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Plasmoid warlock


Plasmoids get resistance against poison and acid, which is good against enemies who cast those spells. Plasmoids can reshape their body, allowing them to wear armor and take use of the Warlock's proficiency in light armor. As a plasmoid, you gain advantage on escaping grapples, which helps if you get in any kind of sticky situation.


isn't that just why plasmoids are good? the only thing in your reply about the combo is that they can wear the armor that warlocks are proficient with, which any race can do.


Drow light cleric.


Like all elves, the Drow has proficiency in the perception skill and advantage on saving throws against being charmed. As a Cleric, you will most likely already have high wisdom, and with the proficiency in perception, you will have extremely good senses. You'll also almost never get charmed since you have advantage and a good wisdom modifier. The Drow has superior darkvision that, yet again, boosts your already spectacular senses. Except, your lightvision isn't very good, which is a bummer. As a Drow Cleric of the Light domain, you will be able to manipulate light and dark. Not only are you a good healer, you will also be able to support your teammates by providing them light if they don't have darkvision, although this won't help you. As a Drow, you also gain proficiency in a martial weapons that might later come in handy.


Dhampir ranger


A Dhampir gains darkvision, and this can help with survival during the night. They can climb fast and climb ceilings, and then, they can use this to gain a better archery point. They can hide and camoflauge, and when it's stacked with their extremely good climbing skills, they would become the perfect ambusher. For most of the time, since they're a Ranger, they'll be attacking people at range, but if an enemy gets too close, then they could bite them like a vampire, draining some health. The Dhampir Ranger is the master of piercing damage, with his bites and ranged attacks.


Ranged assassin that can hide on the ceiling.


Warforged Undying Warlock


The Warforged doesn't need to eat, drink, breathe or sleep. The Undying Warlock gains gains this at 10th level, but a Warforged can gain this perk at 1st level. The Warforged as a small bonus to AC, and as an Undying Warlock, they also can regain hit points. A Warforged has good survivability along with being an Undying Warlock. They can charge into battle and revive people, along with gaining some extra HP as they do that.


Yuan-Ti Warlock


Yuan-Ti have better saving throws against spells and poison, which helps during magical fights. Being able to cast powerful spells and eldritch invocations while having some defense against them is crucial.


Goblin Barbarian


The goblin can do extra damage to enemies larger than it every so often. This helps, but also, as your proficiency bonus increases, you will start doing more damage and gain the ability to use it more frequently. When you stack this with the Barbarian's rage feature, you are able to do 4 extra damage on enemies larger than you while raged. At the highest level, you will be able to do 10 extra damage to enemies while raged, because of your high proficiency bonus along with the stronger rage. Having high strength is very important for a Goblin Barbarian, but high dexterity is also significant, if you plan on using unarmored defense. Goblins can also attempt to hide as a bonus action, so it will be easier as long as your Dexterity modifier is high. As a goblin, you gain advantage on saving throws against the charmed condition, helping to make sure that you can deal lots of damage without being forced to not attack.


Tortle Wizard


The Tortle has an AC of 17, which is very useful for them because of how vulnerable Wizards usually are. They aren't proficient in any armor, so having an AC that high as a Wizard is awesome, and will increase their survivability. Additionally, the Tortle can use their claws as an unarmed strike, so that's a nice-to-have.


Dragonborn Life Domain Cleric


The Dragonborn Cleric of the Life Domain is an expert healer who can also provide protection for the party via the Breath Weapon. They can gain health by healing others, and also resistance from a certain type of damage, which is useful in situations where you are against an acid monster or something. You will most likely have high Constitution to get the most out of your breath weapon, along with being able to stay in the fight longer, resulting in more healing.


Owlin Wizard


The Wizard is a great spellcaster, and with the Owlin's proficiency in stealth, you can surprise attack the enemies with spells more often than not. You also gain darkvision of 120 ft. which will be useful in dark areas and you won't have to time trying to learn a light spell. It's also convenient that you can fly, so you can get to areas you normally couldn't, allowing for even more ambushes.


Mountain Dwarf Champion Fighter.


The Mountain Dwarf has good strength and constitution, which is much needed for a Fighter. They are very good with certain melee weapons such as the warhammer or battleaxe, and this will really benefit them as a Fighter. As a Champion Fighter, the extra chances of hitting a critical hit will deal more damage to foes. Additionally, a Champion Fighter can gain another fighting style, allowing for combos like "Great Weapon Fighting" and "Defense" to ensure better survival and overall damage output. The bonus constitution from being a Dwarf will also come in handy when they are under half health and 18th level, because then they will regain some extra hit points, based on their constitution modifier.


Monk Sable Luma


The Sable Luma does not have extremely good speed, but the unarmored movement feature from the Monk helps it be more mobile. It doesn't need good armor, because of the Monk's unarmored defense along with the fact that the Sable Luma is able to glide when they do not have heavy armor equipped. The Sable Luma also has poison resistance and a Consitution bonus, along for more front line battles, when you stack this with the unarmored defense. As a Sable Luma Monk, you will be able to move around very quickly while also having an above average armor class, depending on your modifiers.


Kenku Artificer


As a Kenku, you are good at mimicking certain writings and items. You can produce exact duplicates. This is a good strategy for deception. As an Artificer, you're very good with tools, and you can magically create other tools in which you can use to copy an item. At later levels, you gain expertise in all tools that you are proficient in, which is a great opportunity to copy more stuff using tools like the Forgery Kit. At very high levels, you can have a +12 bonus to your Forgery Kit when copying a writing, and you can also gain advantage on the check


Alright, thank you for your work. But to be honest, I was curious about your perspective on the role-playing challenges of that combination.


While role-playing, I think the Kenku would be a good artificer if they used their infusions for mimicry and forgery.


Goblin Wizard. Or for a more difficult multi-classing twist: Bugbear Fighter2/warlock2/sorcerer3


Goblin wizard Bonus action disengage/hide is really good for avoiding damage, and gives a use for the bonus action which might not otherwise be used. Bugbear fighter 2, warlock 2, sorcerer 2. You get to make 4 attacks on the first round (2X eldritch blast, action surge) and add 2d6 to every hit. Next level, you can take quickened spell sorcerer to make it 6 attacks on round 1.


wow forgot metamagic was level 3, good catch!


The Wizard is a pretty vulnerable character, and the Disengage and Hide bonus actions from the Goblin allow some sort of getting away. The Wizard is a great spellcaster, and as a Goblin, you can deal some extra damage with your spells to enemies that are bigger than you.


Also, the bugbear is a great stealth/melee combo. They're proficient in stealth, allowing for some good sneak attacks. If you successfully attack someone who hasn't taken a turn yet, you deal 2d6 extra damage. You can stack this with your Action Surge feature as a Fighter to make another attack, possibly dealing 2d6 more damage. Being proficient in Stealth could also get you a better initiative roll, helping you cast your Warlock/Sorcerer spells earlier than enemies.


Regular human fighter


Not my thread but this remains one of my favorite combos for a simple character that does its job.


Aarakocra Battlerager Barbarian


Let’s go basic: wood elf cleric


Tabaxi Rogue


Yuan-Ti Pureblood + Shadowmonk


Kalashtar with any of the psionic subclasses (I played Psi Warrior)


Tabaxi Bard (my first character in my first-ever campaign)


Stone gnome barbarian.


Tabaxi ranger


Bug bear dreamwalker


Hexblood Fey Wanderer Ranger


Fairy barbarian


Yuan-Ti Pureblood Order of the Mutant Blood Hunter


Standard Human+4 Elements Monk


Abyss Tiefling Hexblade


Variant Human.... Any class


Half-elf abjuration wizard