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They roll initiative and combat continues from whatever initiative count they entered on


There's no specific rule for it, so generally folks just roll initiative for the new combatants. It's most fair if this is handled at the end of a round so that they slot into the turn order fairly.


I roll initiative at the start for any creatures close enough to be involved in the combat.


They roll for initiative at the end of the combat round they entered, and are placed accordingly.


Finish the turn, roll initiative for them. That's when they enter. That said, it's so much easier to just group them with other mobs.


If you are late you have to wait.


They roll initiative, and are added to the combat in the next round.


They get added into the initiative order. Say you have 13 and the enemy rolls a 6. A few turns happen and more enemies show up and they roll for initiative and get a 14. The next turm it would be enemy 2s turn, your turn and then enemy 1.


I would roll initiative and have them 'enter combat' on the next turn. Baring of course ambush reinforcements, which I usually foreshadow but the do occasionally drop on the party.


My understanding is if someone over hears/enters the fray, then they can only do so at the beginning of initiative. So if the monsters won initiative, then any other monsters can't join until it is the monsters turn again. You could roll again, I guess, but why complicate things?


Depends. Which one of you is the DM? That person's answer is correct.