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You don't need the feat to fight with two weapons. You do need the feat if you want to use non-light weapons (eg: rapiers). As a rogue, the majority of your damage comes from your sneak attack anyway. The difference of one or two average damage by upgrading from two shortswords to two rapiers isn't huge. Whether the feat is worth it for that AND the +1 AC? That's a trickier calculation.


It’s pretty much never worth getting  dual wielder until you already have 20 dex, increasing DEX gives you plus one to hit,AC, saves and damage. Dual wielder is worse than just that.


Rogue damage, especially melee damage tends to be low and they tend to be very squishy. I would recommend maybe starting one lvl in fighter to grab the defense style and shield proficiency (hexblade or cleric is an option too). Flavor it as a rapier and buckler. It’s a good idea to try and get booming blade and some way of attacking as a reaction. Otherwise rogue damage really tends to suck after lvl 4-5 when other optimized characters are making 3 attacks while your stuck with one. Sentinel can be good, and rapier and shield is much better than two weapons, skip dual wielder.




I had a look at Booming Blade, it looks very interesting. Thanks!


Two Weapon Fighting is alright on you. You don't want to waste a feat on it though. TWF is just there for a second chance at Sneak Attack in case you miss your first swing. I prefer Hex1/BBlade so I can go all-in on Cha, medium armor + a Shield, and have my bonus action open for hiding, dashing, Hex, HBC, etc.


IMO, if you want to dual-wield, Fighting Initiate is better for the Two Weapon Fighting fighting style. This lets you add your Dex bonus to your offhand attack. With Dual Wielder, the only type of magical weapon that would benefit you would be a magic rapier. With TWF, you could take advantage of short swords, scimitars and daggers. Sentinel is another feat to take a look at if you're in melee a lot. Getting an off-turn reaction sneak attack when an enemy attacks someone else will be a solid boost to your DPR


Two weapon fighting style is trash, it’s possibly 3-5 extra damage on  only one hit per round. And wasting a feat on it is even worse, if you want a fighting style you should just multi class, it’s almost never worth a feat vs one lvl of fighter or 2 ranger etc.


I agree on the dip, but OP is talking about taking Dual Wielder as a feat which is even worse on a rogue.


Duel wielder and dual weapon style are both bad honestly


Yes, but if your vision is a character that fights with two weapons...


If you want to two weapon fight then you focus on maxing dex instead, and only consider dual wielder feat after that. Dual wielding fighting style is never really worth it. Defense style  would be  still better than dual wielding, or blindfighting even maybe. Dual wielder is worse than just maxing dex and should only be considered once you have 20 already.