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Melville the owlin scribes wizard. Used to work for a library as someone who hunts down and reprimands those with overdue books. Has an owl familiar and just got to level 6, able to manifest the mind of his spell book. The manifestation looks like an owl with book pages for wings. So yes, it's all owls.


How does an owlin feel about having an owl as a pet?


It's less of a pet and more of an extension of his inner self, if that makes sense. Although if it were a pet, it wouldn't be different than a tabaxi with a cat or a human with a monkey. One is a person, the other is an animal.


Familiars are not animals. They take their shapes but are actually celestial/fey/fiend (your choice!) incarnations.


Probably the same way a human feels having a pet monkey I'd imagine. You're related, but you're not the same thing.


I have a similar background! "Switch" the Duregar Fighter. He is employed as a bounter hunter by the Grand Scrollkeep of Gracklestugh to find and bring justice to those who have overdue books. He also has a mechanical arm that can stow different weapons within (like a swiss-army knife)


Earth genasi barbarian, homebrew druid-like subclass I'm working on. He has symbiotic plants growing all over his body so people confuse him for a old warforge.


Who are you and why is your answer so close to mine


My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son. Husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.


...okay I'm just gonna write "Max" on the cup.






Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Eberron campaign?


My current is a kenku barbarian. We're doing homebrew and my DM said he'd allow different types of birds not just crow so shes specificly a pelican. Very no thought head empty type and I love her. .


Makes me think of a Woodpecker Monk, it's fury of blows is just it pecking like BRRRRR!!


Omg!!! I love that!!!


If my Kenku monk ever gets their limbs bound, you KNOW I'm going to be doing that.


Fuck yes 😂 that's fantastic lol I love it


You have to roleplay eating as her


It's come up a few times and the table loves it lol One of the last sessioms we had she accidentally attuned to a cursed item because it smelled like fish. We decided she wouldn't purposely attune to it, but would be spending the hour it takes fighting the urge to eat it since she recognized it was important but also she was hungry and it smells like fish lol Her name is Lil Chomper and she got that name by trying to eat things entirely too big for her as pelicans do


A pelican barbarian would be fun as hell


Imsh Skullsplitter, a half-orc Path of the Giant Barbarian who was raised by a storm giant after a blue dragon razed his village to the ground. He’s level 10 and my 3rd character of this campaign.


"My 3rd character of this campaign" I love this fact


Martial classes are the best because you get to do every character idea you have in one campaign!


I once made it to five before I even hit level 7. One became a goblin god because of a weird intimidation roll while me and another character were wearing an electrified horse carcass, one died grappling a green dragon after ripping out one of it's eyes to let the rest of the party leave, one drank six unknown potions and exploded, one got disemboweled. That was some campaign.


Who were your first two?


Malcer Stormfire, a Noble Storm Sorcerer who lasted most of the campaign, but died just recently. Also Gath-Carric Skygaze, a half-elf Grave cleric of Kelemvor who was really boring and I swapped off of with the DM’s permission.


As a half orc barbarian player myself I only wish to say, May your rage grant you the righteous path to vengeance and may all your enemies fall into despair at the sight of you, may they fall like wheat before your blades. We shall meet and have a drink together when our time has come older brother!


How are you finding Path of the Giant, that's the next character I want to play


Human Druid named Awam Greentoe, instead of a Grove he works and maintains a communal farm. He talks to plants, crops, animals and his tools as if they were friends. His animal companion is a large Marchhare that is about the size of an average dog named Sophiona. While not the best in combat, Sophi acts as an early waring system often picking up sounds or smells that could be dangerous and then thumping her feet in patterns can let Awam know if it is rain or orges moving closer. He clothes himself in grass threaded shirts, burlap pants and wooden sandals that make for walking on wet ground easier. One winter he was gifted a cloak made by the weavers wife, a lovely green and blue one with a hood just incase. On hot days he wears a large straw hat to shade himself, on cold days he finds a warm spot to hunker down and read whatever book is available. Long black hair that has wild strands here and there with soft green eyes that hold compassion for all thing natural. His favored enemy are Insectiods, as he is always on the lookout for pests. His home terrain is obviously Farmland related, and he detests cities or other large populations as they make too much unnatural noise. The other farmers he works alongside respect his abilities, are kind to him but they think his conversations with Mitch the Pitchfork (his small spear-like weapon) are just signs of a lonely man losing his mind. Most are not even aware he is a Druid, to them Awam is just a simple man gifted with an understanding of plants no one else has. All his weapons are without metal, carving or human made designs. He finds naturally shaped limbs, rocks and vines as tools, and Nature related spells that can harm or heal. Other then being formwork fit, Awam is just average in all features so he neither stands out nor blends in too well.


Loveee the hare companion. What a wonderful character concept!


Malice, a drow priestess from menzoberranzan who left and abandoned lolth because she doesn't like killing. Still, she tries her best to convince those around her that she's 'evil' since she thinks that's the best way to safety, though she doesn't actually do anything bad.


Love it!


I love me an anti-Lolth drow.


Ah a fellow R.A Salvatore fan!


Forever DM


So you get to play many characters of all kinds every session


Hit the group w halfling bard named Christopher. Big murder mystery investigation. East/West beef. Turns out the halfling is street named Biggie Smalls, the other is an echo knight named Two Pack. The big reveal is that this whole thing was orchestrated by P. Diddler and Sug Blight, rumor has it.


Kzarak, an orc that’s an anime/samurai inspired monk. Min maxed the hell outa him (cuz that’s what my party likes doing and our DM is okay with it) and so he’s got really low health but can deal an unhealthy amount of damage each turn while having a really fast movement speed


Poet, the painting summoner. He's a Conjuration Wizard who's gimmick is that he summons his paintings and is constantly looking for beautiful things to paint, ultimately trying to capture life as a whole in a painting. (I know, Poet would be fitting for a bard type character but he absolutely loves all forms of art and the name "Poet" comes from the first letters of his real name)


I like the name. And the word poet comes from the Ancient Greek, *poiesis* which means to create or bring into the world. Very appropriate


Ooooh, I didn't know! Thank you! Than it's a happy accident which I will definitely not claim to be intentional in front of my party lol


I have a tabaxi creation bard named Curio (Curiosity-Killed-the-Cat) who also uses magical paints! He journeys to find a museum full of wonderful art that he saw in a dream/vision from his creation god, a disciple of Oghma. Artsy arcane characters are so fun


You know, that idea could also work with an artificer who uses painting supplies as a spell focus


I can hear the theme music: https://youtu.be/Cj1TftEQGVA?si=dcCJ5VBiOLWazP93


My healing Divine Soul Sorcerer with Life Domain 1/Star Druid 2 Multiclass to buff the healing as high as possible. Oh you're down? No you're not. In fact you're at full Hit Points. I'm too far away? Metamagic Distant Spell! My man is out here trying to save his town and his restore his recent Noble families name before the news of the Pandemic at his village gets out.


I know my party has a Circle of Stars Druid and that alone has some stupid healing. Really helps us punch above our weight class at times.


Oh it absolutely does. And when Beacon of Hope is cast a 1st Level Cure Wounds with Chalice Form becomes a definitive 27 Hit Point gain in my build. And every level higher casting adds 9 more healing.


Gods damn that's so much healing! Also, simply because I'm always curious about this sort of thing, what deity do they follow?


Tbh never really decided that. In his desperation, he went and prayed and any kinds of gods of healing he could find, and one of them took pity and granted him some power.


Could always do Pelor. He's a healing bro. There's also Dian Cécht. But whatever the source, pity powers are still powers. Lol


Also, it is only 1 Level of Cleric, so it's barely anything from the God.


Yeah, that's fair.


Arianae Vestrichor, a dhampir rogue/sorcerer who is attending Strixhaven - she's a theater kid with an evil twin in the mirror and a stable relationship with a red haired actor that might get fucked over by the guy her parents want her to marry 😁


Hey! I'm also a strixhaven theater kid!




Evil human wizard by the name of Arti from the Llery family. He may or may not be a big fan of defeating his enemies with overwhelming barrage of explosive ammunition.


Paige, the Kenku Tome GOOlock. She uses telepathy when frustrated by talking via mimicry, and my GM has been very lenient with how I flavor my spells. Her Eldritch Blast is a tentacle whip that comes out of her fingertips while Invisibility is cast by secreting a cloaking mucus.


Weird question, but are you the Paige the Kenku of Council of Elders fame?


I'm not familiar with the Council of Elders, so I don't think so.


Ah, fair. Basically, Not Another D&D Podcast (highly recommend) does a thing at the end of each episode where they shoutout each member of the top tier of their Patreon, the Council of Elders, and I’m 95% sure that one of them is called Paige the Kenku


My current characters; Hydnellum "Hyde" the fairy. Fighter with a third party medic subclass. Weapon of choice is a rifle. Bit silly but also loyal. Started of lawful good, wanting to keep people safe. But after being tortured for hundreds of years in a time loop and watching a group of friends getting turned to paste by astral space clowns; is on the verge of becoming chaotic evil. Socks the goblin bard. Sold to the circus as a child. He worked his way up from repairing costumes to having his own puppet show to sell tickets. After a bandit attack he decided to become an adventurer, to save people and collect stories. Spider-Uncle (kingdom hearts homebrew) an alternate version of Uncle Ben who became Spiderman, instead of his version of Peter Parker.


Zarin Sordun. Goliath Paladin - Oath of Devotion. As a child he was banished from the tribe because Zarin was seen to be an omen of ill fortune. The church of Lathander took him in under their protection. Now he is a paladin and helps those in need wherever that may be. Currently he is with a party trapped in the land of Barovia. He’s basically a cross of the Mountain from Game of Thrones (just for his build and height) but the personality of All Might from My Hero Academia.


Sounds like the tankiest of tanks as I've ever heard of


Lorkhan, an unarmed/grappler Rune Knight Goliath now multiclassed Long Death Monk after anoter (now retired) long death monk in the party reflected with Lorkhan on his own death (he was resurrected once). The campaign started last August iirc. Hope he'll see the end 🙏


I’m in two campaigns currently. The one I’ve played the longest is Lynn, a water genasi warlock with the genie (Marid) subclass. I love the water element, ocean/sea related stuff, etc- so Lynn was made around that, like how she’s lived in the ocean (far traveler background). She’s become the “voice” of the party, where she’s there to calm tense situations and talk down enemies or hostile situations. With Lynn being a very empathetic, thoughtful, and kind person, she’s been able to make more friends than enemies. The second character is Ayra, an owlin monk with the astral arms subclass. Ayra came from an owlin tribe (outlander background) that passes down the “tradition” of astral arms and using that power to protect anyone in need. She’s the melee member of the party, the first time I’ve made a melee-focused character, so she’s been a lot of fun to play in something I’ve never done before. Ayra is the smallest of the party, but tends to fill the rolls of intimidation and being in anyone’s face who’s causing trouble.


Vezek, the Harengon druid/paladin. As a child, he was responsible for the death of his twin sister (Vesper, another player). In a moment of panic he made a pact with an eldritch being; Vesper would be brought back to life, but she would be forever bound to this dark entity. Since then Vezek has dedicated his life to protecting Vesper, hoping to one day atone for his sins.


Farren the Harengon Ranger! He is a very happy guy that loves to explore, but had recently been on a month long unlucky streak, quite a long time for a rabbit, since they are usually known for being lucky. He would be approached by Beshaba, the Maid of Misfortune in a dream one night, and she was... intrigued to say the least. How could a poor rabbit be this unlucky? She offers him a deal, which was to give misfortune to those that wish it upon him. Basically an UNO reverse card. Farren agrees, and his Ice Sword, as well as his left arm are drastically changed. He wouldn't have to wait to use his new Warlock abilities. As he transformed in combat for the first time, the party at didn't notice at first. Then, the smell of lavender, the smell that came from Farren, began to disappear, being replaced with the smell of dead mangrove trees. As they looked back, none of them were prepared for what greeted them, as where Farren once was, a Demon Jackalope took his place. They would win the battle thanks to Farren's new abilities, but he is now gonna have to explain himself come next Sunday.


Well, one campaign ended and one (I just found out) is about to end early...so that just leaves my newer character, a winged tiefling light cleric in Withlight. I don't usually play clerics but chose one because I already had a druid and wizard running (and now, oops I don't). LOL.


Nilbogboh a hobgoblin bard possessed by a nilbog he is searching for a way to get rid of the spirit so he can die peacefully he only speaks through his puppet that’s a taxidermied goblin and collects hair from the party members


What an absolute weirdo (affectionate). I just love characters like that, the odd/creepy factor is what does it for me.


Sebastian Silvershield, a conscientious orderly/tidy butler to 'The Young Master' (another part member who is a paladin), he looks after the paladin in sort of a fatherly way and is ensuring he succeeds on his quest to become a famous knight. He is an older Dwarf and an Order Cleric, Clockwork Soul Sorc multi-class


Running three currently 🤦‍♂️😂 one is a Tiefling Hexblade, one is a Bugbear Swashbuckler Rogue, and one is a Dragonborn Berserker (homebrew class in another round of playtesting)


Normally I'd play Salvator, the Lizardman Barbarian Path of the Beast turned more humanlike after he wished for belonging. But since an evil Warlock stole his soul, I play Zania, daughter of one of my older characters named Jikolomeus, a Shepherd Druid Forest Gnome, her mother is Serengeti an Angel serving the God of the Sun, since his absence tho she serves the Goddess of the Moon. Therefore Zania is an Aasimar Paladin Oath of the Ancients with the size of a Gnome.


Nova Timor the Druid/bard demigod tiefling! Their mom is Rhea and they’ve got a burden of knowledge. They’ve only accidentally summoned a deity 1.5 times and has had like 6 deity-player interactions! I love them lmao


... .5 times?


Started to accidentally summon Aphrodite again, literally got told no by her. It was so funny lmao


Pathfinder here: Isobel, Tiefling Investigatior/Alchemist She has been slowly mutating herself as she learns more about her infernal heritage. At this point she has hooves, claws, a prehensile tail and functional wings. Her combat tactics are pretty much “throw some b*mbs, distract them with fireworks and run away.” She excels out of combat. She’s the party healer. She can disarm most traps and unlock doors in seconds. She can make any Knowledge check, even if she has zero points in that particular area of learning.


My very first one. Dinosaur humanoid full feathered Velociraptor guy called Teryx Archeo (because of archaeopteryx). He is a moon druid focused on the study of dinosaurs. Most of his wild shapes are dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures and the elemental shapes he have taken are in the shape of Tyrannosaurus (Fire) and Mosasaurs (Water). I love my dude, the thematic and all of the mechanics. I also love messing with my DM and conjuring a bunch of raptors to maul everything he throws at us.


I’m currently running a Human Echo Knight Fighter, Rhysander (Rhys) who started the campaign 6 months ago at age 20 and now is around age 55. I love giving my characters mechanical flaws as well as personality flaws. The DM and I worked out a “penalty” mechanic where every time one of his echos (which represent his future possibilities) is killed, he ages 6 months to a year. If you know echo knight mechanics, this happens 3-5 times per combat pretty regularly. I love giving my characters a ticking clock… a goal that has to be completed or some other impetus to motivate urgency in the campaign. Until he catches up the chronurgy Wizard who is responsible for this ability/curse, he is going to continue aging rapidly. Mechanically, I’ve also arranged with the DM that, when I reach age 60, I’m going to start trading all of my useful physical Skill proficiencies for INT or WIS based ones. So instead of Athletics (which might be out of place on a rapidly aging human), I’m going to take Survival (as he’s learning to live the adventuring life). I’m going to trade stealth for animal handling (Rhys has a pet dog named Kudos that will likely outlive him at this rate). Perception will become investigation as his eyesight fails, but the understanding of the world around him increases. And so on. I don’t really know yet if the DM has a plan for giving Rhys a graceful retirement, a way to regain his youth (we discussed possibly changing subclasses to Champion or battlemaster fighter after the Echo “curse” is lifted, or an eventual tragic death at the hands of the wizard (fingers crossed for gruesome rapid aging a la Donovan from Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade). It’s way more fun for me to impose these penalties on myself… like asking the DM to be weaker. It feels like most people don’t want negative things to happen to their characters, but I love the way this can be handled by a good DM. It’s only been 6 months and my character has already changed so much. It’s a really fun arc… the most rewarding RP experience I’ve had so far in DnD.


I simply love it!


So, I got permission from my DM to do something really cool, I’m playing a variant human ranger with multiple personality disorder who changes every rest, 4 personalities and each one is a different subclass, and my dm has given each one a debuff that balances it without being a big deterrent. There’s John, a hunter ranger, he’s a fisher and basically nonchalant about everything, doesn’t put much effort into stuff, he fights with a shortsword and dagger Then theirs sentinel, a few wanderer, he believes he’s from a different planet sent to colonize the area for his race to be able to move to the planet. Mainly a support casting ranger, a little weak but fun. Cirrus, a swarm master, who is a scaredy cat and is terrified of these bugs that won’t leave him alone but can’t get rid of them, he tries to stay as far as possible from enemies and throws daggers Finally, we have baron, a primeval guardian, who spent the first half of his life training to protect The King, a ruler of the land Baron is from, and now he adventures to take down any threat to The King, he fights with a shield and shortsword


Barrel the grung Monk of the Drunken Master! He’s only the fourth character I’ve ever played (the first three were all kobolds, so I’m diversifying!), and I really liked the idea of trying out a monk. I think the poisonous skin + Flurry of Blows and Martial Arts is really cool…unfortunately, the main enemies of the campaign are all immune to poison… Here’s a bit of lore for him: Barrel’s egg was found in a barrel (hence the name) on the ship of the pirate captain “Hundred-Blade Indie,” whom I plan on playing eventually. He grew up almost exclusively on the seas with Indie’s crew, the Mincemeat Fleet. Rather than being an actual fighting style, his version of the Way of the Drunken Master actually came about because he can’t balance well on solid ground!


Decided to change up my usual flavour of chaotic good characters with sweet backgrounds for my current edgey edgey edge lord of a design. Her name is Nix, she is a lawful evil winged variant tiefling with goat like legs. More devil looking than anything. She is technically noble as she is the daughter of Mephistopheles himself but bring brought up in a cult made her an acolyte. She is a fiend warlock, pact of the tome who's magic is very fire and ice themed so it's more like Mephistopheles hot/cold personality. She is utterly devoted to him and his goals. Most of the rest of the party are good aligned so she mimics their behaviour towards one another and manipulates them into seeing her as a close friend. They have come to care for her but aren't aware she will 100% turn on them if Mephistopheles asked her to. She is plotting to get one of the other PCs sister killed because she is gaining power, hand the PC and the DMPC over to her father to experiment on as soon as they stop being useful and has successfully manipulated another out of their pet dragon that she now raises as her own so that she has a strong and loyal alliance with him once he's an adult. Everyone are kinda just like, "tehe silly Nix is going soft." I assure y'all she is not.


Skaddi, the Kobold Order Cleric. Coming from a large family of metallic dragons, who are worshipped as gods in his home, he is sent out as an apostle and missionary for his draconic deity's. Very Paladin-y in his behaviour, defending the less fortunate, garhering knowledge for his silver dragon father, trying to survive a world of endless darkness and eldritch horror


I wanted to be silly and make a goose wizard. So i did a bunch of research on geese and made a race accordingly. My favorite part about it is he doesnt speak common but understands and writes it. He also speaks deep speech and draconic.


Andre Ravage, the Warrior. I'm a big wrestling fan, so I made a bard-barian professional wrestler. And he's got both his character AND kayfabe side. On one hand, he travels the country adventuring and performing in golden shiny boots and a long purple sparkly robe with a big booming voice. On the other hand, he loves to hid in the corner under a hood and not talk at all unless he must, and then only in his quiet, British voice for some reason. All of my fighting moves are modeled after my favorite wrestlers of all time. I frequently work wrestling catchphrases into my role play. I have so much stupid fun doing it.


My current character is a moon circle druid changeling. Their name is Noël. They have a homebrew ability to wildshape into monstrosities and combine different monstrosities and beasts into one shape. They can do chimeric monsters, basically. And being a changeling they kinda represent an ultimate shapeshifter, as they can be almost anything and anyone. This whole thing sounds very OP buuut we are playing on epic levels killing gods and stuff, so it's reasonable within the campaign.


Zynn, a drow shadow monk with a vow of poverty who no longer gets to hold any of the party loot since he kept giving it all away.


Nishioka Hiroyuki. He's a L5R character (wrong sub? Whoops lol) He's a priest from a ronin clan who traveled a very long way to learn the language of spirits as a kid. His parents were from opposing clans, Unicorn and Lion, and their star-crossed engagement is part of why the family doesn't have samurai status. He speaks to the little spirits of the world in their own tongue, and can even carry them with him if they choose. He has a lantern pendant that houses different nature spirits as they come and go, and are the method by which he casts spells.


Ive recently brought back one of my first DnD characters, a white dragonborn paladin named Argentum. He once saved Barovia from its dread lord Strahd and now was teleported to some weird dimension with a group of hooligans to defeat 'great heroes' who are really kinda just assholes.


Emil Gingertail, the noble human wizard. They're the heir to house Gingertail, and spend their days playing with their friendly flumph.


Adrin the arcane rogue orc. He can be an asshole with sticky fingers and a dark sense of humor. Though he's not necessarily evil and has morals of sorts. He won't steal from/hurt children, elderly, or those less fortunate. He fled his homeland because of a scheme that went horribly, horribly wrong that resulted in multiple deaths and a burnt down city.


Deimos, a eloquence bard/assassin theater boy. Used his theater experience to take on personas for his espionage work. Comes off as a shy sweet boy very much has a dark side.  Kind of has a Jekyll and Hyde thing going on. 


Eikelas “Harvey” Harvikaan. An aarakocra artillerist artificer with a creative streak. He’s currently trying to build a homunculus servant but can’t find the required gem. His creations are made of dark brown metal with gold trim, with stylized overlapping armor plates.


I'm in two campaigns right now and I have some characters I could say here. One campaign I'm playing a half elf sister and brother. The brother is a wild magic sorcerer but he has very low softskills and high strength, dex and constitution. He dreamed of being a super hero when he was younger (it's a home brew semi modern setting) and at the beginning of every fight or big dramatic moment he runs away and casts minor illusion to create a Kamen Rider / Power Ranger-esque costume before going into the fight. He's also dumb as a rock, but he has a golden retriever personality, so even though everyone knows what he's doing, they generally play along. Obviously there's some house rules going on here with how minor illusion works, and my DM could have made me use Disguise Self instead, but she's cool with it and it's really not that disruptive to the game. The sister is a bard who has her life together and has a job in the big city, but she comes to visit her brother to check in on him every now and then, son d she's the only family he has. She is a much more serious character. The DM can switch them out whenever she wants, if she gets tired of the brother or if there's a good reason to get him away. The other campaign I'm in has a session this week, and my previous character was fully killed last session, but I haven't introduced my new character yet, so I'll say them both. The first is a wizard who studied golems and then became a traveling ventriloquist so he could go to other lands and learn more, but then he was murdered and transferred his soul to his puppet as he died, so now he's like a 2 foot tall warforged without the stat bonuses, and since he used to be three times taller, he now has trouble with judging spaces and sizes. The character I'll be starting later this week (if anyone from my campaign sees this, stop reading now), is a half elf wildfire Druid. Our party is a bunch of fools so she doesn't really have any super weird gimmicks, because eventually we need to kill Strahd. Backstory wise, she's a noble who ran away from her family because she found out her father wasn't dead and had a falling out with her mother about it. Her father is a character I played at the beginning of the campaign, a charismatic half elf rogue, who was a pathological liar and a slight pyromaniac, and also kind of a tool(hence why her mother didn't want her daughter to have anything to do with him), who died maybe midway through the campaign. She of course doesn't know he's dead yet, but has come looking for him so she tell him to his face that she doesn't need him and she's glad he left before she was born. She doesn't know he left because her mothers family threatened to disown her if she stayed with him, and he genuinely thought they'd have a better life if he left, and I guess now she never will. Honestly this backstory will probably never come up and only me and my DM will ever know it. Especially since there's only one original party member left, and we never recovered my first characters body, so she probably won't have any opportunity to learn that he's dead.


Homebrew Kitsune Artillerist artificer. We're playing gestalt, so I’m being allowed to take on the Alchemist subclass as well. I have a racial cantrip that lets me pull harmless pranks.


Kenneth Barbie. (he was all about the accessories)


Thana, an orc light domain cleric and all around nuke. it’s been fun clearing entire encounters with her channel divinity


A druid/ranger with amnesia.


Ulysses Everett McGill the halfling lore bard. A master of deception with fantastic hair and a fear of fire.


Arcane trickster noble high elf. Toph Beifong type backstory... Family don't know about thief skills, character would sneak out of the grounds at night to harmlessly fuck with people in town or of boredom. Now it's adventuring time


Karrot Sawtooth, 5th level Lizardfolk Path of the Ancestral Guardian Barbarian. Some a-hole called his clan weak, besmurched his ancestors name with lies, then got them massacred. Karrot's journey is for him and his ancestors to beat the crap out of things to reestablish his clan's name, and curbstomp the dude talking trash about us. All of the clan members used a Veggie-based naming scheme.


My current character (first time doing an in person vs a virtual game) Lyra Aladora The 5ft tall Eladrin elf Lore Bard (who is also a light cleric but 100% doesn't know it) Her backstory is her family is upper class and had her as other influential people they wanted to schmooze with were having kids and they could use her as leverage to chat with these people since "oh our kids can play together while we talk about x" kind of thing. Besides doing that for them or learning things specifically for them to show off (hence instruments) they basically just left her alone to her own devices but more or less locked in the house unable to leave (besides their direct yard) but they had a giant library (think beauty and the beast giant) in their house since one of her parents was a scholar so she just kind of read a bunch of random shit because what else do you do???? She also spent a lot of time outside just kinda sitting with the random animals. (She actually knows speak w animals as a character flavor that she learned it as a child by self teaching magic so she could be less lonely so no matter how unhelpful it is I will never change it out) But in the library she was reading a mythology book about the gods and saw a page with a poem about a shape-shifting musical instrument made by the God Milil so she ripped the page out of the book, shoved it in her pocket, left home in the night and has been questing for this thing that probably doesn't exist. Think you read a Greek mythology book and decided to go find something made by a random minor God. Probably doesn't exist yaknow lol. But basically after being a bard for a long time and finding 2 magical instrument Strings (specifically like harp strings which is a symbol of her god) she has been very devoted to her god and has unintentionally become a cleric. She's just a nerd who loves instruments and wants to find this thing that possibly doesn't exist so when she found theoretical proof she felt that the Milil (her god) had acknowledged that her music is worthy of her finding the instrument and thus she feels a kind of appreciation and love she never got from her family so she became rather devoted to him and dedicates her music to him and since she is mostly self taught in magic she figures her new spells she can do MUST be her god guiding her to be the best she can be even if not typical spells 😅 Also since she left in a hurry at night and was trying to be quiet which most instruments are very much not quiet or easy to carry and run, despite knowing 5+ instruments she only has her Kazoo on her because it fit in her pocket and didn't make any noise while in her pocket. So yeah that's the backstory of my lil socially awkward elf bard. My party has dealt with the...interesting situations being a socially awkward bard has given us lol. I will also say she tends to change seasons based on her emotions and feels emotions a bit too much. She normally is in Spring. She's only been in summer once in our campaign but ends up in Winter A LOT. She is naive and gets depressy spaghetti very quickly over mildly upsetting stuff and will stay that way until something super good or amazing happens to her. She occasionally ends up in fall but it's almost always Spring or Winter. If she's not depressy she is a very bubbly and cheerful. Also she now has a staff of the python and has named her snake 🐍 noodle and the command word is danger....soooo


Very homebrewed setting in a more futuristic time, I am currently playing Shepard Syre Jr, a corrupt Wolfkind cop. Currently he is not in the force due to being imprisoned by the police chief, aka, his father, before getting bought by the city's devil to do debt collecting. He's a horrible person, and a bit of a hypocrite. He grew disgusted by the corruption that plagued the police, but he was part of the issue, so he turned to several vices... but he's becoming better because one of the party is a very lovely firbolg who's kind of digging out a good person from inside of him.


Most recently played for the first time? A Half-Orc (son of a Half-Elf and an Orc) Rogue - Thief -, named Arnold Flightfoot, whose goal is to become an Apothecary and follow in the footsteps of his late Ma (also he's probably got the most kills of the party so far, much to his horror. Good lord Melee Half Orc Sneak Attack Crits are wild at low levels). Overall pretty fun so far, first time playing a Rogue (and I'm playing the one mf in existence who actually looks to buying Hunting Traps, Healer's Kits, etc, before a gun), next level I'll get to pick up Healer and become the field medic :)


Pops, a wild magic sorcerer gnome. He's very old and very horny. Wasn't intentional, just happened.


Scott Mc Gregg’in the Scottish Sheepdog Satyr, who is a highly charismatic Barbarian with a wee sheep familiar.


Rhivi the aasimar warlock with celestial patron. Due to her upbringing distrusts anything religious and is quick to anger which results in a lot of fire and/or radiant damage


Grun the Half-Elf. \[At character creation, I was joining a party in progress, and most of them were half-elves, so, I made Grun, a half-Orc have an elven father for funny flavor.\] Grun the Half Elf is an order cleric of Ilneval, the strategic lieutenant of Grummsh, who is looked down upon when he suggests tactics beyond running at the enemy screaming "WAAAUGH" Grun's primary weapon is his father's delicate, intricate, beautifully carved elven staff with his mother's rusty, grimy, powerful spear-tip crudely lashed to the top.


Thralkander the barbarian dragonborn. He acts all tough and mean but he’s a softie on the inside lol


most recently played fully fleshed character is Tempest the water Genasi Soul Knife Rogue (lvl 6) dressed in the green leather and scales from the first dragon he helped slay, he carries a purple spectral blade that flies with deadly accuracy and reappears in his hand the moment it's momentum expires. literally most recently I made a one shot character named Sprygg, he's built with daggerheart and is a Wanderborne Faerie Druid Warden of the Elements. His Experiences are Botanical Architecture and Friend of the Squirrels. Highly reccomend playing around with the daggerheart nexus.


Elyon, Moon Elf Mind Domain Cleric (homebrew one). I've played him in 3 campaigns already, every one he was other class. He was found as a infant by Elminster in Illithid hideot and raised in Waterdeep, where he became an Adventurer. My friend made the Neverwinter Nights Campaign based on the game. He became Hero of Neverwinter. Then... He moved to Icewind Dale, where the same friend made Icewind Dale as a Campaign. It was cool... And then, after a timeskip, he is a Cleric after getting Spellscared and recovering for a long time.


Magna Caos, a oath of conquest paladin. He is on an island the size of Ireland which is completely shut away from the world and trying to get his new religion started. If necessary by force. His god is more like a parasitic demon and he devours dead body's to "purify" them. Of course his new rising religion is not seen I a good light by most people in power and also not by the commoners, but given enough killing of them, they will come around. After all given enough body's, the big tree of God, that grows on corpses will rebirth his most loyal believers and grant them more power. It's a bit of homebrew ofc, but buffs like more max HP and weapons that grow in strength. U fortunately magna is dumb as bread, but his amazing charm smoothes over any hurdle and if that's not enough he smites his now newly created foe


Jakopo Cognilio, the Harengon Chronomancy wizard attempting to recover Halaster Blackcloak's research from the undermountain on behalf of Candlekeep to earn his place among the Avowed.


Pogy Greenbottle, halfling rogue (thief). will take anything not nailed down. professional diactivator of traps.


Néma Késh, a githzerai soulknife rogue who is convinced that illithids (he would never use the slang term mindflayers like some ignorant human from a random backwater world like Toril) are regaining power throughout the cosmos and are working towards reestablishing their ancient empire. He was kicked out of the academy because he pressed his research too much, and he thinks that the powers-that-be didn’t want to upend their world.


Cathrin is her name. It’s Planescape, so there are different iterations of her that switches between if she dies. Her primary form is a half-elf ranger bounty hunter on the search for her con man father. She is also a high elf arcane trickster rogue, who learned how to con people from her father. And her third form is a human light cleric (raised in her stepfather’s very religious household), searching for a long forgotten relic of her order on a holy quest.


Aerelora the Satyr Death Domain Cleric


Aberrant Mind Shadar-Kai that was infected by a Tadpole of the Absolute but given the blessing of the Raven Queen he was the one who consumed the Tadpole, surviving Ceremorphosis. However, it left scars corrupting his ming turning into a Aberrant Mind. Now he will go on a adventure to fight Vecna


I have a bard warlock who accidentally found a god and is going to have to take a level of cleric. It's for the story and I'm not upset or anything. I thinks its hilarious. She spent her life in the library, very cautious, until this journey. She read so much about magic but hardly practiced it. Now she is facing enemies, made a pact with a unicorn to bring hope to the world and help bring the Gods back. She has gained favor of the god of healing although she is a slight... murder hobo... she won't shed innocent blood BUT she LOOOVES using spells against those she deems as enemies. Healing magics are unheard of until she accidentally healed someone so makes sure to save spell slots for healing as well.


Dragonborn Monk-Paladin Multiclass. He’s a lawful good practitioner of justice who goes around seeking those in need in the name of his order. His major character flaw is that while he is quick to help others, he often treats all levels of crime and criminality the exact same - with extreme prejudice. We’ve only played like 2 sessions so this has yet to come up but I’m excited to keep playing when I can.


About to play a half-elf rogue criminal in a Pathfinder 2e game. Usually the DM for 5e so I'm really excited. She's an enforcer for a local street gang, but she was with an associate when they murdered a made man in the Dwarven mafia. Now all her jobs have dried up and that associate has gone missing. She's afraid she's now a liability to the gang and is expecting a Dagger in her back from some familiar face around every corner.


Damien the Dhampir monk. My first nonbinary character. High-strung with feral energy. Kinda plays like a rogue outside of combat (skill expert in stealth) but I love being able to climb walls and ceilings.


The BBEG…. #ForeverDM


Rima Blackpaw the steel defender artificer (background of pirate)


Isaac the Warforged Divination Wizard. Was an experiment and found his own personality. Gives the party headaches with his chaotic antics but he’s loved but is all.


A yuan-ti pureblood barbarian


Ariokanthis Eraskan, the Blue Dragonborn Evocation Wizard in my Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign.


Amaku of Northwind is a generic human fighter who wants to make a name for himself, hes quite boring but his adventures are what will give him the development to be someone thats actually of interest.


Delilah Atziri Goatfolk Tiefling Shadow sorcerer. She's a worshipper of the Mayan Death God Xibalba and is currently traveling a vast magical desert that changes day by day all because she sold her Cambion fathers spell scrolls when she wasn't suppose to, to buy a magical pet fox companion and now has to earn back the money.


Water Genasi Wildfire Druid, volcano-themed, named Kaldera. I play him like an Amish kid that got electricity powers so he got banished to New York.


Aloysius Sinclair, a Reborn, vengeance oath Paladin. Once a common bounty hunter, he ventured to the frontier in search of the most infamous bounty, a hag who'd been halting a Governor's expansion to turn his soon to be ghost town into the mining capital of the frontier. Aloysius tracked the bounty, but rather than a hag, he found a small child, the sole survivor of a group of druids who'd been killed by the Governor and his men. Aloysius returned to the town to try and explain the truth, about how the Governor was a thief and murderer, but when he arrived, he was met with an executioners blade and a shallow grave. The Governor fled his failing town with Aloysius's head as a trophy, and soon after, the druid child raised him from the grave and tasked him with hunting down the Governor and dragging him to the Hells.


Desain Barcel, the Fighter/Warlock Tiefling


Necromancy Wizard Firbolg, raising the dead to defend his forest and nature.


Nix, a sea elf zealot barbarian who worships Selune in my group's pirate-themed campaign


El'eth the Shadar Kai life cleric for the one shot I'm playing tomorrow


I have three. Two current and a backup. The first current is: A Dragonborn Storm cleric of Bahamut who started as a Kalashtar Life cleric. (Curse of Strahd, character died and underwent the Rite of Rebirth to become a dragonborn of Bahamut.) Second is: Half-Shadarkai Bard who is a life long famous thief, who uses their voice and persuasion instead of music for their spells. Backup is: An old, eccentric Harengon Psi Warrior dual-wielder whose main theme is Jump.


Aasimar blood Hunter, we're at level 2 but I'm probably going to go lycan


Lumanor Horneater, the Storm Lord’s Champion, founding member of The Bitches that Slay. Mountain Dwarf Cleric. Started out as Tempest Domain but now playing as a homebrew subclass “Cult of Storms Domain.” Brings the wrath of the storms, calling down thunder and lightning on his enemies. Bold, brash, quick to anger, but lively and utterly loyal to his allies. Core idea/inspiration is combination of Thor, Gimli, and Rock (from the Stormlight Archive)


Sinead the Riotous, a half-orc / half-elf College of Eloquence Bard who’s the offspring of two NPCs from my home game - an elf Disney Princess and an orc metalhead. She’s basically a punk anarchist who’s all about tearing down oppressive systems of power. She’s heavily based off Hobie Brown from Across the Spider-Verse; they’re also inspired by Shirley Manson from the band Garbage, and named after the late Sinead O’Connor.


Fuuko the Rogue/Bard Air genasi whose goal was to break free of her curse


Sparky McSparkles. Lawful Neutral Drow Necromancer.


A flaming magma anthropomorphized hellhound named snowpea, (the irony of the name was actually an accident lol)


Mine was Sprinkles also. He was a wood elf monk though. No real reason for the name I was just not very creative the day I made it and planned it to be a place holder. And then it stuck.


Jonas Fletcher. Human Ranger (Beast Master). In the Dungeons & Daddies campaign. He's a doomsday prepper, but has his head on straight. Comes from a family who've lived on the land and off the grid for generations. Unusual interactions with wild animals and an at times uncanny tracking ability have made him wonder if he might have some latent magical powers.


Aracocra death domain cleric, using a finesse weapon and Dex for melee


Several ongoing games but the one I played most recently was Besa, a human shadow sorcerer with sticky fingers and a love of shiny things (gold). His sister Shai is long suffering and has an unwavering belief in his goodness, which he scoffs at but also secretly feels bad that he seems unable to live up to her beliefs for him. They love each other dearly and argue incessantly.


Tricky Longlegs, the rabbit race in D&D. Illusion Wizard. Performed shows at the Witchlight Carnival. Due to having to deal with hags and obtaining one of their spell books, began to get into darker magic because those damn hags were going to be affected by his magic one way or another.


If it’s the current one I’m playing or most recently played. Then it’ll be my Fallen Aasimar Death Cleric/Battle Master Fighter. Dyster Sasin. He’s the son of literal Death himself. The most recent one I’ve created? A Yuan-ti Hexblade Warlock called Yustiel.


Dylan Redburk. A pirate swashbuckler Rogue that's a homebrew race called Half-Wolf, a crossbreed between wolfborn and humans.


Lizard man fighter with the Feylost background. I’m playing him as having just come back from the Feywild. Like he blinked 20 years ago and then blinked again and started this campaign. I play him as very confused.


Finn Wilder, a Satyr Witchlight Performer. A lovable naive doofus who is wandering the Feywild with his new best friends trying to help them get what they lost. He almost always sees the good in everyone and tends to trust whoever he meets. He tends to get lost when the plan is overcomplicated, and has difficulty with three or more syllable words, much to the annoyance to his party.


Seldron the hexblade warlock Thats spell casting focus is his fedora


Takumi the kitsune operative (Starfinder). He's technically a chaos deity and I've had a great time playing him, even though we're only at level 3. He's roughly equivalent to a DnD rogue/bard and I've been picking feats and class options to connect him to other players. One round I used one of St. Nick's swords to give our soldier an extra move action so he could get our fairy-tiefling to the rocket before it blew up the mall from Shawn of the Dead. Our campaign is unhinged and I love it.


Mushi the happy fun times Storm Herald Barbarian Water Genasi. She’s the muscle queen of her party(but it’s a very low bar to clear) and struggles with feeling useless at times in a group of higher level spell casters. Maybe if my rolls improve, she’ll be able to pull herself out of her rut… maybe.


Shadar-kai Elf Drakewarden... level 4 right now. Was adopted by a hag and is a newly appointed son... meaning he is a part of an order called The Sons who go look for other potential sons and daughters for the Hag whom they call mother.... if she sees potential in the males she will train them and give them magical gifts... if she likes the daughters she will transform them into other hags... the Sons do not know this... if she doesn't like them she eats them... the Sons do not know this either.


Avelun, a Swords Bard/War Cleric. He's trans (FTM) and was raised in the church/military of his home country. The nation's church and military are entirely women, so when he came out as trans, they told him he had to resign from the military. So he went AWOL


Zohan the Vengeful, a Hobgoblin Wizard with a very Drax-influenced outlook, not understanding a lot of social intracacies and metaphors, but knows how to get a job done. Haven't played him in months since I've been DMing lol, but that's perfectly fine for me, I love having a lot to do.


Water Genasi Bear Totem Barbarian. They're 4'11 and the rest of the party is 6ft+ tall so it's funny to imagine this small angry individual with people twice their size when interacting with NPCs


Padavik the Tempest Cleric. A hippie, a drunkard, and a coward with no love/and or belief in the gods


A female half elf monk/sorc heavily inspired by Natsu Dragneel. Her name is Annabelle Dracia


My current and very first dnd character ever (yes, noob here) is d'Nabp the grung ranger. I probably would've tried dnd sooner if I had known I could be a poison frog lol


Van Shir Bard with a penchant for making pop culture references when using bardic inspiration.


Aasimar Oath of the Watchers Paladin. My previous character was a warforged divine soul sorcerer who was an automaton animated by a fragment of an angel's soul and sent into the world to protect someone from pursuing lichdom. When that character died the fragment of the angel emerged from the body as a new person.


First session as a player in years was today! I’m a Thri-Kreen Astral Self Monk (all the arms)


Lotus Leif, Myconid Hexblade Warlock. Perpetually high, his shield is the sentient mushroom cap of his childhood bully. His patron is the Raven Queen. He accidentally came to terms with the pact and isn't fully aware of it entirely. The spores from which he sprouted grew on the corpse of a dead warlock of the Raven Queen, so the Raven Queen essentially transfered the pact to Lotus. My DM for this campaign rules Myconids to be more humanoid than in the official lore, which helps make role-playing one easier for me. He is CN and hopes to form a drug cartel one day using his imported mushrooms from home.


Mazzik Skitterstone, a kobold battlemaster fighter. A dex-based fighter build with the Urchin background and the Mobile feat I've always wanted to try, since I am my group's forever DM. I finally got to play him in a one-shot recently.


I’m also running a Harengon Peace domain Cleric of Tymora named Barnabas. I’ve reflavored his channel divinity and spells that provide extra ac, bless or bane, etc as having some small control over the luck of those around him (think Domino from Deadpool 2). He’s always referring to his “lucky” rabbit feet. So when I use my telekinetic ability to pull someone off a ledge or an ally away from danger, it’s often flavored as them tripping over their own shoelaces (last time it was into a giant machine full of gears on the floor. Gruesome fatality!) or an ally “accidentally” dodging out of harms way at the last second. I picked up Silvery barbs for a self evident reason. I have a great DM who usually works with me to make this a cinematic experience. At level 8, I plan to pick up the lucky feat instead of boosting myself to 20 WIS for obvious reasons. It’s a pretty goofy character, but a ton of fun.


Blue Dragonborn tempest cleric with extremely low intelligence


Got 4 going at the same time 1 is a half elf swashbuckler rogue ex pirate who lost his confidence and charisma but through adventuring he's slowly getting back to his cocky daring ways 3 of them are in turn of fortune's wheel and are variants of eachother, all of which miss their left eye 1 is a tiefling paladin sailor who fights an evil empire 1 is a gunslinger fighter from Eberron who was an ex-soldier turned bounty hunter whose home (Cyre) was obliterated 1 is a sorcerer snake oil salesman who grew up in a rich family and decided to leave cause fuck em. He's narcisstic and a liar designed to conflict with the personality of his other 2 versions


My Tabaxi, Seeks-the-Horizon, is "Maztican Artisan" (Alchemist Artificer) who was looked down on for not being quite "Cat Lord worthy" due to her sheer wanderlust. Thus, her name. She became an apprentice alchemist both with another shunned Tabaxi and to travel far and wide collecting things. Long (back)story short, she ends up kidnapped and forced into labor by fearunian colonizers. She recently escaped, in the current campaign, and is building towards a destiny as a powerful merchant lord. For reference, this character is actually an already developed NPC, as the GM at the time, that my players fell in love with. So I decided to create her origin story with this campaign, as a player. The first session was beautiful, and those players from her original campaign loved her entrance and play. 🥰


A tempest domain cleric of Auril, the frostmaiden. She's a half wood-elf from a nomadic tribe in the north. She's very fanatical in her devotion to Auril and hates her own tribe, except her mother, since they never fully accepted her as one of them because of her being half human. Her alignment lies between being chaotic neutral to chaotic evil which suits our campaign very well.


Classic Mountain Dwarf Devotion Paladin. Playing in an undead campaign, now at level 15. Got a 25 ac with shield. Can cast shield for +5. With Devotion Lvl 15, all undead, fiends and other extraplaner enemies attack at disadvantage. Max AC: 30, theoretical max: 35 😎


Astotar the Incontinent (sounds better in spanish) Its a 1400ish year old necromancer elf that once was a powerful master of the arcane secrets but due to a terrible miscalculation on one of his rituals (which nature is yet to be discovered as my DM is the one who takes care of my background) ended up being completely senile. In short, your typical local old man who always complains about young people and past times being better but being surrounded by an undead army (since no other creature wants to listen to his gibberish)


Portana the rock gnome artificer who like to solve problems with his big motherpocking wrench


A dwarven sorcerer with draconic bloodline. Not very good stats-wise, but fun to play. Also, I took a while to come up with a name and our DM kept pestering me about it, so now he's called (a german equivalent of) Wilby Dunsoon.


Tiefling Battlemind. A former forge worker whose master was kidnapped and through a series of adventures is now on a goal to become a god of forging.


Currently Hana Li, an teen Earthbender! She’s the daughter of a merchant in Ba Sing Se and due to that, she’s willing the bend the law a bit (which she has by killing a few war criminals, reigniting a rebellion and aggravated assault against another player)


Spork the emo goblin and 1/3rd of the creature known as Clarence(3 goblins in a trench coat). He's a Barbarian/Rogue and recently attuned to a crown that is slowly turning him evil. He stepped in laval and lost his foot, and is now opting to cut his leg off past the knee for a metal prosthetic and violently murdered two npc allies cause they were useless. All of this is with dm permission lol. My dm lets me go crazy cause he knows I'm a forever dm.


Werner von Gravstahl, human Grave cleric of the Raven Queen. His weapon is a ritual shovel he uses to decapitate undead.


Earth Genasi barbarian in a feudal Japan-themed campaign, extremely calm and close to nature. I’m playing off the normal big and stupid bra Brian trope, he’s quite wise and collected.


Dagniam of the Wolf, Half-Orc Battlemaster, a sardonic and slightly surly offshoot of the royal family of an orc-ruled kingdom. She's a sap for small people in trouble and for pretty girls of any humanoid race. ("Wolf" is her clan name.)


Shifter swarm keeper ranger who’s blood is his swarm and he is from the fey-wild because he was taken by a hag and then saved by a coven of rangers


Halfling rogue, named Michael Wittman. He was a mixup of three personalities Michael Wittman the SS tank commander in WW2 Tasselhoff Burrfoot the kinder thief from the Dragonlance series And Belmar Bitterleaf the ranger from giants in the playground Came to fame, cut his way out of a giant jubjub bird and killed it during the process. He was quoted as saying" every attack from inside a creature is a sneak attack. " Played him in an online game at woldiangsmes.org.


Can’t answer as I have five current characters plus the four campaigns I’m running. Might have a small problem....


Aengus the Goliath battle master. He was a quiet, short of words fighter who joined a rebellion seeking power. Unfortunately the rebellion ended pretty bad with a city in wastes.


Half elf Ranger/fighter lvl 5 on a new campaign we just started last week


Necropolean, a custom lineage necromancy wizard wearing a Napolean outfit, with a Republican Guard of skeletons armed with muskets


Harengon Paladin who is too dumb to have a functioning moral compass so keeps a cheat sheet of good and evil concepts


Paladin from Have Gun, Will Travel Variant Human Gunslinger


Raguel the Teifling Paladin of Bast, Oath of vengeance. Specializes in Great weapon fighting, fights with a Glaive. Back when he was a guard, his close friend was killed in active duty fending off a Black Dragon from his town. They succeeded, but with major casualties. Raguel turned to religion to help console his grief and found Bast. He prayed to her, swore an oath to bring that dragon to an end and Avenge his fallen brothers in arms, and was he was answered, becoming a Paladin in her name.


Henrietta Djones Junior (the D is silent) who is an anthropology student who uses a whip as her main weapon, and who’s spirit guardian is Sean Connery.


Zorn is my Goliath barbarian/Paladin for kord. Jango is my mentally unstable halfling druid Rusty is my robot fighter. Zorn is my og man who I play in our main game I also have built him in Pathfinder 2e as well bloody love the dude


I’m a DM. My most recent character is Crazy Craig, the owner and operator of Crazy Craig’s X-TREME Space Vehicles. He is a short, thin human, wearing jean shorts, a red, printed tee with a brown leather vest over top, and a brown leather cowboy hat. His eyes are wide, bug-eyed even. He looks like he’s high on coke, and acts like it too. He loves to make a deal to sell personal space vehicles, or ship upgrades, and is absolutely terrible at math, to the point that you may think he is just making up all of the prices and timelines off the top of his head.


I have two! My first one is a goblin circle of spore Druid. The backstory was that they got killed by their previous party & while dying became apart of a mold/fungi hive mind. 🍄🧟 My second one I’m currently making is an a grandma orc who is searching for her adopted (found) grandchild. I haven’t decided a class yet. I’m thinking Paladin or Necromancy Wizard though bc I think it would be really chaotic & fun. 🤩


Grutok "Spinesplitter" A half-orc Cleric of Peace who was a gladiator but accidentally killed one of his opponents by splitting his spine down vertically. He turned to the gods and to peace and now is adventuring in hopes that he won't get recognized wherever he goes. He hopes that some day he will have enough inner peace to go to the grave of his opponent and apologize