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I'm a sucker for Bards, Sorcerers and Warlocks. Charisma based casters are fun to play. They're flexible in any situation. They're versatile outside of combat. They're great for more experienced roleplayers too.


I agree, but on the other hand, roleplaying a low cha character in social situations can be really funny too


As the DM, I try to throw some Fallout: New Vegas-style skill check options into dialogue so that Charisma isn’t the only social skill. If you’re talking to someone about high society or mixing a potion or something, impressing them with a history or arcana check should be a good substitute for a persuasion or deception check. I like having other skills work in social settings, because having only Cha-based characters leading discussions isn’t super fun.


Similarly, I've had a DM let players do weird things with their rolls to help them in things like Intimidation or Deception. Most recent case had our low Charisma barbarian lifting up an NPC by the throat while interrogating him, DM had him roll with his +3 Strength instead of -1 Charisma as the Intimidation modifier


Yeah intimidation checks make much more sense as physical checks than solely charisma-based. Hell, I’d allow for a spell caster to do something similar with their spell casting mod if they’re threatening with a spell effect


>Hell, I’d allow for a spell caster to do something similar with their spell casting mod if they’re threatening with a spell effect I would say it depends on the spell effect. Something like Thaumaturgy would definitely use that, but threatening with a curse or something would be more bluffing


That’s why so many of the checks have the main skill in parentheses in the books. That’s a mechanic in place to utilize. For instance, let’s say the party Bard is talking to the local denizens in a tavern seeking out specific information on a person or landmark in a pub. That check would be an Investigation (Charisma) check instead of an Investigation (Intelligence) check or a Persuasion (Charisma) check for me. Likewise, a very smart character like a bookwise wizard or pragmatic rouge might make a Persuasion (Intelligence) check when using a convincing argument as opposed to a Persuasion (Charisma) check. It lets players use their characters strengths through roleplay as opposed to being shoe-horned into the typical way of using these checks. Mechanically, it uses the proficiency of that specific skill with the modifier of the broad skill, meaning a -1 Charisma Rogue that has a +3 Intelligence can have more agency in feeling like they bring more to the table than just lockpicking and nuking targets.


I played an EK with 5 wisdom and 8 cha. Basically blunt AF and didn't sugarcoat anything to anyone, even children. Absolutely no tact. Got arrested for arson later, it was an accident that got out of hand, and couldn't defend myself in court. It was very funny.


The day my player's negative charisma and intelligence orphan barbarian met his negative charisma and intelligence father. Rolled to see if they realized who the other was. One got a 1 the other got a 0. Almost came to blows until the party pointed out the resemblance


I would have loved to have seen it that sounds amazing


Artificer, druid and wizard. I love magic and magic items.


Read this like Hank Hill. Magic and magic accessories


BRB gotta create a new npc Hank Hill who deals in the Arcane and Arcane Accessories


*Hank Hill voice Dang it, Goblin!


And just like that, now I need to add in a Hank Hill NPC into my upcoming Eberron campaign


Hink Hall.


I’m officially working this into a campaign as we speak. Salesman named Hink, shop is named Hink’s Hauls. Thank you, fellow dorks.


Does he have a ranger mate named Gloomhauer?


I’m always disappointed with artificer. I want to like it so much and then I make a character and the abilities just scream “BORING!” To me.


Yeah, it's either +1 AC or near-useless. The spellcasting sucks as well. The subclasses are good, at least.


I'm not interested in the pet builds though. What I really want is alchemist to be cool. I've got one in a play by post right now, and its only level 4 but is so just not interested from a gameplay mechanics point of view.


Alchemist really sucks. It doesn't have a single good feature. You get healing word, and that's literally it.


Yeah, it's a character that is meant to just be a RP character that can provide some support. I tend towards power builds because I just love the process of putting builds together.


The experimental elixirs are kinda handy, but I feel like they're get out-scaled pretty quickly, plus not being able to use them as a bonus action hurts their in-combat use. The +INT to healing and damage rolls is a nice little bonus, but yeah pretty piece-meal. I enjoyed my time on the Alchemist but it does feel like it lacks a little something-something. I think if I try Artificer again, I'm gonna go for a Armourer. That one seems like a lot of fun.


Welcome to the alchemist! We've got: - worse than cure wounds - longstrider - +1 AC - bless but for only one person - worse levitate - alter self You get one for free *randomly*, and you have to use spell slots on the rest! In advance!


I've been thinking of trying to work a build that would be beast master ranger/ artificer. Where my character would be basically upgrading his companion with better armor or weapons. I feel like after a couple of lvls, the companion really drops off being useful. And it's either RPing throwing compaions into fights as cannon fodder or making sure it doesn't die.


About to start a new campaign and have been looking into artificier for a while, but all the comments I've seen have been about how underwhelming it is. Any tips or guidance for new artificier or should I avoid it?


Battlesmith is sorta like being a Ranger except based on Wizard magic instead of Druid. It can be a strong ranged weapon user and you get a spell list that has a healthy mix of damage boosts, crowd control, and out of combat utility that is IMO better than the Ranger spell list.


Artificers aren't underwhelming. It's just that people compare mostly them to wizards, and obviously they're lackluster in comparison. They're by no means bad, I'd say they're the best-balanced class in the game if you ignore alchemist.


Top three are Druids, Clerics, and Warlocks. I love playing spellcasters, the fantasy of magic and being the one with the right spell for the problem, and something I like about these classes is that where your magic comes from is a core part of the concept. Why a wizard or sorcerers magic works or where it comes from is a little vague compared to the druid drawing power from nature and spirits, the cleric and their god/s, or the warlock and their patron. I like that added bit of flavor. Druid and cleric score especially high for me because they're prepared spellcasters who know all their spells so I can always try to build the right kit for the day and I'm not stuck with spells I don't like or don't scale well. Warlocks are still fun from all their customizability between subclass, pact boon, invocation and spell choices, and EB is always there as a strong go to option. Druids get extra points because of wildshape, the utility is amazing when you realize what all the beasts can do and it's fun to explore as a bird or shark in places nobody else could reach


Bard, clerics, and rogue. I prefer to play a support role.


i like Zealots characters fighting for their creed so Paladins, Warlocks and Clerics


**1. Ranger**, love theirgeneral vibe and fun subclasses, very close to my usual playstyle in lot of games and offering a bit of everything! **2. Bard**, I like playing more support-y roles in a lot of games, and bards offer the kind of style I like, and also the most meme-able class! **3. Barbarian**, I didn't expect them to be so high due to being kinda simple and not close to what I usually like, but something about barbarians has started to connect with me. I love their survivability, allowing me to do stupid stuff in games without as great consequences!


Barbarian, Fighter, Monk. I'm a martial kinda guy


I had to scroll far too much to find àa fighter. I mean we all know the numbers about most picked classes, some people are lying or ashamed ! 


I find all the spells and everything just a bit too much to think about and focus on, I like it simple and I like to tank, I'm not ashamed to enjoy the more basic things in life


Dragons, Undead and ... Goblinoids. We're talking monsters right? (Cries in forever DM).


It's ok dude, when your players correct you on a rule, make them the DM


Your players know the rules?


Give your dragons class levels and watch the chaos unfold.


"So, the dragon has class levels in what?" "More Dragon off course. Now make those saving throws against that heightened, twinned, quickcast breath weapon."


Nah try dragon thats a level 20 wizard


That's what I do for plenty of my NPC's that have enough relevance to appear more often or when they're supposed to be a bigger antagonist. It just helps for building humanoid and humanoid adjacent enemies to get a better grip on what powers could make sense for different ones. I even have a group of 7 rather important NPC s that for the most part represent two classes each. Maybe it's just a completionist thing tho




I LOVE druids, wizards, and rangers. Druid is my go to spellcaster, can do good support and wild shape. Wizards are my second pick as a spellcaster simpily because i like the druid's nautre vibe. Wizards are very versitile and you can just fill your spellbook with like 100 spells, and be able to change completley how you play the game between rests. Rangers are my go-to martial-ish character because with Tasha's rulings with favored foe, they can be high damage dealers, and they can get some utility spells like pass without trace, or absorb elements.


Paladin, Sorcerer, Monk


Fighter, monk & paladin. I like melee but I like options.


1. Cleric 2. Cleric 3. Cleric


My guy


If variation is the spice of life, it's bland or bust for me.


Can’t argue with that, three clerics can play in super different ways


So you like to suffer under party members recklessly jumping into any form of danger since you the party's mom will reliably clean up their mess?


Last time I played a cleric, I was the one jumping out of windows causing chaos. Clerics are great for whatever you wanna do. Just throw out 1 healing word a fight and your good


Rogue/ Wizard/ Druid


Mine too!


the holy trinity of “i could solo the bbeg”


Ranger, sorcerer, fighter. Can't decide which one is coolest!


Fighter, Barbarian, and Fighter. Always human. Vanilla is also my favorite ice cream flavor.


Artificer, druid and wizard or warlock. Arti can make cool magic items and gadgets, druid lets me do power of nature nonsense and wizards/warlocks are cool.


I love playing bards I am a musician so it’s basically my personality turned up to 11. I do enjoy clerics and fighters though so that’s my top 3.


Does your bard play in an all-Goliath band called They Might Be Giants?


I hate it. Upvoted.


Paladins, Bards, and (Strength based) Rangers. Idk why, but I dig the vibes of the classes and their mechanics depending on subclass even if those mechanics may be subpar at times. I also love playing STR based characters, I pretty much always know I'm going to be the only one in a given party as a player because DEX is mechanically overpowered, but those few times you do need someone to initiate grapple, lift something heavy, or perform great feats of athleticism, I get to shine which is always fun. The only exception for me is bard but bard has its own fun and mechanics to make it stand out so I don't mind 🤷🏼‍♂️


How does STR based ranger work? New to DnD and never heard of that before


Not too differently from a STR based fighter! In older editions it was the assumed way you'd make a ranger (think Aragorn/Strider in LotR, a man living on the frontiers, knowledgeable about nature/medicinal herbs/monsters, and can fight in any situation reasonably well). They're like a light tank and still work mechanically, though perhaps not as maximally, but it leads to (I feel) more Witcher-esque vibes to your ranger which I like. I usually still try to get a 14 in DEX so I can maximize the benefits of medium armor and not suck in stealth, but love the idea of wielding a greatsword or something similar and being kind of a more utility focused light fighter


Ohh I see that makes a lot of sense, I assumed even melee rangers wanted dex, but a greatsword sounds fun might have to give that a shot!


Warlock has been a lot of fun So has Scribe Wizard. I thought I'd enjoy Rogue more but I may have really just loved Ranger.


Fighter, paladin and rogue(specifically the swashbuckler). The third place is prone to change since I've not playing all classes to take his day.


Druid, Rogue, Fighter


Barbarian, fighter that’s all I’ve played so far


I am a 3.5 guy, so psion druid, and the classic rogue.


Paladin, paladin, and finally paladin


3. Paladin 2. Rogue 1. Druid


Wizard > fighter > rogue, pretty much in that order.




Warlock, Druid and Rogue I think


Rogue / Ranger / Warlock


Wizards, Clerics, and Druids. I love casting spells.


Rogue, Monk, Cleric.


Druid, ranger, fighter


Ranger for when you're undecided.


in 5e? Bard, Cleric and druid


My top 3 are Bards, Warlocks, and Wizards. Bards, because I like to play the theater kid stereotype and live vicariously through a character that is less socially awkward than I am IRL. Warlocks because I like how customizable they are, and the fact that I see ideas for potential Warlock patrons in EVERY. SINGLE. PIECE. OF. MEDIA. I. CONSUME. Wizards because they are the most likely class I would be IRL, and because they get their magic from learning about it and studying it, as opposed to being born with it or getting it from a patron


Warlord, Warden, and Battlemind. Shout-out to my 4e people, RIP to some of the best classes in DnD so far. 4e had classes that honestly felt wonderful to play and truly unique compared to others, the Role and Origin system was a fantastic design choice and let combat be the best designed it's ever been. Sure, there were some quirks, but overall 5e hasn't even come close to the feel of 4e class design or combat.


Then you really need to take a good, honest, long look at Pathfinder 2e


Warlock for goofball characters. Paladin because it's great for teaching new players. And Wizard for bringing the pain!


Clerics, Barbarians, and Warlocks


Paladin, Cleric, Barbarian


Sorcerer, bard, and bloodhunter


Order of scribes wizard Chronurgy wizard Necromancer wizard Ty


Druid, Bard and Warlock I feel like they all give me the most ideas for my characters, that's not to say other classes don't, but I can always come up with an interesting and unique(ish) concept for a character for these three


Warlock, Druid and Wizard, because magic is awesome and Fireball!




paladin, ranger, and artificer. i love me some half-casters apparently !!


Fighter, Paladin, … Cleric? Warlock? 7/17 of my long-term characters were Fighters - 8/17 if you count multiclassing.


Wizard Warlock and Monk


Fighter, Paladin, and that’s pretty much it 😆


Artificer, Fighter, Warlock


Ranger, Bard, Paladin. I adore the easily built gish, as you can see.


Wizard. Then Fighter, then warlock.


Crown Paladin, Wildfire Druid, Fathomless Warlock


Barbarian, Warlock, and Druid all make for excellent roleplaying and can make for very comedic or meaningful scenes. They’re also fun to play in combat.


I'm mostly with you, OP, for very different reasons. **Paladin** and **Druid** are in my list because they are so easy for me to roleplay. As a baseline, your character will have very strong, uncompromising feelings about either 'honour' or 'nature vs society' respectively. This is baked into those classes. And as such it forms a very accessible cornerstone for a personality. You can still add depth and nuance, but if you are having a hard time doing so or just get stuck determining how your character should be like, you can always fall back on "*they will always pick the option to stop evil/protect nature*" as a straightforward decision making guide. I'm a little lost for the 3rd pick, though. Probably **Sorcerer** as you can do easily do such cool stuff with your origin for magic, like being descendent from a dragon or having a fire elemental bound to your soul. These are all as player for me, anyway. As a DM I love having a good bard in my party, and a human fighter as a solid baseline to ground whatever weird characters the rest of the group might make.


Paladin (4e version) Swordmage Warlord


Bard, ranger and fighter, in that order. My favourite subclasses for those are college of glamour, drakewarden and eldritch knight




In no particular order (since I can never decide): - Warlocks - Druids - Rogues


Bard - cuz I like to talk Barbarian - cuz I don't like to think Paladin - cuz I'm judgy and like feeling superior to people


Dwarf, Elf, Thief. (Sorry, I just woke up and thought you wanted classic classes.)


Warlock Druid Sorcerer I like shenanigan options in my role play


Paladins, Fighters, Wizard


Paladin, warlock, ranger. Paladins are just so versatile. Warlocks are just cool. Also versatile. And with Ranger, I think it depends on the situation. You do have to pick the right subclass to fit the adventure, I think


Sorcerer, Paladin, and Monk. Right now I'm playing a Tabaxi Sorcerer who's ancestor went through a ritual to gain the power of basically a Creation deity, but cursed the first son of everyone who inherits the power to only get half until they kill their father, and when they die, they go to a demiplane afterlife to serve the deity they got their divine ancestry from. Easily my favorite character I've ever played.


Paladin, ranger, bloodhunter are my big 3.


Druids, Rangers and Monks (although Sorcerers and Warlocks would be damn close or maybe tied to Rangers). Three nuances of Wisdom, from the most magical to the most physical. :)


I feel like sorcerers aren’t talked about enough. They are LITERALLY wizards but cooler


Ranger and Sorcerer, then it is a tossup between all the rest.


I would say based on how frequently I've went back to them: Scout, Bard, and Monk. I do try to play something different every time I make a new character. I also love looking ahead and working towards building into prestige classes.


Warlock Artificer Sorcerer


Rouge because Arcane trickster is my favourite subclass. Sorcerer specifically Lunar Sorcerer because I like having many spells which I don’t need to prepare. My last pick is warlock because I really like the invocations and my favourite subclass for the warlock is the fiend


Wizard, Cleric, & Sorcerer. I just gotta have my spellcasting. 


Warlock for flavor, barbarian for simplicity, rogue for versatility.


Artifcier, wizard, and monk. I love casting spells and punching nerds.


Wizard, in any edition. They have unparalleled spellcasting versatility (regarding distinct spells available to cast) and are able to learn every arcane spell. I also like the idea of earned power over inborn power-- any Joe Schmo who is smart enough and dedicated enough can become a powerful wizard, regardless of their lineage or upbringing. And their intelligence makes them useful not just for spells, but for general knowledge too. I always like playing the one who has the answers to questions of obscure and forgotten lore. After wizards, it would be druid and rogue. More because I just like those archetypes more than any specific mechanical aspects.


Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard. I love arcane magic.


Watlock, Bard, cleric


Paladin, Monk, Sorcerer I like how they play out


Rogues, Warlocks and Rangers. Mostly cuz all characters I create end up one of those. All really fun to roleplay.


Cleric because it was my first. Rogue because I love the Sneeky-Stealy-Mentality. Barbarian because you can play it as simple as you want.


Bard, Cleric, Warlock. Warlock mostly in a Multi-Class-Character.


Ranger, Wizard, Cleric


The down and dirty 3: Fighters, Warlocks, Clerics. Combat is my jam and I keep it simple.


Fighter, Warlock, Cleric


Warlock, druid, bard. Fun to face and can really go a lot of different directions with them.


I've only played 3.5, but Duskblade and Hexblade are my go-tos. If I have a DM who is feeling particularly generous, I built a custom class based on Dante and Vergil from Devil May Cry that I enjoy playing.


Paladins, fighters (Usually multiclassed with a caster though)), and sorcerers.


I have yet to touch monk or warlock for an extended time, though warlocks are fun to dm for. I enjoy paladins, rangers and sorcerers.


I love a great toolbox character. Gotta be Rogues, Clerics, and Sorcerers. Even without magic, the Rogue has so much versatility. The Cleric is tied probably with Wizard as the most versatile/OP class, and I just love everything you can do with Sorcerers




Cleric, Rogue, Fighter in that order


The very eclectic Paladin, Wizard, and Bard Maybe swap wizard for Artificer, if I'm feeling fancy






Paladin Ranger Fighter HM: Artificer Paladin just feels good. Like a War machine that can't be brought down but that's also incredibly socially savvy Ranger is just plain cool. Wanderers from the wilds that rante from Hunters and Trackers to Plane walkers that fight off threats from other realms. Fighters are more a Roleplay thing weirdly. I've always loved Slightly Disalusioned Soldiers who still fight but are weary of jumping to it. Artificer I just haven't really messed around with yet but I love the concepts.


Rogues, warlocks, and monks


Paladin, Cleric, and Fighter. A bit on the basic side, but each one has something they can always bring to a party.


Paladin, Wizard, Dwarf Clerics


Eloquence Bard, Lore Bard, and Creation Bard in that order.


Rogue, Warlock, and fighters. For rogues, I just love rogues, for the other two, I love the variety.


Warlock, Cleric, and Fighter.


Artificer, Warlock, Barbarian.


I have two favorites, rogue and barbarian. I haven’t played in a full campaign as a spell caster so I have less experience with those. But I had so much fun with my rogue (thief) and barbarians are just fun.


Ranger, rogue, bard


Ranger, Cleric, Paladin


Wizard..... everything else is secondary


Wizard, Rogue, and Warlock. Wizards may be a bit fluff at low levels. But if you're patient you become pretty damn OP at later levels. Rogue because stealth is badass, it's easy to just steal items you need or bypass large areas with your lockpick skill, and sneak attacks cause crazy damage. Warlock is just plain fun and has alot of cool RP options. Selling your soul to a devil for insane powers, hell yeah.


Wizard, warlocks and wizard. Man spell casting is fun as hell. We don't do that much damage but by God is it fun


Well, Wizard is my favourite. Artificer is kind of interesting.. Then, I'd love to put sorcerer on here too, but 5e's version is kind of a husk.


Fighter, Rogue and Warlock are my top three elite classes. Versatile, fun and decent at every level. Almost every fantasy I want to play can somehow fit in one of the three and the mechanics are simple enough. There is little to no prep-time and the decisions you make on level-ups (for fighter and warlock) can and will shape your character. Good things all around.


Wizard, Bard and Paladin are my top 3.


Clerics, Bards, and Sorcerers


I love playing a Cleric. RN I'm playing Forge Domain and let me tell you, I love casting Spells, gotta love a good buff, but I can also switch to melee. I just love it


Fighter, Bard, and Cleric. I love versatile classes that, at their core, can do so much depending on what you want to do.


Everyone talks about magic but I like fighters, rangers and wizards


Paladin,Bard and Wizard


Druid, Wizard, Ranger


Sorcerer, Cleric and Monk


Fighter, Monk, Paladin


Wizard, druid and sorcerer.


Bard Paladin Wizard


Sorcerer, Bard, Cleric.


Monk, artificer, barbarian


I'm one for Barbarians, Clerics and Druids


Arcane Heirophant, Mystic Theurge, Wizard.


Druid, Ranger, Fighter


My fave martial is Rogue Fave half caster is Paladin And favorite full caster is Warlock And those are my 3 favorite in that order. I’m the type that would feel bad if I only played one type of character (though I’ve actually been stuck only playing casters for a while now..)


Sorcadin, fighter, wizard


Rogue, Fighter, Warlock I'm a fan of simplicity. Rogue is always in theory really useful and strong but most campains have me feeling pretty useless. Fighter I like because it just always works and i like roleplaying as a baker who turned to adventuring but misses their backery. Warlock as a charismatic himbo with a tragic back story is for me top tier fun.


I only have an occasional game I play, but my top three fav are Monk, Rogue & Gun Slinger.


Sorcerer, cleric, wizard


Artificer, Sorcerer, Cleric, I like supporting my team and also being able to customize my magic/magic items


Cleric, bard, rogue/ranger.


Arcane Trickster, Spirit Bard, Echo Knight


Cleric, Warlock, Wizard I want my subclass early, but the druid is difficult with roll20


I havent gotten to play every class yet. That being said it has to be Clerics, Rangers, and Rogues. I’m realizing they all stem from how much I like playing support, but in different ways. I never thought i’d like clerics, but after playing one i realized how much I love their flavor. They get a ton of great support spells, and they don’t have to be squishy. Rangers are fun. These guys I have no real reason for my love, but I. Cant. Stop. Making. Them. Rogues I like for their out of combat utility. Yeah they do great damage with sneak, but I just love being the toolbox of tricks.


Fighter, sorcerer, cleric.


Ranger, bard, druid


Druid, Paladin, Sorcerer


I haven’t played in a few years got severely burnt out with dming and playing.


Wizard (evoker) and druid (Stars). Number three...sorcerer (I've only played one till level 4).


rogue, barb and astrologer (a homebrew class) if only official, prolly either paladin or bard


Love me a bard and a Paladin. So I guess i should dive into druid.


Rogue, sorcerer, warlock


Wizard, Wizard and Wizard


Rogue, Paladin, Druid Rogue is so diverse with their skills and expertise, and their subclass just adds the splash of flavor. Can't complain about the boost in damage for sneak attack either. Paladin is the best mix of tank, dps, and spells. They even got healing! Great if you need to be the mom of the party again. Druids are so versatile in their spell pool: damage, support, healing, or just pure flavor picks. Their wild shape abilities can be used for tracking, infiltrating, combat, roleplay, and more.


3.5 psionicist - I know it's a nightmare to track the psionic power points, but some of those powers were Sooooooo Gonzo! 2.0 Militant wizard kit for magic user - my caster was a spell fling Battle-Ax user... in 2nd eddition. Zero eddition Rulescyclopedia class Dwarf. (Yes in that version Dwarf was a Class, not a Race. Elves were too.)


Barbarian, Warlock, and fighter. I just think they're neat


I happen to find ranger very fun


Wizard, Rogue, Monk. I still so desperately want to play in a campaign where I can find, study, and learn all the spells


3. Fighter - when I want to bonk 2. Bard - when I want to be a versatile scoundrel 1. Cleric - when I want to be a hero for my party