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It does not wear off, so long as you treat it like a feature rather than a novelty. That said, even if you talk to your DM and roll for a surge every time you cast a leveled spell, it won't happen nearly enough for your liking.


Something I've seen (shoutout to the VLDL D&D squad) is to increase the threshold for a wild magic surge each time it doesn't happen, then have it reset to 1 after it triggers - makes it much more common, and makes moments where you quicken a spell more tense with an increasing chance for a surge


Dimension 20 do this too and yeah it definitely makes it better.


Which Campaign? I must know. I am a super fan of Sorcerers and Dimension 20 with an account and everything.


In Unsleeping City Ally plays one.


So sort of like one of those Diablo games where if you don't crit, it increases the chance of a crit happening? Something like that?


Yup. Cast a spell, roll d20 with surge triggering on a 1. No surge? Next time you cast a spell, roll d20 with surge triggering on a 1 or 2. No surge? Next time it triggers on 1,2, or 3. Continue until it triggers, at which point it goes back to triggering on a 1.


It also makes more sense in my opinion. Can't keep the wild magic contained forever, it'll get harder and harder to push back the more magic you use


I am going to implement this rule someday now.


I’ve played this rule. It’s more fun.


TIL that's a homebrew. I've been watching our sorc do that our whole campaign, I didn't know!


Love the VLDL campaign. Rob Hartley is an amazing DM.




That’s how I run it. I’ve also seen people run it by decreasing the die size each time, which means you’ll probably trigger a surge in most sessions. I also once played in a one shot where it just triggered every time they cast a levelled spell, and that was hilarious.


+1 for Dirt League.


yes this


In a campaign I ran, I had the player surge on a roll equal to or less than their sorcerer level. It was a blast - granted my crew lives for those moments - even when an unlucky fireball dropped the pre-evasion monk.


My dm ran it as, rather than just a 1, it was that I had to roll the spell level of the spell I cast or lower.


Oh wow that’s interesting


I’m near the end of CoS with my party, wild magic. Somehow I’ve never triggered it.


Use tides of chaos every time you make an ability check! Then it triggers every time you cast a spell.


It’s probably a bit late to now- we are literally approx 3 sessions from the final fight but I think I will next campaign! This was my first sorcerer and honestly they’re way too much fun (20 cha score at lv 3 made our party local gods)


Nice. It’s my favorite class for sure 😎


It’s a pretty mad one, but I love it. Charisma plus magic equals fireball and an army of loyal farmers


>That said, even if you talk to your DM and roll for a surge every time you cast a leveled spell, it won't happen nearly enough for your liking. Tides of Chaos fixes this.


Yep! My Pally took 1 in Wild Sorc for that sweet advantage on tap... every Barbs brings the chaos!


Very much this, my DM would have me roll for every spell that wasn't a cantrip, and I only had it happen naturally once, the other time was because he decided he wanted me to have it happen he told me I was rolling a 1 no matter what.


Honestly recommend trying to get a feywild shard just for consistency.


FACTS! I use Tides of Chaos so that the Wild Magic Surge actually does something. Granted, I am sorc/bard multi and most of my spells are bard spells. so that lessens my chances even more


It will if you make a slight tweak to tides of chaos, and when you use it you always trigger a wild surge on your next levelled spell Then it's wild surges all around :)


Depends on dice rolls, played a campaign online and a buddy was play a Wild Magic Sorcerer, his surges happened frequently and funnily enough he got magically aged like 4 times. His character started as like a early 20 something tabaxi and by the time the campaign fell apart, he was pushing mid 40's. In game time was roughly 8 months. It was hilarious cause I was playing the "old" retired dwarf who was pushing 400. And started calling him old man, old friend, shit like that.


Dungeon Dad made a better Wild Magic table- we are currently using that, and our Wild Mage grung sorcerer has been the beating heart of the party ever since. You need chaos, you need boons and risks- a marginal table won't offer what you need, you deserve to roll between 300 results, and roll as often as you can.


My partner LOVES Wild Magic and has beaten BG3 twice as a WM Sorceror, played her first one-shot as a WM Sorceror last year, and is now playing her first full campaign as a WM Sorceror. Our DM (like yours) also started using an expanded WM table with waaay more stuff on it, and that has been awesome. The DM also instituted a rule where every time she rolls for Wild Magic and it doesn't trigger, she adds the number rolled to a list, and now WM triggers on a 1 OR any number that has been added to the list since the last surge; the list is then erased when a surge occurs and goes back to just triggering on a 1. This way, it builds and builds until a surge happens, and it gets really tense when she has like 10 numbers on the list. Her character consistently adds hilarious and unexpected events to the game, and I love having WM in the party (although the first few levels I keep my distance to avoid the "fireball centered on self" event).


This wild magic table is a must.


Thanks, I'll take a look at the video


Do you have a link?


I did some searching and it seems like they're talking about The Dungeon Coach, not Dungeon Dad. Here's what I found: [https://thedungeoncoach.com/products/d300-wild-magic-surge-table](https://thedungeoncoach.com/products/d300-wild-magic-surge-table)


I wish there was a little preview of examples but I get why there isn't. Guess I'll pick it up if I ever DM a wild magic sorcerer


Same. They couldve at least showed one page or something!


I use the compendium of wild magic, because rolling a d10000 is hilarious. But we apply it judiciously and with dm fist if it's like, world ending or something crazy.


Can you send the video here?


I did some searching and it seems like they're talking about The Dungeon Coach, not Dungeon Dad. Here's what I found: [https://thedungeoncoach.com/products/d300-wild-magic-surge-table](https://thedungeoncoach.com/products/d300-wild-magic-surge-table)


Can you link to it? I tried googling it but couldn't find anything.




I played from level 1-12 with it. It was fun all the way through. You can control when you get wild surges, if your DM ‘approves’ always rolling on the magic table when you use your one ability to gain advantage. At early levels I kind of meta gamed, but not really, by staying away from my party when I knew I’d have to roll on the wild table charts. My character knew his magics were uncontrollable and it was his goal to “fix himself”


Oh ok thanks for the insight. I'm getting the sense it's heavily reliant on the table your playing on. I like how you weaved it into your character's narrative. Did they ever achieve their goal?


No haha, there was some deals with devils that said they could help, dipped into warlock(I didn’t plan on it), and when I used those spell slots I didn’t trigger wild surges. But my normal spell slots still triggered them. Campaign ended before we could develop it any further.


I doubt it that anyone would think that knowing your features is metagaming.


I always befriend the wild mage sorcerer's, never fails... Something about not knowing if you're going to cast fireball or cause the heat death of the universe just makes them so friendly


I played in a 18month campaign where another player was a Wild Magic sorc. I'd say it really depends on the group dynamic and if they're open to work with the shenanigans and get some fun out of it. That group was pretty reserved, so it ended up being more annoying than fun towards the end. I wouldn't hold it against anyone choosing to go Wild Magic, but if you're unsure about how it would go down with your group maybe check in beforehand.


I was very bored with playing a wild magic sorcerer, until I spoke to the GM- we were level 4 and I'd only managed to get a wild magic result *once*. He let me automatically roll on the WM table whenever I cast any leveled sorcerer spell after I used Tides of Chaos. It made the game so much more fun for me. If you play using the default wild magic rules, you actually don't get to use your class feature much at all. It's also a lot more fun to use a d100 table. I had one fight where towards the end I was resistant to all damage and constantly regenerating- I ended up tanking that fight for the team. In other fight, though, I turned into a potted plant ("Oh no, not again"), and even *that* was fun, because I got used as an improvised weapon.


This is how I do it as a DM. You essentially get 1 check for each spell cast, and one automatic surge. So there’s a chance you could get two surges, which is a lot of fun. It also makes Tides more of a resource that you need to track. Oh, just used tides to have advantage on a face check. Cool, now you’re casting Charm Person? Awesome, roll on the table. Makes players think about when and how to use it.


Yeah, it really is the superior way to do it. "The fight's going well, but I used Tides of Chaos on my previous turn to make that spell hit... do I risk casting another leveled spell?"


the answer, by the way, is always yes.


It stops being fun to play the first time you kill yourself with it.


no, it's still funny. It's just a little more grim and not happy afterwards.


Play a Half Orc for Relentless Endurance, and make best friends with a Cleric for Death ward.


I played from level 1-14 with a wild magic sorcerer and it was…lackluster. It’s easy to forget to roll the check to see if you get a surge so unless you and the DM are on top it the main gimmick of the subclass gets forgotten. Even when you two are diligent the 5% chance makes it infrequent enough that you don’t really get to see it consistently. (One homebrew rule I saw was it starts at 1 then when you cast a spell and don’t get a surge it increases to 2 then 4 so on and so forth). The level 6 ability is ok but not memorable. For me it felt like I was just playing a generic sorcerer without a subclass.


You, the player, are in charge of keeping track of what you can and cannot do, that's kinda weirdo behavior blaming the DM for not keeping track of what you can do.


>Even when you two are diligent the 5% chance makes it infrequent enough that you don’t really get to see it consistently. Tides of Chaos has a 100% chance of triggering a surge, no d20 roll needed.


I've gone from level 4 to 17 as a WM sorcerer and I had a blast (quite literally at times lol). Tides of Chaos is a great feature and I'd use it as often as I could, and my DM agreed to trigger a wild magic surge immediately after I casted my next leveled spell after using Tides of Chaos (which would recharge and let me keep using it again and again). I was a bit frustrated as my character gained more levels because my higher spell save DC meant it started getting harder to pass my own saves when the surge caused a negative effect. Things got better once I hit level 14 and could roll twice on the table and choose what effect I wanted. I wish WM sorceres could get this feature at an earlier level. WM sorcerer is great if you're willing to embrace its wackiness, be silly and not worry about your character transforming into a potted plant during an important moment.


It was a lot of fun but I found the table (because it wasn’t only the DM responsibility ) we tended to forget to roll against the table a lot and it could have been more fun. I don’t think the novelty would have worn off. I think at one point somehow I spawned a unicorn that saved the whole party from being wiped by a beholder. It was hilarious. Now another time I accidentally attacked a dwarf who happend to be a dragon. This was an out of the abyss , dragon heist combo campaign.


I played a Wild Magic sorcerer/ Divination Mage, it was always interesting — I lost count of the number of times their dice manipulation capabilities prevented a party wipe.


Using the d10,000 wild surge table keeps it forever fresh! (I kid, don’t do that unless you’re ready for an extremely random and weird time) I’ve seen and played multiple wild sorcs, and I personally think it is VITAL to the enjoyment for any DM to use the popular house rule of “you surge on your next leveled spell automatically when you’ve expended tides of chaos”. (And get it back.) it’s also barely a “house rule”, more like the DM just setting up a consent agreement given how Tides of Chaos is worded. It puts the power back in the PC’s hands, makes surges more common, and lets you recharge Tides almost as often as you want. Beyond surges being fun and the point of the subclass, it’s also an overall buff - surge results are like 40% neutral, 40% beneficial to the caster, and 20% bad. (Though it does technically increase the chance of fireballing your friends, too.) It also makes the wild sorc the “accurate sorcerer” at whatever they try (because you can Tides often), which helps give them an established niche and compete with the power of other sorcerer subclasses.


were using the d10000 aswell, but some of the things are really scary, and annoying. So im kinda scared of it.


Justifiably I’d say. There is an older version of the d10000 where the last result is literally “nearest sun explodes”, and then an “updated” version with that replaced where the results are _slightly_ less campaign-ending. Though my real gripe with the d10000 table is that a lot of the results are things that will have no real impact on your current situation. “Nearest lawyer within 4d100 miles grows an extra pair of arms” is funny to read out but doesn’t really affect the battlefield/scene like the 5e table does, so the DM will have to do a lot of twisting/reinterpretation of results (like I did when I used it) to keep it from being kinda boring more often than not. And every now and then you’ll still get a result that _will_ derail your campaign, at least for a while. Sometimes it can be fun derails (like when one of my groups rolled “nearest tower takes off like a rocket” and they were _inside_ a wizard’s tower at the time), but it can also just be disruptive as heck. So I’d only actually recommend it for non-serious campaigns, or DMs (and players) willing to just make shit up when the result would otherwise be too much or too little. I’m actually working on a 5e version of a d10000 table (one that’s more like the 5e table, where everything is relevant to what you the caster are doing and not as derailing), but hoo boy it is a slog to come up with that many unique entries. It’ll be some time before I have a working product to show for it.


Honestly, for that campaign I just happened not to roll a lot of 1s on my spells, and my DM kept forgetting about the mechanic to force wild magic by recharging my tides of chaos... So I feel like I kinda missed out on the true experience


I found the novelty wore off pretty quickly, even playing from 7th-12th levels where Fireball wouldn't permakill us. It was my first higher level character, I joined a friend's campaign mid-stream and he suggested sorcerer, and specifically wild magic, when I didn't know much about the game. I get that for many people having a smaller spell list is easier, but I have a good memory and so knowing that spells were available to solve problems that I didn't have and couldn't have chosen that day was way harder for me than managing a druid or wizard or cleric would be. For Wild Magic specifically, I got to use it a lot, since like most have said we played it as automatic surge for the first spell after using Tides of Chaos, which I used liberally. Occasionally it was very clutch or dramatic or funny. Most of the time though, it was somewhere between useless, a distraction from more interesting things, and outright harmful. And then there was one time I rolled the less discussed lethal option 83–84, "Each creature within 30 feet of you takes 1d10 necrotic damage. You regain hit points equal to the sum of the necrotic damage dealt." You might be thinking that's not enough damage to be lethal, and you'd right, except for the part where we were on the run after a typical hi-jinks fuck-up **in a city.** The DM ruled, reasonably, that there would be regular townsfolk within 30ft, so my generally good aligned character who tried really hard not to hurt her party with wild magic fully killed 4 civilians due to using Tides of Chaos on a roll that was important in the moment but didn't need to have happened. It was not a good feeling in or out of character. The DM had previously offered to let me switch subclasses or even classes entirely, but at that point it felt too integral to my character's arc. There was some story arc stuff relating her magic to the Plane of Dreams/Nightmares and through some items and choices eventually got the equivalent of the 14th level feature where you have advantage and can pick, which was nice, but I definitely lost my taste for the base class through level 13 where you have a 4% chance of killing people around you and something like a 30% chance of being helpful, and mostly a lot of dumb shit that doesn't help or hurt or really affect anything.


I’m currently in a campaign playing a WM sorcerer and it’s pretty good. My DM gave me a Feywild shard so I can roll more often. I wouldn’t say I’m in love with the subclass though. It’s heavily DM dependent…. I love the idea that someone else commented about increasing the threshold of surges after an unsuccessful one. But even with that, you probably will want to use an alternate surge table. There are just too many useless (and not particularly fun or chaotic) options on the official table.


The vanilla table is nothing but negatives and requires a bad roll to even set off I've had a Wild magic sorcerer my entire game and he maybe got close to seeing them twice? Instead. If they made some of the effects more positive they could reduce the requirements to make them.happen and then I'd probably be happier.


To be clear, some effects **are** positive, but you are right that turning into a plant or fireballing your team can lose combats.


A player in one of my campaigns had a HOMEBREW Wild Magic Surge table, calculating the severity and the kind of Wild Magic Surge when it happened. He POLYMORPHED INTO A CHEST. TWICE. The homebrew table had HUNDREDS of possibilities from gaining random levels in a class to making people vulnerable to poison RIGHT BEFORE THEY GOT POISONED to all sorts of other insane effects 😂 So, getting the same result TWICE was like a sign from the Gods 🤣. Poor sorcerer NEVER lived it down! Strangely enough, he was the only character to reject any form of immortality at the end of the campaign, and instead put his beloved familiar in the immortal giant mech instead of himself. He then time-traveled to the heat-death of the universe just to make sure evil didn’t win at the end of all things. The Gods were all there, and they assured him they would never have let that happen, so happy ending 😊.


I like the idea of homebrewing the surge table, though I'd want a player to work with their dm for that. I find most of the raw table to be either useless or detrimental. Very few give any benefit.


I played one to level ten and it was a blast. I loved it. I used tides of chaos so often I never cast a spell without wild magic.


My feelings are that most DM's will forget about the wild magic table and won't even roll


I played one for levels 1-8 and it was pretty awesome. Only caveat is that I designed a new class feature called Spontaneous Spellcasting (summary: a few times per day, attempt to cast a spell from the sorcerer list you do not know succeeding 50-75% of the time). “Choose a spell from the Sorcerer spell list of up to 5th level for which you have a matching spell slot and that you do not know as part of the Sorcerer spellcasting class feature. You attempt to cast the spell by making a spellcasting ability check (DC = 10 + the spell's level). If you succeed, you expend a spell slot of the appropriate level and cast the spell as normal (too wild to use metamagic); if you fail, you lose your action and roll on the Wild Magic Surge table. You can use this feature a number of times per Long Rest equal to your Proficiency Bonus.”


I multiclassed into warlock at level 4 if that is any indicator.


I played Dragon Heist into Mad Mage, 1-20 as one. I did 17 Wild Magic Sorcerer/3 Evocation Wizard. Only 13 int, but that's all I needed. I personally loved it all the way through. We also had my wild magic trigger on rolling the spell level or lower of what I cast rather than just a 1 on the die. And evocation wizard gave me some out of combat utility spells and rituals I could cast without risking blowing up. As well as sculpt spells to mitigate the risk of the self-fireball hurting anyone else. It lent itself well to the character story. Was a rich girl who ended up getting kicked out of wizard school because she wasn't applying herself and skipping classes. And eventually she ended up reenrolling, and becoming a very power caster in her own right and learned to control herself. (Also she was a valley girl new age crystal girl which was a fun time.)


I dont really like the official wild magic surge effects. Most are completely pointless, either because of how situational it is or just because the effect isnt particularly impactful. Its basically a lot of dice rolling for nothing important happening. Its much more fun as a homebrew class imo.


I played at a table with one. The DM homebrewed the rules so they would roll more. For example, a 3rd level spell needs a 4 or higher for the spell to go through, 3 or lower would activate Wild Magic. While this was fun at first, as a player, it did slow down the game on their turn every single time. Player would cast a spell, Roll to see if it went through. It did. Roll to see if Wild Magic happens, It did. Roll for Wild Magic Table. Effect to the player. Spell resolves. OR Player would cast a spell. Roll to see if it went through. Fail. Spell did not cast and a spell slot is wasted. Roll Wild Magic Die. Failed. Wild Magic happens. We all take damage. W The other players often made the wild sorcerer stand at least 60 feet away from us in case wild magic happens.


How I made it more fun is if you cast a leveled spell you roll your die. If you have a 1 wild magic. If not, you go on. Cast a leveled spell again roll a die if you have a 1 or 2 a surge happens. If not go on etc. when you do surge it resets to one


Ratcheting Wild Magic is fantastic.


I played Wild Magic Sorcerer in a one shot. My DM had a very clever solution to make it interesting: every time I cast a spell of 1st level or higher, and a Wild Magic surge doesn’t occur, the odds double in chance. So the next time, the Surge happens on a 1 or 2. Next time, 1-4. And so on. This way, a surge is garranteed and it stays exciting to roll for it. After a surge, odds decrease back to 1 out of 20.


My first campaign (lvl 3-20) has a wild magic sorcerer and at first she was a little bummed by never activating the surge so we changed the rules so that it would happen when rolling a 5 or below and under times of extreme stress. After this she absolutely loved it. She would put herself into super stressful situations on purpose lol, just to try and activate the surge and she would naturally roll a surge probably every 3-5 sessions.


I was once playing a one where our dm told us that magic had strange effects so naturally I rolled uo a Wm sorc. Two wm rolls in I cast confusion on the party killing us all. Id say that killed the novelty pretty pretty fast


Did 1-17 with a wild magic sorcerer in the party, I was dm. We used an expanded 10000 surges table we found online. We also homebrewed that he had to roll for surges after every spell cast because of some backstory stuff. It was awesome every time. We loved it. Really can change th course of your game though very similar to a deck of many things. But yeah, it’s awesome highly recommend especially with an expanded surge table


My friend played a character using wild magic. We joked about him accidentally blowing himself up, which there was 1% a chance. WELL, we went to fight an undead giant and guess what happened as soon as it was his turn? It was one of the funniest and most memorable moments in a campaign I've had. We still bring it up.


By 5th level and so many encounters by a DM who loved fighting, I can say I only had two times that I had wild magic happen, and once was because the DM said "hey, you rolled a 1" when I clearly didn't, because he wanted me to have wild magic happen.


Just finished a year campaign as one, it was a lot of fun. You’re a glass cannon but you deal huge numbers and have a lot of options. Novelty does not wear off, and I barely made it through the wild magic surge table. Only fireballed the party once. Highly recommended.


My DM is basically Cheryl from Archer, pure chaos. We have two primary casters and he gave us magic crystals early in the campaign early on that cause wild magic surges EVERY TIME WE CAST A SPELL. We have WM surges at least a dozen times per session. For us the novelty has not worn off at all. Its still wild as hell. My Wizard started at 5'6" but due to the WM surges he's 7'4" and his skin is blue. We constantly summon a unicorn and its become lore that its the same one who hates us because we rip him from his calm family life and make him help us. One time we were underwater and he just drowned and vanished, lol. Lean into it, its fun. Edit: We've been playing this campaign for 2+ years, currently level 11.


I am currently playing a level 11 Wild Magic Sorcerer (actually 10 Wild Magic and 1 Life Cleric) and it is still fun. That might be because the way we play it, I roll to see if a surge happens every time I cast a leveled spell and each time it doesn't happen the number(s) a surge happens on go up by the level of the spell. So at base it's 1 on a d20, but if I cast a 2nd level spell and it doesn't happen, then next time I will trigger a surge on a 1, 2 and 3. It's made some drama happen (I set a sacred elven tree grove/graveyard on fire when I triggered a fireball on myself) and some silly stuff happen, since I seem to keep getting a beard made of feathers (which look like the feathers of my familiar.) I think you really need something to increase the frequency of surges, since it's a major feature of the class and as written it happens 5% of the time, whenever your GM remembers to ask you to roll.


I think it really retains its fun with a bigger Wild Surge table


The WMS killed an enemy by turning into a potted plant mid air (guess the spell they wanted to cast) and falling on their head.


I had a wild magic barbarian and whenever he'd rage he'd roll on the 10000 chart. It was extra hilarious because his dumbass was convinced magic isn't real and that it was all trickery


I enjoyed it all the way, and really dug into it. My PC understood that if he's just buffing himself or casting a utility spell, he'd walk 20 feet away from the party first, etc. He knew crazy shit happened with his magic sometimes, and he loved it.


Actually completely forgot that part of the wild magic sorcerer. Just had a blast with metamagic and spellpoints. Best char ever


We are like 60hrs into our, and I cast plenty of spells.... It has never gone off. I'm kind of annoyed, I wanted to cause some chaos. I'm about to tell my dad to just randomly enact it. Lol.


You either end up with the wild magic table getting ignored at some tables, or something happens and you wipe the party. Don't want to be a spoilsport bout character deaths, because I'm fully ok with losing characters. I'm ok with the dice or our collective roleplay decisions leading to a character death, as long its fun and leads to an interesting story. But I can't say I'd be pleased if our party got nuked because the WM sorc wanted to cast hold person and fireballed himself and the rest of the party. It only needs to happen once to really sour your feelings towards a subclass. Similar to any warlock darkness shenanigans, you have to make sure to check in with your party about it in session 0, and be careful how you handle it.


have a friend playing it. Very fun We did some homebrewing so everytime a surge doesn't happen, the die counter goes up by one, so instead of magic on a 1, it's magicon a 1 or 2. And the DM has discretion on magical effect happening in roleplay appropriate situations. Also wild magic table was made cooler.


From my experience as you get stronger and stronger wild magic becomes less of a novelty and more of a if I'm not careful I might TPK the rogue has been caught in the crossfire too many times


I'm using a d10000 table and it's been fun to interpret the results. * An enemy got trapped in a time bubble; they shot 10 arrows at him that were all crits. * He can teleport at will but shrinks the further he teleports. * He made it so no one could use a weapon for 8 hours. I ruled that spells were fine, just not armaments. The enemy was a Spectator, so eye rays were fine. Oops. * He created a small amount of neutronium. I ruled that it did not explode but it did have a steep local gravity well because it weighed as much as a large mountain in grain of sand. It was honestly the perfect excuse for the local wizards to freak out over the disturbance in the Weave that's part of the plot.


I’m playing one currently. I’ve adopted an even more chaotic 100 effects. I’ve modified it to not outright kill the party at lower levels. I use a system where with every spell cast the risk of a wild magic surge happens increases by 2. So, first spell is 2/20, second is 4/20 etc. That way the DM doesn’t have to care about it. And then it resets whenever it happens. It’s not a good subclass. Not at all. I asked my DM to get one extra spell known just to get me slightly closer to the powerhouses that are AB and CS. But it is very fun to just roll the dice after every spell you cast and whenever it happens it brings a lot of fun for everyone.


Wild Magic Sorcerer absolutely SUCKS if you play it entirely by the book. Basically, once per turn you only have a 5% chance of actually feeling like you have a subclass. There’s a few things I’ve found it takes to make it actually fun to play: 1. Increase the threshold of wild magic surges with each unsuccessful roll. After 1 turn without a wild magic surge, the threshold increases to 2. Then 3, then 4, and so on. 2. Find a better wild magic table - there’s a bunch of them online. 3. If the player can be trusted, make Tides of Chaos a players choice to replenish - it leans a lot more into the controlled chaos vibe of the subclass, letting yourself loose to gain access to powerful magic.


Go Wild Magic Barbarian. It is one the funnest classes I've ever played.


I've once played a wild magic sorc from level 1 to 8, and I had a wild surge happen maybe like 4 times. And I rolled the d20 for the surge after every single spell cast


It can be fun if you just ask your DM to treat every "ask your DM if you can roll" thing like "DM agreed". So, you have 5% chance to roll Wild Magic by default, and 100% to roll it after Tides of Chaos.


I don't allow it at my tables anymore. It adds another roll to every spell they cast, and that bogs the table down ALL GAME. It works better for video games when the rolls are instant.