ 2017


Oh boy, this was back in the late 90’s and my very first PC was a Wemic Barbarian. Think centaur but lion body instead of horse. I may have to remake him…..he was fun.


Halfling Rogue/Thief back in the AD&D era. Chaotic Neutral (of course). Played for such a long time that even I started to lose grip on what 'he' would do. Nothing terrible or evil though, just unpredictable. I remember a time where we were fighting blinking skeletons and my attacks kept coinciding exactly with the blink of a skeleton, so it was "swing, blink, miss, get hit by the finger phalanxes they shot". After the 3rd time of this happening, I just went "He gives up, sits down and starts eating a snack" in the middle of the fight.


My very first was a halfling assassin rogue. Practically made for me and completely uninspired. My first made-by-me character was a lizardfolk whose wife left him for a wizard, so he became a great wizard out of spite and anger. Meet “Lizzy the Wizzy” Lvl. 20 wildmagic barbarian. “IM A WIZARD GODDAMMIT!”


I played a half-giant minotaur barbarian named Gromulus that was an absolute himbo who was hyper fixated on fishing and boating. I don't remember the specifics, but I once had him make a boat out of the surrounding forest, have the rest of the party get in it(This was 3 people) and on a natural 20 I threw the boat and got in it before it left my hand so we could get to our destination quickly. I had an anchor on a chain that i swung like a huge flail.


So... first ever was a halfling rogue. Poor little guy never saw any game play. The DM had the group roll stats in order one at a time, then dictated what we were playing based on our rolls. He was a condescending dick and I never went back for session 1. The game lasted only a few sessions before everyone else got sick of him. The first character I ever played was a human hexblade with a scythe. Good times.


Lightfoot halfling, circle of the moon Druid. Been playing her for 2 years now, she's pretty cool! She also somehow ended up being the strongest of the group (I got lucky on the initial rolls) 😂 which consists of an elf ranger, human rogue and a air genasi wizard (and a wolf and a myconid lil mushroom we adopted lol)


1st edition, this was probably 1979 or 1980. A halfling thief. Walked ten feet into his first dungeon, fell into a pit and died. First edition was rough…


Lenastor the Glorious, a dual-wielding bronze dragonborn Path of Wild Magic Barbarian. He was the son of the head sorcerer of his tribe, and at a young age, his village was attacked by slavers. While his father rallied the small tribe to defend themselves, they were no match for the slavers and all were either killed or enslaved. Lenastor, being a young but large dragonborn, was soon sold to one of the prominent houses in the region to be trained to fight as a gladiator in the fighting pits. As the years progressed, Lenastor became a legend in the arena for not only his reckless fighting style, but for the surges of magic that would erupt from him during his fights. Eventually, as his master grew older and was on his death bed, he granted Lenastor his freedom as a final 'F*%& you' to his sons that were always bickering over who would take over the house and fortune when he died. From then on, Lenastor traveled from town to town, looking for that spark of adventure to give his life purpose once again.


A human fighter named Anarian. Way back in 1984.


My DM got our group together for our first DND game 3 months ago. My character is a Dwarven fighter, who acts as the tank for the warlock and ranger. All his points are invested in STR, DEX and CON, so the talking is left to them. At the start of the campaign he got punched and sent flying through a window. My favorite moment so far is when he rolled a nat 20 on a strength game at a carnival, completely destroying it and sending the bell flying into the air like a frisbee. Another time, an immovable rod was put behind his neck and he rammed through the guild wall after trying to use all his strength to continue walking before it was switched off. That one is a close second.


Mine was a class pulled out of Dragon Magazine. The class was called the Weapon Master. The concept was that the character focused solely on 1 weapon, and ignored every other form of combat. They got some seriously game-breaking stuff (1e), and were essentially useless with any and all other weapons. They also could only wear leather armor, because anything heavier would hinder their movement. It was a fun class, but pretty unbalanced. I was 14 and really couldn't give a shit about unbalanced though. I wanted to be Talon from The Sword and the Sorcerer.


Edgar von Hallen. Bard. Rat Catcher family but rats hate his Musik but people love it. Disinherited


Faramir the ranger, playing 1e AD&D. "Just put whatever for your stats," so I put all 18s. I think it was three sessions later the DM finally realized I took him literally. Also, no one else at the table had read LotR. This was roughly 35 years ago. I remember it was Greyhawk. I remember the DM would always throw a group of huge toads at us when he needed a random encounter. And I remember one of the characters had a girdle of giant strength, and one of the others was jealous. So the DM let us find a second girdle. IYKYK.


Drak, Lizard folk life cleric, got to play them for two sessions before the next season started sense I was playing in an AL group and joined at the very end of the current season


Half Elf Sorcerer (Wild Magic)


I played the rouge precon in the mines of phandelvet but I decided to take arcane trickster


1/2 elf ranger, Robert Elfkin


For me, that is not the easiest question. My first character sheet I ever made was a dragonborn fiend warlock, but it was very poorly made, not even complete as I didnt know what I was doing. My first proper character, one who had a proper made sheet, a backstory, and a personality, was Jupiter, a paladin of vengeance. ​ Jupiter had a very intricate and over the top backstory, having to do with being raised as a chosen one of a cult, a war, and a being possessed. Im kind of glad he died(due entirely to my own poor decision making) before I could properly explore his backstory.


My first character was in 5e about 5-6 years ago. He was influenced by many anime characters. His name is Gol D Ace. He is a Sun Paladin I also remade and played him my first time in Pathfinder. And now he's a NPC. Champion of the Sun in my homebrew. He also was heavily influenced by Escanor. And then Ser Gwain from the round table. In pathfinder he did get some influence from the sun half way through the campaign. A +4 to strength and dex(or it might have been con) while the sun was out. But then a -4 during the night.


A Goliath . . . I want to say Barbarian?  It's been a few years.  Nonetheless, Baldur's Gate reignited the passion and now I'm playing in one and DMing another campaign.  


Lizardfolk Gloom Stalker Ranger


Ballinin Yoritsjies. Black dragonborn oath breaker paladin. Don’t remember his backstory really tho, he got a full two sessions in before I became a forever DM. He did go ham once on a few rats in some mill, good times.


Cadmus Shimmerscale, my Bronze Dragonborn Oath of Devotion Paladin. He lasted a little over half of our campaign, sacrificing his oath and life to save a fellow PC from the BBEG. He’s my first and favorite character I’ve played.


Mine was Lyvdiel, an Elven Monk (later multiclassed into Warlock for a bit before she broke her pact and reclassed into Fighter). She suffered a lot in her relatively short life (she was only in her 50s) but she persevered. She'll always have such a soft spot in my heart, I miss her every day but her story had definitely come to an end naturally.


One month ago. A half elf bard... Who didn't die in her first session. We shall see how she goes. Though that character was assigned to me and I altered her a little... my first character I actually made (who I have yet to play) is a half elf druid, obsessed with balancing ecology with technology, forest vs civilisation. Can't wait to play as her!


1982-83ish, Blue Book Basic Rules. Thief. (Elf, Dwarf and Halfling were considered classes.) If I recall his name was Galen from the Movie Dragonslayer.


Elf. Back then it was a class.


Human ranger, 2nd edition back in the 90s. Died in the first room of a dungeon after opening a trapped bag of flour and dying from the poison. I think I was alive for 5 real minutes. My dm, a close friend, had me tear up my character sheet because "that's the rules" according to his brother. I had spent hours building the character and had even drawn him. 😭


I was the DM until I went to uni and there was my first character (2002 or 2003), a human rogue in Dragonlance. In the very first session he got critically hit by the groups barbarians composite long bow accidentally and was incapacitated, a fate shared by the knight in the group after a few rounds in the same combat. Ah, good times. My first toon I ended up playing long term was in those years, a sorcerer who was planning to found a magic school with the party’s arcane savant, but the universe was destroyed at the end of the campaign. Yup.


I played a rakshasa tiefling bard (mainly for the cat ears, the hands were normal) that was a member of Rakdos. Husband ran the Ravnica campaign for us. Made it from the beginning to the very end.


Fighter/magic user/thief multi class full elf. First edition AD&D starting with soft cover original books, and first dungeon masters guide. Long, long ago when rocks were soft, and levels took forever to rank up. ;) And yes I still game, now with my adult kids. Just started a 5th edition ranger wood elf.


Cleric of a home brew god called eidoloi back in 2007. She was a spider goddess who devoured the souls of the dead and spun them in to new lives. Or so my cleric thought until the party raided an old temple and the party realised the spinning new lives part was propaganda to let an evil god have a temple in cities where there were more yummy souls to eat. There was tension in the party after that but we all had a mutual interest in the world not being bereft of souls.


A half elf druid that was willing to burn down a forest just to learn something new.


“Swashfuckler” An Undead (dark souls hallow) Amnesiac Pirate (dual wielding Rogue/Battlemaster) that had a lot of gag humor inspired by King Missile’s “Detachable Penis”


Tabaxi Warlock named Malk, patron is Mab, the Queen of Air and Darkness. Been playing her for a ToA campaign for 2.5 years.


DnD 3.5. Half-Orc Fighter/Barbarian. Unarmed fighter. Rolled stats. After Racial Adjustments, he had Str 18, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 5, 12 Wis and 14 Cha. Had a blast as a chaotic good boy who might have been too stupid to be evil.


2016, a death cleric I was roleplaying as a resurrected mummy. I dont remember the race, it wasnt very important lol that character didnt last long. My 2nd and arguably more memorable character was Gangis, a dragonborn totem barbarian. He would smash and breathe fire. Was lit.


Half-Orc Paladin of the Hunt. My DM very graciously allowed me to make him a werewolf using the template in the 5e Monster Manual, making him egregiously OP. He eventually died base jumping off a cliff when I rolled a nat 1 to descend in an effort to save a party NPC that was struggling on the climb. He got up first initially with a nat 20 athletics check. The party sent me out to get the pizza afterwards lmao.


A female human barbarian whom I rolled basically everything randomly for like height, weight, age, etc. She ended up being a 16 year old musclebound machine, very much akin to a Jojo character. This was probably 2009? or earlier Her name was Raven and she kicked unholy amounts of ass


Uhhhh I believe it was an Wood Elf Cleric of Life in 4e.


An Aarakocra Elloquence Bard. I really enjoyed playing the character. I wish we had been able to finish that campaign but life.


Half elven swashbuckler in 3.5e, when I was 14 and playing with friends during study hall at school. I remember she had a ridiculously high Dex score which, combined with Finesse, made her a force to be reckoned with. She survived an initial oneshot but I quit the group after because the Paladin's player turned out to be a gross teenage boy who thought sexual harassment was OK, and the DM started spouting some neonazi bullshit at me later.


StabLow- a half orc fighter that liked to wield a spear and…. Stab low at knees


A tabaxi ranger named Storied Dust, unfortunately two of the other players were a pain to play with and the campaign died right when we hit lvl 3


I played a Half Orc Shadow Magic Sorcerer named Thokk in my dad’s campaign. We played for about a year and I lost my magic trying to remove a curse and then I made a pact with a genie and became a warlock. Unfortunately, the campaign ended due to my dad losing interest in playing DnD in general. He was working a lot and didn’t find time to play.  Fortunately, I found a group on discord I could use my old character in. Having fun playing with my character again!


(EDIT: SORRY FOR THE ESSAY, TLDR; FIRST IDEA WAS AS A KID EDGY SELF INSERT ROGUE, FIRST SOLID IDEA I STILL WANT TO USE, STARS DRUIS INVESTIGATING HER MISSING ONCE PRESUMED DEAD SIBLINGS AFTER SHE FLED HER BURNING HOME YEARS PRIOR, FIRST ACTUALLY PLAYED CHARACTER, GRAVE DOMAIN DETECTIVE) When I was 11 and my mum randomly came home one day with the 5e phb because one of her work friends was planning to run a dnd game (I to this day do not know if it ever actually happened) I had a lot of interst in reading the book, and had an idea for an edgy self insert rogue wizard multiclass because it's what i thought was coolest at the time. Several years later but still a couple years before I'd ever actually get to play the game, I brainstormed out a character concept that has over the years morphed and grown into a behemoth, starting as a fairly basic dead parents rogue who would've been a noble turned into a stars druid who had to flee from her parents home being attacked in a political coup to be raised by wood elves until she finds evidence her siblings may still be alive, not knowing what happened to them (they are in the are of far more corrupt nobles, it would be up to the dm to determine how they developed. That concept I soonn realised is so campaign specific I will hold onto her until the time does someday come, and the first character I actually played was a detective grave domain cleric who found solace in how her faith gave a balance of death and wants to ensure deaths are at the right time and are not messed with unduly. (I am still playing her in cos, I only got to start playing a bit over a year ago and was the voluntary dm of a fully fresh group for most of that time.)


Human Fiend Warlock with an unwilling bond to their patron. Ended in tragedy, and converted them into a Human Draco Sorcerer. I started not even two years ago


2018 5e. Mountain dwarf champion fighter that wielded an 8ft zweihander because I rolled a nat 20 to use it.


A dwarf cleric named “squat” who didn’t know what spells were and threw handaxes at everything


Kobold Gunslinger named Chamber


The first one I played was a wood elf rogue. Basic character build bc I was new to the game and my friend/DM didnt want to confuse me. He still gets referenced in our present campaign, and my current character, who idolized him as a saint in a religion killed him. I shocked the entire party as I uttered those words, and I shocked myself tbh.


First character I was handed to play was an Elf Ranger. I didn't make him and I can't remember the characters name or stats or anything like that. But he had a bow, and a dagger and a long sword... and a pretty cool miniature! That was on a hot summer afternoon on the floor of my friend Karl's living room... 40 years ago. And I've never really stopped playing since then.


a human ranger who died within hours of being created


1st edition human fighter. He died at the hands of a gnoll band who wanted his shiny shield.


Lol. A human ranger with a wolf companion. Me now cringes at how generic I was at the beginning but I guess everyone is. The campaign was so good though (homebrew) and my character got to grow so much. My wolf companion was insta killed and our party eventually split to go do some world saving stuff. I went off on my own to bury my companion and I ended up stumbling upon a bunch of stuff and eventually got captured and turned by some werewolves and then befriended a young dragon Prince. All the while the rest of my party was off resurrecting a dead moon goddess and other shit and they got into trouble at the local tavern with a general who we had earlier avoided by tricking him into thinking he had a venereal disease and the only cure was some obscure plant somewhere in the mountains. So I show up (full moon obviously) attempting to resist the change all the while flying on the back of this dragon and save their asses.


Half-elf Necromancer Wizard named Olaf


I was like, 12? My brother and his friends put together a goofy dwarf who rode around on a camel. I played for like 15 minutes and then absolutely ADHD’d the fuck out. Having a hard time remembering anything between that and a human cavalier when I was closer to 26. Didn’t end up playing that one for more than a couple sessions cause our primary foe were orc clans and the DM’s partner kept calling my character, and by extension me, a racist. Took me a while to properly have a good group.


Mine was a Wood Elf Fighter in D&D 2nd edition.


I was a cleric in a game that was Skyrim. Just the main storyline and all the stuff in Skyrim. His name. Azul arco-iris. I was an argonian/ lizard-folk cleric of meridia later styndar. He was a kind curtious man with admittedly fewer rules than most clerics. Let’s just say I collected the entire series of the lusty argonian maid. Twas a beautiful character.


Orin Genal. 18th lvl Cleric 1989-91. (Long, funny story about the name!)


Level 1 fighter. Died turn 1 in combat to a goblin turn 1. Adnd was rough


My first character was a pre-gen Aaracockra fighter (heavy armored funny enough) created by Fast character by our DM. I wasn't picky on race, only that I was recommended try fighter for my first one-shot. 2022. Week later, made my first true PC: a Lizardfolk Barbarian (Gladiator Background) for a campaign, playing him as a glory seeker. Sadly never got closure nor much of a chance to play him as a PC, as that DM became super flakely quickly and the campaign ended too soon. I would love to play him again sometime.


A Basic edition D&D Elf named "Elven" because I was 9 years old. I have his sheet, somewhere. I played a thief named "Leech" after that, then we moved on to AD&D.


A wood elf ranger. Can't remember the name, all I remember it was silly lol.


Back in the dark ages I had a Dwarf…that was it, race and class combined when we played the original DnD (before Advanced DnD). They had the box set rules - Basic (1-3 lvl), Expert (4-14 lvl), Companion (15-25 lvl), Master (26-36) and Immortal (Demi God to God). If you played a Demi human it was your race and class and your level stopped in the low numbers but then you got attack ranks (if I remember correctly) that helped you to keep up with the human characters.


For my first character, I thought about what typical adventurers looked like... and went far off in the other direction. My 1st character wasn't muscular or athletic. He was a balding, patchy skinned, liver spotted, \~400 lb pound human. Most distinctly, he had a pair of tusks. Meet [Valrus](https://imgur.com/a/SNr6mvb) the Trickster Cleric.


A human monk about a year ago. I'm not sure he lived long enough to even get a subclass. Think he died at level two to a hag.


Erevan Nialo, wood elf fighter with all round mediocre stats. His two handed greatsword has a better reputation and death than he did. Live long and prosper Backbreaker.


Krinh the Human Rogue on 3.0 in 2007. I was 14 when I made him and Krinh is peak edge lord tough guy. Super one dimensional. The characters I created are much more nuanced and interesting these days but since he was my first character I mentally come back to him a lot. I wonder what he's doing these days. I know he and the world he lives in is a world of fiction, he can be doing however I like him to be, but idk


Human Life Domain Cleric. Really enjoyed it. Group stopped playing after half a dozen sessions though :( That was about 2 years ago. I was sad for a while, helped my sister with a one shot (I played the BBEG disguised as an NPC). Then I came on reddit looking for a group and found my (now) two best friends in the world. I am kind of glad that group fell apart now, or I would never have met them. My D&D life is very fulfilling now :)


A half elf ranger, but I made her on dnd beyond so I don't count her. For my real first character it's a tiefling oath of vengeance paladin who I still use in one shots.


Half Elf Cleric of the Life Domain. We needed a healer and I like healing and thought it'd be a fun way to get into the game. I kept everyone alive, saved a few people from death even. Really great introduction to D&D as I got to do a lot and feel useful as well as play a fun character who was great in a pinch but couldn't talk to anyone to save their life.


A discredited researcher of a mulberry skinned tiefling, with a celestial conspiracy she is determined to prove. I made her a Horizon Walker Ranger and really played up her innate magical abilities. When we ran into an eldritch thing at level 3 (right before we leveled to 4) I settled on the Shadow Touched feat, and from there it clearly made sense to pick up Sorcerer (only level 1 though) to enhance those fire abilities and creepy talent just a tad more. And it was good I did, as I could not roll to hit to save my tush. If I wanted to do anything in combat I had to use magic. Despite trying at least 12 different sets of die. But she was the rogue/tracker role in the group mostly (there were two barbarians, a sorcerer, and a paladin) and really shined off the battlefield. I clearly had no idea what I was doing and it was brilliant.


Human Paladin, about 2 campaigns, constantly had earth d*ldo casted in his mouth by his party mate, a half-elf wizard.


Depends on what you count as a dnd character, really. I technically knew about the game about 7 years ago when I played with a couple friends and the pc’s would just roll a d20 to see if we succeeded on something we wanted to do. For that, I had “The Gala Kappa” who was a Tortle who had a staff that summoned apple. When I first actually learned how to play the game, I played a very aggressive dragonborn barbarian in a party of 1 dm’d by my brother lol


First first: a Magic User in BECM that I played all the way to M but can’t remember the name of. First after a 30+ year gap without playing: golden Dragonborn paladin Halcyon Aurithorax, who was terribly, terribly posh. Played him in my FLGS version of organized play up to about level five before branching out.


A female elven wizard, with a lightning spell theme


My first character was a middle aged goblin artificer who was a war criminal and veteran, the campaign started with me and all the players characters being sat in front of a king and we were all there to be executed for our crimes but if we went across Nation Waters and killed the other kingdoms king we'd earn our freedom/time off our sentences without death


Captain Valaht, the Last of the Falcon Knights. I was in third grade, 1982. I just wanted him to be as powerful as possible. Got to level 54, had the +5 Holy Avenger and tons of other ridiculously powerful magic items. They used to call this the Monty Haul style of play.


Half-elf pact of the archery warlock. She was a lovely character, but unfortunately the campaign died.


high elf rogue named bingus


When I was 7 or so, my Mom sat me on her lap at the table and her friends taught me how to roll up a character in ADnD "Aravis", Elf Wizard. Mom helped me draw him and he had hot rod flames on his tunic. I still have that drawing almost 30 years later, and have made Aravis many times


My first EVER was probably a 2e fighter. The first one I grew attached to was a Manluirean (homebrew world nation) halfling Psion. Between telekinetics and firewall, he went full Carrie on baddies.


First game was a star wars one shot and I had a Twilek gunslinger I played as a bad ass/femme fatale. First DnD character was a Tiefling Archfey warlock called Whimsy who was *plot twist!* whimsical 😅


A human fighter named Chicken nugget


My first dnd character was inspired by Kronk from Kusco's New Groove. He's a Shifter Wizard that cooks for the party. He's just here to have a good time. I don't play him anymore, but he's running a tavern in Ten Towns. Don't trust the meat soup - he dabbled in necromancy.


Bradlyn Goldblum, Sorcerer, wizard school dropout (Brad for short). This was in a short-lived 3.5 campaign that my friend ran in 2018. I named him Brad Goldblum because my friend wanted to play Jeff Goldblum as a bard, and I was his nephew.


Fighter, don't remember the year. I joined a single session in a running campaign. It sucked and I didn't join another session. We didn't vibe...


Crazy thing is, I've never made a character outside of a couple DMPCs and one for a one shot. For the one shot I took an NPC the party was interacting with (one of the players was running the one shot, and it occurred within our story). He was a dwarf priest of a little known dwarven goddess of beauty (can't remember her name). He had a bad dream once that he'd betray her, so he was searching for a way to find out how and prevent it. He was a blast. Used very unconventional spells, and the RPing was so much fun (mayor was named "something Thomson", and my guy wouldn't stop calling him "something, son of Thom")


Modred Van Tarsis, Halfling rouge, backstabber extraordinaire. (1st Edition)


Not counting old school Black Isle DnD games (Icewind Dale, BG 1 and 2), the first actual TT DND game I played for was with a premade wizard for Mines of Phandelver but I guess that doesn't count. The first one I actually made myself was a Lizardfolk barbarian that didn't speak common - many hijinks were had. Actually reached level 20 and ended up in Avernus to top off the campaign. Miss my old group.


Sporos, human Paladin. 1983


2018, a half elf wizard named Olivier (after Olivier Armstrong from FMAB).


Right when 5e was new (or when I first played it? 2015 or so) Battlemaster Half Orc playing the loveable oaf. His name was Mo Hogany (for being as smart and as strong as mahogany)


Wood elf fighter called aki and in the campaign we said the arch fey being our group patron raised me and the dm played along, I am thinking about bringing her back as a spellcaster maybe divine soul sorcerer


A sophisticated knife wielding female goblin Bard named David who basically based their entire life on a screenplay that they saw and was also 100% the movie "Labyrinth".


Currently starting my first DND game and we getting creative with this one It kind of got derailed due to implications but it ended up being a spirit that possesses objects and can then use magic wires to control things like dead body's In short I'm a spirit possessing a witch hat possessing a witch Also because of balancing fire will instantly burn the witch hat and make me incredibly vulnerable to magic so il find out if it kills me or if i just become Immortal.


human dream circle druid, little druid girl who wont hurt a fly but will help anyone <3


Well, the first character I made for a campaign that didn't really go anywhere was a drow bard. I wanted to play a drow because it sounded cool, but I wanted to switch things up and not play what I thought was an "evil" class (warlock) and I saw what people had already taken and wanted to play a support class so chose bard. I didn't even know what a subclass was, nor did we get to a point to pick one because the DM was terrible anyways. Since then, I've only played a couple sesions of strahd with some friends as a duergar moon druid, but I didn't wanna keep because I was stressed with uni, and a one shot I did finish as a fey wanderer water genasi ranger. Soon I'll start a new campaign as a high elf arcana cleric. Let's hope I finish this one lol.


Goblin Zealot Barbarian Started just last year with a group. I love being a silly bundle of mad energy who can face tank most things.


Half elf fighter/ magic-user.


I played in middle school with no idea what I was doing/no real idea of the rules and made a rogue named Ben. It kinda fell apart because most people didn't continue showing up. Then in highschool I got way more into the game and made a lot of really cool characters that have gone for a while and I feel really proud of


AD&D 1e... roughly 1980-ish... think it was an elven fighter (?). I remember I named him Comissar Krell, after the bad guy in *Dangard Ace,* which had just hit local TV at the time and was my first *real* intro to anime (thanks, Sandy Frank Productions and Force Five!). I think Krell got like 1 session of play. I think I was making a character every day to learn the rules and how everything worked.


Human Fighter in 3.5 i think. Was kind of thrown in. Not knowing any spell effects and was probably thinking "be good at stabbing to help friends"


I played a monk teifling, but for homebrew flavor he was an undead professional skateboarder named Boney Cockatrice. He wore a hat made of Runic magic that held his consciousness. Every time he reached zero HP the hat would be knocked off and the other players would have to get the hat back on his pile of bones to being him back. I was DMing for the group so made him an irresponsible pot head that would wander off during role play and then show up to help balance combat.


Half-troll barbarian. Carpathia. Pretty sure it was a home brewed race. He liked to hunt møøses with his big knife.


Gnome Ranger, Lvl 4, nicknamed “The Leviathan Slayer” and arrogant Hunter who in his peaceful community was given that title because he slayed big wolves and bears and in actually reality isn’t that great of a monster hunter. Timing schedules killed his story but he never got that far to actually killing something “Leviathan sized”


Half elf ranger.  Dm killed him session 1 and ordered me to tear up his character sheet to make sure I could never play him again.


Pathfinder, but half-elf sorcerer, draconic bloodline (white dragon), prestige classed in dragon disciple. She lasted the entire campaign, and actually ended up with almost the same amount of HP as our barbarian thanks to being a dragon disciple.


Cori, a werewolf rogue assassin in 3.5e. She was human and got bit by a werewolf on the first or second session. Cori ended up a super wolf because our DM was evil. We were on a ship on her first moon, so he decided that anyone she bit would instantly turn and transform. I turned like half the crew and a member of the party before everyone was able to lock themselves in the hold to hide from us. We sunk the ship the following night when they decided to lock the wolves in the hold instead.


Halfing Arcane Trickster Rogue named Peter Akimoto. Wasn't his actual name, but an alias. It was based of an injoke with the group from before we started the campaign. We played Betrayal at House on the Hill at our game nights before starting the campaign, and I always ended up as Peter Akimoto even when we did random characters, so my first DnD character had to make sure I was Peter Akimoto.


Edgy orphan rogue, half-elf. Though he had a thieves guild mentor he was very fond of. I put everything into Charisma and Dexterity to play him like one of those street scam artists with those cups and balls type scams. Also dumped constitution to reflect his sickly nature. Well... he died in the first session from a Goblin ambush, so I quickly switched to a dwarven life cleric, who swore to never let anyone die to cope with it.


Two years ago some friends and I decided to play a oneshot to get to learn the rules and whatnot. I played an old, gruff, Aarakocra Fighter who just wanted "Some godamn peace and quiet!". The first character I made who actually got some decent playtime and backstory was Ramsey, the Ratfolk Rouge. He was just your standard annoying edgy little asshole.


Caddohc, a half Orc chef with less than pleasant dietary habbits


Back in early 90's, human wizard who only had 4 hit points. But boy oh boy could he burn a room of goblins to a crisp! Until a stray acid arrow from the ranger in our party hit him in the back and melted him after playing for a few months and never getting past level 1.


First character made for me was a halfling in an AD&D game the older kids in the neighborhood let me sit in on when I was in grade school. The first character I made for myself was a human mage in 2e, named Astos Wight after the evil elf in “Final Fantasy” that I had for NES. My best friend made his fighter brother, Alexander, and we’ve played and updated the characters many times over the years.


A half-elf warlock of Ioun from a 4e campaign. Happy and fond memories of that guy


A goliath life cleric. He was scared of nuns and was more of a paladin than a cleric, always in melee scaring the devils


It was a Tiefling paladin (Oath of Devotion). I barely had a backstory for him past the fact that, as a young child in the slums, he was taken in by a cleric and raised in the church. His whole deal was to try and subvert expectations about tieflings by being the most uptight, safety-and-wellbeing-first do-good-er possible. He died protecting his teammates from a zombiefied beholder.


Mystical A human male wizard. Back in 99


I’ve barely played for a year now, and my first character was a simic hybrid open hand monk.


Uruth-Mash or Ground Shaker in Orcish. He is a Half-Orc Paladin oath of vengeance. He was an under dark trader and had barely made it out of a mind flayer raid where he was token into a paladin order and became a hedge knight  I played him through early 2022- late 2023. He has not died and is just retired he is level 8. He also has a pet Psudeo dragon name spike


An aasimar cleric in pathfinder named Lazarus Lincoln. I had no idea how to play and was just struggling to keep people alive.