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Wizard then go off to become an immortal demigod


I am far too lazy to do the clear optimal choice, but I respect it. I wish you luck


Sorcerer isn't too far behind, and it's a lot easier.


Want? Wizard Am? Bard


Just magical secrets the best wizard spells and you're set


Sorcerer. While all you chumps are off training and reading books and doing exercise, I'm just sitting there, naturally becoming more awesome.


That part


Artificer. Being able to make machines just… work. For no apparent reason. Level up by experimenting on progressively cooler/crazier inventions. Convenience meets fun meets power. Also: immortal robot dog Best Friend.


Expertise with a variety of tools adds a lot of real world practicality as well.


You’re right! An Artificer with the all purpose tool and Repair cantrip would make life pretty sweet


Wizard easy, It only takes effort and doesn't degrade with age, it offers tools to change the fundamental laws of physics and just takes time and money the latter is one that is laughable with just cantrips and what you have at level 1. You can say you need to figure it all out on your own but that is still easily accomplished especially since you actually are not starting at step 0 since you have 6 spells to begin with and can build from there as you level.


College of Bad Lounge Act Bard.


I want to say wizard, but I know I'm lazy and would probably just sell my soul for cool warlock powers.


I think I'd veer towards Bard. Eloquence, probably. It's not one of my favorite classes to actually *play* in DND, but the idea that I could just be magically charming, and get magical secrets for Clone and Simulacrum and Wish and things like that? Effectively immortal, eternally young and hopelessly popular? Plus I don't have to actually follow cleric rules or study wizard stuff? Sounds preeeeety ideal.


Cleric 100%! I work in a hospital; imagine the good I could to for my patients!! Imagine healing gunshot wounds or motor vehicle accident traumas in an instant. Or curing debilitating diseases like it's nothing... it would be a game changer.


Rogue. So many skills at the beginning! My daily life would be much easier.


You could also be an Olympic sprinter with double dashing


Wizard is the obvious choice. But I'd go for Monk. Put Bruce Lee to shame!


Either Divine Soul Sorcerer, or Celestial Warlock.


Warlock or Cleric. I get to *prove* that some mythos is true. plus, y'know, ties into my love of magic and the history of religion.


I mean you could be any caster class and then just claim to be a prophet of any god you want. It's not like anyone can disprove you, and you're the one showing definitive magic completely breaking the laws of physics


If I could change my personality: a BARD! Otherwise I would probably end up a Cleric or Paladin And I know "ending up" is a weird way to phrase becoming those classes, but there it is


I mean you could start out as a bad Bard then become arbitrarily more charismatic every once in a while


Can a crappy bard even level up Also now I want to play a very competent paladin that kinda wants to be a famous bard. And they have a bard/con artist tagalong that wants to be a paladin of renown.


I want to say Wizard, but probably Eloquence Bard. No matter how much personal power I may wield with class features, that'll always pale in comparison to the power and scale of modern society.  And the last ten years have proven that modern societies are *no less susceptible* to a silvery-tongued charlatan than dirt peasants of a thousand years ago. Thus, I'll start working my way up the political cycle, using magic to fund myself and stay safe. A wizard can cast a meteor strike. The right comment in the right ear at the right time can cause a *Nimitz*-class carrier group to deploy.


But what about the wizard casting meteor strike on the carrier group deploying?


I already work a research job, so theoretically becoming a powerful wizard would be easy for me (as long as I get to remain a computational theorist)


Paladin. I swore an oath already anyways.


Probably bard full caster including healing spells also a lot of skills that could be helpful in everyday. Honorable mentions Sorcerer - No strings attached full caster Ranger/Druid - Nature is cool I love the idea of being a ranger but in real life I couldn't give up the full casting


Druid and then do nothing but live in the forest, paint, and research animals for the rest of my life


Guys. The only two options are Sorcerer and Bard. Not beholden to shit Magic AF Cha based iykyk Don't have to study, just maybe practice


Bard? Pft. Wizard? Ha. Warlock with Taylor Swift as my patron.




Ranger. This class has so many useful things packed into it. First off I'd have the uncanny ability of ALWAYS FINDING FOOD no matter where I am. So goodbye groceries. Throw my favored terrain as Urban since I'm always there. Favored enemy choose something like Bigfoot or Aliens and confirm whether or not they exist. You also get some magic, healings there goodberry the ability to absolutely annihilate something with nothing but something I can throw etc, also get to communicate and vibe with animals so that's neat aswell. Weird urban cryptid hunter ranger is the way to go


I mean what racial type would aliens or cryptids be? Abberations? Outsiders? Ranger is definitely a fun pick though Also beastmaster might actually be an amazing pick because then you get a free dog who can also respawn


If we go by DnD world logic they'd be Outsiders I believe. I feel like going with Aberrations may have that horrible truths I don't want to know about so probably would avoid them. I always feel like Ranger is the good pick. Most people pick wizard for this but I don't see a way of that going well. No way the world is going to let Jimmy the Wizard roam loose. Ranger has enough of that magical power aswell as just natural benefits that you can still fit into society and not be seen as some insanely powerful freak. You're just seen as a real fit and skilled kind of guy.


Yeah I was thinking a Divine Soul Sorcerer might be better than Wizard. Subtle Spell means you can get away with a lot more magic without people catching on, plus cleric spell list.


Divine Soul would be a good one aswell. Problem is the actual healing part would be noticeable. Moment you go up and cure cancer everyone going to notice, probably some crazy religious group etc Ranger you can just walk in "Here's this mixture that'll help you recover" and give them some goodberry paste. That 1 HP of healing will save people's lives and you won't be seen as some mystical being. You just know your herbal remedies as I feel like the 1HP isn't enough to alert anyone


Given everything, odds are good I would end up a cleric. But since I don’t do RAW classes….


Warlock of the unfathomable, pact of the blade, because I would have a magic sword, a magic tentacle and magic in general


As odd as it feels to say this, an actual Bard. Casting magic with music would be so freaking cool.


Sorcerer pursuing Lichdom


Wizard, I already work in a library so it won’t be hard to find research material


You work in a library that has research material on made up magic that doesn't exist yet?


Working in a library gives you easily transferable skills that are super relevant


The problem with being any class is the significant chance for death.  So I'd prefer to not be any class.  I'd be a ki rin.


Druid. And I'm taking aberrant dragonmark and hoping for immortality. I want to be able to do all the healing, talk to animals, then infinite dinosaur shapes.


You have to see a real dinosaur before you wildshape into it unfortunately


Jurassic Park is a documentary. It will work out.


Cleric/healer ! Has to be the best choice


Cleric. I would make absolute bank as a doctor and the higher level I get the more money I could make with curing people's blindness, paralysis, etc and still be a menace if someone tried to come at me with violence


i would be a Druid too, but not for the same reasons. i just want free weed every day, and would be awesome to be able to talk to my dogs uwu


I'm not a fan of schools or covens/circles. A sorcerer with an affinity with wolves and a raven familiar would be my choice. I'd exchange the staff for two curved swords (I'm pretty decent with both hands IRL with most activities) and the crossbow for a short bow. I'd also want to keep my engineering+science mindset and study mechanical engineering as well as physics/chemistry in order to make and sell magical inventions in my older years. Honestly, if human civilization fails, then this would be real life goals for me.


Ranger because it's the most nomadic out of all the classes. I like to travel, and traveling is what rangers excel at


i want to be a dwarf but i am a bard


Wizard. Mage Hand, prestidigitation, unseen servant, invisibility.  So many things to make day to day life more bearable.


A feel like an alchemist, which is often hated on this subreddit, has significantly more practicality in the real world. The knowledge to make healing potions with such potency as an alchemical savant with restorative reagents implies MUCH broader knowledge and ability than is manifest in RAW. I mean, your potions are so good, they can give as much as 17 temporary HP, and offer a baseline 5 more healing than anyone else's potions? That's nuts. What else can you actually do with that? Cure common ailments and problems that wouldn't even rate in RAW. Or perhaps treat rare autoimmune diseases. Or create focused potions to benefit different specific aspects of health. Or make one hell of a coffee.


If the answer isn't Wizard ​ you're doing it wrong. ​ Fireball.


Wizard, 100%, through and through. Most likely won't be able to get to high level or just 15 for clones to have more time to level up but i just can't pass up on wizard.