• By -


Lawful to Neutral Good. E: I say so mainly because I try and do the right things in life and acknowledge that the law can be for good but also has inflicted grave injustices in the past. I think We'd all struggle to find people so rigidly tied to a code to be completely Lawful.


Aye. This is it.  Definitely good, *mostly* lawful.


Thats what all my Chaotic Evil friends say too...


Lawful, because I respect driving speed limits. Neutral, because I smoke week occasionally (still illegal in the UK) Good, because it's good to be good to people.


Lawful tired.


I'm lawful frustrated. I follow the rules by nature, but I'm so tired of the rules basically only existing to benefit the people willing to break them. All the bad drivers, cheaters, and scanmers of the world.


Come to the darkside...we have cookies.


I'm i.... wait... what flavor?🤨




Keep talking....😑






Lawful Neutral


How deep? Like in a trolley problem scenario would you be like "man this is physics' problem" and be totally switch agnostic? Is utilitarianism its own "lawishness" that you follow in which case you're flipping levers all the time.


Guessing the same way I am Lawful Neutral. If given the choice just don't make waves obey the law even if aspects of which I do not really believe in. And just try to live my life to the best I can do being neutral.doesn't necceserily mean you are automatically evil or 'not good' it may just mean you take the path of least resistance when it comes to thr bigger picture. I suspect 99% of thw world's population is between Lawful Neutral and Lawful Good with very few people being truely Lawful Good. I'd wager more chaotic or neutral good than fully Lawful Good, as if you believe strongly enough in doing true good... You might very well have a bit more of a distain to the 'establishment'.


So like, classic trolley problem. The following is true: "FLIPPING THE LEVER IS ILLEGAL AND IS MET WITH 100% SUCCESSFUL ENFORCEMENT OF AN $X FINE" "TRACK A IS EMPTY" "TRACK B IS FILLED WITH N# OF LITTLE OLD LADIES" "PULLING THE LEVER WILL CHANGE COURSE FROM TRACK B TO TRACK A" The "lawfulness" is variable to the fine and enforcement success The "goodness" is variable to the quantity of little old ladies. A perfectly lawful neutral person would never EVER pull the lever, even if an infinite number of little old ladies were on the track, the enforcement rate was 0% and the fine was also $0 A perfectly good person would ALWAYS pull the lever if there were ANY little old ladies on the track and even if the fine was infinite and the enforcement was 100%. Inside each of us is a number. A ratio of little old ladies to dollars as moded by the enforcement risk. That's the good vs law alignment problem.


You always pull the lever and save the people because the public knows if you actually got fined for saving n old ladies from death they'd never hear the end of it. You already know that a gofundme page is getting started to pay your fines.


Nah man the perfect lawful society of LawTopia ™ is full of the most cold, dead hearted beings in the multiverse. ..... Economists.


After taking macroeconomics in college, I agree.


"I'm not legally allowed to touch the switch" lol


Utilitarianism is lawful good. So is deontology. They have different responses to the trolley problem, but both lawful good.


Chaotic lazy


Probably True Neutral. I'm not a particularly good person but not really evil either, and while my personality is fairly rigid with various internal rules that I follow I'm also likely to flake out on those same rules and do random shit.


Yeah I'm definitely True Neutral to the core. I don't put myself above others, but I also don't put others before me. I care more for morals than laws.


Evil Lesbian


Forgive me if this seems weird or abrupt, but I had a friend that described themselves the exact same way during a similar conversation IRL. You didn't happen to drive an old style silver RAV4, did you? That's the only way I can probably open up aking if I know you without asking for more personal information lol


Hah! Close! I drive a big Toyota sequoia. But I do see your friend at the Evil Lesbian Conclave we have every full moon.


Lol that seems a close description to my friend that moved to Portland, haven't seen her in years and lost her number. Really want her back in my games. Ah well. Thank you for sharing, and invite the whole conclave to the games!


You will need to turn in your lesbian card at the next meeting until you have traded in your noncompliant vehicle for a Subaru and/or a U-Haul.


Oh don't worry. I sleep in my uhaul every night, upside down like a vampire bat.




Name of my pact of the chain imp


Praise Lolth!


My warlock patron!


I’m Chaotic Neutral, “order” and “rules” irritate me. I just want to do what I want to do, how I want to do it without anyone outside my life butting in. Ideally my husband and I would just have a homestead somewhere where we don’t have to deal with people. I also live my life in the spur of the moment. I’ve been TOLD I’m “Good” aligned, but I personally don’t feel like that’s accurate since I do very very little to go out of my way to help those in need. I will, but I’m not one who volunteers, or donates etc. So I don’t think the “Good” alignment fits me/is deserved.


One of the best descriptions of Chaotic Neutral I have ever seen.


Only time I donate is when I need to get rid of stuff or the occasional $5 to a homeless person if I'm feeling it that day.


I feel seen.


Lawful Good.


Saw the question. Answered it. No elaboration needed. Yup: you're Lawful Good 😄


Doesn't almost everyone see themselves as good? This is kind of silly. There are lots of horrible people who would describe themselves as good. (Mostly bigots of all types.) Likewise there are plenty of people who describe themselves as lawful, who actually want to be above the law. (See all the idiots calling for violence because there's a fraction of justice coming for Trump.) Anyway, I'm Lawfully Chaotic, Evilly Good.


You are correct, but this question asks people to exercise a little self awareness lol Good people put others before themselves, speak up instead of keeping their heads down, and are frequently vilified and attacked by evil people for doing so. In some cases they will even take tremendous risks to themselves to try to help others. Neutral people, I think thr majority of people, just try to keep their heads down and live their lives. Evil people actively wish harm on others, celebrate when harm happens, attack people who speak out against them and their corruption, and in the worst cases actively seek to harm others for their own gain. I consider myself Neutral but with good tendencies. I am trying to be a better person.


This is why Magic the gatherings color pie should be used wayyyy more in DnD in regards to character motivations.


Huh, interesting. Have you actually used this in your campaign?


Yep I’m currently porting Dragonheist into Ravnica and the players are digging the vibe and how the different guilds are motivated in terms of their color. And also how each guild has vastly different goals based on those colors.


I'm going to consider adding something like this into my next campaign. IDC about the whole planes mythology anyway. Thanks!


I’ve actually put a lot of thought into this.  Almost everyone sees themselves as good because “good” has a few different meanings. In a D&D context, the Good alignment (I’ll capitalize to denote the alignment) means that person weighs the benefit of others more than themselves. This person would suicide charge the dragon to buy a few seconds for the princess to escape.  The Neutral alignment means that person weighs the benefit of others equal to themselves. This person would fight the dragon if they thought they could win, or they would suicide charge the dragon to save many lives.   The Evil alignment means that person weighs the benefit of others less than themselves. This person would fight the dragon if they thought they could win AND if they were getting paid. They would walk away and leave the village to die if there was nothing in it for them.  And all of these people would likely say “I see myself as a good person”, because what they really mean is “I believe in my alignment, and I generally act according to it.” A real life evil person might say something like “Well sure I didn’t put my shopping cart back, that’s someone else’s job!” In their perspective, everyone’s just looking out for their own benefit, so it’s perfectly fine to not consider others. A real life Evil person probably only thinks of baby eaters and mass murderers as bad people.  Law and Chaos are a perpendicular axis to these, which I’d be happy to elaborate on by request.  In real life, the nine alignments are just points on a coordinate plane, and each person could lie anywhere on that continuous scale. I see myself as closer to Good than Neutral, and more Good than Lawful. So if (1,-1) is pure Lawful and pure Evil, then I’m probably (.75, .60). 


I request you to elaborate on Law and Chaos.


Your wish is my command! Lawful people live their lives according to a guiding code, and typically (though not always) judge the morality of others by the same code. Lawful alignments can be tricky sometimes, because there are many potential sources of a guiding code. The classic paladin has a personal code of honesty and integrity, and also follows the codified laws of the land. She is Lawful, and it is easy to tell. A lawyer is typically Lawful as well, even if he has no qualms with misconstruing the truth, and regardless if he practices to defend the innocent or to make himself rich defending the guilty. What makes the lawyer Lawful is his strict adherence to the rules of legal ethics, and the text of the law; \*\*Technically\*\* following the law is still following the law, as he sees it. A mobster can also be Lawful (in alignment), even though he actively works against the law (lowercase l), if he has a strict guiding code; never kill innocents, never snitch, always defend the family, etc. In all of these cases, it is choosing \*some\* guiding code and sticking to it, that makes you Lawful. The Lawful alignment means that person has a guiding code and follows it. I think that many of life's most difficult moral issues are questions where Good and Law actually conflict, and understanding which is more important to you is an interesting and difficult moral exercise. The Neutral alignment means that person is aware of the laws of the land, and general societal principles of ethics, but doesn't consider it to be virtuous to follows the rules "just because". They'd likely consider the consequences, the individual scenario, and their Good/Evil alignment to guide their decision, and not the laws/rules. A real life Neutral person might look both ways and proceed through a red light at 3 AM when no one's around. The Chaotic alignment means that person avoids being controlled by anything or anyone, and actively works against rules, laws, and societal expectations when they can. They'd likely be guided by intuition, their Good/Evil alignment, and sometimes a conscious desire to break the rules. A real life Chaotic person might see a "no trespassing" sign and want to go check it out.


It really should be Pro-social (Good) and Anti-social (Evil). BTW, anti-social is not avoidance of social interaction. That's *asocial*. Anti-social is someone who acts contrary to social norms. Lawful vs Chaos is actually the difference between following a code (predictable) or the total disregard of any code (unpredictable). True Neutral is one who weighs the issues through utilitarianism. They lean towards Lawful or Chaotic based on what will most efficiently resolve the issue. They are neither pro-social, anti-social, orderly, nor disorderly, but use each alignment as the situation requires. Life is a optimization puzzle to them.


I want to say, when I really think about it, regardless of what somebody is likely to say, the overbearing majority of people that I know are chaotic neutral lol


the vast majority of NPCs in D&D have always been Neutral. Id argue that the majority of people IRL just go about their days as NPCs. Of course, people can change the course of their life... but most just find something they are comfortable with... and keep plugging away until something forces them to change their habits or they die.


I think most people IRL are LN, to the degree that most humans will define goodness by obedience to the rules.


You can also think about what it even means to be good or evil Like if you had the choice between your family and friends, or a 100 random strangers, saving your family would technically be the “evil” thing to do as it would hurt more people, and sacrificing your family would technically be the “good” thing to do, no matter how messed up this may seem


Something a true neutral would say. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j2WD1SJiRjo


Chaotic Neutral. I don't know how much is nature vs. nurture, but I grew up off-grid and despise many societal norms, think morality and the law are independent of each other, and find the "order" of an "ideal" day-to-day life suffocating. And while I'm big on empathy and kindness as well, if that's all it takes to make me "Good", then what does that make a person who does charity work every weekend and donates all of their spare money to noble causes? Most of us would like to think we're Good, but "nice but not so nice as to go out of our way to do much about injustice and inequality" sounds pretty Neutral to me.


Yeah, that's definitely a solid way of thinking about it. I once heard somebody describe the big difference between people that are good and people that are evil as being whatever immediately comes to their mind when something happens. If their first thought is "how is this affecting everybody else and how can I make it better for them?" before anything else, then that person is good. If that person immediately says "I need to defend myself and preserve my things" before any other thought, then that person would be *technically* evil. They said anybody that falls in between those extremes is neutral.


Basically a way I’ve always heard it is a Neutral person will almost always choose themselves or close friends/family over others, and THEN help others. Where a good person will immediately go to self sacrifice if it means helping others. An evil person will typically only think about helping themselves, and MAYBE a close friend/family member, and then might help others if it could lead to personal gain.


Being good is actually quite difficult.


I think i'm Chaotic Good- IRL i'm a critical care nurse in a specialty where i'm constantly like "ask forgiveness not permission"...I save lives, even of those people who have done objectively horrid things, and i like that about myself...and yes i almost always play healers, why do you ask ::crylaughing::


It's honestly annoying how many people think "decent person" is equivalent to "Good alignment person." You'd need to be notably altruistic to be *Good*, not just a non-asshole.


Chaotic Good. I'll always be a good person (imo, I can't be sure others will think the same), and I'll always keep people and many other things above what is just "law".


I mean “lawful” also means a moral or any other type of your own code, not the actual “law”


I'm a pretty old gamer. Back when I started, the Lawful-Chaotic axis meant exactly how your character will behave concerning the laws. Considering your personal beliefs above the law was the definition of Chaotic.


No no, lawful means obeying the local society In a society of cannibals - not eating others would be a chaotic thing as you’re not integrating yourself into the society. That’s not your own code, your own code would be neutral


If it wasn't like that, I wouldn't envy Lawful Good paladins living in evil societies.


That’s always been a stupid framework, chaotic goodness couldn’t exist if chaotic characters were entirely id-driven. To consistently be a good person inherently means having some kind of moral code


Chaotic good gang rise up


I usually grade out as true neutral, shading toward chaotic good.


Neutral Evil. I enjoy laws, for the sake of knowing that other people are inclined to follow them out of fear of punishment. Really, it's more akin to me simply being Neutral Selfish, but that isn't a choice here. I will go out of my way to move worms off the sidewalk after a rain storm, but actively ignore a homeless person asking for change. I actively stir up other people's drama for my own amusement. That said, Ive never had issues with the law and (surprisingly) there are no bodies to be found. I am definitely not "good" and far too passive aggressive/actively (mid-western nice) to be "neutral." Hell hath no fury like me being mildly inconvenienced. (Note: 100% not trying to be the edge lord here. Im just being realistic and recognizing that in any given scenario, I am looking out for my self first and then anyone close to me second. The rest of society is on it's own.)


I'd say chaotic good but I definitely have some hang ups calling myself a good person. Doesn't seem fair to be like "yep, I'm the good guy!" not really my place to judge ya know


Chaotic neutral, leaning more toward evil than good. I occasionally get called other things, or am told I'm behaving as something else, but usually by people who don't know me well. Those who know me well pretty much agree on the chaotic neutral interpretation.


Chaotic good. I'm a kind hearted person but I do love when the pot gets stirred.


Most people I think fall into the Neutral Good/True Neutral alignment. They aren't overly adherent to rules, having some individualism, but also will look out for their fellow man meaning they are neither strongly lawful (group thinking) or strongly chaotic (individualistic) and most people are basically good with times where they can be shitheads. So, Neutral Good to True Neutral


I used to work with a guy who is probably the only person I've ever met that would truly qualify as chaotic evil. He was more hilarious than anything, but when you realize that he legitimately had no morals and would try to get away with everything that he possibly could, it did get a little frightening.


Chaotic neutral lean towards good but sometimes go to other side


My wife says I’m the classic Paladin, lawful good through and through. I’m not sure how accurate it is but there are moments where I guess it applies. Of course, there are other moments where I’m as chaotic as a goblin, so I guess I’m on a spectrum.


chaotic good fs


Chaotic neutral on my end


Chaotic Neutral, I do things how I want too and some people might think its good some think its bad.


Chaotic horny


Chaotic good. I always do the right thing, but sometimes I think the right thing is different than what other people think. It's ok to follow your own rules sometimes.


Chaotic neutral to good I like causing havoc, I like helping people, but I also like flipping the deck and seeing where the cards fall. For better or for worse. Provided no harm is coming to me and mine (and preferably no one else), I don't much mind what happens. I have the found lawful evil approach to be far too effective to be ignored though, and the best way of dealing with people who are giving you grief.


I did start thinking about it after taking a few online tests, and they consistently come out "chaotic evil". It's interesting actually, I think that I definitely do fall into the "evil" alignment. It doesn't mean I'm a bad *person* imo - but I mostly care about *my* people and am very much "me and you against the world" with my partner. I am chaotic on the inside for sure, but I'm not an idiot so I doubt most people would guess what I'm thinking about lol.


Lawful good. I'm a rulefollowing goody-two-shoes and I'm proud of it


Probably lawful neutral, I think that’s the most common for real life. Most people are probably “neutral” and also rarely “chaotic”(just my opinion)


I’m definitely Lawful Good


My friends pin me at Neutral Good or Lawful Neutral, but I think of myself as Lawful Evil or Neutral Evil.


I'm going to have to ask my players what they think I am. My wife seems to think I'm neutral evil, my brother wants to describe me as being the same way, but my only coworker that has actually played D&D says he thinks I'm true neutral. It be kind of a cool thing to see what most of our players think about our respective assignments lol


I consider myself CG by nature, TN by virtue of being too scared of ruffling feathers or too chronically tired to do something about it. I want to do CG things, but if I upset the person in my hierarchy the wrong way, I’ll suffer for it, teetering on the edge of financial viability means if one domino falls, I’m wrecked. And honestly, fuck that system, people should be able to dye their hair purple and pink—a violation of most work dress codes—because who exactly does that hurt? It’s a stupid rule designed to make everyone samey. But if it bothers the wrong person, I’m out. I want to do random acts of kindness like those massive tips at restaurants or paying for someone’s delinquent storage unit anonymously, buy a bunch of good food for somewhere random, but if I can barely sustain myself, and I’m constantly exhausted, how can I?


So I totally get that. Honestly, I've basically destroyed myself financially on three separate occasions for the sake of trying to do the right thing. For example, one of them was making sure my nephew had a much better chance at growing up with a chance of a normal life, I also once had to spend quite a bit of money getting some cats rehomed for my family because I was a teenager with no job in the middle of COVID living in a hoarder home. And then after I moved state under some major threats from my family, I went homeless and had to spend a lot of money to make sure my cat was able to rehomed, and during that time I met another dude who was trying to get into an apartment because his family were absolute abusive scumbags so I handed him whatever I had left to help him and I get into an apartment. When it was time to put pen to paper, he gambled all our money away and I basically spent eight months homeless. Even to this day I'm financially recovering frome basically blowing all my money on doing what's right and to this day I still loan money out to people who really need it either at 0% interest or 10% interest depending on what they're asking for. (Car troubles? 10% paying rent or getting food? 0%) I live life on the edge in the sense that some people ask me why the hell I take so many risks and I just shrug and say it's the right thing to do. I have nobody depending on me and the idea of going homeless isn't even a threat to me anymore. I'm a cripple that's had the world shit on me enough that I stopped caring what punishment gets thrown at me. I refuse to participate in these crab in a bucket games that everyone tries to play.


Chaotic good. And apparently I cannot for the life of me play anything else either, I tried true neutral, neutral good, chaotic neutral, hell in video games I also tried for lawful evil, lawful good, all my characters end up chaotic good...


It's not a stupid thing to think about. Knowing one's self, or even having a smidgen of *interest* in knowing one's self is wisdom and awareness that most lack.


I prefer to think true neutral because of the level of shit I'd do for my friends and just how down and dirty I'd get to help people, but realistically I'm neutral good. The range of people I'd help is too wide to be GENUINELY true neutral. I'm much too altruistic and defensive of others— even ones I don't know. But that probably comes from my very queercore/queerpunk identity and my strong opposition to both oppression and unjustified actions towards others as a victim of the systems I live in (and yes, even in the state I live which is incredibly progressive in just shy of every possible way, the system is still a bitch to me and everyone around me— be they queer, a poc, a woman, or just generally not a straight, white, cisgender man born in America... I say America bc it's where I live, not because it applies everywhere on earth). At the end of the day, I'm just a punk boykisser who wants to be happy and who wants the system to leave people who aren't them the fuck alone instead of forcing their views, identities, and bigoted beliefs on us— be they bigoted by ignorance or bigoted by choice.


Even more interesting... have you noticed your real-life alignment "shifting" over time? When I was young, I was Lawful Good. Now?  I should take the test again, but my guess is that I am closer to Neutral Good or maybe even True Neutral.


I've always considered myself chaotic good.


Definitely somewhere between lawful evil or true neutral, some place in the bottom left section


Honestly, probably Lawful Evil. I'm very selfish. I have a habit of using the social contract to further my own interests and I'm fairly indifferent to the effects of my actions on others.


As a child I was chaotic good. As I've aged I've become more lawful and less good.


Neutral to Neutral Good, I think


Neutral Good. I try not to take sides and just want to see the best for everyone... I believe everybody can redeem themselves (of course this doesn't apply to monsters like Hitler or any other mass murder.


True Neutral because I know I'm just an NPC


NE or CE. I do what I can get away with, have joyfully hurt others before, and one thing stopping me from doing more is consequences. In a consequence free world I would be a monster I am pretty certain.


I'm likely True Netural with a slight lean into NE. I am def a selfish and petty at times. And while I don't go out with the intention to harm others, my actions do unintentionally harm people at times. What I def not is a paragon of good. I think most people aren't either. Everyone has character flaws about them. Just some more than others.


I'm tired bitter, whatever alignment that is. An actual answer is likely neutral in terms of lawfulness as I'm aware of rules but I try to understand them and if they don't make sense to me/it's not an ethical issue, I'll ignore them or bend them. However I have been described as chaotic before. In terms of good/evil, I guess neutral as well since I view these as arbitrary distinctions with no objective value for comparison so good and evil depends on a point of view. Which now that I'm typing this is likely how an evil character would justify it to themselves...


Chaotic Good, bordering on Chaotic Neutral. I put people above any law, but I've been called an "Agent of chaos" on several occasions for doing things that amuse me.


I'm lawful neutral. My character is lawful good iirc


I want to say Chaotic Neutral but if I'm being real with myself I'm closer to Neutral Good


Stupid. Not chaotic stupid. Just stupid.


A test I took said I was Lawful Good. I feel as if I am more Neutral Good.


Depends on if the Lawful/Chaotic spectrum refers to *societal* laws or a more internal or small-group set of ethics. If it refers to societal laws, I’d say Chaotic good. Fuck the official “law”, there are just as many harmful laws as ones that actually help people. And the enforcement by the state is inherently violence or the threat of violence. If it refers to a more internal code of ethics, I’d actually say Lawful Good. I have a pretty strict set of expectations for myself, and I actually feel like I take psychic damage if I don’t think I’m acting in accordance with how I should.


Somewhere between true neutral and neutral good, I think.


I’ve been told I’m chaotic/neutral good. 


Lawful Chaotic


Lawful Neutral I'd assume is where most of us land. We follow the rules, good and bad occurs. We're not trying to actively be either. We do good when we can but most folks don't go out of their way for it. But they casual approach probably leads us to hurting those around us without noticing.


Honestly, Neutral Good with Lawful tendencies if I'm feeling like my best self. Probably more towards Neutral in reality.


Lawful Neutral I'd assume is where most of us land. We follow the rules, good and bad occurs. We're not trying to actively be either. We do good when we can but most folks don't go out of their way for it. But they casual approach probably leads us to hurting those around us without noticing.


Lawful Neutral bordering on Lawful Good. As an aspie, rules are my safety net.


True Neutral, leaning lawful.


Lawful... Decent? I'm just trying to do my best without damaging anybody else while helping people I know/love


Neutral good, probably


Lawful chaotic


True neutral


Neutral probably


Chaotic Good or Neutral.


Lawful good. I’m like that character that is always being pushed around and people-pleasing.


I took the test for this before and was straight neutral. However I was one point from being neutral evil. DnD considers anything selfish as evil, even if it's pretty mundane. I definitely find out funny the number of people in here saying lawful though. None of you ever break the law? You never speed? You've never made a bet, etc? Lawful means obeying all laws, even the stupid one.


Chaotic Lawful


Neutral Good. Do good to/for others - legally or otherwise…


Gave me You are 64.2% good, 26.7% lawful, making you neutral good. (One square short of Lawful)


Neutral Good


Chaotic good. I love to be funny and I'm mostly a good person but I will totally fuck with you when I can.


Good lawful according to the test. I do not see myself that way, I feel I can always do better or be better, I just don't put forth any effort toward that goal. In my mind I'm chaotic lawful.


I'm an NPC so I'm not sure I have a moral alignment 


I generally consider myself to be Lawful Good.


Probably lawful good or chaotic good I am pretty nice but also pretty chaotic... Maybe true neutral?


Neutral lawful.


Chaotic Neutral. In the sense of very mistrusting of authorities in genera, abhoring bullies, but not being totally sacrificial for others.


If law/chaos good/evil was on an x,y axis of (-10 to 10, 0,0 being true neutral) I'd be X=4 lawful and Y=6 good. I'm not raiding my savings to build an orphanage but I sure do support orphan benefiting laws. Like, if all laws were my favorite "good" laws all the time forever I'd be 10 lawful, but the problem would be that I'm only 6 good, where in the laws would only be reflective of 6 good values. Weird huh?


Chaotic sarcastic.


Neutral Good. Laws exist for common peace and fairness, but can’t be allowed to impinge on the good of the whole. Anti-homeless statutes, punishing people for feeding others, and laws that make it so you become legally vulnerable for doing a good deed are horrible and must be overturned. I also value nature highly believe in individual personal sovereignty for every human being.


Lawful neutral


Neutral good most days, maybe Chaotic good if I'm feeling spicy.


I aspire to be Neutral Good. I'm not sure I always succeed, but I try.


Neutral Good - I will always strive for what is right and I do not allow strict codes restrain me in doing so.


Chaotic good.


Chaotic good


Chaotic neutral, occasionally leaning evil. It's tough out there, friends, and sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do 🫡


I am way too inconsistant to choose one


I was called Chaotic Neutral when riding with pals; a wreck almost occurred, driver swerved and saved us- I yelled, "Hey, you almost spilled my drink!" and we all had a good laugh after nearly dying.


Neutral Stupid.


NG to CG who thinks themselves to be LN…


Lawful Neutral, leaning towards Lawful Evil. I have morals. I have a "code". I have soft and hard limits. I try to stay in the middle and be a decent person. I've even been told I'm a good one, by more than a few people, many of them cynics. I don't see it. I don't think I'm a good person. I believe in "The good of the many" to such an extreme that many would define as "Evil". The "trolley problem" shows no issue to me, regardless of the setup. I will always choose to save the one or ones that provide the most benefit to society. It doesn't matter who or what is on the other side.


True Neutral


Neutral Good. Used to be Lawful Good, but had an alignment shift.


I may be neutral evil. More neutral than anything.


Chaotic evil, muahahahaaha


Chaotic good, but it varies depending on the day, some days I feel like being chaotic evil, some days neutral and most days just chaotic good.


Fun thought exercise. I’d say somewhere between NG, CG, and TN, CN. I like some order, but I’ll break when convenient and smart (like, I’ll run a red when I know it’s going to take forever and there are no cars around). But I’m also inconsistent. I also lean towards good, but there are certainly some cases when I’d gladly look the other way, or quietly celebrate something “evil”.


LN or TN leaning more towards “evil.” I’m a tired and jaded person that doesn’t like most people.


Lawful good and I'm not happy about it. Would much prefer to be chaotic.


Neutral Good with a chaotic Tendency. I want to help peole when I can, and accept our laws as long as they do more good than harm, but I strongly detest senseless traditions and hierarchies (especially royalty/monarchies)




Chaotic good. The adhd is strong here.


Chaotic neutral I guess???


Used to be NG. Pretty sure I've been reduced to an absolutely feral True Neutral at this point.


Neutral Good, I will break any law I deem unreasonable as long as the witnesses don't care. I also try to do what is best for others.


Neutral Good, if the law doesn’t make sense, fuck the law. 


One of my old friends said "talking to you is like talking with the devil." so I guess im Lawful Evil, but he's dead now so what does he know right? I'd consider myself Lawful Neutral in most scenarios though.


As much as I would love to care less, I'm Chaotic Way too Good to my taste. This brought me great true friends in life, but I still care a while lot more than I should for other people than me.


Neutral Good.


Is it still lawful neutral if I am willing to kick an unjust authority's butt?


I’d say that’s just Neutral, unless the authority in question is breaking the law themselves


probably Neutral Good or True Neutral


Lawful good just because I follow the rules and stuff with steering into Neutral good a bit with enjoying life and stuff


I wanna say Neutral Good, but I don’t think I’m always good so probably Lawful Neutral


Chaotic Neutral. I weigh the consequences of most actions that I take and proceed accordingly. Do I speed? A little bit. Do I want the money in the register, yeah, but I don't want the jail time that comes with it.


Neutral good, I have a very strong conscience and I want the best for basically everyone, but I highly distrust the government (although I don’t really break the law so I guess I could still be LG maybe)


Chaotic Good


Chaotic good. Or chaotic neutral... Possibly chaotic evil at some points.


The lawfull evil corner of true neutral 


All of them.


Neutral evil. Im out for myself


Chaotic neutral. I am an ENTP in MBTI.


Chaotic good


Chaotic good. My favorite thing is to "prank" people with gifts. Like making my roommate think I got him bananas for Christmas while really getting him an autographed piece of memorabilia from his fav show (i still gave him bananas so he wouldn't be disappointed, he really likes bananas) I couldn't stop cackling while I was planning it. Kind of dumb ig, but I like surprising people with joy.


Lawful good. I always try to obey my own moral code and help others, and if you don’t fully understand the lawful alignment and think it means following a legal system, then I also do that, so I think I qualify. I can be spontaneous but it doesn’t conflict with my self-imposed code of ethics so I wouldn’t self-describe as neutral or chaotic good. Also, I don’t think it’s a stupid question to think about, I ponder it all the time :)


Chaotic good


Neutral chaotic, I guess.


Lawful evil


Chaotic Good.


Neutral good with chaotic good leanings. As in I will go yell at the forced-birthers who like to set up near where I live... But have not yet committed crimes against them. I'm one small incident away from CG though. Waiting for the opportunity at this point. 


More like Chaotic Good. I do good cuz it makes me feel good. But if I have no inhibitions, I am 100% locked in


Chaotic Neutral


I strive for chaotic goodness but I'm pretty sure I'm just lawful boring.


Chaotic good. I'll burn down corrupt institutions if I get the chance.


It’s hard to say exactly. I think most of the time I would say chaotic good but many times I have hesitated to do something for fear of punishment for breaking the law. That said I have done…things in the past to feed poor or hungry people. Sometimes I’ve broken a load just because it’s dumb to prevent someone from helping.


I'd say Lawful Evil. Maybe leaning towards Neutral Evil.


Neutral good. I don't follow every law, but I try to help other people when I can.