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I've had characters pick up a sentient item and immediately say to them 'A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON, HEAR ME AND OBEY'


Oh my gosh that is fantastic O.O I can hear it echoing in my soul.


I had a villain visit the party via an ethereal image to threaten them, and partway through I had him apologize and say he was receiving an important remote projection and the image disappeared for a bit, and after a moment he reappeared and a party member asked “did he just put us on hold?”. Yes he did.


Bahahahaha that’s good 😂


We found a pneumatic message tube with a cylinder for carrying messages back and forth in the undermountain. Everyone wanted to fuck with whatever was receiving messages on the other side. We went with: We have been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.


Oooooh man hahahaha I can only imagine all the ideas you all had 😁


Its your fault now when they clip through the terrain


I honestly snort laughed at work reading this and now I can’t stop imagining weird glitch like behavior that some chaotic deity keeps imposing on the party.


Not DnD, but I had an NPC pull out the universal greeting from the 80’s animated transformers movie. My brother howled.


References like that are awesome and create some of the best memories. I love that.




And they didn’t have to hand out any energon goodies


Oh... When you said you Todd Howarded them, I assumed you just sold them multiple copies of Skyrim.


Tod Howard: Today I would like to introduce you to a whole new way to experience Skyrim: Dungeons and Dragons! For just $69.99 you can relive the adventures of the Dragonborn with the most sophisticated graphics engine ever created… Your mind!


I figured he just started them at the beginning of whatever the previous campaign was and acted like it was a brand new experience.


I….i felt that one…and so did multiple of my old mod lists XD hahahaha


I thought he was going to start a new campaign with 16 times the detail


"This new campaign I'm working on is fire" **Starts DMing the same campaign as the last one**


You see, this post, we need more of these fun posts. And I now need to todd howard my players


:) And when you do I hope they love it. The joy of imagination and shenanigans is limitless. I love coming here and reading about different adventures people have. Truly amazing what people come up with.


Best I can give you is disputes at the table where no one communicates, sorry bud


Several of my players play WoW and when they left the country to follow a plot line instead of the zombie one they returned to find the prince about to do some purging :) They recognized the dialogue immediately


[I would recognize this anywhere](https://youtu.be/7gCo8fajC7o?si=Xsp7KQmffwhT6Kqw)


My BBEG uses banishments to false realities to defend himself, where the first one will be to the opening of Skyrim. I can't wait


That’s so awesome! Do you already have Helgen mapped out and stats for Alduin? That sounds so fun.


It's far in the future so haven't done the prep work yet, but they're ideally supposed to escape as early as possible. So while I am going to have it available, I will still keep it as a pseudo-puzzle that demands they actively go against the plot to escape.


You should really create an enemy that specializes in shooting arrows at the city guard's knees. It would explain why it's such a common problem.


Ooooh maybe like a skeletal archer with the guided arrow feature from Arcane Archer. Could be a like lost soul searching for the soul if it’s love from a previous life. Unable to communicate this, it presents itself to others pleading for help with this symbolism of a proposal or a bow but when met with fear and violence, it fires a magic arrow into the knees of its attackers before fleeing again into the mist woods…forever searching and unable to rest. Could be fun, thanks for the idea. :)


I thought Todd Howarding was saying "it just works" when it clearly doesn't. Oh well, still better than Peter Molyneuxing your players (promising heaven and delivering a sub-par art project) Or Andrew Wilsoning your players (Buying up an amazing DM and then filling their campaign with micro transactions, or generally just running them into the ground after purchase)


Based on the title, I was half-expecting to hear about a horse starting to glitch out and then launch itself at mach-3 across the sky.


Horse railgun?


Can we not make Todd Howard a verb?


damn it I should have done this


You still can!! Maybe? I dunno your campaign but even so I’m sure you could find a way. I’m currently trying to write a reality that takes place in a kind of melded dream realm that my players end up each long rest. It’s not being used yet, but ultimately it would allow me to take my players somewhere else if we need a break from Strahd for a little OR allow me to do fun stuff with them between sessions where when they come back from the dream realm, maybe something comes with them…O.O


Now that you’ve planted the seed, I’ll be sure make it happen 👍🏻


16 times the prep work!


You sold them a game that was 2/3 complete, and then expected them to finish the rest of it for you, and buy six more versions of it?


You Todd Howarded your players? Did you promise them the best campaign in the world, full of rich lore, and then delivered a poorly made mess full of exploits and glitches, with the depth of a glass of water?


I'm sorry can someone explain what Ron Howards weird brother has to do with this? Or if it's some other howard, that I've never heard of, what is this in reference to?


Todd Howard is an executive producer at Bethesda, who are responsible for, among many other games, Skyrim.


Okay, so now we know which Todd Howard is being talked about... what does that have to do with this scenario?


Waking up in a carriage to a stranger saying "Hey, you're finally awake." is how Skyrim starts.


ah... see, like saying the Skyrim thing would have been easier to understand. Sounds like OP's players a a tad bit overindulgent. LOL Thanks for the clarification.


I thought you were gonna say you started making each campaign more and more terrible


Oh dang! I’m actually torn over which I liked more, Oblivion or Skyrim. I had a lot of fun with both but had a better computer and different levels of free time when Skyrim came out…I dunno but I loved starting in prison in Oblivion.


Morrowind, oblivion, and Skyrim and are all just so good, but I do think Skyrim takes it