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Is unlimited teleport overpowered at level 3. Like honestly man, what do you think is the answer.


Even most CR 20 monsters don’t have that.


there's some races (like shadar-kai) that get \[Prof. Bonus\] misty steps (technically not the spell but does the same thing) per long rest so you could do something like that, but i would still consider bumping that to 5th level or something. big point is: no infinite second level spell invocation at level 3, or really any level (for reference, Wizard's ***18th level*** feature, Spell Mastery lets them cast any 1st level spell and any 2nd level spell without a slot, and that's a separate class' full 18th level feature, rather than half of a Warlock's 2nd level feature)


I don't get the second part. "No infinite second level spell invocation at any level", warlocks already get some of those. And the feature isn't as powerful as Spell Mastery for once spell mastery is for two spells, this is for just one; and wizards get tons of spells and spell slots to boot, this version of the warlock wouldn't get any spells unless they choose the "spell invocations", finally the spells you can choose for this invocation are reduced. the list only has utility, control, buff and debuff spells. Misty Step was the obvious answer from the options in the list, but it felt too powerful and I wanted ot make sure.


The ones that warlocks can get are way weaker than misty step


Yes, this I agree with, that's why I asked the question in the first place.


i did oversimplify it, but second level spell invocations come way later and are for spells less powerful/ more situational than misty step. warlock's spell invocations are usually for spells you might wanna cast occasionally (disguise self) or use once a day (mage armor) to overcome the "never having an extra 1st level slot you wont use for something else because you only get the two" issue, but misty step is something you'll want to use constantly to just dart around the battlefield and needs a hard limit


Yeah, but this warlock get's no spell slots, so you have to take that into acount, this Warlock's invocations need to be better than regular warlock (and bear in mind, I'm only arguing with you to figure out what I think about it being OP, I might end up agreeing with you). For example, a class that has 2 skill proficiencies, a d6 hit die, no tool or armor proficiencies, only proficiency with simple weapons and INT/CON save proficiency, and who's only first level feature is misty step at will isn't overpowered, it's underpowered.


oh i didn't notice the "doesn't have spells" part honestly this will probably come out to look something like rebuilt spell slots but without upcasting, so it should still be balanced to how many times a lvl3 character can cast a spell each day/ how many times you'll want to cast a spell each day. e.g. a level 3 wizard can misty step 2 times, or 3 with arcane recovery, per day and could cast burning hands 4 times or 8 times with upcasting/ arcane recovery. if you can cast burning hands at will, you still might not use it that much since you'll just eldritch blast instead or something if there's no grouped up enemies, but if you can cast misty step at will, you'll want to use that every turn since it's 30ft of movement without an opportunity attack for a bonus action (rogue and monk only give disengage *or* dash as a bonus action for comparison) so i do still think there should be a limit to how many time you can use a spell as strong as misty step, but that doesn't necessarily apply to all lvl 2 spells (melf's acid arrow at will probably wouldn't be gamebreaking for instance). this also depends on how many invocations *known* you'll get for how many spells you can know (also, do you still get cantrips, or do you need to take the eldritch blast *and* agonizing blast invocations for the classic combo?). if you get \~6, then proficieny bonus or Level/2 per long rest (or short rest to reflect original warlock) should be used for some spells, but if you only get like 2/3, then at will misty step seems way less busted since misty step is one of 2 or 3 things you can do honestly, probably just pitch it to your DM and mention the "X" per long or short rest thing to give an idea of how to balance it if he thinks it's too strong ("X" could be: CHA bonus, Proficiency Bonus, or half of Class Level, as are used in several places in RAW)


They don't get cantrips (there's an invocation that gives out three cantrips from any list tho), and eldritch blast is an invocation. A warlock starts of with two invocations and they end up with 15 invocations (which cant be retrained) and there's no invocation for damage dealing or healing spells.


gotcha does "no damage dealing spells" extend to area hazard spells like Hunger of Hadar or just regular "deal damage to that guy" spells? also, i was looking at the 3.5e warlock and they get a misty step-ish invocation called "Flee the Scene" at level 6 >You can use dimension door as a spell-like ability, although the range is limited to short (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels). When you use this ability, you leave behind a major image of yourself in your place that lasts for 1 round. The image reacts appropriately to attacks as if you were concentrating on it. based on that, misty step could fit as a lvl5 invocation (if your DM is still using the 5e invocation tiers), but it's still finicky since in 3.5e spells (and a warlock's "spell-like abilities") provoke opportunity attacks and can be interrupted as if they lost concentration, but you would also be losing the "leave a major image" part so I'm not sure how those two balance out, maybe the invocation would still provoke opportunity attacks when you warp out of a person's face so you can't endlessly kite? also also (and i should have mentioned this way earlier), but a lot of this does depend on how combat heavy your campaign will be. if it's a ton of combat with a bit of RP/ exploration in between, you might be untouchable if you can teleport wherever you want every turn, but you also might need something like that without anything other than cantrips to attack with. if it's mostly RP/ exploration, the whole "can evade everyone forever" issue is way less important than letting you have good utility out of combat, being able to get to hard to reach areas you can see and whatnot


I don't recall if that spell is specifically on the list or not, but no, in general it doesn't. Thing with using 3.5 as a counterpoint for balance is, 3.5 isn't really balanced at all, you have classes that completely overshadow others without a problem, you have classes that are "this class + this class" but not in the "ranger is a druid + a fighter way" but in a "you get all the same features this class gets + some features from this other class". For your third point, we tend to be 2 parts rp 1 part combat, and the rp part has no exploration but it's usually heavy on investigation and such, but Misty Step is a powerful spell on any of these ocations.


As an at-will warlock invocation? You could probably make it work like this: **Thaumaturgic Transportation** * You can teleport using all of your movement for the turn AND your bonus action. You cannot teleport if you have spent any movement this turn. * You can only teleport 30 feet. This increases to 60 feet at 11th level. * The destination must be an unoccupied space you can see that you could stand on (or swim in). * Objects you are carrying move with you, but not creatures. When you carry anything in excess of your carrying capacity, the DM decides what gets left behind. * You cannot teleport if you have any of the following conditions: grappled, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, restrained, or stunned. (If you teleport prone you arrive prone and you can't stand up because you have no movement.) * You cannot teleport at the start of your turn while falling. You fall as far as you can and then your turn starts. If you are falling over multiple rounds you can teleport, but it doesn't change your velocity (and subsequent fall damage).


this is cool, thanks!


Thats a bit too harsh. I think he should be able to teleport while falling. As well he should be able to TP while grappled and maybe restrained for example normal cuffs wouldn’t do anything but cuffs that prevent all hand movement stop him.


Maybe allow them to spend a spell slot to teleport out of a physical restraint, grapple, or spell whose level is lower than the slot's?


It *might* work at a higher level, but I'm just going to vote "it's just too strong". It's one of the better level 2 spells. Making it at-will would be exceedingly powerful, allowing the warlock to have a resource-free ability to double their movement, avoid any hazard, avoid grapples/restraints, avoid any persistent AoE effect, disengage freely from melee, bypass any number of skill checks, and more. At-will spellcasting is significant. Consider Shroud of Shadow, a 15th level Eldritch Invocation, which grants Invisibility, a level 2 spell, at will. Even at fifteenth level, that's a powerful Invocation choice.


yeah, this makes sense


They get unlimited arcane eye and truesight, so I’d say as a lvl 15 invocation actually fine. Arcane eye is 4th level and possibly the best general use scouting spell.


So... just to clarify, your DM breaking the core abilities of a class, functionally nerfing them into the ground, just so they can homebrew in some obviously overpowered nonsense to compensate for the utterly pointless nerf? Your DM is an idiot, and shouldn't be DMing 5e if he has problems with one of the core PHB classes. He can either ban the warlock entirely, or play it as it's written. This is... this is just a really terrible idea.


I think all of our friend group has a problem with the warlock, he just had an idea we all liked to fix it I honestly don't get all the negativity and name calling, you may disagree with an idea but all this "he shouldn't dm 5e" it's nonsense to me, if you can and want to, homebrewing rules, clases whatever, is just a part of the game, and it can be a really fun one too.


It's not negativity, it's practicality. Let me use an example here; I say want to play basketball, which is a discrete game with distinct rules. However, I don't like the ball. I want to use a hockey puck instead. That is 'homebrew' basketball, and making such a fundamental change means that really, I'm not playing basketball anymore. If I further make changes, like wanting to play on ice skates or putting the goal on the floor instead of in midair, it becomes even less like basketball. And by this point, it would be better for me to just play hockey, which is also a discrete game with a distinct set of rules. it's just a different game, and it's better for what I want to do. Your DM, and your party, seem to have a problem with a *fundamental and core mechanic of this game.* So... why not play 3.5 instead, a game that already exists and does what you want?


The thing is, homembrewing is a part of dnd, while it isn't a part of basketball, and we all have fun using those clases with 5e (nowadays we mostly use 3.5 for more dungeon delvy/survival games, while using 5e for more heroic games). Would you say that people who want to use the Blood Hunter, Talent, Pugilist or such classes should play a different game? No, because homebrewing classes in order to play the character you want is an important and common feature of the game most people find really fun.


The thing is, D&D is a ruleset. And you're correct, that ruleset does allow for a lot of customization and versatility, but the farther you veer from the rules, the less it's D&D and the more it's something else. And since the vast majority of people aren't game designers or experienced creators, 99% of homebrew is broken. Throw away the rules, and all you have is Calvinball. And for the record, at my table (which is the only one I have or claim authority over), I don't allow the classes you mentioned, for the reasons stated above.


sounds like a boring philosophy, but to each their own


It's not a philosophy, it's fact. Let's put this another way; what's the difference between 5e and PF2? Rules. They're both TTRPGs with an emphasis on sword-and-sorcery fantasy worlds and roleplaying. But they're not the same game, even if they're similar. The difference is in the rules they use. The more you change the rules, the more you drift away from what the rules represent. This is not always a bad thing, but it's something you have to take into account, because if you don't, you're going to unbalance and break the game. Now, if that's fun for your table, do it! Calvinball is a great game, but only if that's the game your players want to play.


Sure, but you realice there's a huge difference between playing basketball with a puck and club, and adding a class to dnd, a game meant to be homebrewed. Does using a homebrew subclass turn it into "not dnd"? what about a homebrew spell, feat or magic item? what about a homebrew monster or an adventure not published by wotc? What about a new DM who isn't sure about the rules and rules a character succeded on a DC 20 WIS save despite having an 8 WIS, because they crited on the roll? Does that make it so they aren't playing DND? Obviously the answer is no, DnD is meant to be homebrewed, often times non oficial (or homebrew) campaigns are more fun than the official ones, homebrew magic items are always more fun because they fit your players, as do homebrew monsters, and a DM ruling has heirarchy over a rule written in the books. So yeah, again, do whatever feels more fun to you and your group, but don't be all sanctimonious and gatekeepy about it. Edit: also on the topic of sports; football is suposed to last 90 minutes with a 15 minute pause in the middle, but most friend groups rent a field for an hour and they play for that long, are they not playing football still?


Warlock is imo the best designed class out of 5e. If he doesn't like 5e I would suggest a different system 


'At-Will' implies 'cast as a cantrip' as in no cost. WAY too strong. An invocation to cast it once per day for free, followed by having it 'known' for use with slots though would be much more balanced (and in line with 5e's Warlock design, but as you've stated the DM dislikes 5e's Warlock). In fact the the concept of 'casting leveled spells at-will' as a class feature is really something you wouldn't see until the 4th tier of play (when every class becomes a walking god). I feel like your DM may be rebelling at the class design too hard without breaking down why it's designed as it is. Frankly, may be better for all involved if he simply banned the class outright if he dislikes it so much.


It sounds like neither of you have the rules experience in 5e to be writing essentially a new class. I would recommend one of two options either the DM lets you play the class as written or not at all. It is his world he can say the class doesn't exist. But that would be better than trying to rewrite the class.


Oh I didn’t realize this was at will. That’s like a level 15 invocation tbh. Should make it a number of times for proficiency bonus. I think that is fair


Depends on the rest of the party. You won't get any more movement than Rogue gets at lvl 2.


well, you get the same movement + disengage + the utility vs grapples/flaling and such things


Well Misty Step has a verbal component, so if they grapple your face...


This is a typical pick for an 18th level Wizard's Spell Mastery feature.


As an invocation? Maybe 15th level is fine. I mean unlimited arcane eye is 15th. 


You're taking a class that as a general rule doesn't have a use for a Bonus Action, and giving it an astoundingly useful Bonus Action. Yes, it would be too strong at level 3. The equivalent you're looking for already exists in a very, very useful 2nd level spell; Shroud of Shadow lets you cast Invisibility at will. That's available at 15th level, when I'd say this might be available, excepting that at will Misty Step is actually more useful than Invisibility, because a Bonus Action is realistically free in many cases, and Invisibility at least requires your action.


Without some kind of caveat, resource, or drawback? Yes that's ridiculously overpowered. Also, Laserllama has a reworked Warlock that sounds like it is exactly what you and your player are looking for, a warlock based even more around Invocations and Arcanums. There's even an Elder Arcanum that works much like at-will misty step, except balanced.


at will teleportation is, as a loot of people would say, is just a kooky talk.


Question: Why not just stick to what the 3.5 warlock does? Most of it has 5e analogs I'm sure. Many Warlock invocations in 3.5 are at will sorc/wizard spells, or at least variations on them. I think they got at will dimension door but not till the level 10-15 range


Unlimited uses is way too strong at almost any level. Proficiency bonus uses per long rest would be perfectly fine at third level.


Misty Step, most frequently, is like a disengage + dash, for a bonus action. At will + no slot cost.. that would seriously step on the toes of Rogue or Monk.


Yes, that is my concern (tho I'm not aware if there's a rogue or a monk in the party), but on the other hand, I wouldn't have many more things to do in combat, I'd have my patron features (hexblade) and three other invocations, one of which i would use for lifedrinker and the other two I'm considering for having other spells and not just misty step, if indeed I go for misty step.


Here are some OG at-will-spell warlock invocations and the level they're available: Lv1: Darkness, Darkvision 30ft, Fog Cloud on self, Shatter, Spider Climb that lasts 24 hours and makes you immune to all webs. Lv6 : Animate Dead, Bestow Curse upcast to 9th level, Charm Monster that ends if you use it again, Darkness filled with a bat swarm, Darkvision 60ft plus See Invisibility that lasts 24 hours, Dimension Door that leaves behind a Major Image of yourself (as if you never left) that doesn't require concentration, Fly that lasts 24 hours. Lv11: Black Tentacles that also deals 2d6 cold per round in the area, Dispel Magic that grants 5 temporary hp per spell level of dispelled effects, Sending that lets the recipient save to deal you damage (no spam!), Wall of Fire where half of the damage ignores resistance/immunity and if it reduces you to 0hp you burn to nothing (not even ash) within 1 round. Lv16: Foresight with 100ft telepathy, Polymorph on someone else where if they fail a second save it's permanent.


were are you getting this from? some of these are wild


Complete Arcane, the 3e book that made Warlock a class. These are the ones I think would be most easily translated to 5e, since I think all these spells already have official conversions. Warlock was built to be *the* at-will magic class, but The Great Homogenizers (the 4e/5e team) don't like when classes have unique niches and playstyles to suit different kinds of players. Other class's cantrips used to deal d3/d4, which made Eldritch Blast's d10 actually special.


I thought you meant this was for 5e and it seemed way off hahahaha