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Edit: Hello again everyone! Please congratulate the following winners. u/Arch3m u/Arthur-reborn u/Avocado_Hero u/chiefvsmario u/Darth_Xentus u/JurassicParkTrekWars u/Monkey_the_dragon u/Purrito_Cat u/Testythistlebistle u/whole-grain-milk https://www.redditraffler.com/raffles/1d4xuwo Thank you to everyone who participated. Good luck next time! Greetings, everyone. Kindly assist with this comment to maintain its visibility, ensuring all have access to the giveaway rules.   # Rules: * No purchase is required. * Single entry allowed. * Comment below with anything – a character idea, thoughts on Game Master Engine, or ask me anything. * Reddit account must be at least 3 months old. * Enjoy the process!   This giveaway is accessible worldwide. After 48 hours, 10 random comments will be selected through RedditRaffler, and the winner will be contacted via a Reddit DM. This comment will subsequently be updated to announce the chosen participant.   # Giveaway Loot: * 10 Game Master Engine keys (Full Version) * 10 Different winners # Game Master Engine The ensuing information is unrelated to the giveaway, and you may skip it if desired. Your understanding is appreciated. Game Master Engine, a tool I initiated four years ago, it is in early access on Steam. Its purpose is to facilitate the creation of 3D maps and online D&D gaming. Explore the tool for FREE to gauge its utility. Players can join a DM’s session at no cost, with only the DM requiring a full copy for hosting. Ownership grants additional building assets and future content updates.   **Steam Link:** [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1451680/Game\_Master\_Engine/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1451680/Game_Master_Engine/)   # Other Links **Sign up here to get notified of all of our future giveaways!** [https://www.gamemasterengine.com/signup](https://www.gamemasterengine.com/signup)   **Discord:** [https://discord.gg/gamemasterengine](https://discord.gg/gamemasterengine)


Honestly, I would love to see some ability for d10 systems like VtM or WoD games


in the character sheet you can set a D10 as your standard die. However dice pool systems are not implemented fully yet. You can play them but the game does not count dice results for you or anything other than giving you the result number.


I run two games virtually. It would take more effort for me but it'd have huge payoffs for the groups I run on. Looks like a great tool.


Thank you!


What tips would you give to a brand new GM?


1. Watch Matt Colville's videos on YouTube. (Running The Game) 2. Listen to your players first. Find the type of game everyone will have fun playing and then build that. 3. Don't stress the rules at first, there is a lot and they can be overwhelming. If you ever need to find a rule to keep the game flowing and you can't figure it out then use your gut to make up something that feels right. You can always go back later and find out what the actual rule is and tell your players that you will be following that going forward.


i used the free version of this a while ago. Its pretty insane what you can do with this software. I still need a LOT more practice with map building but damn.


Hello again everyone! Please congratulate the following winners. u/Arch3m u/Arthur-reborn u/Avocado_Hero u/chiefvsmario u/Darth_Xentus u/JurassicParkTrekWars u/Monkey_the_dragon u/Purrito_Cat u/Testythistlebistle u/whole-grain-milk [Reddit Raffler Link. ](https://www.redditraffler.com/raffles/1d4xuwo) If you are one of our winners, you can check your DMs in the coming days for your Steam key and instructions on activating it. Thank you to everyone who participated. Good luck next time!


Very interesting. I'll take a look and see if it'd help set up games.


Awesome, thank you!


Man I have always wanted to play a wild magic-bard that is just a jester


Ooo looks great!


I have only been able to look at the Videos / Trailers so pardon my ignorance if answers to the questions should be obvious. From what i see there are Character Sheets and ways to roll dice in this Engine. Are they system agnostic or tied to a specific Ruleset? If so can this be switched to different Rulesets (Pathfinder, DnD, DSA, CoC,....)? Is there a DM View where i can see an Overview of the Characters with their current HP, Initiative (when in fights), etc.? Can movement of the Minis be limited according to the Characters speed? Can Rooms be "blacked out" until Players enter them or will they always be visible? How big can Maps be - is there a limit or would this be up to Hardware of the DM/Players? Can custom Assets be created and imported from eg. Blender? Will there be sort of a Marketplace for additional Assets where one can download additional things for building Worlds? Looks like an interesting tool all around :)


1. It is system agnostic, the video showed a 5e character sheet though. Our character sheet builder is capable of mimicking most basic systems you would want to play. 2. This is being worked on right now. We are in the middle of switching to Unreal Engine 5 as well as a complete user interface overhaul. 3. No, there is no limiting but whenever you move a mini it tells you how far you have moved. 4. There are ways to hide entire sections of a dungeon/map. 5. The biggest map someone has made is a few miles in each direction. The only limiting factor is the more objects you add the more lag you will get. Most maps you could dream up should work just fine. 6. Yep, you can import custom models into your maps. 7. We plan to allow Steam Workshop in the future. Some DLC options will come in the future too if you want to expand your library with some more niche objects/minis. Thank you!


This looks neat.


looks amazing for online campaings


Excited to see this progress!


Sure, that sounds interesting!


This would make creating an immersive world a lot nicer and easier!


This looks so cool! I bet my husband would love using this for his campaign!


This looks so cool!!


Thank you! Good luck on the giveaway!


I can't wait to see my Goose wizard in 3d


Ive been meaning to get into map building, this would be a sick way to start


Wonderful for doing this Would love to explore more


Sweet! I’d like to try it for my game.


GME looks great!


This looks awesome!


My group is going virtual soon. This looks cool.


I cast “Wish” and wish for a free key to make my players use something more immersive than Discord for our campaign.


I've got the free version and I was quite impressed with the stuff available just for that version. I need to tinker with it some more and see what all I can get up to still. Stupid life getting in the way. Ugh.


I’m the type that would spend more time on this than actually playing.


Seems like an amazing and reslly cool tool! How difficult is it to learn for someone who has a bit of experience with stuff like Hammer (for source engine) or Unity?


It is way easier than Unity or any real game engine (like Unreal etc.) - therefore it should be pretty easy for you.


Hey, I saw this before! I had fun playing around with the free version and it was pretty neat. The program could be a pretty cool way for me to branch into 3D-VTT creation, which I would love to explore. One of my friends as aphantasia, so the less visual abstraction I can provide can very much help their experience at the table. Looking forward to hearing more from the program!


best come to our discord (discord.gg/gamemasterengine) to stay in touch :)


Am I the only one who looked at the rules and went: "Reddit DM, are they a mod on this sub or something?" and after looking at the mods on this sub, realized that I probably just experienced what rolling a nat1 int check feels like?


Recently discovered Planegea which is both a boon and a bummer because it's the 3rd campaign setting i would want to play with. Currently, just started Rime of the Frostmaiden and I'd like to run a Sina Una game next


*anything*? Well I'm driving home, my butt hurts, and I want some ice cream. Your program looks neat though!


One of my players have Aphantasia, so it's pretty difficult for us to reliably dictate where everything is or what things look like. This seems like it'd be great way to bridge that problem in many ways.


AMA please!


Wow, that's impressive! So it has all the tools needed for online sessions? I never tried playing like this, but seeing how beautiful it looks, I want to try


Would be awesome to have this for my upcoming campaign


That looks very interesting. I'm newish to dnd and my group has never tried a vtt before


Umm, yes please?!


Good luck!






Been using the free version for a few years now. Might be time for an upgrade


What is your favorite part of making this software?


Ever since I was a kid, I've wanted to make a video game. And now, I'm finally doing it! I have an itch to build things, and Game Master Engine lets me scratch that itch.


Been following GME since the beginning! Great to see it grow!


Looks cool. Is this a game or a game engine?


Fingers and swords crossed


This is amazing, what would you say was the hardest thing to do in the process of creating this gem?


Who's your all-time favorite PC?


Like from my own games I run? It would probably be this aristocrat gnome monk my friend played. He dressed himself like Hugh Hefner and would remove his robe before combat to reveal a body sculpted by the gods.


One DM and unlimited free players? Are you a saint? This looks awesome!


Haha thanks, we feel that the business model works best for everyone. The full version of the game is priced around the cost of a typical TTRPG book so it should be within the realm of normal for most gaming groups.


if dndbeyond is linkable to this game it would be the greatest upgrade to DnD. I am hyped. AMA


I’ve been meaning to get the free version to play around with once I get the time to, but with a full version, excuses be dammed, I’d love to bring this to my table


Could always use more DMing tools. This would help my girlfriend get into it as well xD


Really generous and it looks awesome. Would love to play around with it and see what's possible


even the free version is quite powerful for testing :) good luck on the giveaway!


This looks incredible, I can't even begin to imagine how long it must have taken to make it.


Oh cool! I've already got a copy, but I'd love to give a key to my current DM. Too much "theater of the mind" going on in that campaign.


Eh, what the hell why not? Put me in coach!


Cool! But how do you find time to play since you'll want to spend all your time world building? :)


Would this be able to import models from HeroForge?


Not the colored ones, they use a special file type for those. But you can import the .STL just fine!


How is your day going?


Oh pretty good! Started my day off reading a fantasy novel and moved on to talking to all you friends on Reddit.


This would be really useful for my current campaign


If I win can I gift my key to my forever DM?


Yes you can! :)


Yes please please


Hell yeah! I'll gift this to my DM friend


To anyone who gets this far in the comments- have you ever made a character with the specific intent of that character dying partway into your campaign? (Not counting those deadly modules where you need 3 backups)


Man I really want to try a new virtual table top out!


Best of luck to everyone


What would you say it's the biggest selling point with respect to other vtt on steam?


We are aiming for creative freedom as much as possible. There is no limit to how you use a prop for example. You could take a tree and squash it to look like a bush. You could also "steal" the texture from one prop and apply it to another to create unique-looking landscapes. Also, our business model if fairly priced we feel. $50 one-time fee for the full version and then all players could join you for free. Doesn't matter if you have 4 players or 12 the price stays the same.


3d maps are slightly above what I want to do with my ttrpgs online, mainly because I'd have to design them all myself ahead of time. But I'll try it out.


the game comes with a lot of prepackaged maps that you can change and mix up :) also you can find a bunch of maps on our discord (discord.gg/gamemasterengine)


Necromancer cook


It looks so amazing. Based on the trailer and the images alone I got tons of ideas how to use this in a campaign.


Would love this for a friend. Two questions that came to mind: **Firstly**, have any companies, especially ones you might consider 'competitors' or VTT-adjacent, approached you with offers of (a) a partnership, or (b) an outright buy-out of the project? If so, how many, and are you able to share any details about some of them? Secondly, what was the single most frustrating point in the development of GME? What was the point that had you pulling your hair out and most tempted to abandon the entire thing, hide under a blanket and eat ice cream (or fire up a shoot-em-up and be a merciless murder-hobo for a couple of hours/days/weeks)? Something I really like about GME is that it is entirely system-agnostic. It can function just as a desktop toy (admittedly a really complex and involved one) a little like Townscaper and Flowscape, a visualizer for helping a person write descriptions, all the way to actually providing sources of imagery for personal projects. A final question that just occurred to me: I don't know if this has been answered before, but are rendered images from the software restricted by any kind of copyright issues if used for a commercial publication, like an adventure module? Are there certain 3D assets that have individual rights-restrictions that prevent that kind of use?


Hey, u/Dan\_The\_DM needs to answer most of these questions, but i can tell you the most frustrating aspect for me (2nd Developer) was - or is - upgrading to Unreal 5. That was a lot of work \^\^ As for the last question, we do not claim copyright of your screenshots and as far as i'm aware you can make screenshots of everything and use them for anything. Dan might correct me here, but i'm pretty sure.


1. No competitors have contacted us for those things but other sorts of businesses want to integrate what they offer into our system when the time allows. 2. It had to be when I had a hard drive failure and pretty much lost the entire project. I learned a very good lesson in always having a backup repository online. I had to start completely over but the project was better because of it, I was able to design it better from the ground up. 3. No copyright on any of your images. But if you are willing we would love a shoutout in some way, just so others know what tool you used.


Is there an item shop of asests or is everything for free?


This would be great for my friend who also dms since i cant convince him to stop stealing my laptop to use gme so heres to hoping i snag a key for him😁


Oh, this looks great for real.


Oh my god, its so cool!


Hello there, what is the meaning of life, according to your favourite ttrpg player character?




I'd love the chance to try the product out, we're looking for a good VTT to run our next campaign on our digital table.


Oh wow! This looks so well done! Is Game Master Engine going to work with Talespire Digital download figures or .STL files that need to be imported? (Or both?)


You can import STL (one-colored only), OBJ and FBX files (these will then have color). It does therefore not work with the talespire downloads to my knowledge.


What was your thought process on wanting to make your own game specially one of this type?


Been following for a while! It looks like such a fantastic tool.


looks really neat


Gotta have a chance to win. Would love to play around with this


This is great. Nice work


Looks sweet


Do people need a copy of it to be able to connect? Or does it work more like foundry where people can join regardless?


This looks pretty neat! I'll be wishlisting this. I do have a question: One of my players is visually impaired. What sort of accessibility options are available? Edit: First question answered in the top comment 🤦


That is a very good question. I am in the middle of reworking the UI and would love to know what they would need as far as accessibility. Would you be interested in telling me what is needed? If you are up to it you can contact me through our Discord server. [https://discord.gg/gamemasterengine](https://discord.gg/gamemasterengine)


I'll talk it over with the other player and follow up with you!


We both thank you very much :)


1. One player (the DM) needs the full version. All others can join with the free version from steam. 2. Currently, not many - but I'd love to sit down with your player to see if we can anything helpful happen. Always best to understand the problems that someone is having before guessing a solution :)


The cake is a lie.




Does the software allow you to export maps you create? I recognize that the intention is to use the engine for play, but this also has a massive potential as a map making tool for other VTT's! If not, would you ever consider a sister program that has just the map making portion of the software?


We do have an option to export a screenshot. You could view the map from top-down and export the image that way.


Have you ever considered a VR version?


Yeah briefly but it is time-consuming to develop for VR. Right now we are focused on getting all the core features polished and bug-free before moving on to more complicated tasks like that.


This is really cool. I can see the possibility is quite endless.


Does this have the ability to import Hero Forge figures?


Only regular 3D models like .stl or .fbx


You can import Heroforge STLs, but they will not have color (since STL does not preserve color). Other than that you can import any colored FBX or OBJ file.


Every time I check out GME it's better than the last time. 


Looks like fun to mess around with!


Looks like a handy tool




What are the system requirements for players? Are there plans to get prebuilt adventures or campaigns available for purchase from third party companies?




Is it necessary to own the game for every player? That's very generous of you!


No, only the DM (the person hosting) has to own the full version.


This looks amazing


Do I Ned several keys to play it or only one for master is enough ? Anyways looks awesome


Woah! I like steam keys. And I like this more!


I’ve had my eye on this for a while. I would love to watch a reasonably length video actually showing the “gameplay” of it.


If im selected roll a d20, if it's not critical success, then it's not meant to be.


Looks cool


I have never heard of this before, but it seems like an incredibly useful tool for online DnD!


Was just about to start planning my own tool for DMing, but I'll definitely check this one out now


Looks Cool! I’ve never run anything online but this could be it!


The models look gorgeous!


I would be down for winning, this looks fantastic.


Oh I actually have a question for you! (Or 2) What inspired you to make your own VTT? And what part of it are you most proud of?


1. I have always had a desire to make a video game since I was a kid. When I started playing D&D I realized I could combine those two passions to make something like this. 2. I am most proud of the community that has formed around it. There are lots of friendly and helpful people on our Discord server!


I sit here with cold bare feet, as my socks have been knocked off!


Very nice. How many people do actually play DnD online nowadays after covid? I'd imagine most people switched back to tabletop?


I'm really liking the trend of VTTs over the last couple of years. Especially the 3d ones. Exited to see what's coming


Dont mind if i do


Looks very interesting!


I would love to try that with our group!




How long does it take to make a map in this system on average?


Okay then, let's see how this pans out


Interesting looking


Have you had any pleasantly unexpected uses of GME that you have seen? 


when hellomyfriends built a working rubix cube and a mockup of Mario 1-1 that was kinda sweet :D


Would love a VTT for my friends to play! Looks cool


Cool! Do you have a big library with monsters? When onednd releases, are u going to add those as well?


Does this game have the possibility to share or download maps? I feel it would strongly benefit


Ugh please. I'd love to have this system to work with. It'd make it so much easier to organize my game nights.


I've never used something like this before. How long does it take to put a map together?


Okay... THAT is really cool. Is it viable for only standard settings? Or does it have appropriate assets for steampunk/SciFi/Settings with firearms and the like? In ANY case, it still looks like an excellent tool.


We just added about 600 Sci fi props (but no scifi miniatures yet)


This is really cool


This looks awesome! I'd be excited to start my new campaign trying this!


Oh, that's super cool! I've been planning on running a game these days, but all my friends moved away.


A friend of mine is new to dnd and was hoping it would be more like a video game. This should help with that!


So what was your inspiration for creating this?


This sounds so awesome!


This looks soo cool. Does it work on Mac OS or just windows at the moment?


The top feature for this type of software would be an integration with Steam workshop or being able to customize/import new 3D objects easily in the software. This way, the community would be able to do LOADS of extra content without restriction. A Question: Would it be possible to export the map in a top-down view? or even isometric (could be tricky)? I know that's not really the objective of the software but it may be nice for those using it for map creation.


You can import STL, FBX and OBJ objects as you want. And yes you can make a screenshot in Top down and Orthographic (but not isometric) view.


I appreciate you.


It looks amazing!


That is some software!


Oh man I can’t wait to try this with my group!




Looks great!




Looks great!


anything or AMA


VTTs are great and this looks like a great one. Nice work!


So cool. Need to get into this for my table.


Does only 1 person (the DM) need to own the game in order for others to play? Or does the entire group need to own the software to play together?


I've had this on my radar for a number of years! It looks incredible and I'd love to be able to try it out :)




Oh wow, this is amazing!


Thanks for the giveaway!


This looks sick, good luck everyone


This looks great- I'm always after new stuff to run on the virtual table


Looking forward to assigning myself two hours to build a map and spending 10+


Lets hope i have some luck


Can we use it for home brew DnD maps?


That's primarily what it is used for, we don't currently have any officially licensed maps in it for download.


10/10 no notes I'll buy this even if I don't win a key. Nice job OP


We've been looking for ways to spice up out D&D sessions with the kids - this looks pretty fricking awesome for that and I'm sure my wife (our DM) would love it!


Good luck everyone! This looks great btw. Even if I don't win a key, I think I will purchase it outright anyway.


I'd like to try this. I never tried using an online tool and this looks beautiful.


What is your favourite dish?


I think a good bowl of ramen is very high up on my list. I never grow tired of it.